06-15-2006 Minutes ". .. . . . -786- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 15,2006, in the Tech Center Meeting Room. The following Board members were present: Sandie Johnson, James Hall, David Hawksworth, Lynne Ryan, Jo Reed, Don Marrs and Sheldon Lilak. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Mike Wilson, observer for the League of Women Voters and Mike Strand from The Salina Journal. Lynne Ryan called the meeting to order. Lynne asked for any changes or additions to the May Board minutes. No changes were suggested. 06-16 On a motion made by David Hawksworth and seconded by Jo Reed it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the May, 2006 Board meeting. Motion passed. P.786. 06/1512006 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Friends meet next week. They are working on installing shelving for their storage area in the basement. ORIENTATION: New Library Board binders Binders were handed out to Board Members to store Board information. DISCUSSION: Board meeting day and time Discussion was held on changing the Board meeting day and time. 06-17 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Jo Reed it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library change the meeting day to the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. Motion passed with a 6 to 1 vote. P.786. 06/15/2006 DISCUSSION: Safety Joe reported to the Board about safety issues in the Library. Staff met and discussed this issue. Solutions suggested are: Bid from Midwest Security on random checks of the building three times a day for twenty minutes each time. These would be spread out throughout the day. Also a training session from the police on safety and security or installing a panic alarm system. Discussion followed. Several Board Members stated they preferred the panic alarm option over hiring Midwest Security. DISCUSSION: Planning Joe handed out a rough draft of a planning survey. The Library will survey the Community and in-house library users to find out which direction the planning process should be going. This will be a web based survey. Participants will be sent a postcard asking them to go online and fill out the survey. Discussion was held regarding those who may not have internet access at home. The online survey will allow Market Aide to tabulate the answers more efficiently. Discussion followed on some question wording -787- and allowing participants to omit answers on certain questions and still have a valid survey. DISCUSSION: 2007 Budget Joe provided Board Members with a 2007 Library Budget Discussion Sheet. We still don't know what the County valuation will be as ofthis time. Staffing and salary is around 60% of our budget. Capital Improvement is also a large part of the budget. The Salary step system was discussed and how it affects the budget. Discussion was held on salary base. In July the Board will be provided with the Budget worksheets with final recommendations on the 2007 budget. FINANCIAL REPORT: The Board reviewed the two different formats of the. Revenue Expenditure Report. They prefer the format eliminating the 6th column and using lines and numbered column headings. We are at 42% of expenditures if you include Capital improvement and McNaughton line items. We had some plumbing work done on our main water line to the building. That expense will be shown in next months report. We will also have a small expense for sun screens in the coffee gallery. Jo Reed asked where memorial monies show up in our financial report. Those are shown in the Fines and Misc. account. STATISTICAL REPORT: May is one of the Library's slower months. Summer Reading program hasn't started yet. The tech center and internet use in the Youth Services Dept remains strong. Outreach visits were up due to visits to schools to promote the summer reading program. Youth Services is also going to the summer school programs and checking out. books. Meeting rooms still have good use. We do not charge for those rooms for non- profit organizations. . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe reported that the insurance companies are still working on our claim for roof damage. We will be getting a new roof on the main building area. \" e have some previous damage that will be covered by our previous insurer. We will need to look at available types of roofing and cost. Donnie Mars asked the question if whether we could not replace the roof at this time if it still has some use left in it. Joe reviewed a handout on CLASS statistics and information. We will be getting bids on our insurance contracts and will bring a report to the Board. We have a new color copier in the Tech Center. Work is still on-going to update the Library web-site. Joe looked into bringing children to the library by bus. This is very affordable with the Durham bus services; the critical issue is that they would have to be attended by a parent or guardian. The Board and staff will have more discussion on this issue. The Homework Kansas program was discussed. This program was designed by the state library. It is an online program with available tutoring. Jo Reed asked if the tutors' are subject to background checks to protect those using the service. BOARD COMMENTS: None Jo Reed commented that she really enjoyed one of our summer reading programs this week. Sandi Johnson appreciates the format in which Joe presents information to the Board. Sheldon Lilak commented watching the length of board meetings and trying to ,,~ . . . -788- keep them at one hour. James Hall reported that the mutual funds owned by the Library are all doing very well. 06-18 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded by David Hawksworth it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourns the June 15,2006 meeting. Motion passed. P. 788, 06/15/06 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ~~ 4~ b~2j-6C Secretary, Sheld n Lilak Date