3656 Dev Interstate District ; I 1/ '- \( I't:ï'l'I'IOjJ ::0. ,-, }(....:';: ~.., - -- --u_, )fl']'!; "1).1:1) {' -¡'f--'-' 1'11,1 t:(; 1"El;-1Þà_~,~-~-=~ --- -\(I:l:I¡¡r':T2_<izi_~~ 1I1'1'1.IC(I'1'lO;¡ I'O\(' SIJII )IV I:;IO:! -------- ---- - - ------ ----- --- , 1. Ndrr,e 01 Sulxlivi!>ioJl: Inlerslale lJisll"Ìel Norlh of 1-70 --..----------, - -- - ---- -- --____h_-- -- -- --- -----u_- ---------- 2. Localion of Subdi'¡i!;ion: t\orlh of IHanond IIrive allll \-iesl of U.S. aL - ------_....'--- - - __n ------ - ----------- --- u_-,--- - - --î;- J. Ll~(Ja 1 I)C!õcI: i plioll: A p,1rl of the ¡;asl EII;hly-fo",' Acres (E 8ftA) of the Northeast Qua r ler (N¡;/ fl) of Sect Ioilni id,>,': lîv¡:'- 05 )-;--To"'I¡sli i ¡¡--nïì r let,i.-O JJ ;--Raiigi:i'llífï~ë"(J) - W:_~-~'-"o~ t1~e--~~I!_I.':- :" ~_~~~_~I~: _~~H~I,-tX-!_~~!~~.::-~ '- :,1~ ~:.h--~~_'~_re -~:I,':...t~.':u_La_r~ y ~~scr !_~~~..:9 foLIO'..:s: BegInnIng al the Sollth",est corlle" of said East 8-'. Acres; thence North along the \~esl L ille thereof, 12fl(), L5 feet; lhellct! East lJ09.20 feet; thence South 657 feet; tiïê-IΡ:é --¡;õ-Ili:lï 71-(,° ¡ò1--i~ësl~ - 5ï2.õin',:(;¡:;- lhcîiêeNM-':ïïlj'ô'ðõli'õõn-¡:¡ësl;- îö: 22lëfii: ¡-_. thence Sollt1I1~l'slerly ,lion!: a curve to the left wilh a raJius of 306.72 feel, 133.32 fCel ;- li'l'nce- Soûliï-SJ"f¡P Tl"I¡C;¡C--1 n;ó6-ìëël; - tliellë-ê-Šò-úï.TlwcslerlT'líõïig it -ëïïrvë- [0 the rIght 'w\lh a rilllilis o[ 32L.~0 feel, 68.16 [eel; lhl'l\(~e North 00°00'00" West, , 5 -...Tr-,'el ;--lï;cïi;:e-s~-; -lhw;;LC;lŸ -~YÕ-I;~'~;c;;rv;;- tõ--the ï'iBïït -;4-iÙ~-r;ïdi~'-sof-52i-:90- f~c.!'_,- _!:'..! .].!.l~~~..L~l~~.s~- ~O_lI_l.!I__Q~OO~°.9~'- t:~t-,-~9.J.':~_t.L_l.!~IIC<:,.!I£~t...~.Q- feet to_~h~ poilll 01 lJeginnill¡:, said tract colltaini,ng 29.7 acres, C1Ore or less ---- ---- -------------- -.~------------ ----',1----------------- n------------------------ ------..------------------------..---- - - -------- - -- ----------- - - - -------_..- -- -- ----- .------ - - -- -- ------ -- - -- -- ---- -- ----- ----- -- -------- -- . --- --..-- - ----U"-_U-- - --- n--_------" U_------------- - - --,------- <1. Land ^rea (!>q. Ll. or acres): 29.7 acrl'S ------ on - --- ---- ---- - ---------- ~; . l'I'('!;cnl: i',oninl : ---- ---- - ---------- ------ ---- - ------ - -- .._--------,-, 6. P )'oposed Deve loplnen l (describe) : Nost of property shouLd be zoned C-6 --- ---- - ------ -- -----.. ---- ---- -- - - ------ (Heavy Coo:nerciaL). Lol 8 of the propos~d pIal (10 acres approxi!3ately 500' X 873' _u- ------------ ------ --- --- - ------ --- - -.. -------_u ---- ------- -- ..- - - ----- in"lhe Soull\1.:cst coln(>r of the tract) should be zolled 1-2 (Light IndustrIal) wlll're ------------------------------- ---- ---------------- -..------------ lhe contl';r.plaled usage includes'lhc assl'mbl}', fabrication, nanufaclure, servicing, - u ---------------_..----'--------- ----_u..----------------- ---- ------ ---- wholesaling, retailing and trading of (arm imp1l'fLents, equip¡;¡(>nt and l'Jotor vehicLes --- --_----_--_n__---- -- ---..---- --------- ------ ..--_n- -- - - -------..- -- --- ---- - ----- h_------ -------- - ----- - ------ - - ------ -- ...."---- --- ----- __n---- -------- ---- ----_..--. 7. Subdivid~r's Harne: Sl'e atlaclments - ---- ----- -- --..-- .. ---- ---- --- --- Ad<ll'ess: Phon(~ : --_n ----- 8. PrOpl~rty Ovlner' s NiI[;1c: See attach!3ents ------------- --------------- n ----- - Address :-, Phone: ----- -- -.. .._u_------- _....---- --- - _h ------ 9. EnginccI' or Sur:veyor's !~amc:' L. n. Slrowig' , ------------ -----.------------ l\dd n,!>;s : l21L Sunrise nrive, Salin,), Kansas 67401 Phone: 827-9631 .- ------ - -- ----..... - ----- _--On ------------- 10. ^UllIOI, i z(~d Ilepre,;cnl-al iVl!' s Narne: .101m \L ~lizl' - - ---.. --- - -----u_---------- - !Itleh'cs!;: po:!':.~ffi<:.~!--~?;.: L)lI~.!.._Si'J.i~a.L.!':!~~sas 67401 ¡>holll~: _~21--:~_~~?_.. " 'rh(~ ilpp.li(:ant hc.'cb", ccl'lifi<.':; lhat he is familiar ',.¡jth all pcovi:;iof!!; of the subdivision (('< lIlations and he illteml:; to COI:1p]y l,'ieh U,P PIO\', ons thc)'(~in. '\I'~:I~;~~;Jll:I~~) ðI:. t(j '7/{t ' -~ ~----- ~~~~"_----__æ~,-----"-"""----"---- of the fully - ----" - -- ---- 1 ,r. (;'..,,'. 'J/"" i I ! ¡ i i i ¡ i I \ ! i I ¡ I I I I ! I I ¡ ,~ , ¡ I I I I I J ! i I \ ~ ':. ,- TO: 'IIIE BOAI:\) OF CO:l'IISSIO><EI:S ANI) 'IIIE PLMHJH;C Cml~IIS:}ION OF Tim LIlY OF SALINA TIll' "llIll'l'sigl1l'd ",mers of the East Ei!:hty-ïour (ElF.) ac,'es of QuaL'll;r (NElf,) of Section lhirty-five (35), Tcwnship :Ihirteen OJ) Hange Three (3) \{pst of the 6th P. II. ("Tract"), in Saline Coonty, Kansas, I-equest yollL' lIono,'ahl.c Bodies to: lhe Northeast South, (I) Incorpol'ate aLl portions of the Tract not nOH in the City into the City I,it:\llsj (Li) {ezone any and alL portion,; thereof or to approve the sarte or any part thereof as a PLanned lIl'vclop,wnt U¡'¡trict 1111IIpr lile Zoning OnJinances l)f the City pllrsllallt to ,,:nd ill accord Hith the reqllest of John Ii. Nize, or other attorneys I'e'luesting rezonillg on our behal f; a~ ' ¡I (iii) ¡\pprove a pial or pLats of the Tract or any part thereof pursuanl to ,11HI in accord with the re,íuest of John Ii. }lIzl' or other attoL'l¡eys requesting apl'rovaL on our behalf. II He hel'el>y ('at ify and conf irn all acts, requl'sts and (,(,presentalion made or to l>e made in our behalf hy John \L l1ize or any other attorney associate,1 with the said John \{. Hize. I', " Additionally, H" authorize and ernpOHer John II. }fize to execute in our lIaree,and stead all plats, certificates to plats or other dOCIIDcnts required as a condition of the Tract, or any part thereof, being incorporated, pLatted, replatted, rezoned or platted and utilized as a Planned lJevelopGlent íHstrict "ithill the City. nolle as of July 7, 1977. ~-,J:-t¡Ç':~';'~'lc" ,:.,-_idlr:?_~L--~- S,tev'en50, n Sch~)dt 'I / ' -'~!!l~~~~! l jfiJ~_)!.._----- ------- Jhro s P. }Iizr>, Ind, ij..~dually and as Trustee ~~' --~ -e- Ï)or-u'tÎ;ylïizl; - -- ~--- - --- (3--- (, Atte;;t: ' CO,'" mc: &, If) By: ~--- _Ji!Þ.~:?-..--~-~_._- c. I.. Clark, President , (I ,ic1JL,-J d:u~;{ -_:..- tr.e S¡;¡i tit, See ~etary 1 /ll '¿<- - '" J ,,{ //./"',' ,/,;;7/.-. ~>¿:~/!- =< <.~s-/< .." J - ---..-- -- --------- - - ---- - -----" -- -------- '_""'~' -' C_'"~ ~-\~ -- - --- --- C. L. Clark, trustee II I, I,\, ¡ I t, " '1\ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF /)1"('1,,) VOtLlL. , , ss. BE~IT REMEMBERED, that on this /~)rdayof JVf¡-~ ' 1977, m~,the undersigned, a notary public in and for the cou ty and state aforesaid, cam~STEVENSONSCHMIDT, who is personally known to me to be the same person who. executed the within instrument of writing and such person du:Ly acknowledged the execution of the 'same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1. have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal, the day.and year last above written. ðfJ~ STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF SALINE, .ss. IT REMEMBERED, that on this 7; ri dayofÇL¿-f, , 1977, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for t~ cokÍnty and state aforesaid, came JAMES P. MIZE, individually and as Trustee, and DOROTHY MIZE, his wife, who are personally known to m" to be the same persons who executed the within instrument of writing and such persons duly acknowledged .the ex"cution of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have notarial seal, th" day and year last set my hand and affixed my written. ~.. """" ¡'EriOMA J. lfWlS li;Iiji'l.(;O\inty, KG. IIJc..EI9.11tef 11\,11178 STATE OF KANSAS,COUNTY OF SALINE, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this ;; [t. day of (;:{;ok~" , 1977, be£or.e me, the undersigned, a notary publíc in and forth~ c6íÍnty and state aforesaid, came C. L. CLARK, PresidentofCL'S, lNG" a corporation duly organized, incorporated and existing under and by virtue of the laws of Kansas, and JANE SMITH, Secretary of said corporation, who are personally knöwn to me to be such officers, and who are personally known to me to be the same persons who executed, as such officers, the within instrument of writing on behalf of said corporation, and such persons duly acknowledged the execution of the gam~ to be the act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,' 1. have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year :Last above mentioned. ",,:;:~.... lfNOMI\ J. lfWIS Saline Cuunly,Ks. ,",yCtmI1>.. Elp. Mar ¡~.1978 STATE OF ARIZONA, COUNTY OF PIMA, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this '.-.!Lday of 4..J~--- , 1977, me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for th.f counQ) and state aforesaid, came IRENE W. CLARK, who is personally known to me to be the same person who executed the within instrument of writing and such person duly acknowledged the execution of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal, the day and year last above written. ~~.'.Æ:k~r' My Commission Expires May 6, 1980 - 2 - STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF SALINE, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 7d day of,,~- , 1977, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the cÓÙnty and state aforesaid, came C. L. CLARK; Trustee, who is pe(sonally known to me to be the same person who executed the within instrument of writing and such person duly acknowledged the execution of the same as such Trustee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal, the day and year last above written. :¡; "~fI¡¡MI\ I, LEWIS ¡¡¡line Co~nty, Ks ::" "'", iIIy(:emm,b~,M,, ~,1978 ,..' - 3 - 10: 1111: BOARIJ OF Cm~11 SS IO~I:RS A~f 1m: I'I.ASN 1I:G cm::lIss 10:-1 OF 1m: CLTY OF SALIN,\ I: The IIIHkrsigllc,\ arc I'eeol'd O¡;lIl'r!> of a olle-elghth (LIS) Lnlerl'st in the East ELght>'-lolir (E8f,) acl"I'!> o( the I:orlhl'ast qu,Htl'r (~I';lf,) o( Sectioll 1hirty-five (]',), TO>lI1ship 1hirtcl'1I (13) South, Hange lhrec (3) \-iI'St of tile 6th 1'. II. ("rract") , ill SaLIn\' Connty, Kansas, alld an, seLLlnl; said illten'st to O.'S, INC., IInder contract, and fllrther rerluest your Ihmorahle Bodies to: (i) Incorporate alL portions of the Tract not now In the City Into the Oily J,imits; (IL) H<,zonl' any alld alL portions thcreof or to approve the s¡\n:e or allY part thereof IIlIder till' 'ZonIng Ordinallccs of thc CUy pllrsuant to alld i'll accord with the n'/Illest of ,Iohll W. Hi7.e, or other attorneys H!<luesting rezonillg on 001' behalf; and " (ill) Approve a plat or plats of the Tract or any 'part thereof " pllrsllallt to all..I In accord IJIlh thn requcsl of John W. t117.e o~ other attorneys requesting approval 011 0111' hehaLf. I~e here!>y l'atily and collfirn aLL acts, I'eqllests "nd represcnt,1tion mad" or to he matII' ill ollr hl'ha I f hy John IL :Ii 701' or any other attorney associated Idth the said John \~. :11701'. A,lditionaLly, "e authorize and I'rnpO\';Cl' John II. lli7.1' 10 I'xecllte in 0111' narr,e and stead aLl plats, certificates to pLats or' other docllr:¡ents rl'qllired as a' ,'onditioll of th,~ Tl,¡ct, or any pari thereof, being in- eoq)or"ted, pLaUed, ~~p\¡ltted, rezolll'd or platted and IItilized within the City. Uonl' AIIgll5t 11, L977. U~ ~Q ~_u~_u~~¡ ---- _.~- ~ Win is 7l7.r£"-¡!.~~L -f:. - -.~i¡¿4~ ~ - ---- - - Harjoriif:' Curtis, t:¿,/~~þ'_¿~g4.tÆ!f:---_~ ------ ,J ".\dley 1::/ Johnsoft Trustees of the (;)adys C. Grant Trust No.1 STATE OF K,~,SAS. COUNTY OF SALINE, SR. , C/ BE IT HE}IEHBERE[J, that on this ..//:,-- day of August, 1917, before me, thl' undersigned, a notary pllhlic in and for the collnty and state aforesaid, came GEORCE H. CURTIS, t1ARJORIE E. CURTIS ANi) AIILEY I:. JOIINSO~, ",ho arc persolla I I Y kno"l1 to 1':1" to he Trustees, as aloresaid, and who are pl'rsollaLly knO\m to n'e to Iw Ihl' sane pe!'sons tJho executed tit<' ...ithin inst rlln:ent of \Hiling and such persons dÚIy acknowleúr,eú the cxeclltion of lhe same as such Trustees. IN HITNESS h'1tEREOF, I have hereunto set oy hand and affixed oy notarial se,lL, the day and year last above ",rill en. ---- ---- ...,,5,';-.,.( lHiO"A J,tEWIS .1' 'L Sat"" OJcolf, Ks :"'~ NJc<¡'.....,h~1W 1~,I91. ..""" __L.\.~~~,-,~_a,:æ__------- , .---? .F ç, I I I I i " I I I " I, ,\ \ " ~, THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS , OVERSIZED AND . IS BEING FILMED . IN SECTIONS TO :.' I I .." .. INSURE \ ... .. COMPLETENESS I. , AND I . . ,. .' , ; . CONTINUITY . P.IO55 N,339 (. " ; , . ¡, 1 II ~ . I. II .. ;: : II END OF OVERSIZE DO,CUMENT p. IO5~ 1I.33~ (REVISED JAil 1993) I' II ,. c. .. \ I' 1\ , (, ~ " ::