Downtown Revitalization II I I a I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ 0 I I GATES AND WAYS I CONTINUING SALINA'S DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION WITH PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS NORTH GA TIi" A Y I SHELTON'S AND LOW'S WARDS RENO V ATION LEGACY AND LONGS LEGACY AND LONGS DON LOADER INTERIORS I SOUTH GA TB" A Y I J-c. PENNEY BUILDING FOX THEA TRE BROWN MACKIE COLLEGE AGGREGATE BLOCK I BAST. WEST GA TBW A YS I MIDLAND HOTEL THE PLOW WORKS RI VER DISTRICT I I I I I YOLUMIi TWO introduction I Gates and Ways is a two volume report that describes and illustrates ideas for continuing Salina's Downtown revitalization with private development. The report culminates a ten-week studio project for fourth-year architecture students at Kansas State University. I Volume Two presents the fourteen individual designs developed by the students. These designs are intended to illustrate the potential for that specific project, and design principles that could be used in Salina for real projects in the future of similar scope and character. The range of projects includes simple facade remodelings, aimed at restoring (he integrity of the building, to wholly speculative projects for introducing new uses and activities to the Downtown. I I I I I PATRIC[ SCHAUB I I I I SUR TON"S AND LOW"S Shelton's and Low's Drug Store offer an interesting possibility for exploring second-story use. The programmatic requirements for this illustrative design are based on ideas from the buildings' owner: the ground floor of Low's Drug Store is restored to its former grandeur and could become a street landmark, and Shelton's is an informal bar and griH. Two independent service businesses occupy the second-story space - - an office for a psychologist and her associates and another professional office, as yet to be determined. The development of the second-story space revolves around several key ideas. First, vertical circulation is integrated in a number of places for access and fire safety. This circulation does not change the character of the facades or hinder the spaces below. Second, the businesses have private waitmg areas. but share a common entry and reception area. ThIrd, natural light is introduced into these deep, narrow spaces 10 make them more inviting. mæ ~ - - - - - 8. ~ (§ JØ2 ~ d 0 ~ ~6 G c:þ c:=:::3 ~ ~ 0 - - - I I I I I 1, Entry 2. Reception 3. Conference I 4. Waiting 5. Office 6. Psychologists Office 7. Lounge / Library 8. Secretarial Pool I The offices are arranged for the minimum amount of & I penetration through the center bearing wall. '-0..1 îJI " 2 il'1í1 a 1"d"¡1 ";:Q ~ì¡:roo 3 I ,., roo 1'"'11'"'1 d :1 ;..JL.iL../L.i a SECOND FLOOR PLAN \ I" 5 5 s I Santa Fe I I I I I I The tall attic spaces allow for "carving" of the ceiling planes, enabling the spaces to have a variety of ceiling heights and sectional qualities. The spaces are well-defined with distinctive and pleasant characters, and the skylights are deep and give a soft, diffuse light to the space. I I LOW'S SECTION SHELTON'S SECTION ---" .., ~ ~IL J lLJULJ SECT I ON SECTION " \~- I ~- 00---- ,..--, F= - - ¡ II:::::. :: :::è k~J Lc:c--- -~o~:o ~ . ': -, \ >---- L...-- . / ,..-u_- "\ -~- \ - . , >, - - tra ... ..c:I 00 .- - >- ..w en r - - - - - "n" ¡ J (: 1. L~ .,-- ~ " '-, ' ~ tra ... ..c:I 00 .- - ~ ~ fn ~ 0 '0 = ,- . a 0 fn = . ... ¡..... - - - I I I I I I I I ~ -- JAY DESBETLER RAYMOND RIcrLEfS WARDS RENOV A rIOR The re-use of a large vacant building is illustrated in this proposal, which integrates an athletic facility into the existing Wards building. Many people, especially those who live and work downtown, would benefit, and the renovation would help to form a strong anchor at the north end of Sante Fe. The building's structural integrity blends well with the proposed functions incorporated into this illustrative design. - - - - - '- II .. ... .. > .. t ~ !5 ~ CI') ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~~~~æ:l i ~<~~é:~ (!..iëã:i;:~ ~:I~.as_=! :i<:i~~æ~aiC ...2t;e;i5:~"~ I I I I I I I - - - I I I I I I I I BASEMENT The two large spaces. with their owo stair access. are storlie Cor the street-level retail space. Tbe mechanical room i8 It the center of tbe plan. Tbe two lower racquetball courts are a1ona the side of the buement with mini-benches f acina each court. PIRST FLOOR L Tbe two retail spaces have larae window openings for display. and there is an obterVation window that i. 1180 accessible to the mini-bench selts at either court. , ~ . . . . BASBIlINT 'IRST 'LooR PLAN Ii' 1 J. I I I I I I I I MB'lZANINB fLOOR This level will provide access to the upper racquetball courts. SIIDND FLOOR The resister or sign-up desk will be located Delt to the office and the athletic mini- sbop. Pool, ping-pong and sbuffleboard are provided for those wbo prefer less strenuous activities. l~- L . r. IIIZZANINB RooR PLAN I 1JI) I ~ ~ ÜJ1.1 ' " - jþ ,-- I','. I . j I L . (~ . J . J.I- SBCOND 'LooR PLAN u1 ~"1 J I I I I I I I I THIRD FLOOR A masslle, sauna, steam bath, and medical room are clu8tered qetber for easier access and to insure privacy. WeiabtJiftina and eleråse rooms with larae windows and mirrors are included. . 11, ~~ ~1 r _"I I I~ , , ' " 1. J L~.-- '~.,~ .;: , TallO PLool PLAN FOURTH FLOOR -- - - --- - --- -- ------ ----ï ~-_._-=~~. -~~-=-- ~~ : / / A runnina track and freeweiahts are placed around the upper atrium where uøer8 will find an airy atmosphere for their wortouts. . . . , . " -lX: , II ~ T '" .~~~. .--4 ) ~ ! Ll$- .. .......u....~~:=l=~~ 'OUITa PLool PLAN - - - - ~ , ! ,CQ ;.- - ~ ø,., 'Ii ø,. \ --- - - - - I . I --- -- I I , I I I ~ I LEGACY AND LONGS '----------.', . , I The use of a second-story space for a restaurant is illustrated in this project. The analysis of the downtown revealed a perceived need for nightlife in the area; this was the inspiration for the formal restaurant/bar project. A crosswalk structure leads from a small plaza to the space's street-level entrance. Secondary access is from the second floor of the Wards building. I I . I I I '---- . _____1 . ~ ¡ ! r~~ II 5j , , {j ç~~~ .~ (} '/ '~- , " , 'I i ,I , , r, 1 ',:';0 '. - ç"z iL-.5 " c:=::.--:.:., a ~--=., -I ~-=J ,>-" I' , ì ~,' " \I L ',-, j ,) ~'-) - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I Located at 1n-127 N. Sante Fe, the space is appro'limately ,,00 square feet and is divided equally between the formal CÜJ1inl area and bar. All of the elÍSÛ4l partitions that are not structural have been AaovM, and the orilinal materials of the reJUinina eleaents, such as the brick waUs, &nIsswort, styliahil, etc. are e.,poIId, The color sch..e is in.pired by the iadusarial ele_all to Ibe north of lb. dowatowa area. AU eliltiaa elJMllld ....ri&I is paiated a cool 1f8Y; aU aew JUterial is paiat.ecl white; the 1ea&her booths are dyed aqua blue. AU eleaeail, such as waUs. colu8.Ds. and doon that have been added 10 the space an a 8001b .....riaI in order to coaLrUt with the roulh teDure of Ibe JUIOary walls. Old and aew are paia &eel d1ft e A a tIy . 10 crea&e a second contrast. The old and aew aa8erials do not touch elcelt at Ibe floor; aew ele.eats are separa&ecl froa old by at least two inch.. to crea&e a third coatnlt, n______---- --- - - --- .---- - .---- -- --- - --- ___n-- ----- - --- -.-- ---- - - -. - - n -- - - -. -. ---- ---.--------- ---.-------- - ----- ~~':.--':.~ ':.': ====-= ~ =~- ---- ---- - ---- ---- ====--:":_":..--"::~= :::. --- '---------n -- n- .-- --- - --- - -- -- -u_- ---.. u- ---- AI__..__--.- .--..- ......., I I ! ! I , .__..J m ¡ ¡¡ . ,I ¡'i !I! !.l¡ l:::1?'í r":~!"-'1! --...,,;':::1: , ......>.- i L..::=,. -]¡ f' , . /~"4':;::"""',¡ \ L..~::._..y-- Ji \ ...' . I ' I \ : \ ¡_.d"'::::::""""'l¡ l Ii ,.. ¡¡ , I' . " .1"'-.';:':.:'::::::'-""'--'1 , i i I \ \ L.. .._..~ . \ PIISPEC1" I VI I ; I . , SBCTION I I . I I I I I I RELIGHTS LEGACY AND LONGS LARRY ~OSTIiaI The Legacy building presently has a commercial retail space on its lower level and an unused second story. It is proposed that the second-story space be converted into four apartment units. Skylights and relights are used extensively to provide the interior with natural light. ~a~l ~=: ! -=] [~::L :11 ri r . . r---~ ~--~ L-=-n, I ~,,~. L__~~,,~, ". : '- '- -=- - ': , -~, n ". - ,-- - z -< È 8 ...a c. - ,... ,--. I ¡ u §....:::- ë ¡::::. :~ ,'. ~" ~, 0 \ ' , : . '8 II: -< ~ I ... en IÞ- . t; :I i ~ - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I ,; '--, ~~' ':Ii I, ---.J I ,CJ ""1 'I' : "'¡:I[I 1",1 "I' "':, l'io.JI,.JdllIi"'í,;¡,.,,Ll,II¡LiI'l , '( II!~~ ,. Ì\' "., II "' I II r - '... ,/ ' "f' ,I" " .1 L¡tm ~.~-.}\-' 'r=> ¡¡ r :" I " .i~ Iii' ClOSS SBCTION . Skylights and atriums are ways 01 introducing ligbt into the center of deep building volumes. Religbts are a traditional means of distributing light from interior skyllabts to adjacent rooms, promotina a broader and more gracious use 01 these interior spaces. SIiCTION PIiRSPIiCTIVB I I . I I I I I I 00. LOADER INTERIORS DA Y 10 DO"" The Don Loader Interiors buildina is an elample of the underused second-story spaces that Salina's Downtown is addressinø for revitalization. These second-story spaces offer a viable opportunity for introducing a greater variety of uses into the Downtown core. Four conceptual layouts have been illustrated combining living and work spaces. These schemes illustrate methods of dealing with the long narrow space, few existing windows, and lack of interior 1ightinK. one scheme is developed in detail for the adaptive reuse of Don Loader Interiors. .¡¡ J \!. \!. C) '-- '"' 4 - -t-t I .J , - -"-~ ~ "" t l' J \ -It N = :I = B en ~ -, -- it-; ~ i i ~ ~ , " ~ t 1: "' ~ ' \!. Q " ---) , .v-) ,r') t <I ld .J ~ - ?\ CI:I :I CI:I r3 en ~ ~ .¡ "- ~ >I " "- 'l iJ ~ .. "- f' ,.,.. , -t """II;: \ 4 / t 4 ~ ~ J z: < È Z:Z <0 ~- ~.... < - . < > ~B -< ..~ =en c" :;~ ~- <'" !j ..e <Dill z- U iB -< ""ø,. =en c" ::;! ~- <I ~J¡ ....- .: z ~en <~ ~- -"" ;¡; en.: > ~ .: - .... .: ~ CI) - - - - - - - - ... ~ :I ~ EI CI' li E ~ i /1 <c-- I ~ &-- ^ - ~- ~-- i' ,¡- " ~ .; \I. I~ <[ f..: .-r i .-::1'\-" I~ ~ CIa :I CIa ~ en I ~ t cr , 'y . ~ :J { ~ '- ~ ~ ~ I Z ZZ ~ ~O ~ ..,a- ca.'" ~ - .. ~ > ~ -, --1- .. ~ ) ¡ I II.. ~ ~ - - - - ~ \. ":- '1\ " l' 1 ë\ ( C .... ) , -v ~ :; ~B -~ )ooIca. fI~ ~~ ..,a- ~~ !e ~.. z- u ie -~ )ooIca. IZIcn ~ ~! ..,a- ~II !!¡ )001- ~ z _CI' ~~ ~- -"" ~; cn~ ::- - ~ - .. ~ 1:8. CI' - - - - 'Ml1" Let G I ~. i : ..c : " ~ ~ - ~o. . -~- ---~~, ~ ¡:; . l '1 I i ..c 0 0 -.. ---- 8ft_A" ad WtU8$ - - . IL L.= _. z <. ~ 8 ~ =- ~ Ii en - . .., ., r~ - .: I .: ~ - w ~ ~ - =- ...a - = aQ L . I . ~ - ~ en ~ Z - =- .- - = . U I U ~ - ~ en íË - =- ...a - = . ~ " t- - .. 'Ie: J:: '>~. - - - I I I I I RANDY BARTIiL MICHAEL RATLIFF I I I THE J. C. PENlŒY BUILDING The following designs for the former J. C. Penney store on Santa Fe A venue illustrate how a renovation of a large downtown building can increase both commercial and social activity in the Downtown. The large spatial volume and the centrally organized, symmetrical plan of the existing building lend themselves to the creation of a focal space that is a winter garden, and a variety of smaJl "incubator" shops. The building's location next to the major covered crosswalk gives the project the potential for reinforcing the center of the Downtown. The adjacency to Brown Mackie College suggests commerciaJ services focused on the student market. I I I I I I INCDDA TOR SHOPS ...the incubator shop gives the small business an opportunity to get started without having to compete witb the large retail chains. - DD- ~' PIRST FLOOR PLAN -L--- INTERIOR PERSPECTIVE cp .1~lIJlL I I INTDIOR LIGHT ...Typical storefront buildings in Salina's Downtown have windows only on the end facades. Adaptive reuse of these buildings requires the introduction of interior skylights, interior windows, and relights. . . . . I . . . . .-~-=-=~ Co J . . . LI. I . . I I SECOND FLOOR PLAN -0- ~ , I / I b.,' I I I I . PROPOSBD BAST BLEV A TION I I I I I I I I I 1J INTEl GARDEN ...In the Kansas climate, large indoor gardens with skylights, plantings, and community space can aeate focal points for activity. "'--- (>.0 ~ . ~ BASBIIHNT PLAN SIiCTION A-A B~ < > (1:1 ~ (1:1 ¡- en < (1:1 Co:) :z - B~ - - - =~: !~ - c=:::J ¡- [=:J < c:J - ¡:; CJ .' ¡i D ~t; D ~b = CJ 1__= fã 15 ~l~~ ~ c::::J 0 . 0 -Ii--. CIIIII c=:::J I : II . ø.. 65 i.~~ ""'-""'--' ...... """.'¡ l r.-::.- - 1---- :r . . '-- . . . :z < ~ ø.. ¡- :z: (1:1 ::I (1:1 en < = ;. , - - - - - , , , . : I!I : ! ~ : , + , I I I , ! ., i' . \-f \ ,] ,. L - - - - - . I . : Z ~ < -1 ~ =-= 8 , -1 I ~ : '. ' ... en I =-= ~ - I ~ :/ I i I II--!. . - L.--J ' . L - . , - - ~,II . ~' -. , I~~' ~- It,rlti1,:IT: --11111 ,~'t' 1 ,,'l'I;'¡" ~ -, ,':,'1,' " I :..;'".1."',; :" "::'. I '~. .¡".'.. ' I_} :~'V~~~. ,-~\~,~'.I, "c I ' t ~' -, j -- ~, -:. ~H' i ,'" '7,", " " , . . ,. I, ' :¡'~i~~:;~~1k;, , , ",'"".4.;..,"~ z :. j';\_>.1 0 '. ~J ' -r ... " ~' ~" ,':.) r ,I t"""~~~":l U '.,.,~.,'J",'",-","'--'" -,""" , t'~nr T 1 ¡;; " .' .' :,l.. I.' , "',I, ~t ~~' ~~~"~~Þ J-. ,\t,...~,: v.- I II; ¡ :z < ...:¡ a.. QI 8 ...:¡ "" Q :z 0 u C.Q ~ ~ . '- L-L-" Lf i , ¡ ......... .. u..,. ! .. - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I 18 RODNEY CA TTooR DA Y ID RIiZAC FOX THEA IRE Whlle retaining the key elements in the FOI Theatre's historical features. more activities and a variety of uses are proposed to transform the FOI into a lively center for community activity. cC~ '---' u "" ... . u A .... ... If 0 ... 8 c::I . "" ... CI 11:1 =e:~\ / - -,- -~-- ---- ----- , \ ~ '. <7,.- ¿' \ -~, --. - ~ -- -, ~ - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I The key elements in the Fox Tbeatre building's features. such as facades and proportions bave been retained. Changes include tbe addition of awnings above the windows of the restaurant. and the modification of the oriainal marquee to incorporate the shape and detailing of the existing structure. Tbe image of tbe original Fol Tbeatre that opened tbe evening of February, 23.1931 bas been recaptured. \Vest Bleva1ion ~- --:J ,lBPIL ä II ! South Elevation :I - '-~"'" r'-~, (, .3 (~c:a. ~.~~- , w. . "\..-' '\.,./- ~(J,u j- _u, '~.'-'~, ~ ") i -~~ .~¿R -( . -'. ¡./ ¡/ /,. / ~= ~. ~~.., '. .' : . ; " ~ (',' . ~ \ '.,,' ,: ,: .: ," 'J - ~.- Î , ;tlt-.--'J, a. "°S I '. 00 ",'\ '--- .,< I 0 ' ( ", \ : \ ( t \,!). '(', " ", "", t t \ \, \ \, :"'\~':.,:., (~ \\ \,"',"\".~:"". <. " ',', --' .-- !ši!IIJl¡ 8;~¡! I.f.. II! iiíii .IJ 1i!!Ja" ~J~i'8. I !~I~llfl ~!IBffl - - - aj ""S = - c:a. I " . 8 . en ~"""'-~l, I' , =- f- .~ ~ - , l LJ L I 'f--' T - ~~~ , ..--"' .-- ! ¡ \ , "'--\ - - - -,] E/ Q C i i: ~r I, \d ¡, \---:"_" ", f'-". ' \ .;,-D 1>-0 . ~.¡ III J"~ ts.s ""'ts llJ !II II - - I I I I I I I I These perspectives show the desired image of each space. The guest suite has an image of style and class. The entrance into the Fol is ornate and decorative -- a return to its original image. The bar is a pleasant. informal space; the restaurant a formal and elegant place to dine. ~ntrance guest suite bar , :/L' ! <C1jcrU~^ II I i restaurant I I . I I I I I I GALLBIY With the new mall on Salina's south side, tbe need has arisen for redevelopment in the Downtown. The positive message given by the adaptive reuse of old structures that historically link Salina with its past must be recognized. Brown Mackie College is supportive of this need for change. I I I I I I I I Brown Mackie College should first establish an identity within the Downtown urban fabric. It is necessary to restructure BMC's interior spaces. then the elterior surface can evolve. Tbere is a desire to reinforce the adjacency œ funåions into com moo areas, and to conlOlidate the current entraocn into alin&.le ooe that would articulate \be puslle 01 OM realm 10 1DOtber. Tbis will allow an enbanœd movement tbrouahout the b uildina. With newly aeated partiDa usually occurrina in bact lotI, the arrival 88quenœ to buücüoal tbrouab the rear entrance needs to be more dramatic. Tbe proposal encourl8es direct views into buildinas that would allow interior activities to be visible. This aeates a positive perception of the b uildina and and serves to complement the plaza to the north adjoining BMc. CLASSROOM LOBBY (2nd floor) -- C8:> - - Brown Mackie wants to be identifiable in Salina. therefore a clear entrance and a spatial reoraanization serve as the first steps in this design. - - - - aDo oOP W 000 000 W (J ~ 00 ~ Wo 00 6v¿¡ ~ rn ~ 00 aooQ DO Q 00 , ¡-.-------------~ , . - ---.-- ...: - - - - - - z ~ ~ ~ ... :g - ca. , ~ '] ; I ~ I , : d . i :'~ U , ~ " I ,~ U i ~ - ... ~ > ~ ¡à ~ > < tf < ... 'n z -I < ~ - - hi 9 . ,-- .u> ~>-.. D .. :1J rUU:'[::¡::~:c"J: c:-; ~Ji r==~l ,"""""", . ~ ~.' .,: ::~ =: a - - - - - , I I' ! :II: < ~ I:L. . 8 Ii = :II: ~ ~ < I < :II: 0 - ~ ~ - - - I I I I I I I I -"¡' ( MAIN LOBBY Brown Mackie College ha. bèen a valuable resource of community progress in Salina for more than 95 years. This design is financially practical and within a construction manaaeabllity covering a two-year time frame for a 1990 occupancy. This design indudes a commercial element that is marketable, and that also accommodates the spatial requirements of academic and administrative uses. This strategy will make efficient use of BMC manpower, time. and money. and will insure that the built form of this institution meets the expectations of the community. I I . I I I I I [BITH BOPP ULLY FIlD BRIC JOHNSON I AGGREGA IE BLOCI: The design of the aggregate block of buildings on the east side of Santa Fe Avenue between Iron and Walnut Streets has three major goals: to make use of the second-story spaces; to make use of back entrances from the alley; and to make better use of the plaza located in the center of the block. These changes would make the block a more usable, entertaining, and profitable space. ~-)=--=---= ~> ( ) Ð ~> ~ / ~~>Ð ( ) - - - - - - - - I I I To make use 01 tbe I second-story spaces is the first goal. The previously unused 8paces are de8ianed to acoom mod ate a variety 01 needs and uses. 00 the north half 01 the block, a central corridor I connects a chain or spaces, including small sbops, cil'ices, and restaurants. Dinina terraces are located on unused rool space. I I_~ I ][l[ , . '- J ..,(--,1! c --.d ' '- --'- r 1'- : I I L~ I!.-- .Ji I~ /, A [ T-Kn~-.-_---~~---~:~~- ~.-~_E. ~--'c ~-- JL ~ !~ . l' - ,~ - - 1~ t - , ,'; ~ ,l " -.J i ,- ~o'\ v DODD DODD DODD I I I. I ' ;:,~ I~ !ù H.:: . - ; ri.^' / I I I 11 r.1 I II u V ICIOt spaœs in t1ut south half' or the block are I desJaned tor I1vq are.s. with the neeption cI the buÜCÜD8 I .~ Q = 0 0 nelt to the plaza wbicb is a bar. I Biaht apartments indudina four I studio/lolh occupy the SplCl I I above Baldwinl, and a I I livina/wor t SpICe with .parate reiidential and orrice nuances 11 above Pro Uniform. I I I I I ,J..I~II,~I'rllll, ! I I II -_-'--1_1_=-_"'_111'1 I I. ~ Ý-T3Lw11 "iF' - . 1_- mt~ ~ 'T I I I a,,- I~'I;~I[ I I., L,I-I ro" I -- - '" ,._-" -- Ii' . I I_~!~~ ~r~ I SECOND FLOOR PLAN I I I I I I I I I I TM IICOOd I0Il II to .at. u. d bå entrlDœl 'rolD tbe alley by matina prilDary entrlOCeS to secœd - IICJry ..... 00 tbe e- Ii.. Uvial lpacel .... .......ed froal decks with pÎrtma below. . Apartment dwellerl are therefore asured d a partina pllœ. and do not have to u. tbe ..by public plI'tma. The retai1l oIlice space is entered 'rom tbe alley tbrouab an attractive procenioo cI ltairl euily viewed frolD t.be public partiD&. ~L!J.rÞr < , m ~ OAR ENTRY iLIV ArlON - LIVING SPACIiS ~o'\ 'V DODD DODD DODD OAR BNTRY nlVATION -RBTAIL/OFFICIi I I I I I I I I The fina1aoal is 10 make better u.. ~ the plaza located in the œn ter ~ the block. T be plaza gains focus from the Dial corridor of the orrø/retail spaœ eoCÜÐI in the restaurant windows that look down on the plaza. I denûcal windows in the bar also make the plaza easily visible. Similar terraces in the bact d the restaurant and bar overloot the plaza. Bntrances from Santa Fe A venue have additional windows for a more inviting appearance. Both of these elements combine to mate the plaza a focal point. AIIO, with the development of the back entrances, the plaza becomes an important lint between Santa Fe A venue and the alley. ~ r-::I r::=::=:::J c::=1 ---~-_. --- ~ ~~ ~ 0 il []]l a mmr~-- PLAZA f'[ 11 t...l I I I I MIDLAND HOTn MATHEW HALLETT ST ACHY LILES I 0 110 Ui CJ :.Iû~ 'u- c~ ~ - -- '- ~ uV [J : r:r~, :@CJ IJb .~ riD DJJ - JC? I I I Midwest Business, located on tbe corner of Iron and Seventh, was originally named Midland Hotel. With tbe brick pattern on its front facade, the buitding has a unique historical appearance that mates it an important element in Salina's Downtown fabric. Tbe building, with its adjacent open space at Iron and Seventb, is a focal point. A professional district of offices surrounds the botel. This project proposes bousing and retail uses for the accommodation of people working in the area. A plaza and retail spaces will support an activity node tbat will become a western aateway to tbe downtown district. I I I I I The Midland Hotel is an excellent space for seven small to medium apartment units, each with a lo(t area. The plan layout retains the oriainaJ structuraJ system which CODsists 0( three bearina walls. Windows on tbe soutb wall, skyliabts, and a central liaht core brina in natural liaht. This liaht core ad mits liaht to the apartments tbrouah clerestory windows placed on the upper part 0( the inlide Walli. The hall is used al an entry to all 0( the apartments. mements from the alley elevation are reflected on tbe plaza elevation, and individual fireplaces; etonaated windows, and vertical siding have been added to the buildina. I I I r-_U---[---- --=J- .-~~I. -- --- -~-r- --. . r'--- --FO --~~1!L1- -.,. --. --¡Ii I ' I' I , . :,. "LJ" L: :, .l"~,__,,:I,, 'I '. ' I. i 'r--~~L -------- ----_L.--,"~~--j.UL-,...c,-'1¡"I¡ , I , Louo ---~ :- --- --~o~o;o =r['or~,~c'--r -I uo -- -~:¡"-~-~ I L ~ ,I I I - I I . n '. . I I ': ; , ~ L ---- ----- - -' --=~~~~ - =_L~-~ ~-~ - - --1- u- -- ~ - -- -'-, -- j ,THIRD FLOOR = lþ 1 3= r~~" , rn1- 0 6 elf D SIiCOND FLOOR GROOND FLOOR SeJice and Storage I Retail 1 ! D 0- , Y ~---~ CJ Retail Retail Cafe -. ----= COT-- "_r ..'J C <J I I I I I Tbe open space at tbe oorner 01' Iron and Seventh is an important element in the DowntO'fln c:onfiauration. It bas been developed as a public place to function as the Downtown's western gateway marker. It will also serve the professional district around it by providina retail mops and a place to spend the lunch bour. In relation to the Midland Hotel, the space will serve 18 a lint to the around - . floor retail shops and the corner cafe. and will provide parting for the sec:œd-floor apartments. I I Elements from the alley elevation were reflected on the plaza elevation, so as to maintain a connection to the plaza. With the addition of individual fireplaces, elongated windows, and vertical siding, a new feeling is added to the building. I 9, ,.. -- ¡ , DODO DODD DODD DODD ODD ODD , i I BAST ILBY A T I ON DO 0 0 SOUTH ILBY AT ION :z: 0 - ... < > DQ cà = 5; 0 en " = < ~ ~ ø.. 'ë u - DIll t; :I 0 ~ ~ < - - - - - - - - i :I J- ~ < ø. < ~ < u - ø. ~ J- 'a IQ > - b IQ ø. IJ') ~ ~ ø. - - - , . I ' , , ,/ L__-__'"1-' ! ,..co", r=~;;go~,-~...~=-......=o(:--- --'- -- ---- - - --- - - - --- - - - - - - - ..J I' I &._---------..J L_____, --------- ------- - --- --"") I r-----~----I -t I '1.., L~ - I Ò I I I ì , I I I I , I I I , I I I I I I , I I I j , I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I J r' I , , I I I I I I , , I r----- ------ -----,----- ------_....J I .I ~ B - - - - - I I I I I I I I ROBIiiT A. SWHNBY YICBABL CAITO ~ THE PLOW WORIS As part of the effort to revitalize Salina's Downtown, the restoration proposal for The Plow Worts, located at Fifth and Iron, illustrates how to add a new dimension to Salina's night1ife. The project aeates an atmosphere that should appeal to aU of the senses in a way reminiscent of the early European/ American settlement of Salina. The selected uses -- a retail dell, a bar, and a restaurant -- are feasible and reflect the robust imaae of The Plow Worts. These uses would extend business hours from the afternoon into the late evening. The development or the exterior space complements the inside activities and also adds to the street life. -~--- " / / / - / / - I , , I , - ,~ ,'I . ' I " l j I : rJ~kl I , ,~ I " - , - I '- - - - - - - - - -t - . r ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ , ' r~ ,'--1 , .O'n c.; ~ , ~ .~ fl. I ~,' ~'I~,i ' I : ! : I I 1 .; I , ...J' C&:I > = ...J 'C= :z =, Q c:IIII c.,:) ...:I C&:I > C&:I ...:I c= :z ~ en ..... II' t ÇL' I I I :; I '" I I .,...~ I:, , I i "cra_ç; ~ "~ -... Ii " ~ ~ ~.; S -~ ... =5~.8! ~ 'a ð ".. I .z == 8 II S .. 0 ëi :.:i -11 f oS ~.D~-. ::"'a~ Q, :I ~.:;; ~c:I ~==ës-g ""~~t».. ""'b~- ~Dt::Q,8 5 t: :a I '0 , 'ij , , /', -. ., ' .","~.:7:- u , ' I'" "i - , .-,~ ,- - ' - - en-.- ~ . .- Ja ~ -< ,. Q 088\ -< :8 - - - - - - - J- :z = :I = ~ -< = J~ 11 c.,:) :z - z Q - J- c:IIII g Q '" ~ - \\\~ .~II~J-. \ 8.'..;rc.;.f.-) i~\ ~.i~,-, '." ',: ~~.~ ~ \ -- - - - - - -.--- - - - I I I I I I I I Tbe bistoricaJ integrity of The Plow \V orts may be regained in a variety of ways. In this illustrative desian. the eJisting windows are replaced with double hung windows. and structural elements such as beams or columns are replaced. To accentuate the building's robust imqe. a bar. deli, and restaurant are the selected uses. A beer Barden is incorporated by aeating an eJterior sunny space which also adds life to the street. m rn NORTH BLEV A TION m m m m m m i fiJ III \VEST ELEV AT ION m ~llii 1 SOOTH ELEV AT I ON I PIINCIPLES . GUIDBLINBS: IIVII DISTlla I AJŒA'S CBAlACTER...Maintain by preservinl the materials and structure of a warehouse district, such as utility poles and alleyways. ATIlOSPBDE...Foster market p1ace atmosphere with a variety of uses. I 1DE8TIFIA8LE SPAŒSmArticu1ate precincts -- river's octle. plaza. market warehouse -- by defininl edles and intJ'oduciallateways. IUILDI8G Œ.I'CTElL.Restore buildials and include festival and market elements such as brilht colors. awninls. and banners, I RIVER AS A.8 "-I "-DJT...Establish the Smoky Hill River and its district as a distinct Dcnrn&oYn feature with continuous activity. I RIVER CIRCULATIO8...Provide an accessible river throulh paraIleJ paths, access points. and nodes. ALTERIIATIYES FOR LIYI8G... Create a diversity of housing types accommodating varied lifestyles by placing COY houses along the river's edle. I ADDITIO8AL BOUSI8G...Accommodaae housinl density near the Downtown. I I ANN VRSTOjEV IClJ I I I I I TilE RIVER DISTRICT INTRODUCTION: IIVU'S BOGB I This de sian addresses the development of the river front. Connection to surrounding areas, the character of the area as an entertainment and reluation node. and the river's edge are studied. The goal of this project is to aeate a pleasant outdoor space as an eJtension of the market area, and to aeate a memorable access point to the river linkage between this node and the Bicentennial Center. The proposal includes a parallel path to the river's edge and the articulation of various precincts with lighting, bollards, paving patterns, and vegetation. I I "r f --ð , (' r (4' , , ~ , .. --a I I I --0 r ;. II ,I R II II o ~ -- ~-- -- ~ CIJ:ID. . . " .. " " .¡. ;: ":i ~ " t'I " n t'I " " " ~ I'll .. '1 CI " a II D .qr 4" \ \ SITE PLAN ~ ~ ~. \ ( ~ (\ -1 \ , ' ~ -':r => u< J-e. ~Þ.1 WJ- ~< Þ.1~ >J- -~ OW ~~ ~< ~::s ~ca.. ~o < N < ..J Q.,> .< æ~ <~ UJ- ~< ~c,:) Z:c ~:z U< - - - - - - - - = u>- ~< ~þ v:¡~ ~p... >< -c,:) p... u=:: ~p... 0..< ~o.. ~'-I.o 0..0 - - - < ~ ~ < ~ ~ > - ~ ~ = p... z 0 - p... to) ~ V') - - - - - I I I I I I DBNIS¡ DIPIA720 I I THE SALIBA WARD:T ARIA A new kind of market u a Parmer's Market au can be introduced by the reuse of warehouses near the river front. The introduction of home arown and individually aafted goods and aervices can be an asset to this area. The atmosphere should be friendly and neighborly u each person helping to provide viable goods for the community. Public utilities should be left intact. and a miIture of people and the automobile should occur. thus providing the highest level and miIture of activity possible. With the introduction of new uses and activities. this area in conjunction with the river front could become a feasible node in Salina's commercial community. J ¡ ~Wid 0 )¡3S»ot11::1 0 1: 3'7<1rld 0 ki;r¡ ~ ~ ~ . ~ t -.., a ~ ~~ ø .~ 0 ~ ';I ~ ï! ~.fs~ii~ ¡:~ "Z.(11I H f! . ~l u-~- f ~ 1\1 ¡ ~ ~i (~5~ ~~ IL .( If' \j ~ 0 ;¡ ~ I'-~ t( ~ 1 ..~ ~ \1.< Ill. i{'!-\l1L1ll ~3 ~i ~Ei î~ i~ t~~ l< ~<!f it~() [] t1 D - - ð> z:. ~ ~ 8f'T1': .1H'!IIN /.J..r.oo'It~1I D D - - - n D~ ~ CI:I . ~ = > - . C&:I == ... ) - - - ',q - - - - - - - - t-" - ".~Fr;~ { l ¡--~ -.- "":1., Freshly baked breads þ.f-::::'~Fr~ fruits and vegetables f ;-':¿f::::'~~;r~~:.fHand crafted goods ~1Jiarid woven rugs and baskets -~. I I I I Q 1\~Jf ~ a ) / d U g u LJ þ.t" < . ~ J-c < t:) t; ...,: ...,: < :z: '. < - - - - / , i I ,/~. JI -';; ii- ,- \ -"" '\ ! ¡ I I tj~ <~ ~~ S< :wi ~~ ø.:::" < ::Ii < :z: - ~~ < Cf) ~ == .... - - - - - - - - I I WILLIAM MILLER I I I I RIVER DISTRICT: HOUSING PROPOSALS This project deals with housing within Salina's River District. The site is bounded by the Smoky Hill River to the north and east, Walnut Street to the south, and Fourth Street to the west. Located on the periphery of the Downtown, this area is prime for the introduction of alternative housing types. To ensure the success of Salina's Downtown redevelopment and the river front market district proposal, there must be enough people to support the growth. Therefore, these schemes provide a greater population density that would serve as an anchor for existing developments and a catalyst for new ones. The need to preserve and/or enhance the Smoky Hill River as an identifiable natural edge within its built context has been recognized. ~ ð~, Q>. ... ~QIII~ - - - - I I I I I I I on ACOIiD HOUSING This scheme is based on the area's elisting contelt: single- family housing on small lots, often with detached garages or out-buildings. The proposal involves the infill of available lots with new single-family homes. D ðlD 0 QD 0 ~ (J 00 D lJ 0' D CJO 0 81 . Q . I ~oOl DO, .II I,' I ~:: : I- Ù . - . fJ I II ..' 01 I~I.. DIS"P1 ~ L~1iI .... DETACHED HOUSING SITE PLAN ~. )L.< ~-~-Þr~~ 8 - -o..,j \. j '- TYPICAL LOT PLAN I I I I I I I I IIVBR FRONT TOV/NBOOSES Buildings opening directly onto the river will help to define its edge, promote the creation of a river walkway, and add to the' character of the river district. 0[\ 0 ~ D RIVER-FRONT TOWNHOUSE SITE PLAN í '¡ f 'Y' "', ~'_.~'\./ "'. \. ), I ! ( \ '-.- \ ), r - . /. i ~~'-'""'" ""r . ----,~ ~"- . ..-' \,--_./:. -, '!; , . ----- ~ TYPICAL LOT PLAN I I I I I I I --~-- --.- TOWNHOOSES This proposal allows for greater density and provides an alternative housing type not found in this part of the city. It also ties in well with the urban architectural fabric of the , Downtown. ~~[ ] QD 0 0 CJD D [,J ~J() TOWNHOUSE SITE PLAN ~ 'ì'- . It", \, / 1,,/ L -\ .-~-" TYPICAL LOT PLAN I I .. Q I Œc! ell m ¡;1(:] ¡OJ rn at. una rn ill iJ m rn I t- I I I I I ROW BOOStiS BRIDGING RIVER By bridging the river with housing, neighborhoods are connected with one another, the river is marked by "object" buildings. and special views of the river are made possible. I <> D 0 0 D 0 D I CJ Do 00 ð 1000 0[1 0 Cr 0 (] Dc 0 00 ô D q 0 ~O [) 0 0 D [J ~i ~D ROW HOUSES BRIDGING RIVER SITE PLAN /~'" ~-j '~ , -~ r)' f - '-~/r ) ¡ / (-)~ ~ TYPICAL LOT PLAN í~ \--=:J I - \ ì r ' \~ f ~.. í (