3634 Dev Sunset Plaza Addition . '<";;1~r:=q" . "~rr:1?~:::" . .\-~,~,:,:,;~~~-;~--~,~,~-"F:""'" :/'~~}"'-" -'.' ..,~: -"-'-'J[."'<-'s.' " " PI-:'l'ITION NO. ::~,."/ DAn: f'ILED (ìl')'}/ / ":¿~/J{~. FILING FBf: $5'f).f)O RECPT. '~ < APPI.ICATION FOR SUBDIVISION 1. Sunset I'laza Addition and the Rep1at of Lot J Name of Subdivision: IHock 3, I:iverdale Additioll, City of 51111na, 1'5 2. Location of Subdivision: ill SF lIt" Sec. 13, TV.S, r3\'~ 3. Legal Description: ße~, at pl. 2003' Hand 30'S of SI: cor. !I 1/2, SF 1/1" 13-14-3, th. pm;tel'iy, S89° 27' 25" F, 793.36'; th. southerly_, 5000 09' 13" ", 1\ 265.70'; tho easterly S89° 27' 25"-. E 360.00'; tho southerly, SOOo 09' 1)" E, 602' 1; th. lIortln.:estcrlyon ace to rt w/rol,J. of 500.69' and on arc to 1<-ft ~I/rad. of lW3,R4'; a dist. on both arcs of 398.29'; th. nortlmestel'ly, N 700 00', 00" 1',71,1.11': tho northerly, N 000 32' 3,"- Y., to the pt. of beg. ----- -.-_u.---------.---- nn - ----- 4. Land Area (sq. ft. or actes): Present Zoning: -~s ll,.68 acres 5. " 6. Proposed Development (describe): II andlor professional offices IHstrict P--3 for fi1ulti-fal'li,ly dl<ellinp.s II -~------ -- ----- '" ,~-- ---.-. -.- " 7. Sunset Plaza, Inc" attn: l'11t Bolen Subdivider's Name: Address: 148 South S11nta Fe 7-0391 Phone: 8. Property Owner's Name: S,1r1e ¡ Address: .------U' ---- 9. Bngineer or Surveyor's Name: Address: Box 28 Phonc: Wilson b Conpany, altn: 1>.. Þ. Rid:lefs _____--n---_-- -- - Phonc: 7-9325 or 7-0433 10. Authorized Reprcscntativc's Name: same Address: Phone: .--- Thc applicant hereby certifies thù't he is familii1r \-lith all of thc provisions of the Subdivision Re<juli1tions and hc intends to fully comply Hith thc provisions therein. Al~plic:lJ)t (s) SignatUl-c: ----~)+~~ C:-.-d Pat Bolen, Sunset P111z3, Inc. _n_-_' (HeV. 9/7<1) .. (, i ! i I , i ì ¡ I I i ! ì ì I i I i I í I I ' ! .-, ,:' Ii