2823 Amend Zoning Parkview 1. Applicant'l Heme Parkview Realty & Building Do not Write ~n thll IPIG' 1'.Utlon 110. ..,. f 1,;3 . 11U1I8 fa. $ J1-:'-o P.ld ~-:: ,~ DaCa Sub8Uted 7/'2'>1 fo,r' Co., nc, ~ APrLlCATlOO fOR AN AHENOtIENT TO tltE DISTRICT ZOIIIIIG !tAl' The a.llna City Planning Commllaion clt, Planning Oepart..nt City Hall - SaUna, Kan... 114 West Iron ,Salina, 3. Phona acUGbar Kansas, aequeatad ZoD1118 C TA 3-4605 2. Applicant'. Addre'l 4. Pre..nC Zoaa A 5. teall, oelcrlptlon of property reque'ted to be rezoned aDd Sc~eet addra.. or location See leKal descriution attached. 6. Area of .ubJect property, .quare feet "'/or .cree 8. Present ute of .ubJect propertY. De81red U88 of eub Ject propertY. Vacant: 7. 1Inildfr.gFn" " ¡> ~ n h~- 9. How are adJoining properei.. u..d! acorth Vacant. South Coomercial Eut Vacant Weat Vacant 10. What 181provement In tbe eúlUng aonbg _Id be effacte4 10, tbe proposed coning! Enable the construction of a P F. 0 hnm.. 12. lIow can )Iou JuaUf)l the propo.ed aonlng cbange' (Sea quaaUonna1ra on back) Yes Tl- ecbedule for development As soon as possible, 11. 13. Exhlblte furnhhed, alllllber and kind. (Furn1&h plot plan or e1te plan, .bowlng exieting and propoeed .tructuree, cBeemeute. vater coureea, curb cut-backa.) Signature o:^:;~:;a~t:;~.J~~~~N~ )O" INC. Dan/Bolen, Secretary We the uncIeraigned bave read the above petlti- and recoaœnd that the petition be gra:>ted. 11M« ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION p arkview Realtv Co. See above All of the 1 ts located sou h of WeB chester Driv.. whi h lots c nstit-ut-.. ..11 adj cent lot north of the riv r. -- Appl1c8llt Pu:ASI! YOu Mud J".tify ,.,ur Itequeat In falrneel to the applicant II vall ae to tbe city at larae, the City r1lnDt.~ Cocn1ea1on dee... it n"celsory .. well' .. e"trGlllely helpful for the appllcant to tel<. I long and careful look at vRat be 18 propo81na ",hOG be ...quut. a chan&e in lIoni", for nil ploca of prop.rt,. U tb8 .ppUunt will ...81ya. 1118 pll'opo..l c.refully h. viII note that there Ire certain queetionl Whlcb h.....t lÐ.ver for hi.lelf .1 vall a8 for the city. It baa been evldC!ftt that prevlo". 8OIIil\& c...a hn8 been tul'fted down or tabled bee..... tb. City rlanntn« C~iø.l~ lacked 8uffici.nt infot8Atlon. TI." I'hMil\fl «=-lnion auff doe. nt" heve the '"eiliU.. 10.. .e'fUh'ina aU th. inlorn..Uon Dude., and dace the applicant la .olely colICemad .. to bi. propoaal it appear. only jult and re..onalole that be fl1. vltb loll application .11 tb. infona.Uon obtainable ¥bleb aay be pertlDent to M. c_. the juatlflcatlon should be written (preferebly typewritten) 1. .arcatlv. fo... ....s fo11- the polDti ouUII.ed Ilk the qu."UollDelre. Soae of thf' .....t101t1 .., nn. b.. .....rUn.."t t.. your partle"l".. ".1" ;.'01 ..11 81....,1" lie looked at elr8el)'. AttUJ'.." lu : 1".\ .",avere to ell lh., quulllolo", """"ver, if cert.ill 1.fontatl0. II unobtainable it ",111 DOt count AD .uy way asaiDat tbe eppu.cant other th- tb8 fact tbat tbe Pla-lns Coaail.lon aDd Bo.rd of c-11a1o..n ",111 h.... lal. infonaatloa upon which to baae their ....18101t. JUSTlFlCATIOII (Queet1O1te to be _red) 1. Whet ute 18 to be cude of area AD queationt 2. Give .cme factual data ehov1l18 need for mUcipated tI.e b..ed on populetl- (preeent and future) of are. to be "ned. 3. Will It be nece..ery to build a ..- Itructure? 18 there øometbing .pecial abotlt the ares In que.tion that .ekea it _re feaelble to reZODe tbf ares rather than atteøpt to acquire property preaeDtly zoned for the tyPe of use ...Ucipeted? (other tban _rablp of the property) 4. 5. 18 it poe81ble to glve :rea._eble aeaurance that for a certaiD nUllber of )'eare tbe use 101111 be that ¥bleb 18 anticipated by the eppl1c8nt? Will the proposed use increa.e traffic in tbe area? If '0, vill - lncre..e In traffic he detr1llental to,the adjoinlo& propertlee? 6. 7. Will the intended U8e of the property be in ...y way objectionable to your noishboret 8. Will aurrounding,propeny valuea be 818intelned or increaaed? If 80, abow tbe b881e fot this 88suœption In detail. 9. Ie the area at present served by a d",Usr type COIle 8Dd What effect vill the a4ded uee have 011 the overall zonim& pi....? 10. Are there any restrictive c~nants On the proven)' which ,",uld prohibit the Intended u8et Attacb a cop)' ~f the coyenanta aadlo~ .eeð reatrlctioaa If tIDy ere in effect, 11. What relat1oDahip &lea tb1a lone 0It plteant ..... future -þlI' trafUe thor-Algbfaru! 12. W1l1 there alvay. b" .ufflci81lt off-st~eet parkha regardl.aa of a _re lntecae ute? 13. What ie the e.tl~ated boundary of .rea to he ae..... 8Dd OD whst baaia il this boundary dr","? 14. V1l1 the propoaM use incresee or ~elntaln healtb. lafety, 8IOrala, order. convenience, prosperity or ¡¡cneral ..elf.>re of the neighborhood? (in an...ering this c¡uect1t>n ebow some good factuøl lnfonoaUon that would lead to tbta conclusion,) 15. If tb" nprllcant does not hmle a concrete plan he 1IIUet still Justify zoning for ht,. O"O rurr"""s 08 well "" Ihe 1'1.>""ln& lÀJcQiBalon. (Speculation 8S to the incre"~" of the value of the land in qu..sttOQ by rezoning ls aot just1ftcøtton and ts not In the !>cst interest of the ",ubUc unless H con be JUSTIFICATION Applicant has entered into a real estate purchase agreement with the Kansas P,E,O. home to convey to 8aid organization the following-de8cribed property: Lots Seven (7), Eight (8). Nine (9). Ten (10), Eleven (11). Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fif- teen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), and Eighteen (18), tn Block Nine (9) in Indian Rock Addition to the City u[ Salina, together with all of the property owned by Parkview South of Elmhurst Boulevard between a point due South of the Southwest corner of Lot Seven (7) in 8aid Blo<:k Nine (9) and a point made by the intersection of the South line of Elmhurst Boulevard and the East line of Indian Ro<:k Addition. the said additional tract to be more accurately described at the time of the preparation of the deed conveying said property from Parkview to P.£.O. 1. The grantee desires to build a home for their membership, which as far as we know would be the only home of its kind in the State of Kansas and would be a substantial asset and benefit to the Salina community. 2. At the present time the land is vacant and it will be neces- sary to erect the proposed structure, 3. It is peculiarly adaptable and suited for such a home by reason of its centrallocatioD and proximity to shopping centers, in- asmuch as many of the, occupants will be without means of transporta- tion, 4. When the home is completed, it will undoubtedly be used for many years for that given purpose. , .. -, 5. The proposed use and erection of the proposed building should not create any traffic problem nor should it b~ detrimental in any way to adjoining properties, 6, The intended use of the property should not be objectionable to the neighbors in any way. 7. The surrounding property values should be increased by rea- son of the proposed building, ' - 8. The area immediately south and across the river is already Zone "D" and there are many commercial and business buildings in or near the center. 9. The rezoning and proposed construction would have no adverse effect on future major traffic thoroughfares. 10. It Is anticipated that the bùl1dinS plans will make ade- quate provisions for off-street parkins. 11. The proposed use will increase the general prosperity and welfare of the neighborhood¡ will create at this tiœe a substantial bOOlll for the City of SaUna, in that the sisterhood plans to spend approxlmate1ya quarter of a million dollars on the erection of said building; 'it will present to Salina and this area women of consider- able means and reputation and will generally benefit the entire coœ.uaity as well as the particular location. ~re ..1<:Lailud information concemins the plans of the slaterhood can be procured frOlll Mrs. John Riddle, Hrs. toku'ray Wilson, Hrs. Tom Lillard, Jr., and other,offlcer8 and directors of the local chapters.