Telecommunications Study Telecommunications Study County of Saline and City of Salina Kansas Elert & Associates DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 300 West Ash Street. P. O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Rodney Franz, Director Telephone (785) 826-7240 . FAX (785) 826-7244 Date: March 30, 1999 To: «Name» From: Rod Franz, Director of Finance and Administration Re: Telephone System Review The City of Salina, with the cooperation and support of Saline County and the Building Authority, has engaged the firm of Elert and Associates, a communications consulting firm, to analyze our communications needs. The analysis will cover the present and future communications requirements of our organizations. We are in the process of collecting information ~egarding the configuration of the existing systems, and any needs that the existing syst go not address. I have attached a survey sheet which is intended to collect information he configuration of the existing phone system, including telephone sets in use, num 'nes, FAX machines, modems, special circuits, or other telephonic equipmen w . it if you could return this form to my office in Room 206 by April 15, 199.. Elert and Associates will have a teamÔfsþêêiâlìštš bUilding on April 22nd. At that time, they will be conducting individual interviews with a sampling of employees, including management personnel. I would appreciate it if you would suggest one or two of your staff to participate in these interviews. The focus should be on those who are in a position that takes and routes calls, although Elert will also want to talk to end users and management personnel. I anticipate that they will be able to complete interviews with a maximum of 20 people or so, and we will select these from the names you provide. Those selected will need to plan on about an hour of time for the interview. Due to time constraints, all of the staff suggested will likely not be selected to participate, however, we will try to insure that all areas of the building are represented as well as a cross section of users. We will try to notify those individuals selected by April 19. Those individuals will need to be prepared to bring to the study teams attention any problems, needs, or plans that may have an impact on our telephone systems. Please provide your full cooperation to the study team so that we can design a system that will benefit everyone. Thank you for your cooperation. IICITYlUSERSIFranzRIDDRIVEIDA T AITelephone Survey. doc City-County Building Telephone Survey Please complete the following for your area of responsibility. If you share office spacE! with another department, please try to coordinate with them so that we do not miss equipment or lines, and that we do not count anything twice. If you are responsible for multiple offices, please include all of them. Use additional sheets of paper if necessary. Room #: Telephone sets: Please indicate number of sets and the type or brand. (MoS1t of the sets will be Merlin 10 button sets, but some of you have some different types.) Number of sets: Type/Brand: Number of sets: Type/Brand: Number of sets: Type/Brand: Total Number of sets in office: Telephone numbers used by the above refere than once, even if it appears on multiple sets. telephones. Please do not list a number more Number of FAX machines in use: List age and brands of machine(s): List Phone numbers used by FAX machines: IICITYlUSERSIFranzRIDDRIVEIDA T AITelephone Survey.doc Number of Modems in use: Phone numbers used by modems: Do you have any other communications equipment or special circuits in your area? If so, please list, and provide the telephone numbers used: Please list one or two staff people (and their jo particularly appropriate to provide information t ) from your area whom you feel might be study team: Do you have any problems, issues, or concerns with the existing systems, or perceived needs that cannot be met with the existing system? Completed By: IICITYlUSERSIFranzRIDDRIVEIDATAITelephone Survey. doc CITY OF SALINA / SALINE COUNTY Telecommunications Proposal March 5, 1999 Prepared by: Gary Elert ~ ELERT & ASSOCIATES 651-430-2772 www.elert.com The information contained within this proposal is the property of Elert & Associates and is to be held confidential by our proposed clients. City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PROJECT PLAN OVER VIE W ... ........ .................. .......................... ............................. """"""""""""""" 3 NEEDS ASSESSMENT/PLANNING AND SCHEMA TIC DESIGN....................................................... 4 TELEPHONE SYSTEM - DETAIL DESIGN/BID AND IMPLEMENTATION................................... 8 OPTIONAL BILLING A UD IT ................................................................................................................. 13 PAPER AUDIT............................................ ................................................................................................13 PHYSICAL AUDIT ....................................................................................."""""""""""""""""""""""" 14 COST ................ ................................ .................... ................. ................................................. ..... .".............. 15 INVOLVEMENT OF THE CITY OF SALINA / SALINE COUNTY................................................... 16 E LERT & ASSOCIATES .......................................................................................................................... 17 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 17 MAP..........................................................................................................................................................18 ORGANIZATION CHART ..................................................................................."""""""""""""""""""'" 19 LIST OF PERSONNEL.................................................................................................................................20 AREAS OF EXPERTISE .....................................................................................""""""""""""""""""""" 24 AFFIDAVIT OF NON-ALLIANCE AND INDEPENDENCE ................................................................................ 25 STAFF ASSIGNMENTS................................................................................................................................26 RE FE REN CES .......... .......................... ....................... ................. ................................ ........ """"""""""'" 31 SELECTED REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................31 CITy/COUNTY REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................32 GOVERNMENT CLIENT LiST......................................................................................................................33 EDUCATION CLIENT LIST..........................................................................................................................38 E&A's LAST 105 RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................... 39 '" Elert & Associates Page 2 Project Plan Overview ~-------------ì I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , . ,"... " Evaluate'! . A Pi;:¡n oJ ' t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------~ City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal NEEDS ASSESSMENT/PLANNING AND SCHEMATIC DESIGN For the City of Salina/Saline County, Elert & Associates is pleased to offer its services to assist in the creation of a study report to update its telecommunications system(s). The Study Process 1. 2. 3. 4. -- Conduct an initial meeting with appropriate personnel to: a. Insure a mutual understanding of the purpose, objectives, and overall scope of the project. b. Identify goals and objectives relating to telecommunications and technology. Conduct a series of meetings between designated staff and Elert & Associates' personnel to: a. Obtain a "user's" perspective of the existing systems. b. Analyze requirements needed to meet objectives. Review existing/proposed equipment inventory including telecommunications terminals, telephones, and related equipment. Review existing telephone and technology systems: a. Capabilities/features of existing system(s) b. Messaging services 1) voice mail applications 2) electronic mail applications 3) paging applications c. Computer telephone integration Page 4 '" Elert & Associates City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal 10. 11. 12. 5. Determine station feature requirements: Establish equipment alternatives to the system features in use today. 6. Review total expense for present system: Investigate present costs and prepare forecast for future analysis. 7. Review local/wide area networks: Identify LAN/WAN interfacing and requirements. 8. Review automated attendant/voice mail and A.C.D. applications. Conduct cost/benefit analysis and provide recommendation on automated call handling equipment. 9. Obtain information from local telephone and cable television providers regarding present and proposed future services. Summarize equipment requirements: Station equipment, auxiliary equipment, and common equipment. Determine networking requirements: Central office, alternate common and local carrier, foreign exchange, tie lines, and off-premises extensions. Examine intra-building cabling alternatives: a. Fiber Optics 1) single mode, number of fibers - discuss layout with City/County 2) multimode, number of fibers - discuss layout with City/County '" Elert & Associates Page 5 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal b. Copper 1) type and grade a) Level 5 b) Level 6 c) Level 7 2) number of pairs c. Wireless 13. Prepare Conceptual Design and Cost/Benefit Analysis: In addition to satisfying basic requirements, a successful Technology Plan must be designed to blend harmoniously with the City/County's philosophies, organizational structure, and budgetary constraints. We believe that management can most easily determine the most suitable direction to take by comparing the characteristics and features of several alternatives. Consequently, during this task, we will identify and evaluate various techniques and equipment configurations capable of fulfilling requirements defined. Each alternative will represent a somewhat different approach, performance capability, cost, and support requirements. Addressed in the Cost/Benefit Analysis will be equipment reuse, upgrade, repurpose or replacement and planning for: y Telephone Systems a. Independent b. Combined City/County c. City/County buildings only d. All City/County locations y Voice Mail y Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) 14. Meet with the City/County management and reach agreement on design concept. '" Elert & Associates Page 6 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Please Note: In support of this information-gathering process, Elert & Associates requests that management assist in the collection of all available data including, but not limited to: . Telephone/computer inventory records . Telephone equipment records . Network diagrams '" Elert & Associates Page 7 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal TELEPHONE SYSTEM - DETAIL DESIGN/BID AND IMPLEMENTATION 1. In conjunction with the City/County management, select appropriate configuration (both equipment and network). 2. Prepare detailed specifications including: a. Vendor responsibilities b. Equipment/Cost required at cutover 1) Station 2) Common 3) Auxiliary c. Equipment/Cost required for five-year plan l) Station 2) Common 3) Auxiliary d. Complete feature requirements 1) Standard 2) Optional/costs 3) Feature interaction analysis e. Equipment performance level 1) Memory/available, used, additions 2) Traffic handling 3) Feature 4) Expansion f. Equipment requirements l) Energy consumption 2) Environmental 3) Space '" Elert & Associates Page 8 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal g. Cabling requirements 1) Number of required pairs a) existing b) future 2) Type and grade of conditioning 3) Analyze re-use of existing facilities 4) Labeling and diagramming specifications h. Vendor maintenance l) pre-cutover testing 2) post-cutover diagnostic capabilities/procedures 3) cost 4) servicing alternatives 1. Verification of software package proposed J. Information of enhancements under development 1) capability 2) cost 3) release timeframes k. Trade-in policies/values 1. Restocking charges m. Surge protection parameters 3. Identify qualified vendor list. 4. Meet with the City/County management to review progress to date and obtain approval of specifications. 5. Conduct prebid conference: Allow all potential vendors to review specifications. 6. Conduct site surveys: Allow potential vendors to inspect locations. -- '" Elert & Associates Page 9 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal l3. l4. l5. l6. 17. l8. 7. Review bid responses: Obtain all information required from vendors. 8. Conduct financial analysis: a. Initial b. Incremental for five-year plan c. Present value analysis of all proposals 9. Meet with the City/County management to review progress to date. 10. Prepare preliminary report. 11. Review report with the City/County management. l2. Prepare final recommendation. Present recommendation to the City/County management for approval. Assist in contract negotiations. Provide physical configuration layout. Act as contact for all systems design questions during planning and installation. Develop implementation schedule/responsibilities. Conduct job committee meetings: a. Vendor b. Telephone company '" Elert & Associates Page 10 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal c. Training personnel d. Installation 1) network 2) equipment 19. Coordinate Training Program: To assure all employees are professionally and competently trained without disruption of schedules. Both technical and non- technical training procedures and practices will be followed throughout. 20. Assure development of internal telephone directory. Establish class of service parameters: Tailor system to requirements of users. Determine all station user equipment requirements: Review each user and determine software feature needs. Design all networking and automatic route selection patterns: Identify least cost routing for calls to be placed over the network. Establish call detail recording procedures. Review all requests for changes regarding systems component during installation. Make change order recommendations to the City/County management during installation. Provide final analysis to the City/County management related to the final systems engIneerIng. Meet with the City/County management to review progress. '" Elert & Associates Page 11 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal 32. 33. 34. - 35. 36. 29. Pre-cutover audit meeting: Confirm appropriate work has been completed to assure a smooth cutover. 30. Cutover to new system: Negotiate staging of cutover to assure a smooth transition. 31. Ensure all features called for in specifications are operational. Conduct final equipment review: Review equipment and record inventory of all equipment, hardware and software assuring all equipment called for in specifications is received; compare with contract. Scrutinize all billings: Prepare summary and itemization of all billings assuring they match contracted items and labor; obtain rebates for any overcharges. Review new system usage: Evaluate employees' acceptance and use of the new system to ensure maximum efficiency. Coordinate system modifications: Assure that the system's "fine-tuning" is completed. Assure all follow-up training is provided. Meet with the City/County management: Final review of system to assure complete satisfaction. '" Elert & Associates Page 12 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal OPTIONAL BilLING AUDIT Paper Audit 1. Collect and compile all bills and customer service records from City/County telecommunications suppliers and vendors. 2. Conduct "paper" audit comparing customer service records and billings to PSC and FCC tariffs. 3. Summarize billing errors and existing billed services. 4. Provide summary report of all services. 5. Provide listings of overbillings/errors. 6. Place appropriate service orders with vendors to correct errors. 7. Provide summary of rebates to the City/County. '" Elert & Associates Page 13 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Physical Audit 1. Work with representative City/County personnel to identify known use of billed telephone lines and numbers. 2. Conduct physical audit as necessary to identify working/non-working status of billed lines and numbers not identified for specific use with City/County personnel above: a. Conduct testing to assure unidentified lines and numbers are working at verified locations. . b. Submit list of working lines and numbers to City/County personnel to identify use or disconnect, if appropriate. 3. Summarize billing errors. 4. Provide summary report of all services. 5. Provide listings of over-billings of errors. 6. Place appropriate service orders with vendors to correct errors. 7. Provide summary of rebates to the City/County. '" Elert & Associates Page 14 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal COST Needs Assessment/Planning and Schematic Design: Detail Design/Implementation: Optional Billing Audit: Paper Audit (40 hours @ $95/hour): Physical Audit: Plus expenses. $8,000 To be provided at the conclusion of the Schematic Design Phase Not to exceed 8-112% of project costs $3,800 Between 0-40 hours depending on outcome of the Paper Audit '" Elert & Associates Page 15 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal INVOLVEMENT OF THE CITY OF SALINA I SALINE COUNTY Assistance and cooperation will be needed from the City/County in the following areas: 1. Assign a coordinator to assist in scheduling meetings, obtaining existing records, and help coordinate project. 2. Assign a room with a telephone from which our study team can work. 3. Interviews will be conducted at two levels: a. With upper level management (i.e., department heads and above). These meetings will last approximately one hour. b. With representative workers within the various departments or work groups. Whenever possible we would like to conduct these interviews at the employee's workstation, when this isn't possible we will utilize the room provided to us. These meetings will last approximately 30-45 minutes. 4. Management personnel will be required for presentations that will run 30-45 minutes in length. We anticipate six or seven of these meetings for this project. '" Elert & Associates Page 16 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal ELERT & ASSOCIATES Background Information Elert & Associates was established in March of 1984. Currently Elert & Associates employs over 50 consultants, operates out of seven offices, and has served hundreds of clients throughout the United States. The purpose of the firm is to provide the benefits of experienced telecommunications, interactive video, data systems, office automation consulting, networking and facilities design without the expense of adding a full- time staff. Elert & Associates specializes in efficiently and fairly evaluating all types of technology equipment and services. Elert & Associates develops a detailed bid specification tailored to your organization's needs utilizing a systematic approach to determine system specifications and to evaluate alternative proposals. Network engineering is extremely sophisticated and is utilized to develop models based on each client's specific needs. Through computer models, the firm is able to develop alternate network designs for clients that accurately project traffic patterns and, in most instances, reduce expenses. The firm also assists its clients in implementing new systems. This is in response to the failure of both private vendors and the utilities in properly coordinating implementation and training. We have developed a systematic approach to implementation assuring a smooth transition to your new operation. J Our highly qualified staff includes trained professionals in multiple technology areas including Registered Communications Distribution Designers (RCDD) through the BICSI Institute, as well as Professional Engineers (P.E.) (licensed in selected states*). Today Elert & Associates offers its clients experienced staff knowledgeable in communications and technology integration coupled with the flexibility and independence of a professional consulting firm. * Please check with us as to the current licensing in your state of specific staff and consultants. '" Elert & Associates Page 17 Elert & Associates Technology Consultants Corporate Office Field Offices Elert & Associates (651) 430-2772 Laurie Kiet!inski Eric Willard Gary Ledin Robert LaPlant Greg Tietz City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal List of Personnel Consultant Areas of Expertise Gary Elert PBX, Centrex, Voice Mail, and A.C.D. President Dale Anderson Telecommunications, 9-1-1 and Public Safety Peter Bandt PBX, Centrex, Advanced Intercity & Data Networks, Teleconferencing Networks Fred Boetcher Wireless and Video Systems Specialist Ron Bundy Computer Aided Designs Wendy Chretien Advanced LAN, MAN, WAN Design with ATM and High Speed Ethernet Heidi Christianson Administrative Support Janice Colbeth Computer Aided Designs of Cabling Systems Rebecca Davis, RCDD Cable and Fiber Distribution Systems/Project Management Kit Elert Computer Course Development and Delivery Felix Fayngersh, E.E. * Cable and Fiber Distribution Systems/Project Management Julie Good Administrative Support * Please check with us as to the current licensing in your state of specific staff and consultants. '" Elert & Associates Page 20 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Consultant Areas of Expertise Peter Gray LAN, WAN Design, NT Server William Gurstelle, P .E. * WAN, CTI, Voice Telephony, Organizational Design Guenter Hagedorn Radio, Wireless Systems, Networks, and 9-l-l Public Safety John Hagen, P.E.* Two-way Radio and Microwave Systems, 9-1-1 Dispatch Facilities Cindy Hansen Computer Course Development and Delivery Amy Hartfeldt Staff Development, Educational Processes, and Grant Writing-Computer Course Development and Delivery Ed Hazelwood Project Management Douglas Heider Computer Aided Designs and Geographic Information Systems and Network Manager Sally Hermann Administrative Support Gerritt Holgerson PBX, Centrex, Advanced Intercity & Data Networks, Teleconferencing Networks Jim Johnson Public Safety/Communications Center Layout, Design, and Personnel Management David Kaun Video & Data, Networks, Network Integration, 0 Broadband Networks, Fiber Optics, Classroom Design * Please check with us as to the current licensing in your state of specific staff and consultants. '" Elert & Associates Page 21 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Consultant Areas of Expertise Laurie Kietlinski Administrative Support Jess Lang Advanced Intercity and Data Communications, PBX/Voice Messaging/Network Analysis Gary Ledin Project Management, Public Safety Systems Lynn Lingle PBX, Voice Mail, and Facilities Management, Call Centers John Lowry Computer Course Development and Delivery Toby Lytle, RCDD Cabling and Data Networking Specialist Allison Malat Computer Course Development and Delivery Paige Marren Computer Course Development and Delivery Nancy Moberg Accounting Manager Harold Nelson Cable and Fiber Distribution System; LAN, MAN, and WAN Design, and Project Management Kay Nelson Computer Course Development and Delivery Stefanie Nett Technical Writing Denise Die Computer Course Development and Delivery '" Elert & Associates Page 22 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Consultant Areas of Expertise Beth Olson Computer Course Development and Delivery Tom Pavek PBX, Centrex, Network and Toll Analysis, Voice Processing, ACD, and Automated Attendant, Call Centers Pam Sartell Computer Course Development and Delivery Sandi Stark Administrative Support JoEllen Steele Accounting Assistant Heather Tank Computer Course Development and Delivery Greg Tietz Computer Aided Designs Mark Tomlinson PBX, Voice Mail, Facilities Management, Cabling Eric Willard Educational Processes Dr. Kathy Wohlgehagen Educational Processes Ellen Zissler PBX, Voice Mail, and System Implementation '" Elert & Associates Page 23 rI'l ~ ~ ~ :: = ~ .- ~ U ::: 0 ~ rI'l :: rIlð -< ~ ~~ ~ :: -~ ~ L~ I~ , City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Affidavit of Non-Alliance and Independence Elert & Associates hereby declares: 1. That we are an independent technology consulting group. 2. That we sell no hardware or software or any tangible products, including but not limited to personal computers, mainframe computers, computer software, PBX, key systems, telephones of any kind, cable, or standalone software packages. 3. That we are not aligned with any manufacturers of the above-listed products or any products. 4. That we are not aligned with any vendors, or distributors, or representative firms who sell, market, install, program or subcontract work for the above-listed products, any products, or services. 5. That we are paid only on a fee (hourly) basis by our clients for which we are contractually committed to providing independent consulting and design ., . engIneerIng servIces. 6. That we receive no commissions, salaries, or payoffs of any kind from any business entity for services we perform on behalf of our clients, or for products that we may from time to time recommend to our clients on their behalf. Signed ¿-" A ,~rø'/~ur- . 'iSresident '" Elert & Associates Page 25 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Staff Assignments . Tom Pavek . Lynn Lingle . Kris Green Other supporting staff, as necessary. '" Elert & Associates Page 26 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal ELERT & ASSOCIATES SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT: Tom Pavek WORK EXPERIENCE: 1990 - Present ELERT & ASSOCIATES Communications Consultant Areas of Expertise: A TM Voice Integration PBX Systems Key & Hybrid Systems Voice MailN oice Messaging Automated Attendant Automated Call Distribution Microwave ISDN Private Networks Toll Analysis Central Office Systems 1986 - 1990 MITEL SYSTEMS Account Manager 1984 - 1986 U.S. WEST INFORMATION SYSTEMS Account Manager Previous Employers: INTERNATIONAL OFFICE SYSTEMS Telecommunication Sales HAUINSTIEN & BURMIESTER Telecommunication Sales TRAINING: Mitel SX-2001l 00 Mitel SX-200 Digital Mitel SX-2000 ICS Fujitsu 9600 Fujitsu 196 Fujitsu Starlog '" Elert & Associates Page 27 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal ELERT & ASSOCIATES Page -2- Continued SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT: Tom Pavek TRAINING (continued): NEC 2400 US West CENTRON/CENTREX A TT Dimension PBX Gandolf Data Video Teleconferencing Xiox Call Accounting ISDN Networking Toll Analysis EDUCATION: North Hennepin Community College - Associates of Arts University of Minnesota - Management '" Elert & Associates Page 28 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal ELERT & ASSOCIATES CONSULTANT: Lynn Lingle WORK EXPERIENCE: 1991 - Present 1991 - 1990 1990 - 1985 ELERT & ASSOCIATES Telecommunications Consultant Mitel Systems Mendota Heights, Minnesota Installed Base Sales Representative * Design major add-ons to existing customers including hardware, software, call accounting, auto attendants, ACD, paging, and voice mail Upgrade small key system customers to PBX systems Set up and demonstrate equipment for new system sales Solve unique customer problems through programming or add-ons. Support service technicians and service manager Support installation and customer service departments * * * * * Mite! Systems (formerly Telecom North) Mendota Heights, Minnesota Customer Coordination Manager * Responsible for implementation of large network conversions including coordination of all parties and tasks Gathered all customer information for conversion to new phone system Programmed PBX for cutover Coordinated all operating company involvement for cutover Responsible for set up and implementation of all customer training * * * * '" Elert & Associates Page 29 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal ELERT & ASSOCIATES Page -2- Continued CONSULTANT: Lynn Lingle WORK EXPERIENCE (cont): 1985 - 1984 Mitel Systems (formerly Telecom North) Eau Claire, Wisconsin EDUCATION: University ofWisconsin-Eau Claire B.A. in Communications SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: * Extensive background in translation of billing records and customer service records from operating companies such as US West, GTE, Ameritech, Southwestern Bell, Nynex, Bell Atlantic and Pacific Bell. * Bill reconciliation and verification of monthly service charges. * Solid background of knowledge and experience over 14 years in the industry. * Proven record of performance in positions of responsibility and leadership. * Knowledge of various electronic key systems and PBX systems, including: Toshiba, Premier, Intertel, and Mite!. * Mitel knowledge includes SX50, SXI00/200, SX200D and SX2000. * Certified Application Specialist from Applied Voice Technology, Call Processing. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: Minnesota Telecommunications Association ~ Elert & Associates Page 30 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal REFERENCES Selected References Contact Phone # Dates of Approx. Old New Projects # of System System Stations City/County of Leavenworth North Kansas City Mary Siero 816-691-2080 9/96 - 1998 1,500 Siemens Siemens Hospital and ongoing Rolm City of Kansas City Gail Roper 816-983-4984 8/98 and 5,000 Lucent/ 1/ Recom. ongomg Plexar pending Spring Hill School Myrna District Morrison Metropolitan Kathy 612-349- 7604 1/98 - 10/98 2,200 Fujitsu Mitel2000 Council including Keeling Water & Sewerage District Dakota County Ed Bramsen 612-438-4274 1'1 proj. - 1990 3,400 Fujitsu Northern Current proj. - 9600 Telecom 1996 Meridian Sheboygan County Julie Glancey 920-459-3002 6/98 - 9/98 100 Centrex Centrex Sheboygan Julie Glancey 920-459-3002 10/98 - 1,700 Centrex Centrex Consortium (incl. (County) ongomg City, County and School) University of John Barry 401-874-4301 1994 and 5,600 AT&T DMS 100 Rhode Island ongoing Dimension & Definity Dallas Public Wade Lloyd 214-989-8428 10/97 - 4/98 7,000 Plexar/ Fujitsu Schools Lucent V North Memorial Karen Kiley 612-520-5855 1993 and 2,600 Dimension Lucent G3 Medical Center ongomg ,/ '" Elert & Associates Page 3 J City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal City/County References - Contact Phone # Dates of Approx. Old New Projects #of System System Stations City of Wausau/ Duane 715-842-3359 I't proj. - 1986 1,500 Omni NEC 2400 Marathon County Zeichert Present proj. - 1997-98 City of St. Cloud Tom Hannon 320-251-3627 Current 450 Mitel In process City of Plymouth Stan 612-509-5340 1996 300 Fujitsu 960 Fujitsu Birnbaum 9600 City of Eagan Kristi 612-681-4609 1 st proj. - 1992 350 Executone NEC 2400 Peterson and ongoing City of Duane 612-881-5811 1995 725 Omni Mitel 2000 Bloomington Schuck City of Cottage Kelly 612-458-2800 1995 300 Executone Mitel 2000 Grove Frawley City of Fran Hagen 612-537-4534 1996 200 AT&T Tadiran Robbinsdale " Rock County Rob Leu 608- 757-5527 1984 - 1,200 Centrex Mite) numerous pro]. presently completing another project Beltrami County Greg Lewis 218- 759-4109 1997 -98 520 NEC 2400 NEC 2400 Upgrade - '" Elert & Associates Page 32 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal AITKIN COUNTY, Aitkin, Minnesota ALLAMAKEE COUNTY, Waukon, Iowa ASHLAND COUNTY, Ashland, Wisconsin AUDUBON COUNTY, Audubon, Iowa AUSTIN PUBLIC UTILITIES, Austin, Minnesota BEADLE COUNTY, Huron, South Dakota BENTON COUNTY, Vinton, Iowa BLACKHA WK COUNTY, Waterloo, Iowa BLUE EARTH COUNTY, Mankato, Minnesota BREMER COUNTY, Waverly, Iowa BROWN COUNTY, New Ulm, Minnesota BUFF ALO COUNTY, Alma, Wisconsin BURNETT COUNTY, Siren, Wisconsin BUTLER COUNTY, Allison, Iowa CARROLL COUNTY, Carroll, Iowa CARVER COUNTY, Chaska, Minnesota CASS COUNTY, Virginia, Illinois Government Client List CEDAR COUNTY, Tipton, Iowa CHEROKEE COUNTY, Cherokee, Iowa CHIPPEWA COUNTY, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin CHISAGO COUNTY, Center City, Minnesota CITY AND COUNTY OF LEAVENWORTH, Leavenworth, Kansas CITY OF ALLEN, Allen, Texas CITY OF AMES, Ames, Iowa CITY OF ANOKA, Anoka, Minnesota CITY OF BATTLE CREEK, Battle Creek, Michigan CITY OF BELOIT, Beloit, Wisconsin CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, Bloomington, Minnesota CITY OF CASPER, Casper, Wyoming CITY OF CEDARBURG, Cedarburg, Wisconsin CITY OF CEDAR RAPIDS, Cedar Rapids, Iowa CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, Columbia Heights, Minnesota CITY OF COLUMBUS, Columbus, Wisconsin CITY OF COTTAGE GROVE, Cottage Grove, Minnesota CITY OF DECORAH, Decorah, Iowa CITY OF DES MOINES, Des Moines, Iowa CITY OF DUBUQUE, Dubuque, Iowa CITY OF EAGAN, Eagan, Minnesota CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE, Eden Prairie, Minnesota CITY OF EDINA, Edina, Minnesota CITY OF FARGO, Fargo, North Dakota CITY OF FORT ATKINSON, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin CITY OF HASTINGS, Hastings, Minnesota CITY OF INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota CITY OF lOW A CITY, Iowa City, Iowa CITY OF JANESVILLE. Janesville, Wisconsin CITY OF KANSAS CITY, Kansas City, Missouri CITY OF MADISON, Madison, Wisconsin CITY OF MANKA TO, Mankato, Minnesota '" Elert & Associates Page 33 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal CITY OF MINNETONKA, Minnetonka, Minnesota CITY OF NIXA, Nixa, Missouri CITY OF OCONOMOWOC, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin CITY OF OLIVETTE, Olivette, Missouri CITY OF ORONO, Orono, Minnesota CITY OF OTTUMW A, Ottumwa, Iowa CITY OF OW A TONNA, Owatonna, Minnesota CITY OF RICHMOND HEIGHTS, Richmond Heights, Missouri CITY OF ROBBINSDALE, Robbinsdale, Minnesota CITY OF ROCKFORD, Rockford, Illinois CITY OF ST. CLOUD, St. Cloud, Minnesota CITY OF SUPERIOR, Superior, Wisconsin CITY OF TOPEKA, Topeka, Kansas CITY OF W AHPETON, Wahpeton, North Dakota CITY OF WATERTOWN, Watertown, Wisconsin CITY OF WAUSAU, Wausau, Wisconsin CITY OF WEBSTER GROVES, Webster Groves, Missouri CITY OF WESTLAND, Westland, Michigan CLA Y COUNTY, Spencer, Iowa CLAY COUNTY, Vermilion, South Dakota CLA YTON COUNTY, Elkader, Iowa CLINTON COUNTY, Clinton, Iowa CODDINGTON COUNTY, Watertown, South Dakota COLORADO STATE PATROL, Alamosa, Colorado CRA WFORD COUNTY, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin CROW WING COUNTY, Brainerd, Minnesota DAKOTA COUNTY, Hastings, Minnesota DAKOTA COUNTY HRA, Rosemount, Minnesota DANE COUNTY, Madison, Wisconsin DANE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT, Madison, Wisconsin DANE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES, Madison, Wisconsin DAVIS COUNTY, Bloomfield, Iowa DECATUR COUNTY, Leon, Iowa DELA WARE COUNTY, Manchester, Iowa DES MOINES COUNTY, Burlington, Iowa DODGE COUNTY, Juneau, Wisconsin DODGE COUNTY, Mantorville, Minnesota DOOR COUNTY, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin DUBUQUE COUNTY, Dubuque, Iowa DUNKLIN COUNTY, Kennett, Missouri DUNN COUNTY, Menomonie, \Visconsin EASTSIDE SUBURBAN EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER, Reynoldsburg, Ohio EAU CLAIRE COUNTY, Eau Claire, Wisconsin FAYETTE COUNTY, West Union, Iowa FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, Minneapolis, Minnesota FOND DU LAC COUNTY, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin FRANKLIN COUNTY, Union, Missouri FREMONT COUNTY, Sidney, Iowa '" Elert & Associates Page 34 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal GRAND COUNTY TELEPHONE AUTH. BOARD, Winter Park, Colorado GRANT COUNTY, Lancaster, Wisconsin GREEN LAKE COUNTY, Green Lake, Wisconsin GREENE COUNTY, Springfield, Missouri GRUNDY COUNTY, Grundy Center, Iowa HANCOCK COUNTY, Carthage, Illinois HANCOCK COUNTY, Gamer, Iowa HARDIN COUNTY, Eldora, Iowa HOWARD COUNTY, Cresco, Iowa HUBBARD COUNTY, Park Rapids, Minnesota lOW A COUNTY, Dodgeville, Wisconsin IRON COUNTY, Hurley, Wisconsin JACKSON COUNTY, Maquoketa, Iowa JASPER COUNTY, Newton, Iowa JEFFERSON COUNTY, Fairfield, Iowa JEFFERSON COUNTY, Jefferson, Wisconsin JO DA VIESS COUNTY, Hanover, Illinois JOHNSON COUNTY, Iowa City, Iowa JONES COUNTY, Anamosa, Iowa JUNEAU COUNTY, Mauston, Wisconsin KANABEC COUNTY, Mora, Minnesota KANSAS CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT, Kansas City, Missouri KEN OSHA COUNTY, Kenosha, Wisconsin KEOKUK COUNTY, Sigoumey, Iowa KIT CARSON COUNTY, Burlington, Colorado KOOTENAI COUNTY, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho LaCROSSE COUNTY, La Crosse, Wisconsin LaFAYETTE COUNTY, Darlington, Wisconsin LANGLADE COUNTY, Antigo, Wisconsin LEE COUNTY, Dixon, Illinois LEE COUNTY, Fort Madison, Iowa LeSUEUR COUNTY, Le Center, Minnesota LINCOLN COUNTY, Merrill, Wisconsin LOUISA COUNTY, Wapello, Iowa L YON COUNTY, Rock Rapids, Iowa MANITOWOC COUNTY, Manitowoc, Wisconsin MARATHON COUNTY, Wausau, Wisconsin MCDONOUGH COUNTY, Macomb, Illinois METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION, St. Paul, Minnesota METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION, Minneapolis, Minnesota MILLE LACS DRIFTSKIPPERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB, Isle, Minnesota MILLS COUNTY, Glenwood, Iowa MITCHELL COUNTY, Osage, Iowa MONONA COUNTY, Onawa, Iowa MONROE COUNTY, Tomah, Wisconsin MOWER COUNTY, Austin, Minnesota MUSCA TINE COUNTY, West Liberty, Iowa O'BRIEN COUNTY, Primghar, Iowa OCONTO COUNTY, Oconto, Wisconsin OLMSTED COUNTY, Rochester, Minnesota OSCEOLA COUNTY, Sibley, Iowa '" Elert & Associates Page 35 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal OTTER TAIL POWER COMP ANY, Fergus Falls, Minnesota OUT AGAMIE COUNTY, Appleton, Wisconsin OWATONNA PUBLIC UTILITIES, Owatonna, Minnesota OZAUKEE COUNTY, Port Washington, Wisconsin PAGE COUNTY, Clarinda, Iowa PARK COUNTY, Fairplay, Colorado PIERCE COUNTY, Ellsworth, Wisconsin PINE COUNTY, Pine City, Minnesota PL YMOUTH COUNTY, Remsen, Iowa POCAHONTAS COUNTY, Pocahontas, Iowa POLK COUNTY, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin POLK COUNTY, Des Moines, Iowa POTT A WATT AMIE COUNTY, Council Bluffs, Iowa POWESHIEK COUNTY, Montezuma, Iowa PRICE COUNTY, Phillips, Wisconsin PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, Minnesota RAMSEY COUNTY COURTS, St. Paul, Minnesota RICE COUNTY, Faribault, Minnesota RICHLAND COUNTY, Richland Center, Wisconsin RICHMOND HEIGHTS, Richmond Heights, Missouri ROBBINSDALE POLICE DEPARTMENT, Robbinsdale, Minnesota ROCK COUNTY, Janesville, Wisconsin ROCK RIVER WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT, Rockford, IL SAINT CROIX COUNTY, Hudson, Wisconsin SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER, St. Paul, Minnesota SAN LUIS VALLEY COUNTY, Alamosa, Colorado SARPY COUNTY, Papillion, Nebraska SAUK COUNTY, Baraboo, Wisconsin SA WYER COUNTY, Hayward, Wisconsin SEVEN-COUNTY METROPOLITAN PROJECT, Minneapolis, Minnesota SHEBOYGAN COUNTY, Sheboygan, Wisconsin SHERBURNE COUNTY, Elk River, Minnesota SIOUX COUNTY, Orange City, Iowa SOUTH DUNKLIN COUNTY, Hornersville, Missouri ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Duluth, Minnesota STATE OF COLORADO, Denver, Colorado STATE OF WISCONSIN, Madison, Wisconsin STEARNS COUNTY, St. Cloud, Minnesota STEVENS COUNTY, Morris, Minnesota STODDARD COUNTY, Dexter, Missouri TAMACOUNTY, Toledo, Iowa TA YLOR COUNTY, Medford, Wisconsin TREMPEALEAU COUNTY, Whitehall, Wisconsin VILAS COUNTY, Eagle River, Wisconsin VILLAGE OF GERMANTOWN, Germantown, Wisconsin VILLAGE OF GURNEE, Gurnee, Illinois VILLAGE OF WESTON, Weston, Wisconsin '" Elert & Associates Page 36 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal WALWORTH COUNTY, Elkhorn, Wisconsin W APELLO COUNTY, Ottumwa, Iowa WARREN COUNTY, Warrenton, Missouri WASHBURN COUNTY, Shell Lake, Wisconsin WASHINGTON COUNTY, Blaire, Nebraska WASHINGTON COUNTY, Stillwater, Minnesota W AUKESHA COUNTY, Waukesha, Wisconsin WHITE COUNTY, Carmi, Illinois WHITESIDE COUNTY, Morrison, Illinois WINNEBAGO COUNTY, Forest City, Iowa WINNESHIEK COUNTY, Decorah, Iowa WINONA COUNTY, Winona, Minnesota WISCONSIN, STATE OF, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, Madison, Wisconsin WOODBURY COUNTY, Sioux City, Iowa '" Elert & Associates Page 37 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Education Client List . Aitkin Public Schools . Huntsville Independent School District . Portage Community Schools . Albert Lea Public Schools . Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School Prescott School District Alverno College District . Quincy University . Ames Community Schools Independence Schools, WI . Regional Service Center 4 . Anoka-Hennepin Schools . Independence USD 400, KS . Richfield Schools Anahuac Independent School District Indian Prairie Schools . Ridgewater Colleg'~ . Appleton Schools . International Falls School District . Robbinsdale Schools . Arbor Vitae-Woodruff Schools . Janesville School District . Rosemount Schools . Area One Learning Technologies Hub . The Jordan School Roseville Schools Bellville Independent School District Kenyon-Wanamingo Schools . St. Colletta School Beloit Schools . Kiel Area School District . St. Louis Park Pub! ic Schools . Bemidji Schools . Kingsland High School . St. Paul Saturn School . Bismarck Public Schools . KSCADE Network Group . St. Paul Technical College . Blackhawk Technical College . La Crosse Schools . Sauk Prairie Schools . The Blake Schools . Lakeland Union High School . Sauk Rapids-Rice Schools Bloomington Schools . Lakeshore Technical College . Scarsdale Union Free School District Blue Valley Schools . Lake Superior Schools Shakopee Schools . Bryan Independent School District . La Porte Independent School District . Shattuck - St. Mary's School . Buena Vista College . Leavenworth Schools . Sheboygan Area School District Buffalo School District Liberty Schools . South Washington County Schools Burlington Area School District . Lincoln University . Spring Hill Unified School District Burnsville Schools Litchfield School District . Spring Valley Schools Canton Independent School District . Lodi Schools . Stillwater Schools Castleberry Independent School District . Luther College . Superior Schools . Chippewa Valley Technical College . Menomonie High School . Thief River Falls Schools Chisago Lakes School District Mequon- Thiensville School District . Topeka Schools . College of St. Catherine . MHL T Schools . Truman State University Concordia College (Moorhead and St. Paul) . Mid-State Technical College . University ofIdaho . Country Club Hills School District . Milwaukee Public Schools . UniversityofIowa Cumberland School District . Minneapolis Community & Technical . University of Minnesota - Carlson School of . Dallas Independent School District College Management . DeForest Schools . Manana Grove Schools University of Minnesota - Duluth De La Salle Schools . Monroe Schools University of Minnesota - Morris Des Moines Area Community College . Montgomery Lonsdale Schools . University of Nebraska at Omaha Eastern Illinois University Moorhead Public Schools University of Rhode Island . Edina Schools . Moose Lake Schools . University of South Dakota Elgin Community College . Moraine Park Technical College . UniversityofVernlont . Fargo Public Schools . Murray County Central Schools . University of Wisconsin-Platte vi lie . Forest Lake Schools . New Berlin Schools . University of Wisconsin-River Falls . Fox Point-Bayside School District . Nicolet High School . Upper St. Clair School District . Fox Valley Technical College . North Branch School District . Virginia Area Schools . Frisco Independent School District . North Forest Independent School District . Viterbo College Gateway Technical College . Northcentral Technical College . School District ofWaukesha Glenbrook Schools Northeastern Illinois University . Waunakee Schools Glenwood City Schools . Northfield Schools Wauwatosa School District Grafton Schools . Northland College Wayzata Schools . Grand Prairie Independent School District . Northland Pines School District . West Bend Schools . Grand Rapids Schools (MN) . Oconomowoc School District . West Central Area Schools . Grand Rapids Schools (MI) . Ogilvie Public Schools . Western Illinois University Greendale Schools . Onalaska Schools . Western Nebraska Community College Hancock Schools . Oregon Schools . Westonka Schools . Hibbing School District Orono Schools . White Bear Lake S,:hools . Highland Park Independent School District . Osseo Schools . William Penn Colkge Hill-Murray School . Palatine Community Consolidated School . Willmar Public Schools . The Hockaday School District 15 . Wisconsin Dells Schools Holmen School District . Paola Schools Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Hopkins School District . Pine City Schools Wisconsin Lutheran High School . Hudson Schools . Pine River-Baccus Schools Worthington Schocols . Humble Independent School District . Plana ISD Zumbrota-Mazeppa Schools . Platteville Schools '" Elert & Associates Page 38 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal E&A's Last 105 Recommendations ./ Client System Vendol' Kansas City Police Department Plexar Southwestern Bell Polk County Mitel Mitel Washburn County NEC Vicom Chippewa Valley Technical Lucent Legend Lucent College City of Minnetonka Intertel McLoud City of Wausau/Marathon NEC/Centigram Matrix County Beltrami County NEC/Active Voice Vicom American Medical Security Lucent/ Audix Lucent City of Edina NEC/ Active Voice Matrix La Porte Independent School Mitel/Centigram MTS District North Kansas City Hospital Siemens/Rolm ROLM Phonemail W ayzata Schools Mitel/Centigram SPC Sandoz G3/ Audix Lucent Twin City Coops NEC 2400/ Active Voice Matrix Burnsville Schools NEC 2400/2000 Vicom Knutson Mortgage Rolm 9751 - 9006/A VT Norstan Barret Transfer Rolm 9751 - 9006/R Norstan Sheldahl N ortel Meridian Mail Collins Communications Med One Norte! Option 81 US West Meridian Mail US Oil Rolm 9751 - 9006 Norstan Phonemail MTC Mitel SX2000 Centigram MTS - SPC Shakopee Schools Fujitsu 9600 Centigram Fujitsu Caswell International Toshiba DK 280 ESI City of Cottage Grove Mitel SX2000 Centigram MTS City of Bloomington Mite! SX2000 TSI Colle & McVoy NEC 2000 Active Voice Matrix University of Rhode Island Centrex New England Tel. Co. Hopkins Schools NEC 2000's Matrix Ozaukee County Mitel SX-2000 Mitel Peterson, Fram & Bergman NT Norstar TSI University of Iowa NT Option 51's Wiltel Community Credit Union '" Elert & Associates Page 39 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Client System Vendor Affiliated Credit Services Mitel SX200 Reliance F oldcraft Mitel SX2000 TSI Medical Graphics NEC 2400 Matrix City of Topeka Centrex Southwestern Bell Iowa City - Fox Valley Tech. NEC NEC City of Eden Prairie Mitel SX2000 TSI City of Robbinsdale Tadiran Vicom SCCU NEC Matrix Lakeview Hospital AT&T Voice Mail AT&T City of Rockford Centrex Illinois Bell Northfield Schools Mitel SX-200 Light Reliance St. Therese Home Mitel SX-2000 TSI Olmsted County Centrex U.S. West North Memorial Medical Center G3R AT&T Mary Greeley Medical Center Rolm 9751 Norstan FargoDome Mitel 200 Light ABT Family Physicians Legend AT&T Equitable Life of Iowa Rolm 9751 Norstan Grand Casino F9600 Fujitsu White Bear Lake Schools Mitel 200 Light TSI Inc. Bloomington Schools F9600 Fujitsu University of Minnesota-Duluth SL-l U.S. West TransGlobal Travel Rolm 9751 Norstan Dane County, Wisconsin 7 Projects - Ameritech RF/Telephone, CCTV, Advanced Mobile CATV Company, TXRX-Kaval Friendship Village Tadiran 2000 Vicom HealthEast G-3 AT&T Concordia College Fujitsu 9600 Fujitsu Otter Tail Power Northern Tel. - Meridian Collins Communications Iowa City, Iowa 800 MHz trunked Motorola MDT - Dispatch Buena Vista College Fujitsu 9600 Fujitsu Jones Harrison Residence Mitel 2000 TSI Inc. Waldorflnc. G-2 AT&T Billy Graham Evangelistic Association SX-2000 Mitel Beechwood Distributors NEC Cremer Engineering LifeCore Biomedical SL-l United '" Elert & Associates Page 40 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Client System Vendor Winona County, Minnesota Dispatch/Base Stations Motorola Croixland Meadows Dog Track SX-2000 Mitel Marathon County, WI County-wide Dispatch Motorola Microwave Rochester Post Bulletin RolmlPhonemail Norstan Brenton Bank Northern Tel. - Meridian U.S. West Mower County Isoetec Executone Blue Earth County 9600 Fujitsu W.T. Rogers NEC 2400 Pyramid Telephone Dakota County Common Cable Voice/Data Norstan Washburn County Centrex Shell Lake Telephone Platteville Schools Centrex Platteville Telephone Company Wisconsin Health Organization Rolm 9751 Norstan Stearns County Common Cable Voice/Data Apollo North Branch Schools TIE TSI GNB SL-l Northern Tel. Bell South Saturn Schools Rollins TC IV Electronic Design Rice County SL-l United Chisago County NEC 2400 GTE Wright County SL-l United Tel. Brenton Bank SL-l GTE Ozaukee, Wisconsin County-wide system Ericsson GE/Eleetrocom Simulcast 800 MHz Mitel Switches trunk MDT-Dispatch 2 Telephone Switches Viterbo College NEC 2400 Northwest Tel. Rice Memorial Hospital Mitel 2000 Coradian Constance Bultman Wilson Center System 75 AT&T Waunakee Schools Centrex TDS Dane County Social Services System 75 AT&T Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Mitel 2000 Coradian St. Luke's Hospital System 85 AT&T '" Elert & Associates Page 41 City of Salina / Saline County Telecommunications Proposal Client System Vendol' Montgomery County Hospital SL-l GTE Rock County/Beloit Courthouse SL-l Ameritech Oconto County, WI County Wide Radio Motorola Microwave Dispatch Center Albert Lea Regional Medical Center ISOETEC 228 Norstan DeForest Schools Centrex Northwest Tel. Mid States Technical College DMS 100 Wood County Centrex Telephone Co. Merchants National Bank IBM 9751 Norstan HHH Metrodome SL-l United Telephone Luther College Northern Tel. DMS 1000 U.S. West Centron Central Life Assurance Company IBM 9751 Norstan Des Moines Area College IBM Norstan '" Elert & Associates Page 42