Water & Sewer Condition & Operations 1964-1965 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALINA, KANSAS 1Q~ 4<<Ii SeM~ S~ CONDITION AND OPERATIONS REPORT I LS 0 N COMPANY ENGINEERS i ARCHITECTS. SALINA - KANSAS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARCH 1964 I (64-1 ) I SALINA, KANSAS WATER AND SEWAGE SYSTEM CONDITION AND OPERATIONS REPORT * * * * * Gaylord Spangler, Mayor Commissioners R. W. Bull Ralph Exline Carl Rundquist Donald Tucker Leland Srack, City Manager Harold F. Harper, City Engineer Ron Webster, Director of Utilities * * * * * ~ILSON COMPANY ENGINEE.RS ARCHITECTS t I I PURPOSE OF REPORT I Certain prov~s~ons of Revenue Bond Ordinance No. 6546, passed 13 July 1961, require biennial examination, by a firm of qualified consulting engineers, of the condition, operation and needs of Salina's water and sewage system. This exami- nation shall determine whether any changes in operation are desirable and the report of the examination shall include recommendations in that regard. The report shall also make reference to any unusual or extraordinary items of maintenance and repair and any improvements that should be made in the ensuing two-year period. I I I The ordinance further requires that the engineers certify whet her or not, in the ir op inion, t he moneys in the "Comb ined Water and Sewage System Extension and Bond Retirement Account" are in excess of the amount reasonably required to be main- tained in such account for extending, improving or enlarging the City's combined water and sewage system, and, if so, the amount of such excess. I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1961 BOND ISSUE I On 13 July 1961, the City of Salina, Kansas authorized the issuance of $3,600,000 in Revenue Bonds to be used to refund the principal amounts of two previous outstanding bond issues and "for the purpose of altering, improving, extending and enlarging the waterworks of said city, .,. .and for the purpose of altering, improving, extending and enlarging the sanitary sewer system of said city (said waterworks and said sanitary sewer system now having been combined into a combined water and sewage system of said city)". I I I As of 31 December 1963, a majority of the previously planned improvements to the combined systems had either been constructed or were under construction. Receipt of a Federal Grant to assist in the construction of the improvement to the sewage treatment plant and judicious investing of unencumbered funds have increased the total funds available for improvements, as shown on the following tabulation: I I I UNENCUMBERED FUNDS FROM 1961 BOND ISSUE TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE I 1961 Bond Issue Federal Grant Interest on Invested Funds Estimated Interest on Invested Funds to 1 July 1965 (18 Months) $3,600,000.00 250,000.00 73,052.39 I 11 ,000.00 I Total $3,934,052.39 COMMITTED EXPENDITURES I To 31 December 1963 Contracted for 1964 $3,388,365.16 312,481.49 I Total $3,700,846.65 EXCESS AVAILABLE FOR 1964-1965 EXPENDITURES I $3,934,052,39 3,700,846.65 I $ 233,205.74 I I 2 I I I BOND ISSUE EXPENDITURES I The following tabulation summarizes the expenditures for improvements to the combined water and sewer system, such expenditures being solely from the original bond issue or income therefrom. All improvements are in accordance with previous recommendations of Wilson and Company, Engineers and Architects, Salina, Kansas, and of the City Engineer's Office. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOND ISSUE EXPENDITURES Contracted Actual Expenditures or Total Actual Totals to Designed and Contracted Item 1961 1962 1963 31 Dec 1963 1964 Expend it ures Ao BOND REDEMPTION AND PRELIMINARY PLANNING l. Redeeming Outstanding Revenue Bonds $1,182,000.00 $1,182,000.00 $1,182,000.00 2. Fiscal Planning 11,700.00 11,700.00 11,700.00 3. Engineering Studies $ 29,950.00 29,950.00 $ 9,800.00 39,750.00 B. CAPITAL IMPR OVEMENTS 1. Purchase of Water Distribution System +:- Materials 97,373.62 52,242.89 149,616.51 149,616.51 2. Sanitary Sewer Trunk Line s 19,208.25 463,849.59 87,960.48 571 ,018. 32 2,000.00 573,018.32 3,. Sewage Treatment Plant Improvements 688,900.15 170,191.41 859,091.56 859,091.56 4. Key Acres Elevated Water Tower 75,884.94 44,120.00 120,004.94 120,004.94 5. North Front Street* Water Main, 8-inch 38,389.88 38,389.88 38,389.88 6. South Fourth Street* Water Main, 12~. inch 23,060.35 23,060.35 23,060.35 7. Water Treatment Plant Improvements 329,500.79 329,500.79 237,455.54 566,956.33 8. Minor Water Distribution System Improvements** 912.92 73,119.89 74,032.81 63,22.5.95 137,258.76 TOTALS $1,310,281.87 $1,297,887.48 $780,195.81 $3,388,365.16 $312,481. 49 $3,700,846.65 *Installation contracts only: materials furnished by Water Department and purchased under Item B-1. **Represents City-at..1arge portion of water distribution system improvements within subdivisions, generally increased costs for larger pipe sizes, and other small projects such as connecting feeder mains, etc. I I I ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS I The City of Salina, in 1963, retained the engineering firm of Bucher and Willis, Salina, Kansas to conduct a compre- hensive study of the water distribution system of the City. The results of the study were presented to the City Governing Body on 25 February 1964. A number of improvements are recommended and are listed by priority. I I There are a number of improvements to the water treatment plant and the sanitary sewer system recommended in earlier engineering studies by Wilson and Company. Chief among these are the Wayne Avenue Relief Sewer and a program of separation of storm and sanitary sewers. I There is a continuing program of city participation in the construction of subdivision extensions of the water and sewer system to pay the increased cost of enlarging mains as required by overall master planning. I I A major expenditure item, not previously planned, has arisen due to the collapse of a portion of a wall of the river water desilting basin at the water treatment plant. The damage resulted from a large ice block settling on tie rods between the walls, with the weight of the ice then pulling over one wall. It is estimated that repairs will cost approximate ly $80,000. This cost is included in the water treatment plant improvements. I I I The following tabulation indicates the amount and diversion of costs of continued improvement to the combined water and sewer system. I I I I I I I 5 I I I COMMITTED AND RECOMMENDED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FROM 1961 BOND ISSUE I See Bond Expendi.ture Schedule for Cornmittments I Water Distribution System Improvements Bucher & Willis, Engineers, 1964 Report Priority I Priority II I High Service Pump Main Connection I 1964 $312.,481 100,000 10,000 1965 $63,205 Wayne Avenue Relief Sanitary Sewer Wilson & Company, Engineers & Architects, 1960 Report 30,000 30,000 I I *Expends funds from bond issueo Totals $452,481 $93,205* FROM REVENUE I Water System Improvements, City Engineer Projects I Water Department System Improvements I Water Distribution System Improvements Bucher & Willis, Engineers, 1964 Report Priority I Priority II I North Ninth Street Benefit District I Variable Speed Sewage Pumps, 2 Stations I Separation of Storm & Sanitary Sewers Wilson & Company, Engineers & Architects, 1960 Report Totals I I I I 6 $ 60,000 $60,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 10,000 20,000 45,000 70,000 20,000 35,000 $225,000 $200,000 I I OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE I I A comprehensive survey of the operations of the combined water and sewage departments was conducted. The survey included on-site inspection, examination of records and examination of yearly reports of the various departments within the combined utility. I The various departments are well equipped to perform their various functions. It is reported that additional manpower would be desirable in some departments to increase overall effectiveness and service to the user. Maintenance, in general, is routine in nature and accomplished according to schedule and with reasonable dispatch. I I The combined water and sewage department is excellently operated and well maintained and there are no recommenda- tions to be made in this regard. I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I I I REVENUE I Revenue is derived principally from a water rate schedule and a sewer service charge schedule. Both schedules are based upon customer usage. The sewer service charge schedule was established at the time the water and sewage departments were combined, there having been no previous direct charge for this service. The sewer service charge schedule has been revised on several occasions in the past two years, primarily to establish equitable rates for special cases. The water rate schedule has remained unchanged. The excess of total revenue over operating expenditures (not including the bond issue debt service and reserve requirements and capitol improvements), compared to the amount estimated by First Securities Company in their "1961 Financial Feasibility Report", is as follows: I I I I 1961 1962 1963 I Actual Balance Estimated By First Securities $411,625 $377 ,949 $514,197 $456,503 $377,949 $377,949 I The actual balance has been in excess of that estimated and revenues appear to be adequate. It should be pointed out that the last several years have been ones of near drought conditions and water sales have been relatively high. A series of years with high rainfall would undoubtedly reduce the amount of the balance. I The following tabulation indicates the overall balance from all operations with projections for the next two years, assuming continuing reasonable amounts of net income and expenditures as previously noted. I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I SURPLUS FROM REVENUE I I 1964 1965 1961 1962 1963 Estimates Estimatu, _._-_...._---~ Number of Department Accounts, Average 13,193 13,425 13,310 13 , 400 13 ,':-00 INCOME FROM REVENUE Net Income, Operations $411,625 $514,197 $456,503 $450,000 $460,000 Surplus, Previous Year 6,593 102,915 79,011 158,649 47,3)8 Tota 1 For Bond Requirements and Capital Expenditures $418,218 $617,112 $535,514 $608,649 $507,358 EXPENDITURES FROM REVENUE Net Transfer - Treasurery $ 4,751 $ 33,549 $-13,340 $ 5,000 $ 5,00,_) Net Transfer - Operating Fund 78,147 -19,985 43,685 10,000 10,or)o Princ ipa 1 & Interest Payments 107,242 248,624 234,270 230,541 226,378 Transfer to Reserve Accounts 34,000 129,500 112,250 90,750 58,500 Transfer to Extension & Bond Retirement Account None 85,000 None None None Capita 1 Expenditures from Revenue 91,163 61,413 None 225,000 200,000 Tota 1 Committments $315,303 $538,101 $376,865 $561,291 $49 9 , 8 78 SURPLUS $102,915 $ 79,011 $158,649 $ 47,358 $ 7,I+S0 I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 I I CASH FUND ACCOUNTS I I As of 31 December 1963, the Treasury and Operating and Main- tenance Account, the Bond and Interest Account, the Bond Reserve Account and the Depreciation and Emergency Account are at or above the levels required by the Bond Ordinance and as required by good management practices. The total transfer to the Extension and Bond Retirement Account has been $85,000. I I At the current rate of revenue production and with the pro- gram of planned expenditures, there will be no excess monies in the Extension and Bond Redemption account. I A summary of the Cash Fund Accounts follows: I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 --------- ----- - - - - - SUMMARY OF CASH FUND ACCOUNTS Treasury Operating and Bond and Bond Depreciation Maintenance Interest Reserve and ~ergency Balance, 12/31/61 $ 82,898.24 $107,242.64 $ 24,000 $ 10,000 Required by Ordinance 100,167.71 18,000 7,500 Balance, 12/31/62 $ 96,452.67 $105,497.99 $ 96,000 $ 67,500 Required by Ordinance 97,612.50 90,000 37,500 Balance, 12/31/63 $ 127 ,797.17 $118,125.76 $169,500 $ 106,250 >-' Required by Ordinance 96,258.33 162,000 67,500 I-' Extension and Bond Retirement Cash and Investments $2,296,384.41* $ 85,000 $1,656,56L51* $ 85,000 $ 509,687.23* *Portions of these funds encumbered by contract, to be paid in ensuing year. I I CONCLUSIONS I The results of this study and analysis indicate that no changes in operation are necessary or desirable; that the only extra- ordinary item of maintenance or repair is the repair of the desilting basin, estimated to cost $80,000.00; that the excess funds in the "Combined Water and Sewer System Extensions and Bond Retirement Account", as shown by the table entitled "Surplus from Revenue", are not in excess of the amount reasonably required to be maintained in such account for extending, improving or enlarging the City's combined water and sewer system; and that no changes in the rate structures appear to be desirable during the 1964-1965 period. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12