3202 Protest Rezoning Riker " \' ! \ ':' ! .' \ ii ' 101m: IID:WRAIH.E BOAR() OF CO:¡¡IlSSIONERS CllY OF :;ALltIA, KM¡S,\S GEN'fLErŒt¡ : Sal1n1, KanBD3 Þatc F1Leù~~~_~~ Pet it 10n llur.her..,.2].¿,~ -, "" I We, the under6!gneù, residents and property o.mers 1n the City of Salina, ¡:Qnsaa, do hereby petition your honon~bl(>.,þody (or the fŒ~;()~ ~~~:~nr.g B\~~~t~~nR~U:/~~~¡ddition.. .f~rn Zone A, single , ra~ dwelling district, to Zone C, apartment distriot.) 'Trusting'tlJDt the prDyera of the petitionerv I-lill be granted, we arc, respectfully, FILED BY WILLIAM P. FITZOrnALD, 503 Crestwood ii Lor :i BLOCK /3 II J/ JI II II do::>;/- , ¡"'-. >,_..-/~ , t' '/.....-'1: I..-1é/ I( T3 k e r- tv1¿Ul£¡ r t - l= 'l___- I - -... - J -------- !i II II ----- .. - ------ :r,¡ , lý , \.- t, i !' "