2844 Amend Zoning Bristal Add SaUOI. K81Ia.. ....- Date fUed ><-- 6 j Petition Number =fr 1'0 tHE HONORABLE EOA-~ OF C(j~ISSIO¡:::;:RS CITY OF SAUl/A, KANSAS CENTLE~N : Ve, the undersigned. residents and property O\I1\en iD the City of SaUDa. Kansas, do berebÙ p"tlt~on your honora}>le body' for the I --J.- ð.o:k 'If 1 ia.A(.~J. {i.-j!.//... lc.'¿d..~ ,~c. +- 5(!~ W~ ~:~ ð'~ ~-'- V;v\,T~.~;Ii ð~ &~ ~ Trustiag that the prayers of tbe petitioners w1l1 be srmted, we are, respectfully, FlLED &Y }t' NAME ADDRESS \ 1 ,'" -r. !1~ .,,~-.....t...~\ _1.¿~Jv,:" .N7~~ V <f1:J Ó T I I I LOT BLOCr. ADDITION ~:trl.j ::j'~~'áø.¿~ ~ . . I - I I I I I I j ,- ..-- APPLICAtION fOR AN AMENDMENt TO tHE DISTRICT WIlING HAP 00 not Write In tbis .pac.. ." ~ ~ t./- 'lbe SaUna City Planning Co.-miaalon City Planning Department City Hall Salin.., KID"" Petition No. flUD8 fee $ Paid ~ /r- Date Sub_tted T /i--,"l9w 1. Applicant's NlIOIe E~~lo~~ent Security DIvision 2. Applicant's Addreu 401 T...""ka Ave.. t'o¡,oka. Xa). Phone IluDloer (8) Pre.ent 'Zonc '1""0 F~",ll:r Droll¥IRequC8td 'Zoning Ofrics !'ulldi= (OD) 4. s. Legal Deacrlption of property requested to be rezoned and Street addre.. or location 626 ~:est ::"lnut and 158 South nth. .:z~l,f on ¡{,lnut ant! ?o; teet doen. 6. Area of aubject property, square feet and/or acre. ?OS f't..X2-n~ 1"1., 7. Prescot uae .of subject property a~si¿ent ront.tls 8. aUice Suildinl;[ Desired use of subject property 9. How are adjoining prop~rtics used? North Residents South Res~do"ts R,,"-sidents WeRt Business East 10. What la:prcvelllent In the existing zoning vould be effected by the proposed zoning? 7\<0 ol¿ar structures >rill 00 re:wv""- AM r.."l"ced hv an ultra-"'I'.>d..rn Oìi"..i:ð buiìciin:;. How can you justify the proposed zo~ing cb:>nget (See questionnaire on back) 11. 12. Time schedule for developa:ent i'roposed construction .rill oogin in t.ha iru:ediate - futuro. Exhibits furnhbed, nu¡::ber and kind, (Furnisb plot plan or .ite plao, showing existing and proposed structures. eaoements. vater couraee, curb cut-backs.) 13. Signature of t- Ve the undersigned have reoxl the above petition gr""ted.- NM.'E ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION .-J7-J7 ,¡ /} '7r>--) ì.'/! "-:'1 -- --¡-"';'.'~ /+')- }t.~~~.11 æ - I, . ~.,,~- JJ' .' c~ 0 I 7'! 1-/--; -- IL; 'II'::} ,/ J}. -- (j - , ,,-â I ¡Y", , . (J(i ,,? d )/)~Æ) Il/O (~;;t.( /?~(. ! I I ;Lf "~""'. ,. .,;.',' (:n (~) (5) (6) t' ~ (7) (8) ~ \ (9) .. - ., -. ---.--- -_.. (2) Tne area in question will ba used tor an ofl'1co locaUon for the Kana.. St.a\a E:.ployment Service. The X&nsas State EmploYl,.mt Sorrieo hl15 8JAintained and operated III offica 1zI Soli.."Ia for a period of at least twenty Gom y~ars. Not onJ¥are such operationa carrlod on in Sal1r.a, but also throu¡;hout tho state. 'tho .ervices of l:anaas St.at.a Eaplo;n:ent OUico will no doubt ba c.arr1ed on in the t\lturo and poulbl¥ expanded. It. 18 considered nocoGGD1')' and desiroul that a Mll structure be built 1n wb1oh to houae th. SaUna off'1ce of the Aan..a State Ùlplo)'ll8nt Somea. The area for which re.zon11".g is rc(¡uostod is 11101'0 dosirable in that 1t doe. proTide adoquate 1"00::1 for tho ecn~truct.1nc of au office facUity and also pro- Tide adeq~te off street par~inc for not or~ e~?loloel, but also tor tho.. people da.iring tho use of the S3l1na oft1ce of the State Ealplo;yment SarTiea. Thare Is roO reason to doubt but whnt the facil1ties will be used b;y tha SlÙ1na Ofneo or tho Xansas State h;>loytÅ“nt Sorv1ce for a good nwaber ot :rear., 111 Tiev of tha investment bein;: "",do tor such tacility. It is anticipated th"t thoro \;ould be so...... increased traffle 1n the area. Thi. however, w"uld not be incroa:;ed to ti;e oxte:'lt that it might be considered detr1. 8ental to a~ adjoininJ prop3rtie~. Off. Street parking is planned and will be provided for those desirin~ USe of the &'plo;¡uent Somc. fac1lity. It is not anticl!'",tod th3t the intendod uso of tho property would be object10nabl. to residents of the ir:."~diate or surroundin~ noi¡;h1)orhood. Surrounding pro¡:ert:r valucs would definitoly be m.intained and possibl¥ be increa.ed throu~ the construction of "'"' ult.:-.. ....odorn office bulldin¡: in the anticipated. location. This ca." be a.ssu.--ed in the fa.ct that two older structures which now occupy the :¡:ropcrt7 would be removed a.nd re",laced b;y a lIIO<Ìern of tic a blÜ.1d1ng. It is 1.:T4erstood that the present area is nay classified in multiple dwell1nc zoning. Tho affect to the overall zoning pl..n would not, in al1)' way-, as can ba dotcr-..ined, be dotri:::ental to the Íl<1meci1ate or surrounding area. (10) As far as is known at t~is tko, thero "re no restrictive covenants on the property w;'ich would ¡.raMbit t¡10 intended use. (u) 7"o.e anticipated location of tho 5,,11= office for the Kansas State Employment Service should h3ve or.l3 t>ir.or relAtionship to the present or 1"utura in major traffic thoroughfaros. (12) The uso of off streot ?arkin:; is not anUci"a.ted for use by those who would USe the facilities of ti.1e S:Il.L-:.:¡ E..?lo~nt .3crvice office. Pl.o.nning includes ade- c¡uate parking, off street, not onl;. for eltp1.oyces but for aU individuals who ai~t use the serviccs of this office. (1) Tne esti:u.ted boun::lary of arc" to bo served b7 this facility would include those ir.dividuals of Selina ,md i=ediato "roa who would desire services of the Salina Office of the Kans"s Suto E:.-.plo;¡ment Service. (14) Tho Kansas State E::ople:¡:-.,)nt Scrvica. proposos to construct a modern office bu1ld1ng And as previously luted proviè<> :'\loqu.o.te off stroet parking and or.a1ntaln such office building in .. :-_nnDr t¡',llt ,",auld be be""ficial to the a¡>pearance and general. well boi~ ef ..n:¡ nei¡;hborhood, The -office would be operated during the hours of 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 J',:.:. "'-4 would provide no detr:i:r:enta1 factors as 1:ar as sa1'ety, morals or inconveniences to an:¡ or tho i..""..diate ar"a residents of the neighbor- hood. (15) As hu been IIontionod in previous rE'pl1es to certain questioll8, it is as_a being st.ated that the K:<nsas State E:nplo;nrent Service proPOsee to build ani construct an otf'ice buildin;:: approximtely 45 teet X 125 Ceat on the location as bas boon proviously statoct. Such orrico would rroYide e"plo)'l'lOnt epace tor approxúute1.,y twelvo e::>?loyeos and would be str1ct17 r.odarn, 1n des1cn, 8uch desl¡:¡1 boin¡; cr9atod tr¡ a state arc~tect. The amount oC invoetment to be Node 1ncltJà1n" the CQst or aGel Estate and building equipønt would total a?prox1:nately :~I)S,OOO. ~:.r.1nt.or.ance ot building and proper landscap1n¡ be1nS providoct to ,..o.ke L"\ appearance or such a building aa quite acceptable to allY 01tir.en or tile re-zoning area or Salina proper. ,-; -) "