12-15-2005 Minutes . - 771- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 15, 2005, in the Tech Center Meeting Room. The following Board members were present: Lynne Ryan, Harris Rayl, James Hall, Betsy Scholten, David Hawksworth, Debbie Divine, Janice Ostrom and Sheldon Lilak. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox, Melanie Schreiber, Mike Wilson, observer for the League of Women Voters and David Clouston from The Salina Journal. Betsy Scholten called the meeting to order and asked for any changes or additions to the November Board minutes. No changes were suggested. 05-58 On a motion made by James Hall and seconded by Harris Rayl it was RESOLYED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Publie Library approves the minutes-of the November Board meeting. Motion passed. P.771. 12/15/05 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: The Friends big project over the next couple of months will be taking applications for scholarships. . DISCUSSION: CLASS Update Evaluations received have been positive. Discussion was held on funding received from other sources. The Board reviewed the CLASS report received from Joe. Lynn Ryan asked about the process to apply for scholarship money for classes. Joe said information about scholarships is listed in the CLASS catalog and staff is aware so they can inform patrons that may not be able to afford certain classes. We are beginning to get some businesses bringing in groups of employees for computer classes. Joe asked the board to listen to comments from the community about the CLASS program and relay the information back to him. DISCUSSION: Planning for the future Joe reviewed notes from the Planning meeting. There was a report given by Jack Fox and Dianna Waite on visions for Salina that came out of the leadership class they attended. Then the committee went through the visions they felt that the Library could be involved with. General Public transportation continues to be an issue. The next meeting will be held January 24t\ 2006. Blogs will be available for the community and Library employees to access and see where the planning process is going. . - 772- ACTION ITEM: Transfer to the Capital Improvement Fund. 05-59 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Lynne Ryan it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees ofthe Salina Public Library approves the transfer to the Capital Improvement Fund from the General Fund an amount up to the maximum of 10% of tax receipts allowed by law, once all 2005 bills have been accounted for and paid. Motion passed. P772. 12/15/05. FINANCIAL REPORT: Joe reviewed revenue and expenditure reports from Fund Balance and Quick Books. We are over budget on several line items. Quite a few checks were written out of the CLASS fund for instructor fees and facility rental. The Board was comfortable with the transitio,n to Quick Books; Discussion was held on interest received on the other accounb'fund. STATISTICAL REPORT: November stats continue to mirror last year's numbers. Internet use is up from last year. We had 98 uses of meeting rooms in November. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe McKenzie reported a request from the Kansas Center for the Book, a group that fosters literacy in Kansas, to join their affiliate program. The cost is $500.00 for membership. The State is taking on the up front cost of a Virtual Library and they want local libraries to help build the collection. The collection would include music and audio books that patrons would be able to download to their computer or MP3 player. These would not work on an IPOD. No decision has been made at this time as to whether or not the Salina Public Library will participate. ORIENTATION: Technology report - Melanie Schreiber Melanie Schreiber passed out statistics regarding the Tech Center. The biggest increase has been in reservations and training numbers. PC reservations are about 5400 per month. In December the DVD transfer station has been busy. They are still trying to work on a way to get statistics for wireless use. Wireless internet is accessible outside of the building in the East parking area or South courtyard. The Board commented on how busy the tech center has been and the diversity of people using the services. Melanie would like to be able to add assistive technology such as large print monitors. The Tech Staff is also developing a system wide calendar for the Library. BOARD COMMENTS: Janice Ostrom expressed sympathy on behalf of the board to Sandy Wilcox at the loss of her brother last week. . ----.----.....-.---. .... ---..- .-..------. .. - 773- . 05- 60 On a motion made by David Hawksworth and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourns the December 15, 2005 meeting. Motion passed. P. 773, 12/15/05. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. GL S retary, Janice Ostrom Æe~ 15- , Date :26oš ". ,. . .