Sidewalk Ash r"--- - Sallna, Kaneae, Ya7 28, 1916. to toko aon. Ma~or and Councl1, Sallaa, Kanea., aoatl_en: - .e, toko WMl.rdped, reddent. and propert~ owner. of tho C1t, or Salta do korebf petition 'lour honorable bodr for the oonst.l'Qotlon ~ a slaewalk 011 tbe Swt.h 814e Of Ash st.ree\ tr_ Kansas t.o Co1wllbJa Avenue. NaIl. lru.t1ng that tho pra~er8 of the petitioner. herein .111 be granted, we are, lleepect.1Ull~. Stret,t or '~.' ~ _~O~ (i.(J _ - ~ , 1 IJ , -0:-:---- --~______________._._._ ~t>;_ ~ j I , J