2815 Amend Zoning Beebe's #2 APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO TIlE DISTRICT ZONING MAP Do not Write in this Sp~CL retition No. '",S:'- I J Filing Fee $ 'l/F ("e Paid ,,:::,;) . .- Date Submitted I. - I{ - f:x) The Salina City Planning Coœcission City Planning Department City Hall - Salina. Kansas 1. Applicant's N&me17."j '(0)\' '()I.~ Ct B)cl Applicant' s Address $'11.[0 .Ph , I~:.J --I; . . , 3. Phone Number 2. 4. c [) )) 1'.eGent Zone Requested Zoning 5. Legal Description of property requested to be rezoned and Street address or location I.()t, 11 J 1? 13. 17: RloCl~ 1 bp",¡-<> I", 5"'(,f"\I',,'-1 .',ìti , .:1 Í"' ,';t l ~ "),.. \([,..:(, /(r-; - ' - 6. Area of subject property, square feet and/or acres Present use of subject property P k Lj j>,' { t' ¡.f '" S I I ":'~ '<? ¡' IJ Ii:. n.' "'c'" , r:.....' 7 / " > II ,J4 fc{ \ ')f'f~, ~I l. ¡J.., ( d' 7. .s. Desired use of subject property I, " How are adjoining properties used? North Â(fft"'" ft'l('-I;! Sf d!J f', South J." t. v -iÐ.. f-((y¡>-\. East (: () Ir 1 .i !;.~ .~(T West J( (',. v) f! '-é~ tt tr t ,j . What improvement in the existing zoning would be effected by the proposed zoning? l-v tL+..E to fL it¿'"1.\'~ /tlJ:~t~ ~'ì.V .1 !'Ÿ'W.Jj,,::( l'--[/.- fÍ1~ . í/ U How can you justify the proposed zoning change? (See questionnaire on back) Time schedule for development ~ ,1.L, ")\..,tlv; Jc L £:1 t' Ct, \Q \) Exhibits furnished. number and kind. (~urnish plot plan or site plan. showing existing and proposed structures. easements. water courses. curb cut-backs.) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Sign¡;:ture of Applicant ~1... !Z<-~ .~ 'a:,:: '). ((.L.. __,f r: 'r ;, þ l) We the undcr5ig~cd have read the above petition and recommend that the petition be grû:lted. NAHE ADDRESS LOT BLOCK I ADDITION .. 519 SOUTH SANTA F'E: TELE""ONE TA .,-"", SALINA, KANSAS . Janu~ry 2~, 19~5 JU~TIFIC~~ TION 1. The ere;:! "rill be used for the extension of an existing bui.ldin¡; for phystc11'!ns office~. 2. There are no factual data except it is known th~t the ~o~ulation cnn~t~ntly ~rows ftnd the r~tio of physicia~s to natients is at an o~tirnumof one to one thousand. 3. 4. At first a 14 foot extension as a waiting room and eventually arlrlitional offices. The area is already established in a convenient location as a doctor's building. "'hI". building :'., ~.~ ... ,.~ this locRtion for more t:-,<1:ï eleven ye:'1rs. 5. It is prob;;ble that the two older doctors in the building ,;ill practice there for from 10 to 20 years. Tr.e younger doctors probablly longer up to a ~ossible 45 more yea roc:. 6. It is believed that at first traffic ,,¡ill not increase and later may wi. thin ten yeArs amount to 120 cars per. day ~sin~ the building. 7. !':ost of the neighbors are elderly and already depend on the doctors in th~ bui1 r'.inp; f'or their professional care. This should be anythin~ but objectionable. 8. Surrounding property values probably will not be affected. 9. There is no other place to extend the buildinR. '¡'he area W:;IS originally zoned for professional buildings ¡-Then the building W;¡s erected. It was under~tood at th~t time tha t extensions .¡ould be limited only by area of rarkinf', 5!1ace. 10. Teere ~re no restrictive covenants on the building. 11. T:Gffic thorou~hfares should not be affected. 12. Tì:,,::,c -;.rlll be over-:-three times as m;:¡ny square feet for parking ;:¡ s there ~ s bu'lòing space. 13. Area to be s~::,ved is the entire mid-central Kansas area, about 10~ of patients seen are from out of the County. 14. The building shoúld increase the health of the neighborhood for emergency and d2v-to-è?~ care. ~~,~~ ~. ~ ~ M;:¡urice R. Connol1y M .n. (,) 12. Will there always b~ sufficient off-street Parki~~ intenae use? .~ regardless of A m~=e 13. h~at is the estimated boundary of area to be served this boundary dr~wn? and on what basis is 14. Hill th~ propo:ed use increase or maintain health s.:¡fet convenienc~. prosperity or general lf - ' y. mor~ls. order, this question G~OW some good fact ~ei ~re ot the neigh~orhood? (in ans~crin£ concluaion.) us n ormation that would lead to thib 15. If the ap?lic~nt does not have a concr~te 1 h for his own purposes as well as the' p an e must still justify zoninG the incre~ac of the value of the 1 ~l~nning Commission. (Speculation as to justification and is not in the be:~ in~c;~~~tion by re~oning is not .:oupJcd with extensive facts ad",... s of the public unlcss it C..II be n t1.öUrCD which can c-:mcluvt\:cly .51.0\, c~. :; thiJ .. " &1Au.~lc¡t .d? (!.O/1I10[[Y, a1t!. !D. 519 SOUTH SANTA FE: TKLIt..HDHIt TA '70.'" SALINA, KANSAS , JanuAry 25, 19';5 JU~TIFIC~. noN' l. 2. The ~re~ wi.ll be used for the extension of an existing building for ~hysiciAns office~. There are no fflctual data except it is known th...t the 1'Otlulation cnnl'lt/lntly ~rOWð IInd the rAtio of physicia~s to natients is at an optimum of one to one thouSAnd. 3. 4. At first a 11 foot extension as a waiting room and eventually anñitional offices. The area is already established in a convenient location as a doctor's huilding. ",hI". buildir:g :-.:.. ~-~." ,,~ this locRtion for more t1-..3r1. eleven ye~rs. 5. It is probñble that the two older doctors in the building ,rill practice there for from 10 to 20 years. The younger doctors probablly longer up to a possible 45 more year~. 6. It is believed that at first traffic will not increase and later may within ten yeArs amount to 120 cars per day ì,Ising the building. 7. ~ost of the neighbors are elderly and already depend on the doctors in th~ buil~in~ for their professional care. This should be anythin~ but objectionable. 8. Surrounding property values probably will not he affected. 9. There is no other place to extend the building. 'rhe ;:Irea was originally zoned for professional buildings when the building WAS crected. It was under5tood at th~t time th~t extensions would be limited only by area of rarking space. 10. There 2re no restrictive covenants on the building. 11. Tr~Ìfic thorouGhfares should not be affected. 12. Th~rc vdll be over~three times as many square feet for parking ~S there js bu'lriin~ space. 13. Area to be ~é'rved is the entire mid-central Kansas area, about 10% of patients seen are fro~ o~t of the County. 14. Th~ building snoùld increase the health of the neighborhood for emerg~ncy and dav-to-d~y care. ~"-~(.,,~ ~. ~ ~ Maurice R. Connolly M.D. () 12. Will there alw~ys b~ sufficient off-street Parkin~ 1ntc::l:JC use? "0 regardless of f1 ml1'::'e 13. h%~t is the estimated b d f this boundary dr~wn? oun Dry 0 area to be served and on what basis is 14. Will t?C propoced use increase or maintain health safer conven~encc. prosperity or gener~l If - . y. morals. order. h ... we are ot the r.e1<"hb h d? ( t is question Ghow some good factual inf t1 h. <> or 00 in answering concluGio...) . orma on t at would lead to this 15. If thc applicant does not have a concrete lan he for his ow.. purposes as well as the Pl iP C must still justify zoning the increase of the value of the 1 d ~nn ng 0~m18sion. (Speculation as to an 1n quP8tion by rezoning is not Applicant PLEASE Read CarefullJ You Must Justify your Request In fairness to the applicant as well as to the city at large. the CityPlannin¿ Commission deems it necessary as well as extremely helpful for the applicant to :ak.. a long and careful look at what he is proposing when he requests a change in zonin~ for his piece of property. If the applicant will analyze his proposal carefully he will note that there are certain questions which he must answer for himself as well as for the city. It has been evident that previous zoning CGGGS h4vG beon turned down or tabled bec4U8O the City Planning Commission lacked sufficient information. The Planning Commission staff does not have the facilities for acquiring all the information needed. and since the applicant is solely concerned as to his proposal it appears only just and reasonable that he file with his application all the information obtainable which may be pertinent to his case. The justification shoulç be written (preferably typewritten) in narrative form and follow the points outlined in the questionnaire. Some of the questions may not be pertinent to your particular caae but all should be looked at closely. Attempt to find answers to all the questions, however. if certain information is . unobtainable it will not count in any way against the applicant other than the fact that the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners will have less information upon which to base their decision. JUSTIFICATION (Questions to be answered) 1. What use is to be made of area in queation? Shopping Center, & Fillin~ Station 2. Give.some factual data showing need for anticipated use based on population (present and future) of area to be served. 3. Will it be necessary to build a new structure? Yes several 4. Is there something special about the area in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this area rather than attempt to acquire property presently zoned for the type of use anticipated? (other than ownership of the property) Property is on direct access route to interstate. Is it possible to give reasonable assurance that for a certain number of years the use will be that which is anticipated by the a~plicant? Yes Sli3htlt Will the proposed use increase traffic in the area? /If so, will an increase in traffic be detrimental to the adjoining properties? Xo 5. 6. 7. Will the intended use of the property be in any way objectionable to your ncighbors? No. 8. Will surrounding property values be maintained or increased? the basis for this assumption in detail. Yes. If so. show 9. Is the area at present served by a similar type zone and what effect will the added use have on the overall zoning plan? 10. Are there any restrictive covenants on the property which would prohibit the intended use? Attach a copy ~f the covenants and/or deed restrictions if any are in effect. None 11. Whst relationship does this have on present and future maj~r traffic thor~ughfares? Business is anticipated to be partly derived from Interstate Traffic System. Will there always be sufficient off-street parking regardless of a ~=e intense use? Yes. 12. 13. What is the estimated boundary of area to be served and on what basis is ,this boundary drawn? 14. Will the proposed use increase or maintain health. safety. morals. order. convenience, prosperity or general welfare of the neighborhood? (in answering this question show some good factual information that would lead to this conclusion.) Yes. 15. If the applicant does not have a concrete plan he must still justify zoning for his own purposes as well as the Planning Commission. (Speculation as to the increase of the value of the land in qu~Btion by rezoning is not justification and is not in the best interest of the public unless it CJn b~ ~oupled with extensive facts and figures which can c'>nclu