3184 Amend Zoning Belmont Add ~ ,i:;"",\J,'," ,,:, .,: f)' , ' r ' ~t\;,~/~' ,;/,',,' :""",1, '" " ,,;,' " .,...""" ~~ ~".-,_.- , ~ " !'oo'lc .4,~~- r"gt_,-?!~ ~:. ':':'r' 1'/56- by _.~" 'l'RACT "U!W¿~ T.,O H;";iÎ1dCTl; t\5 Of ¡,I.L Of 'TiiE LOT:> iN ~Ll':;Y.,:> r;í.<!ln:, N IN!:: '!1-), A!.~ ~,¡,;n:." OF bW'.oNT ADDTl'IÔ~ ~~S Tli;.; Cí1i\J';!'UTE C[~y UJ'.I1 ~ Of ~ALU:A, S;.i.IIIECOLfY' KANSAS , Theso reatricllons, iliad.. un,! cntt:rej thi:o; 1 ,.dn:/ (\f--i~"/~<'- lit,l:'y L. ".,r:"~t.la ana Roberl L. l.ori.:U,"l, ~'lfe ,Ind hu~,!:"nd. r \ ~ ' WlTI:r:d:.;¡:.iii, lhall " , 1. :;r,o:rea~, the W\¿er ,lq,ed , ollty L. I'."lri..lr."l an<1 itober\. L, :o\arlpl'a, wI. fe ana huobM,1.i are lhe owner:! of the 'orl,1I On..-hr.l r 0;' th.. lIorth Wes', ~u"rtf'~ of lhe Soulh ~st "uarter' .lS-14-3 (Tratl N2 Cont-atnll!'; 2') Acru) 1If".~l!IOnt "4cUl1.on lo t.he City of $a~ln'I, :hEnc County, Ki\n as; . 2. ~'here;lj, lhe underil,;n.'d d"s\.r s to "rovic'.e fur thf' or'derl,v develop,'!!f'nl of &.:lid real estat~ 03 a r~si""ntlll lU"es or ól:<t,r:I'.'" un"pr, còOl1I.I,ion~ ~mi t.ermJ which ",i:': rl:nder said area a d"c.~r':\ble ,'llld ~:\u'i"lIl rt! !.lid. nliol die I,r icl ",hen fully devt:lopec, 1\1\1; wh I clò ,wi 11 flrol('c I, thp VA \ 1If' of all p/'Opert.;1 I.n :I!Úd area for resido.:nliil\ pur¡')()se; and 3. ~"n~",\:.I; lh~ owner!> of said "d'lit,i.<>!'I has or is ab<>ut to CH... reatl'ict.iuns r'elat.in;'to sal') add,t~on for lhe "ur:'O¡¡~;: as r.~~i~..d. ~ !~ I.. Now, ln~,.erQre, lhe l.IJ'\Qer;;:"6"Ha, in cunsl<l~r"t.,or.s of U:e Cor~~<)ln¡::' premla'!'!. an\i of the l:Iutu.ll' coveOllOt:; BOG aRr~ õ1I~nU herelna~t"!::' stat~<1. ,and t.o be kept and performed, an.:¡ of the [;1utc.?l benef:!, deriv\" I and to be derivl: c\ ana do hereby a¡¡ree t.h"t the r",:<tricticns sh;,ll be <la foll?'ois: ;¡'-"'-., ,~;':;;' . .../ '\\ ,~~~ ,,;,ý'- ~'" !I?.~?l ~h,~~,l,~e.~:;;_~~~i?,~i}\r'!"'f~~-~~'.:!':.~~"lt,,'=~;]2.i~,~,!jJ N? ..~~~l_'ling ',~" II/';'h3!,~~"~,._e,!,~~~~,I_" - ~l~e,.r,~,c ,-~p-t~t,e~IL 01' !~!=",:..~t.~~,'\',;,!:o__r",::;r.a}.~ ._O~L, ~J-.,t.... ~in.e! - '..-' !";: t.han one delae:,e! single fNT,~~,I' dwelHn,; not I,e. e/.celd one and o:1~-halt , ; ~~,~-~~~~:_~~,~~i_i::~~:~::l':~:~~;:~~~;~:~'~:;:a~:'~''::e.~:::~:'~~':~~~~; o,~~~~ l hOU'I~~'~~" conslruclea in these bloci<s, exc lus i "f'. 0 f op"n Ipor';I,er. and gllr"ges', sh311 not " be le,~. thûn 72JJ 8' uûr~ feèl for t....-o-t¡edroC'rI houses ano ,~ S'¡Uo1" r"el for ' ti)rel:-b(dl'OulII houses. , 7. No bui ldin; $hali be 10ca'..'Jd on <10;.' lot. n~ltrer th1n }O Ce"l to the front line, or nearer th&o 1) fef'l to <In;.' sille slr~..t Un'" or neô\rer than R feel 'to an~' interior lot 11n(', . xcept that onl~ a thre" foot side yà:-d, ~ha 11 be r...quir" J for detacr,ed g<lr&£:.. 01' ot.he r pe nJlil' ed acces;'o,r:! b\álcllng locnt...d fort.'.five hl't or IIIOre fron, the l1inllUu,'n buildbg spl bac:i< liMo No dw'!li~n.\ shall be loèaled 'on an"v inlerioT lot. nearer loan 25 feel to the re'ir lot"llnf'. For t.he pu.rpos~ of lhi=, covenant, eavl'.J, steps, and op~n porct,~s sha~l not be const.l".Jed"to penult any parlion of a bui.ldin; on a'lot to f'nerollc!; uÙ:-n a lot owned bj a dlf~erent owner. 8. No dwellin.( snall be erecl"d or plated on any lot ha'lin" a vi.<llh , less than 60 feet at the miniruWII build in~ a...l back Une, nor shall "n1 dwellir16 be ereete-li or,;laced on any lol hayin" an area of less than 6,00) S'luare feet. 9. No b"..':~r., shall b., er..ct,:<d, ,>lace I, "r alter...j on :\11:' lot unt.U the construction plans and specifications ana a plan sho'oilng the localion of the structure have ::>etrÎ ap:>rovd br the arci.ilectu..al, ,control comtT.i l\ ~e a~ to lju.1lil;t of worK3..nship anå mate,riah, ham.ony of e';:lern"ldes:.ln \lith eJlhling struttures, .i.':' ..s ,to loc;"liun with r"'spf'ct. t.o tù"~n¡)h,v and finis!\ grade elev<ltiù~. N::> fenc~ or wall shall be erl'~led, pl~ceJ or altered on any lot. nearer to ;"ny slre.l lhan the minimum buildin~ set back line unless similarl;.' approved. ì ' , I' 10. The archil~clu.r,al contr-ol to:rvllil',e'o< Î:'I cO~,' ~d of ~orge C. E.th~ringtonJ lie,llj L. Marietta, and Robert L. I'.ariell,a. ~,1 the evenl of, ùealÌl or resiðf)ation of any member of tht' cocn..nil.l,...~, t' , re:Dúñin,~ mcmber-s .:ihùl nave full aulhùrity lo duiUlate a ~~c';es50r; \,::,"'.i h"u::" has been constructed on each lot, of this lra.;l only, thi 6 co;r.TIl'.' 'l \lill ceas"! to' ex.l \t. '1'he c:OII¥Üllee', a:}proval or dlaappr.:.oval &5 re"l.LIrea in lheae co~èn.;nla sh,all be in wril:ng. In the event. the co~-:úllee fa.ila to aoprove or dil&:>prov'e within 30 days 'fter' plana and apeei;:c;1 ,;O~," have been ¡: II \" c' :"';,~!',',I ' '~. J i " I ' ¡ I I i ! ,. " ¡ ~ " .".' ",/'~ '/ ,. ,/' -h- I\ook ,-~P:\g~ ¡,:I, -, ~-tj I sbbr-J.t' ,ct to 1\-,"or In any ",,'ot if no 6u11, to enjoin the con,truction hu be~n col1¥,l:nc,d prior to the col.lpll:Uoll thl'rt:of, :\pflrovill ~ll not be relluirecl and t.he related covonant.s shall be de, llòCÙ ~o haY ! bun fully col1lj)li..,¡ ."ith. 11. EaseClent3 for inst.allo.t.lon and lI!a1nt31nance of utillti,..'s are ruer~d for the U&(! of ut1l1\.1..s and are reoerved for dr8ina~~ purpos"o o""r the rear 10 feet of each lot. or as shown on r"corded plot. 12. U~ no~ous or off~n31ve acliv\lL~s sh~1~ be carried on uoon any lot, nor 'hall Mytnlnfi be done thereon whlch may be or 1M] become anno;.'anct! or nui,...nclI l,~ the nei¡;hl'orhoA. 13. No st.rllct.urv of a temyorar,l charActer. traLlere, basf':!\('nt~, tenllS, ehack, gl\r,'.;e, bam, or ot.her oul. bui.hI1n6:1 shall be used on MY lot. at any t.Î1lll1 as a resictellce tlr phc~ of budne,;., elth..r te;t\porarlly or perlll~nent1;.'. j, 14. No anlmals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be ralso-rl, bred or kept on any lot, except that dOgR, e~ts, or other hous~hol~ pet~ may ., be ke;>t prov1úel\ that lhe.)' are not. kept, bred, or maintaine\.! for MY commercial ;>urpllse. ' . .. " l~. No lot shall be Us....¡ or m.Ül\taineli as 8 d...-plng groun1 for rubbhh. Trast" glU'bagf' or other waste sl\,111 not b" ke::t eT.ce~t 1.n .anitar,)' contdners. Ai, inc1~r.1t.ors or other t'¡u\plDent for stora!".e or dl:<"oeal of ,;ucl., mat.erial ~hall be kept. 1n a clenn an\! eanlt~ry cøndltlon. 16. No 1ndlvidu:,l .ewa~e-di"¡>osa.l 6yst.cr~. shall be ,,~rm',l'c i on ,n:"'- lot. 17. No oil <ir;ll:n~, oil de-v'eloj)~('nt ouer¡¡ttons, oil rer:n~n,;, qH~,:'r;.'i or IÙnin, oper:'l'.:;n" of an~' kin,} shall be perrùt.led upon or in ,ny lot, nor shilll oil will::;, ta.ni<s, tun:,...i¡;, IlÚneral e.:c:,vaUon:s or sh"fts be permil:ed upon ( !" in IIny lot. No derrià or otll~r stru:t"lre dl::-.ll91ed tor USII 1n boring for oil or n,,"ural 6i1S ..h:lll be erect~LI, In.'I\nt,Üned or permilled urlOn any lot. 18. lio fence, waJ 1, hel~e or shru:> plMU~,~ whic~ olislru.:l;. drht lines at elevations bet'",- n 2 anc 6.'feet above lh" roaåwaj's shall he plAced or permltted to rl':nain on an,' corner lot ,,'ithin the triiU1lul',r are3 forL~ed'l>r: the 'Itr~'t pro;>erly ¡inps ana " lint' con\¡('cli,nc~ : hem at. points 2~ fel'\. froll) the int"r",ect ion. .)f the st.reet l1n~'s, or in ; h.' case Qf A rt:>un.:i", I "ropf'r~,... corner f;-o"! thl' lnU'r- ScCI ¡or, of Ii,!.' ~tr..' t "r,wert.,' lints ,'xtc'nJ..d, The u;vnc sl.'hl-Unp. lirùl.¡¡tions sha; appl,\' oll'Any lot ...itl:in 10 feet frol" t:r,' :.ntc',-,'ecli",-¡ of a' st:-..et nro~e-rtý line- with tht: edge of a dr1vP.wl\,v or ¡¡Hey paVe:TIl'nt, t-:o tree shall be. per;~;lIer1 I,U relU<1in ",itl;in slieh distances o~ ~uch inlf'.rsceliG:"Is unl~,s lh.. fol1:\I":- l~nf! i, lIIaintÜno I at sufneipnl h~iðll, t,; prevent ohslru::ti,on of such 5ifht lin"s. i! l'J. No b'Ül'li.n:; sh:lll be plnce' nor shall A:"I:I :-:'3teri.',,1 or refu~.. be place:! or :slore-\ on 81\V lot within 21) fp.et of the "ro"ertj linn of any, p1rk or ed¡.;" of n:1 op"n wat.,,:' cours.., except. th:.t cl",vo ni1 Ø1i1,.v be Dll\c,.j nt:arer provid..; lhi,\ lho' ,water cour~e i~ not RHereLl or block,,'¡ to:, such !tll. I ! I I I I J 2\). 7he art';! ( e:)cri~e': a~ a tract of 1'1110 in th~ SoUl heast '.u'rl.~r (:..t,,~) of St'c~iun Twellt~'-fiv" (2~), ToWTIs~ip Foùrlet.n (11.) SoI,th, ¡(¡,n/;... .Tnre... (~) ;,cst of the :>hth Pr~nd?:Jl l'IericiJ.n, de~cri.Led a~ fol;Qws: 8e¡.;inn1n,- at a ¡>oint "hi.:t, i~ on lh~ Nort,\ line of t~,.(' Sout~.ta3l ~,u"rt.,r (:>1::,:) of Seclio~ ";'went,./- fbe (2~), iu,,'n,>oi,., tourte-n (14), Soull., kanl'." Tnref' (,,) """$\ of 'he :>~:{ln ?rineip:.ù t'.crioii"r" t.h.. :.'..m" :.Iso hein Sevf:n'/-':Ìt:nt a.'; f..,ur-t'!nt'Js (7Q.i.) r....t. ""':,f of th" liorU...,u\ co:"....t of s¡¡in Southeast ...u;:'ter (SI::.); tllI'nce'South FUll-three dc,:ree:;, .(0 lliinoll..s ~Jo2Qt) Ì\e:;l ð distance of One Tnou~"nd Nin..lv- :,¡~'v'm :.00 e~,;iot-tcnt.ros (LN?'1) ffOlt more or l...s: to the :>o\.;th Ene of \hc So~th ¡hI\' (ii.!) of ¡he tior\r.t';.:¡t ,ual'ter (:('¿.) 0:' said $oUli-"',H ...'',,,,It":- (S::~); Ih('n~e \i~:)t aloll6 ~aiù Sout:, Hnt: a di:;tilnct of ¡Iorc'c Hul¥.lrc:d Sixty-""v,n (')(,'1) r....t a\Jre- v,: lc:;:i to tho; ""qs'. Ene of $aid Norlh 1l1I1! (:\~) of ,the Norti~ E,,~t '-u:>'Í"ler U;i:.;.) of Sil~": :>Out!,en:,t ..ui:,t..:- (S¡.;.:)¡ thÞn.~e North ,Üon~ 9R1d ""'...st line ¡¡ ai:.tat'.c" of Six lIuMrt'd Si:<.t;:-onc, Ant! :.ewr.-t(",t~:, (6:,1.7) fe.'t ltIO:'e or l~ss to the tiorlt.wesl corlll:r of "..1<1 liol'llo ",,11 (r;~) of lh~ tiort.he:.:; ...u:.~t~:" \',1::') of sa:'.; $ollt:¡I':""t ...u..rter (Si;.;;); lhcnc.. cas'. ..lono: ;,t.!.' oo:,lI; Ii,-¡, of said r;"rth lIa! f (N~) of lh.. Norlt.~:JIil .,u1,:-t..r (;'¡;'.) of s"la Sout;'('Hl -ua:"'.~r:, (:;~;',> a db',;,nce 0:' ,,'ric' Too\.;:;,!11 T',.o HW1cired Fort;:-t"o a1o<.I t...o-l..nli::;. (~;.'..2,2) f....t O:"e or ld:>~ to tnl ;.oin,- of behinnin,:¡ s,Ü<1 tr..c' coot :.:\~r,: 1; ,51. ilcr~' 1".<)1'" or 11::;:.;, in oeJ.1"..olll ÁdLli.liun"to tit" City of Salin:., S:¡line- (;OlJ.".t:... Ka.nsas, is to be use,} o¡xclu,.iv,-:¡ :'or sck,;¡l p;.rj1¡;:":\ by th' S,lina Board of L<1\1C.1t¡on. \' I i: I' t, (,