2868 Amend Zoning APPLICATlO:1 FOR AN AllENDHE..'iT TO TIlE DISTRICT ZONING 1'9 Do not Vrite in this spac< l'etition No. ?-8" (, f' Filing Fee $ :,~r,--,:"" Paid ,9. ¿o . (, ~- Date Submltted Applicant'a NG1118 C:::;"7A/~ "A,/Z:L r S-Vpp¿ ';J C:;, /,¡v c~ Applicant' a Addresa é?2....,-ë:2)/.9h'<-,..., D.c 3. Phone lIwDbu.??'" 7- C4d 91 The Salina City Plünning Co=1saion City Phonaln:; Department City Hall - Salina. Kana... I. 2. 4. treeent Zone v Requested Zoning G 5. Leg;:al Description of property requested to be rezoned and Street addre.. or location '<" ee:- n r,r,';C/i' eo 7)ee~ Area of subject property. square feet and/or Gcres /.. ce,..c¡- /9 Present uae of aubject property-.s-:7-c: Gt. ¡t::~'9.~/21'c.;-? "/0,.,) 6. 7. 8. Dea1red use of aubject proper~y_S7e l-="., ;0::- ~ L'1 A- ; C. /1 7" Ie:. "..J 9. How are adjoining properties uaed1 North ~ /Z "'" ,,' ,,6 m -¡,çl.- <7,,""-' -r'Y . / Sout~.T.r:¿=,:,'"7 r 1""04 East /?~, O.:AA-° '-~ Vest V/? C /ØA.I r 10. Vbat improvement in the existing zoning would be effected by the proposed 0 /- /7 r zoning1 .--' :;:~ /7.01:) :Të..~ rPG':>-C-.¡f..,J7' -::./:;'O.P Row can you justify the proposed zoning changer (See questionnaire on back) Ti~ achedule for developaænt ¡{{l.(} 11. 12. 13. Exhibits fut:O1sbed, nucber and kind, (Eurnf.ab plot plan or site plan, sbowing exiating <md proposed structures. easements. water courses, curb cut-backs.) Signature of APPlLca~~:'~c;c,.<~-~~ ?\1;;~, -.... ~ We the undersigned have read the above petition and reéo=';?"d that the petition be gra:>ted. IL'.ME ~" ~ c",.y~-, ADDRESS 22."> t, <> \)n.;\.)'.~ Lor BLOCK ADDI'nON /l/(Ï/JiE ¡ ! l I . I I . I I \ I 'eo~.:,- ;1.\lU:J,;,'i"C n:.::::.:¡ .. '1':;r~j I:m:::,:".::!:::, ¡",do t~,i:; l~h '-'-':r o~ :;e?tc':'~ð:', 1<;53, bet.uea.:1 D. t. :;"'::>;;0:1 ':""1è r'r...'1CO3 :>';'::;>SO:1, ~;;.K,::d ....-.ci "i:'~. o~' $::lina, 1.'1 t!:o ~~\:,"1t:.y 0:' :>:ùino ..."d :>':...to of '",Si\5 0:' ':.ho ::'ir:öt:. ""r':., "",è 'i, 1:. t¡cbù, (~::lCt..!'~l¡' i:1te:'e::;';.), S. ¡I. ';<::.1;>"0:: (0::':-1""..::-..:-. i::;;~rc::;':.) ¡¡m.ì D. L. 5:0."';>110:'1 (onc-:'o:.:rth i:,t.o;:'~t) O¡' ::aU...;::, ia t.:-'~ ;;Vu.-¡~~ 01' Salir.e Iond St...te 0:' .<:"'1~:;." ot t...o s"""nei ;>:.rw. \lit.nC$Goth, ti::at t.~:o s::i¿ :>"rtic:; 0;: t:-,o ::'i:':.:t :>t-~, in con::;ider..- t10.'1 0:' t::" ,,"'.. 0: \I:'Ie lJoU"r &:'.<i ot.::.::' \":>1",«"1,, ;:o""i.::."r..tio:u. t!'.e ;:,c'::i!i¡>';. 0::' ,,;tic;, is Gal""':! ..C_'10'i~ed;;<.;:i, ':'0 '.>:! ..:-.""" ;::-....;::1':.::;, ':1'"_'1';., ;;.:;.r,;ai.'1, Gall r..-¡:i c:>:tv,,:! :.::',to ""id ,..r..i&... 01' t"a :;ac:>...::! ¡x..~. ia tho ¡'ollo~in.; ;>rc?or::.ic:::>: V. C. ,.c:Jb, Q-:e-:.:!.:';: C>; ::;. H. ::;:.::""on, ~e-l'o:.::1.n (:;ì; D. 1. ::;';¡,Go.-¡. Cnc-¡'ou:rt;¡ (d. ¡".-.<1 ';.0 their .....ir" ;¡:-oQ ~si:::::¡, all ..::0 fol10"i.'1'¡ è~cri:'cd :;;;:';1. Z::::..7':' Git:.::...c.:i 1."1 ..::0 Co,.,.,ty 01' Salin. ¡¡:.c:. 5:-...to 0:' .<an",,:;, ';.o-ait.: !-'::-':A'!.- j/:;-$ c.^,-," r, ",.oJ ,-: '-'et 0" l--d '=J--'i~' '7" fe-- ".-. 0" 'ho SOU"""'" I ;o;.~;r c/ tr.;':-:";t ;-~~~.;ú "::-¡¡¡) ~~ ~;.:.o;t~~C¡;t ;;~-~~~e:' i (:::::;) 0:' s~'Ct:'O:1 'i':1irt:!-$i.~ t;>-3.», ':o:':::s~.i? '~'"ir~ec.., (~-lJ) ! :>0-..'.0, ;!::r.z" 'lx-ee (r:-]) ::o:.t of ...~.;: °"'" .":'ir.ei,..: ;:.::-icii...-¡. I S:.lina Co:':"'1ty, ::a.'1S<-Sj ':.h:o::ol> ¡-¡ost ...l;:.:¡g St...th tina 0:': said .;.' i r:.;:sr. C:'.c-:i"lf (¡::,> o~' ::Or'tr.::~t f'I.\::'7.cr G.:":::> 0::: "aid Sectio:y- ,- i to tho :::ast bo=~-;¡ of ;¡, tl':::ct :L"l ...:.e $oct:-,"es':. co:-.:1.;:;:' co:-.ve;¡ed ¡ by r;eeè, ¿"te~ ;::':¡ 23, 1952 a.::d :-ec;:;r';i.::i Julj 21. 1953, at 11:C:> i A. :,:. :.n 300:: 0:: ¡)c~::s 1<=."), ?¡'1;C::: 5:::'5-5:'>; t.~,c:.cc ::o~n )15 feet :. I ~f~~~¡:~~~Þ~l~~f[ ~;igj;~~J!g I ~o 2::;/40 0:: &1.1 oil, t;"" =ê. othe:- ::3.::cr~s Or' ::ñ::er:::l rights, I Gll oil and Z"" leases :':po:1 s¡;id ..æ.l est...te. l..... .. . /'. , 1\' t,' I . ;t: ,::.~' - '\ .t,' ,¿ ¡ [, í. -:":" . . .t.\ . ,~. '-~ .:,;'í Ie '-\.1 .\ 1"/ 70 1'.i.v-.,. ;.::D ?O ?O::J 7;-:::; :>.":';;:;, 10:"t::<>. ,,-it:: all ,,::..:. si:'_~.ùar to" t...-¡ç::a:'lts, h,,;:,..:li';.,,-....~"l":.s a::<i ""F:'tc.,..::ces tr.oreto tæ.o.~i~,.;¡, 0;:' i.., ....,y,:isa ap?e:-..<õi.".ir.g, fo:-ova:-. ' A.'l:::! s:::id ;;:-"""";.0:-3, :'0:- ';.;:.!.....z"lvos <-.:,d Ior their h<::.rs, exe"u':.ors and aC-:i.."list:-:::t"J:-s, do o"""":>:r, co'-,:::".o.:'O.':., p=::ise ~"1i "::r-"" :'0 =d t-:ith s2.Ìd þ.~ies 0:' t::c s..co::.;:;. r~~, t:-.¡;,t ",-" toh" èé:::'iy~::-.;' o~' ':.n£so ?:-osc,:~T.s tha7 Çra la...:.ù11y scizœ i:l ..¡:cir 0:'::1 ri"::,, 0:: .,:: ""'301""" ë:."1': i;¡dofeasi"le estate of i,..¡1e:-i-::,,-,::c, i.-¡ 1'.,e si:-,:>lc, 0::: é..:¡d i.... aD. ;::,::: s:L-¡¡;ül"'-r, ,;"a <-bova era-.,';.c.:. =<1. dase:-i-oci ?:-¡¡--:.i.""", >!ith t::;-¡ <-;';>\11't.,::......."<\5; t:-..,t tha s=e ê-ra free, clear, ¿:.sc¡'.ar:.:<>¿ <-.1:>Ì :~:ti::"~:.:;---"cr'.od of c:,è ::'= "'::, 1"0:""". =è. othe:- gr-dlts, titl"", cr..,rges, e::';.¡.,t.os, asscss:;.c.'1ts, j14"';:'c.,:.<:, 1".;.j:~s ........::. :....e~ra.."lc~ 0:: ,,-::.::t ~ t~~: ~~.li~~:-~:e;:ir~~~~~~ ..~~~ ;~~~~ t.f~~-¡e~~;'~~~P~~ a s~~ai'1 to ill. G;:ardia..,':¡ Daed :'rOi:J. ",0;(::" S. ;:;0.:.:-.;1.", <;;:;)::-.:.i...:1 0:: th" "s:.¡¡';.es 0;: LL'1èa Lce ~e<;.I"'dÎn .....':.<l Di""le Leila :!æ:-.i'.:n, r..i."1orz, to ::>. L. ~S":1. &:!.oo J-..:ly 29":.h, 1.953 and :-~o:-ded in Deed ~k 1% .s.t ?:.¡;~ 2"3-4 in the :-acor.is of tbe Ragis- ,te¡o of !:oeès of :;..li.'1e Co=ty, Kz.:-.s:lS; =:i t,,:.:. S<dci ?,":-..ies 01 tile first. :¡>a.:-t .dJ.1 \- ~~c~\:?ì' ./-':3 ¡'-OJZ'il:::; ¡;:;:'=:J t.he ::=e Uo-¡to s¡¡,iå parties 0:' the socc::.d p:!.~, their heirs ""1<'. é..ssi;¡-:::, ",:"""st s::.id p::.rtics o~ the i'irs':. part, 'their heirs ¡¡.nd all. a.-:.d cvC:-J pcr:;o;, ::h=ocvo:::-, l","fully cl&.iL:ing or t.o ,olain tn.. s=o.. .' In ~Iit.noss ::.1:ercof, '¡'he ""ié ¡nrti;;.s 0:: tr.o first ?"rt i'.a.ve r.ereJ;r,to sat. their h:u:.ds tl:e to..y a.."1ð. y.:<.:- r~. ~DO~ c - l.vt~ ....-, ::'10' -- .: ""':"..=t.;:'" /') -.:::.., \.' =-- . / - 00-"--' . :rl ......-/J.-~,-- .-~ , / 0'1"-,,,- /'...<"'-~ /