2879 Street Light Westport Exch TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SaUna, Kansas Date Filed: 2-17-66 PETITION NUMBER 'J/"'?7¡ GENTLEMEN : We, the, undersigned, residents and property owners in the City of salina,~ Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for the installation of " street lighting to serve that portion of Westport Exchange, An ( ,V Addition to the City of Salina, which is now being improved with,. i.(p streets and utilities. ~~ \~b Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners will be granted, we are, \1~~~t7 respectfully, 'I FILED BY WESTPORT EXCHANGE, INC. NAME ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION /;: TN(', \¿_~F~Cì- v;.~ RV'~- <,~ L. F. EAToo, Pres dent