Community Data Book I I I I I I I BOOK I I I I I I I I SALINA. KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I COMMUNITY DATA BOOK CITY OF SALINA I KANSAS 1965 I I I I I I I I The preparation of this Community Data Book was financially aided through a federal grant from the Urban Renewal Administration of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, under the Urban Planning Assistance Program authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended. I I I I 'f;ILSON COMPANY ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS t CITY OF SALINA KANSAS CITY COMMISSION Robert M. Stark, Mayor Charles Casebeer Ralph Exline Carl R. Rundquist G. N. Waddell PLANNING COMMISSION C. A. Brooks, Chairman Raymond Haggart Wilber L. Johnson William H. Odgers W. M. Ostenberg John Ryberg Milton Thelander Gilbert Wenger Phil Wilcox CITY OFFICIALS Norris D. Olson, City Manager Duane Pearce, .City Planner Harold F. Harper, City Engineer Harold E. Peterson, City Clerk Donald Harrison, City Treasurer L. O. Bengtson, City Attorney I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Introduction I SOCIA L I Populat ion G~neral Information Vital Statistics Live Births and Total Deaths by City of Residence Percent of Population By Age Group Comparison of Population Statistics 1960 Percent of Population By Age Group Population Distribution By Age Range, Sex and Color Population Distribution By Age, Sex and Color State Growth (Population) National Growth (Population) City-County Growth (Population) Salina Population Population Projections Population Projection Kansas Population Population Density 1960 (Kansas) Selected Population Statistics Population Densities of Kansas Cities Population Distribution By Ag~ Group (Salina) Population Comparison I I I I I I Education Expenditures, Salina Board of Education Mill Levy and Assessed Value of School Districts September Enroll~ent Figures September Enrollment by Divisions Publ ic School Enrollment By Schools in September of Each Year School Acceage Education Trends - Salina School Bond REtirement Schedule General Obligation Bonds, Salina Board of Education I I I I Employment Employment - Selected Industry Groups (Salina) Estimated Civilian Work Force Permanent and Temporary Employment 24 afu'.c 24 25 I Utilities Telephones and Utility Meters I Notes I A I Page 1 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 11-1. 14 after 14 after 14 after 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27, 28 after 28 after 28 29 after 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 36 County) 36 37 38 ECONOMIC Revenue and Expenditure Summary of Expenditures, 1955 - 1964 Summary of Receipts, 1955 - 1964 Bank Deposits Selected Economic Data Bank Debits Total Depos its ot All Commercial Banks Retail, Wholesale and Selective Services Retail Trade - 1958 Wholesale Trade - 1958 Selected Services - 1958 Sales (Saline County) Manufacturing (Saline County) Distribution of Retail Sales (Saline County) Distribution of Wholesale Sales (Salil~ County) Distribution of Selected Services Receipts (Saline Building Report City Building Report Building Permit Valuation Taxation The Assessed Valuation and Rate of Assessment Tax Rate in Mills Trend in Tax Rate - Major Governmental Units Comparison of P~rcentage Share of Tax Dollar By Each Government Unit Percentage of Tax Collected, 1951 - 1964 City Tax Rates Comparison of Bonded Debt - First Class Kansas Cities R<c tail Sales Tax Collect ions and Tax Rate - Sal ine County Notes PHYSICAL Climate and Rainfall Salina Climatological Data Land Use Existing Land Use - 1963 (Percentages of Occupied Area) Land Use Comparisons Residential Land Use Comparison ~eighborhood Land Use Analysis - 1963 Land Use Summary - 1963 Land Use Summary - 1985 B Page 39 40 41 42 43 44 after 44 45 46 after 46 47 48 48 after 48 after 48 after 48 I I I Page I Housing Salina Housing Conditions Salina Housing Statistics (Types Salina Housing Statistics (Size, Selected Housing Statistics Comparison of Housing Conditions 49 of Structures) 49 Occupancy and Equipment) 50 after 50 after 50 I Central Business District List of Firms in CBD (as of January 1964) 51-62 I Park and Recreation Inventory of Existing parks and Facilities Attendance for Playground and Other Activities after 62 after 62 I Notes 63, 64 I MISCE LLANEOUS I Zoning Changes 65, 66 67 67 68 68 69 - 73 74 75 76 77 Miscellaneous Statistics - December 31, 1964 I 1964 Shopping Center Valuations Income Trends - Salina I Summary of External Traffic I Agricultural Trends - Saline County Fire Flow Test Results I Total Fire Loss (In City) and Runs by Year (1938 - 1964) Fire Loss Classification - 1964 I Notes I I I I C I I I INTRODUCTION I I The Community Data Book is a compilation of statistical information pertaining to the physical, social and economic character- istics of the Community. When used in conjunction with the City Plan, the Data Book should be of value in the analysis of the city and its future development. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL INFORMATION The Town of Salina was organized under Town and Village Act April 22, 1867. City of Third Class November 21, 1870 City of Second Class October 11, 1878 City of First Class July 9, 1920 population of Salina, u. So Census 1870 918 Population of Salina, u. S. Census 1880 3, III population of Salina, u. S. Census 1890 6,149 Population of Salina, u. S. C e ns us 1900 6,074 Population of Salina, u. S. Census 1910 9,688 Population of Salina, Uo S. Census 1920 15,085 Population of Salina, Uo S. C e ns u s 1930 20,155 Population of Salina, U. So Census 1940 21,018 population of Salina, State Census 1946 23,291 population of Salina, County Census 1947 24,566 Population of Salina, County Census 1948 26,222 Population of Salina, U. S. Census 1950 26,176 Population of Salina, County Census 1953 29,125 population of Salina, County Census 1954 31,032 Population of Salina, County Census 1955 32,420 population of Salina, County Census 1956 33,537 Population of Salina, County Census 1957 35,327 Population of Sal ina, County Census 1958 36,209 Population of Salina, County Census 1959 38,109 population of Salina, County Census 1960 39,235 Population of Salina, U. S. Census 1960 43,202 Population of Salina, County Census 1961 40,804 Population of Salina, County Census 1962 43,090 Population of Salina, County Census 1963 40,649 Populat ion of Salina, County Census 1964 41,293 Population of Salina, County Census 1965 Population of Salina, County Census 1966 Population of Salina, County Census 1967 Population of Salina, County Census 1968 Populat ion of Salina, County Census 1969 Population of Salina, County Census 1970 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 I VITAL STATISTICS The Vital Statistics Law was enacted in Kansas in 1911, and in effect Augus t 1st, 1911. The following is a record of the births and deaths in the City of Salina, Kansas, to-date B irt hs Deaths B irt hs Deat hs Year Recorded Recorded Year Recorded Recorded 1911 162 64 1941 504 302 1912 359 171 1942 678 297 1913 282 152 1943 853 369 1914 213 117 1944 893 381 1915 288 193 1945 741 341 1916 388 221 1946 966 325 1917 352 222 1947 1,223 359 1918 449 307 1948 1,282 379 1919 374 247 1949 1,261 402 1920 441 247 1950 1,037 420 1921 492 224 1951 1,054 380 1922 521 252 1952 1,072 406 1923 467 229 1953 1,605 414 1924 479 255 1954 1,676 484 1925 413 232 1955 1,752 388 1926 445 232 1956 1,811 475 1927 459 227 1957 1,870 434 1928 455 292 1958 1,976 472 1929 486 272 1959 2,183 476 1930 528 282 1960 1,991 511 1931 471 289 1961 1,912 482 1932 490 300 1962 1,940 477 1933 456 283 1963 1,766 501 1934 514 309 1964 1,662 450 1935 435 326 1965 1936 422 341 1966 1937 492 292 1967 1938 555 283 1968 1939 557 277 1969 1940 519 296 1970 L[_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Year 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964* 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 LIVE BIRTHS AND TOTAL DEATHS BY CITY OF RESIDENCE SALINA, KANSAS Live Births 695 703 756 1,116 1,202 1,287 1,373 1,482 1,555 1,740 1,549 1,529 1,552 1,393 1,334 *Figures for 1964 are provisional Source: Kansas State Department of Health 5 Total Deat hs 286 259 282 278 304 262 327 310 333 339 346 329 362 394 295 PERCENT OF POPULATION BY AGE GROUP AGES 8S - Over 80-84 . . . 7S - 79 :: 70 - 74 j 65 - 69 60 - 64 55 - 59 . . 50 - 54 . . . . 45 - 49 . . 40 - 44 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 - 19 MALES 10 - 14 5 - 9 Under - 5 15 10 0 10 15 PERCENTAGE SALINA - URBAN KANSAS ........ COMPARISON OF POPULATION STATISTICS 1960 U.S. Census PERCENT PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION FERTILITY INCREASE UNDER 18 18 TO 64 65 a. OVER RATIO 1950 - 1960 SALINA 36.6 55.6 7.9 617 65.0 PARK CITY 51.7 (H) 47.2 (L) l.l 745 N.A. LINDSBORG 25.0 (L) 55.0 20.0 354 9.5 HOLTON 28.0 49.6 22.4 (H ) 464 11.9 HAYSVILLE 50.8 48.3 1.0(L) 841 (H) N.A. LAWRENCE 28.4 63.1 (H) 8.5 394 40.7 MISSION HILLS 32.6 56.7 10.7 236 ( L) 184.0 STATE OF KANSAS 35.4 53.6 11.0 515 14.3 ( H) highest iJl state ( L) lowest in state (N.A.) not applicable - city not established in 1950 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1960 PERCENT OF POPULATION BY AGE GROUP SALINA, KANSAS MALE FEMALE Age State Urban Salina State Urban Salina - Under 5 11. 6 12.6 16.3 11.0 11.4 14.7 5 - 9 10.8 11. 0 10,3 10.2 10.0 9.5 10 - 14 9.3 9.3 7.9 8.8 8.5 7.1 15 - 19 7.3 6,9 5.7 7.1 7.1 7.7 20 - 24 6.2 6.5 8.8 6.0 6.8 10.6 25 - 29 6.0 6.7 10.1 6.0 6.4 7.9 30 - 34 6.4 6.8 6.9 6.4 6.7 6.4 35 - 39 6.7 7.0 6.0 6.6 6.8 6.1 40 - 44 6.0 6.0 5.5 6.0 6.0 4.9 45 - 49 5.6 5.5 4.3 5.7 5.5 4.8 50 - 5l~ 5.2 5.1 4.1 5.3 5.1 4.3 55 - 59 4.6 4.3 3.6 /+.8 4.8 /+.0 60 - 64 4.1 3.6 3.2 4.3 4.1 3.1 65 - 69 3.6 3.0 2.3 4.0 3.6 3.1 70 - 74 2.9 2.4 2.0 3.3 3.0 2.5 75 - 79 1.9 1.6 1.2 2. /.j. 2.2 1.7 80 - 84 1.1 0.9 0.8 1.4 1.2 0.9 85 - Ove r 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.7 Source: U. S. Census 7 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION BY AGE RANGE, SEX AND COLOR SALINA, KANSAS ALL CLASSES WHI TE NON-WHITE Age Total Male Female Male Female . Male Female -- Under 5 Years 6,686 3,393 3,293 3,195 3,103 198 190 5 - 9 4,275 2,151 2,124 2,078 2,038 73 86 10 14 3,234 1,641 1,593 1,582 1,544 59 49 15 - 19 2,923 1,192 1,731 1,146 1,691 46 40 20 - 24 4,218 1,839 2,379 1,750 2,267 89 112 25 - 29 3,868 2,101 1,767 2,024 1,682 77 85 30 - 34 2,866 1,441 1,425 1,384 1,351 57 74 35 - 39 2,722 1,361 1,361 1,316 1,318 45 43 40 - 44 2,235 1,137 1,098 1,112 1,076 25 22 45 - 49 1,966 894 1,072 877 1,055 17 17 50 54 1,818 865 953 849 929 16 24 55 - 59 1,639 750 889 732 862 18 27 60 - 64 1,357 659 698 645 683 14 15 65 - 69 1,194 485 709 472 691 13 18 70 - 74 963 413 550 399 537 14 13 75 - 79 630 243 387 235 374 8 13 80 - 84 375 164 211 162 208 2 3 85 - Ove r 233 78 155 77 149 1 6 Under 18 Years 15,796 7,966 7,830 7,608 7,483 358 347 65 - Over 3,395 1,383 2,012 1,345 1,959 38 53 Med ian Age 25,3 25,3 25.2 25.7 25.4 20.6 22.4 All Ages 43,202 20,807 22,395 20,035 21,558 772 837 Source: U. S. Census of population 1960 8 I I POPULATION DISTRIBUTION BY AGE, SEX AND COLOR I SALINA , KANSAS ALL CLASSES WHITE NON-WHITE Age Total Male Female Male Fe ma 1 e Male Female I All Ages 43,202 20,807 22,395 20,035 21 ,558 772 837 I Unde r 1 Year 1,547 821 726 7/4 683 47 43 1 Year 1,449 720 729 669 692 51 37 I 2 1,348 661 687 629 648 32 39 3 1,221 636 585 602 544 34 41 4 1,121 555 566 521 536 34 30 I 5 1,031 550 481 530 465 20 16 6 938 473 465 453 444 20 21 7 830 412 418 400 404 12 14 I 8 762 370 392 362 374 8 18 9 714 346 368 333 351 13 17 I 10 706 374 332 355 323 19 9 11 663 315 348 305 337 10 11 12 721 365 356 353 344 12 12 13 684 355 329 344 317 11 12 I 14 460 232 228 225 223 7 5 15 518 251 267 241 260 10 7 I 16 539 265 274 255 269 10 5 17 544 265 279 257 269 8 10 18 661 205 456 194 446 11 10 I 19 661 206 455 199 447 7 8 20 768 226 542 218 514 8 28 21 and Over 25,316 12,204 13,112 11,816 12,668 388 444 I Source: U. S. Census of Population 1960 I I I I I 9 I STATE By Census 2 MILLION 1.5 MILLION MILLION 0.5 MILLION NATIONAL By Census MILLION 150 MILLION 100 MILLION 50 MILLION GROWTH Year . 1900 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1910 GROWTH Year 200 1900 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1910 10 I CITY - COUNTY GROWTH By Census Year I I I I I I I I I I I 55.000 45.000 35.000 25.000 ..~.. ....-- ~-- 15.000 lD.OOC 1900 1910 1920 I I I II I I I !:i~LJN 1930 1940 1950 11 1960 POPULATION PROJECTIONS SAL INA, KANSAS Power Logarithmic Exponent ial Quadratic 3.4% Annual Year Actual Formula Formula Formula Formula Increase 1940 20,917 19,054 17,597 19,519 20,812 20,917 1945 21,860 23,172 23,256 23,044 22 , 7 94 24,722 1950 25,466 27,605 28,318 27,205 26,452 29,221 1955 32,420 32,342 32,896 32,117 31,788 34,538 1960 39,235 37,373 37,077 37,917 38,800 40,821 Forecast 1965 47,500 42,688 40,922 44,764 47,489 48,248 1970 53,500 48,282 44,482 52,847 57,855 57,026 1975 59,000 54,147 47,797 62,389 69,899 67,402 1980 65,000 60,275 50,897 73,655 83,619 79,667 198,5 72,000 66,663 53,809 86,956 99,015 94,162 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z o t- U w "'" o D:: Q. III Z 0 o ~ - 0 t-~ -c ..J o' ::::) c: Q.'::: o 0 Q.v, ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ 13 POPULATION DENSITY 1960 PERSONS PER SQUARE MILE 0-4.9 I I 5 - 14.9 h';::';::'<1 15 - 29. 9 13~;~:;:;~~~::~::~:~ 30 - 49.9 50 OR MORE CENTER OF POPULATION * U. S. Census 14 SELECTED POPULATION STATISTICS 1960 U.S. Census HOUSEHOLDS PERCENT OF PERCENT PERCENT POPULATION TOTAL INCREASE PERCENTAGES IN CREASE AVERAGE IN GROUP MEDIAN AGE FERTILITY POPULATION 1950 - 1960 UNDER 18 18 TO 64 65 8< OVER 1950 - 1960 POPULATION QUARTERS 1960 1950 RATIO (f) SALINA 43,202 65.0 (a) 36.6 55.6 7.9 61.5 3.14 (d) 1.9 25.3 30.8 617 (g) SALINE COUNTY 54,715 63.8 (e) 36.2 56.1 7.7 53.8 3.21 4.9 24.9 31.1 620 (g) URBAN KANSAS 1,328,741 33.8 35.6 54.5 9.9 32.6 3.11 2.3 28.8 30.5 514 RURAL KANSAS 849,870 (-) 6.8 (b) 35.1 52.0 12.8 (- ) 6.3 3.19 4.0 31.8 31.7 515 STATE OF KANSAS 2,178,611 14.3 (c) 35.4 53.6 11.0 14.5 3.14 2.9 29.9 31.1 515 (a) U. S. urban population increased 29.3 percent - 16th highest of 87 urban places in Kansas (b) U. S. rural population decreased 0.9 percent (c) U. S. total population increased 18.5 percent (d) highest in state was 4.35 at Park City lowest in state was 2.61 at Anthony (e) 2nd highest of 105 counties in Kansas (Johnson County was 129 percent) 70 counties lost population (f) number of children under 5 years old per 1000 women 15 to 49 years old (g) seventh highest ratios in state I I I I I I I POPULATION DENSITIES of Kansas C it i e s PERSONS PER PERSONS CITY SQ.MILE(a) PER ACRE Manhattan 6200 9.7 Junction City 6000 9.4 Emporia 5850 9.1 Prairie Village 5500 8.6 SA L I N A 5250 (b) 8.2 Wichita 4900 7.7 Overland Park 4150 6.5 Lawrence 4050 6.3 Pi ttsburg 3700 5.7 Hutchinson 3450 5.4 Coffeyvi lie 3350 5.2 Topeka 3300 5.2 Kansas City 3000 4.7 Leavenworth 2700 4.2 Great Bend 2650 4.1 AVERAGE 4270 6.7 I POPULATION DISTRIBUTION BY AGE GROUP Salina Total I 3000 2000 1000 I I I I I I I (a) areas used in these ca/culat ions are gros s areas wi thi n 1960 city boundaries. (limits) - data from 1960 U. S. census. I (b) in 1950 the dens ities for Salina were 5690 per sq. mi Ie or 8.9 persons per acre. I U. S. Census AGES o OVER 85 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 - 74 65 - 69 60 - 64 55 - 59 50 - 54 45 - 49 40 - 44 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 - 19 10 - 14 5 - 9 UNDER 5 o 1000 2000 3000 FEMALES NUMBER OF INHABITANTS I ------------------- >-' V1 POPULATION COMPARISON Sa1 ine Year United States U.S. Urban Kansas Kansas Urban County (C) (C) (C) (C) (C ) 1900 75,995,000 30,500,000 1,470,000 330,000 17 ,076 1910 91,972,000 41,999,000 1,691,000 492,000 20,338 1920 105,710,000 54,158,000 1,769,000 616,000 25,103 1930 122,775,000 68,955,000 1,881,000 729,000 29,337 1940 131,669,000 74,424,000 1,801,000 754,000 29,535 1950 150,697,000 96,468,000 1,905,000 903,000 33,409 1960 179,323,000 125,269,000 2,179,000 1,328,000 54,715 1970 (A) County Assessors Census (C) U.S. Census Data - April of Year Source: County Assessors U.S. Census Sa1 ine County (A) 29,514 32,813 46,459 Salina (C) 6,074 9,688 15,085 20,155 21,073 26,176 43,202 Salina (A) 20,917 25,466 39,235 EXPENDITURES SALINA BOARD OF EDUCATION Year 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 (estimated) Expend itures $ 1,677,637.02 1,884,632.02 1,966,088.29 2,390,199.26 2 ,721,446.77 2,924,631.40 3,242,082.07 3,616,378.88 3,946,298.16 4,251,001.56 4,787,336.77 Source: Superintendent of Schools 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MILL LEVY AND ASSESSED VALUE OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS SALINA BOARD OF EDUCATION Year Mill Levy Assessed Value 1954-55 21. 38 $ 44,009,000 1955-56 23.61 46,700,000 1956-57 24.06 49,200,000 1957-58 25.29 50,000,000 1958-59 28.87 51,250,191 1959-60 28.63 54,600,863 1960-61 30.84 55,296,204 1961-62 32.26 58,228,607 1962-63 33.13 60,206,117 1963-64 31.87 62,084,883 Note: July 1, 1965 is effective date of unified school district Source: Superintendent of Schools 17 SALINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS SEPTEMBER ENROLLMENT FIGURES 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 --------------------- K 409 566 752 735 768 799 819 889 987 1102 1146 1236 1313 1211 1261 1 454 392 602 734 765 687 723 725 837 921 957 1063 1081 1140 1130 2 428 413 437 564 739 718 660 692 713 774 828 944 963 951 1058 3 391 416 464 435 620 685 679 657 724 694 759 868 850 874 952 4 353 365 445 456 449 605 661 686 688 689 703 791 791 820 853 5 325 333 396 449 505 432 563 674 688 676 669 697 737 746 802 6 352 327 354 403 465 462 438 545 715 671 649 705 669 691 731 7 336 361 372 349 428 481 483 446 581 705 642 704 664 646 711 8 295 306 360 354 355 440 463 488 448 572 706 672 664 618 638 9 295 296 336 383 362 371 465 503 525 474 596 757 648 654 664 10 300 293 296 319 369 350 345 440 498 538 444 604 680 612 636 11 260 262 293 279 304 324 316 329 396 446 473 420 553 625 598 12 253 235 249 246 257 284 311 266 308 353 415 439 392 508 593 Sp. Rms. 17 15 15 19 12 14 15 26 24 26 22 28 42 39 58 >-' cc Sp. Ed. 13 14 16 30 35 32 25 29 25 27 --------------- Total 4468 4580 5371 5725 6398 6665 6955 7382 8162 8676 9041 9953 J0076 10160 10712 Increase 112 791 354 673 267 290 427 780 514 365 912 123 84 552 Total Increase Since 1950 - 6244 SEPTEMBER ENROLLMENT BY DIVISIONS 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 --------------------- Kg. 409 566 752 735 768 799 819 889 987 1102 1146 1236 1313 1211 1261 E1em. 2340 2283 2713 3060 3555 3616 3753 4021 4419 4486 4619 5121 5147 5271 5582 <Jr. H. 906 941 1068 1086 1145 1292 1411 1437 1554 1751 1944 2133 1991 1933 2029 Sr. H. 813 790 838 844 930 958 972 1035 1202 1337 1332 1463 1625 1745 1840 --------------- Total 4468 4580 5371 5725 6398 6665 6955 7382 8162 8676 9041 9953100761016010712 Source: Superintendent of Schools I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC SCHOOL ENROLLMENT BY SCHOOLS IN SEPTEMBER OF EACH YEAR 1952 1956 1960 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 parkview 180 165 192 Hawthorne 408 436 419 589 Phi11 ips 231 234 237 259 Oakdale 525 418 500 428 Glennifer Hill 204 214 236 Meadowlark 186 Bartlett 223 186 190 175 Whitt ier 285 301 210 211 South Park 290 289 269 224 Franklin 255 294 314 268 Lowe 11 525 372 336 335 Heusner 289 527 619 557 Sunset 685 836 842 Hageman 326 621 586 Kennedy 213 Grace Stewart 306 555 Key Acres 204 Schill ing Manor 470 928 Dunbar 86 Subtotal 3,297 4,437 5,733 6,796 North Jr. High 1,068 1,411 1,236 1,334 South Jr. High 708 680 Senior High 838 972 l. 332 1,804 Total 5,203 6,820 9,009 10,614 Source: Superintendent of Schools 19 PUBLIC SCHOOLS N o Primary Bartlett Franklin Glennifer Hill Grace Stewart Hageman Hawthorne Heusner Lowell Oakdale Phill ips South Park Sunset Whitt ier John F. Kennedy Meadowlark Ridge Key Acres Secondary Roosevelt-Lincoln South Junior High Salina Senior High Total SCHOOL ACREAGE ACRES .45 1. 94 3.31 9.64 5.49 3.70 6.71 1. 92 3.66 1. 28 1.72 7.85 3.55 7.31 7.16 6.99 5.22 21. 14 40.00 139.04 Source: City Engineering Department PRIVATE AND PAROCllIAL SCHOOLS Primary St. John's Military Academy Sacred Heart Grade School St. Mary's Grade School (Combination) ACRES 16.69 1.80 30.90 Secondary Sacred Heart High School (Combinat ion, see St. L'lary's Grade School) Ot he rs Kansas Wesleyan University Marymount Colle[e Total 21.18 12.08 82.65 I I I I I I I I EDUCATION TRENDS - SALINA Persons 25 Years Old and Over I 1950 12.0 MEDIAN SCHOOL YEARS COMPLETED I PERCENT WHO COMPLETED LESS THAN 5 GRADES 3.8% PERCENT WHO COMPLETED HIGH SCHOOL OR MORE 50.3 % PERCENT WHO COMPLETED COLLEGE not ovoiloble I I I I I I I I I 21 1960 12.3 2.1 % 59.3 % 10.2% SCHOOL BOND RETIREMENT SCHEDULE* Year of Years In Which Bonds Were Issued Maturity 1947 1950 1953A 1953B 1956 1960 Total 1962 $63,000 $44,000 $25,000 $12,000 $60,000 $60,000 $264,000 1963 63,000 44,000 25,000 12,000 60,000 60,000 264,000 1964 63,000 44,000 25,000 12,000 60,000 60,000 264,000 1965 63,000 44,000 25,000 13 , 000 60,000 60,000 265,000 1966 63,000 44,000 25,000 13,000 60,000 60,000 265,000 1967 63,000 44,000 25,000 13 , 000 65,000 60,000 270,000 1968 44,000 25,000 13,000 65,000 60,000 207,000 1969 44,000 25,000 13,000 65,000 60,000 207,000 1970 44,000 25,000 13,000 65,000 60,000 207,000 1971 25,000 13,000 65,000 65,000 168,000 1972 25,000 13 , 000 65,000 65,000 168,000 1973 25,000 13,000 65,000 65,000 168,000 1974 13 ,000 65,000 65,000 143,000 1975 65,000 65,000 130,000 1976 65,000 65,000 130,000 1977 65,000 65,000 1978 65,000 65,000 1979 65,000 65,000 1980 65,000 65,000 Total $378,000 $396,000 $300,000 $166,000 $950,000 $1,190,000 $3,380,000 *Bonds retire February 1 and August 1 Source: Salina Public Schools 22 ------------------- GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS SALINA BOAPn OF EDUCATION Amount Amount Amount Due Amount Due Year Purpose of Bonds Issued Out st and ing Interest Principal Interest princ ipal 1954-55 High school E1em. bldg. & site $2,875,000 $2,307,000 $39,362.50 $130,000 $17,981.25 $75,000 1955-56 High school E1em. bldg. & site 2,875,000 2,177 ,000 35,163.75 143,000 16,701.25 75,000 1956-57 School bldg. 4,125,000 3,284,000 60,162,80 178,000 22,522.02 100,000 N 1957-58 School bldg. 4,125,000 3,106,000 65,773.75 203,000 31,417.50 101,000 w 1958-59 School bldg. 4,125,000 2,903,000 61,902.50 204,000 29,478.75 101,000 1959-60 School bldg. 4,425,000 2,999,000 63,014.00 264,000 30,915.00 101,000 1960-61 School bldg. 5,675,000 3,985,000 105,847.40 299,000 51,688.75 126,000 1961-62 School bldg. 5,675,000 3,686,000 100,792.50 324,000 47,331.25 126,000 1962-63 School bldg. 6,875,000 3,362,000 115,262.50 354,000 61,390.00 156,000 1963-64 School bldg. 6,875,000 4,208,000 120,548.75 384,000 55,792.50 156,000 1964-65 School bldg. 6,575,000 3,824,000 109,353.75 324,000 51,020.00 157,000 Source: Superintendent of Schools 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESTIMATED CIVILIAN WORK FORCE SALINA, KANSAS AREA (SALINE COUNTY) Average 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 (J une) 1957 -June 65 Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Total 16,450* 13,375 14,200 15,025 15,325 16,385 19,400 18,800 18,375 17 ,300 Unemployed 525 350 375 400 575 645 550 650 575 675 Percent of Civilian Work Force 3.2 2.8 2.7 2.7 3.9 3.9 3.8 3.5 3.1 3.9 Employed 15,925 13,025 13,825 14,625 14,750 15,740 18,850 18,150 17 ,800 16,625 Agricu1 tura1 550 175 200 225 225 245 1,000 975 950 875 Nonagricultural 15,375 12,850 13,625 14,400 14,525 15,495 17 ,850 17,175 16,850 15,750 All Other 1,925 800 1,375 1,950 1,975 1,950 2,600 2,400 2,325 2,125 wage and Salary 13,450 12,050 12,250 12,450 12,550 13,545 15,250 14,775 14,525 13,625 Manufacturing 1,525 1,325 1,400 1,475 1,425 1,425 1,825 1,650 1,800 1,525 Food and kindred products 900 850 875 925 900 850 900 975 950 875 Other manufacturing 625 475 525 550 525 550 925 675 850 650 Nonmanufacturing 11 ,925 10,725 10,850 10,975 11,125 12,170 13,425 13,125 12,725 12,100 Contract construction 1,675 1,700 1,650 1,550 1,500 1,900 2,050 1,750 1,475 1,425 Trans. , comm. , e1ec. , gas, & san. s e rv . 1,300 1,150 1,125 1,175 1,225 1,250 1,450 1,475 1,425 1,400 Wholesale and retail trade 3,825 3,500 3,525 3,550 3,600 3,850 4,275 4,225 4,150 3,825 Finance, insurance, & real estate 575 500 525 550 525 570 625 600 625 600 Services 2,675 2,700 2,525 2,350 2,400 2,600 2,875 2,850 2,825 2,850 Government 1,825 1,150 1,450 1,750 1,825 1,950 2,100 2,175 2,175 1,950 Other nonmanufacturing 50 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 C omp iled and furnished by the Salina Office of the Kans as State Employment Service. *All figures rounded to nearest 25. I I I PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SALINA, KANSAS I I Extractive Industrial - Nonmanufacturing Manufacturing - Durables Manufacturing - Nondurables Transportation Communications Utilities Commercial - Wholesale Commercial - Retail Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Personal Business and Services Professional Services Publ ic Services Quasi-Public Services I I I I Total I I I I I I I I I I Permanent Emp 1 oyees 61 1,234 355 1,039 723 222 142 249 2,713 787 591 563 1,244 847 10,770 Temporary Emp 1 oyees 1 3 12 13 3 44 2 3 81 25 Percent of Total Permanent Emp loyees .56 11.46 3.29 9.64 6.71 2.06 1. 32 2.31 25.19 7.33 5.49 5.23 11.55 7.86 100.00 TELEPHONES AND UTILITY METERS (NUMBER OF UNITS) Electric Gas Water Telephones Meters Meters Meters 1950 11 ,321 9,165 7,992 7,586 1951 11,805 9,422 8,289 7,820 1952 13,065 9,528 8,688 8,053 1953 14,545 10,405 9,658 8,661 1954 15,689 10,866 10,102 9,739 1955 16,826 11 ,398 10,586 10,221 1956 17,814 11 , 924 11,079 10,660 1957 18,944 12,416 11 ,426 11,061 1958 21 , 242 12,750 11,726 11,416 1959 22,687 13,502 12,267 11 , 934 1960 23,156 13,899 12,643 12,341 1961 25, 114 14,418 13,088 12,706 1962 24,868 14,936 13,426 13,353 1963 25,057 14,830 13,404 13 , 342 1964 26,175 16,214 13,753 12,963 1965 (June 1) 14,798 12,531 11,684 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 Source: Public Service Utilities - Salina, Kansas 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES 27 NOTES 28 I SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES C i t Y 0 f Sol in 0, 1955-1964 I . FUNDS BUDGETED 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 GENERAL OPERATING $ 756,854.43 $ 827,890.74 $ 908,304.56 $1,081,467.36 $1,080,330.08 $1,097,217.37 $ 1,106,414.40 $1,137,284.78 $1,192,191.00 $1,281,992.50 MEMORIAL HALL 13,849.53 12,292.06 12,804.45 12,424.14 11,828.55 7,590.65 11,524.36 8,579.85 8,336.15 10,805.00 I GENERAL AND SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT 42,126.13 43,500.00 43,500.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 63,000.00 85,000.00 31,100.00 G EN ER AL IMP ROV EME NT 42,099.44 42,117.19 42,148.44 43,158.88 45,738.27 48,887.53 45,049.64 49,939.80 50,808.89 51,000.00 CEMET ERY 11,449.26 11,025.98 11,712.79 12,514.91 13,009.08 14,151.06 13,152.77 15,701.25 21,261.33 21,995.00 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 5,796.00 27.20 BAND 6,170.00 6,170.00 6,170.00 9,960.00 9,960.00 9.960.00 11,600.00 11,600.00 11,750.00 11 ,750.00 FLOOD CONTROL 9,862.72 8,945.42 10,068.81 19,135.59 25,120.31 29,580.00 LIBRARY 45,599.50 54,359.02 58,465.05 6,373.99 NOXIOUS WEEDS 1,151.05 1,201.54 1,368.98 1,484.59 1,426.54 1,448.48 1,415.68 2,161.03 3,244.95 3,500.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION 10,521.09 10,529.10 10,105.53 10,069.73 10,685.61 11,132.55 10,968.29 11,383.83 13,645.02 15,085.00 POLICEMEN'S PENSION 10,006.86 10,833.02 12,675.61 13,469.89 15,076.41 14,067.00 15,087.47 17,660.55 19,746.71 20,244.00 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 1,289.69 6,000.00 18,122.00 15,319.68 4,230.62 BOND AND INTEREST 439,394.50 487,798.36 575,086.68 733,409.21 741,872.13 761,848.25 887,197.77 994,150.21 1,161,443.17 1,160,130.00 WATER AND SEWAGE 951,900.75 1,081,029.75 689,700.67 653,500.70 739,399.86 840,617.63 4,524,726.37 3,416,761.61 3,073,966.76 1,548,878.23 AIRPORT 82,265.49 79,805.17 154,906.78 217,927.05 258,134.46 268,549.00 CIVIL DEFENSE 25,394.14 PARKING METERS 109,321.67 74,843.34 83,450.00 PUBLIC HEALTH 21,034.71 18,750.00 15,398.00 16,676.42 17,435.99 20,438.71 16,030.21 25,365.00 26,960.00 WATER REFUND 1,926.03 REFUSE 188,406.26 139,862.94 158,081.63 162,410.27 128,014.00 TREE MAINTENANCE 3,016.20 11,782.76 I TOT ALS 2,338,108.23 2,609,808.67 2,392,718.79 2,638,231.40 2,823,131.16 3,171,907.50 7,021,413.99 6,288,841.06 6,120,603.24 4,709,064.11 . FUNDS NOT BUDGETED I CONSTRUCTION 940,564.58 1,637,824.02 2,315,227.65 3,032,278.95 1,773,927.09 5,726,363.04 4,995,766.96 1,821,816.49 3,350,213.57 1,357,407.34 CLEARING ACCOUNTS* 80,702.08 87,055.81 95,313,34 109,780.63 132,970.17 146,380.85 150,105.54 207,679.38 249,599.89 263,112.15 STREET MACHINERY 18,143.32 9,389.59 4,143.60 1,880.00 14,363.00 1,763.00 27,494.00 6,037.10 9,970.00 VETERANS' HOUSING 8,367.26 28,870.39 6,409.32 I MATERIAL STORES 13,197.14 16,999.15 14,834.22 13,574.40 16,573.77 15,257.45 14,680.48 12,463.00 12,827.76 CIVIL DEFENSE 2,095.24 4,221.71 5,248.89 42,718.82 31,375.81 26,066.00 26,968.73 21,134.86 FIREMEN'S REFLIEF 2,439.46 2,879.68 53,094.62 3,982.10 4,961.32 6,086.18 58,700.58 99,506.93 I CEMETERY ENDOWMENT 14,000.00 10,000.00 16,398.45 HILLCREST MAUSOLEUM ENDOWMENT 4,833.10 9,000.00 10,000.00 16,092.64 HILLCREST MAUSOLEUM TRUST 1,506.00 1,691.00 2,622.00 1,643.50 285.00 99.75 2,297.75 420.00 I PARKING METERS 58,907.80 63,224.48 61,926.32 75,344.42 74,748.43 72,639.59 47,359.29 AIRPORT 67,845.00 2,133.47 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 1,259.01 1,638.64 CENTRAL GARAGE 92,694.40 I TOTALS 1,125,922.88 1,852,767.22 2,557,792.78 3,312,836.90 2,085,186.24 5,970,723.33 5,320,286.41 2,195,026.49 3,678,558.14 1,744,318.75 GRAND TOT ALS $3,464,031.11 $4,462,575.89 $4,950,511.57 $5,951,068.30 $4,908,317.40 $9,142,630.83 $12,341,700.40 $8,483,867.55 $9,799,161.38 $6,453,382.86 *This includes Social Security, Withholding Tax, Employee's Retirement and Advanced Receipts Source: Salina Audit Report I I I I I SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS I C i t Y 0 f S a I in a, J 955 - J 964 . FUNDS BUDGETED 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 I GENERAL OPERATING $ 767,186.04 $ 850,109.15 $ 911,943.13 $1,041,982.63 $1,124,447.01 $1,075,950.12 $ 1,111,163.83 $1,164,535.74 $1,200,340.91 $1,260,806.82 MEMORIAL HALL 13,575.21 13,197.33 13,102.96 14,486.98 15,214.71 9,212.74 5,346.62 2,747.01 4,279.21 11,489.47 GENERAL AND SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT 64,229.04 23,807.10 43,280.55 44,519.06 45,594.14 46,105.54 62,379.83 84,726.65 1,403.84 28,567.95 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT 42,482.68 41,407.18 41,996.12 43,502.86 46,684.29 49,669.17 49,299.82 50,213.06 45,282.03 52,847.42 I CEMETERY 10,032.36 9,165.94 11 ,551. 08 12,221.61 17,248.41 13,755.25 12,810.17 13,573.48 19,256.27 21,668.94 PUBLIC HEAL TH NURSING 5,826.39 97.09 BAND 6,152.34 6,202.89 6,171.04 9,850.71 10,122.16 10,149.47 11 ,452.35 11,519.16 11 ,739.26 11,888.01 FLOOD CONTROL 10,124.05 11,128.18 11,024.43 19,157.87 27,623.80 24,681.79 LIBRARY 45,882.61 54,694.19 58,640.75 5,131.10 NOXIOUS WEEDS 1,263.41 1,369.28 1,241.67 1,292.62 1,451.06 1,456.42 1,496.13 2,233.13 3,426.73 3,387.83 FIREMEN'S PENSION 10,545.31 11,124.64 12,502.93 11,584.53 11,173.94 7,856.01 10,311.01 10,752.48 12,489.50 17,762.51 I POLICEMEN'S PENSION 10,210.59 10,390.08 13,197.88 11,777.17 18,122.13 15,581.51 14,733.85 13,023.44 18,723.26 23,672.91 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 26,127.62 27,825.43 359.00 BOND AND INTEREST 434,266.23 506,973.49 564,081.18 702,213.86 779,990.29 844,683.67 945,622.96 989,079.26 1,077,216.64 1,088,170.81 I WATER AND SEWAGE 1,232,467.58 754,451.84 509,972.88 649,489.36 686,912.35 841,433.97 5,017 ,260.57 3,538,194.28 2,999,591.67 1,831,614.88 AIRPORT 75,855.99 87,549.64 167,327.18 222,878.30 287,104.32 259,154.51 PARKING METERS 79,313.71 75,778.51 80,183.40 I TREE MAINTENANCE 10,946.51 11,946.33 PUBLIC HEALTH 21,875.48 18,437.69 15,207.36 16,891.35 17,651.84 20,069.24 15,907.36 25,421.24 27,062.65 REFUSE 189,150.99 151,082.87 159,272.45 158,157.40 156,117.13 CIVIL DEFENSE 18,036.60 I TOT ALS 2,644,119.79 2,304,928.68 2,206,119.86 2,563,259.85 2,859,831.88 3,239,371.12 7,591,380.86 6,403,255.00 6,006,606.53 4,911,382.36 I . FUNDS NOT BUDGETED CONSTRUCTION 680,248.84 1,677,057.14 2,405,970.44 2,858,758.16 1,883,504.49 5,766,366.35 5,371,846.70 1,545,756.60 3,302,613.30 1,360,468.69 CLEARING ACCOUNTS* 76,103.42 87,749.70 102,076.82 110,785.48 126,634.00 146,806.70 150,681.08 214,240.40 272,273.91 286,374.82 STREET MACHIN ERY 30,000.00 90.35 14,500.00 5,000.00 26,000.00 27,000.00 25,000.00 I VETERANS' HOUSING 15,445.00 140.00 MATERIAL STORES 14,950.73 14,861.80 15,090.21 15,999.14 16,044.22 16,627.46 13,850.33 14,470.34 22,880.86 CIVIL DEFENSE 5,580.77 5,503.87 50,694.29 29,450.85 27,164.32 27,193.42 20,612.98 I FIREMEN'S RELIEF 20,277.11 20,676.55 14,693.00 14,110.39 27,304.47 10,803.34 36,578.50 49,791.17 CEMETERY ENDOWMENT 325.00 115.00 225.00 365.00 600.00 3,400.00 11 ,650.00 10,000.00 400.00 750.00 HILLCREST MAUSOLEUM ENDOWMENT 247.00 209.00 209.00 71.25 95.00 9,033.25 5,140.00 10,000.00 140.00 HILLCREST MAUSOLEUM TRUST 2,385.00 2,090.00 2,090.00 712.50 950.00 332.50 1,400.00 1,400.00 I PARKING METERS 65,431.00 70,230.00 73,599.00 69,392.00 74,894.00 75,639.00 78,190.00 AIRPORT 75,547.78 CENTRAL GARAGE 91,100.16 I TOTALS 905,414.09 1,873,129.19 2,619,624.59 3,165,745.57 2,185,720.47 6,029,008.60 5,724,787.46 1,871,422.83 3,654,001.49 1,784,306.65 GRAND TOTALS $3,549,533.88 $4,178,057.87 $4,825,744.45 $5,729,005.42 $5,045,552.35 $9,268,379.72 $13,316,168.32 $8,274,677 .83 $9,660,608.02 $6,695,689.01 I * This includes Social Security, Withholding Tax, Employee's Retirement and Advance Receipts Source: Salina Audit Report I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 Source: SELECTED ECONOMIC DATA (In Thousands of Dollars) Bank Depos its (In Thousands) $472,208 477 ,536 445,131 474,344 518,987 506,088 514,020 582,164 669,869 716,449 806,256 871 ,259 916,514 882,677 Assessed Tangible Valuation $37,533 38,386 40,908 41,794 42,927 45,668 48,844 49,244 50,354 52,637 53,344 56,039 57,877 59,986 60,605 Kansas Government Journal 29 Bonded Indebtness (All Other) $ 610 524 438 352 541 634 1,175 1,677 1,507 1,359 2,342 2,122 1,918 NOTES FOR "BANK DEBITS" 11 Prior to May, 1942, the figures were derived from reports covering weeks ending on Wednesday; the figures for a week that began in one month and ended in another were prorated to the respective months on the basis of the number of business days of the week that were in each month. Beginning with May, 1942, the reporting banks have submitted calendar month figures. 21 Unusually low figure reflects primarily interruption to business and agricultural activity because of flood conditions. 31 These and prior figures include debits or charges to all deposit accounts, except certified and officers' checks and interbank accounts. Specifically, they include debits or charges to all demand and time deposit accounts of individuals, partnerships, corporations, the United States Government, and State and local governments, payments from trust funds on depos it in the banking department, and payments of certificates of deposit. The figures exclude payments of certified and officers' checks, payments in settlement of clearing house balances, charges to expense and miscellaneous accounts, corrections and similar charges, and debits to the accounts of other banks, that is, to interbank accounts. 41 In 1953, the content of the bank debits series was revised to include only debits or charges to demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, and of State and local governments, and payments from trust funds on deposit in the banking department. Accordingly, the revised series excludes debits to all demand and time deposit accounts of the United States Government, debits to all other time deposit accounts, and, like the former series, payments of certified and officers' checks, payments in settlement of clearing house balances, charges to expense and miscellaneous accounts, corrections and similar charges, and debits to the accounts of other banks, that is, to interbank accounts. The 1952 figures shown here are estimates of debits on the revised basis and are comparable with 1953 and subsequent years. The effect of this revision in the content of the bank debits data was to reduce the level of the bank debits series at Salina for the year 1952 as a whole by .8 percent. 30 I I I BANK DEBITS I SALINA, KANSAS (In thousands of dollars) Year January February March April May June July August September October November December I 1940 107,534 8,520 7,066 8,723 11,805 8,788 8,244 11,473 9,478 8,009 8,526 7,748 9,154 1941 134,107 8,599 7,644 8,257 10,434 11,827 11 ,280 14,807 13,452 12,996 10,769 9,986 14,056 I 1942 192,580 13,212 11,570 10 ,451 10,493 10 3071/ 11,492 26,867 21,634 19,539 20,783 17 ,681 18,551 , - 1943 260,204 17,464 17,636 22,915 21,360 16,581 22,527 32,494 22,799 24,429 19,123 20,215 22,661 1944 273,033 26,446 24,647 19,433 16,351 17 ,004 25,275 35,807 26,541 20,074 19,337 20,934 21,184 I 1945 275,854 21,268 17 ,351 21,941 21,280 20,877 22,579 32,751 31,886 20,913 21,373 22,677 20,958 1946 345,581 29, 63~ 24,865 22,417 22,939 19,932 28,206 48,287 33,673 27,192 27,103 29,006 32,331 1947 466,316 42,640 30,787 28,811 30,497 28,370 28,094 57,621 60,019 41,296 45,929 35,464 36,788 I 1948 467,311 49,768 33,123 29,857 39,755 38,030 38,826 50,881 44,486 36,714 34,543 33,872 37,456 1949 394,989 35,703 28,207 35,994 33,885 32,056 29,520 35,146 34,091 35,502 34,684 29,485 30,716 I 1950 431,167 34,708 28,014 29,915 30,409 29,968 29,422 54,889 41,115 36,164 36,104 37,694 42,765 1951 472,208 45,388 34,564 38,419 37,575 38,201 29,918 36,032~/ 50,616 37,887 40,385 41 , 404 41,819 195~/ 477,536 49,895 34,922 33,775 35,072 33,279 33,194 54,100 40,826 41,676 41,872 39,468 39,457 I 1952:/ 473,546 49,681 34,794 33,462 34,588 33,014 32,831 53,682 40,558 41,295 41,421 39,151 39,069 1953 445,131 41,978 34,139 38,378 34,945 33,378 35,801 45,003 35,989 35,402 38,945 33,463 37,710 1954 474,344 39,536 33,107 41,245 34,839 32,897 36,893 56,159 40,442 39,623 39,958 38,141 41,504 I 1955 518,987 48,297 33,387 40,402 42,392 35,222 39,648 67,758 46,150 40,740 41,377 40,329 43,285 1956 506,088 42,792 35,524 40,676 37,125 36,315 41,565 54,489 43,261 42,742 45,132 43,605 42,862 1957 514,020 46,828 36,498 36,844 39,763 38,079 38,435 50,057 50,810 40,019 47,296 42,122 47,269 I 1958 582,164 52,076 39,072 38,822 44,555 42,779 41,677 55,867 52,855 51,898 55,850 48,414 57,299 1959 669,869 57,936 45,079 50,435 50,863 48,016 54,801 79,112 58,504 55,067 57,836 55,932 56,288 I 1960 716,449 64,702 45,126 50,517 59,382 51,404 53,908 72,897 69,529 61,201 60,836 62,445 64,502 1961 806,256 79,651 54,896 60,335 58,599 56,670 61,185 84,663 71,121 65,023 71 ,357 67,252 75,504 1962 871,259 81,386 66,843 72,256 65,994 68,149 74,733 89,179 72,732 62,049 69,503 70,047 78,388 1963 916,514 85,902 69,255 67,754 74,600 68,448 71 ,988 101,999 78,116 64,728 84,075 72,224 77 ,425 I 1964 882,677 98,232 65,665 65,932 78,417 63,991 67,911 88,137 71,413 67,525 75,330 65,377 74,747 1965 82,708 61,084 64,598 66,414 60,282 62,677 86,158 I I I I I I I I TOTAL DEPOSITS OF ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS (In thousands of dollars) I Date Saline County* City of Salina** December 30, 1950 31,728 28,965 June 30, 1952 32,739 29,884 June 30, 1954 36,127 33,122 June 30, 1956 27,291 34,279 June 23, 1958 37,194 34,010 June 15, 1960 42,721 39,899 June 30, 1962 57,311 53,747 December 28, 1962 60,263 58,406 June 29, 1963 60,628 57,083 December 20, 1963 62,562 60,725 *S ource: Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. -Id-Source: Rand McNa 11y Bankers Directories. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 31 RETAIL TRADE - 1958 SALINA, KANSAS Establishments Sales - All Establishments Paid Employees (November 15) Payroll - Entire Year Active Proprietors (unincorporated businesses) Lumber, Building, Farm Equipment, Hardware, etc. (a) Establishments (b) Sales Automotive Dealers - Establishments Gasoline Stations (a) Establishments (b) Sales Apparel Accessory Stores (a) Establishments (b) SClles Furniture, Home Furnishing - Establishments Eating and Drinking Places (a) Establishments (b) Sales Source; 1958 U. S. Census of Business 32 449 $62,733,000 2,568 $ 6, 784,000 464 30 $15,193,000 33 68 $ 4,826,000 33 $ 3,311,000 31 93 $ 3,357,000 I I WHOLESALE TRADE - 1958 SALINA, KANSAS I I Total Establishments Sales Payroll, entire year Payroll, work week ended nearest Nov. 15 Paid employees, work week ended nearest Nov. 15 Active proprietors of unincorporated businesses 111 $ 119 , 818 , 000 $4,135,000 $82,203 949 I 75 I I Merchant Wholesalers Establishments Sales 84 $95,736,000 I Other Operating Types Establishments Sales 27 $24,082,000 I Source: 1958 U. S. Census of Business I I I I I I I I I 33 I SELECTED SERVICES - 1958 SALINA, KANSAS Establishments Total With payroll Receipts Total, all establishments Establishments with payroll Payroll, entire year Payroll, Work Week Ended Nearest Nov. 15 Total Full work week Paid Employees, Work Week Ended Nearest Nov. 15 Total Full work week 295 169 $7,163,000 $6,315,000 $1,851,000 $34,829 $33,659 747 677 Active proprietors of unincorporated businesses 305 Source: 1958 U. S. Census of Business 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 35 36 ------------------- CITY BUILDING REPORT SALINA, KANSAS Year New Dwellings New Business Business Additions 1950 (214) $1,441,600 (25) $156,150 (25) $ 67,665 1951 (78) 1,465,900 (23) 371,550 (20) 41,600 1952 (877) 5,981,400 (33) 209,200 (8) 40,071 1953 (204) 1,429,650 (6) 114,450 (8) 39,195 1954 (514) 3,342,400 (20) 123,300 (22) 150,200 1955 (429) 3,333,450 (21) 292,700 (7) 108,100 1956 (309) 2,483,800 (25) 378,550 (6) 40,760 1957 (303 ) 2,454,850 (26) 214,000 (22) 91,700 1958 (359) 2,836,900 (9) 220,000 (9) 60,725 1959 (592) 4,664,900 (8) 149,800 (33) 319,100 1960 (313) 2,867,500 (38) 562,050 (32) 87,900 1961 (362 ) 3,498,000 (33) 675,200 (31) 561,050 1962 (398) 3,880,000 (35) 727,950 (34) 168,150 w 1963 046 ) 1,540,000 (36) 649,500 (2) 67,650 -...,J 1964 ( 93) 1,038,300 (35) 1,132,000 (27) 113,500 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 Source: Salina Building Inspector (0) ( 5) (1) (4) (29) ** ( 41) **(29) **(53) ** ( 41) ** (71) (72) (279) (292) (98) (82) Miscellaneous $1,186,560 489,500 288,647 918,087 1,601,605 1,002,120 1,002,306 1,528,000 1,220,910 1,609,460 1,519,000 747,730 2,335,030 971 ,470 663,350 Totals* (509) $3,996,230 (441) 2,487,030 (1,181) 6,688,623 (463) 2,637,482 (807) 5,070,813 (754) 4,893,010 (633) 4,084,562 (605) 4,408,452 (658) 4,491,404 (955) 6,924,985 (680) 5,184,005 (676) 5,357,375 (759) 7,111,130 (392) 3,228,620 (382) 3,050,650 *Totals Include Dwelling Additions and Private Garages. **Larger Business Buildings Have Been Listed Under This Classifi- cation. BUILDING PERMIT VALUATION 5 a Ii n a, K a n 5 a 5 w 00 - ~ , .. ~ .. _# ~- #- .. . ~ .- 9. -' , : ~ ... , ~ __IF ~ ; .. , -.. '~. -,. ':. , , , ........ --- .... .. r.. . ~ ! , ~ ! ~ ~ '.. ~<lI. ~, 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 YEAR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE ASSE~;SED VALUATIOn AND RATE OF ASSESSHENT SALINA, KANSAS Budget B(lclget Year Valuation Tax Year Year Valuation Tax year 1919 $24,560,612 6.45 1920 1945 $24,797,254 13.780 19~.6 1920 26,350,234 9.2 1921 1946 25,871 , 946 13.63 1947 1921 28,699,578 8.8 1922 1947 29,837,017 13.53 1948 1922 28,324,049 9.2 1923 1948 31,476,679 13.52 1949 1923 28,681,166 9.10 1924 1949 34,061,739 13.51 1950 1924 28,783,205 8.80 1925 1950 36,083,032 13.50 1951 1925 27,363,217 10.18 1926 1951 37,533,220 14.56 1952 1926 27,300,659 11 . 799 1927 1952 38,379,095 15.97 1953 1927 27,120,246 11.881 1928 1953 40,908,166 16.99 1954 1928 27,595,935 11.8268 1929 1954 41,793,219 17.99 1955 1929 25,622,770 12.838 1930 1955 42,910,853 19.00 1956 1930 30,197,587 11.81 1931 1956 45,669,843 19.86 1957 1931 27 ,256,140 11. 5487 1932 1957 48,430,370 22 .85 1958 1932 25,560,394 8.6470 1933 1958 49,236,801 23.97 1959 1933 21,148,844 9.7960 1934 1959 50,361,955 24.18 1960 1934 21,326,104 12.03 1935 1960 52,626,598 24.08 1961 1935 21,077,824 11.938 1936 1961 53,344,433 24.59 1962 1936 21,272,027 11. 796 1937 1962 56,038,735 22.92 1963 1937 22,125,278 11. 865 1938 1963 57,879,992 24.92 1964 1938 23,282,454 13.8758 1939 1964 59,985,916 24.90 1965 1939 23,129,043 13.3162 1940 1965 1940 23,369,450 11.6755 1941 1966 1941 23,647,222 11.5375 1942 1967 1942 23,403,863 12.414 1943 1968 1943 23,239,724 13.44 1944 1969 1944 24,347,264 12.2541 1945 1970 The City of Salina has a rating of "An from Moody Investors Service. The tax collections for t he past five years have been 99 + percent for each year. 39 TAX RATE IN MILLS C i t Y 0 f S a I in a, K a n s as 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 YEAR D ALL OTHER LEVIES L..........J BONDS AND INTEREST . GENERAL OPERATING Source: Kansas Governmental Journal League of Kansas Municipalities 40 30 25 20 W I- -< 15 0:: -l -l ~ 10 5 o I I I TREND IN TAX RATE Major Governmental Units I I .................. .................... ........ ......................................... ......................................... .......................................... ......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .........................................-. ........................................... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................. ............................................. ......... .............................................. ........................................................ ......................................................... ......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ..............,............................................... ............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ............................................................... .......................... .................................... .......................... .................................... ...................................................... ...................................................................... ............................ .................................. .................. ............ ... .................................. ............................... ................................. ................................. .... ................................. .................................. ............................... .. ........................................................................ ...... ........................................................... ............................................................................... ........ ..................................................... ......................................... ......................... I I ...................................................................................... .......... ........................................... ..... ........................................... ................... ..... ...................... ................ ............ .................. ............................................ ............... .......................................................................................... .............. ................ .......................................................................................... .................... .. ............. ............................................................................................ .. ............ ........ .................. . .............................................................................................. . ...... ... ..................... ......... ................................................. ...... .. ...................................................................................... .. ......... ... ... .... ... ... ..... ......... ..................... ....................................................................................... ..... ... ... ............ ....... ..... ...... .... ..... .............................................................................................................. .................................................... ....::::~((sA:Ci:~(.~.q:Okfy\:::))))):((::>::::;:;.:: ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~; ~ ~; ~ ~ ~; ~; ~; ~ ~ ~;; ~ ~; ~ ~ ~; ~ ~;; ~ ~ ~;; ::::::??????????:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<X::~i:;:;';~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .................................................................... ............................................................................ ................................................................ ........................................................ ...................... .............................. I I ............................ ............................................... . . .................................................................................. ................. ..... ......... ... ... ..... ... ... ........... ..... ............... ....... .... .......... ........ ~~~~~~{:::~.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~; ~ ~;; ~~;;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ........................................................................................................ ::.' .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : m ~ ~ ~ ~~fH QQ h: ~Q~~R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;; ~;;;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;; ~;; ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ m g;~; ~ ~;; ~:: ................................................................................................. ...... .....: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .!J::~;:i:~~~~@::~~;~~~j~~~ji~~I~1~~fmili~~~~~~~i~*~j;~j~;~~~~~~~:;:i:~:i:~:~~~*1~jjj~I~I~~~~~~~~1~ll~l~~ I I I 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 YEAR 1959 I Source: Kansas Governmental Journal League of Kansas Municipalities I I I I I I 41 100 80 60 II) ...J ...J :E 40 20 o COMPARISON OF PERCENTAGE SHARE OF TAX DOLLAR BY EACH GOVERNMENT UNIT 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Salina Board of Education 37.1 36.21 37.30 37.03 37.99 39.45 39.09 39.58 38.10 39.70 City of Salina 31.0 29.10 30.80 33.46 31.54 30.79 29.79 27.38 29.80 28.60 Sal ine County 28.2 27.51 27.70 24.04 25.22 24.52 25.90 27.79 26.60 26.40 State of Kansas 2.2 5.74 2.73 2.56 2.30 2.23 2.12 2.09 2.10 2.00 Sa1 ina Recreat ion Committee 1.5 1.44 1.47 1. 22 1. 28 1. 21 1. 15 1.14 1.10 1.10 Salina Library 1. 69 1. 67 1. 80 1. 95 2.02 2.30 2.20 .p Source: Annual Financial Report, Department of Finance, City of Salina. N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fiscal Period 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 PERCENTAGE OF TAX COLLECTED SALINA, KANSAS 1951 - 1964 Percentage of Levy Collected during Fiscal period 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 99.00 100.00 98.67 97.06 97.40 97.50 Source: Kansas Governmental Journal 43 Percentage of Special Assessment Collected 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 90.00 95.00 95.00 93.00 93.00 99.76 91.76 89.52 83.32 CITY TAX RATES (In Mills) Bond & Interest Levy - Average of First Class Cities Sal ina Bond & Interest Levy City Tax Rate - Average of First Class Cities Sal ina City Tax Rate Total Tax Rate - Average of First Class Cities Salina Total Tax Rate - All Purpose 1951 4.82 3.72 19.18 14.56 58.86 49.70 1952 4.94 3.39 19.28 15.97 59.40 56.40 1953 5.47 5.03 20.12 16.10 62.94 55.70 1954 6.14 5.31 21.17 17.99 66.37 57.80 1955 6.95 6.16 23.25 19.00 72.97 65.20 .p- 1956 6.99 6.14 23.09 19.86 73.62 64.48 .p- 1957 6.83 8.44 23.66 22.85 81.72 68.30 1958 8.13 9.39 25.20 23.97 87.93 76.00 1959 7.64 9.36 26.21 24.18 89.70 76.80 1960 7.13 9.38 25.05 24.08 94.08 78.20 1961 7.99 8.89 25.82 24.59 99.87 82.54 1962 8.14 8.36 26.12 22.92 103.23 83.70 1963 8.49 8.72 26.88 24.92 105.02 83.63 1964 8.06 9.17 27.12 27.90 106.95 87.00 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 Source: Kansas Government Journal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMPARISON OF BONDED DEBT - FIRST CLASS KANSAS CITIES Revenue Percent Debt Percent of Mill Levy Derived G.O. Bonds, Percent 1965 City Budget 1965 Per Cap ita Percent Percent Temp. Notes, Debt To population to Total Assessed Assessed Total Total Debt Debt No Fund Total in Levy - All Tangible Valuation Total All Total All Revenue Special Warrants, Mill City Thousands Purposes Valuation Per capita City Purposes City Purposes Bonds Assessment Etc. Levy Atchison 12 33 $16,623,371 $1,385 31. 09 92.541 $43 $128 31 21 48 27.1 Coffeyville 17 32 15,560,844 915 35.36 109.84 35 100 48 21 31 58.2 Ft. Scott 9.2 28 8,233,940 875 27.80 97.779 24 86 35 3 62 25.2 Hutchinson 38 28 52,838,480 1,390 27.37 97.62 38 135 57 14 29 25.2 Junction City 20 31 17 ,033,135 851 30.1 96.85 26 82 39 36 25 36.3 Kansas City 121 34 74,151,620 612 45.055 130.806 27 80 55 7 38 14.5 Lawrence 39 26 38,456,600 986 25.09 97.71 25 96 38 44 18 37.7 Leavenworth 23 28 25,361,585 1,102 27 .8627 98.4476 31 108 57 0 43 24.4 Overland Park 45 7 50,241,339 1,116 10.629 151.744 11 169 0 71 29 1 Parsons 14 26 14,236,478 1,016 25.878 99.701 26 101 64 5 31 28.5 Pittsburg 20 30 13,139,635 656 29.254 97.931 19 64 72 4 24 25.9 Prairie Village 29 5 30,866,702 1,064 7.233 135.55 8 144 0 27 73 31.9 Salina 40 32 59,985,916 1,500 27.9 87.00 42 130 24 54 22 32.8 Topeka 128 30 142,506,737 1,113 35.38 119.3 39 132 27 16 57 27.9 Wichita 275 23 445,779,998 1,621 20.834 91. 38 33 142 51 18 31 35.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RETAIL SALES TAX COLLECTIONS AND TAX RATE SALINE COUNTY Year Ended June 30 Retail Sales Tax Collections Tax Rate (percent) 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 $ 603,868.04 718,069.73 876,190.83 1,038,342.85 1,032,224.99 1,161,324.98 1,148,119.49 1,122,930.99 1,125,849.62 1,706,223.55 1,811 , 328.54 1,952,245.23 2,107,176.85 2,050,038.16 2,127,629.72 2,074,934.51 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 21- 2 21- 2 21- 2 21- 2 21- 2 21- 2 21- 2 Source: State of Kansas, Department of Revenue 45 NOTES 46 I SALINA CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (33 YEARS) I Temperature Precipitation Snowfall Relative Humidity Wind Mean Mean Maximum Maximum Midnight 6: 00 AM Noon 6: 00 AM Mean Hourly Prevailing Month Maximum Minimum Mean Highest Lowest Total Maximum Minimum in 24 Hrs. Mean Maximum in 24 Hrs. CST CST CST CST Speed Direct ion I January 40.1 17.2 28.9 75 -28 .66 2.16 .01 1. 72 3.6 16.6 9.0 73 78 63 68 7.7 N February 47.2 22.2 32.6 84 -31 .99 3.19 .02 2.07 5.1 23.6 13.2 74 78 61 65 8.1 N I March 57.9 30.7 44.0 96 -11 1. 30 3.81 T 2.05 2.9 25.0 17.2 72 77 55 57 9.4 S April 68.0 41.9 54.8 98 5 2.59 5.26 .44 3.07 2.0 9.2 9.2 68 77 50 50 9.8 S May 76.1 51.5 64.0 106 19 3.81 13.15 .99 6.46 T 3.7 3.7 74 78 53 55 8.6 S I June 86.7 62.2 73.8 114 38 4.54 13.74 .58 4.97 .0 .0 .0 74 79 52 54 8.0 S July 93.1 66.7 79.4 116 46 3.29 9.27 .03 5.69 .0 .0 .0 69 77 47 48 7.0 S August 92.5 65.0 78.9 118 38 3.27 8.56 .30 4.75 .0 .0 .0 70 79 48 50 6.9 S September 83.9 57.4 70.4 110 28 2.54 8.94 .13 4.62 .0 .0 .0 67 78 48 53 7.6 S I October 70.9 44.2 57.9 100 14 2.03 6.37 T 4.38 .3 3.8 3.8 68 78 49 56 7.6 S November 55.6 32.4 43.9 84 - 4 1.14 4.35 T 2.03 1.1 10.9 10.2 68 78 56 62 7.8 S December 42.7 20.0 31.5 81 -15 .78 3.91 T 2.09 3.3 12.4 7.7 72 79 63 69 7.5 S I Annual or Year 67.9 42.6 55.0 118 -31 26.94 13.74 T 6.46 18.3 25.0 17.2 71 78 54 57 8.0 S I Source p58 p58 p56 p6l p6l p44 p54 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2 ) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) I I Mean Mean Number of Days Percent of Skycover Sunrise To Sunset Precipitation Snow, Sleet Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum Possible Sunrise partly . .01 Inch .01 Inch Heavy Temp. 900 Temp. 320 Temp. 320 Temp. 00 I Month Sunshine To Sunset Clear Cloudy Cloudy Thunderstorms Or More Or More Fog and Above and Below and Below and Below January 60 5.3 12 9 10 5 1 2 0 10 28 2 I February 60 5.9 10 8 10 6 2 2 0 7 23 1 March 62 6.0 10 10 11 1 7 2 1 3 17 April 63 5.9 10 10 10 4 9 1 4 0 I May 65 5.9 9 12 10 7 11 3 0 0 June 73 5.0 10 14 6 9 11 0 10 0 0 0 July 78 4.6 13 14 4 8 8 0 18 0 0 0 I August 77 4.2 13 13 5 8 7 0 18 0 0 0 September 72 4.0 14 10 6 5 7 0 7 0 0 October 70 4.0 16 8 7 2 6 1 2 0 November 64 4.8 13 9 8 1 4 1 1 0 2 15 I Decembe r 58 5.2 12 9 10 5 1 2 0 6 26 1 Annual or I Year 68 5.1 142 126 97 45 86 7 10 56 28 US 4 Source I (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2 ) (3) (3) (3) (3) I (1) Climatic Summary of the United States - Supplement for 1931 through 1952, U. S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau No. 11-12 (2) Local Climatological Data 1963, Concordia, Kansas, U. S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau (Nearest weather stationto Salina with detailed information is at Concordia, 50 miles to the north - data would not be identical but similar. "Normal, Means, and Extremes" table for Concordia can be used for general planning at Salina.) I (3) Estimated values by the weather bureau for Salina I I I I I I EXISTING LAND USE-1963 Percentages of Occupied Area within City Limits I I RESIDENTIAL 39.9 % I $/1< c(~ "'"of .,/( r .?-:,,~ I I I I STREETS & ALLEYS 30.7% I I I I I I S.O% 9.4% 47 LAND USE COMPARISONS In Percent of Total Developed Land SALINA AVERAGE FO R 28 CITIES (0) AVERAGE FOR 13 CITIES (b) SINGLE - FAMILY 34.9 34.0 31.0 TWO - FAMILY 2.9 4.1 3.8 MULTI- FAMILY 0.9 1.7 2.1 MOBILE HOMES (c) 1.2 RESIDENTIAL 39.9 39.5 37.2 COMMERCIAL 5.0 2.6 3.1 INDUSTRIAL 9.4 10.7 9.6 PARKS 4.6 5.1 6.5 PUBLIC & QUASI-PUBLIC 10.4 13.3 10.8 STREETS & ALLEYS 30.7 33.3 28.3 TOTALS 100.0 100.0 100.0 AVERAGE FOR S3 CENTRAL CITIES 31.8 4.8 3.0 39.6 3.3 11.3 6.7 10.9 28.2 100.0 ( a) Populations under 50,000 (b) Population - 50,000 to 100,000 ( c) Mobile Homes are included in the multi - family classification in the averages for other cities, because the density of persons - per - acre of a mobile home park approximates the density of multi - family dwelling areas. RESIDENTIAL LAND USE COMPARISON In Percent of Total Residential Land TYPE OF DWELLING AVERAGE FOR AVERAGE FOR S3 CITIES 33 CITIES SINGLE - FAMILY 80.29 8619 87.4 TWO-FAMILY 12.11 7.88 7.4 MULTI-FAMILY 7.60 5.93 2.2 MOBILE HOMES - 3.0 - 100.00 100.00 100.0 48 SAL IN A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NEIGHBORHOOD LAND USE ANALYSIS - 1963 In Acres NO NEIGHBORHOOD NAME 1 HAWTHORN E 2 PHILLIPS 3 OAKDALE 4 WHITTIER S BARTLETT 6 G LEN I.F FER H ILL 7 MEADOW LARK 8 SOUTH PARK 9 SUNSET 10 FRANKLIN 8. LOWELL 11 HUESNER 12 HAGEMAN 13 KENNEDY 14 STEWART 15 KEY ACRES TOTALS RESIDENTIAL LAND POPU LA TION SINGLE TWO MULTI MOBILE TOTAL PERSONS FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY HOMES RESIDENTIAL POPULATION PER NET ACRE 148.5 68.5 178.5 91.5 66.0 74.5 143.0 103.0 182.0 257.0 215.0 150.0 43.0 138.0 46.5 1905.0 161.5 LAND USE 11.0 18.5 20.5 23.5 21.0 7.0 21.5 0.5 15.5 14.5 6.0 1.5 0.5 2.5 9.5 6.5 5.5 10.0 1.5 6.0 3.5 2.5 1.0 48.5 15.0 0.5 6.0 17.0 22.0 4.5 1.0 66.0 177.0 97.0 111.5 120.5 97.0 83.0 143.0 147.5 182.5 276.0 232.0 179.0 47.5 139.5 48.0 2181.0 SUMMARY 1963 TWO-FAMILY SINGLE - FAMILY MULTI- FAMILY MOBILE HOMES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PERCENT OF TOTAL RESIDENTIAL LAND 87.4 7.4 2.2 3.0 100.0 PUBLIC 8. QUASI- PUBLIC STREETS 8. ALLEYS NON - RESIDENTIAL TOTAL DEVELOPED LAND USABLE VACANT NON - USABLE: VACANT TOTAL AREA TOTAL VACANT LAND PERCENT OF TOTAL DEVELOPED LAND 34.9 2.9 0.9 1.2 39.9 5.0 9.4 15.0 30.7 60.1 100.0 4,170 2,770 3,480 3,020 2,760 1,440 830 2,480 2,800 5,340 4,500 3,180 800 2,540 820 23.6 28.6 16.5 25.1 28.5 17.3 5.8 16.8 15.3 19.3 19.4 17.8 16.8 18.2 17.1 40,930 (Av)18.8 PERCENT OF TOTAL AREA 21.6 1.8 0.6 0.7 24.7 3.0 5.8 9.3 19.0 ill 61.8 33.9 4.3 38.2 100.0 OCCUPIED DWELLING UNITS 1,208 912 1,194 982 947 433 288 826 844 1,869 1,357 893 198 674 205 12,830 PERSONS PER DWELLING UNIT 3.45 3.04 2.91 3.08 2.91 3.33 2.88 3.00 3.32 2.86 3.32 3.56 4.04 3.77 4.00 (Av)3.19 NON - RESIDENTIAL LAND PUBLIC STREETS TOTAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL QUASI-PUBLIC ALLEYS NON-RESIDENTIAL 80.5 38.5 11.0 168.0 80.0 197.5 28.0 27.5 12.5 10.5 8.0 8.0 0.5 25.0 4.5 1.0 7.0 11.5 1.5 25.0 14.0 2.0 7.5 0.5 3.0 4.5 7.0 269.5 515.0 LAND USE SINGLE - FAMILY TWO-FAMILY MULTI- FAMILY MOBILE HOMES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC 8. QUASI - PUBLIC STREETS 8. ALLEYS NON - RESIDENTIAL TOTAL DEVELOPED LAND USABLE VACANT NON - USABLE VACANT TOTAL VACANT LAND TOTALAREA 62.0 21.0 126.0 11.5 21.0 85.5 241. 5 22.0 11.0 27.5 62.0 56.5 7.0 43.5 22.5 820.5 SUMMARY 1985 PERCENT OF TOTAL RESIDEN TIAL LAND 87.0 7.0 3.0 3.0 100.0 227.0 114.0 149.0 89.0 81.5 71.5 90.5 82.0 103.0 146.0 130.0 99.0 55.0 105.0 133.5 1676.0 PERCENT OF TOTAL DEVELOPED LAN D 33.6 2.7 1.2 1.2 38.7 4.9 14.1 16.0 26.3 ..ll1 100.0 3281. 0 PERCENT OF TOTAL AREA 23.7 1.9 0.8 0.8 3.5 9.9 11.2 17.5 24.1 6.6 537.5 253.5 483.5 139.0 138.0 177.5 333.5 136.0 118.5 199.0 195.5 188.0 62.0 153.5 166.0 27.2 43.1 70.3 30.7 100.0 SUMMARY DEVELOPED USABLE UNUSABLE TOTAL AREA VACANT VACANT AREA 714.5 350.5 695.0 259.5 235.0 260.5 476.5 283.5 301.0 475.0 427.5 367.0 109.5 293.0 214.0 5462.0 766.0 25.0 291. 0 126.0 2.5 222.0 486.0 23.5 80.5 12.0 12.5 17.5 154.5 249.0 531.0 2999.0 28.5 9.5 145.0 1.5 3.5 61.5 101.5 8.0 6.5 8.0 3.5 377.0 1509 385 1131 387 241 544 1064 315 388 487 448 388 264 542 745 8838 I I I SA L I N A HOUSING CONDITIONS 1960 U.S. Census ~~~Q ~~Q ~A.. A.. ,~ A.. ~ q' ~~~q ~~ ~v v~ 0" ~ Vv ~vv v A.. ~~ 0 0 ~~ A..o q TOT AL UNITS 8,126 5,357 821 14,304 100% SOUND 7,179 3,636 548 11,363 79.4 - - - - WITH ALL PLUMBING 7,062 3,353 485 10,900 LACKING SOME OR ALL PLUMBING 117 283 63 463 DETERIORATING 766 1,291 186 2,243 15.7 - - - WITH ALL PLUMBING 670 976 129 1,775 LACKING SOME OR ALL PLUMBING 96 315 57 468 DILAPIDATED 181 430 87 698 4.9 - - - - - I I I I I I I I I SA LI N A HOUSING STATISTICS 1960 U. S. CensuS TYPE OF STRUCTURE NUMBER PERCENT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 10,534 73.7 ATTACHED 928 6.5 TWO FAMILY 989 6.9 3 a 4 FAMILY 656 4.6 5 OR MORE FAMILY 704 4.9 TRAILER 493 3.4 TOTAL 14,304 100.0 I I I I I I 49 I SALINA HOUSING STATISTICS 7960 U.S. Census OCCUPANCY TOTAL OCCUPIED 1 PERSON PER UNIT 2 PERSONS PER UNIT 3 PERSONS PER UNIT 4 PERSONS PER UNIT 5 PERSONS PER UNIT 6 PER SO N 5 PER UN IT 7 PERSONS PER UNIT 8 PERSONS PER UNIT BATHROOMS ONE ONE PLUS PARTIAL 2 OR MORE NONE OR SHARED BATHING BATHTUB OR SHOWER EXCLUSIVE USE BATHTUB OR SHOWER SHARED NONE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PUBLIC SEWER UN ITS 13,483 1,759 3,982 2,826 2,405 1,453 616 253 189 UNITS 11,517 853 674 1,260 UNITS 13,146 848 310 UN ITS SEPTIC TANK OR CESSPOOL 122 14,019 OTHER OR NONE 163 WATER UNITS HOT 8< COLD WATER INSIDE 13,931 COLD WATER ONLY INSIDE 260 PIPED WATER OUTSIDE 25 NO PIPED WATER 88 50 SOURCE OF WATER CITY WATER INDIVIDUAL WELLS OTHER SOURCES UNIT S 14,099 112 93 TOILET UNITS FLUSH I EXCLUSIVE 13,228 FLUSH SHARED W/OTHERS 848 OTHER OR NONE 228 SIZE 1 - ROOM 2 - ROOM 3 - ROOM 4 - ROOM 5 - ROOM 6-ROOM 7 - ROOM 8 - ROOM OR MORE TOTAL HEATING EQUIPMENT STEAM OR HOT WATER WARM AIR FURNACE F LOO R-WA L L- PIP EL ESS BUILT-IN ELECTRIC OTHER MEANS W/FLUES WITHOUT FL U ES NONE WHEN BUILT 1955-1960 1950 - 1954 1940 - 1949 PREVIOUS TO 1939 UNITS 445 712 1,683 3,618 4,558 1,887 836 565 14,304 UNITS 571 8,040 3,653 19 1,863 127 31 UN ITS 2,924 2,147 1,684 7,549 I I SELECTED HOUSING STATISTICS 1960 U.S. Census I RENTER PERCENT OF IN MEDIAN HOUSING UNITS MEDIAN POPULATION IN ON E STRUCTURES SOUND WITH OWNER GROSS WITH 1.01 OR NUMBER OF PER OWNER RENTER HOUSING UNIT BUlL T ALL MEDIAN VALUE RENTAL MORE PERSONS ROOMS HOUSEHOL D OCCUPIED OCCUPIED STRUCTURES 1950 - 1960 PLUMBING (DOLL ARS) (DOLLARS) PER ROOM SALINA 4.7 3.14 60.3 39.7 (b) 83.6 35.5 (c) 76.2 11,900 (d) 79 (e) 10.9 HUTCH INSON 4.8 2.97 65.6 34.4 80.4 20.8 78.7 9,100 61 8.7 URBAN KANSAS 4.8 3.11 67.5 32.5 84.0 29.9 79.6 10,400 69 9.6 STATE OF KANSAS 5.0 3.14 68.9 31.1 89.0 24.3 71.9 9,300 66 9.4 HIGHEST KANSAS(a) 5.8 4.35 94.6 52.8 100.0 81.7 99.4 19,100 167 16.7 CITY PRAIRIE PARK PRAIRIE JUNCTION PRAIRIE PRAIRIE PRAIRIE PRAIRIE PRAIRIE JUNCTION VILLAGE CITY VILLAGE CITY VIL LAGE VI L LAGE VILLAGE VILLAGE VILLAGE CITY LOWEST KAN5AS (a) 4.1 2.61 47.2 5.4 55.7 7.7 69.0 5,600 48 2.4 CITY JUNCTION ANTHONY JUNCTION PRAIRIE MANHATTAN PITTSBURG AT CHI SO N PARSONS PITTSBURG PR A I R I E CITY CITY VIL LAGE VILLAGE (a) of all cities of 10,000 or more in the State (b) 4th highest percentage in the State (c) 5th highest percentage in the State (d) 6th highest in the State (e) 4th highest in the State I I I I I I I COMPARISON OF State of Kansas HOUSING CONDITIONS 1960 U.S. Census CITY * PERCENT DETERIORATING DILAPIDATED TOTAL NOT 50UND I 0.5 7.7 10.5 11.4 12.5 14.7 13.5 15.3 13.4 15.7 PRAIRIE VILLAGE 0.5 10.5 14.0 14.4 15.5 16.2 17.0 17.5 17.9 JUNCTION CITY 2.8 3.5 3.0 3.0 1.5 3.5 2.2 4.5 4.9 I MANHATTAN LAWRENCE WICHITA I EMPORIA HUTCH INSON I GREAT BEND TOPEKA SALINA 20.6 I 17.4 19.4 20.5 18.4 16.4 19.8 19.4 5.8 3.8 3.2 5.7 8.0 6.9 7.5 23.2 23.2 23.7 24.1 24.4 26.7 26.9 COFFEYVILLE PITTSBURG I ARKANSA5 CITY KANSAS CITY, KANSAS LEAVENWORTH I PA RSO NS NEWTON I * all cities with over 5,000 housing units are listed I I I I I 100 South 101 South I 103 South 104 South 105 South I 105b South 106 South I 107 South 108 South I 109 South 110 South 111 South 112 South I 113 South 113b South 114 South I 114b South 115 South 116 South I 117! South 118 South 119 South 120 South I 121 South 122 South 123 South I 124-26 South I 127 South 128 South 129 South I 130 South 131 South 132 South I 135a South 135b South 136-42 South I 137-45 South I I LIST OF FIRMS IN CBD (As of January, 1964) SANTA FE SOUTH TO MULBERRY National Bank of America National Bank of America Building (20 Offices) Salina News Candy & Tobacco Shop McCune Barber Shop Linck Drug Co. Vogue Beauty Shop (2 Offices upstairs) Merchants Lunch Restaurant LuAnn Hat Shop York-Hageman Building Helzberg's Diamond Shop (1 Office upstairs) Beltone Hearing Service Seitz Build ing Seitz Geo Shoe Co. (5 Offices upstairs) Cinderella School of Beauty Gibbs Clothing Co. men's Neely Cafeteria (3 Offices upstairs) Salina Shoe Mart Inc. City-Wide Mortgage Co. Heck Linley C optom, (10 Office upstairs) Webster Barton Jwlr. Hal's Shoes Club Royal billiards (1 Office upstairs) Maxine's women's clo. Vacant Strand Theatre A-Smile-A-Minute Photo Co. Shank's Books & Gifts (1 Office upstairs) Singer Sewing Machine Co. (1 Office upstairs) Woolworth F. W. Co. dept store 5 & 10 Dodge Bu ild ing Camera Shop The photo sups (1 Office upstairs) Lynch Build ing 125 Crider & Koch Barber Shop (1 Office upstairs) 126 Brown-Mackie Sch of Business Inc. Vacant Kinney's Shoes retail (1 Office upstairs) Salina Ofc, Sup, (1 Office upstairs) Vacant Jilka Furn. Co, Kress S. H. & Co. variety store McCoy Book Bible Store Eisenhauer Jwlr. (1 Office upstairs) Penny J, C. Co. Inc. Gamble's Dept, Store (1 Office upstairs) 51 144 South 147 South 147i South 148 South 148i South 149 South 150 South 151 South 153 South 153i South 155 South 156 South 157 South 157b South 159 South 200 South 201 South 203 South 204 South 205 South 206 South 207 South 208-10 South 209 South 211 South 212-16 South 215 South 217 South 218 South 219 South 220 South 221 South 221b South 221c South 222 South 224 South 225 South 226 South 228 South 228a South 228b South 229 South SANTA FE SOUTH TO MULBERRY Duckwall A. L. Stores Co. dept store Sheffield's Loan & Jewelry Baxendale Gilbert E watch repr, Kastner Building (3 Offices upstairs) Tru-Value Dress Shop Labor Temple (14 Offices upstairs) Christian Science Reading Room Jarold Shop women's cIa. (1 Offi~e upstairs) Bengston Lawrence O. lwyr.. (1 Office upstairs) Beecroft Cole & Co. inv. Watson Theatre Building Beck Eliz. alt shop Garrett Agcy The ins. McClintock Max Realty Neisner Brox. Inc. variety store Patterson Donald D. optom Long Investment Co. Inc. Grant N. C. Real Est. Co. Fox Theatre Fields Walgreen Agency Drug Inc. p. ~. LoUnge tavern Peterson Roy p. Wilbre Constr. Co. Inc. Williams Don Realtor (1 Office upstairs) Rasher Amy Pharm. Salina Blueprint Co. (2 Offices upstairs) Vacant Gem Barber Shop Anthony C. R. & Co. dept. store Gem Beauty Shop Model Laundry & Cleaners School Specialty Sup. Inc. State Farm Ins. Cas. (4 Offices) Edgington Music Co. Lenders of Salina Loans Pennant Cafe Hollywood Permanent Wave Shop Flanders Mus. & Vending Co. Downtown News Lois Beauty Shop Vogue Theatre South Santa Fe Arcade Salina Coin & Stamp Pezza Palace rest. What-Not Shop used furn. Vacant State Farm Ins. Coso Hanschu's Shoes Key Homes Inc. real est. & Ins. Gates Rubber Co. tires 52 I I I 230 South I 230a South 231 South 232 South 232a South 235 South 236 South 240 South 240 South 241 South I I I 242 South 244 South 244a South 245 South 246 South 247 South 248a South 249 South 250 South 252 South 254 South I I I I 256 South I 100 North 101 l:orth 1011 north 102 170rth 102;', 170rth 104-06 l;orth 105 north I I I 107 Forth 107} I;orth I 108 North 109 North 1091, North 110 North III Horth 112-14 North 115 North 116 North I I I SANTA FE SOUTH TO MULBERRY Ann's Beauty Salon Spry Celia Ro chiro Eller Bros. Barber & Beauty Star Barber Shop American Automobile Assn. Ny1es Nutrition Square healthfoods First State Bank of Salina Baldwin Bros. Furn. Co. Murphy Finance Co, Murphy Finance Co. Hicks Beauty Shop Hicks Sarah B. Mrs. Knight's Sporting Goods Dillingham Ar. B. lwyr. Tony's Little Italy restr. Hough Piano & Organ Co. Bellas Hess Catalog Store Hough Piano & Organ Co. (whse) McDowell's Craft Shop hobbies Bob's Mobil Service Station Hunton Carpets & Draperies L'Elegante Beauty Salon Hillcrest Agcy real est. Hillcrest Homes Inc. contr. Hill Douglas G. Inc. genl constn Hi-Quality Lo-Cost Service SAI:TA FE ]\;ORTH TO KLSSOUR::: PACIFIC TRACKS ~ild's Ladies Ready-to-Wear First 17at io:,a 1 Bank C, Trust Co. First IJational I\allk Bldg. (15 Offices upstairs) 3elleficio.1 FL'.::TCP Co. Seitz 1110ck (S Offices upstairs) SalinG Mercantile Co. womens cIa. 3errard's c10. Bernard's Shoe Dept. Shelton's women cIa. Johnson Nels. A. real est and ins. Weber Dean W. chiropractor Bagley Lola Dressmaking Rose Phil 3, Sons Jewelers (2 Offices upstairs) Low I s Drug Store Carlin Building (4 Offices upstairs) Gebhart Hdw. Burke's Shoes (1 Office upstairs) Stevenson's clo. mens (Stevensons Bldg. 2 Offices upstairs) Youth Fair children's clo. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. 53 117-21 North 118 North 120 North 122 North 123 North 124 North 125 North 126 North 127 North 128 North 128-32 North 131 North 134 North 135 North 136 North 137 North 138 North 139b-c North 139d North 140 North 140a North 141 North 142a North 142b North 143 North 143a North 144 North 145 North 147 North 149 North 149a North 150 North 151 North 152 North 153 North 154 North 155 North 156 North 157 North 158 North 159 North 200 North 201 North 204 North 208-10 North 211 North 212-14 North 216 North 217 North 218 North SANTA FE NORTH TO MISSOURI PACIFIC TRACKS Stiefel's dept. store Anderson's Leather Shop Mid-Kansas Title & Abstract Co. Inc. (4 Offices) GiGi's Lounge tavern (1 Office upstairs) Vernon Jewelers Vernon Supply Co., Inc. whol tools (1 Office upstairs) Salina Beauty Academy Smith Clothing Co. Hamm's Jewelery Store Terrill's women clo. (3 Offices upstairs) Planters State Bank Arcade Building (5 Offices) Planters State Bank Montgomery Ward & Co. dept. store Huntsinger's Paint & Wallpaper King's Fabric Shop (1 Office upstairs) Peppermint Lounge tavern Combs Shoes Vacant (1 Office upstairs) Vacant Betty's Beauty Shop Leister Chas. Liquor Store John's Shoe Repr. Hoyt-West Women's Clo. Hoyt-West Shoe Dept. B & F Shoes Pfaff Sewing Center Witham Jwlry & Loan Co. Keller's Barber Shop Neva's Beauty Shop (1 Office upstairs) Vacant USO-Salvation Army Moden's Style Shop women's clo. (1 Office upstairs) American Finance of Salina Inc. City Hat Wks Rex Smoker billiards (1 Office upstairs) A & G Cafe Roberts Barber & Beauty Shop AI's Military Store men's clo. (1 Office upstairs) Rite Way Cafe Hill's Jwlry & Loans ( 1 Office upstairs) Vacant Vacant (1 Office upstairs) M & E Cafe (1 Office upstairs) Ford Pharm (1 Office upstairs) Union Bus Depot (4 Offices) Lamer Hotel (9 Offices) Continental Trailways Bus System div. ofc. garage Heath Roy M. Co., autos Lamer Hotel Parking Lot VFW Club Ready Printing Co. Vacant American Red Cross North Central Chapter Organization (1 Office up) 54 I I I 219 North 220 North 221-23 North 222 North I 225-27 North 226 North 229 North 230 North 231 North 232-34 North 235-41 North 236 North 243 North 243a North 245 North 247-53-55 248 North 249 North 254 North 302 North 305 North 316-22 North I I I I I I 320 321 325 340 349 350 352 353 North North North North North North North North I I I 103 South 107 South 109 South 110 South lll~ 13 South 112 South 114 South 114a South 115 South I I I 116 South 117 South 118 South 118a South 119 South 120 South 122-30 South I I I SANTA FE NORTH TO MISSOURI PACIFIC TRACKS Paramount Bar (1 Office upstairs) Salina Auto Trim Dunlap Perry Auto Service State Emp. Servo State Emp. Security Div. Television Engineering Repr. (Rooms upstairs) Electronics Inc. Burr's Body Shop Favors Surplus army goods Sullivan Jim Chevrolet Co. (stge) L & M Automotive Supply accessories Sullivan Jim Chev. Co., Inc. Santa Fe Body & Paint Shop Coffee Cup Cafe restr. Veach Fres L. barber Wardrobe Clns (1 Office upstairs) North Bacon Sid Motor Co. auto dealer Lee Hdw. Co. Rendezvous The tavern McCune-Bird Storage & Supply Co., Inc. (4 Offices) Salina Supply Co. plmb sups Everitt Lumber Co., Inc. Coronado Building General Motors Acceptance Corp. Chaffee Bill Buick Inc. autos AI's Grill restr. Bell Mtr. Co. auto dir. Long-McArthur Inc. autos Weber Flour Mills Co. whse. Sunshine Biscuits Inc. bakers Missouri Pacific Railroad (pass of c) Weber Flour Mills Co. grain elevators 7TH STREET - IRON TO MULBERRY United Building (74 Offices listed) Vacant Salina Shoe Repr. Shop B & K Prescription Shop Parking Lot Newport Grill Wenger Agency Ins. Verneda's Specialty Shop women's Lynn C. W. Abstract Co., Inc. Kansas City Title Ins. Co. (1 Office upstairs) Interstate Finance Co. of Kansas Inc. Fitzpatrick Mortgage Co. real est loans (2 Offices listed) General Adjustment Bureau Inc. Liberty Loan Corp of Salina Great Plains Mutual Insurance Building (21 Offices listed) Kancen printers City Parking Lot 55 125 South 129 South 129a South 129c South 137 South 138-40 South 142 South 148 South 149 South 154 South 156 South 157 South 200 South 201-33 South 206 South 220 South 225 South 106 North 107 North 108 North 109 North 110-12 North III North 113-15 North 114-20 North 119 North 121 North 123 North 124 North 126-28 North 127 North 129 North 130 North 133 North 136 North 142 North 146 North 148-50 North 149-59 North 153-55 North 7TH STREET - IRON TO MULBERRY Salvation Army Citadel Pacific Finance Loans Coronado Council Boy Scouts of America Western Union Telegraph Co. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. City Parking Lot American Le,gion Club Room - Legion post #62 Marietta Robert L. Lawyers Chapman Engineers Siler Agency the real est Spudnut Shop restr. Central Typewriter Co., Inc. Jensen's Texaco Service Station Clark, Mize & Lil1ard.lwyrs. Graves James T. lwyrs. First Christian Church Home Assembly Room City Parking Lot Seaton Grace J. Mrs. Butler Eva Mrs. Lincoln Junior High School Immanuel Lutheran Church 7TH STREET - IRON TO TRACKS Schwerman Liquor Store First National Bank & Trust Co. of Salina (Drive In) Cozy Inn restr. Leffingwell's Inc. ch goods (Marquette Hotel upstairs) Consolidated Printing & Stationery Co. ( plant) Vacant Salina Coffee House whol City Parking Lot Goodrich B. F. Store tires Murnahan of Salina tile fl and wall Globe Sun printer Elks Club Montgomery Ward & Co. parking lot Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. Seven-Up Bottling Co. Salina Bottling Co. Sandy's Motor Exchange & Garage Montgomery Ward & Co. service dept. Disabled American Veteran's Economy Store general mdse Stiefel's annex Rex School of Dance Smoky Hill Aerie #765 Salina Laundry & Cleaners Municipal Parking Lot Lamb Automotive Supply Co., Inc. 56 I I I 157 North 158 North 201-07 North 206 North 208-10 North 209-15 North 212 North 214 North 217 North 218 North I I I I 220-22 North 221-23 North 224 North 225 North 229 North 230-38 North 240 North 241 North 245 North I I I 247 North 248-52 North 249 North 253 North 254 North 257 North 314 North 315 North 316 North 318 North 319 North 320 North 323 North 325 North 337 North 340 North 345 North 347 North 348 North 349 North 353 North I I I I I I I 104 South 104b South 105 South 106 South 110-22 South 111 South lll~ South I I 7TH STREET - IRON TO TRACKS Wood Fashion Cleaners Vance Service & Storage gas station Ward's Auto Service auto parts Vacant Lamer Hotel (private parking lot) Peterson Pontiac Inc. autos Salina Auto Glass Paul's Cafe Peterson Pontiac Inc. used cars and service Salina Bottling Co., Inc. Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. Seven-Up Bottling Co. (Office) Sullivan Jim Chevrolet Co., Inc. body shop Peterson Pontiac Inc. (used car lot) Mann Helen G. furn rms. Erickson Auto Body Works B & E Motor auto repair Sullivan Jim Chevrolet Co., Inc. (car stge) Bacon Sid Motor Co., Service Department Sullivan Jim Chevrolet (storage lot) K-W Scale Co. Inc. Toledo Scale Co. Vac ant Bacon Sid Motor Co. (used car dept) Brown Belva Mrs. (apt. upstairs) Elliott Rooms furn. Allison's Auto Repair Westerman Peggy Mrs. (apt. upstairs) Moody James Worchester Richard (2 apts) Thomas John J. Tipton James Jellison Dale W. Albertson Orville W. Meisner Ethel L Mrs. (1 apt.) Vacant (2 apts) Bell Apartments (12 apts.) Bell Boy's Coin Laundry sel serv Moore Electric Repr. Serv contr. (Earl Moore) Vacant Weber Flour Mills Co whse Battle Jeanetta Missouri Pacific Railroad Co frt. depot 5TH STREET - IRON TO MULBERRY Bradshaw"s clo. Vacant Sullivan Liquor Store Fifth Street Cafe Municipal Parking Lot Carlson Liquor Store Creek Apts. (6 apts.) 57 113 South 115 South 117 South 119 South 120-23 South 125 South 126 South 128 South 130 South 130~ South 132 South 135 South 136-38 South 137 South 140 South 144 South 145 South 146 South 148-56 South 149-51 South 153a South 153b South 155 South 200 South 201 South 205 South 207 South 210-12 South 213 South 215 South 218 South 221 South 225 South 227 South 231 South 235 South 236 South 236 South 241 South 243 South 245 South 249 South 253 South 257 South 5TH STREET - IRON TO MULBERRY General Air Conditioning & Electrical Co. Lundberg Engineering Co., elec engrs (apt. upstairs) A-One Furniture used Rosie's Round Up Tavern (11 apts upstairs) Vacant Municipal Parking Lot City Parking Lot Uptown Apts. (20 Apts.) Vacant ABC Furniture & Appliances Valencia Apartments (11 apts.) Jilka Furniture Co., whse Royal Tire Co. Augustine Phil Furniture Salvation Army Store clo used Gamble's Parking Lot Zebra tavern Vahsholtz Implement Co. agrl Stegman & Carlisle eng. servo Wingrove Auto Supply Inc. Salina Body & Fender Works Hurry Back Inn restr. IntI. Brotherhood Electrical Workers #1054 Gage Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc. Firestone Stores auto sups Hertz Rent-A-Car Chopp Delbert D. contr. Woodman Accident & Life Co. Vacant Skate land Salina Music & Amusement Co. Harz Frank Realty Agcy. Am. National Ins. Co. Harz Apartments (5 apts.) Quinley's Parisian Cleaners Finnegan Anna K. Mrs. (1 apt. upstairs) Babbitt Marcel E. Frank J. S. Construction Co., Inc. Frank Jos S. Farrar Kenneth W. Nieschburg Stella Mrs. (1 apt. upstairs) Gage Plumbing and Heating Co. whse. Burmel Apartments (21 apts.) Apartments (4 apts.) Eberhardt Soft Water Service Co. Champlin's Rug Cleaners & Laundry self service Glen E. Harland Roe Bertha Mrs. Radio Cab Co, Milleson Mer Ie 58 I I I 100 North 104 North 105 North I 106 North 106! North 107a North 108 North I 109 North 110-12 North III North I 112 North 114 North 117 North I 118 North 120 North 120! North 122 North I 125 North 126 North 127 North I 136 North 138 North 145 North I 146 North 147-49 North I 155 North 156 North 200-08 North I 209-15 North 217 North 219 North I 221 North 223 North 225 North 246 North I 300 North 312 North I 315 North 322 North 330-38 North I 340 North 344 North 346 North 347 North I 352 North I I 5TH STREET - IRON TO TRACKS Vacant Stauffer Hardware Wehmeier's Pie Shop Johnson's Fifth Street Store Gutsch Apartments (5 apts.) Pilgrim House Strahan Creamery Co., Ice cream mfrs. Swenson Appliance Tanner Feed & Hatchery B & J Furniture Ahlstedt Darrell E. contr. Vacant City Parking Lot Western Star Mill Co. (laby) Salina Army Surplus Co. Star Apartments (15 apts.) Vacant Planters State Bank (parking lot) Gooch Red Circle premium store Planters State Motor Bank Kelley T. A., Co., Inc. seeds Ace High Lounge tavern Municipal Parking Lot City Parking Lot Police Dept. Po 1 ice Court City Jail City Hall (12 Offices) Joe's Service gas station Leidigh & Havens Lbr Co. Heath Roy M. Co. (service department) Heath Roy M. Co. (stge) Film Delivery Service Vacant Nelson's Rebuilt Batteries Superior Supply Co., Inc., htg and air condo sups. Richardson's Transfer & Storage Co., Inc. AALCI Moving & Storage Swift & Co. whol poultry Salina Iron & Metal Co., junk No Return Baker R. L. Oil Co. Vacant Cook Paint & Varnish Co., glass dept. Thomas Transfer & Storage Co. Montgomery Ward & Co. whse Henry Alvin Barker Barbara Mrs. Vacant 59 105 East 107 East 109 East 119 East 210 East 100! East 102 East 104 East 104! East 106 East 108 East 108! East 109 East 110 East 111 East 112 East 113 East 114 East 115 East 116 East 117 East 118 East 119 East 120 East 123 East MULBERRY EAST ( NORTH SIDE) IOOF Hall (6 Offices) Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Griffin Agency reat est and ins. SAC Investments Holsum Bakers of Salina MULBERRY WEST (NORTH SIDE) Roosevelt Junior High School PINE STREET - EAST (SOUTH SIDE) No Houses PINE STREET - WEST (SOUTH SIDE) No Houses IRON EAST TO LINE Campbell Building State Dept. of Social Welfare State Dept. of Social Welfare Service for Blind Vacant Dodge Investment Co., loans Dodge Agency real est and ins. Homestead Building & Loan Assn. Dodge Building Dodge-Oliver-King Insurance Kaufman, George Co., real est and ins. Salina Sand Blasting Co. Vacant Hoffman & Eller, lawyers Fairbury Supply Co., bldg sups Busboom & Rauh contractors Royal Beauty Shop Royal Barber Shop Rear-Municipal Parking Lot Northern Hearing Service Baker's Shoe Service Repr. (3 Offices upstairs) Sanitary Barber Shop Sanitary Beauty Shop Spaeths Office Service business machines (1 Office upstairs) Moore, Jas. H. fro inv. Seng Henry Agency real est DeLuxe Cafe Wooster Agency real est and ins. East Iron Barber Shop Vacant Nash, Hugh F. Rawleigh Products Dealers Hamilton Drug 60 I I I 124 East 200 East 200~ East 204-08 East 209 East I I 110-20 West 110-12 West I 111-13 West 114 West 115 West I I 116-18 West 120 West 200 West 202 West 204 West 210 West I I 204 East I I 115 West 116 West 219 West 222 West I I 110 East III East 113 East 115 East 117 East 121 East 125 East 205 East 206 East 211 East I I I I I IRON EAST TO LINE Dee's Tavern Olsson Ace Hardware Olsson Hall (4 Offices upstairs) Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. Vacant IRON WEST TO LINE Public Utilities Building Duffens Optical Co. Duffens Contact Lens, Co. National Bank of America Drive-In Bolen-Wood Agency real est. Salina Community Chest Inc. Chamber of Commerce Junior Chamber of Commerce Salina Inc. Organization (2 Office Upstairs) Kansas Power & Light Co. Warden's Ladies Ready to Wear Mason Investment Co., Inc. Vacant King & Stokes Lawyers Bell Hotel ELM EAST TO LINE Western Ice Co. ELM WEST TO LINE Canteen (Division of Automotive Co., of America) Brown Welding Supply Lantz Earl City Fire Department Fire Fighters Assn. Local #782 WALNUT EAST TO LINE Elvina's Cafe Va<cant Fixit Key Shop Leister Glenn Liquor Store Walnut Street Beauty Shop Jimmies Canteen tavern George's Kent Service Station Gage Finance Co., Inc. Vacant (1 apt. upstairs) Air Conditioning Supply Inc. 61 108 West 109 West 110 West 112 West 114 West 206 West 209 West 108 East 110 East 111 East 215 East 217 East 107 West 108 West 108a West 109 West 110 West 111 West 112 West 114 West 115 West 116 West 211 West WALNUT WEST TO LINE West Walnut Barber Shop Municipal Parking Lot Kuhn & Cox Printing Co. Wa Inut Bakery U. S. Army Recruiting Station Tremain Apartments (4 apts.) Tox-Eol Termite Service Jarvis, Will iam K.. ASH EAST TO LINE Spic & Span Barber Shop (1 Office upstairs) Central Cafe (1 apt. upstairs) Central Greyhound Lines bus line Lorenson Nels Welding Shop Knight Music Co. ASH WEST TO LINE Flower Nook The florist Band Box Cleaners Wilson Liquor Store Paul Liquor Store USAF Recruiting Office Vacant (1 Office upstairs) Ash Street Beauty Shop Vacant Rohrer, George W. Brass Rail Tavern beer Vacant 62 I I INVENTORY OF EXISTING PARKS AND FACILITIES I I NAME OF PARK I THOMAS I PARK (NORTH a BROADWAY) CARVER I RIVERSIDE PARK (ASH a BROADWAY) I PARK (COUNTRY CLUB) I OAK DALE KENWOOD I INDIAN ROCK PARK (CRAWFORD a 2ND ST.) I SUNSET I PARK (EAST END OF PAWNEE) *2500 Seating Capacity. I I I I I I I (!J~ ~.,. v~ .,. 15.0 1.2 3.1 2.1 1.2 1.0 45.0 80.0 130.0 4.1 25.8 1.9 18 2 4 5 3 85 28 60 ,~ " ' -<.'" (!J'" ~~ \.. /. 0 ~" ~" "< v v (!J .,. .,. ~ (lv (lV'-<." f-' /. ~ 00 ~ ,~ ~ v ~ 0 ,v O~ ~' ~'\..~-<.O 5 3 8 6 3 5 4 9 9 3 TENNIS COURTS BALL DIAMONDS PLAY EQUIPMENT o ~ v~ ~O ~ ~~ ~.,. -<. ~~ ~ ~ (!J~ ~ ~~ ,,~ v' ~~ ~o -<. (!J~ , v 6 6 6 5 3 3 3 3 (!J ,~ -<. .,. ,,~ -<. -<. ~v ~~ ~ (!J ~ v " ,~ ~.,. , ~ ~ v~ ,~ (l~ (l' ,,~ 2 * 2 / ~" " ~ OV (l0 ~" O~ o ~ v.,. ~.,. 0 ~ " ~ .,.v .,.v O~ ~~ ,0 (!J" -<. -<. ~,,(!J -<.~ ~ O~ O~ .,. ~ ~ " ~' ~" '\- '\- ~ O~ v -<. ,0 ~' ~' ,~ 0 ~(!J .,.~ ~O "v ~O ~O VV v.,. '>~ (!J' ,,'" " -<." ~O ,,~ , O~ ~" (!J ~~ ~ -<.~ ~,~ ~ ~ 0 ' ~ ~ " ~ (!J -<. 2 3 WOODED AREAS OTHER FEATURES 2 5 3 2 MUSEUM, ORNAMEN TAL GARDEN, WOODED AREAS. 4 2 2 / FAIR GROUNDS, STADIUM, PAVILION, BARNS. SHEL TER UNDER CONSTRUCTION, SCENIC VIEW. 3 2 UNIMPROVED. ORNAMENTAL GARDEN, TREES, SHRUBBERY, PERGOLA. 4 UNIMPROVED. ACTIVITY ATTENDANCE FOR PLAYGROUND AND OTHER ACTIVITIES PLAYGROUND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES OTHER ACTIVITIES BASEBALL - SOFTBALL TOTALS ATTENDANCE 1962 1963 70,320 91,784 47,333 51,553 61,621 66,230 14,999 15,555 194,273 225,122 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES 63 NOTES 64 I I MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS DECEMBER 31, 1964 I Acres in City of Salina Airport I Al titude Churches I Climate I Education I I I Fire Hydrants Golf Courses Highways I I Hospitals Hotels Motels Motor Vehicle Registration Newspapers Off-Street Parking Meters On- Street Parking Meters Public Library Parks Radio Stations I I I I Sanitary Sewers Storm Sewers Street Lights Streets I I I I 6,181.01 Acres 1 - Municipal - served by Central Air Lines- 9 flights daily. 1,222 Feet above sea level. 52 - Representing nearly all denominations of the Christian Faith. Average Annual Rainfall, 26.33" Average Winter Temperature, 410 Average Summer Temperature, 770 Prevailing Winds, Southerly Average Humidity, 55% - 60% 18 - Public Grade Schools, 2 Junior High Schools 1 Senior High School 2 Parochial Grade Schools 1 Parochial Junior High School 1 Parochial Senior High School Kansas Wesleyan University Marymount College St. John's Military School Brown-Mackie Business College 1,101 2 - Salina Country Club, Elks County Club National Highways - U. S. 81 and 40 Interstate Highways - 70 and 35W State Highway - K-17 2 - Total 300 beds 3 - Total 164 rooms 15 - Total 468 rooms 29,983 - 24,049 Cars, 5,934 Trucks 1 Daily 10 Lots - 953 Spaces 780 Spaces 84,500 Volumes 11 - 255~7 Acres KAFM - 3,600 Watts E. R. P. KFRM - 5,000 Watts (Mutual) KLSI - 500 Watts (Independent) KSAL - 5,000 Watts (ABC) 120.18 Miles 56.8 Miles 2,073 175.8 Miles Concrete Oil Mat Surface Brick Pavement Asphalt Overlay 2" Hot Mix on 6" Rock Base Dirt Concrete Overlay 8" Hot Mix 65 96.9 3.0 12.8 12.6 19.7 18.3 8.6 3.9 175.8 Swimming Pools Theatres Transportation: Bus Lines Railroads Truck Lines Television Stations Water Lines 5-2 Municipal Pools, 2 Country Club Pools, 1 YMCA Pool 3 - Seating Capacity 2,439 2 - Drive-in Theatres - Car Capacity 1,130 Memorial Hall - Seating Capacity 2,975 3 - Continental, Central Greyhound and Southwestern Greyhound 4 - Union Pacific, Rock Island, Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe 13 - Local and Interstate Channe 1 34 - ABC Channel 74 - NBC 155.6 Miles 66 1964 SHOPPING CENTER VALUATIONS Average Land Area Valuation/Acre Land Improvements Total Elmore 4.25 $ 8,000 $ 33,820 $174,940 $ 208,760 Sears 8.20 10,000 82,050 285,070 367,120 Sunset 7.80 3,750 29,380 173,730 203,110 Kraft Manor Welles 13.75 4,850 66,720 336,060 402,780 34.00 $211,970 $969,800 $1,181,770 I I I I I I I I Source: County Assessor I I I INCOME TRENDS - SALINA US Census I I POPULATION NUMBER OF FAMILIES MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME INCOME LESS THAN $ 2,000 INCOME LESS THAN $3,000 INCOME OVER $5,000 INCOME OVER $ 10,000 NO. OF CIVILIAN PERSONS EMPLOYED PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL POPULATION EMPLOYED I I I I I NA-Not Available I 67 1950 26,176 7,105 $ 3,260 21.8% NA 18.6 % NA 10,217 39.0% 1960 PERCENTAGE CHANGE 43,202 11,459 $ 5,475 NA 14.9% NA 11.8% 15,009 +65.0% +61.97- +67.9% +46.9% 34.7% -11.0% SUMMARY OF EXTERNAL TRAFFIC Kansas State Highway Commission 1963 Survey ROADWAY LOCAL THROUGH TOTAL TRAFFIC AUTO TRUCK TOTAL AUTO TRUCK TOTAL AUTO TRUCK TOTAL US-Bl NORTH 2370 815 3185 972 750 1722 3342 1565 4907 1-70EAST 1158 395 1553 1366 246 1612 2524 641 3165 - US-B" SOUTH 3097 966 4093 1166 793 1959 4263 1789 6052 U S - 40 W EST 1226 454 1680 1148 231 1379 2374 685 3059 U S - 40 E AS T 1396 440 1836 108 56 164 1504 496 2000 OTHER APPROACHES 2068 1171 3209 92 87 179 2160 1228 3388 TOTAL 11315 4241 15556 4852 2163 7015 16167 6404 22571 AGRICUL TURAL TRENDS - SALINE COUNTY PERCENT 1949/1950 1959/1960 CHANGE TOTAL NUMBER OF FARMS 1,277 980 - 23.5 PERCENT OPERATED BY TENANTS 32 (.. ) 29 (.. ) - 9.5 AVERAGE SIZE OF FARMS 306 ( 8 ) 424 (8 ) + 38.5 AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND 8< BUILDINGS $ 32,466 (c ) $ 59,248 (c ) + 82.5 AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND 8< BUILDINGS $106(0) $ 137 ( 0 ) + 29.0 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD (IN THOUSANDS) ALL CROPS $ 3,662 $ 5,542 + 51.5 LIVESTOCK 8< PRODUCTS $ 3,013 $ 5,207 + 73.0 DAIRY PRODUCTS $525 $556 + 6.0 POULTRY II< PRODUCTS $ 369 $153 - 58.5 TOTAL $ 7,568 $ 11 ,459 + 51.5 NUMBER OF CATTLE II< CALVES 31,600 39,000 + 23.5 AVERAGE VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD $19.50(0) $ 27.50 (0 ) + 41.0 ( ..) Percent ( 8) Acres (c) Per Farm ( 0) Per Acre 68 I I FIRE FLOW TEST RESULTS I Stat ic Quant ity at 20 Lbs. Pressure Residual (GPM) District Location (Pounds) Required Available I Ind. North & Ninth Streets 57 3,000 1,180 Res. Twelfth Street & Hamilton Ave. 60 1,500 1,030 Res. Tenth Street & Hamilton Ave. 58 1,500 900 I MM Broadway Blvd. & Barney Street 57 3,000 1,200 Inst. Lincoln Ave. & Ninth Street 59 3,000 3,400 Inst. Seventh Street & Euclid Ave. 60 4,500 1,340 I Res. Fourth Street & Antrim Ave. 62 1,500 1,620 Res. Front Street & Otis Ave. 62 1,500 1,810 MM Santa Fe & Antrim Ave. 61 3,000 1,230 Res. Second Street & Pacific Ave. 60 1,500 2,290 I Res. Eighth Street & Woodland Ave. 61 1,500 1,860 Res. Front Street & Forest Ave. 59 1,500 3,680 Ind. North Street & Broadway Blvd. 54 3,000 710 I Ind. Chester & York Ave. 59 3,000 220 Res. Second & Elm Streets 59 1,500 750 Res. Park Street & Oakdale Drive 59 1,500 840 I Res. Oakdale Park 59 1,500 820 Res. Third & Mulberry Streets 58 1,500 820 Res. Second & Walnut Streets 60 1,500 1,060 Res. Front Street & Iron Ave. 59 1,500 1,410 I Inst. Third Street & Crawford Ave. 55 3,000 2,960 Res. Delaware Ave. & Arl ington Dr. 57 1,500 1,730 Res. Beechwood Rd. & Brookwood Lane 51 1,500 1,080 I Res. Queens & Claremont Rd. 44 1,500 1,630 Inst. Briard iff Rd. & Ridgelea Dr. 44 3,000 1,230 Res. Johnstown Ave. & Rivers ide Dr. 59 1,500 1,670 I MM Crawford Ave. & Starl ight Dr. 45 3,000 1,420 Res. Overhill & Greenway Rds. 52 1,500 1,500 Res. Crestview & Eastborough Drs. 68 1,500 870 Res. Melrose Lane & Seitz Dr. 63 1,500 710 I Res. Upper Mill Heights Rd. 38 4,500 920 Res. Delaware & Stack Aves. 58 1,500 2,570 Res. Connecticut & Iron Aves. 58 1,500 2,980 I Inst. Wisconsin & Stapler Aves. 50 3,000 2,850 Inst. Ash Street & Oakdale Ave. 59 3,000 780 Inst. Ash Street & Des Moines Ave. 59 3,000 1,100 I Inst. Front & Bond Streets 57 4,500 7,800 Res. Third Street & Anderson Ave. 54 1,500 4,950 Res. Lew is Street & Manor Rd. 53 1,500 2,330 Inst. Oxford Dr. & Belmont Blvd. 53 3,000 1,250 I Res. Aurora Ave. & Magnol ia Rd. 53 1,500 1,930 Res. Magnolia & Kensington Rds. 53 1,500 2,060 Res. Quincy Street & Belmont Blvd. 50 1,500 2,590 I Res. Roach Street & Claflin Ave. 52 1,500 2,040 Res. Cloud Ave. & Norton Street 52 1,500 3,120 Res. Lewis Street & Russell Ave. 53 1,500 650 I Res. Melaine Lane & Scott Ave. 48 1,500 310 69 I District Res, Res. Res. Res. Res. Inst. Inst. Inst. Res. Res. Inst. Res. Inst. Res. Res. Res. Res. Inst. Inst. Res. Inst. Inst. Res. Res. Inst. MM Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Inst. Res. Res. Inst. Res. Inst. Inst. MM MM Res. Res. Res. Res. Inst. Res. Res, Res. Location Sarah Lane & Mission Rd. Ohio Ave. & McAdams Rd. Republic & Ohio Aves. Republic Ave. & Roach Street Beloit & Ohio Ave. Ellsworth Ave, & Quincy Street Salina High School Salina High School Mornings ide & Sunrise Drs. Wilson Street & Sunrise Dr. Republic Ave. & Sunrise Dr. Kirwin Ave. & Norton Street Max Ave. & Norton Street Albert Ave. & Norton Street Albert Ave. & Marc Street Albert Ave. & Glendale Rd. Wesley Street & Wayne Ave. Raymond & Wayne Aves. Cloud Ave. & Osborne Street Osborne Street & Minneapolis Ave. Roach Street & Wayne Ave. Roach Street & Belmont Blvd. Roach Street & Leslie Ave. Manor & Manchester Rds. Highland & Parkway Aves. Highland Ave. & Belmont Blvd. Neal & Key Aves. Ohio Street & Martin Ave. Republic & Ohio Aves. Kensington & McAdams Rds. Wilson Street & Sunrise Dr. Republic & Beatrice Aves. Quincy Street & Wayne Ave. Edward Street & Belmont Blvd. Cloud Ave. & Lewis Street Allen Street & Neal Ave. Fourth Street & Hartland Ave. Reed Ave. & Belmont Blvd. Gebhart Street & Leslie Ave, Ninth Street & Leslie Ave. Ninth Street & Leslie Ave. Maple Street & Yale Aves. Hageman & Tulane Aves. Hageman & Otto Aves. Hageman & Venus Aves. Tulane & Mercury Aves. Otto & Haskett Aves. Otto Ave. & Meadowlark Lane Harold & Haskett Aves. 70 Stat ic Pressure (Pounds) 54 54 55 53 54 54 55 55 54 54 54 55 51 53 52 53 52 54 53 54 54 53 53 57 50 50 49 56 57 56 53 54 54 54 54 48 52 52 50 50 50 47 48 47 48 49 48 50 50 Quantity at 20 Lbs. Residual (GPM) Required Available 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 4,500 4,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 3,000 1,500 1 ,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 4,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 3,000 4,500 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 990 1,650 690 3,550 640 3,300 2,120 1,770 5,020 2,860 2,860 2,640 2,250 2,260 2,040 1,370 1,900 1,170 1,710 2,190 1,020 2,060 2,060 920 2,520 1,840 1,930 1,440 1,370 5,600 6,210 1,740 1,740 1,780 9,430 2,640 2,690 2,760 670 1,160 550 530 540 480 500 500 500 580 600 I I District I Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Inst. Inst. Inst. Res. Res. Res. Inst. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. MM MM Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. MM Res. Res. Res. Ind. Res. Res. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Location Yale & Haskett Aves. Yale & Page Aves. Page Ave. & Talley Dr. Haskett & Garden Aves. Haskett & Maple Aves. Talley Dr. & Ingman Rd. Robert Ave. & Carlton Pl. Dover Dr. & Winona Street Hageman & Smith Aves. Highland & Cloud Aves. Simmons Street & High Pl. Hickory & Cloud Aves. Oak Circle & Beach Street Cheyenne Ave. & Apache Dr. Republic Ave. & Pontiac Ave. Osage Ave. & Franklin Street willow & Redwood Drs. Birch & Plum Drs. Cypress & Willow Drs. Sunset Dr. & Highland Cr. Tenth Street & Kirwin Ave. Kirwin & Highland Aves. Merrill & Wilson Streets Sherman & Venango Streets Merrill & Illinois Streets Seminole & Shawnee Aves. Seminole & Shawnee Aves. Eleventh Street & Claflin Ave. Merrill Street & Republic Ave. Tenth Street & Claflin Ave. Jewell & Santa Fe Aves. Fifth & Bond Streets Fifth & Wilson Streets Bond Street & Highland Ave. Wilson Street & Highland Ave. Republic & Santa Fe Aves. Crawford Ave. & Montrose Street Crawford Ave. & Broadway Blvd. Hancock & Illinois Streets Eleventh Street & Republic Ave. Ninth Street & Beloit Ave. Ninth & Franklin Streets Fifth Street & Republic Ave. Franklin Street & Broadway Blvd. Ninth Street & Sunset Dr. Ninth & Franklin Streets Clark & South Streets Chicago & walnut Streets Duval Street & Beverly Dr. Jameson Ave. & Beverly Dr. 71 Static Pressure (Pound s) 50 49 50 50 51 51 51 51 50 51 50 51 52 52 54 54 53 53 54 52 52 50 52 54 54 53 53 50 52 52 53 55 55 54 54 54 55 53 54 54 55 55 55 54 55 53 57 58 56 56 Quantity at 20 Lbs. Residual (GPM) Required Available 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 4,500 4,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,500 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 2,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 2,500 2,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 550 520 560 680 650 630 670 340 1,000 1,530 490 360 670 1,400 2,190 1,540 1,060 1,300 1,510 2,720 6,120 5,920 3,120 3,380 1,140 2,560 3,070 3,030 3,310 1,560 3,650 3,770 3,400 1,440 4,170 3,350 2,000 4,120 1,610 2,810 3,920 1,360 3,250 3,690 5,130 1,530 4,370 4,820 2,160 1,100 District Res. Res. Res. Inst. Res. Res. Res. Ind. Ind. MM Res. Res. Res. PM PM PM Res. PM PM Inst. PM PM Inst. Res. Res. MM Inst. MM MM Inst. MM MM Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. Res. MM Res. Res. Res. Res. MM Res. Res. Location Static Pressure (Pounds) Twelfth & Charles Streets 56 Tenth & South Streets 57 Walnut Street & College Ave. 57 Broadway Blvd. & Armory Rd. 56 Highland & Crawford Aves. 54 Clark & Spruce Streets 55 Twelfth & Walnut Streets 54 Tenth & Charles Streets 55 Spruce Street & College Ave. 56 Spruce Street & Phillips Street 57 Eleventh & Walnut Streets 57 Eleventh Street & Morrison Ave. 57 South & Montrose Streets 55 Iron & Santa Fe Aves. 57 1/2 Blk. N. of Santa Fe & Iron Aves. .57 Eighth Street & Iron Ave. 56 Prescott & Santa Fe Ave. 57 Seventh & Walnut Streets 57 Seventh between Walnut St. & Santa Fe Ave. 56 Eighth & South Streets 56 Seventh & Mulberry Streets 55 Eighth & Walnut Street 54 Ninth & Mulberry Streets 55 Fifth & Ash Streets 58 Eighth & Elm Streets 57 Ninth & Elm Streets 57 Ninth Street & Lincoln Ave. 57 Ninth & Pine Streets 55 Decatur & Santa Fe Aves. 58 Fifth & pine Streets 58 Tenth & Bishop Streets 59 Thirteenth & Bishop Streets 56 Park & Phillips Streets 56 Tenth & Park Streets 57 Elm Street & Broadway Blvd. 56 Eleventh Street & Iron Ave. 58 College & Iron Aves. 57 Clark & Marietta Streets 59 Chicago Street & University Pl. 59 Phillips Ave. & State Street 58 Eleventh & Bishop Streets 57 Twelfth & Elm Streets 57 Chicago & Park Streets 58 Chicago & State Streets 57 Front Street & Iron Ave. 59 Columbia Street & Iron Ave. 62 Kansas & Gypsum Aves. 59 Penn & Gypsum Aves. 58 72 Quantity at 20 Lbs. Residual (GPM) Required Available 1,500 2,500 2,500 3,000 2,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 2,500 6,500 6,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,500 4,500 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 1,500 1,500 2,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 2,500 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 3,450 920 6,940 4,730 1,860 2,370 1,220 2,090 2,900 2,080 1,510 2,110 7,230 12,250 11 , 900 9,810 3,040 13,990 12,240 7,850 2,450 3,490 11 ,990 9,940 2,590 10,820 9,050 9,640 8,410 18,120 2,790 1,510 2,170 1,330 420 3,030 2,400 2,750 2,360 1,350 1,770 1,930 1,570 2,060 2,480 2,790 3,030 2,260 I I I Static Quantity at 20 Lbs. Pressure Residual (GPM) District Location (Pounds) Required Available Res. Iron & Iowa Aves. 57 2,500 2,820 Res. Johnstown & Qakdale Aves. 59 1,500 1,550 Inst. Johnstown & Penn Aves. 61 3,000 1,830 Res. Hillcrest Lane & Channel Dr. 65 1,500 950 Res. Mount Barbara Rd. 45 1,500 1,290 Inst. Iron Ave. & Marymount Rd. 48 4,500 1,050 Inst. Marymount College 47 4,500 780 I I I Districts indicated as follows: I PM - Principal Mercantile MM - Minor Mercantile Ind. - Industrial Inst. - Institutional Res. - Residential I Source: Water Distribution Analysis of Salina, Kansas, Bucher & Willis, Consulting Engineers and Planners I I I I I I I I I I 73 I TOTA L FIRE LOSS (IN CITY) AND RUNS BY YEARS Year Loss Runs 1938 $57,544.65 196 1939 10,558,17 219 1940 14,181.76 222 1941 8,701.05 216 1942 14,268.75 263 1943 103,373,58 401 1944 97,008.66 285 1945 257,013.18 429 1946 80,087.76 431 1947 44,800.56 422 1948 252,908.79 410 1949 50,383.37 365 1950 54,334.64 464 1951 36,365.53 446 1952 67,525.86 557 1953 118,918.96 496 1954 85,876.85 546 1955 91,089.70 530 1956 58,990.31 683 1957 49,339.30 785 1958 34,808.43 800 1959 419,$29.56 610 1960 48,353.33 535 1961 224,348.65 656 1962 93,969.43 657 1963 165,+93.14 708 1964 412,891.24 727 Total "Fire LosS" - 1938 thru 1964: $2,952,765.21 Source: Annual Report, Fire Department, Salina, Kansas 74 I I FIRE LOSS CLASSIFICATION - 1964 I Fires With No Loss or Under One Dollar Fires With Loss Between One Dollar and One Hundred Fires With Loss Between One Hundred One and One Thousand Fires with Loss Over One Thousand Dollars I I Commerc ial 61 22 0 5 Dwellings 52 54 19 14 Automotive 31 54 10 1 Emergency 404 0 0 0 Total 548 130 29 20 Break-down of Alarms: Total Alarms in City: 727 Alarms Outside the City: 48 548 130 Total Alarms Answered: 775 29 20 I I I 727 Alarms in the City I Source: Annual R~port, Fire Department, Salina, Kansas I I I I I I I I I 75 I ZONING CHANGES Amended Approximate Ordinance Date Zone Previous Area Other No. Adopted Classification Classification (in acres) Remarks 6631 6/4/62 "C" "A" 0.3 6631 6/4/62 " B" "A" 0.4 6685 1/18/63 "DD" "D" 0.2 6734 8/30/63 liD" "A" 0.6 6738 9/20/63 "DD" "C" 1.1 6739 10/4/63 "F" fiB" 0.3 6747 11/8/63 "An "D" 0.2 6747 11/8/63 "F" "D" 0.3 6747 11/8/63 "D" "C" 0.1 6750 12/13/63 "D" "C" 0.6 6752 12/9/63 "A" " G" 11.5 6754 12/13/63 "DD" "A" 0.06 6754 12/13/63 flD" "A" 2.8 6760 1/10/64 "DD" "A" 0.3 6760 1/10/64 "A" "D" 0.4 6764 1/17 /64 "F" "C" 0.8 6765 1/24/64 "B" "A" 1.7 6767 2/17/64 "D" "C" 0.4 6811 4/31/64 "DD" "A" 0.1 6786 6/11/64 "E" " B" 0.5 6787 5/21/64 "A" "B" 2.6 6789 6/2/64 "D" None 98.0 Annexed Area 6797 6/26/64 "F':' "A" 73.0:t: 6801 8/3/64 "DD" "A" 1.4 6814 8/31/64 "D" "An 1.8 6809 8/24/64 "C" "B" 2.0 6808 8/24/64 "An "DfT 4.7 6808 8/24/64 "DD" "D" 0.8 6815 9/21/64 n E" "An 0.2 6820 10/10/64 "D" frAf! 0.1 6822 10/27 /64 "D" "A" 1.1 6829 11/24/64 "D" "A" 0.2 6827 11/17/64 "DD" "D" 0.4 6838 12/29/64 "D" "AT! 0,7 6846 2/8/65 "D" "C" 0.6 6850 3/19/65 "DD" "e" 0.4 6850 3/19/65 liD" "A" 0.1 6850 3/19/65 "B" "F" 0.1 6850 3/19/65 "D" fiB" 0.8 6852 3/26/65 "D" "An 0.1 6852 3/26/65 "A" "D" 0.1 6852 3/26/65 "DD" "e" 0.8 6852 5/20/65 "D" "A" 0.6 Source: Zoning Map Atlas, City Planning Department, City of Salina 76