Water & Sewer Condition & Operations 1968-1969 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I J , I II SALINA, KANSAS Water and Sewera~e System CONDITION AND OPERATIONS REPORT FOR THE YEARS 1968 & 1969 WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 1970 & 1971 ~I LS 0 N COMPANY ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I APRIL 1970 I (70-41) I SALINA, Kl'.NSAS WATER AND SEI'JERT\GE SYSTEM CONDITION AND OPERATIONS REPORT FOR THE YEARS 1968 & 1969 WITH RECO~1ENDATIONS FOR 1970 & 1971 * * * * * Donald D. Millikan, Mayor Commissioners Leon L. Ashton Robert C. Caldwell Carl R. Rundquist William 1,'1. Yost Norris Olson, City Manager Ron Webster, Director of utilities * * * * * ~<.~~." , -" \-\ W / '.~~. . . /,,:~. <" ~<v ........1/,/,\l. 11$, ..:,,~Cf $f'.':<<',")"', it ~- : '.t 0'. j. , " ~ - " : 1<<9 : ~ . ~~... ~:~ ,~~..:, t:t~ e:-." .:;';'l ~.rt~' (.~!l: 11LSON COMPANY E.HGIN EERS ARCHITECTS t I I PURPOSE OF REPORT I City of Salina Ordinance Number 6546, dated 13 July 1961, which provides for the issuance of revenue bonds for the purpose of altering, improving, extending and enlarging the municipal waterworks and sewerage systems, contains, in part, the following requirements: I I Section 11 (e). "At least once in every tvlO years the City's consulting engineers hereinafter referred to in Section 15(d) of this ordinance, after making their examination and report on the condition, operation, and needs of the City's combined water and sewage system as provided in said Section 15(d), shall, by written instrument filed in the office of the City Clerk . , certify whether or not in their opinion, the moneys in the 'Combined Water and Sewage System Extension and Bond Retirement Account' are in excess of the amount reasonably required to be maintained in such account for extending, improving or enlarging the City's combined water and sewage system, and, if so, the amount of such excess." I I I Section 15(d). "At least once in every two years the City will employ an independent consulting engineer or firm of consulting engineers having a reputation for knowledge, skill and experience in the con- struction and operation of municipal water and sewage systems and will cause such consulting engineer or engineers to make an examination and report on the condition and operation of the City's combined water and sewage system, such report to include recommendations as to any changes in such operation deemed desirable. Such report shall also make reference to any unusual or extraordinary items of maintenance and repair and any improvements or extensions that may be needed in the ensuing two-year period." I I I I The first such report was prepared in 1964, the second in 1966, and the third in 1968, this is the fourth report. I il I I I 1 I I I I 1961 BOND ISSUE I I I On 13 July 1961, the City of Salina, Kansas, authorized the issuance of $3,600,000 in Revenue Bonds, the proceeds to be used to refund the principal amounts of two previous outstanding bond issues and "for the purpose of altering, improving, extending and enlarging the waterworks of said City. . . and for the purpose of altering, improving, extending and enlarging the sanitary sewer system of said City (said waterworks and said sanitary sewer system now having been combined into a combined water and sewage system of said City)." I The 1961 Bond Issue was supplemented by a $250,000 Federal grant to assist in the construction of improvements to the sewage treatment plant. The funds available for improvements to the water and sewerage system after refunding previous bond issues were as follows: I 1961 Bond Issue Federal Grant $3,600,000 250,000 I I Total Funds Available for all Purposes $3,850,000 Previous Bond Issues Refunding 1,182,000 Total Funds Available for Improvements $2,668,000 I I I I I I I I 2 I I I I 1961 BOND ISSUE EXPENDITURES The following tabulation summarizes the expenditures for improvements to the combined water and sewerage system, such expenditures being solely from the original bond issue, Federal Grant and investment income. All improvements are in accordance with recommendations of the City's Con- sulting Engineers and of the City Engineer's Office. I I I Key Acres Elevated Water Tower North Front Street Water Main South Fourth Street Water Main Water Treatment Plant Improvements Sanitary Sewer Trunk Mains Sewage Treatment Plant Improvements Purchase of System Materials and Minor System Improvements Planning and Engineering Water Main to Westinghouse Water Main to Schilling City-County Building, Water and Sewer Services South Industrial Area (Roberts Mfg.) East North Street (Wyatt Mfg.) Miscellaneous Extensions and Improvements I I I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES I *Includes investment income. I I I I I I I 3 I I $ 120,005.00 38,390.00 23,060.00 566,956.00 573,018.00 859,092.00 237,602.00 51,450.00 75,000.00 49,603.00 36,028.42 15,702.29 19,589.68 2,497.09 $2,847,993.48* \{hile the closing of Schilling Air Force Base reduced the total number of accounts, the need for expanding water and sewer service to newly develop- ing residential, commercial and industrial areas, the incorporation of the former Air Base water and sewer systems into the City's systems and the necessity to provide better service within the present system required a continued program of system improvements. A number of earlier Consulting Engineer's reports, particularly the distribution system study and report of 1963 and the overall water study of October 1968, contained recommenda- tions regarding major improvements needed in the water system. Many of the recommendations were long range capital improvements and are being constructed as funds become available. However, the service area has expanded so rapidly and in such a complex manner that some of the 1963 recommendations are probably no longer valid. I SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS I I I I I I The 1968 "Salina Water Study" contained some recommendations in regard to arterial mains which were in addition to those recommended in the 1963 report. I The need for an updated water distribution system analysis is apparent. I There is a continuing program of City participation in the construction of subdivision extensions of the water and sewer system to pay the increased cost of enlarging mains as required by the overall master planning and of constructing facilities normally paid for by the City at large. I All of the facilities proposed for construction during 1968 and 1969 in the last Conditions and Operations report have been completed, except for the following: I Wayne Street Relief Sewer Ground Water Investigation I 1968 Budget Estimate $ 35,000 35,000 The following tabulation describes and estimates the cost of improvements to the combined water and sewerage system anticipated for the years 1970 and 1971. I Proposed Construction I Wayne Street Relief Sewer Ground Water Investigation City's Portion of Benefit District Improvements Update Water Distribution System Analysis Water Plant Sludge Disposal Study Procedure Manual for Water and Sewer Department Billing Methods Study Water Main, Pacific & Woodland to Euclid & Ninth, 12-inch Water Main, Water Main, Water Main, I I Indian Rock Cemetery to S. Hwy. 81, Park to Iron, 12-inch Marymount, 24- and 20-inch Wayne to Key, 12-inch I 4 I I Budget Estimate of Cost $ 55,000 40,000 60,000 8,000 4,000 2,500 1,000 55,000 34,000 79,000 46,000 $384,500 I I REVENUE I Revenue is derived principally from a water rate schedule and a sewer service charge schedule. Both schedules are based on customer usage. The sewer service charge schedule was established at the time the water and sewerage departments were combined, there having been no previous direct charge for this service. The sewer service charge schedule has been revised on several occasions, primarily to establish equitable rates for special cases. The water rate schedule has remained unchanged. The excess of total revenue over operating expenditures (not including the bond issue debt service, reserve requirements and capital improvements), compared to the amount estimated by First Securities Company in their "1961 Financial Feasibili.ty Report," is as follows: I I I Year Actual Balance Estimated by First Securities* I I 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 $411,625 $514,197 $456,503 $421,609 $345,014 $339,345 $330,053 $304,604 $296,650 $377 , 949 $377 ,949 $377,949 $377 ,949 $377 , 949 $377 ,949 $377 , 949 $377,949 $377,949 I I *25 Year Average I During the first four years after the issuance of the revenue bonds the actual balance was well in excess of that estimated. These were relatively dry years and Schilling Air Force Base was operating at full strength. In the last five years, however, the balances have dropped below the estimated figures. This is traceable primarily to the fact that Schilling Air Force Base closed and approximately 4,000 residents moved from Salina. In addition, although the five years were not exceptionally "wet" years, the rainfall was adequately spread through the growing season and there were very few days when the temperature rose to 100 degrees or more. ,I I I The conversion of Schilling to commercial, industrial and institutional facilities and the construction and operation of the new Westinghouse Fluorescent Lamp factory are bringing about substantial increases in Salina's population and the number of water and sewer accounts. Sewer revenues have become relatively stable. I I Plate No. 1 indicates graphically the number of accounts and the water and sewer revenue on a month-by-month basis. I 5 I I I I I I I 80,000 I 70,000 I 60,000 I 50,000 I 40,000 I 30,000 I 20,000 I 10,000 I 0 I I I I I I r :\ I 1\ , \ ^ /\ '\ " i \ / I -- : \ \ " \ , \ I ' I \ ~WATER REVENUE I I THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS I \ I' ' \ I I .,,- I I ! \ !\ I \ \ I \ I, I \ i \ { ; \ .' \ I \ , I if /\ ! I \ , , \ i ! , '\ I \ : \ I . , / \ I \ I I I , / I I / \ \ I I \ I, ; \ i \ \ i ; \ I , I \ I \ I I ' I , 1\ J \ , / \ i \ ; v--, I I I , J \ I \ , , \ / \ \ I I \ : \ I \ ! \ 7 \ , \ , I T/ \ ,I \, I I I \ I \ I I \ , , / I \ I I \ / \, I \ '~ I I I I , I \ \ j . , \ I L, / ~'\ I \ '\ j \ I "- ~j , / I \ i I V, , I \ \ .' \ I II \ / , ",' .- '. /\ \ / . \' - , / \. -,,/ " / \ .I , r ""/ ,1/ v J \.-' , '-- \i \ ' , \' ......./ SEWER USE FEE \/. / .I ( ~THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS .I l\., ,/ /',....................----..... 0..... .___. _......---__ _ _1____ ,---.. .. --- ...--._----... " .....--------... " ,,'- -------.. -..........---- '. . ------------- ----- -- --- ---- -- ---- ----, ...------- .. ,--------- -.......--.........--...., .......-.. I ' --------"./ . '. -. -'. '" ,----------------~ ......-.--. ;'" ~ACTIVE ACCOUNTS I ~ 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 YEA R 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 SALINA, KANSAS WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS AND REVENUE 70-41 I I City Ordinance No. 6546 requires that the City "maintain and collect rates, fees and charges for the use of or services rendered by its combined water and sewage system which will be sufficient to enable the City to have in each fiscal year a net operating income from such system in an amount that will be at least one hundred thirty-five percent (135%) of the amount required to be paid by the City in such year on account of both principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized at the time outstanding." I I I I I I I *Not a full year of operation I The required ratio of 135 percent has been exceeded through 1968, but in 1969 it was below the requirement. I I I I I I I I I 6 I :1 CASH FUND ACCOUNTS I As of 31 December 1965, the Treasury and Operating and Maintenance Account, the Bond and Interest Account, the Bond Reserve Account and the Depreciation and Emergency Account are at or above the levels required by the Bond Ordinance and as required by good management prac- tices. The total transfer to the Extension and Bond Retirement Account has been $85,000. This amount was increased to $250,412 during 1967 due to interest received on the invested funds and a transfer of funds from the operating and maintenance fund. Expenditures from the fund for extensions and improvements during 1968 and 1969 have reduced the balance to $180,965. I I I At the current rate of revenue production and with the program of planned expenditures, there will be no excess moneys for the 1970-1971 period in the Extension and Bond Redemption account beyond the amount reasonably required to be maintained in such account for extending, improving or enlarging the City's combined water and sewerage system. I I A summary of the Cash Fund Accounts follows: I I I I I I I I I 7 I I - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF CASH FUND ACCOUNTS Treasury and Extension Operating and Bond and Bond Depreciation and Bond Bond Proceeds Maintenance Interest Reserve and Emergency Retirement Fund Balance, 12/31/61 $ 82,898 $107,243 $ 24,000 $ 10,000 $2,296,384 Required by Ordinance 100,168 18,000 7,500 Balance, 12/31/62 $ 96,453 $105,498 $ 96,000 $ 67,500 $ 85,000 $1,656,562 Required by Ordinance 97,613 90,000 37,500 Balance, 12/31/63 $127,797 $118,126 $169,500 $106,250 $ 85,000 $ 509,687 Required by Ordinance 96,258 162,000 67,500 Balance, 12/31/64 $164,594 $124,008 $244,851 $129,460 $ 87 , 777 $ 242,621 Required by Ordinance 95,279 234,000 97,500 00 Balance, 12/31/65 $186,109 $116,242 $304,583* $134,048 * $ 90,893 $ 198,427 Required by Ordinance 92,988 300,000 125,000 Balance, 12/31/66 $230,849 $103,085 $317,214* $139,518* $ 94,612 $ 123,427 Required by Ordinance 92,779 300,000 125,000 Balance, 12/31/67 $160,907 $ 99,128 $334,964* $147,401* $250,412 $ 73,817 Required by Ordinance 91,278 300,000 125,000 Balance, 12/31/68 $126,285 $104,913 $348,095* $154,946* $234,521 None Required by Ordinance 91,222 300,000 125,000 Balance 12/31/69 $120,754 $104,629 $367,325* $163,442* $180,965 None Required by Ordinance 91,748 300,000 125,000 *These funds accumulated to the amounts required by ordinance; no further payments into these funds from revenue required as long as they remain at or greater than the sum required, but interest from the funds invested shall accumulate to the funds until bonds become callable. I il OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE I A survey of the operations of the combined water and sewerage department was conducted. The survey included on-site inspections, examination of records and reports, and interviews with department personnel. I The combined water and sewerage department is well equipped to perform the required services to the community. Maintenance, in general, is routine in nature and is accomplished according to schedule and with reasonable dispatch. I I The combined water and sewerage department is exceptionally well managed and operated. Administrative personnel are knowledgeable and operate a business like, efficient public utility. I In the course of interviews with department personnel, several matters were discussed which appear to merit consideration for further study and for action. I 1. Water Rates. Because the net annual revenue from the combined water and sewer department is falling below the 135 percent ratio to principal and interest payments, some adjustment in water rates or sewer use fees will probably be required within the coming two- year period. It is recommended that the water rate schedule be examined to determine whether an across-the-board rate increase is necessary, or if an adjustment in the higher-use step rates to achieve a more equitable rate structure will return the desired revenues. I I I 2. Billing Equipment and Methods. The present billing equipment is now about 16 years old and is requiring considerable expenditures for maintenance. It is recolnmended that the equipment and the billing methods be thoroughly examined to determine if greater efficiency can be obtained, either by replacement of the equipment or by modification of the procedures. I I 3. Procedure Manual. It is believed that a manual of uniform procedures to be used in the water and sewer departments will result in greater efficiency throughout the department. It is recommended that this item be studied and that a procedures manua' be prepared if its desirability is indicated by the study. I I 4. Disposal of Water Plant Wastes. It is recommended that a study be made to determine the most feasible and economical methods of disposing of wastes from the water softening plant. Types of structures and equipment should be determined and estimates made of their construction and operating costs. It is suggested that the waste disposal structures be designed so that they can be incorpordted into facilities required for pretreatment of addi- tional amounts of raw water from the Smoky Hill River. I I 9 I I I I I 5. Long Range Water Supply. It is recommended that the long range water supply requirements of the City of Salina be kept constantly in mind whenever any water department improvements for the City are planned or constructed. Conferences and negotiations with Federal Agencies to'.vard the use of water from Kanopolis or Milford Reservoirs should be continued. The ground water survey of the Smoky lIill Valley, recommended in the "Salina Hater Study" should be undertaken as soon as possible. I I 6. Arterial Water Mains. It is recommended that the arterial water mains proposed for construction within the next two years be completed. These mains are required for the correction of flow deficiencies in the extreme northern portion of the City, the high- level areas east of the Smoky Hill River, and in the vicinity of the proposed shopping center in the southwestern portions of the City. I I 7. Reinforcing Mains. The continuation of construction of water distribution reinforcing mains recommended in earlier Engineering reports should be encouraged. I 8. Monitoring Observation Well. The regular monitoring of observation well water levels should be continued. I 9. Relief Sewer. Consideration should be given to the construction of the Wayne Street Sanitary Sewer Relief Sewer in the southern por- tion of the City. Existing pumping stations in the area are heavily loaded and with increased residential and commercial development in the southern areas of the City these stations will be taxed beyond capacity. The Wayne Street Relief Sewer will divert a substantial amount of the sewage flow to the large interceptor sewer east of Ohio Street. I I I The proposed improvement and study item for the period 1970-71 totals $384,500 which exceeds the estimated funds available of $341,000 ($180,965 in Extension and Bond Retirement Fund and $160,000 from revenue for the period). Either some of the proposed improvements or study items will have to be deferred or an adjustment in the water rate schedule will be required. It is possible that increased water sales may produce additional revenue, however it is doubtful that a net gain in excess of $40,000 would be realized. It is recommended that a legal review be undertaken to determine if the excess funds in the Bond Reserve and the Extension and Bond Retirement Accounts may be used for system improvements. If the excess funds in these two accounts cannot be used, and if all of the projects recommended for the next tHO years are undertaken, the balance in the Extension and Bond Retirement Fund will be exhausted by the end of 1971. I I I I I 10 I I I I CONCLUSIONS I The results of this study and examination indicate that, as of 31 December 1969, the funds in the Extension and Bond Retirement Account as shown in the Summary of Cash Funds Account Table are not in excess of the amount reasonably required to be maintained in such account for extending, improving or enlarging the combined water and sewerage system of the City of Salina, Kansas. The reserve accounts "Bond Reserve" and "Depreciation and Emergency" have reached the minimum limit set by ordinance. ,I I I The review of the condition and operation of the combined water and sewerage system indictes that the system is operated in a satisfactory manner and that the condition, in general, is good. However, recent and contemplated expansions of the water works system are so extensive that a review and updating of the system analysis should be performed to determine the need for and the location and size required of new feeder mains and other system improvements. I I The following is a summary of recommendations and suggestions in regard to the operation of the combined water and sewerage system: I 1. It is recommended that, insofar as practicable, all of the studies and improvements listed under "Operations and Maintenance" be undertaken during the coming two- year period. I I I I I I I I 11 I I