04-19-2006 Minutes ...... -781- . The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 19, 2006, in the Tech Center Meeting Room. The following Board members were present: David Hawksworth, Sheldon Lilak, James Hall, Janice Ostrom, Lynne Ryan, Betsy Scholten and Harris Rayl. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Mike Wilson, observer for the League of Women Voters and David Clouston from The Salina Journal. Betsy Scholten called the meeting to order and asked for any changes or additions to the March Board minutes. No changes were suggested. 06-08 On a motion made by Harris Rayl and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the March, 2006 Board meeting. Motion passed. P.781. 04/19/2006 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Friends met this week. They are going to purchase some new shelving to help store books for book sale. They have made decisions on scholarship awards. Last month they helped judge a children's writing contest. The Friends are looking for new board members. Joe also referred to the Friends financial report. . DISCUSSION: CLASS Update Joe handed out reports that included financial information and summer activities. Discussion followed on the financial report. Members of the board expressed satisfaction with the program and the exposure it has given the library in the community. Lori will be conducting a session, possibly at Capers, with frequent CLASS users and get their input on the program. We have given out approximately 24 scholarships towards classes. Joe stated the long term goal of integrating CLASS into Library programming instead of thinking of it as a separate program. Discussion was held about soliciting advertising for the CLASS catalog. Harris Rayl said he was in favor of eliminating the soliciting of advertising. We would still be able to take donations from those who wish to support the program. Janice Ostrom also mentioned targeting a few classes geared towards teens. . DISCUSSION: Planning update Betsy asked who is serving on the Planning committee. Joe reported that the Planning Committee is made up of a member of the Library Board, Friends Board, CLASS advisory board, Department Heads, Teens, frequent library users, Jack Fox from St. John's Military School and the Library Director. The Committee is currently focusing on six separate topics. The primary focus has been on outreach. We will be conducting a survey to solicit what the community feels they need from the Library. Joe asked for the Boards input on the planning process. Lynne Ryan asked if our planning process is going towards the trends in Libraries that Joe may have heard from his meeting in Boston. He feels like we are on the right track. -782- Gaming for teens is an up and coming trend. Some Libraries host online gaming tournaments. The Youth internet use has gone up. Betsy questioned how this related to the libraries primary focus of books. Joe explained that we don't want to abandon the books, but we are also going to focus on entertainment and recreation. Many times teen's interests are different than those of adults. Sheldon Lilak questioned why we consider our staff not being ethnically diverse as a weakness. Joe explained that the ideal is for our staff to reflect the community to make everyone feel welcomed. Discussion was also held on how staffing may be effected with more outreach programs. The next steps in the planning process are to do a public survey, summarize our goals, and defining our mission. Janice Ostrom stated that we need to remain strong with our current services as well as try to add new focus. James Hall also mentioned the new self check stations and how they may save some staff time to be reallocated somewhere else. Joe stated that one of the new trends in library service is to have staff out on the floor more and also more identifiable. FINANCIAL REPORT: Review of report. Discussion on Audit. Sheldon commented that the Library looks very fiscally sound. STATISTICAL REPORT: March is a busy month. Close to 50,000 in circulation. Tech services also processed 1700 new materials. Meeting rooms are also being used very frequently. We are getting close to being able to use our new scheduling calendar for meeting rooms. The Youth Services outreach number is how many visits not how many patrons served. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Tech Center staff is working on the SIRSI upgrade and email overdue notice project. Dave Ash is doing some research on mesh covers for our skylight. We have received a $6,800 bid on placing a cooling unit for the tech center lab. We are also working on project for a dumpster location on the west side of the building. We will be adding a part-time position in adult circulation for the summer. BOARD COMMENTS: Betsy Scholten commented on how nice the staff newsletter looks. Sheldon expressed thanks to Betsy and Janice for their service to the Board. THE BOARD ADJOURNED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION 06-09 On a motion made by Harris Rayl and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOL VED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn into executive session at 8:12 a.m. for twenty minutes. Motion passed. P 782. 04/19/2006 06-10 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by David Hawskworth it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library would extend the executive session by ten minutes. Motion passed. P782. 04/19/2006 ...... . . . - 783- 06-11 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Lynne Ryan it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourns out of executive session at 8:42 a.m. Motion passed. P783. 04/19/2006 06-12 On a motion made by Janice Ostrom and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library will have the current Board President and incoming Board President review the Director's evaluation with him. Motion passed. P783. 04/19/2006 06-13 On a motion made by David Hawskworth and seconded by James Hall it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourns the April 19, 2006 meeting. Motion passed. P. 783,04/19/06 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ~1. .2 'I ;J D{)?:, Date