Bylaws - 2006 47 Bylaws of the Salina Public Library Board ARTICLE I Name The name of this organization shall be the Salina Public Library Board. ARTICLE II Purpose The purpose of the Salina Public Library is to collect, organize and make available a wide variety of print and print materials relevant to the general informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs of the community. non- The purpose of the Salina Public Library Board is to serve as governing body of the Library. ARTICLE III Members Sec. 1 As established by Kansas statute, the membership of this Board shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mayor and City Commission, plus the Mayor of the City of Salina who serves in an ex officio capacity. Sec. 2 Members shall serve for a four year term, and shall be eligible to succeed themselves for one additional term. Members filling an unexpired term shall be eligible for reappointment to two regular terms. Sec. 3 The Secretary of the Board shall notify the Mayor, requesting the appointment of a replacement, when any Board member has missed three consecutive regular meetings without notifying the President of the Board prior to such absences, or who misses five consecutive meetings. System and State Meetings. Sec. 4 Board members are encouraged to attend Central Kansas Library System trustee workshops and trustees' meetings of the Kansas Library Association. The Library will pay the current allowable IRS rate for mileage, plus meals and hotel accommodations, if necessary, for attendance at such workshops and meetings. 48 ARTICLE IV Officers Sec. 1 The officers of the Salina Public Library Board shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall perform the duties prescribed in these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Board. Sec. 2 A Nominating Committee of two members, appointed by the President at least one month prior to the annual meetings, shall nominate candidates for those offices to be filled at the annual meeting. Notice of such nominations shall be made to Board members at least three days prior to the annual meeting. Sec. 3 Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting to serve for one year, with the option of being re-elected to a particular office the following year. The term of office shall begin on May 1 and shall continue until a successor is elected and qualified. ARTICLE V Duties of Officers Sec. 1 President. The President of the Board shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committees, authorize calls for any special meetings, and generally perform the duties of a presiding officer. The President shall be entitled to vote on matters coming before the Board. The President shall also certify all bills approved by the Librarian, sign all checks for library expenditures, sign documents as required, and serve ex officio as a member of all committees. The President shall, with the Librarian, be responsible for the preparation of the agenda for Board meetings and the orientation of Board members. Sec. 2 Vice President. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the President's absence. Sec. 3 Secretary. The Secretary of the Board shall keep a true and accurate record of all proceedings of the Board meetings, sign the minutes after they have been approved by the Board, and have custody of the minutes of Board meetings. The Secretary shall notify the appointing authority of any vacancies on the Board and sign documents as required. Sec. 4 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall oversee all library accounts and funds, sign all checks for library expenditures, and transfer funds or securities as directed by resolution of 49 the Board. ARTICLE VI Meetings Sec. 1 The regular meetings of the Salina Public Library Board shall be held monthly on a day selected at the annual meeting. In the event a quorum cannot be present at the regular meeting, the President shall set another meeting date. Sec. 2 The annual meeting shall be held between May 1 and May 15 of each year at a regular or special meeting of the Library Board. Sec. 3 Special meetings shall be called by the President or upon written request of three members for the transaction of business stated in the call of the meeting. Sec. 4 Notice of regular and special meetings shall mailed by the Librarian to all members, the media, and requesting notification at least five days before the meeting. be others Sec. 5 quorum. The majority of the Board shall constitute a (Sec. 5 Updated Resolutions 98-32 & 98-43, P.586 Board Minutes, 19 Nov 98) ARTICLE VII Committees Sec. 1 Standing committees of the Board shall be appointed for the President at the annual meeting to serve for a term of one year. Standing committees are the Budget and Finance Committee and the Goals and Objectives Committee. Sec. 2 Special committees for the study and investigation of special problems may be appointed by the President, and such committees shall serve until the completion of the work for which they are appointed. Sec. 3 Under Kansas statute, notification of standing and special committee meetings must be reasonable and may be oral. 50 ARTICLE VIII Duties of Standing Committees Sec. 1 Budget and Finance Committee. Beginning in May of each year, the committee meets to study needs, priorities, and potential revenues for preparation of a budget proposal for the next fiscal year to be presented to the Board prior to its July meeting. All procedures concerning budget preparation and publication shall be in accordance with provisions of K.S.A. 12-1215 et seq. Throughout the year, the committee oversees expenditures from budget line item accounts and reviews and makes recommendation to the Board upon the Librarian's proposals for acceptance, investment, and expenditure of non-budgeted funds which are held by, or accrue to, the Library. The committee also informs the Board about legislative proposals relating to funding of Library services and recommends appropriate action regarding such. The Treasurer serves as chairperson of the committee. Sec. 2 Goals and Objectives. The committee reviews and makes recommendation to the Board on philosophy, goals, and policy statements proposed by the Librarian, including the annual review of Board policies. The committee also reviews annually the library's five- year plan and the Librarian's recommendations for amendment and updating of such, directing its report to the Board for action. Members of the committee serve on the Materials Review Committee as outlined in the policy for materials reconsideration requests. The President shall appoint the committee chairperson. ARTICLE IX CKLS Representative and Friends Liaison Sec. 1 The Library Board shall elect at its regular meeting time in January a representative to the Central Kansas Library System, to serve from February 1 of that year through January 31 of the following year. Sec. 2 At the annual meeting, the President of the Board shall appoint a trustee to serve as liaison to the Friends of the Salina Public Library. 51 ARTICLE X Librarian and Library Board, Authority and Duties Sec. 1 The Librarian shall have authority and responsibility for the administration of the Library under the direction and review of the Board. The Librarian shall be held responsible for the care of the buildings and equipment, for the employment and direction of the staff, and for the efficiency of the Library under the financial conditions set forth in the annual budget. The Librarian shall attend all regular Board meetings, make a monthly report, and shall attend any special meetings when requested by the Board to do so. ARTICLE XI Order of Business The order of business at regular meetings of the board shall be: l. 2. 3. Call to order Reading, approval, and signing of minutes Time for citizen comment about non-agenda items and scheduled reports from non-board members Financial reports Service reports, other reports by the Librarian Report of committees Unfinished business New business, items introduced by board members Adjournment 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ARTICLE XII Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, particularly such rules as are applicable to small boards, shall govern the Library Board in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Board may adopt, or with Kansas Statutes Annotated 12-1215 et seq. 52 ARTICLE XIII Amendment These bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Library Board by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.