CATS Cable Subscriber Survey Tnomas k. Wilson 2 Snepner~s lane Norln kamplon, Nk OJ862 60J.964.2912 lwi I son w groupwcom. com www.groupwcom.com [OKMO . 'frJONWlC Community Access Of Salina IW Gable Subscriber Survey April 2006 Confidential This document presents data, analysis and interpretation of study ftndings by Group W Communications, L.L.c. It is intended for the use of The Buske Group and Community Access Television of Salina, Kansas. Community Access Television of Salina Table of Contents Introduction & Study Methodology........... ............................. ... ... ........! Summary of Findings............................. ..............................................2 Unabridged Frequencies............. ...................................... ...... .............3 Survey Instrument........ ...... .... ......... .......... ........... ............. ............. ..... ..4 Community Access Television of Salina Introduction & Study Methodology During the period March 13, 2006 through March 15, 2006, 202 completed interviews were conducted by telephone survey. Interviews were administered to a sample of Salina, Kansas residents who are subscribers of the Cox cable TV sevice, drawn at random from active residential telephone numbers. The telephone interviews were conducted utilizing computer assisted telephone interviewing and data collection methods with trained, professional telephone interviewers and validated by on-site supervisors. The margin of error for sample wide analysis using a random sample of this type and size is approximately 6.8% at the 95% level of confidence, meaning that in 95 out of 100 cases, the responses indicated will be within +/-6.8% of the responses if the entire universe (all Cox Cable subscriber households in Salina, Kansas with a working residential phone) were interviewed. The margin of error for analysis of any sub-samples will be greater. As with all survey research, when reviewing these data, care must be taken to draw inferences only to the universe sampled, specifically, housleholds in Salina, Kansas that subscribe to the Cox Cable TV system. It is also important to note that the very nature of survey research is such that respondents' opinions and attitudes, while statistically valid within the margin of error quantified above, are measured at a particular point in time, similar in concept to a photographic "snapshot." As a respondent's 1 Community Access Television of Salina information, knowledge and field of reference change so, too, may the respondent's opinions and attitudes regarding the subjects and areas tested. It is, therefore, useful and valuable to undertake future comparative measurements to get a more complete longitudinal picture of the sample universe and to use a variety of research methods or "tools" to gain a more in depth understanding of opinions and attitudes. Finally, the interviews were inspected and the data imported to allow for computerized statistical analysis, graphics and table production. 2 Community Access Television of Salina Summary of Findings In addition to probing general levels of awareness of "Community Access Television of Salina," this telephone survey of cable subscribers in Salina, Kansas included questions regarding awareness and viewership habits of all three access channels (19, 20 and 21), as well as, viewership levels for a host of specific access programs. Questions were also asked regarding the respondents' opinions and attitudes about the importance of public access programming, the value of various services and programming options, and how well Community Access Television of Salina provides these services. General Observations · Over three-fourths of all respondents have heard of "Community Access Television of Salina." · Well over eight out of 10 respondents are aware of channels 19, 20 and 21. Of this group, about three fourths said they had watched at least one program on these channels · Of those who said they had watched a program on channels 19, 20 or 21 (64.9% of all respondents), about nine out of 10 said they had watched programs on these channels at least once in the past month. About 30% said they had watched programs five or more times in the past month. · At least half of those respondents who had ever watched a program on channels 19, 20 or 21 said that they had watched Salina City Commission Meetings (77.9%), The Smokey Hill River Festival (68.7%) and Salina City Planning Meetings (50.4%) at least once. About one-fourth have seen Salina City Commission Meetings more than five times and about 15% have seen both The Smokey Hill River Festival and Salina City Planning Meetings more than five times. 3 Community Access Television of Salina · Just under two-thirds of those respondents who have ever watched a program on channels 19, 20 or 21 know that they can be trained to make programs to show on Public Access channel 21. Almost two out of 10 of these respondents said the organizations they are involved with would be interested in having programs about them and their services appear on this channel. · When the respondents who had ever watched a program on channels 19, 20 or 21 were asked to rate the quality of five services provided by these channels, nearly one-third gave the highest possible rating ("Extremely Well") to "provides good coverage of local government meetings and other activities" and just over one-fourth gave that rating to "provides valuable community information" and ''provides programming that deals with local issues." 7% or fewer of these respondents gave the lowest possible rating to any of the five services in question. · Almost 80% of all respondents said it is "important" or "very important" to have cable channels that feature programs about Salina schools, City government, community organizations and residents. · When all respondents were asked how much of their monthly cable bill should be set aside to support the development of cable TV prog~rams about Salina schools, City government, community organizations and residents about two-thirds said one dollar or more should be set aside. The average or mean of all responses was $1.69. As with all survey research} when reviewing these results and those that follow} we encourage a review of the survey methodology} sample size and attendant sampling error. 4 Community Access Television of Salina Awareness of Community Access Television of Salina Over three-fourths of the survey respondents (77.7%) indicated that they have "heard of an organization called Community Access Television of Salina." Have you heard of an organization called Community Access Television of Salina, which operates three channels on the Cox cable TV system? YES 77.7% MA YBElOTHERI DON'T KNOW 4.0% Well over eight out of 10 (86.1%) say they are aware of Educational Access channel 19, Government Access channel 20 and Public Access channel 21. Community Access Television of Salina operates Educational Access channel 19, Government Access channel 20 and Public Access channel 21... Are you aware of these channels? 5 Community Access Television of Salina Viewership of Access Channels 19, 20 & 21 Those who indicated that they were aware of channels 19, 20 and 21 (174 respondents, representing 86.1 % of the survey sample) were then asked if they had "ever watched a program on channel 19, 20 or 21." About three-fourths (75.3%) of those who were aware of these channels said they had watched a program on them. The respondents who said they had watched channels 19,20 or 21 (131 respondents, representing 64.9% of the entire survey sample) were then asked how often they had watched during the past month and if the signal quality for programs shown on these channels equals the signal quality for the other channels of the cable system. 90.8% said they watched programs on channels 19,20 or 21 at least once during the last month and almost one-third (30.6%) said they had watched over five times during the last month. The graph below illustrates. How often did you watch programs on channel 19, 20 or 21 during the past month? 10% 0% Over 10 times 6-10 times 1-5 times 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Never Don't Know/Don't Remember 6 Community Access Television of Salina These same respondents were also asked about the signal quality on these channels. About two-thirds (67.9%) said the signal quality was equal to the other channels on the cable system, while 20.6% said it was not. Is the signal quality for programs on channels 19, 20 or 21 equal to the signal quality for programs on the other channels of the cable system? DON'T KNOW 11.5% NO 20.6% These respondents who indicated that they had watched programming on channels 19,20 or 21 were then asked if they had ever watched several different programs on these channels and if so, to estimate how often they had watched them. Salina City Commission meetings have been seen by almost eight out of 10 (77.9%) of these respondents with 27.4% saying they had watched more than five times. The Smoky Hill River Festival has been seen by just under seven out of 10 (68.7%) of these respondents with 14.5% saying they had watched more than five times. Salina City Planning Meetings was the only other program tested that has been seen by 50% or more of these respondents, as 50.4% said they had seen this program, with 13.7% saying they had seen it more than five times. The graphs on the following two pages show the results for aU 10 programs tested. 7 Community Access Television of Salina I am now going to read a short list of regular programs that are shown on channels 19, 20 or 21. Please tell me if you have ever watched the program and estimate how many times you have seen it. Salina City Commission Meetings The Smoky Hill River Festival 6 to 1 0 13.7% Haven't Seen 22.1% 6 to 1 0 7.6% 1 to 5 50.4% Over 10 6.9% Haven't Seen 31.3% Salina City Planning Meetings 6 to 1 0 9.9% County Commission Meetings 6 to 10 5.3% 1 to 5 36.6% Haven't Seen 53.4% Haven't Seen 49.6% Strictly Salina 6 to 10 2.3% 8 Community Access Television of Salina I am now going to read a short list of regular programs that are shown on channels 19, 20 or 21. Please tell me if you have ever watched the program and estimate how many times you have seen it. Board of Education Meetings OWr10 3.1% Psychic Live 6 to 10 3.1% 1 to 5 23.7% Health Matters OYer 10 3.8% 1 to 5 26.7% Words of Encouragement OWr10 O.BOA! 1 to 5 19.8% Media Reform 6 to 10 3.8% Over 10 0.0% 9 Community Access Television of Salina Knowledge about Program Production Opportunities Respondents who said they had watched a program on channel 19, 20 or 21 (131 of the 202 respondents) were asked whether they knew that Salina residents "can be trained to make programs to show on Public Access channel 21, using equipment provided free of charge." Just under two-thirds (65.6%) of these respondents said they did know of such training. Almost two out of 10 (18.3%) of these respondents also said that the organizations that they are involved with would be interested in having programs about their services and activities appear on channel 21. The graph below illustrates both results. D Do you know that Salina residents can be trained to make programs to show on Public Access channel 21, using equipment provided free of charge? . Would the organizations that you are involved with be interested in having programs about their services and activities appear on channel 21? 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% YES NO 10 Community Access Television of Salina Attitudes about Access Services, Importance & Value The respondents who indicated that they had ever watched a program on channels 19, 20 or 21 were given a series of statements and asked to indicate how well each statement described "the services provided by cable channels 19,20 and 21." A 5- point scale was used with a 5 meaning "extremely well" and a 1 meaning "not at all." About one third of these respondents gave a rating of 5 or "extremely well" to provides good coverage of local government meetings and other activities (32.8%) and just over one-fourth gave a rating of 5 to both provides valuable community information (27.5%) and provides programming that deals with local issues (26%). None of the five statements tested was given a rating of "1" or "not at all" by more than about 7% of these respondents. The graphs on the following page illustrate these responses. 11 Community Access Television of Salina How well do the following statements describe services provided by cable channels 19, 20 and 21? Provides programming that deals with local issues. 4" Extremely Well ("5") 26.0% 29.0% Provides good coverage of local government meetings and other activities. 4" 29.0% 3" Extremely Well ("5'1 32.8% 3" 9.9% Not at All ("1'1 3.8% Z' 8.4% Provides effective educational programming. 4" 23.7% Provides programming that shows many different poin"of view. 27.5% Extremely Well ("5'1 12.2% Extremely Well ("5'1 15.3% 3" 43.5% Not at ("1'1 6.1% 8.4% 42.7% Provides valuable community information. 4" Extremely Well ("5") 27.5% 12 Community Access Television of Salina All respondents were then asked how important it is to have "cable channels that feature programs about Salina schools, City government, community organizations and residents." Almost eight out of 10 (78.2%) indicated that they believe it is either "important" (41.1 %) or "very important" (37.1%) to have such programming available. How important do you feel it is to have cable channels that feature programs about Salina schools, City government, community organizations, and residents? 41.1% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% I- Z >-~ ~~ Wo > a.. ~ I- Z ~ ~ o a.. ~ >-1- ~z w~ >~ 1-0 o a.. z~ ~ I- Z I-<(...J Ol-...J z~<( o a.. ~ t- z o o~~ Zoz z:::':::: a.. o The last series of questions asked all respondents how much of their monthly cable bill "should be set aside to support the development of cable TV programs about Salina schools, City government, community organizations and residents." About two-thirds (66.8%) of all survey respondents said one dollar or more should be set aside and almost half (46%) said two or more dollars. The graph on the following page illustrates. 13 Community Access Television of Salina How much of your current monthly cable bill do you think should be set aside to support the development of cable TV programs about Salina schools, City government, community organizations, and residents? SAME AS THEY GET NOW DON'T KNOW 1.5% 4.0% MORE THAN FIVE DOLLARS FIVE DOLLARS 2.0% 1.5% NOTHING 27.2% FOUR DOLLARS 12.4% LESS THAN ONE DOLLAR 0.5% ONE DOLLAR 20.8% TWO DOLLARS 18.8% Finally, when all responses from all respondents are calculated to find the mean or average amount favored, the result is an average of $1.69. This was calculated using a value of $0.00 for those who said "nothing," "no idea" or "don't know," using an average cable bill amount of $40.00 to calculate an amount for those respondents who gave an answer relating to a percentage of a bill, e.g., "ten percent" and using $0.70 for those who said "same as they get now." A complete unabridged listing of all frequencies can be found under Tab 3. 14 Community Access Television of Salina - March 2006 Viewership Study - The Buske Group Do you currently subscribe to the Cox cable TV service? Yes No/Don't Know Total Number 202 o 202 Missing Cases = 0 Response Percent = 100.0 % Have you heard of an organization called "Community Access Television of Salina," which operates three channels on the Cox cable TV system? Yes No Maybe/Don't Know Total Number 157 34 11 202 Missing Cases = 0 Response Percent = 100.0 % Community Access Television of Salina operates Educational Access channel 19, Government Access channel 20, and Public Access channel 21. They feature programs about Salina schools, City government, community organizations, and residents. Are you aware of these channels? Yes No Total Number 174 28 202 Missing Cases = 0 Response Percent = 100.0 % Group W Communications, LLC Percent 100.0 % 0.0% 100.0 % Percent 77.7% 16.8% 5.4% 100.0 % Percent 86.1 % 13.9% 100.0 % Community Access Television of Salina - March 2006 Viewership Study - The Btllske Group Have you ever watched a program on channel 19,20 or 21? Yes No Total Number 131 43 174 Missing Cases = 28 Response Percent = 86.1 % How often did you watch programs on channel 19,20 or 21 during the past month? Over 10 times 6-10 times 1-5 times Never Don't Know/Don't Remember Total Number 15 25 79 8 4 131 Missing Cases = 71 Response Percent = 64.9 % Is the signal quality for programs on channels 19, 20 or 21 equal to the signal quality for programs on the other channels of the cable system? Yes No Don't Know Total Number 89 27 15 131 Missing Cases = 71 Response Percent = 64.9 % Percent 75.3 % 24.7% 100.0 % Percent 11.5 % 19.1 % 60.3 % 6.1 % 3.1 % 100.0 % Percent 67.9% 20.6% 11.5 % 100.0 % Yes No Total Do you know that Salina residents can be trained to make programs to show on Public Access channel 21, using 86 45 131 equipment provided free of charge? 65.6% 34.4% 100.0% Would the organizations that you are involved with be interested in having programs about their services and 24 107 131 activities appear on channel 21 ? 18.3% 81.7% 100.0% Group W Communications, LLC Community Access Television of Salina - March 2006 Viewership Study - The Buske Group I am now swint!: to read a short list of ret!:ular orot!:rams that are shown on channl~ls 19.20 or 21. Please tell me if YOU have ever watched the orot!:ram. and estimate how many times YOU have seen it. Never Over 10 Watched 1-5 times 6-10 times times 41 71 10 9 The Smoky Hill River Festival 31.3% 54.2% 7.6% 6.9% 94 31 4 2 Psychic Live 71.8% 23.7% 3.1% 1.5% 29 66 18 18 Salina City Commission Meetings 22.1% 50.4% 13.7% 13.7% 84 35 7 5 Health Matters 64.1% 26.7% 5.3% 3.8% 65 48 13 5 Salina City Planning Meetings 49.6% 36.6% 9.9% 3.8% 116 10 5 0 Media Reform 88.5% 7.6% 3.8% 0.0% 70 48 7 6 County Comission Meetings 53.4% 36.6% 5.3% 4.6% 78 46 3 4 Strictly Salina 59.5% 35.1% 2.3% 3.1% 80 42 5 4 Board of Education Meetings 61.1% 32.1% 3.8% 3.1% 99 26 5 I Words of Encourgement 75.6% 19.8% 3.8% 0.8% Group W Communications, LLC Community Access Television of Salina - March 2006 Viewership Study - The Blllske Group Usin2 a 5-point scale -- where "5" means "extremelv well" and "1" means "not ~lt all" - how well do the followin2 statements describe the services provided bv cable channels 19. 20 and 21? Extremely Not at all 2 3 4 wdl Total Provides programming that deals with local 7 13 39 38 34 131 Issues. 5.3% 9.9% 29.8% 29.0% 26.0% 100.0% Provides good coverage of local government meetings and other 5 II 34 38 43 131 activities. 3.8% 8.4% 26.0% 29.0% 32.8% 100.0% Provides effective educational 9 18 57 31 16 131 programming. 6.9% 13.7% 43.5% 23.7% 12.2% 100.0% Provides prograDIming that shows many 8 II 56 36 20 131 different points of view. 6.1% 8.4% 42.7% 27.5% 15.3% 100.0% Provides valuable community information. 6 9 38 42 36 131 4.6% 6.9% 29.0% 32.1% 27.5% 100.0% How important do you feel it is to have cable channels that feature programs about Salina schools, City government, community organizations, and residents? Do you feel that this is very important, important, not very important. or not important at all? Very Important Important Not Very Important Not Important at All No OpinionIDK Total Number 75 83 21 16 7 202 Percent 37.1 % 41.1 % 10.4% 7.9% 3.5 % 100.0 % Missing Cases = 0 Response Percent = 100.0 % Group W Communications, LLC Community Access Television of Salina - March 2006 Viewership Study - The BlIlske Group How much of your current monthly cable bill do you think should be set aside to support the development of cable TV programs about Salina schools, City government, community organizations, and residents -- four dollars, three dollars, two dollars, one dollar, nothing, or some other amount? $1 $2 $3 $4 Nothing Other Don't Know T ota! Number 42 38 23 25 55 11 8 202 Missing Cases = 0 Response Percent = 100.0 % IF OTHER: Ten dollars Seven dollars Five dollars Fifty cents Same as they get now T ota! Number 3 1 3 1 3 11 Missing Cases = 191 Response Percent = 5.4 % Group W Communications, LLC Percent 20.8% 18.8 % 11.4 % 12.4 % 27.2% 5.4% 4.0% 100.0 % Percent 27.3 % 9.1 % 27.3 % 9.1 % 27.3 % 100.0 % ~ SALINA TELEPHONE SURVEY Hello, I'm of Group W Communications. I'm not selling anything. I'm working on a survey of cable TV subscribers in Salina. [NOTE: Salina is pronounced "suh-L YE-na"] May I please speak to the [female/male] head of the household? Would you mind answering some questions about local cable TV programming and services? This will only take a few minutes. (IF NO: Is there a convenient time for me to call back? ) 1 . Do you currently subscribe to the Cox cable TV service? YES _ NO / DON'T KNOW (IF "NO" OR "DON'T KNOW," TERMINATE INTERVIEW) 2. Have you heard of an organization called "Community Access Television of Salina," which operates three channels on the Cox cable TV system? YES NO MAYBE / OTHER / DON'T KNOW 3. Community Access Television of Salina operates Educational Access channel 19, Government Access channel 20, and Public Access channel 21. They feature programs alDout Salina schools, City government, community organizations, and residents. Are you aware of thE~se channels? YES _ NO (IF "NO", GO TO QUESTION 11) 4. Have you ever watched a program on channel 19, 20 or 21? YES _ NO (IF "NO", GO TO QUESTION 11) 5. How often did you watch programs on channel 19, 20 or 21 during the past month? MORE THAN 10 TIMES 6-10 TIMES _1-5 TIMES NEVER 6. Is the signal quality for programs on channels 19, 20 or 21equal to thE~ signal quality for programs on the other channels of the cable system? YES NO DON'T KNOW 7. Do you know that Salina residents can be trained to make programs to show on Public Access channel 21, using equipment provided free of charge? YES NO 8. Would the organizations that you are involved with be interested in having programs about their services and activities appear on channel 21? YES NO ... 9. I am now going to read a short list of regular programs that are shown on channels 19, 20 or 21. Please tell me if you have ever watched the program, and estimate how many times you have seen it. (ROTATE ORDER OF ITEMS 9a - 9j) a. The Smoky Hill River Festival: 0 1 - 5 6 -10 OVER 10 b. Psychic Live: 0 1 - 5 6 -10 OVER 10 c. Salina City Commission Meetings: 0 1 - 5 6 -10 OVER 10 d. Health Matters: 0 1 - 5 6 -10 OVER 10 e. Salina City Planning Meetings: 0 1 - 5 6 - 10 OVER 10 f. Media Reform: 0 1 - 5 6 -10 OVER 10 g. County Commission Meetings: 0 1 - 5 6 - 10 OVER 10 h. Strictly Salina: 0 1 - 5 6 -10 OVER 10 I. Board of Education Meetings: 0 1 - 5 6 - 10 OVER 10 J. Words of Encouragement: 0 1 - 5 6 - 10 OVER 10 10. Using a 5-point scale -- where "5" means "extremely well" and "1" means "not at all" -- how well do the following statements describe the services provided by cable channels 19, 20 and 21? a. Provides programming that deals with local issues. b. Provides good coverage of local government meetings and other activities. c. Provides effective educational programming. d. Provides programming that shows many different points of view. e. Provides valuable community information. 11. How important do you feel it is to have cable channels that feature prowams about Salina schools, City government, community organizations, and residents? Do you feel that this is YmY important, important, not very important, or not important at all? VERY IMPORTANT IMPORTANT NOT VERY IMPORTANT NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL NO OPINION I DON'T KNOW 12. How much of your current monthly cable bill do you think should be set aside to support the development of cable TV programs about Salina schools, City gov€!rnment, community organizations, and residents -- four dollars, three dollars, two dollars, one dollar, nothing, or some other amount? FOUR DOLLARS ONE DOLLAR THREE DOLLARS NOTHING TWO DOLLARS OTHER: Thank you very much for your time. (END CONVERSATION) ')