Government Center Feasability, Ph III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~)e-r/( '..:,~'.. "~... .........:..::......:....::. ......." . . 'N'.ry,.:. ... .... .. . .... ... . . .... ... ................................ ..................... "::::'c" ",,":r:" ':y:'" '::. ..... . . . -.. ...... ... . I' .... ..... '1 I' .... ...... ., I' ..... ................ Feasi bi I ity Report PHASE III A Governmental Center for Saline County & Salina Kansas by ~ ANDERSON - JOHNSON ARCHITECTS. ~U(~[R ~ Willi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. CON S U l TIN GEt,: GIN t E '" S ~ P l ANN E I( <; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PHASE III SPACE NEEDS AND COST STUDIES for A FEASIBILITY STUDY of a PROPOSED GOVERNMENTAL CENTER for SALINE COUNTY and CITY of SALINA, KANSAS May 1964 Prepared by ANDERSON - JOHNSON, Architects and BUCHER AND WILLIS Consulting Engineers and Planners Salina, Kansas I I CONTENTS I I I Item Scope and Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Space Requirement Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 I Departmental Space Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 I Departmental Relationships and Information . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 General Use Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 I Miscellaneous Possible Cost Savings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 I Summary of Building Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 I Civil Defense Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 I I I I I I . I I Outline Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Project Cost Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 Continuing Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Outline for Administrative Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Future Expansion Needs . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . 109 Recapitulation at Phases I, II and III . ........ . . . . 111 RecoDlJlenda ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 I I I SCOPE AND PURPOSE I Phases I and II of this Feasibility Study have explored the questions regarding the possibility of a Joint Governmental Center. The con- clusion of these two phases is that a combined building for Saline County and the City of Salina, Kansas is feasible from the standpoint of - I I need, legal requirements, I ownership and operation, I location. I Phase III is an exploration of the desirability of a joint facility for the two governments. I In Phase I it was determined that there is a need for larger and more efficient facilities for both governments. I Assuming, therefore, that each Government will embark on a program of facility improvements, there are three possible courses: 1. Two separate and distinct buildings, unrelated to each other; I 2. Two separate buildings conveniently related to each other on the same site; I 3. A single building housing both governments. I In order to determine whether a Joint Governmental Center would be desirable, Phase III studies each of the three possible building com- binations described above regarding: I space requirements construction costs I operating costs I I I Finally, as a conclusion of this Phase III, a recommended course of action is outlined. I 3 I I I I I I I I I I S?ACE REQUIREdENT STANDA.RDS I The following three sheets are a collection Qf typical snace requirement drawings of typical situations in the two Governwents. I I The spaces shovm a~e mini- mum standards, and ar~not iritended to be final state- ments of the exact facili. ties needed for a given activity or piece of equip- ment. I I The spaces would be varied as required for incorpor- a tion vii thin a specific planning situation. I I I 4 I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T\(PICi.L ti."-r _ ': ---...... I I : _ __ _ _ __ _ J <;[CPETAl?Y " X 8' MIN.. 40 SQ, FT. c; PAC [; D r /""', I II f7 i ~. ..... ~ :' "',-:: K t '--:. \..~ I F. t. II ',7,:. - \~ i J .-.---l- --~ I ____J r-- J IT _ h __ __[-=-'I .::; h 'y. + -' FILES 5' )< II' A': I; . 55 SQ. FT. 2' Of _.~ ,.----.-- . ---_..~._. J : nl~; r r-, '\ ! I~~-- -~- _.:cL=.:] _ i L__.__..____ (:)1 \ ,'\ '\ :: /; I -1 ---' \-~I ,--' L! U ----- -_.- - .---_. -. M1NIN';.:,V,- ri/;, E\~'I";~l< OF CCr-.\FERO.!CE AY,Et.~ '.., / I," .,J ~-- ~. ~_.. --- 'i ~--I'-~"I p~E;jL~!=l ID~l>w-F~ OPE"! i I T -- ,_no -- -. -- -- L_ .._. - ~ - -U"l I _: I I ~t __ [fT~lT~1_~E:_RT 1_ Q): ! _~ 1 I. 3 I' I c-.... 5' I ,o- . - ... , 10' ,.j ~- f=ILE Cl.d5!~~n'5 /5' rLA'l~_~_~_,__F '-~r-' ---W'-'-'~I ,--" F J l :I2..J I C.) r------ i ,'-1 I I " "j , t L?_~. ~~''!. - . r~~l i -l!)j L.. -I I i [J 11 ,'j / I Ii' _ / I L. ,--, ;.__. : ~----_.'.- . --.------. 2 Z 5 S. 1=. IZ' i-~---:-- ---.- -r--=-., I ': r'f~;'i 1 [;G~~~~ I e.) -looo_/u 144 <;. F. ,YP\Cl..L --~- ~ i '<t: =:i i , , _ '1- ~' {~'=r .fJ -0 -0 ):~:llj ~ If ' I Ii I I ,L_ I I --C] : I - I I :0 0, Di~ Ie 0: D:- EH---~JoD: [ --________1 /3' '1'" II' .. 99 s. F. I~I)I, 15' :: 195' '5. F. ~)}.I EL Vlt~4 - ~ ~~El..v'E5 t-Ml-J EQUAL" ~ L1h!EAL FEET OF 'Srf~vpL~ rER FOOT OF FLOO~ SPACE TYPICAL 8 BOCI(5/FT. U W BC;(;l(-j - {, lWC /(s/ FT. /2/ r---.-, -----J.---- H_~ I LIiYGFP [:' , --;" F-0-:TI ~_J in 3""" 72'1: io lOO[=L 180 S.F. 10' I rl ruJj 1 r:- 'J "'N: ~00. -I I i /1 LQD ( u 120 S. F. OFF T,(P1L,~L - S lIE,J ECT T"o Cj.LI.~k;[ Te MEFT SFEC!i/( ~UDS ~ooob~r~: 1_ _ _ .J. __J I I I' I I I I I I 1 I ' I I ,I I ~\ I;~r--r--i- 1_ =' _ ~ b-il~ .t-d W J W/',:T'Nt.; (N!r' /J.YL. WAL'i.) 2 C H.to' 12.-; - 5 'x 7 I -== 3')". F, 3 /I 7"x7/::49S,:::. ~ " ~//( 101 :: 5_r, <;,P. ~ 7'~!o' c 70 ;;::.F. 8 II '1'x 10' - '10 $.F 10 I, 11'~ID' -= l/O s,~. ,2. II l3t){ '0' ~ )30 $,f: I 1M lfW 3 FaK' iCjMP' S rMJ.( L I ~[---'-I -r ........JL7-1___ __,,, _<-+ f I I I I --: . , .- --_ _ _ _ __ _. _ ~ __:rt l v t.. R I E-~ ! I "'i won:: <;;P-ACE @,. C()L"~!Tn !~u.uw 3' OF com~H:~ <PACE FDR MfME00rzAP~ r--f~" -:.. ;'---. ) i l..--__l 2~Z" 3' -\9~' I HO I I : 00' ~J i. _ J I : 13 s.F./ LA v. ..L 1_ __-' 2' hlHH _ L I ll'>' , I 1 1._ .J 10 S.F.jUR. I 10 i 0 IF!~ -9! bo",,~~J U2_~/1 100 s. 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L._ [--~, - ------.-- - .1 , ---__.J j I _i I j I- I 1 I ! ~ ,1L!D170;';:.'A.\ '::EA--,rJ.:.; IIJ PEW':; - -_._~-- -~ -- -- --.- -- .-.- - ('~rn' CF P;''-:-TP:{r'~ Oi/in- - V/.IJL; E-.-: . i ; L.".::-t''i 14' - .-- -- D (.; (JJ:i:'.; Ie Li~.F'. ft) --. l 7,A ...,1,,,",, t-l.f ,........ r;.c YEt. I? - II D D 3(), UN FT. (TCT4L 40 FT.9ELF) ~ e L110. FT, 5~Ei.. VIN4 (, '5 H. H I.(,/--l eLf) (!::..C;E FILES , I J_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...J I.>PD 2 p,::" ,", /Y!:A,' :. 6~![ flJt ,/-.I 7 v<(~ 0f/ 7-S k~LT If.! SO ,/EAr . ( 5 I " .'.~ I _ <:: t. ',I 5', /2 '4 TD ALLCW Vf' I~\, aU.SED 4k:wnl KA'7E) NEW (AC,E.fhfS -58"'I"~"!D~,)i'!< rLC.(;~ Af:fL/ FILE -?' $, -,F L(" NOW 2/\'<' x;C ,'12."" 10,', (LE;. <; F.~':: F k [(, , i7) )( 8,t,1 ~ 10~" I 2,l i ! I ,; i. l _ j c I_!.'~__~~~~ \;i=__~~1< 1 ., ~I I', ~_I! C 1':; ---=-i'i:" J l j L__.J ____j c_~-~: ~ .~, F F ;,.. 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S"PEC7,1TC:R LREA - ~ELT 7:: REF. 4 l' D I T C r I :..; ^'~ -S E :. T J 'SFA...'L ~[(;.,U';':'J) 'I ~ - j, ._ (.. U ~'i' r ::. // 2 I )( ?;; I~ FEW' -P4/.f_ If. 72 <:' F 30 >< 40 = ! ,2 . (DEPTS, Wi PRiVATE ;, "lOT CCLJt~T ED) (if/ 4QAPHIC <STA~lIA~P~) I I . I I W /'. Z LID, 3 ,. 'I \ "......) "-') ,-/<(,/ (4 W.,:.; 4 LAY.) TOILET r.OCMt:; FOR -~-,-----..._~--- ------ <;TAFF COUNTY ~TAFF COllN'T: 37 ME~ 1;7 WCME~ 104 .Q.IY 52 ME iJ 50 WON,Hl 102 CON~J ~E"V 89 MEN 117 WOMEN 20(;, <:;TAFF LC"LHJ4E + 107, r5P il.\!u I 83 <;.~. Mlt-.;;;';\LM (,9ISr 148 S.F. M !~IMUM (Jt.2 ~,F ( '2 W. C. ~ 3 Ug.; 3 l ~ V) ( 3 W. C .; 3 LA V. ) 117 S.I=-. MI1J1N.'JM (:28~F III S.F M1N IMUM 021 ~F) (3 W. C. '> 3 U R ') 4 L II V.) (c,W,c,; 5 LA'/-) 154 S.F. MI""lMUM (!~Cj'5F) 20') S,F. iY\l~ IMUM (2ZC;~~) A~ S UIv\ E !-4 OF TOTAL STA FF US I~C: COU~TY - 1/4 OF 104 = 2(, )( CITY ~---_.- 1/4 OF IC2 "" 25 cell'" Bl},lt:D -- '/4- OF 20(., == 51 LOU~{,"f AT O/..t1: TIME (IOS.F,/poc;c~J,\ 10' - 200 <;'/=, . '>( 10 2 5 C -So F, l( 10 510 ),r-, PUBU c: TOILE T ,eOvMS (A<;'-;lIME NAxfNUM I~ A':-.: EMFL '( /.H: tj.l. ';) cell k'TJL~u Sf : C0U~TS 20,~: C OMMI<;5"1 cl~n": - 5> G E 1\2 H Li... S /) 3C'~~-'(150 M I i?~ w) ~~L'(...l:1-b L L CiTY CCiJKI CCJMMi 55 lONb!. GE~EKAL 100 - JOO 50 2.50 (125 M) 150 w) COMBiNED - 550 COLlRTI1CJ';E -{N)- 2 PM), -I Vie; I U~; I LAY, EU4 -- IDC ~F (w)- 2 K/I:~. - 2 W~; I UN. fACri - - 13 c5!.... TOTAL 230 SF \ e/T""- WALL -(M)- Z .PM:'. - IWC; IUf'; IlAV. EA<i1 - lQ( SF (w)- 2 ~M':' -lWC;' '-lV, Ei:'CW -_130 ~E... 10TtL 230:F COMP,INE:D-(M)-3RM:,-IWC; I~R> ILAY,EACu - 150 SF (w /- '3 ~M';,-. 2 we; , l-AV. fAC/4 - I q:; ~;(- TOTAL 34) '>/- 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEPART1IENTAL SPACB REQUIREii1EN~ On the following tables, the required area for individual snaces has been determined by reference to the drawings or diagrams preceding this SG~- tion, but have been "tempered" by the Architect's judgrrent to serve specific situations. ------------------- ----------- .o,......~_.~~n".....~._~_, '.._<-.. . "..._'"',_...._ ".'. -"'_.._-"'~'-',",.,,-' =~""'-.,,",' "-....,..=-~ 0 EPAI2TM~N TAL 'S PAC ~ 2 ~ QUI 2~Mr;NT~ --."--- -------"-----""----~ DEPA12TMENT 12.00M O~ ACTIVITY DIMEN AR.~A NUMsn -SUB TOT~LS 10% FO~ TOTAL SPACE 12 UU..e ~< S!ON':; -T~U<S WtlLL l( [()UI~EP ~OE \APPRu)(-) HI(]:NE.,5 DE PARTMEN r CITY MANACia J(E C EPT ION 1ST 10 x I~ I GO 1 I~O _u_ ---.-- -.---. --~-- -- - n_ "- f--- -------- worn:: J200M_~__u_ _______ 10 >( 12 I 20 I I 20 ---- ~- - -- .---- --- --" ---- -- - - -------- _L t IbRA~'y IS ~ 18 27Q_ I 27 0 - ~---. - "- - ---..--"-....-.-.- f- -- --- 1-__ _n - COlJFE2ENCE ~OOM 14 )(. 24 33~ 1 .33G> ----..- - " -- - .-,---.-..-.- --" u_ .... u,'_'.____. --+-. - -- "" ------. -- ------ P21VATE' TOiLET'5" 4 ,. 5 20 2 40 ----------- -- -"" "un" .-- --'- --- ---.------ ---. - -~-----,-- -- ---- -- ~--_._- -- ------ "+'- ------------ CITY MANA~E~ 15 "- 15 -225 ! 215 _"_Un" ____ ----" __On" ____"_____________.____"_ ____on _M -- -- . - ---"- >----- A<;SISTAhlT c. MAN,L.GcR 12 x 12 144 1 I 44 -"------- -----~._.._-.._.- ..- -- _ __ __h____ f------" ----- U __.._ -- - -------- 'J 'Zc:c: /30. i,4 .., S. / - - 4- CI Ty' COMMISSIONERS P'.JB~ Ie MEET lfJG ROOlY\ 32 x3' I. I 52 I I, I 5 2 --- - _.- _.- -------------""------ --- -- .._._~-_..._.._--- ~-_..-._- d___ r" ---- -- --,-- --------- __" d _ _______ "___ ______ --- ----.--- -.--. -- _n_ .._____ _.~ - .- '.-..--- I , 5 .., I , S. I, 2 ~ 7. I, '- , ':""'y ,_ L .:: 12}:: R I; CEPT ION I<;T '7 x 24- 408 I 408 LOCA IE OfJ Flf~-: ----- "- ------_.~._-_.--_._- -----.--.,-- ---. -.~....._._---- -----_.~- ---- --- -- " "---- --- ---- ~------ ( ITY TJ(EA<:;:..lgER p;:: ,VATE OFFICES 12 )( 14 1~8 3 504 ~LOO2 --"" - ._-~ ---'.-"'- .._---"---- ----.---- .----- --. -- --"--- --- - ._- _0-- --- -.. _. ._-~ ------ WOflt: ROOM . W x 23 4~O I 4~D """ - --"-- ---"-"------"--"---- ',-- -.- -- _._- -- ------ -- ------ Boo~nEP//J4 d. MAc+llfJE: c:; 23 x40 920 I 92 0 "* (::1' ..... _.. - ~. ....... --.- --.- ---~-" ------ ------- -- ------ --- -" "-- ._------ AU DiTI)..)4 ~ Ml<;CHLA~EOLiS 12 x I~ )92 I I 9 2 USE l}:.ELS "____h______ ._____ .'-.-- --- --~ -- "---- ----- -"-- n_ f-"---"- CUU~~NT VAULT 15 )( 24 3,"0 r 3~O ------ ---- ---~-~~._--_.._-_.- ----- -------- ---- ---"" --~-- -- --- .- DEAD S TO R.1.11::~ S VAULT 1& )( 25 4;0 --------"-- --- --+-- -- -- -- ~---- ----- -- ---- --- ---- 544 3, , 2 8 '-- , CITY W,~TER DEP.1rTMO-lT . R': -r'" : Cii-.: c..,. 20 ><20 400 I 400 _J:A T E :)N I~ F' -- , . . ~--- --.----.---.---- '--'- -----------,-- -- ---- ----- --_.. - -----.-- CASI-jIERS 20 >( I~ 320 , 320 r-- ----,--- ---~----_._._.._- -"- .--.-.--......- -- -- -- --_. -.- --~- CU<STOMI: R SHV~C~ 32 >C 20 ~40 I ~40 * CO:.!i_P '::';f.,>=[ wmI r---"-- - -- - -- -.-.--- -- ---- ---- - --------- -- C' ErV/'T"~EA< ACCOUI..1TINu 32 '" 32 1/024 I \,024 ~ . -/, .. -- . r-- - -- -.-- - -"----- ~--- - ---- -------- . M!:""UJ.~ [; ~ ,3 -.( 15 ) '15 I I a 5 f t- - .--.------------- -"--'- ----- - --- .- ----"-- --.- ---'~'- 'C;E ~VICE 7>EPT, 20 >( 20 400 I 4;)0 * r ::.,'_ :::: c, ::-2':'. t-----h----------- ------~. -- -- SUPPLY ~O 0.'1\ 10 i< 15 I 50 i , S0 USE AgEAS i t-------------- - , ------.. COAT ROON, 7 )( 15 :05 I , OS r-------- - ----- - . RE CO~p STOE:ACi~ 12 '1'-20 '24() T -- ~----~---- -- ----- 3j 2 34 -:( (3 3, 5 ...,. ~ --.-,. ____"_____U__________"_U"_ ______ ______ __u.~_____ -------.---- ----- ---------- ---- --- -o4t ------------------- DEPA2TM~NTAL c; PAC I; 1lI;:QUI2~Mr;NT<; DEPARTMENT QOOM O~ ACTIVITY DIMEN - A~EA NU,Mgn SUS-TOTALS 10 % FOg TOTAL SPACE 12 EMA~ Ir::~ ,)IOt-l~ T~US WALL HOU1RED FO~ IlAPPROx.) TIIICk'NESS DEPAIZTMENT CiTY E~Cj!~n~I"\4 PEPr, : RECE:P710~ 4 IIIAf' ROOM 20 l( 30 <DOO I cDOO .. E ~ c; i kl E t. ~ i 1.,;6 P'RI VtlTE OF!=ICES 12 x I~ 1'12 4 7t:,g n!'::PECTlol-.! UTILITIES OFFICE iC:,><18 33~ I 33~ -- -~-_._-- UTilitiES PRI'ltlTS CYF F J C E S 10 x. I~ I~O 2 320 PU..~!~I~JC:; J:)..!SPt;:CTIQt.J. FI LES 8'" 12 9C:> I 9C:> ------- DRld: rl~c ROO..v, 20 x 30 ~OO I ~OO _. VA lJ L T 15"'2.5 375 I 375 f----.. P~:).jT:1-!4 12><1C, 1~2 I I q Z . 3,287. 328 3, ~ ! 5 CITY COU2T '* COURT ROOM 32. x 44 ',408 I 1,408 S~otiU/ BE.: 01-1 ClE.rK OF CITY C Ot.!RT l~ )( 22 352 \ 352 <;tCO~P FLOOR VtlUL T (CURI2Etn) 12)( 12 144 I 144 t DEb!) STORACjE VAU L T 15 I( 15 225 , 225 * COUl D <;+!t.~E Jl'~Y 'KOOM 12 )( 18 2 I ~ \ 21~ W1T~ OT+JE~ PRIVATE TOIL.ETS 4 x S 20 2 40 CR.O!..1P$ LAWYE!"--S ' gOOMS 81( 10 86 3 240 Mh."St1!l.LLS OFFIC E 20:>< 15 300 , 300 t CA ~ B E I/o! BSMT. JU DC:; E- 's OFFICE 12 J( 12 144 \ 144 CELL 10)( /2 120 I 12.0 3. ! c. c; 3~B 3,507 CIIY !::. 70H.!EY l2.f Ci: PTIOt-!IST / C; EC12E TAgy 12 x 14 l~g I 1(#8 S ~C0t.!D FlOD~ CITY ATTOlUJI;:Y 15)( 15 225 I 225 ASSIC;TA~T ATTORN~Y \ 2 l( 12 144- I 144 CA~ SHAR.E A I L lB~A2Y 10)( 12 120 I 12D COr-!F. 'f,DOM wrn4 "57 (#5 722 Cn/fe DEPTS. CITY gECR~ATIO/l! RECEPTIO~!ST 15x 20 300 I 300 Ft~q F l 0012 .SUPfRVJ<;O~ I Z >( 15 180 1 180 VE'5I~bBLE ~UT S UPE ~1f..!.T~~DH!T 15 It 15 225 I 225 ~oT MA~PATv~Y STORA4k 10)( 15 150 J /50 ~ 855 =5 940 .~ - _. . 0 ------~------------ DEPAJ2TM~NTAL SPAC~ Tl~QUI2~M(;NT<; DEPARTMENT 12.0 OM O~ ACTIVITY DIMEN - AREA NUMSE2 SUS- TOTALS 10 % FOE TOTAL SPACE l(EMARl(~ SION~ T ~U., WALL ~ ~OU1~ED FO~ (APPROX:) TWIC.t:NE~S DEPAHMENT BOM~P OF EDUCf.:.TIO~ <;L'PERI~TE~DEtJT 20)( 20 400 I 400 * PIVJDE WITH -- -- PR:V/:'.TE OFFICES 15>( J 5 ~2 2 5 5 " I 2 5 FOL Dr N4 voce SECR.e TA~Y 10.. 20 200 ~ 1,200 r----- I, 152 PRJVATE OFFICES 12'" 12 144- 8 f---- C:;ECJ:i:ETA~Y 12", 12 144 8 I. 152 STORA(j& 1 2 )( 2D 240 3 720 ~ cot-J FE~Et--!CE ROOM 20>( 40 800 , 800 L15RA~Y 20 >( 30 ~oo I ~oo <;TORA4E 30 x: 30 900 I '100 Dl'PLIC..1TIO~ 3D'l(30 qoO I '100 8," 4 q g-q4 ct,843. CITY/COU"-!TY -l-lbALTI-I PJ;?/VATE OFFICE- 12 l( 12 144 I 144 Z~D FLOOR CJ. ):: . i::;CE-?TjCI.JI<; I /";EC~I:TAeY 10>< IS , 50 , /50 IF ELEY.1TOt? AVAIL W O~I( ~COM 20 x. I 5 300 1 300 ABLE. P~I'/ATE TOlltTS 4.. 5 20 2 40 STORAG' E 10.,. 12 120 3 1~O G~OUP OFFICES 20')( 20 400 2- 800 "P)( lVATE CO~FEI<OlCE RC0M 10.. 10 100 I 100 . E)(AMlt-JaT1Ot-.!. ROCM 12'" 12 144 I 144 ur IL 'TY L(ITC+lE~ '2 )( 15 180 I 180 COIJ;:HENC( rOOM fEYE TESTIt.!c:i 20 '#. 25" 500 I 500 2,718 271 2,QB'l. CIVIL DEFENSE- l<ECEPT10~I'5T 14 l< 20 280 I 280 cD. VEPT. co~- DI~ECTOg'S OFFICE- ll')( 20 240 I 240 TAI/.!EP WIT-..) !~ A<;;';ISTA~T'S OFFICI;; 12>c 14 I ~8 I 1fs,8 CO'-.!T~CL C ::.l!TEf 01 STOF1'A~E ZO x 30 600 I (;,00 F'r!.CM 0, ccc. TO .11288 128 1,41~. 12, COCo SQ. FT. ALL LOCAT ED II-! BAS eMEt-.! T. --------~-~------------ --- = -----~------------- DEPAflTM~NTAL 'SPAC[; 2I;QUIIl~MENT~ DEPARTMENT QOOM 012. ACTIVITY DIMHJ - AR~A NU.M8Ei C;U B - TOTALS 10 % FO~ TOTAL SPACE I2EMA~k:':; <; lONe; T~U<; WALL HOU1RED FO~ lAPPROX:) T~l(nIHS DEPA12TMENT COL't-!.TY COMMj<;SICl-ltl?'5 * COMMI'SC; IOl.t g.;' eCCM 20)( 2~ 520 I 520 * PO~~II!>LY COULD ----- ------- -- - P \< IYATE OFFICE 12'" 10 120 I J 2 0 ';H'\~;; wITJ.1 CITY -- -- TOILI:T gOOM / COAT <SPACE ~ ><. 12 72 I 72 CCMA~ ,';S' ION 712. 71 783 .._-~ ~--~ ----------. . . LOCATE CLOSE TO CLE.U/TIZEAS.,1 Hl4. IF SPACE <;~IH'ED WITt! CITY-HjE~ UQ, 3 CFF,- IZl()2::4s2 WEI;D CONTROL PR IVATE OFFICE 12 >< IS 180 I 180 we R K: ~OOM IS'" 20 3~O I 3~O STOI2.A<::;E ~)( t,;; 3'- I 3~ S7iP 57 ~ '3 3 POS TAL CENTER WOQ.~ ~OCM 1'5 x. ZS- 375" I 37S 37 4 I 2 CCLlt...!TY E~Cl/>..!EEf? SECI2ETAI2Y 15)( 15 225 I 225 E~GI/-.!EEg 12 >< 15 /80 I 180 DI2.AFTI~C eCOM 20 >( 30 ~oo I ~oo Vf..ULT 12)( 12 /4-4 I 144 I} 14~ 114 I, 2. ~ 3. CO()~TY SC-HOOl 'SuPT. PT2tVA TE OFFICE 12 x 15 180 I \80 ~~CE'PTIO~15T / SECJ<fT.6I?Y 12 )( 15 180 I 180 WOEK 'ROOM 18X 20 3~O I 3~O VAULT 8)( 10 80 I 80 STCfA4e:- 8)( 10 80 I 8e 880 88 9~8 I I -p~toTOc;TAT W02.K ROOM - - - 300 ~ ---- f-- _.~~ 1--- -- N . . - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - '- DEPA2TM~NTAL ~PAC(; Tl.b:QUII2.~M~NT~ DEP~RTMENT QOOM O~ ACTIVITY DIMEN - ~~EA NUMBEr SUS- TOTALS 10 % FO~ TOTAL SPACE Q~MARj(~ . C; 10N~ T~U<) WALL HOUIRED FOr. (Appwi) T~IC~~ESS DfPAl2TMENT COul'-!TY TRtASl!RI::1( ~_LIC SHV/Cf 4 WOgt ~OOM 20)( 25 500 J 500 FI ~ST FLOCg ~...--- ~-- ----- PI21Vt..T-E- 6FFIC€- 10'< 12 120 I 120 --- f-- *' MAC~lfJE ~OOM 20)( 2D 400 1 400 * S}jUE wIT~ --- CLHK d AS:)E<;"O~ VAUL..T 30>< 40 1,200 , I,ZOO -- --- - --- 2,220 222 2,440. YtI-lICL~ DEPT. 'PUBLIC St:I2VIC-& I 2 >( 30 3~O I 3~O FlgST FLeeR --- f---- Pl2:/VAT& OFFIC~ 8)( 10 80 1 80 - TALi STORt..<:;E 10>< 20 200 I 200 -- - ~40 c04 704. ~f.~lSTt:R OF PUDS PL'BLIC SfEVICf ~ wo~~ ROOM 2/4, x 28 72S I 728 lOCATE C LO<;"E fa PRIVATE OFFIC E 10>< I Z 120 I /2.0 COU~TY CLEI2l:: t:.l?>ST1::ACTCRS' rOCM 10 )( 18 /80 \ 180 VlIULT IS ><'44 (g(#O I 0~O. 1,~88. 1~8 1,8 5~. CoVt-.lTY CLEer 4 t:.SSE'550e PUBLIC SU'YICf 4 wo~~ FOOM 2.0 )C 2 5 500 I 500 LOCATE; ON p~IVArE OFFICE 12 )<( r~ /'12 I r <::J 2 FIIC:'ST FLcce '* MACf..lI~E tOOM --- - - DE PUTY CL.~ J2t: /2 >< , 2 14 ~ I /44 * REI TI2 EAS. AS<;E-S<;O~ 12")( 15 180 \ 180 WOI(IC l<COM \8 x 30 540 , 5" 40 t 13 COULD B~ ON .t VAU L T 20 )< 45 900 \ 900 A~CT~ER LEVEL rEF. ~EI.!.. USE AHA$ 2,45~ 245 2,70 1 PlCOBt:.T& JUDc;E- ~ECEPT)CfJ I won' I?OQM 20>< 20 400 I 400 tlKST FLue ~ ~/..J- COU~T ~OOM 20 >( 2~ 520 I 520 L.~SS ELEV. t.\,jl~-6U JUDG E'S OFFIC E 12 >< I ~ '''2 I ''12 pgOB~TIONAl OFF/CER(oS) 12 )( I~ I 'f '2 Z 384 VAULT I~ l( 48 7~13 I 7~8 . 2,2 ~4 22~ 2,49 O. - \0.1 ------------------- DEPAI2TM~NTAL ~PAC(; Tl~QUIlZJ~M(;NT<; DEPARTMENT QOOM O~ ACTIVITY DIMEN - AREA NUMSn C::;UB- TOT~LS 10 % FOg TOTAL SPACE rt:MA~I(':; SIONt:; T~U., W~ll HOUI~ED FO~ UPPROX~) TWIO:NE~S DE PAInMENT COl'NTY ATTO~~EY ~ECEPTlO~'ST r 2 )C 15 180 I \ 80 C O~y'E ~IEtJT TO ----- ---- --.- -- -- WOK'/( ROOM 18 )( 20 3~O I 3~O COURTS' COUN TY' 4TTO~NEy' 12)( '2 144 , /44 --~- -- '---- ----- >---- -- DEPUTY ~TTOFt-IEVS <) K 12 108 3 324 ----- I. 108. '/008 100 CLfRI( OF VIST12\CT CCVHS l'l!BLlC <;;'EI?VICf.f W02K 200M 25)( 30 750 I 750 (IIolCL, CCMMOIJ. FACILI TicS C~ILD .,LlPPO~T 4 ~OOIn::EEPIN(J" - IZ )( 25 300 / 300 FOR ALL C.OU~TS.) f'Q IV"Tf OFF ICE 12 )t 15 186 r 180 TOfU: I 5 ><. 4 20 J 20 . VAULT 30 )( 45 1.350 I 1,350 <5To2A4f FOE COun ~x+lIBITS I S x 15 225 I 225 . P~OSPEcrlvr JU2CR WAITI/I!4 l8 x ZO 3~0 I 3~O COU~T LI5RARY 18 )( 24 432 I 432 LAWYER-S' LOLIIJ~ E 10 l( 10 100 I 100 TOILET ~ x 8 48 I 48 c.eLL 8)(.10 80 I 80 3,~45 384- 4~ 2 2 ~. 1/1t;TJ(/CT CuL'I2TS (VIV. I ~ DIv,rr) COURT J:?OOM 30 }( 40 1,200 2 2,400 JUD(JS'S OFF IC_ 15 >< 15 225 2 450 cotJFn'E~CE ~OOM 12 lC 2/ 2.52 2 5"04 COU~T ?EPO~Te~ 12 )( 12 144- Z 288 ~EC E?TIOIo.! ISI 12 I< IZ 144 2. 288 101 LET 5 )( 4 20 2 40 WITNESSEti' ROO/Y\ 10 l( 2.0 zoo Z 400 JU k'Y ROOM 12 >( 18 21~ Z 432 TOILET> 4 x. 5 20 4 80 AT ,0f(~EY~' ROOM'5 lOX 10 100 4 400 5,282 528 5,810. (FUTURl; DIVI<;JOI-l. :m) ALL ROO M, S SAME AS 'DIVS.I4.rr 2/, 2. I 252- (2/773.) ~ ------------------- DEPAI2TM~NTAL ~PACI; 1lI;QUI2~MI;NT<; DEPARTMENT Q.OOM OQ. ACTiVITY DIMEN - AIlEA NUMSn SUB-TOT.US 10 % FO~ TOTAL SPACE l( EMh.H:<; S IONt; T ~ 0<; W6.LL HOUI~ED FO~ I\APPROX:) Tl4l(nlt~S DE PAI2TMENT (FUTURE "FAMILY COl!RT") cou In ROOM 30 x 40 1,200 I 1,200 *SPAL:/!S CUT - ---- .----.---------------- -----.. ----~---- e---____ fOR THI~ * JU'D4E4:> OFFICE I; )( 15 2Z5 1 225 LINEP ---------..----- ----- >--- c:;oc IAL WO~KEI2S' DFFICE 5 10 )( '2 120 4 480 CCW~T AJi~E OI.lLY ---..-----.-----.--------- f--- --,-- f---- -- ~Ef'OJ(TEg I Z J( 12 14-4 I 144 SPECULllTrvE, AS -----------.------- .-.-.- f-------- ---.--- --- ~---- ----- LEC;ISlATIO~ JI~s 12ECEPTIO"!./ST /2 x j 2 144 I 144 - ------ r--- _. ~OT YET BEEII! TOILET 4-" 5 20 I 20 -. '----- --- -- ESTA!LI~I-lep. WIT~S'5SES JO '" 20 200 I 200 ---.. ------------------_.------- --- --~~ JURY 12 " 18 2.1~ I 21~ -_. ---------------- -- -- 40 TOILETS 4'" 5" 20 2 ATTOJ?NEY~' -- -- ----- --- ROOMS 10 x /0 100 J 100 - -- 3,04 5. 2., 7 ~ , 27(, t------- GOllNTY WI:LfAI2E OfFICE ~ E C f PT I 0 tJ 1ST 20 >< 2 2 44-D I 440 . S TE )...!O~l?APH Ie "POOL I B l( 24 432 I 432 -- -- FISCAL "DEPT. 18 ~ /8 324 I 324 ---~----_. ------ ------ -- FilE ~OOM 9 >< 34 30G I 30(, ~- SU'PPLIES J 2 )( 14 I~B I 1(,8 DI2ECTC2'S OF Fie E I Z lC 12 /44 I 144 SOCIAL WORKERS' OFFICES 10 x 1'2 /20 10 I,ZOO 3,0 ,~ 301 3,3 1 ~. ----_._-- -~-- -- A.:;~ICULTU~Al. EqnlSlotl CDuAlCIL ~ECEPTIO~ ~OOM 20 )( 2 5 500 , ~oo --- STO~AGE 4 WO~I( lWOM 20 )( 20 400 I 400 4L; ~IC Ul T URAL AGE t-!T 15")( 18 Z7C I Z70 sTORA<::iE 8)( /0 80 I 80 CLUB AC:::;E~T I 2 )( 2.0 240 I 240 "5T012A~' to x 12 120 I /20 HOME fC Ol.!6MICS AGE~TS IS- )( 20 300 I 300 ~ STORAcCE 12 )It 1'2 144- I 144 SOIL TE~TI~~ LABORAT02"( 8 x 10 80 1 80 - MEfTl"-IC (DEMo~SnATIO~) J(~OM 30 x 32 ~~O I 'i~C 3, 0 'f 4 30'1 3A03. - . --- m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -., DE:PArzTM~NTAL SPACI; ll~QUII2.~M~NT<; D!iPARTMENT 'K.OOM Ok? ACTIVITY DIAAEN - AR~A NUMBH SUB-TOTALS 10% FJt: TOTAL SPACE Q t. N\J~ H. C; ') ION~ T ~O<) Nj,LL HOUI~ED FOt:: I\bPPROX-) TkICl(NEs-S Df PAQTfr\EN T cOUIJTY CO\?OI-.!ER P~IVATE OFFICE 12 l( 12 144 I 144 ~-- .. _.'____________ ___ __.__....____. 0- _.__ ----- - - u_.._ - -- - --ee - ------ -----".-- STORAG€ 'S )( 10 80 I r--- -- _H__ -_. ---- ---- .~_._._---- ~- ----..--- -- ---- -- -.-----_...._-- --- ---- 224 22 24~ t"----- - ----- ----- --- - ---- ------- ------- ---.-- -------- _-__.-0 __ --- --.-.- ..- _____u_ .__ _.______ --- -- ------- 4UIV.A~E CE~TE2 WAIT/~4 12 oeM I" x 20 320 , 320 ~------- - --- --_.-_.--._------ -_._- ._------_.. --..- ~._---"_..- ---_.----- ------- ~---_.- Sl::C~ETA~If"S 15 >( 20 300 I .300 ~--------------o--- ______ ------~-- --._-_.~. -- -- ---- ------ --- ---- --- - ---------- ~-----.- ------ - PRIVI.Tt; OFFICES 10>< 14- /40 8 L , 20 f----------------- -------- ------ ------------------ ----.---- ------ ~--- --- -- -, ---- .---.-- --- 0_- COI'-JFeRE/oJCE ROOM 12 }( 24 I~S I 1~8 ------------- -- --------- ---- -- ---- ----.- --- ---------- --~- ---- ~---- OBSEI2VAT/Ol-! PLAY ROOM 12><:24 1~8 I 1~8 __n_______________o______ ----- ----- -------- 2,07~ 207 2, 283 .--_____________________ _n_______ _______ _Om ----------- _______ 00- ___0_____- -- ------ f-------- -- - -- ---- --- - -------- ~----o--- _ -------- --.-------- ----- ---- ---- POLICE DEPAPTMH1T L 0BBY 12.>< 15 I 80 \ C~-iEF'~ OFFIC-E--------- ---- ----- - ----._- .---- 12", '5 I 130 I -,-------- ---------------- ------- ~- --.--- ------ -----.----- ----- REC CRDS DIVI'; JON 3 I )( 3 I I --:---- ---- --- ----- ----~-- ---- --- ---- j U V EN! L E OFFICEeS 28 )( 28 784 , - ----- ---------- --~--~- ----c------:--- --- ----. ____0__- POL; CE COL!j(T SUliE 32 >< 32 1,024 I -- --- DETECTIVE$' 32)( 43 1,3 7~ I -------------------- PHOTO, FI~tERP12INT It LAB 31 " 3 I 9~ I I ~-~ ---- ----- -- CAf?A6E 2.5 )< 25 , ------ -- f- -- BAS EMH1T 53 "- 53 2,80 I) I ------ -,- ----- * ESTiMATE *" JAIL ,4,. 5+ 2,4] I ~ -- -- 1----- - 'D1~PATCI_.jER~ OFfiCE 20 >( 2 0 400 , 1-- ------ --- BOO ~ I~C DESk: 12 )( 12 144 -- u I-JI F' orvt. PATROL 6 HAFFIC PIV. '-5")< ~o 3,~OO I --t- 1t"lW 1,(,2 (, I 7, 88&. -- t---- _0 ----- ~---- ---- - . - - . -- -- - -- ----- _-0------ ----- ----- 1------- ~------- i' -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEPARTMENTAL RELATIONSHIPS & INFORMATION 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C<XJNTY CQ.tMISSIONERS .As Symbolical and to a large extent Actual Head of County Government, this space should be located in a position of prominence. Should be convenient to the Public. It is important that the County Clerk be on a ~irst floor location, and the Clerk should be adjacent to the Commissioners Room, therefore, the Commissioners Room should be located on the first floor. Departmental Personnel: 3 men Visitors: Some days there are no visitors at all, and on other days there may be as high as 50 persons. Occasionally there are as many as 50 visitors at one time. The County Attorney should have an office convenient to the Commissioners. If the County population reaches 100,000. there would need to be a "Counselor" to the Commissioners in addition to the County Attorney. Some time in the remote future it could be possible that the County would change to the County Manager system of government. It is possible that the City and County Commissioners could share the same meeting room. If this were done, the County Commissioners would require 3 private offices, (one each). County Commissioners meet on Monday-Wednesday and Friday now. It is possible that in the future they might meet daily. Should be conveniently related to: County Clerk County Audi tor County Engineer Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations.) ! , , i ( COMMIC::;C;\O~EJ~C;' 'KOOM \ \ \ ~~ ~/ ------ --."~--~ ~.. 8 COR lZ ID012 0, LO'e,y~ 18 I I CCUNTY ENGINEER' I I I Can be located on either first or second floor. Departmental Personnel: 5 to 7 men 1 woman Visitors: Ranges from a low of 2 persons per day to a high of 8 persons per day. If population increases it is possible that an elected Surveyor might be required. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Should be conveniently related to: County Commissioners Cdunty Clerk Register of Deeds Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) '" " " --------'--'-.... "', ~. ~ f ~-- ",/ " / ~/ VRAFTI~4 ~OOM - ~.- ---+- " \ \ \\ C02RID012 QR L08&Y , , I / / / I / ,/ /' 19 I I COUNTY TREASURER and VEHICLE REGISTRATION I Heavy volume of visitors makes a first floor location important. I Departmental Personnel: Treasurer - 2 men 8 to 12 women Vehicle - 10 women I Visitors: Treasurer - ranges from a low of 15 persons per day to a high of SOO persons daily. I Vehicle - ranges from a low of 50 persons per day · to a high of 700 persons daily. I Vehicle department must be convenient to the Public, but does not re- quire direct connection to County Treasurer. I Possible future changes in taxing methods could result in changes in space requirements. I Could share common machine room with County Clerk and Assessor.. This department frequently directs visitors to the CITY CLERK during tax season. I (SEE DIAGRAM ON FOLLOWING SHEET.) I I I I I I I I I 20 ------------------- Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations.) ..----._'--... /' ---."" .( M.~~~~~E t--.-- \ I /'''_' )1.'-."-''--.. '''',''' ~r ' 'x' ~ \ ) I / Im.~",\ V~UlT . t.- /. I I I ! / I / ~'-i ;//- /~~ (CLE~K~ DEl'~~~ r-t WO'K'l QOOM C.LE~K J \ X ..-- '..... '------- -' r:c~/ \ CLH~ J "-- X ~~. -)( '-",; / \ ~ 1"/ \ CO.MM'~S'CNHB' I "--..... , \ ROOM / "-. \. \ '~ ./ ~2JVATf)' .......... - __ OFFIC/ G~~~ " " " ! , !\) t-' I r A<;~E,,;c;OgS \ WORt:: ~()OM. \ '" '",. "- C Cg~IPO~ LCBBY Oil VAL!Lf \ ~ " '>/ \------." , '" 'f. \ f , i I \ I T~EASLlRE12~ \ I I \ WO~i( 'l.OCM I \ ! \, / '- / "^- ~/ / "'------ ------ ~, 8 'C:LE REj \ ' \ / \ / / ../' '-----.-.--- I I COUNTY CLERK and COUNTY ASSESSOR I I A first floor location is important. Departmental Personnel: 3 men 6 to 9 women I Visitors: Ranges from a low of no visitors on some days to a high of 100 persons per day. Could share common machine room with County Treasurer. I I If County Population reaches 65,000. the County Assessor would be a separate department. Require occasional use of a committee room seating 50 persons. This room could be shared with other departments. I Should be conveniently related to: County Treasurer City Clerk City Treasurer County Commissioners I (SEE DIAGRAM - PRECEDING SHEET.) I I I I I I I I . I I 22 I I REGISTER OF DEEDS I Should be convenient to the County Clerk, otherwise a .econd floor location is satisfactory. I . Departmental Personnel: 4 to 5 women I I Visitors: Ranges from a low of 5 persons per day to a high of 25 persons per day. Register of Deeds' Private Office should be positioned to permit observation of Vault. I I Because of permanent nature of records that must be kept, expansion possibility is mandatory, in work area and especially in vault. Growth of this department will be dependent on population growth. I Should be conveniently related to: County Clerk County Engineer City Clerk Bill Paying Agencies Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations.) I I I (\ ( VAULT ) , I \ I \ />,~ . / /./\------X \ I I \ \ "- "--. , i i '. I \ \ I I I i WOg ~ ReOM , \ , / /' .,,---' CCR.l(IVO~ O~ LDEBY . I 23 I I PROBATE JUDGE I I . If an elevator is provided a second floor location will be satisfactory. Departmental Personnel: 2 to 4 men 2 to 4 women I Visitors: Ranges from a low of 25 persons per day up to a high of 50 to 100 persons per day. Court room must be separate and private. I Should have expansion space within Vault because of permanent nature of records which are kept. Should be conveniently related to: Register of Deeds County Clerk County Treasurer I I Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side loca tions.) I I I' I I --------- ---......"- '....~ ~-... ,/." '- .........., " \, \ \ " ,.-/" I VAULT .. \ \ J 1 1 .I / J I I I I I " " -- , --,-,_/~//" LOJ?>Sy I' ~--_._-- /- -'~'- / "" ,,' "'", / '. ,/~ . .. / i / ' \ COURT ~OOM I \ t \ k~ ~ ( PROBATE , JUDGE 24 I I COUNTY ATTORNEY I I I Departmental Personnel: 4 men 1 to 2 women Design should de~initely permit ~uture e~nsion if required. Increase in County population would increase work and space requirement of department. Even if population does not increase, work load, and consequently space requirements will increase. I Should be conveniently related to: County Law Library District Courts City Court Room A conference rOOM. I I Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) I I I I I I I I o I I ~_._-_. .// ,/ Jl OOM .----------- ~ CGiRR IDOf< Otl. LOBBY I 25 I I I DISTRICT COURTS The courts serve all people, including handicapped, and have a large volume of public use. Therefore a first floor location is important. I Each Court Room should provide for from 50 to 75 spectators. I It is imperative that the Courts Suite be planned for expansion: It is very likely that a third division of the District Courts will be required by 1980. Some time in the foreseeable future it is anticipated that a "Family Court" will be authorized. I Clerk of the District Court is considered to be a part of the Court Suite. I I The space relationship diagram below is for a typical Division of the Court. Facilities that serve all divisions of the Court are shown as a part of this diagram, but would not be repeated for each division. I Departmental space relationships: q -"---/ (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) I I I I -~------._-~ ------- COURT J200M ...........,"-....., \"'> I I I ,/"~\ (p<omen" \ \ I ~~:~~,<?- I ! CORRIDOR 1 /~ (' ~, G: ~--- ) / - '" / // "/' / ,/ // " ,.' I . /,,/ (CL EI2k:. OF \ -----t DISTRICT courT) \,~ 26 OR L05BY I I I a..ERK of the DISTRICT COORT I Is an integral part of the District Court Suite. Locate on first floor. I Departmental Personnel: 4 to 7 women ) I Visitors: R&~es from a low of 25 or SO visitors per day up to a high of ISO persons per day. I Should have easy access to all District Court Rooms. Should have approximately one employee per 15,000. population. I I Due to the permanent nature of records kept in this department, there should be expansion space within the yault to accommodate anticipated needs for life of building. Should be conveniently related to: County Clerk County Treasurer I Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) I I - ..~. I I \ \ \ .-'--- ..~, /'"'~ ........."'...... " " I I I I I ; r I ~ \ I. WOI2k: ROOM , \ \ +---- } I J l / ,// V AU. L T '-" ---- COI( ~IDO~ 01. L.OP> BY I 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I WELFARE DEPARTMENT High percentage of aged visit this department. There~ore, it should be located on the first ~loor unless an elevator is available. Departmental Personnel: I man 15 to 20 women Visitors: Ranges ~rom a low o~ 5 persons per day up to a high of 50 persons daily. Should have access ~rom the exterior o~ the building. Should be located in a somewhat "out-of-the-way" part o~ the project to a~~ord privacy to visitors. Requires a Conference Room ~or about 25 persons. Can share a room with other departments. Should be conveniently related to: Guidance Center Probate Court Probational O~~icer o~ Juvenile Court Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) ~H>!U~2A'~1C /~ POOL / \ ~. ...------ '.-. ..4' ....~ ~/ ./ " / '\ \ f' R I VA T E 0 F F iC E S FOR soe IAL WO~KE2S ~/ FI<;Cll.L OFFICE: C 0R ~lV0R 01< l08 p.y 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CCXJNTY SUPERINTBNDRNT OF SOIOOLS Second floor location is satisfactory Departmental Personnel: I man I woman Visitors: Ranges from a low of 3 persons per day to a high of 10 persons per day. Occasional visits by groups of 20 or more persons at one time. Could share a conference room with other departments. The position of County Superintendent is not clear at the present due to the pending developments in the School District Unification program. Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a d.sirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side I locations. ) 02 LOB8Y 29 I I PHOTOSTAT I Could be on either first or second floor. Departmental Personnel: 1 man I Serves the Register of Deeds office. I Equipment is privately owned, but is located in Court House because it is directly related to Court House activities. I If a building project develops, the possibility of a different system should be studied; one possibility would be the addition of micro-film equipment. I Another possibility for study would be the establishment of a central room or department of duplication center for the entire governmental complex. This "Center" would, or could, include equipment for: Photostat Blueline printer "Xerox", (or equal) Multilith (and/or mimeograph) Etc. This type of department was not studied in depth at this time due to the limitations of this report, and because it would require policy decisions on the part of both governments. Also, there were mixed reactions from department heads when the idea was proposed. I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COUNTY WEED CONTROL This departaent serves farmers with supplies of certain chemicals which are sometia.s packaged in 100 lb. bags. A first floor location would facilitate the handling of these bags. If an elevator were provided, perhaps a second floor location would be satisfactory. If the Weed Control warehouse were located wi thin a block of the Weed Control O~fice, there would be no need for Checking out chemicals at this ~'fice. Departmental Personnel: 4 men ( su...er) 1 wOlII&n (suamer) 3" men (winter) 1 woman (winter) Visitors: Ranges from a low of 5 persons per day to a high of 12 persons per day. Should be located with other County Of~ices for convenience to public. Should be conveniently related to: County Agriculatural Agent , Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) ~-..........., (PRIVATE \ OFFICE \ \ " ......--... C~ LOBJil.Y 31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I AGRICULnTRAL EXTENSION COUNCIL Departmental Personnel: 2 to 3 men 4 to 5 women Requires a Meetino Room/Demonstration Room seating 75. This room would be needed about 85% o~ the time, but could be shared with other departments when not in use. Plat~or. should have a demonstration kitchen. . Should be conveniently related to: Weed Control Office Departmental Space Relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) (LUB \,;\(i&NT \ , r;::.) \ AGEI.l~~' ) \ . / "~ ; / ------ ./..--_.,---...,.~ ,i"r- / .1// '\ ." " .' \ . \ I \ i \ \ ;J i i j , i \ I \ ~\ '" "'-~, .,,'" -'--, .--/ 1'------..... PEMOt-!STRATION All! J) MEET 11\14 1200M / ./ , ,.- // OR LOBBY 32 I I COUNTY GUIDANCE CENTER I Should be located for visitors "privacy". I I Departmental Personnel: 6 men 5 women Will probably be expanded to serve 3 or 4 counties. I Waiting room should provide for 15 persons. About a fourth of the Waiting Room should be designed as a children's play area. Waiting room should be closed from Secretaries and Receptionist, with access for conversation through a window. I Soundproofing, (control of sound from one room to another), is vital in this department. I Conference Room should seat 16 persons, and should have facilities for movies, and chalkboard demonstration. I Provide "two-way" mirror for observation of play room. I Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) I (:---9 : ~~} ~A '~ ( -....,---. \ . \ ,/ ---"\ (//---'\ (~---"'\ //----..,\ _T)E )1 ;F)S-jc):i ;jl \ ~<~-=-=-:c::::--=--"~:::::::::::- ... - '- --' _."- - I I ....."'. '---...: ..... I I I I I - --------- // ;' 'y/ ! ( H c. EPTIONIS~--i w 1. I T \ ~ cJ \ <;E;C~nARY 'j " , / "-"'---.,/ ~'_.-.- ------- / ". --. / " ( O.<E~VATIO~\1 .~ / ---"',", \ PLh Y ~OCM / \ \ / , ". / /""'-----.l COl--lFEREhlC"\ "~ , --/ ' ) __----==r---- " . // ~R j;? IDD g OR LOB ~------..\-----/ I 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COUNTY COO ON ER ... Departmental Personnel: 4 to 5 persons New law requires a Pathologist for Coroner. Will serve four counties. Need storage for records and personal effects. 34 I I POSTAL CENTER I I I I I I - Should be centrally located to be convenient to all departments. Located convenient to an entrance ror delivery and dispatch of mail. Present Court House has room approximately 10 x 14 ror this purpose. A room somewhat larger could probably serve both governments. If a building program is decided upon, it would be well to investigate the possibility of establishing a branch post office. ' The Register of Deeds Ofrice states that deeds require a Federal Revenue Stamp to be affixed on the deed. If a Postal Sub-Station were in the project, it would be a convenience service to the public. Departmental space requirements: Assume 2 women. Mailing Center should include: Service for incoming mail "Pigeon holes" for departmental mail Outgoing lI&il I I I I I I I I I I I 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CI'IY / CaJNTY HBALm Seeond .floor location is satisfactory if an elevator is provided. Departmental Personnel: S to 10 lien S to 10 wollen Visitors: Range. fro. a low o.f 2 persons daily to a high of 2S to 50 persons. Serve .from 300 to 400 persons per day .for special clinics or inoculation services. Growth o.f department dependent on 'population growth. Probably add three persons .for each 10,000 o.f pop~lation growth. Should be conveniently related to: Most departments, b~t none especially. Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) ~- , \ -,"----- ./ f~eCEPT'Q..t) -----__ f <SEe R.ETARY ---1 i wo~~ ~OOM \ /--\ -"", . \ COi-!FE~&IIlCE 'i.OOM. .. VISIOIJ TE'T CO~RIDOQ OR. L081!>Y 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY / COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE A Civil De~.nse or Emergency Control Center should be located in the basement o~ ~e proposed project, and the Civil Defense Of~ice should be contained wi~in the Control Center. Provide a ~allout protecti~n factor o~ 8. Control center would include survival ~&cilities including sleeping, eating, o1'fices; toilets, etc. Departmenltal Personnel: 2 men 3 women DePartmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side loca tions. ) ~~-----~........----,,,,",,,, ~ .~ /~~ ,~... /' -"-. /., / " .-' / -' , ,. .i ) I . f J . ; ~ \ \ ~ EME~GENCY '-._, ',,-- "'"--,.... -", ~-- /i ; J -_. .~--> CO"-lTROL CEt-lTE~ "'"' ..../ --~ ---- ...---.---.....-.".. ...~ --- "- ,. '. " ~\. \ , \ , \ . i j ( I / ; J I ;' / / /// -' / .;,r 37 I I I C I T Y COM MIS S ION E R S I I I Symbolical and Actual head of City Government, should therefore be in a position o~ proainence. City Manager is a servant or the Board o~ City Commissioners, and as such should be in a somewhat less prominent posi- tion than the City Commissioners' Meeting Room. Departmental Personnel: 5 City Commissioners serving for short periods each week. Other participants in City Commission meetings are members o~ other City Departments, and do not as such add to the total building personnel. I I I Visitors: Requires spectator seating for up to 100 persons. Average number of visitors or spectators is rrom 12 to 14. Perhaps a room could be developed that would provide normal seating ror 20 spectators, but expandible to accommodate 100, the expansion space normally being used ror a conrerence room or other purposes. At some indeterminate time in the future, it is possible that the number of commissioners could be increased to perhaps 9 or 11 persons. Should be conveniently related to: City Manager City Attorney City Engineer I I I I Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) ~.-~ " ~-. " '" " I I I 1// I l I ----.., ,,~ ..-..... , , J i I CITY CO MM I';S I OI\!E RC; MEETI~4 ROOM . \ \ \ \ --- '. \1 \ '. ',-, " .'''---- / CITY MM!ACE2'~ 0:; UIT E CITY EJ...!41J..lEE:RI~~ "E 'PlI12T ME f,! T /,...- -- C.ORl<.:lDOR OR LOBBY .~./ .' . \ .\ - ,/ ---~-_._--~-~ 38 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I C I T Y MANAGBR As administrative head of the City Govern..nt, this department should be located in a position of proainence in the building. Departmental Personnel: 1 to 2 men 1 to 2 wo~n Visitors: Ranges from an average low average high of 12 or 15. numbering up to 30 persons at one time.) of 8 persons daily to an (Occasionally a large group will visit the City Manager Growth of this depar~ment would be dependent on population increase, and/or increase in the activities of the department. Anticipated sometime in the future is an Assistant City Manager and a second Secretary. Should be conveniently related to: City Clerk Ci ty Attorney City Co.mi.sioners Meeting Room City Engineering and Planning Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles in- dicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corrido~ or side-by-side locations.) '\ ---i- C I T Y I ; \ COMM l.;srO~E~S \ \ .-",' ----------~ COR~IDOe O~ j + -- '7 . "- .,/ ------- .-" / / LO BB "T' 'i<... '\ / 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY CLERK and CITY TRBASURER Voters must register in this office, which implies a large volume of visitors, (including the elderly and handicapped). Therefore, a location on the first tloor is important. Departaental Personnel: 2 to 3 men 6 to 9 women Visi tors: Ranges from a low of 50 persons daily up to as many as 1000 during election registration periods. Tbe addition of a Purchasing Agent is anticipated in the future. , People frequently visit this office to get inforaation that is only avail- able at the County Court House. If the two governments were closer to- gether or in the s... building it would be more convenient and less irri- tating to the public. Should be conveniently related to: City Water County Clerk These two departments could share a common Reception Room with the City Water and Sewage Department. Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) VAULT /t- i , i THASLlREI2'5 \ we'i.K. ROOM , ",,---- ----- //~_/ CORJ;?JDOE:: J I ! Olt LOBBY 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cl:TY WATBR DBPARTMBNT A very heavy voluae o~ visitors, (including the handicapped), .akes a first floor location iaportant. A "drive-in" service window should be provided - another reason for a location on the first floor. Departaental personnel: 2 ..n 12 woaen 3 servicelllen who coae and go tbroughout the day 4. meter readers who COIle in one time daily Visitors: Ranges fro. a low of 127 persons daily to a high of 561. Should be conveniently related to: City Clerk and City Treasurer City Bngineer City Director of Utilities Could share a reception room with City Clerk aDd Treasurer. Departmental space relationships: (A line be~n two circles indicates -& desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locatioDs. ) ~~.. ! t.1Cc,OLJNTJJ.Jc::4 \ .............. """ .~. \ \ ---....., . ( SUPPLIES \ \\ \ '--..-' \ -~.,/ "-.........._----~...-,... C02RI'DOR o~ LOBES\(\ 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY BNGINRRRING DBPARTMENT (Engineer, PlAnner, Inspection, Dir. Utilities) Departaent&l Personnel: 14 men 2 wollen Visi tors: Ranges 1'rom a low 01' IS persons da.ily to a high 01' 45. Should definitely be planned for expansion. Should be conveniently related to: City Manager City Clerk Ci ty Water and Sewage Could share a conference room with other departments. Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenie~t relationship, either by corridor, or side~by-side , locations.) , ___ ~ ../i ~ 'r " ........ _,_/r' ~._._..~. ~lO~ J'-'~ -_.._~-----.... ""'- -"" ......... V~AFTI~4 ' P.OOM i \ \ I I I I I I / ( l'~I"'TI"'~ I '"" --< /~ .r- ____.,',\ (CITY ) ~S!STA~T \ n!CIa.!EE2 \ ~~4'NEE12 ) \ I x / /' '~'f-~_/ \\. -. '-.. L .... ..... ..,...... ..,.............. ..;...-- '. .~ '" -,,: ~ eCEPTIOt..! ROOM J c:;eCIZ.ETAR,JE-SJ A~D I, MA P<s , \ / ,/ ( DIRECTOe \ OF UTILITIES: .~ . -~~_.-/ 'Y'" I n.!SPECTIJ..!.C ) \ OFJ:1CE~ \ / '" .,/ ~._~. 42 I I C I T Y ATTORNEY I Second floor location satisfactory. I I I Departmental Personnel: 2 men 1 woman Should have convenient access to County Law Library. Could share a Conference Room with other departments. Should be conveniently related to: City Manager City Clerk I Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, ei- ther by corridor, or side-by-side 10- ca tions. ) I I I I I I ',,- I I / .1 I I _.~.._- ~Q. o. lC~';,\ I 43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C I T Y COURT A second ~loor location is satisfactory. Departmental Personnel: 3 men 6 WODlen Visitors: Irregular. Storage and Work areas for the Clerk of the City Court should be expandible, because o~ the necessity o~ keeping Court Records, and due to increased number of court case. as the population expands. It is not likely t~t the actual Court Room space requirements will vary during the l~e of the building. Court Room should have space ~or 12 man jQry. Seat 100 spectators. Should be conveniently related to: County Attorney County Sheriff De~rtmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, f either by corridor, or side-by-side locations.) .. "~ r / J''''; CITY COU~T ~OOM \ \" '.._~",. ~ CO~'KIDOJ:; Of LOlH3Y 44 - I I I I I ".t,. ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY RECREATION DEPARTMENT This departaent serves many elderly persons in "Gol<len Years" prograas etc., and therefore a first floor location would be: desirable, but not manda tory. Departmental Personnel: 2 men 2 women Department needs use of a meeting room to accommodate 50 persons, ap- proximately 8 times per month. This room could be shared with other departments. There is an occasional need for a meeting room to accommodate 100 persons. This department works closely with the Park Department. A possible future deVelopment might be the establishment of a "Director of Parks and Recreationlf. Should be conveniently related to Park Department. (This would ra.ise the question as to whether this department should be included in this project, or located elsewhere.) Departmenta.l space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations.) . -- -'----- ~" 8 ~EC E prIG N,1~T ~ woru. ROOM O'l~ 45 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BOI\RD OF BDUCAnCJll Departmental Personnel: 15 men IS women The Board o~ Education indicates a with a secretary's space ~or each. tary space co.ald be developed that "sub-departaents". nee4 ~or several "sub-departments" It is possible that a co..on secre- would e~~ectively serve all at these If population increases, there will certainly be an increase in space needs for this departaent. " Should be conveniently related to: City Clerk Ci ty Manager County Clerk Juvenile Court Depart..nt o~ Social Welfare Police Depart.ent Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicate. a desirable convenient rel.tionship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) ~ \~ ~ \~ 8 y" 9898 . .~ SEe Rt;:T~Q'ES A"-J D S TOR A C ~ /' I ( ~ EC E PTIONfST .---- .----- ,/'" rC.ty \ "'" .j.. : SUPT. \. \ "- " I ! CO~FERH.ICE' 2. 0 OM{S) 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . CITY POLICR DEPARTMENT Some functions of the Police Department could be on the second floor. This department should actually be adjacent-to or attached-to the County Jail rather than a similar relationship to the proposed City/County Building. Departmental Personne 1: 8 men 13 women 40 commissioned officers who come and go during the day. (Commissioned Officers should increase as population increases to maintain a standard of 1.6 officers per 1,000. population.) (Office staff will probably increase to 30 - 35 during life of building.) Visitors: Average of 250 persons daily. High of 350 persons daily. Facilities as described in this report should be adequate to serve the city until the population reaches 100,000. Should be conveniently related to: County Jail Departmental space relationships: (A line between two circles indicates a desirable convenient relationship, either by corridor, or side-by-side locations. ) /~ --\ (BO()'iIN~) \ \ fOaM Y::/ ~ ----------~-- \~I )c( ME- ~ - \ \ . Pf'S<:IoI~ -"-.. - . ' /\-'-___ JAIL /' \ '''Y~OMMIJIJ. Crt. \ 'SQL16D \ ' FACILITIES \, ROOM +--1: DESt:: stir. iVo..tH ' / '--...____._ '. I .ONfIS '. ,______./ ./ "- /" . ~ / -'/-' '(PHOTO ~.- (LAB. 4, ) '~~ PO LICE C0L12T _._-~ .- '\ \ \ ) ~ OUT OF Dooe'S' " .,// -- ~ OUT --- ~~~c~ ;- D IV. ~ I ~ \.H.A!.~~=, ) ~_.__ \T~ o F DOC ~~---._--~._--- ___ ---.." 47 I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL USE AREAS I i.lethods of determi- nation of spaces other than the act- I ual Governmental De- partments. I I I I 48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL USE AREAS Dead Storage Vaults Both Governments accumulate records which must be kept in perpetuity, but which, due to age are seldom, if ever, referred to. At the present these records are using valuable space in current record vaults, or are stored in spaces where they are vulnerable ~o fire or theft or both. A definite size for such storage space was not determined in interviews with Department Heads. The size of 1,000 square feet was arbitrarily established for each of the two separate Governments. This space, it is assumed, would not be materially reduced by a combined building. When a building project is authorized, the Architect should develop more specific size(s) for such storage space(s) in conference with department heads who would use it. This space may be located in the basement. Wall Thicknesses In this Architect's experience the structural system, walls, and other void spaces in a building account for from 4 to 6% of the total building area. Also experience has shown that the precise area of individual rooms is often not possible to achieve due to other plan requirements, the result being a slight increase in the actual total area over the stated program requirements. For these reasons, in determining the Departmental Space Requirements, a factor of 10% was added to the Departmental Space requirement to account for wall thicknesses, etc. Computer Room The letter from the National Cash Register Company, reproduced on page 54 states that a room of 15' x 20' would be required to accommodate this facility. This area, 300 square feet is included as a general space re- quirement on the building area statement~. A slight increase in area is shown for the combined project. Building Information, Telephone Switchboard and Postal Center Essentially the same floor area would be required for this (these) area(s) whether it was serving a single government or the combination. The area(s) included are arbitrary. 49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mechanical Equipment Room, Custodial and General Storage Experience has shown that these spaces vary slightly as the area of a building increases. The larger the building, the smaller the percent- age of the total building area required to accommodate these services. It has been found that areas of these spaces in buildings designed by this Architect range from about 1.5% in a building of 175,797 square feet, to 7% in a building of 19,458 square feet. There are other factors, (amount and type of equipment, location of the room in the building, type of construction, and others), that affect the size requirement for these buildings, and it is difficult to est- ablish a clear-cut "trend". In a publication of the USPHS, the Mechanical and Custodial areas varied from 65 for a building of 11,800 square feet, to 3.5% for a building of 74,630 square feet. With the above information as a background, we have used a factor of 5% of the building area in the smaller buildings, and 4% of the building area for the combined building. Lobby Space A public buLlding requires a certain amount of Lobby Space to provide for such things as a Building Directory, Information Desk, Phone Booths, Elevator Lobby, and to present a symbolical expression of the importance of this building to the community. There are no "rules" to define the amount of space required for a Lobby, but the equivalent of a space 20 feet by 50 feet was used for each of the separate buildings, and only slightly larger, 30 feet by 50 feet, for the combi~ed building. . 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i.IISCELlANEOUS POSSIBLE COST SAVINGS 51 I I I I' I POOSIBLE OIANGES IN POLICY OR ORGANIZATION The most effective way to lower initial construction on a building project is to reduce the area of building. As is clear from the accompanying information in this report, the only area reductions that are readily achieved are in the general use spaces. By effecting such apace reductions, it is estimated that substantial savings can be realized in construction costs. I There are other ways that could possibly result in less building area re- quirements, but in order to include them in the project they would necess- itate a comaon agreement be~een both governing bodies as well as the De- partment Heads that would be involved. And in sOIae cases, perhaps even special legiSlation would be required before such combinations would be possible. I The fOllowing possible changes in organization and/or operation might ef- fect a reduction of required space: I Use a common Drafting Room to serve both County Engineer and City Engineer Use a c~n aeeting room to serve both County Commissioners and City Commissioners, (if this were done, the County CommissiGn- ers would each need a private office.) (A possible objection to this proposal would be a tendency to "blur" the distinction between the two Boards.) Use a Computer Room with electronic equipment for possible reduced area in pertinent departments o.f the County and City, (see page 54~ Establish a Duplication Department to serve all departments of both governments for work such as mimeograph, multilith, photostat, "Ozalid", "Xerox", etc. (See page 30). Combine certain Departments with similar functions in both Govern~ ments. Use common Court Room for City Court and Police Court. I I I I I I The above are not recommendations, but are suggest~ points for fur~her study only. I I I I I Even though it may not be desirable at this time to combine any of the activities described above, it is possible that 20 or 30 years from now circumstances might make such an action very important. If a combined building is constructed there is more latitude permitted for variations in organization and/or cooperation than with two separate facilities. S2 I. I EFFECTS OF AUTOMATIOO' I The following pages of the report are a copy of the letter received by the Architect from the National Cash Register Company in response to an inquiry concerning possible savings through the use of computers and/or Electronic Data processing. I I From the information presented in the letter it appears that at this time, the cost of the computer system would probably be approximately that of the salaries of the persons replaced by the computer. It does not appear, from the limited study of this report, that a sizeable savings could be effected at the present time by using a computer for both city and county needs. I I However, the availability of a computer to the city and county governments would undoubtedly result in the departments being able to perform addition- al services or operations from what is now possible. The desirability of a computer might be due to its ability to perform more services and at faster speeds than is now possible, rather than due to any distinct cost savings. I I It can be safely said that the desirability of a computer system from a cost standpoint will increase in future years, due to population increase and to the probability of increase in governmental functions. Therefore, while its present desirability might be questionable, its use in the future should be planned for in a building program. I I Potential future use of a computer could best be utilized in a combined city - county building where the cost of a computer could be offset thru use by bQth city and county, and where convenience to both governments would be possible. Combined use of a computer with separate buildings on one site would not be as convenient, but would probably be workable if the two buildings were very near, or were connected by an enclosed walkway. Combined use of a computer if two buildings on two separate sites were constructed would be extremely difficult, and could con- ceivably never get past the decision as to which building would house the computer. I I I I I I I I 53 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,....-- -- : ---. --r--- -1 1,.N.,:.Y........,i" 'I. '* f't -rr~f !",J,'\i-JO:'< '~l _____."----._.~..L___. . ,..:.. :~- \ I l.~) i - .r:' r\ :\'.' ..' ;.. "" A i i "I: ~1ay 15, 1964 Anderson-Johnson Architects 137~ South Santa Fe Avenue Salina, Kansas Deflr Sirs: By your request, this lettoer outlines some aspects of potential computer applications relative to joint Salina City ~ Saline County utilization. Speaking in terms of equipment ~ith which we are famil- iar, we would propose a s~all, low cost computer syste~ such as the ~CR "390". SYSTEM DESCRIPTIO~: This completely flexible system allows four means of data input including keyboard entries, ~agnetic striped ledgers, plKhed paper tape and punched cards. It has four means of data output including all types of print out formats, enco~ed magnetic ledgers, punched paper tape and punched cards. Tne set U~ time for individual applic~tions including changing programs and inserting forms in the carriage takes only a few minutes. The type of print out allo\.!ed on the 26" carriage in- cludes simultane~'~s preparation of all kincs of statements, checks, invoices, journals and ledgers. The internal electronic programs automatically do arith- metic functions including percentages and ratios, ~ake co~~arisons and decisions, do all kinds of sorting and distributions, control all units including the movable carriage and printer, ~a6netic ledger reader, punched tape reader and recorder, and punched card reader. APPLICATIONS: Some of the applications th~ are now being used by various local governments inclued: 1 - Utility Billing: Including post card bills and consumer ledgers and allowing any variation of step billing~th complete accumu- lation of classification totals. -:;10=; -tS I,:"~) ".: ". c,;~ff' '~-'r; :"'""STdt., \'!'tH'(1 .\~, ,: t.;'., ~~:...._8"" Kl,"'./~:.,', '>1..:.; !... _'.,' HOb.. I,,' 54 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Anderson-Johnson Architects F31<e 2 '2 - Tax Billing: Including all tax spreading, tax nottce pre- paration and upcating iJroperty owners ledgers. 3 - :;.evenue Posting: Including all collections from the above billings. 4 - Fayroll: All payroll computations and check w~iting and rc- cordin~, as well dS Inc~me Tax and FICA Tax reporting. 5 - .,ppropriations Postinp, and General Ledger Posting 6 - ~aintenance and Service Department: Inventories, cost account- ing and controlling records. c.ther broad recommendations include tre following: Space ;~e~uirements: A room wi th minimum d imens ions of 15' x 20 I or one 2~1 square for additional desk and storage space. ~e~u~~~cl Ke~Lire~ents: From 3 to 5 people depending on data lnput preparation by individual department people. ~ith a re- duction of 1 to 3'people for each depart~ent utilizing. the com- puter. Utilization Time: From 4 to 6 hours per day is a practical utilization goal with peak periods increasing to 8 hours or more. The above applic<3tions should C3bsorb this time with potential service bureau processing time available for nearby city or county units until such ti"e as population increases would cause furt~er local usage. LocatDn: :~o particular limitations or demands depl'nding on ;nean~ of input. >luch computer service bureau work is being carried by regular mail service. Costs: This would vary depending on the number of components but would fall within these ranges: ::onthly [~ental: $1,500. to $2,000. (includes vearly h ~75 0 to SlOO,OOO. maintenance) Purc ase: ? ,00 v T Yearly :'!ain tenance: $ 4, ':)00. to $6) 000. Some overall advantages to be gained from computer utilization include the fact that costs could be distributed on the basis of de?artment use and yet each departmen t ~-roulc have all the benefits to come from automation. Some of these include timeliness of statement preparation, electronic accuracy, increased analysis or expenditures and auto~ation of routine jobs. Yours truly, ~A\~: er 't;'. ,,\ , . .; eye r, :",. an age r ~ccounting ~achine Sales 55 I. I I I 'I I ELEVATORS The County and the City Governmental Functions exist to serve the public. As such, there are a number of aged and/or handicapped persons who visit the various departments 'from time to time. Most of the Department Heads interviewed expressed concern that the hand- icapped were not being fully served when their departments were located on other than the first floor. For this reason, most of them requested that their department be located on the first floor. Several of those who consented to a location on the second floor suggested that it would be satisfactory if there were an elevator. I I The average able-bodied person will usually walk one flight of stairs ra- ther than wait for an elevator. However, if a governmental building is to serve all patrons, it is advisable that a building of more than one level should have at least one elevator. This one elevator could serve the handicapped and would be a great asset for deliveries of supplies and equipment to the second floor. I I I I I I I I I I I If the building were designed for future vertical expansion it would be mandatory that space be provided for elevator service in the expanded building. An elevator of 3,000# capacity, 200 feet per minute, with three stops, (Basement, First & Second), would cost an estimated $30,5.50. This eleva- tor should adequately serve either the City Hall, the Courthouse, or the Combined Building. Therefore, with the two separate buildings, there would be a combined to- tal elevator expenditure of $61,100. For the Combined Building the cOst would be $30,550. or a saving of $30,550. This is included in the build- ing cost figures. 56 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S~~~RY OF BUILDING AREAS County Courthouse Ci ty Hall Combined Facility 57 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUMMARY OF DEPARTMBNTAL SPACE R~IREMENTS (Areas to nearest 10 sq.:tt.) County C01Ulisaioners. . Weed Con trol . . Engineer . . . . School Superintendent. Photostat. . . . . . . Treasurer. . . . . . Vehicle Registration Register of Deeds. . . . . Clerk and Assessor Probate Judge. . . Attorney . . . . . . Clerk o:t the District Courts . . . . District Court - Division I and II .. . . District Court - Division III (2770 sq.:tt. future) District Court - "Family Court" (3050 sq.ft. :tuture) Welfare. . . . . Agriculture. . . . . . . . CorOl2er. . . . . ... .. Guidance Center. . . . . . Heal th (one-hal:t o:t Ci ty-County Health Department) . Vaul t. . . . . 780 630 .1,260 970 .........300 . . . 2 , 440 . . . . . . . . 700 . . 1 , 860 .2,701 . . . 2,490 .1,110 . . . . .4,230 .5,810 TOTAl.. . . City Ci ty Police Police Department. . Ci ty Court . . . . . . Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. :tt. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. :tt. :tt. ft. ft. ft. ft. . . - - - - - - . . - - - - - - . . .3,320 .3,400 250 . . . . . 2 , 280 . . . . .1,500 .1,000 sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. . . 35,930 sq. ft. . 17,890 sq. :ft. 3,510 sq. :ft. 21,400 sq. :ft. 58 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AREA, CITY BUILDING *Departmenta1 Areas. . . . . . . Postal Center and Switchboard. Employee Lounge and Toilets . . . . . Public Toilets. . Lobby . . . . . Sub-Total . . . Mechanical Equipment (5%) Circulation (20%) . . . . . . . . 28, 430 200 500 230 1,000 . . 30, 360 1,520 6,070 37 ,950 sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. :ft. ft. ft. :ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. AREA, COUNTY BUILDING Departmental Areas. . . . . . . . 35,930 sq. ft. Postal Center and Switchboard . . 200 sq. :ft. Employee Lounge and Toilets . 500 sq. ft. Public Toilets. 230 sq. ft. Lobby . . . . . . . . . 1,000 sq. ft. Sub-Total . . . 37,860 sq. ft. Mechanical Equipmen t ( 5%) 1,890 sq. ft. Circulation ( 20%) . . . . . 7,570 sq. ft. 47,320 sq. ft. AREA, CITY POLICE Departmental Areas. . . . . . 21,400 sq. :ft. Toilets . . . . . . . 100 sq. ft. Sub-Total . . . . . . 21,500 sq. ft. Mechanical Equipment ( 6%) . . . . 1,290 sq. ft. Circulation , 10!1) . . . . . . . . 2,150 sq. ft. 24,940 sq. ft. AREA, COMBINED BUILDING *Departmenta1 Areas. . . . . . . Postal Center and Switchboard. Employee Lounge and Toilets . Public Toilets. . Lobby . . . . . Sub-Total . . . .... Mechanical Equipment (4%) Circulation (20%) . . . . . . . 64,260 sq. ft. 250 sq. ft. 800 sq. ft. 350 sq. ft. 1,500 sq. ft. . . . 67,260 sq. ft. 2,690 sq. ft. 13,450 sq. ft. . 83,400 sq. ft. COMPARISON OF AREAS Ci ty Building Area . .. . . . County Bui 1ding Area. . . . . Total Of Separate Buildings. Area of Combined Buildings . Area saved by a Combined Building. . 37,950 sq. ft. 47,320 sq. ft. 85,270 sq. ft. 83,400 sq. ft. 1,870 sq. ft. * Includes a civil defense office, but does not include a control center. 59 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CIVIL DEFENSB CQIlSIOBRATIONS Area and cost have not been an Emergency ter due to the nature o~ such requirements prepared ~or Control Cen- controversial a project. However, if it were included as a part of this project, the following information is pertinent to the funds a- vailable for construction. 60 I I I I I I I I I FEDERAL Ml\TOIING FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PLANNING AND cniSTRUCTION OF AN EMERGENCY OPERATING CENTER The fOllowing paragraphs are quoted from pages 3 and 4 of the publication entitled: Guide For The EMERGENCY OPERATING CENTER Program ~ Prepared by: Department of Defense Office of Civil Defense Region Six, Denver July, 1963 4. E1..IGIBLE COSTS A. Federal contributions ....y be made toward the following costs in connection with the construction o.t an emergency operating center: I I I I I I I I I I (1) Hiring a qualified private architect-engineering firm (or individual architect or engineer) for conducting a prelimi- nary survey, preparing advanced planning report, inclUding rough cost estimates, the preparation of final drawings and specifications, etc., and inspection during construction. In lieu of a private firm or private individuals, a State or local government archi teet or engineer may be employed. When design of fallout protection is necessary, and where no member of the firm or individual has qualLfied at one of the OCO two-week courses in Fallout Shelter Analysis, the firm should e~loy, on a consulting basis, such an individual who has qualUied. (2) PreParing advanced planning report, conducting a preliminary survey, including rough cost estimates, to determine the feasibility of undertaking such civil defense con$truction. Upon a determination that it i. the desire and the intent of the State or local government to construct an emergency operat- ing center, whether construction is undertaken immediately or within a reasonable time, Federal contributions may be made toward the cost of preparation of the final plans and speci- fications required for such construction. Where a multiuse structure which includes provision for an emergency operating center i. planned, contributions may be made toward the cost of onlrathose plans and specifications which are necessary and essent 1 to the emergency operating center portion of such multiuse structure. (3) Construction, where the structure includes only the emergency operating cent,er; modifications and improvement of existing buildings, or underground space where structurally feasible and economically practicable. (oeD shall determine feasibility and practicability.) Utilities, site preparation, grading, parking facilities, and access roads are eligible costs when determined by OCD to be reasonable and not disproportionate to the remaining cost of the center. 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (4) Costs relative to the construction o~ an emergency operating center in the basement o~ a multiuse 8tructure, such as a new city hall or county courthou8e. The Federal government will contribute one-hal~ toward the construction cost of the center, only. In determining the cost o~ the emergency operating center portion of the multiuse structure, computation will be on the basis of ,additional (incremental) costs of constructing the emergency operating center as a part o~ the multiuse structure. Such costs may include the necessary site prep- aration, excavation, ~ooting8 and foundations, utilities and alternate utilities, grading, soil stabilization, and other costs to the extent that they are over and above the normal cost8 ~or the multiuse structure concerned. To determine the portion o~ the building that may be considered a part at the emergency operating center for purpo8es of contribution~, the following two-part test shall be used: a. Tbe space involved must be within the protected portion of the building (the protection required is set forth in paragraph 10.B. below); ~ b. The space must be assigned as working space for an element o~ the State or local government having emergency operat- ing responsibilities, living space (dormitories, kitchens, washrooms, etc.) for the staff of such elements, or space necessary for supporting functions of the center in an emergency, such as communications, air-conditioning and heating equipment, in~irmary, storage of emergency-operat- ing records, corridors, storerooms, and other essential uses. B. Only one-half of the extra cost of constructing an emergency operat- ing center in a multiuse structure is eligible for matching funds. The State or local government, in addition to paying the remaining one-hal~ o~ such costs, must bear all of the costs resulting from the addition of space and facilities for nonemergency operating center use. Architect-engineer's cost estimates shall be prepared so as to separate completely the additional costs of constructing the emergency operating center as a part of the multiuse building from the normal construction costs of such a building. C. Contributions are available for obtaining and installing such equip- ment and supplies as are necessary and essential to the development and maintenance of the emergency operational capability of the emergency operating center. Included are: ventilating and air- conditioning systems; kitchen equipment; toilets and emergency sew- age disposal systems; reliable emergency water supply systems; infirmary equipment: bunks, lockers, desks, tables, chairs, ~iling cabinets, map and status boards, telephones; up to 30-day supply of fuel; and similar essential items. 62 I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I D. Contributions are available ~or obtAining ration-type rood sur~icient for 14 days' operation of the center when fully staffed. E. The ~ollowing related costs are also eligible for Federal con- tributions under other programs as indicated: (1) The cost or communications equipment, including installation, which is required for the emergency operating center. (2) Warning equipment is eligible for contributions. 5. INELIGIBLE COSTS A. No Federal contribution can be made for the procurement of land, and the value of any contributed by the StAte, or any political subdivision thereof, must be excluded from the computation of the State's share of the cost of the project. B. No Federal contribution can be made for the development of un- protected operating racilities, or for space, facilities, or equip- ment that does not increase the civil defense emergency operating capability o~ the government concerned. C. No Federal contributions are available for the replacement of rations after the initial 14 days' supply for the center. 63 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS 64 I I OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS I The following specifications are given only for the purpose of indication of the quality of construction assumed in arriving at a unit cost. The specifications are not intended as recommendations for construction. How- ever, these specifications are felt to be reasonable for this type of building. I I Structure - Reinforced concrete of fireproofed steel frame Floor Construction - Concrete slab over cellular sub-floor for flexible electrical system I Exterior Walls - Stone facing, LWC masonry back-up, plastered on interior face I p. 00 f - Built up roofing I Windows - Aluminum Door s - Aluminum I Foundation - Reinforced Concrete Floors - Vinyl Asbestos tile for office areas Terrazzo for corridors, foyers, toilets I Walls - Corridors and toilets - washable surface Offices - moveable metal partitions I Cei lings - Mineral acoustical tiles, layed in an exposed grid I Interior Door - Steel Doors and frames Lighting - Fluorescent, recessed fixtures I Heating and Air Conditioning Hot/chilled water system with zoned air handling units, central boilers and air conditioners I I I I I I 65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT COST ESTIr:1ATES Includes estimated pro- ject costs for three combinations: 1. Two separate build- ings. 2. Two buildings, same site. 3. Combined building 66 I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I On the following pages are estimates of comparative construction costs for separate City and County Building!i and for a combined facility. Construction costs are computed using square foot costs derived from the Marshall Valuation Service Manual. Under this system, a basic s~uare foot cost is given for the specific type of building occupancy, type of construction, and quality of materials and equipment. This base square foot cost is then refined by applying a factor related to the building size and perimeter area. To apply this system a size and amount of perimeter must be assumed. For the purposes of this report is was assumed for all cases, that the buildings would be two story and that the amount of exterior wall area would be equiva- lent to a rectangular shape where the length is twice that of the width. l. 67 I I I COST ESTIMATE Police Station Area Required: Assumed Size: 24,940 square feet 2 floors, 79 x 158, Perimeter 474' I Base square foot cost. . Add for Air Conditioning . $18.91 . . +$ 2.38 $21.29 .x .944 $ 20 .10 Area - Perimeter Factor. I Total Building Cost, 24,940 sq. ft. at 20.10 = $501,290. I I COST ESTIMATE County Building Area Required: Assumed size: 47,320 sq~are feet 2 floors, 109 x 218, 654 foot perimeter I I I Base Square Foot Cost. . Add for Air Conditioning. . $13.91 .+ 2.38 $21.29 ..x .918 $19.54 Area - Perimeter Factor. Cost of 47,320 square feet Q 19.54 = Cost of Elevator Total Building Cost. . . . . . . . $924,630. $ 30,550. . $955,180. I COST ESTHiATE City Puilding I I I I I I I I Area Required: Assumed size: 37,950 square feet 2 floors, 97' x 184', 582' perimeter Base square foot cost. . Add for Air Conditioning . $18.91 . . . + 2.38 $21. 29 . x . 920 $19.59 Area - Perimeter Factor. Cost of 37,950 square feet @ 19.59 = Cost of Elevator Total Building Cost. . . . . . . $743.440. $ 30,550. $773,990. 68 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COST ESTIMATE Combined Building Area Required: 83,400. Assumed Size: 2 floors, 144' x 288',864' perimeter Base square foot cost. . . Add for Air Conditioning . A~ea - Periaeter Factor. Cost at 83,400 square feet at $19.08 Cost at Elevator Total Building Cost. . . . . . . . . . Summary of Building Costs City Building. . . . . . County Building. . . . . . . I Total for separate buildings . Combined building. . . . . Saving8 for a combined building. . . .$18.91 ..+ 2.38 21.29 . . . x .897 $19.08 · $1,591.270. $ 30,550. .$1,621.820. . . . $ . . $ 773,990. 995,180. .$1,729,170. . .$1,621.820. . . $ 101 , 350. 69 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Part of the savings indicated in the preceeding cost analysis is due to the anticipated savings thru a reduction in exterior wall. As an explana- tion of this, we offier the following illustration: Assumed size of building - two floors of 40,000 square feet each Assumed shape - rectangular with one side twice as long as ~he other TWO BUILDINGS COMBINED BUILDING . I 100 I :00 -?f!:1.? I ....C,;;;1_ ttJ,OOO - ?2. FT- ~ wax / -\) ~, Fr: \} 101 "t 40~~;::,-r:: I Perimeter 1200 feet Perimeter 846-feet There is 354 feet less perimeter for the combined building. Asswaing 10' high, floor to floor this means a saving of 7,080 square feet of exterior wall. I I I 70 I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Costs here have been considered for completely separate buildings and for a totally combined building. However in actuality there are many different arrangements which fall somewhere between these two concepts. Variations between these two concepts might range as follows, depending on the degree of combining: f , , , 1 ~< >J F / , " t~///~/j - , "- I ' , 4 /~ /' /' Completely separate buildings. -----'~ Ir<<: 11 I~/;/;(/jl Separate buildings cnnnected '~"fr' .. :' .. 21. . J~;///. '~~~_i1er room or tunnel. ~ ,: : :]'".-;.:>"iE:: _~ Z~ I. b ' " '>1 ~;;/1 ~. ~", ': ',''tz:>~{kj~/'/l IF', < >~fi~' >/'.>4V'// /~ ] by an underground Separate buildings but with a connecting orridor or lobby above ground, and possibly other underground connections. Separate buildings but constructed side by side with few if any connections. ~I Separate wings with a common lobby and circu- ~ lation areas on all floors. ~-<~::~'J;X~:/,j;;j --\i- ~~~':~'~f//~:i,- k' >~~>~//>~ r>~;@~'<:~@ -W~ I~;~/;~ ~_ IL '- "0:~/>~<c:::sJ Combined building with separate each government. areas for , Combined building with departments arranged for convenience to each other and to the public, with little regard whether they are city or county functions. 71 I I I Two recent Courthouse Projects in Kansas are described here to suggest possible variations in construction costs for a civic buil~ing. I COURnIOUSE Winfield, Kansas Bids received: December, 1961 I SIZE: Total 'floor area - 45,304 sq. ft. "U" shaped - 228' x 240' 1 and 2 stories - no basement 29' average wall height Volume - 693,740 cubic feet I FACILITIES: County Clerk County Treasurer Register of Deeds County Engineer County Superintendent of Schools District Court Probate Court County Attorney Welfare Offices 4-H and County Agent Sheriff's Office and Living Quarters Jail facilities for 100 prisoners I I I I CONSTRUCTION: Reinforced concrete structural system Silverdale stone-Granux exterior walls brick back-up Reinforced concrete floor construction Reinforced concrete roof construction Built-up roofing Sheet vinyl and terrazzo floors Plaster painted Vinyl on corridor walls Wood paneling in Courtroom I I I MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: Gas boi ler Hot water combined radiator and fan coil heating system. Gas engine driven chillers Chilled water fan coil multi-zone units-air condition- ing system. I I cas TS : Structure. . . Plumbing, Heating, Electrical . . Jail Equipment . . Ventilating and Air Conditioning. I TOTAL $ 660,976. $ 152,743. $ 83,532. $ 61,200. $ 958,451. I I I $21.16 per square foot $1.38 per cubic foot Boeckh index - December 1961 - 309.4 March 1964 - 328.8 Cost per square foot adjusted to March 1964 -$22.49 72 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COURTHOUSE - Oskaloosa, Kansas Bids received: April, 1961 SIZE: Total ~loor area - 22;383 sq. ft. Rectangular - 129' x 60' and 18' x 20' 2 stories and basement 38' average wall height Volume - 283,518 cubic feet FACILITIES: 68 rooms; 2 stairways; future Director Fiscal O~~ icer Commissioners Register of Deeds Abstractors Treasurer Clerk Soil and weed control Farmer. Home Administration Extension service and Home Ec. elevator Probate Judge Sherif~ Attorney Engineer Superintendent of Schools Clerk of Court District Court Agriculture stabilization conservation Soil Conservation and CONSTRUCTION: Reinforced concrete structural system Face brick and mo-sai exterior walls Haydite block back-up Concrete pan and joists floor construction and roof construction Vinyl asbestos floor tile Haydite block painted for interiors Terrazzo faced block in some areas MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: High velocity hot water heating system High velocity air conditioning system, 62.6 tons COSTS: Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 258 ,399.' Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. . $ 73 , 950 . Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 23,590. Built-in Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9,500. TOTAL . . $ 365,439. $16.32 per square foot $1.29 per cubic foot Boeckh index - April 1961 - 307.1 March 1964 - 328.8 Cost per square foot adjusted to March 1964 - $17.47 This is for a two story building with full basement. If the basement is assumed to be one half as expensive to construct as an upper floor, the adjusted figures would be $21.00 per square foot for upper floors and $10.50 ~or the basement floor. 73 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I On the following sheets are project cost estimates related to the various sites. The sites to which the costs are related correspond to the sites studied in Phase II with the following exceptions, SITE B - Site B studied in Phase II presumed the coapletion of a complete civic center along with City~ounty office facilities. Therefore, Site B for Phase III has been altered to allow for construction of City-County facilities independent of the Civic Center. However, Memorial Hall still must be removed to allow for construction at new City and County facilities. SITE E - The shape has been slightly changed to remove the 'jog at the north side of the site. The following assumptions were made in arriving at the project costs: 1. Value at property to be acquired is estimated at four times the assessed value of land and improvements (same method as used for Phase II). 2. Value of property presently owned by either City or on land value only, and was computed from values of It is assumed that these properties could be sold, obtained for these amounts. County is based adjacent properties. or value otherwise 3. Architects fee were assumed to be 6% of the building cost. 4. Parking requirements: City Building - 90 spaces, (55 atfstreet) County Building - 110 spaces, (65 offstreet) City and County on same site - 180 spaces (100 affstreet) City Police - 15 offstreet Paving per space: Area per car: $300. 400 square feet 5. Where two buildin9s occured on one site, site costs were allocated on the basis of total building area: City Building. . . . . 37,950 sq. ft. County Building. . . . 49,320 sq. ft. . . . 43.5% 56.5% Total. . 87,270 sq. ft. . .100.0% 6. Where two separate buildings are considered, one half the area ~ the City~ounty Health department was included in the area of each build- ing. This was done for the purpose of cost comparison purposes only. In actual practice, the Health Department would probably be placed in one of the buildings and the other government charged for one half of the cost. 74 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I 7. Building costs for a combined building were allocated on the basis of departmental areas. Ci ty Departmental Area. .. 28,430 sq. 'ft. . County Departmental Area. . . . 35,930 sq. ft. . . 44 . 2% . . 55, 8% .100 .0% Total . . . . 64,360 sq. ft. . 8. Costs of site development was assumed to be .lO~ per sq. ft. of site area. This is to cover walks and landscaping. 9. It is assumed that the salvage value of buildings on property obtain~d would be equal to the cost of clearing the site. 10. In order to meet the parking requirements for several of the sites, parking was Shown on the Memorial Hall property. It was considered possible for this to be accomplished in this this parking would also be of benefit to Memorial Hall. In these cases, no additional land cost was considered for these parking areas. 11. The City Police Building has been considered for four different sites. The actual site selected would depend upon the site(s) selected for the City and County office facilities. All sites are located near the exist- ing County Jail. 75 SEPARATE SITES - --. '--'--- .- ~l ~ :r~..... ~. ,~... \ " Z ~_e\./=~7;-1 I \[1 --<'{ \j rt f: E] I. ~=--......JT~ Me::M~;A_ . t-i.u :.. _ ."-l '-J -; rl . ., J I . . . ;. -, .. .. . '. : I .. ..'. " I ... .' '.: :..f. i ;:-. Gri i-:-r S~,i E"-JTM 5,c.. '-J -:- ,Q.. ~ E T 1t ~______ >- ,.\ llJ r- I L- 76 L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I SEPARATE SITES Separate City and County Buildings I I I I CITY LAnd Cost. . . . Site development Parking. . . . . Building . . . . Architect's Fee. Total value. . . *Less value of City Hall Property. (80,000 sq.ft. at .10). Cost to City. . . I I ,J COUNTY Land Cost - Courthouse Property - $35,200. New Property - $81,280. Site development (110,000 sq.ft. at .10) Parking. . . . . Building . . . . Architect's Fee. . Total Value. . . *Less value of Courthouse property. I I I I . . . $ 222,280. . . $ 8 ,000 . . ... $ 16 , 500 . .$ 773,990. .$ 46,440. .$1,067.210. .$ 50.000. .$1,017.210. I $ 116,480. . $ 11 ,000. .$ 19,500. .$ 955,180. .$ 57,180. .$1,159.340. .S 35.200. Cost to County . . . . . .$1,124.140. r RF1-1ARKS: If County Officers were limited to present Court House Site, "Cost to County" would be $1,042,940, however, 15,000 should be added to this to prevent a double move. (A double move could conceivably cost upward of $20,000 in additional expenditures.) Also, due to size of site, $9,000 additional should be allowed for provision for a future floor for expansion purposes. I I I I I * Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amoun t . I 77 -1l A. SEPARATE BUILDINGS I \II "1: ~ :J:~ f-' , l,~ ':iJ \ ",- ~ ~ ._2'/E '--J'7 ~l \j ti ~ EJ "'"'7'"=:...JT~ IL I I '.' '\_,1 L _. /. ~ ~. I .:'.~ l\l n_ ~ :--l "'i rl E; GH7;-'i SE:'v' ENTH 5PN"T4 ~ == I r- \ I I I \ I I L--- I 78 I I I I I I .J I I I I I I I I I I .1 I ---_.._~._-_._.__...- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - SITE A Separate City and County Buildings SITE COSTS CITY OOSTS COUNTY OOSTS Land Cost Courthouse property _ 35,200. New property - 81,280. $116,480. Site development (110,000 sq.ft. at .10). .$ 11,000. Parking. .$ 30,000. Total . . . '. . .$157,480. 43.5% of site costs Building. . . . . . . Architect's Fee. . . Value of City Portion. *Less Value at City Hall Property. . I Cost to City. . . $ 68, 500 . .$773,990. .$ 46,440. .$888,930. .$ 50,000. . . $838 . 930. ] . . . . . . . . . . 56.5% of site costs . Building. . . . Architect's Fee. . Value of County Portion *Less value of Courthouse property [ Cost to County. . . . . . . . . . . .$ 88,980. .$ 955,180. .$ 57,180. .$1,101,340. .$ 35.200. . $1 ,066. 140. 1 REMARKS : One of the buildings could not be constructed before the Courthouse was raaed, unless one building was wrapped around the courthouse. Therefore, one of the fOllOWing would occur. 1. A double move for the coli. ty (at a cost of upwards of 20,000. 2. A possible two year delay in the city building. 3. An additional expense to construct one of the buildings around the existing Courthouse of ap- proximately $15,000. In view of the limited size of the site, provision for an additional floor should be included. This is estimated to be $7,000 for the City Building and $9,000 for the County Building. * Assumes property to be sold or value otperwise realized for this amount. 79 - "-J '-.J ~ r--1 r - . - . I : Y i I r.-..J ....) '; i . . ' . . \\1 I .. ". I - .., . I . '. I ". ~ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I ~L I I =- ~ C'./ == ~J-:-.,.-, ~~ -r. I I L v Ef r rv L f , L I,fl ...-r -:- := "'''; ~ ~ .. II Jl II ' I ! ~. j r- ;:::: ,,~..----.. - ""--'" ; , , '--- ~ '5~.t :: 'JTri I- I I J I L 'SAJ-:-..c. ==::; , , I I I I I JL i L A COMBINED BUILDING 80 . -,' ..- .....'.....--" ..._-~~......*... .._, .,~_...... "'."..--_.~.. .~_. '" '_~_A~""_'___,__"~"____,____."__"__,___~,_,~,,,,,,,___,,."..____w__ ___.__. _._..~,..___ ._.._..____ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . SITE A. Combined City-County Building PROJECT COST Site Development Parking. . . . . Bldlding . . . . Architect's Fee. Land Costs - Courthouse property - 35,200. New property - 81,280. $ 116,480. (110,000 sq.ft. at .10).$ 11,000. ..$ 30,000. . .$1,621.820. . . . . . . . . . I. $ 97,310. . . . . . Total. . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,876,610. CITY COSTS 44.~ o~ Total . . . . . . . . . *Less value or City Hall property. . I Cost to City . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .$ . . $ 829,460. 50,000. 779 , 460. I COONTY COSTS 55.8% or Total . . . . . . . . . . Less value or Courthous4 property. Coat to County . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,047,150. ..$ 35,200. . $1 , 011. 950. RB>tA.RKS: Building costs would be increased rrom that indicated i~ building had to be constructed around courthouse. Estimated increase would be at least $25,000. ($11,000. ~or city and 14,000 ~or County). This could be avoided . by razing the courthouse be~ore construction o~ the new raci1ity. However, it is estimated that the County would spend upwards or $20,000 additional ror the double move. In view or the limited size or the site, provision ror an additional floor should be included. This is estimated to be $15,000 additional ($6,600 City and $8,400 County) *Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. 81 to , I i , L-__ .._-~ '."~ t . [J \ . :z ~~ __ :'"~: , ~ '..---1 -..., I II Iii I I i ~ I I I ---.l l I I i , I ! --.J I I I '. I I --..J ----r I ----I I r I I I I . t. B SEPARATE BUILDINGS JL y t{ ~ EJ - ::.: ~-.J "-:- ."-' :~,..:l..::; .-:::, :,',,":-'~..~'::.':"~;~'':.:: ''':',;''~;'.::. :,,:,. ':..,:~:::: I t I ~L Ul C() J R: H?'J~e l'~, ;..:". .,. ,;,";':] ", ,...... . . . ... ,: , , ...._,- l r- I i I : I L- i. ~ 64-.- ~-- s:~, =-1-:-~ Ii , i IL Ii IL :: ':;"'" j .-- ..:... c:: ::: 82 I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I 82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE B Separa~e City and County Buildings SITE COOTS CITY OOSTS COUNTY COSTS Land Cost - Courthouse property _ Meaorial Hall property- New Property _ $35,200. $48,500. $81,280. $ Sit. Development (187;500 sq.ft. at .10). . $ Parking . . . . . ~ $ Total . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . - 164,980. 18,750. 30,000. 213,730. $ 92,970. 773,990. 46,440. 913,400. 50,000. 48.500. 814,900. ] 43.S~ of site costs Building. . . . . . Architect's Fee. . . Value of City portion .... *Less Value of City Hall property. . .Leas Value of Memorial Hall property. . . $ ......$ . $ . . . $ $ s 56.5~ of site costs. Building. . . . Arch! teet's fee . . . . . . . . . . Value of County portion . . *Less Value of Courthouse property . . . $ 120,750. $ 955,180. ~ 57,180. 1,133,120. . $ 35.200. . I COST TO COUNTY. . . . . . . . . . . $1,097,920. 1 *Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. r COST TO CITY. ....... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. **Memorial Hall Would be eliminated, so another auditorium facility would need to be provided by the City. The cost of such a facility (including land) Would be in addition to the costs listed here. 83 ~: ... .,- '- .,- ::..._..::.::: /= -'-4, ~ ----, I I ' . I I I LL I \f I . j4 l I I I ~ ~ -= ~-...; -:- ...~ . '.~. "-~ '...j -- ~'~ - ~ == St._~- S~" E---J74 B COMBINED BUILDING S,A ''-J -:- A == 5: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE B Combined City County Building PROJECT COST Land Cost - Courthouse property - Memorial Hall property New Property - 35, :mo. - 48,500. 81,280.$ :;; .$ .$ 30,000. . $1,621. 820. .~ 97,310. . 1,932,860. 164,980. 164,900. 18,750. Site Development (187,500 sq.ft. at .10).. Parking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bui ldi ng . . . . . . . . . . . Architect's Fee. Total. . . . . . . , CITY COSTS 44.2% of total . . . . . . . . . . . . .Less value of City Hall property . . **Less value of Memorial Hall property ~T TO CITY ........ .$ . . $ .$ . . . $ 854,320. 50 ,000. 48.500. 755 , 820. I COONTY COSTS 55. 895 of total . . . . . . . . . . . Less value of Court House Property I COST TO camTY . . . . . . '. .$1,078,540. ..$ 35.200. . $1 ,043.340. f * Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. **Memorial Hall would be eliminated, so another auditorium facility would need to be provided by the City. The cost of such a facility (including land) would be in addition to the costs listed here. 85 I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE B Combined City-County Building City Police Building SITE COSTS POLICE BUILDING COST CITY -COUNTY BUILDING COSTS CITY COSTS COUNTY COSTS Land Cost - Courthouse property Memorial Hall property New Property - $35,200. - $48,500. $81,280. $ .$ . . $ .$ 164,980. 18,750. 34,500. 218,230. Site development (187,500 sq. ft. at .10) Parking . Total . . . . 29.4% of site costs. Building Cost Architect's Fee Total . . . . . $ .$ . $ . $ 64,160. 501,290. 30,080. 595,530. 70.6% of site costs Building Cost . Archi tect 's Fee Total . . . . . .$ 154,070. . . $1 ,621. H20. .$ 97.310. .$1,873,200. I COST .$ 827,950. .$ 50,000. .$ 48,500. -.---.--.---~--.---------J TO CITY (NOT INCLUDING POLICE) . . . . .$ 729,450. 44.2% of City-County Building. *Less value of City Hall Property. **Less value of Memorial Hall Property. . Cost of Police Building . . . . . . . . . . .$ 595,530. COST TO CITY (INCLUDING POLICE) . . . . . . .$1,324,980. 55.8% of City-County Building. . *Less value of Courthouse property . I COST TO COUNTY. . . '.~ . .Sl,045.250. .$ 35,200. . $1 , 0 10 . 050 . J * Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. **Memorial Hall would be eliminated, so another auditorium facility would need to be provided by the City. The cost of such a facility (including land) would be in addition to the costs listed here. 86 ~l I r \,{l -<1' l I I , , C SEPARATE BUILDINGS ..~ .~ ::--~_--.' ~ ',j"7" " . VEJ ',. rt ':~.: f ~:- :< 1 --~ ,.....,.-- - :.= ~........ j I i I I i i I .~.-.-. '-.i'--J ., - ,,0'" ~___ - '-"' . c,'=, E'-J7~ - - . :: A"J --:- A c:: ::: ;. I I L I I I I I I ;- I I !! I I I I I I 1- 'I I I 'L I I I I I I 1 : ! , >- ! I I 'lllL I ---, i I I r- I 87 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE C Separate City and County Buildings SITE COSTS CITY COSTS COUNTY COSTS Land Cost. . . . . . . . . Site, Development (107,500 Parking. Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ sq. ft. at .10) .$ ,.., . . . . . .tor> .$ 162,880. 10,750. 30,000. 203,630 . 43.5% of site costs. . . ~ . Bui Iding . . . . . . Architect's Fee. r . Value of City portion. *Less va~ue of City Hall property I COST TO CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .$ .$ . . . . .$ .$ .$ 56.5% of site costs. . Buil~ing . . . . . . Architect's Fee. . . Value of County portion. . *Less value of Court House property .$ 115,050. .$ 955,180. . . . .$ 57,180. . .$1,127,410. .$ 35,200. .$1,092,210. I COST TO COUNTY . . . . . . . . . . I- RBMARKS : In view of the limited size of the site, prOV1S1on for an addition floor should be included. This is estimated to be $7,000. for the City Building and $9,000 for the County Building. * Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. B8 ~ -1 L l J~ l! JI ==-E'/E' "J7!4 I ' I .~ ' ' ( .' N CJ ~ous ~ .1 L --=~--.J;- ~ I" "",'"'' '. ',' ; "'J " . ,.. ',': J., ,...' ....... ,", :. >,:...'.. ,J.I'.':,';,;... ':':':'4 a' ~e::v1~.A_ L, H-.;. -- I' '-J :---.J -:- ri r I ! i I 1 1 i j I UtT . :) I , , l.IJ I e. Gt;~~ 5="'./ E~IH C COMBINED BUILDING 5A"-J-;-A. == L- r- I I I I '--- I L 89 . I I I I I I I I I al I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE C Combined City County Building PROJECT COST CITY COSTS COUNTY COSTS /. Land Cost. . . . Site development Parking. . . . . Building . . . . Architect's Fee. Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 162,880. $ 10,750. $ 30,000. . $1,621.820. $ 97,310. $1,922.760. (107,500 sq.rt. at .10) 44.2% or total . . . . . . . . . *Less valve or City Hall property. r COST TO CITY . $ 849,860. $ 50,000. $ 799,860.1 ........ 55.8% or total. . . . . . . . . . *Less value or Court House property . . $1,072,900. . . . $ 35,200. . . 1$1,037,700. 1 I COST TO CamTY . . . -. . . . . . . . REMARKS : In view or the limited size or the site, prOV1S1on for an additional rloor shall be included. This is estimated to be $15,000. additional. ($6,600. city and $8,400 county. ) * Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized ror this amount. 90 ... :: ~ ~:::' w' =- '-~ --_---, 1 f5~ 1 \,:, :z I L I. 'i EJ 1- rt ( 1 \ 1 -I J I I j I 1 l~fTl I I I ~L I I-VUSE I I 1 I I J _'l'.;' ':. ! 1 . . '. t'. .:...... ...,... I . 1 .....::..:.. . I .;~ . ;"'" :.' l- 1 1 1 'I 1 I I I I 91 I ~ L. I I r ~'l '1' I -.J II ~l .l I ~ ~ D SEPARATE BUILDINGS - ::: -"J -:- ~ ~ ~ '-.l '-...1--;-1 = G+~-:-- S ~../ :: ~~T;t C::A"-J-,c. c::;=:: ~- I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE D Separate City and County Buildings SITE COSTS CITY COSTS COUNTY COSTS Land Cost. . . . . . . . . $ Site, Development (150,000 sq.ft. at .10). $ Parking. . ~ 364,720. 15,000. 30,000. Total. . $ 409,720. 43.5% of site costs. B u i Id i n g.. . . . . . Architect's Fee. . . . Value of City portion. *Less value of City Hall property L COST TO CITY . . . . . . . . . . $ 178,230. $ 773,990. $ 46,440. $ 99B,660. $ 50,000. :-~-$-~~60_J 56.5% of site costs. Building. . . . . . Architect's fee. . . Value of County portion. . *Less value of Court House property I COST TO CaJNTY . . . . . . . . . . $ 231,490. $ 995,180. $ 57,180. $1,243,850. . $ 35,200. $1,208 , 650. 1 *Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. I I I I I I 92 ;. , I ----.l L ~~ \-- t.J ~ () z I L \j Ej t{ I~ I - I 1 1 I I I \ I i I c.ou eT :~L I WOU% I 1 , I I iUI L I I I --1 J --- :-. :.~_ c:;..... --- _-~_.._ -.,. I I r- \ ' ~I I ~~L ~ :=. ~.J ~ --- l ~ ! I~ I I _J l I ~ I. I D COMBINED BUILDING " '...j-H []~,....:... . . . .' '. . . . .t. 0- ,', .' ." " . . . .' ... ,'.. .' .... ... ..". ......: J . . f ...,' .., .:. . .: ': .' ..:' " ..... .. .. . ,", ...., ..,..... . L- r-j I .... , :: ." ~ '-" . - . . " .~ ::. , I . .. . ." . . I , ::- 6"--:-- 1 . I I -I I S:-v ='~7-t I. I c:: ,::,....J - ,w.. c:: ::: . 93 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE D Combined City~ounty Building PROJOCT COOT CITY COSTS COUNTY COSTS 1.-a.Dd Co st. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Site Development (150,000 sq.ft. at .10) Parking. . . . . . . . . . Building . . . . . . . . . Architect's Fee. . . Total. . . . . . . . . . 44. ~ of tota1 . . . . . . . . . . -Less value of City Hall property. 1 COST TO CI1Y . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.8% of total . . . . . . . . . . -L.s. value of Court House property . . { COST TO COUNTY ............ . $ 364,720. $ 15,000. . $ 30,000. $1,621,820. . $ 97,310. . $2,128,850. $1,187,900. $ 35,200. . $1,152,700. 1 -Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. 94 __~__.J _J ----, I I , , -...---j ---..., , I _J ----1' -----4 I i _-1 E SEPARATE BUILDINGS ., I \ , I' : '~' -1 1-- 'L~ f - . II "; , . L L_________ ________.__ J I I r'~---"------'-'---"~ I I " ,r ~, I .:0- ' l_~ r---.----: _. ---- .--------... ---....-.... -..... "'j ;----..--------------, ~~.,.-... I ~-..- -\ 1-- I -\ .. '. - ..- '-.. -' . ,,' " .. .- . . ' " . ',_. I _,----r-----~~-..,_-.---- .-.~ - -. -'~',<:: . ..... " ~....... . "'-' ._....__ ....___ _..~. - _.l F7 '. ..4 : ..~ . '. . t '.. , r '\1 L___.._____ --------' G7l\C;- ~IO'::...S E J _____ _________ ..J --- 1 _____------.....1 ~--.....-.. .-------...- --1 i L_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r- / i / L \- 1 l\l i 1 L__ r- ~ I l.-- .J 1 I I i I I I I I I L- --" 9S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE E Separate City and County Buildings SITE COOTS CITY COSTS COUNTY COSTS Land costs. . . . . . . . . . . . Site Development (160,000 sq. ft~ at .10) Parking . Total . . . . . . . . . . 43.~ of site costs Bui lding. . . . ". . Architect's Fee. . . . . . Value of City Portion. *Less value of City Hall property. . . . "I COST TO CITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . $395,320. $ 16,000. . ~ 30 ,000. 441,320. . $191,910. . $113,990. . $ 46,440. .$1012,400. .~ . . $ 962,400 .1 . .$ 249,350. . .$ 955,180. 51 180. . 1261,110. . . .$ 35,200. ..' . $1,226 ,510.[ - Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. 56.5% of site costs. Building. . . . Architect's Fee. . . . Value of County Portion . -Less value of Courthouse property . ] COST TO COUNTY. . . . . . . . . . 96 I I ----1 I ~ II I I ~l E COMBINED BUILDING :::- _ 2'1 E: '-.l7:-1 1: \fl ..-{ ~ :=.~ -:- ~ ~.~~~-I t-i~ _ _ N '...j-rl I'" .'. ~ -:------r- . . . .. ~ . . '., '., . - :" . ~. .. ~ ': . . -: S ~./ :: !'J:H 5~--J-:-,Q.. i:'5: ~.i>'." l ,", , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ L ~I EJ ,f !L , ! i I I I .-l ,. j r .~!' r'....... __ ~~ '_ I(" , , I \" ! L : , I i t\ I i I I j L- ~j'::'lJ":",:':' r- i , '--- r-- I I I I L- , I I I I JL 97 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE E Combined City County Building PROJOCT COST CITY COSTS COONTY CCS TS " 'V. Land Cost. . . . . . . ~ . . . Site Development (160,000). Parking. . . . . Building . . . . Architect's Fee. Total. . . . . . . _ II . . 44.2% of total . . . . . . . . . . *Less value of City Hall Property. . ] COST TO CI TY . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.8% of total . . . . . . . . . . *Less value of Courthouse property. j casT TO COUNTY . . . . . , " I :r' ,} . " 1 ' " ./ . $ 395,3-20. . . . $ 16,000. .$ 30,000. .$1,621,820. .$ 97,310. . . $2,160,450. .$ .$ . . $ 954;920. 50,000. 904,920.1 .$1,205,530. .5 35,200. . $1,170,330.\ . Assumes property to be sold or value otherwise realized for this amount. " " 98 I ! I ---l L..________________._~ -~l r c.... '" . -"- L._J I :1 'Ii SITE W- . 1 \Jl . --1" I I I -----.J i --1 ' I I ! ,SITE Y I I I ----1 l --.J ". "" - ~:: ~~ --- -..... r-. ] L~ ~I ~ 3~ I I I SITE xl I I ,,~ '-,I -- ~-~ ----- .-.-- JL , tI Co ~L~- . L. : SITE Zl 1 III L- I I I I I I I I I I I I l r- ! ~ -1 I I i -~ ~ s.----- l .--- I ! ! i i ! i I I I I L- I I I . I L c~~. ;:::, ,--__ -' '- . - " SITES FOR CITY POLICE c: ~ "-J--,c}. -- _.-.. - -, .- " 99 I I I I CITY POLICE BUILDING Site W I Site Cost. Site Development Parking Lot. . . Building Cost. . Architects Fee . . . . . . . . . . $ 74,600. (45,000 sq.ft. @ .10~). . . $ 4,500. . . $ 4,500. ... . .' . . $501,290. . . . . . . $ 30,080. Total Cost . . . $614,970. I RBMARKS : I Site can be used in connection with City County sites A,B,D,E, and separate sites. I Expansion in the future can be realized thru use of the private p~operty on the remainder of the block. I Site X I Site Cost. (half of County Jail site value) . $ 7,700. Site Development (20,000 sq.ft. at .10~) $ 2,000. Parking Lot (15 at 300). . . . . . $ 4,500. Building Cost. . . $501,290. Archi tecta Fee . . . . . $ 30,080. I Total Cost . $545,570. I REMARKS : I Site can be used in connection with City-County Sites A,B,C,D,E, or separate sites. Site coverage high, a two story building mandatory I Site limits expansion of both City-Police and County JAil, except thru the closing of streets. I The county would realize an increase o~ $7,700 thru sale of part of . the site to the City. I The County Welfare department would need to be relocated before con- struction of the City Police Building could begin. I I I ,nn I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~TINUING COSTS i.laintenanee and Operating TOlephone :1:quipment 1()2 I I MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING COSTS I The costs of cleaning, electricity, fuel, and maintenance of equipment was studied in regard to any possible savings. Sources used for study of these items were statistics compiled for the Salina Schools by Mr. Fred Brockman, estimates prepared by the Salina Janitor Service, estimates of Mechanical Engineers, and the 1962 Office Building Experience Exchange Report of the National Association of Building Owners and Managers. I I Review of these sources indicates that: I 1) Operating costs are proportional to the area of the building. 2) The ~ pe~ square ~ for operation is very nearly the same for a build ng of 45,000 square foot as for 90,000 square foot. I 3) Possible savings in operating costs for a combined facility are therefore possible only thru reduced size of the combined facility. I I Comparison of required areas indicates that 1,320 square feet less are re- quired for a combined building than for separate buildings. The 1962 Office Building Experience Exchange Report indicates operating costs to be $1.50 per square root. Therefore a saving of $1,980 should be realized each year. I I I I I I I I I I . 103 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TELEPHONE SERVICE Information obtained from Mr. Cloyd Metzler and Mr. "Frosty" Baer of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. General Information - A central switchboard for a building of the size and complexity of the City Hall, Courthouse, or a Combin- ation Building is recommended for the most efficient service. Installation costs are approximately $8. per trunk line. Installation costs are approximately $7.50 per telephone set. A switchboard operator is paid approximately $3,600. per year. COURnIOUSE Installation costs for the various combinations are approximated as follows: CITY HALL 6 to 8 trunk lines - (8 x $8.) . 100 phones at $7.50. . . . . . . Total Courthouse phone installation. . . $ .$ .$ .$ 'j 64. 750. 814. 6 to 8 trunk lines - (8 x $8.) . . 100 phones at $7.50. . . . . .". . Total City Hall phone installation 64. 750. 814. TOTAL FOR BOTH BUILDINGS ADDED TOGEnIER. $1,628. COMBINATION. 12 to 14 trunk lines - (14 x $8.).. .$ 112. 200 phones at $7.50. . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500. Total Combination phone installation. . .$1,612.. $1,612. ANTICIPATED SAVINGS FRCJ.1 A COMBINED INSTALLATION. $ 16. ca.JRnIOUSE. Monthly Operating Costs for various combinations are approximated as follows: CITY HALL COMBINATION Operator (two thirds of time). . . . . . .$2,400. Billing - $400. per month for 12 months. .$4,800. * . Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 , 200. Operator (two thirds of time). . .$2,400. Billing - $400. per month for 12 months. .$4,800. * Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 , 200. TOTAL FOR BOTH BUILDINGS ADDED TOGEnIER. . . . . . $14,400. . Opera tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 , 600. Billing - $700. per month for 12 months. .$8,400. Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000.. $12,000. ANTICIPATED SAVINGS FROM A COMBINED INSTALLATION . $ 2,400. J Saving would be the same for two buildings on the same site if a common switchboard was used. A common switchboard would not be practicable for widely separated buildings. * Eq~pment rental only does not include toll calls. 104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUTLINE FOR ADl\iINISTRATIV:l AGREEl>'1ENT The following is not a legally per- rected wording, but is intended as an outline of main points of agree- ment ror a joint venture or con- struction and operation. 105 I I COMMENTS ON CITY-COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE AGREEMENT I It would appear from the discussions with several cities and counties now operating on a partial or full cooperative basis that there are advantages to the formation of a city-county building commission and that this com- mission be given certain powers and duties which include the selection of architect, engineers, the award of construction contract, the acquisition of the real estate and construction of the building as well as the operation and maintenance of the building. Below is described certain suggested items which might be included in such an administrative agreement. Certainly the framing of this agreement and certain of the details in this agreement would necessarily need be refined and shaped to suit the individual desires of the County and the City Commission. I I I I The County Commission and the City Commission (referred to as Commissions) would authorize the formation of the Saline County-Salina Joint Building Commission, (referred to as Building Commission). The Building Commission would be assigned the following powers and duties: I I 1. Select architect and engineers for preparation of preliminary plans and cost estimates adequate for bond election and bond sale commit- ments, and would be authorized to approve necessary payments to Architects, Engineers and other Consultants. I. I 2. Review preliminary plans and estimates of the building and submit plans and estimates for approval of the "COMMISSIONS". I 3. On approval of the "COMMISSIONS" the Building Commission would hold informational meetings with citizens groups precedent to bond elections. I I 4. Upon approval of the "COMMISSIONS" the Building Commis~ion would advertise for bond sale and submit bond bids to the "COMMISSIONS" for review and approval. 5. The Building Commission would appoint and authorize three appraisers to make a three approach real estate appraisal of the site recom- mended by the Building Commission and approved by the "COMMISStONS". I I 6. The Commissions would conduct separate bond elections. 7. The Building Commission would propose a purchase price of real estate and on the approval of the "COMMISSIONS", the Building Commission would purchase the real estate in the title of the Building Commission. I I I 8. On approval of the "COMMISSIONS", the Building Commission would authorize the architect and engineer to proceed with the preparation of final construction plans and specifications and cost estimates. 9. The Building Commission would review the plans and specifications prepared by the architects and engineers and submit to the "COMMISSIONS" for approval. I 106 I I 10. On approval of the "COMMISSIONS", the Building Commission would advertise for construction bids, receive bids, review and submit same for review and approval of the "COMMISSIONS". I 11. On approva.l of the "COMMISSIONS", the Building Commission would execute construction contract(s) and issue a "Notice to Proceed". I 12. The Building Commission would approve interim pay estimates of the construction Contractors, and approve change orders on construction within the construction budget. I 13. The Building Commission would make inspections of the completed buildings and the final pay estimates and recommend same to the "COMMISSIONS" for approval. I All costs of the performance of Items 1 through 6 would be paid by the res- pective "COMMISSIONS" in proportion to the square foot area to be occupied by each governmental unit on the basis of the preliminary plans prepared in Item 2. I I All costs of Items 7 through 13 would be paid from the proceeds of the bond fund. A separate cost account shall be maintained for the City and the County by the Building Commission based on the proportion of cost determined by the proportion of square foot assigned by the Building Committee to the City and the County based upon the final construction plans. I It would be the duty of the Building Commission to prepare a budget of cost for the operation and maintenance of the building from the date of final payment to the construction contractor to the period ending on the termina- tion of the fiscal year. The Building Committee shall on or before August I of each year prepare an operation and maintenance budget for ensuing fiscal year. Such budgets shall be submitted to the "COMMISSIONS" for their individ- ual approvals. Such budgets shall include but not be limited to the following items: I I I Bond principa.l redemption requirements I Bond interest requirements Building Operation Costs I Building Maintenance Costs Building Improvements costs I Costs would be in conformance with an operation and maintenance agreement executed by and between the "COMMISSIONS" and the Building Commission. Any costs to be incurred in excess of the budgeted amount shall require the ap- proval of the "C(){\1MISSICNS" prior to incurring liability. for expense. I I .. I I 107 I I A separate operation and maintenance agreement could be executed between the City Commission, the County Commission and the Building Commission. The arrangement of the building and the express desires of the City and the County will have a substantial effect on this agreement and we offer below several comments that we have collected with regard to such an agreement. I I 1. The Building Commission could employ the city equipment and forces to perform items such as street sweeping, snow removal and other possible operation items which might be proper to be performed by present staff and equipment. It would seem desirable that the City make charges to the Ruilding Commission for either an agreed amount or the actual charges involved in the performance of these assigned duties. I I 2. The Building Commission should employ and direct the janitorial and maintenance staff to perform services for the entire facility. We received these comments from the county clerk, housed in joint facilities with Quincy, city offices;: - they believed their separate forces (one for County and one for City) of maintenance and janitor were costing them considerably more than if the work were performed by a single staff. I I I 3. The Building Commission should probably pay all utility and maintenance bills and that these would be included in the items of the budget. I 4. The Building Commission should perform all redecorations at the re- quest of the using agency and make charges accordingly. I 5. In present joint facilities it does appear desirable that such items as addressograph equipment, microfilm equipment and accounting com- putors would be items which logically could be operated cooperatively by the City and County, however, this could be on a rental basis from one agency directly to the other agency without involvement of the Building Commission. I I The final operation and maintenance agreement could be drafted and executed at the time the final plans were prepared. I I I I I I 108 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUTURE EXPANSION 109 I I FUWRE EXPANS ION NEEDS I Interviews with Department Heads revealed extreme difficulty in estimating needs for their departments beyond ten years in the future. There are so many indeterminate factors which would influence such an estimate: I Population variations I Political developments in the community, state or nation Changes in duties due to legislation I Technological developments I Economic developments Cultural and sociological changes. I Though there was hesitancy to predict specific requirements for space use, there was a general concensus that there is a distinct need to provide for expansion and change. I Provision for change should take the following forms: I "Cushion" space within the building(s) as constructed, which would permit natural and gradual growth, both for personnel and stored items; Flexible or movable partitions to permit re-shaping of the depart- ments and their relationship to each other: Provision for expansion of the building(s), either horizontally or vertically, to accommodate increased gross area needs at some time in the future. I I Either of the three building combinations, (Completely Separate, Separate on the same site, Combined Facility), would be readily adaptable to the provisions for change as described above. For sites A and C, provisions for vertical expansion should be provided. Due to the limitation of these sites, horizontal expansion should be discouraged. The cost estimates in this report DO NOT INCLUDE provision for vertical expansion unless noted. I I Provision for expansion horizontally would necessitate the selection of a site that would permit a generous amount of open lot in addition to the area used by the building(s). I I I I Provision for expansion vertically would of course necessitate the design of the structural system to accommodate additional loads in the future. Within a combined building, except where functional convenience required otherwise, the departments of the two governments would be essentially sep- arated, and would not interfere with alterations of the other party. If one government should experience reduced space needs, and the other gov- ernment should expand, the fl~xible partitioning would permit easy changes. I Operation and maintenance costs, and other responsibilities would be charged on a percentage basis depending on the p*rcentage of departmental space used by each: The percentages could be re-adjusted, (if necessary), after each, major sbif~ing of partitions. 110 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECAPITULATION Phase I Phase II Phase III III I I R E CAP I T U L A T ION I PHASE I I Item 1 I Item 2 I I I I Item 3 I I I I Item 4 I Item 5 I I I I I A Combined project is legally possible. There are no major legal restrictions to a cooperative building effort between a County Government and the City Government of a City which is the County Seat. Present buildings structurally sound but functionally obsolete Both the City Hall and the Courthouse are structurally adequate, and would be able to serve their respective governments satisfactorily for a number of years. Both of these buildings are obsolete according to present day stand- ards of lighting, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, fire safety acoustics, etc. Both buildings would require a substantial amount of work to improve finish and trim materials that have deteriorated due to age, weather- ing, use, etc. Existing buildings satisfactorily located The location of the City Hall is considered satisfactory as to rela- tion to the central busin~ss district, (CBO), but is not large enough to give the proper setting and dignified character that is important to a seat of government. The County Courthouse is satisfactorily related in relation to the CBO. It would, however, serve the sommunity somewhat more conveniently if it were closer to the CBO. The size of the site for existing conditions is ~atisfactory from a standpoint of character and dignity. Traffic is not a prohlem There are no major traffic problems encountered at either site. Both buildings very short of adequate space M~ny departments are lacking in necessary space to adequat~ly and ef- ficiently conduct their present operations. Several departments, in addition to lack of enough space, are further hindered by space that does not function properly, and cannot be made to function properly due to the inflexibility of the existing build- ings. 112 I I PHASE I (continued) I Item 6 It is "possible" to expand existing buildings _ "desirability" questionable I I~ I I Item 7 I I Item 8 I I I Item 9 I I PHASE II I Item I I I I I Considered from the standpoint of possibility only, and not necessar- ily from the standpoint of desirability, it is possible to construct the needed additional space by addition(s) to the existing bui~dings. It would not be possible, (except by a multi-story, more than three stories, building), to construct a joint City-County Governmental cen- ter on the present City Hall property. It would be possible to construct a joint City-County Governmental Center on the present Courthouse property. Some cities now use a combined facility Other cities within and without the borders of Kansas have found that a joint governmental center has been advantageous from an efficiency standpoint, particularly in the area of law enforcement. This, plus savings in construction and operation costs, shows an advantage for this type of organization. Courthouse neighborhood satisfactory The adjoining land uses in the vicinity of the City Hall are not the most ideal for a setting for city or county government. The land uses in the vicinity of the Courthouse are considered satis- factory for governmental offices. (Refer to comments under Item 3.) Existing buildings could be used for other purposes In the event that either the City Hall or the County Courthouse were to be replaced by a new structure, there are possible uses to which the existing building(s) could be put. The area immediately to northwest of CBD is desirable location A Governmental Center should be within 600 feet of the periphery of the CED. Location on wide, arterial streets is desirable. Ninth street, with access to Interstate Highway 70, and Ash street, with access to Inter- state Highway 35W, fit this description. Area northeast and east of CBD is undesirable because it is zoned for light industry, and because of the location of the railroads. 113 I I PHASE II (continued) Area to southeast and south is zoned for light industry and for gener- al business. Also traffic patterns are less convenient. I I I I Item 2 I I I I I I Item 3 I I I I I I I Land use to south is suitable for a Governmental Center, but a loca- tion close to the CBD would inhibit business development. t- The land to the southwest and west that is within a convenient dis- tance from the CBD is already used for largely public and semi-public uses. The area to the northwest provides sites which are a convenient dis- tance from the CBD and are served by both Ninth and Ash Streets. Three methods of financing possible , 1. Accumulation of funds 2. Bond issues 3. Sale of property The City of Salina has no funds available for building construction. Construction work by the City of Salina in the near future would re- quire issuance of gen'eral obligation bonds affirmed by a bond election. Saline County has accumulated approximately $429,000. under a special building fund levy. Saline County is authorized to accumulate the special building levy at a maximum rate of one (1) mill. The present rate of .52 mills should produce $48,322. in 1963 property taxes. Saline County is authorized to supplement the levy with bonds until the fund reaches two-and-one-half, (~), percent of the County assess- ed valuation. ~ percent of the 1963 valuation was $2,323,000. Ownership and Organization should be by means of a Building Authority or Building Commission Kansas statutes authorize building authorities, but apparently do not permit the use of revenue bonds. The principal reasoning behind the use of building authorities is clearly stated in the Indiana Statute: "The bringing together of various activities and functions of sev- eral governmental units into one or more modern buildings would facilitate the carrying on of public business through closer grouping and more economical housing. However, the financing, management, operation and allocation of space in a building used jointly by several governmental units can be handled efficiently, fairly, and economically only by a body separate and apart from the governmental units themselves." .. 114 ITE AI LI I .1 SITE D I ~ I I L.__. __ _._._ ----.--__._____.J - ~ .,. .:::... -- -.-... - '~.' -- ~. , ----, .. t. 1 Iii : ~ I . '--f o SITE C ~ SITE B '-J r T , I , i I i J I 8 i c..oueT r- .. .~ ....- I WO U'?E --oJ r- ~ _ _. I /. I I I I II I i i j i -- I I -----J --,,; "...J " SITE E '= I i i I i , ! I I I I I I I .- .~.... - -- - ---r I l i I ! I I i I i I I. I i ! j I I ! I I I I I f i ~ '--- I I --4 ~_.__ . ~ ~ :::". ::J---t I 1 I I j I I ____J c - .--. _ _ --.J>" -i ...-.... SITES STUDIED 115 I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I Item 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Site "E" judged most desirable Criteria for judgement: Ease of building on the site Appearance of project on site Walking distance from County Jail (transporting of prisoners to courts) Walking distance from CBO Parking relationships to CBO Potential for renewal of the area Appraised value of land 116 I I PHASE III I Item 1 I I I Item 2 I I Item 3 I I Item 4 I I Item 5 I I I Item 6 I I I I The City of Salina requires a building area of 37,950. square feet. Saline County requires a building area of 47,320. square feet. A joint facility to serve both governments would require a building area of 83,400. square feet. The Police Station, (including facilities for the City Court), would require a building area of 24,940. square feet. Additional reductions in area might be possible if, by mutual ag- reement, certain functions could be organized to serve all, (or several), departments of both governments. If a Civil Defense Emergency Control Center were included in the project, federal funds are available for assisting in construction to meet specific requirements of such a program. (This has not been included in the areas listed under Item 1, or in the cost est- imates.) For purposes of cost estimating it was assumed that the materials and methods of construction would be consistent with other similar projects in this part of the country. Specifically, the cost esti- mates are predicated on a building of durable materials, air condi- tioning, flexibility and expandibility. Estimated costs for CONSTRUCTI~1 ONLY are: City Building. $ 773,990. County Building. $ 995,180. Total. . . .$ 1,729,170.00 Combined Building. .$ 1,621,820.00 .$ 107,350.00 Difference. An estimated ing costs if $99,000. over stant. saving of $1,980. per year is anticipated for operat- a combined building is constructed. This amounts to a period of fifty years if the amount remains con- An estimated saving of $2,400. per year in personnel and equipment rental costs for telephone service is anticipated if a Combined Building is used. This amounts to $120,000. over a period of fifty years. 117 I I Item 7 I I Item 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II .- Operation and ownership of a combined building would be by means of a "Bui lding Commissi on" . The responsibility of the Bui lding Comm- ission would be similar to a Ruilding Committee during the con- struction of the project, and similar to a Board of Trustees for another public building after the project was completed. Future expansion would be either by addition of floors in the fu- ture, or would take the form of horizontal expansion. Either form of expansion must be provided for at the time the original project is constructed. Vertical expansion requires special foundation work, and horizontal expansion requires a site large enough to ac- commodate it. " - ....- 118 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABtn.ATION OF COSTS FOR CITY AND COUNTY OFFICE FACILITIES SEf'ARATE BUILDINGS COMBINED BUILDING SITE City County Total City County Total Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Separate ( 7) J 190.000sq.') 51.017.210 51 124.140 52.141.350 - - - Site A ( 2) (6) ( 2) ( 6) (2) (6) ( 1) ( 5) ( 1) (5) (1) (5) 110,000sq.') 5 838.930 51 066.140 $1. 905.070 5 779.460 51.011 950 $1.791,410 Site B (3 ) ( 3) (3 ) ( 3) ( 187 , 500sq. ' ) $ 814,900 $1,097,920 $1,912,820 $ 755,820 $1,043,340 $1,799,160 Site B wi tl1 ( 3) ( 4) ( 3) ( 4) :ity Police - - - $ 729,450 $1,010,050 $1,739,500 Site C (6 ) ( 6) ( 6) (5 ) ( 5) ( 5) 107, 500sq. ' ) $ 859,010 $1,092,210 $1,951,220 $ 779,860 $1,037,700 $1,837,560 1 Site D 150,000sq.' ) $ 948,660 $1,208,650 $2,157,310 $ 890,950 $1,152,700 $2,043,650 Site E 160 ,000sq. ' ) $ 962,400 $1,226,510 $2,188,910 $ 904,920 $1,170,330 $2,075,250 (1) An additional $25,000 should be included ($11,000 City and $14,000 County) for difficulty of construction around Courthouse to prevent a double move by the County. (2) An additional $15,000 should be included for one of the two buildings to pre- vent either a double move by County, or a two year delay for City facilities. (3) This eliminates Memorial Hall, so an additional amount would be required to re- place this facility (including land) by the City. (4) Amount does not include City Police facilities, which would be $595,530 addition- al. I. (5) Due to size of site an additional $15,000 ($6,600 City and $8,400 County) should be included for provision for vertical expansion. (6) Due to size of site, an additional $7,000 for the City Building and $9,000 for the County Building should be included for provision for vertical expansion. (7) If County Building were limited to Courthouse site, County costs would be $1,042,940., however, $15,000 should be added for difficulty of Construction to prevent double move and $9,000 for provision for vertical expansion due to size of site. NOTE: Costs do not include costs for a City Police Facility. This is estimated to be from $545,570. to $620,150. depending upon site used. Except where the County Courthouse property is used as part of the building site, it has been assumed the Courthouse and City Hall properties would be sold. This is reflected in the above figures. 119 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECOMlYIENDA TI ON 120 I I I I I I I I RECOMMENDATIONS It is the recoaaendation at this report that Saline County and the City o'L Salina: 1. - Elect to proceed with theeconstruction and joint ownership o'L a Combined Bui 1ciing to serve the County and City Governments; A combined saving of $107,350. in construction cost, and $4,380. in yearly operating cost should be realized by this action. In the light of the urgent need of many departments of both City and County governments for additional and more functional apace, it is recommended tbat a decision be made at an early date, and that a building program be started promptly. 2. - Form a Building Commission for the planning, construction and joint own- ership and operation of the proposed building; I I I I I 3. - The Building Commission be invested with the power to select and work with an Architect for the project as a Building Committee, and after the project is completed, to serve as a Board of Trustees for the operation of the project; -. 4. - Select a site for the Combined Building: It is the recommendation of this report that Site E be $elected because of its greater potential for convenience, flexibility and expansion. (Site D also has many of these advantages except the shape of site is more restrictive.) If cost must be the determ\ning factor, Site A is the obvious choice. However, it should be pointed out that Site E has 45% more area than Site A. I I I I If the City should find it feasible to abandon the use of a Civic Auditorium for a period of years, or to construct a new Auditor- ium simultaneously with the proposed City-County Building, then Site "B" would be the recoDlDlendation of this report. Site "B" would afford the greatest amount of usable site area for the a- mount of money spent and at the least expenditure of money. I 5. - Hire an Architect within four weeks of the first reading of this report to begin preliminary planning at once in preparation for a bond election at the earliest date possib.le and practicable; 6. - Coincident with the above recommendations, it is recommended that the City purchase property and construct a new Police Station convenient to the existing County Jail. I 121