2006 Imp W Grand Ave PETITION For -Wrb,.eutter &. Paying--OJWm. .J.ß~~ _BZ'O&dvqto . BII'D87 - --.- ------ u- ----------- Preeented to the Board of Commissioners and read -Apr...lI.tL....---19---58 and referred to City Mau,aøl'n REPORT -----.---- ------- -.- ---'---- ----- '- --- ---- -------- ._--- ,----- The within Petition was filed in my office this --.lct.h---____day of Ap.riL-____- 19-5B- --Hd:..Pe urson u- - ----- City Clerk co",om'TEO ",c,". ",., -- -. -... --- '3alina, :~nsas TO TH":: ~o¡:c!tnI.J: BOB!) OF Co;'IlHSSSIOII?:t~ CITY OF' SALPli\., KANSAS FILED: APRIL 4, 1958 ,};:;;n'LE'.~i!: PETITION NO. 2006 ~!e, the undersigne..l, residents and property owners in the City or salina, ï{:ms"lS, do hereby ¡:etition your honorable body for the Curb, Gutter and paving of West Orand Avenue from the west line of Broadway Boulevar d to the west line of Barney Street, with hot asphalt. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, Respectfully, FILED BY L. C. Helbert, Phon" 7-?Ql? NAME ADmES.3 LOT BLOCK AJDITIOl !\' - . , i M,.", }f...PY' 'l'hOlftAs 816 w. O,."nrl ?- "I-J._C: '01a Bland 832. w. Orand 1'.. ,.,. OM f.~ lA In DeDot Addition . H. Mayberrv 13th & Broadwav - - . - . L 0