Amend Zoning Southern Heights 't(~> - Salina, Kansas To the Hon. Board of ~omm13s1oner3, City of Salina, Kansas. Gentlemen: FEa7 ,," c.~,[S ~ ~ 1935 eit; ,', ~P¡tÝK£R '-'erk We, the underal¡aedl. J'le31d.erlts and prope..t'1 owners in the C1t'1 or Salina, Aan::au, do he!'eby petition 1ft.. honora1)le body 1'01' t&e rezoning of Lot 1, B100k ". Southern Heights Addition f'rom "A" Residenoe area to. Light Industrial area~ all of the above described property in the Gity of SaliBa, Kansas. 'Truat1pg that the prayer:: or~e petit1oners here- 1n will be granted, we tire, , - '- . Respectr,Ùfy,' h,,'"l. . , ,. ---'