3752 Dev Channel View Addition . , :) ,. . . )., . ~~ '/-~-ií7<J h:Ì-ilion ¡iv. ------~~J.~?_------ \11te riled _M<M~,t...Zq--I_(I.l<)--- - , filin~ fee 5.6.-t..!-Q-- Hecpl. P ._1t¿()-;'fl- 5- .:.1.q-) 'I h______------'--'----'------- ---------- -- _.h_" .----.------------------'-------------__--___n____--_-..- "n- ----- -- -- ------ ... -----,. --- -- u --.. - ---.. --, - h- -. - .. - . - - . --- . - - -- --- -- - --- -- -- - - ----- ,.----- --- __h__h_--_---- " ! " [IJ'PJ..1_Ç,I\.1-'9J( J9J~- ~UJ3Q.tLLS.19R l. 2. Subdi vi s ion Uillne ---_G)L<!fl.twl V !~~{! _A~¡9At,i QtL -- - - - - m - - _m - - - ----------- , - , " Subdi vi s ion Locil lion (Generill) __--lOP-'?:'QQ --!31_ocl:~__CJ.¡~'2t1CJ--ß<?i1~- -- ------- 3. 'Le~¡¡l ()(lslTipt.ion (¡\ltach I\ddiliolli\1 Sheeb if lIecessilry) _u_-----------_--__h__- Ler.,al Descl'Ìp\..ion I\\..tached, - ----------"----- ..--m__- ------ -..--- - -_--____h__----- __--_h__- ---- ------___-_-h_- --"- - -------- ----- ------ -------------- ------ ------- - ---- --- ---------- ---- ------______n--._---------------- ___n___-__-- --- ------ -- - ___n_------ ---- 4. La'nd I\rea (sq. fl. 0" ilcres): -]c.'..'{9_--AcI~~_S_._----------_.._--------- -- 5. Presenlloning ____~ing~_e-E~f!'~.lY._~~..:.;_i.<!E?!!\..i_~!- -- _h --------- 6. Describe the extent illHl nature of the f1.evelopnrnt Arc to be Dividèd - --- ----' - <, --~I'!.t:.?- }':OUI' _Lo~s f<:~--?i n~ I e _}':<:r~1~ ~y- ltes_i d_<:!!~~y_.. - -- - - - -- --- ----- -- -- - - - - ------------_. ------------- - . - --- .. .------... - . --- - - on --- ,-- - --- - ---- - ---- --- - ---- - - - -- .------ --- --- - --- - --- - - --------_u- -- - --_u _n ---.. -- - - --- --- 7. Drainage Study (Describe genel'al effect and attach study) ---------~ -- - - -_-'2~.ì .!!age ~~ ~(¡l. A" \..i3~!!..':~.:- -- - -- __n___- ---- - -- --- --- -----u_---- ------- -------------- ------ -- --- _m ------- -- ------------------ --- ------------- --- ------- -- - - ------- - - --.-- - _.-- ------ -- - - - ------- - -- --- - -- - -- - - -- 8. Subdivide¡-'s Name __'IIi J_U-<llH- j\, S\..¿¡JHVll~---_m - - -- --- - -- -- - --- Address 29.5 s. Hill9-~l.s?.J19'~ -gL-¡} in'!J._K¡¿,,__-- Phone __ß~7-8)5) 9. Property Ol"mer's fliJme ___!~ilJj_G_q-~! S~é1n!lgXQ__----------- - -------------- c' Address -- ---- - - - - . ----~--- ----------_u. Phone -----_u_-- ---------------- 10. Enginee,' or SurveyOl" s lIillT.e '111!j_~e: I.. ~~r2~1Q.Y_¿£Asso~~tes,____-------- Add,-ess ~~_~~r~_~~~~~~ ~__A¡'e~.!... Sa~:<:.~~s '---- - Phone - -~~S-I>§)cL___- - --- - - 11. Any Other RepresentiJ t i ve' s Narle JkG li_H_t <KJ5- J(~'o:.q.l.\...Y ------.. ----.._---~- ---- --- Address _?F -~o,--_S_<::'::I~i3_}~c.:.- ~)<:.1_i.-.~~~__~'}'n--_n- Phone _~2Y-X~Q3- ----------- The appliciJnl hereby cc,'lifies that he is familiill' \-;ith all of the provisions of lheSalina Subdivision Regulations and intends lo fully comply I"¡ilh,lhp provisions therein. Appl icant:(s) ". . --~ . /1 ; SigniJtore~~1JfJ!l~~--- Dilte _l-lé!rg,h.~?LXn9 ------- -- __h ----------- -_u -- Date --- --U_------ n--- - - - -----~ --- (Rev. ?/lS I'> -- -----co--'" l: i i ¡ ! \ I I I I i I ¡ I ¡ I. I LEG{,L OESCRIPTlÅ“ - CItMmEI VIHI ADDIT!OIl A tract of land in lot Tl-lo (?) in Surveyor's Plat Thir'ty- four (34) in the City of Sillina, Saline County, Kansas, which is l1(1re particularly described as follol'ls: !' Beginning at a point seven hundred sixty:three (763) feet East an~ forty (40) feet North of the soullil'lest corner of said lot Two (2); thelKe North 000 04' 44" East two hundred forty- four and ni nety- fi ve one hulldredths (244.95) feet; thence south 890 56' 26" ~:est tliO hundred twenty- three and one tenth (233.10) "0 ' feet; thence south 32 46' 31" West two hundred ninety-one and twenty-five one hundredths (291.25) feet; thence No~th 890 58' 31" East ,three hundred eighty and one half (380.50) feet pùrallel to the South'l ine of said lot Two (?) to the point o,f beginning; to- gether with the ri9ht of ingress and egress over and upon the forty (40) feet 'next South of the above described real estate until such time as the previous Owners, their heirs and assigns shùll dedicate said forty (40) feet to the public for use as a street. " 1\ '(,:~ (0 " " !i , i I I I I I I I I" I I I ¡ I ~ RESTRICTIGNS FeR ALL OF WITHIN THE CORPORATE CITY L CHAfI.'NEL~.Y¡: EW~ tl\DDITION INA, SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS '- ,. These restrictions made and entered into 1979, by William Stannard. - ) day of /Ì'î A (¿"(' H 1. Whereas, the undersigned, William Stann~lrd, is the owner of Channel View Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. . 2. Whereas, the undersigned desires to provide for the ordered development of said real estate as a residential area or district, u~der conditions and terms which will render said area a desirable and beautiful residential ~istrict when fully developed, and which will protect the value of all property in said a~'ea for residential purpose; and 3. Whereas, the owners of said additionha$ or is about to file restrictions relating to said addition for the purposes as des'ired; : 4, Now, therefore, the undersigned, in con$ideration of the foregoing premises, and of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinaft~~r stated, and to be kept and performed, and of the mutual benefits derived and to be derived and do hereby agree that the restric- tions shall be as follows: : 5. No lot shall be used except for residential purposes, No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than one detached single-family dwelling not to exceed two stories in he"ight, with either an attached private garage or carport for not more than three cars. 6. The minimum ground floor area of the ma'in structure of all single-story houses constructed in this addition, exclusive of open þorches and garages, shall not be less than 1,800 square feet, and not less than 2,&00 square feet for two-story homes provided that at least 1,300 square feet be the minimum gÎ"ound floor area of any two-story structure, The minimum ground floor area of one and a half ~;tory houses constructed in this addition shall be not less than 2,100 square feet with a ~inimum total floor area, including the ground floor area of j,100 square feet. For the'purpose of these restrictions, split- foyer type plans shall be considered the same as! two-story homes and split level type plans shall have the ground level considered as the main floor with the upper level con- sidered the same as the second floor of the storY and a half type plan in determining the minimum floor area, 7. No building shall be located on any lot' nearer than 35 feet to the front line, or nearer than 25 feet to any side street line, Ör nearer than 7.5 feet to any interior lot line, except that only a three foot side yar~ shall be required for detached garage or other permitted accessory building located forty-five feet or more from the minimum building set back line, No dwelling shall be loçated on any interior lot nearer than 25 feet to the rear lot line. For the purpose of this covenant, eaves, steps, and open porches shall not be construed to permit any por!tion of a building on a lot to encroach upon a lot owned by a different owner. "8. No dwelling shall be erected or placed þn any lot having a width less than 80 feet at the minimum building set back line, nor $hall any dwelling be erected or placed on any lot having an area of less than 9,000 squ~re feet. 9, No building shall be erected, placed, or altered on any lot until the construc- tion plans and specifications and a plan showing! the location of the structure have been approved by the architectural control committee as to quality of workmanship and materials, harmony of external design with existing structures, and as to location with respect to topography and finish grade elevation. No fence! or wall shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot nearer to any street than the minimum! building set back line unless similarly approved, 10. The architectural control committee shall be and is composed of William Stannard. When a house has been constructed on each lot of this addition, this committee will cease to exist, The committee's approval or disapprov~l as required in these covenants shall be in writing. In the event the committee fails: to approve or disapprove within 30 days after plans and specifications have been submitt~d to it, or in any event if no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior! to the completion thereof, approval will not be required and the related covenants shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. "~j,'7;f..', i-/,;,~~/Î ,Wi 11 iam Stari'n~-~d2/-~;;"-~""';{~~ , . I r :.' , r.' . ' , ' . THE FOLLOWING , . DOCUMENT IS ' . OVERSIZED AND! ' ,', : Ii ¡ IS BEING FILMED i ,,' - " IN SECTIONS TO . I INSURE \ , I 'COMPLETENESS" AND ',,' CONTINUITY I: " p.1055 N.339 , "I, " t' u " ¡ " I! ., END I; OF ,. {, OVERSI~E 1: " DOCUMENT P.10S4 /1.334 (HEVISEO JA/l1993) '" " ;: ,.. " i!