3229 Amend Zoning Schilling Sub TO THE IIOIIOHABL[ BOAHO OF CO/'HISSIO/IŒS " C\1Y or SALltI^, Y,NISAS GEtlTLWEtI : I: S¡sllna, ¡r~jn:,òs Date Filed_--____-- Pet it ion flU'T\\.¡~rQn~ - :..\'ie, the undersigned, ro....ldents aod propert'f owners in tho Ci ty of Salina, Y.ðnsas, do hureby petition your honorablG oody for the r~zOJdn(J of thq i\(Jst <1l~ I',,~t of Bloc!; six (G) in the Schillinq Su\;divi3ion to the city of ~;alina f!:on~ 'loone "P.Ll'." (plannecl-IndIH;trial Park) to '!.on8 "F" (I,i<Jht Industrial). tJA.l.\E ACDIU SS LOT BLOCK -- AOjl TlO:~ ~":,,; ~;:~," .p:.~ -- ;,; t~g. ~.~~..}l. "~~ ~.~:_~-i.-;_"l\_:_':",-_'l~---~-;~~ ~- (~[ ) 10_ct,.JL ~ --- -- --- 1. -- .J;c . 1 li.ru..U uÞdi.'lis1.QIl.---l. .. ... - .0 o~::j=~o ~= --: o. ~=- 0 -- - =- -:-~=~=- ~ -----------: --i-------- --- - ~~- -~-------- - ¡------ ----- ------- -- --+ -- -- ---- -- ---- : .. Trusting that the prayers of the petitioners wi II b~ respectful Iv ' st,LI~HI'~'l;'-IJ¡~¡o~r~ .. F I LED ßY .-!iY-~ q.zc:¿'cLLJ.f-~Æt.J!f! ~;'I ¡S/t/", --- -- ------ - - -- ----- - --- --- ¡ . .~. =-:~~~ . - . . ---=1=- - ----=~=-- ,=-o--=~~-~~=~ 0 [-~~ =-~~ -~~~~ ,------_u_-- - ---- -- u_---- ----- -- - granted, Wi! af(:, ;' --- -- -----~-- --------- ----- ------ ,--------- - - ---- ------' -- ------ - -- ----- - ------ -- - - - -- - ----- -- ____0___-'- __0- ___h___-- - ---- --- ------ ----- _u_--------- - ------- ---- ,- --- - --~'o_---- --- - -------- ---- -- ---- -----,---- -------- -------- --- ----,----------- -------- ------------ ---~- - - - - ------ - 0 __00 ------ -'------ -- -' -- ---_u- -- -- - --- ------~ --~---t --~-~~---~~-- : -. ~' ~: -( \, 0, , I I I \ I \ I I Ii I ï , Ii ., - ..r' \: APPLICATlOII FOR N~rr;oNEln TO lIIE C II Y ZOIi IfIG WIp SALINA, KANS/'S . PUll 1011 NUrmlR --3221 ~~~~r2~~~ $2~%-~;-'B-ATÈ~riffJ-:])~~~/~ IIEARI/IG OATC"':-:=--_~.f\ìu\~\, do', I-)'Iï~-== The Salin:! City Planning ColTl11ission deems it necessary to have the infomation requested below as complete as possible., Previous zoning petitions have been tabled.or denied because of insufficient infon~tion. This is a general form for all rezoning requests: if there is other data, not requested on the fonn, ~Ihich you feel is pertincnt"to your request, please note saMe on ~uestion'#14 and file it with the form. d' .If ~ore space is' needed, please use the back of the form, 1. Applicant's ~~me 5¿èJ-q.-/Jù'-f-ú~~A,::~I~ ifY,' ---_. --- - 2. Applican't's addressß/c/q1~al>Iro_A"r:p'(.1J ,tJ.,<.J~JrN¡-J C/1k-'/ I / .:.-:5oIF>'~ Ç','ð,¿£., 3. Telephone nun'ber (lioneL__--___----,- (Business) TJJ Z-3 '/ /-'1- 4. legal description of property requested to be rcloned: A. lot ------ - BlockWðl4/.F'1'1 BAtk.6 Addition 5cl.-d,J!f 3U¡¿_'Yt~,~Ç>1 B. Metes and bounds description if not Platted{~_¿'!y_eJl :;¿'l¡'ñ.-~~ --- ------- - -------------- - --", Ñote-:u-r( not plaÙed,- ã- Surveyor'-s CerYï'fic-ate [rust be fiÎed with- the a-ppH- cation, showing building locations and easeMents. 5. Area (in square feet or acres) of property (;../ (p A¿ít?___---- 6. Property OI'lner's hame Jçlf,)JÇl Ai.'f{ðr! Au)j._~ý/ 1y , ------ 7. Present zone and use of property £-.1.- P. ~!X.2--k.l~ ------ 8., Proposed lone and use of property Zf!'}.Tf: 4'-7 hI-. £1~lvJk~j)--;-.__-c 9. Is there soMething special (other than owners~ip) about the area in question that makes it more feasible to rezone this aréå rather than atte~pt tó acquire property presently loned for the type of use intended? Please specify--~ .£.ypa/l,i (t:.~ -f _Ii j¿ý? ,I" " C - .A?:tr!.~'1(: E- r.~ú, ~é?!!~!,:b .:!(Ç-?; 1 '- h ¡bC:- hc~ ;..-- 5v,' c"d~6"'1 I?L P, 10. Supply factua data sho~lÌng need for rezoning in this areae~¿Lll~",,_¿A"'oir ¿Li¿1f72~d ¡'}L:li('-~ -/~ .J.VJ:(:<-_-?ð-rlc'_,f /N£>vl.d be" hléZL<;k.>/rc'-r'i b/~ 11. Are there any restrictive covenants on the property which ~lOuld affect the .. - 'intended use if the property ~Iere rezoned? -~ - ---- .. ,(Attach a copy of the covenants and/or deed restrictions if any are--iñ-effect.) 17. Supply factual data showing the effect the proposed zone and use will have on present and future traffic flo'(/._fÝP~hC!.:>""¡C- , --- , ' -- ------ --- ---- ---------- --- ------'--------- -- -_.- ' , 13. Will there be sufficient off-street parking provided for a ~ore intensive use? \/ðS --- --- --- ----- - ----- -- --, ---T-'" . - L List exhibits or plans',sub~dtted: ,,-----_.. ----- ------- 14. u_- ----- -_u_--------- -- - ---- ,::$flh-t1, Ar'YPc",~l A~¡41"-;-/Y ~ /?Ai-J//7 . I K:;J;."'<:"" ~-:Y~ ä:-¿f &;c7Z..i!/y r :¡Property o~merJs signature ~i 'i")"/..-.~/AkF~ 4u. -J..//(;v;_.L - -- ~lf :.:> 'J¿(j;þç 1J - . 7' - .;-¿.~.-:::_----~ ~f7!.I't¡rl Applicant s signature -I' " Planning Depa~t~ent Review: Initials. --- Date -------