3241 Sewer Lakewood Add " " TO TUg I!O~OItJ\DL~; IIO,\R ) OF CO:¡:'I1SSIO~ERS CITY Of S^LIN^, KANS^S GI:.'NTIÐIEN: Sa lin.l, K..ns<ls Date filed !)}ð_k~j, '\0 LJ.2."J, . ' Pel it ion Nutlber .3z'l/ We, tIle unders iencd, res idents and proper ty o\;ncrs'- in the City of Sa lina, Konsas, do hereby petition your honor<lble body for the ,~/tæ'~ 1. LA~h':~:oi) .Åb )\T\C>N'- " - .;hutt'Ííî ß«v1V) -þ, ð{t\,~ Trusting thnt the prayers of the petitioners ::~::o::"~ tL, 4jZvt-- NAME ADDRESS - ---- ------- -- - --- - -- --- ---- - -------- '_h --- -- h --- - -- - --- ------ -- ---- --- --------- ,- ;i -- - --- ___h - -- I. I' I" i , -- ----- -- --- - ----- will be granted, we are, LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,- - ----- -- --- I --- -- -- -- _.--~ -- ---- h ------ ------ - ---- .' ----- --- -- :----~---- ---------L---- ------- --- ----- ' Ii -- I, - , ,.\ , i I i I . I \- I i I I , ¡ \ I I I I I I' I I , ,. ¡; ,. ,: