Lot 7, Block 2 Mise. 8/\ 17 LJ Pg I c.. () . " . . UTILITY EASEMENT This Indenture, made this 7- B day of 4./ q.. , 2000 by and between WILBUR CONSTRUCTION CO., INc., a Kansas company, Party o{the First Part and THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: That the said Party of the First Part for a good and valuable consideration receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said Party of the Second Part an easement in, over and across a strip of land located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 14 South, Range 2 West of the 6th Principal Meridian in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, being 20 feet in width for utility easement purposes, of which is owned by the parties of the First part, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Crawford Street and the East right-of-way line of Marymount Road, said point also being the Southwest comer of Lot 7, Block 2, Georgetown Addition to the City of Salina, Kansas. Thence N 90°00'00" E along said North right-of-way line and the South line of said Lot 7 a distance of 308.00 feet to the point of beginning; Thence N 00°44'26" E and parallel to the West line of said Lot 7 a distance of 180.55 feet; Thence N 45°00'00" W a distance of 14.78 feet; Thence N 90°00"00" W and parallel to the South line of said Lot 7 a distance of 297.42 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line ofMarymount Road and the West line of said Lot 7, said point also being the terminus point of said utility easement centerline. For all of the rights of ingress and egress of the said Party of the Second Part, its servants, officers, employees and contractors for the purpose of the construction, installation, repairing, replacing and maintaining public utilities in perpetuity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Party of the First Part have hereunto set their hand, the day and year first above written. WILBUR CONSTRUCTION CO., INc. y. Wilbur, By' L_--' <. . 'R /' '~--".-. . STATE OF KANSAS, SALINE COUNTY, ss: '1 7d ~ BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the ,-,,\.u - day of , 2000, before the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid e V. Suzanne WIlbur, PresIdent and Roy M. Wilbur, Vice President who are personally known to me to be the same persons who executed the above and foregoing instrument of writing on behalf of Wilbur Construction Co., Inc. and duly acknowledged the execution of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, day and year last above written. I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal the l~ / £V..,L-, . N TARYPUB~ My Commission Expires: 5 - / / - .;z 60 :l... STATt OF KANS.~S 1 c-- . / FIlED FOR RECmm COUNTY OF SALINEI 55. IV IN MY OfFICE AT 9 :i°'ClOCK AUG 2 4 2000 AND CelY M. L ~ RECORDED V,O, L. ~ 7 & AT PAGE /L1r\ -(J;,/ - R J EG. Of DEEDS ~ KARE~ J LEE . -~ I\~ Poi>IIc - State of I<M!Iea "'" .. MyAppt.ExI*W$-//-;¿f)oJ.. :u¡¡-22-00 07:30am hcm-K¡¡w '/ai ie~ En¡¡inee¡in¡¡ 1'85 75Z 774~ T-70í P.CO¡/OOZ F-ô22 MÌ9C. 81\ J 71./ pg..Lk+- EXHIBIT B t ¡ ~\. .."" ", 'lill~e I ""='. -," ~ I C,On'EI'" 5e:¡,(JN ';, ~.. ,4-';, ~-tJ-1I' .,... : ~! L. .---. - - -.-- - - ---- - - --- - - ---- - ..¡,; ", - --.. -, --- - --- ~R.ð.W:ORO EL.¡I),Cf'. '. N 45'00'00" W ',.: , 14.78' SCALE~ 1" = 6C' ~ ~::'* 1:QINT OF j lERMINUS ! I '" " a; ;1 0 ..c;. 0 cr;, to- Z ::J °1 ~I :$. '" ~ '-' '" ;:¡ A PQR:JON OF LOT 7, SlaCK 2, GEORGETOWN ADDITION ,., ~ ;!o t~ : 'f) 'ò' :3 ~ I I I I ! ~'-L~ -,- '-J'.:! [~'::;"¡¡:NG SE"1'!ACK :.JNE (!"ER WlLi:UR pOli) \POINT OF I I ~o'-.:;;'i"':~T->;~O~~~, ENCEMENT ~ ßtCï,~, C,L..'. ,I, ,-H-->. '/0-1.-'11 ¡j ~-- '. --- N 9C,-óO',)O" E 308,(.10' POINT OF .../ BEGINNING ~ .. II <,n','" ¡"IAR1'1"R c"~"",,,. 9::cn~" ,~ I T-I+-5.O;¡-2-W ~ L_~j '" .. CRA,WfORD STF1EET -- . f'j' !O'{C'~ ~6Ú, '0' ASSUMED 5AS1:i ~)F ~~AF.INC QE.S.Ç,R IP Tl.O:"I ; A STRIP OF :..ANèJ LOÇÞT:;O IN THe SOUTHWEST ~)UARTm or S¡:C'lON IT, TOWNSHIP 14 SOL:TI-f, R"J~(;E 2 WEST OF THE 611- !"fœ~CI :>A,- f\AERIDIAN IN THE CllY OF SA...:\ip., SALINE COUNTY, K'ANSAS, 8EING 20 f:'EEi IN WIDTH FOR U1iUTY ?'.AS€ME>JT Pl..lF.;::.>QSES, THé CEt'"E~UNE: Or W!-1¡:HS DESCRiBED AS F'O~LOWS; CCM"~ENCI\Ç; A': í~E. ,NTERSECTH)N OF THE ~~o;;:>rH RIGi"'T-OF-WAY LlNP.. OF CRAWFORD STRËË'T AND THE EAST RIGriT-OF-WAY Uk OF M.4RY1v'OUNT ROAD, SAIO P,'INT ';'...50 3E!~G 'THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF UJT I, BLOÇK 2, GECR(;ETOWN ADDITION m THE Clf¡' OF SAliNA; THElJCE N 90'0?'OO" õ' ALONG SAiD ¡~ORTH R:GHT-OF--WAY ur~:;, AND THE SOUTH ur'J:: OF SAiD LOT 7 A QISTA"ICE OF 30e.CO F'~:E" TO ThE POI'\ T OF 8~'31Ni'H~ 3; THENCE N 00"44-'2,," E .A.ND PARAc..LEL T::; -He: EAS' l.:NE OF 5A'O LOT ì ¡. [)tSTANCE OF 180-55 FEET: THENCE N "'SOO'QQ" 'II' A í:!~T ANC;;: m- ~ 4. is r=r,; THENCE r~ ~o-r..\O'(]CJ" ',,¡ A',~, "'AR.;~LE~ TO m¿ I\CJRlt: liNE Or SAil) LOT 7 A DIS~,ANC~ OF' 297.42 fEET ro A polrn IJN THE =,A$T RiGHT -)F-WA'¡ LiNE O¡' ~'AR'YMQ!Y~7 F(OA,L). AND THE: WEST LINE Of'" SAID LOT 7, SAID POiNT ALSO 8EiNG 'THE TERM,NUS P~')iNT OF SAT; cvnERc.INE, E\D Or O(5CRI"'TI~N ~~'" (J~ ~ "'.G, ÐO:¡ 130.:.. :n13 ',C,Fr .ACo(SC:I'¡ .,U';C1lC'I, .~,"Y ;($ <¡E'I.:..' DATE: PROJECT NO, CJ~II,FTED BY: :¡:-r. : A:";C 22 2000 AO23J5 J:vlG .2l35EXHB 7g5--)~2-5C'4G "A~; ?'=5-?I>Z-'i7.}~ ::-'1;:" ¡d~¡iu""'9.'~':"(' KAlil' \,'A:"L~"( ~N,~,¡,.ê,!':I",',~" ".C, - !;Ç'N;;';,.T;NG ËNé!INH.R'.> ~~ ~~'t ~'(\