Lot 3, Block 1 Misc. Book czr::< ._Page ~ S :¿ J.: 1, SErlE N '1' -------.... 'l'i: is inc.cn turc F,atic this .L2.-c- day of ;lay, 1968, by and be- tvlcen P;\UL D. Lc;::iI:r;TS anl: LYDI1\ liO;;:,<I~J~:, his 'dife, of Salina, l:ansas, 0 f tllC first part, ane: t:le CITY OF S1\LIIJl\, 1':1\;151\5, a muni- cipal corporation, 0 f the see 0 n (': :~ a. r t , ì;'IT:n=S::;'~TI:: Th at JC¡lC sail; parties of tlle first part for a goad anC valu- able consiè:eration, the receipt an(~ sufficiency of 'dhich is herei:>y aCknO\llc(¡(jeû, Go l:>y these presents, '..; ran t, bar'Jain, sell anè: convey unl:o til!~ party of tilC secoJHl part, an casenen't in, over aIle; ocross a certain portion of land owned by the first parties more particul- arly ¿escriLec. as £0110',,5 : Block 1 '1' 11 e Las t 1 4 I 0 f Lot 10 ^ '¡' u eke r Par}, A eo d i t ion, ::.>alina, l~ansas, City of for all the rights of ingress and egress of said sccond party/its servants, officers, e L~ P 10 y e e f3 and contra.ctors for th'2 rn¡rpose of constructing, installin'J, r'.:!I'ai:::.-in(J, replacin<.:; an6. J:,aintainins: a sc:nita:r:y :C3e'l'H;r systeL in perpetuity. LJ \.'I'J:'N:CSS ~'.;1LIŒOF, the parties of the first part ¡lave 1:ere- nato set their ~lanG.:.:3 the day ane year first above written. ú ~ !J ~-~~_._- r.lul D. liosLir:.s -4--k-..~~~..- - Ly,.'ia LosJ:ins ::.:'rl\.T:C OF 1.7.:; ST,:.." ;"Z.LliJL COC;¡TY, 5S: ET. IT :,L¡;Lh,,-,i,,~:L:D that on 'this - .1~c'a~' of ¡lay, 196n, before no, the unCersi'JneC, a ¡¡otary Vublic in and for the county ane:: state ùfores¿id, caLle Faul D. iios}::ins ,.1n<', LyeJia ¡¡osLin"" :li~; Hife, to 1,0 l:ersc)na.l1'j' ~::llo\::n to ;_.c t:le ",:;:"..1::0 l'erson "-::10 C'};ecutc;c' the '::itl1- In instrUì,~ent of \vritinej iJ.!H: ('111y a.cl~Dowl(~(:~!t"(:: t:,e c>;-:ccution of tile SilLe. "'."""~""::'.'F>""-'" -(' ..;:.:\:.\\ J\'. ;J~~""~~~) ",].j~":';EOF, ..L ~,avc }lC'::l'cun to ';,-è;.,~;cri;H?(:: 1:: ",C¡F':. an( .lì'~'"J,.x-C'U'¡.~J/r'Ç;l.llClè..L sec.l the (1¿;~' ¿'lle :./eolr l¿;~ô:: ¿,;)OV(! '..'ritte::. ~ . ',-}' . ,.:':" '"O'...,.'..~"~ þ~~ ~ ... ...' -... : z : ,..:/1" :: : r... \, ". L It / ..! ., , . .;.', """. .,'....-.-- 'í.< ~'~'¡'1f':1i~~.~;.~~ ",;,~, il:ès; ,., ".......-- f2z~<Ld~__._- ~"¿l,_LfÇ, r ::01::("1::'. ,:',:;:lic :.T ,TiOr I'ANSlJS \ \ ~OUNT" OF $AlJ..- \ (fi I fR£D FOR RECORD fN r,; Y ~ JUL 2 ::t '1968 4'/~. . ...' .ANDi)U!.Y!~Ecqí~ür}~ , ~c:A¡ PAb't .?:-...s- ~ ~-~--""",.,. pro!'. ')rOEEO8 f. ,. I'd ;Jog XF~ Misc. ßûuL~~___Page~';¿' L/U.s,., Hl..jvlZ..--- 2:< ;, ft:' ~ ..:5-...3 ;;A,:oi:j',E2JT -----...-- 1':1 is indenture maCe this ~ ( ('lay of .'jay, --..--.-- 1968, )¡y anr; be- tween Ii. ., . S'.J.'EELE arlll LLIZA3ETl! C. STI::ELE, 11 i S 1;7 i fe, of ~;alinë:, l~ansas, of the first ;)art, ane, tliC CITY OF S,.,LIl':l\, 1(,'\1'1~; A~; , a rnuni- cipa1 corporation, 0 f th (2 second part, \'JIrr;J:CS~.ETI!: Tllat LiC said parties of the first part for a good and valu- able consideration, the receipt ane. suffjciency of which is :10 reby acknowledljeÚ, Óo l)y the se pre sents , 'j ran t, bargain, sell and con- vey unto the party of the second f,art, an easement in, ove rand across a certain portion of lanG owneè by the first parties more par-ticularl:y describc(J as follo\-ls: rl'he East 14' of the íiest 70 I of I,ot 6 and the ::..:out>.. 14 I of the West 56' of Lot 6, Tucker Park ~~dition, City of V ::;a1ina, i...ansa~;, Block 1 for all the ri':.;ht::; of ingress an{ egress of said second rarty, its servants, officers, en.;:)loyees, and con tra.ctors foy t-he nur- 905e of constructing, ins taL!,inr;, r e p ç i r i n 'j , r()}Jlacinrj an( ;è-'ain- t:aininr~ a sanitary sewer system in perretuity. IiJ \II'L'l¡;~S~; \:EEI"or, 'Ltc" parti~~s of t:1C first rart have here- unto ~et their han¿s tlle (" ay D.n (; ye aY f.< r G C;;¡::J~-~ Ii . " ~teele ---~~(1"-~.._: -^. . ;-,~~Q)~ t.h C. ~ i:9(~ Ie o7¡~'lj: OF ,.¡,..: s!\~; , ;:Z,LI:JE COl,iJTY, ss; ..,,' Ii' EL¡IL¡.L;,EI~D that on this -.dJ_- (ay of 'lay, 196r, ')cfore r',e, the unCersir..;nec":, d notE:.ry Public in ane'! for the ccl.1nt,~1 ë,:1(] :c:õtate ",foresaiL:, caLc" I. ". Steele a11c' ?l.:i.zabetr: c. Cte.",lc, l.,j s ,;ife, to ¡:,c~ 2v;rsonally knov,n to l)(; t~,('. SéJ.Lio' nersons 'r,1,O execute(l t1H'- ,tlit11in ins'trument of \Jritin,:; òn( (July ac]:no\'!l(:)('(](~(" the e::ocu- tier: of tl¡c' ~; è:"C . J:,': r?I'l'::;:~;S \';)::=FECF ¡ I :¡ave, ]¡,~r,~l;¡1t.O ó;ul}5c.:cj;.',,::;r:' ,::'7 r:a:::o <1 r: ('. .. f.ç ó' ::.' :;.""'... '" -F f' ' .~ i .. ] d ,..It''''''J .,.~~ (0-',,],'-'-", 'v~ ....~.~.,fl;;:.', tt:" .." .'. 7/ ... c~ ...~ 0 T A" \. If' \. "'¡ Þ'~~~ ..' -' :... : ',þ' ; .. LlBt\7. . '. ,; (c, ;::.1 the ,-' d'.' :> n)<--:r J.;::.st ,=!,'cve ':!ri..t.t:-::n. J)~_~Ll1~__- }otc'.r'.' I'll: lie cr, ~x;: i2_-C'; - -~}~_..~Cj,G:J' :-:.TAT¿:), KANS'S ~X>rJNT' OF ~.;. ~ . (rf ) fRfDfœREœRÐ IN 1,1\ ' f]t JUl2:1 1958 ~,' / ~. :~~~.~~~J '!~S- ~ ~ ~ W~ -:-;~~-'"""'C Qrf', "f DaG~ COle.,..:;. '; '., ~ 300 "A.""',~. Ih.,...,L 2s:< c,;'-.7LS.3 9..2 #..:5- ~ , ~T'" "" ---.,-----....--.- JI1I?~ ,"-'11 i ,3 ín,;cntul:i:; ;' a,1. ie, t:1i~ 17 ";1" .-.---.--.. '-" ~ of J ".L r 1:)6f', L.n ,~ ," > ,0 " t~\,'C,c.;, C..:,7~~~_;~ -,; I t, T,T ;,;;:: an; CC';: L;- ., ,I L'é,I " , .., .,J.,; -,oj ~::.:c, cf ;., ,', 1 in ¿': Cd";,,,,';, of t:~.c; ." i 1:~; t ' Ù J' t , ¿;:1 , . t;l (; C1 - '~"F ~. ;', T,:;: -;;, , _1",; S 7,;c, , u, i:,unlcl;..:::.1 C ú l' :':i () l ii t j, c:, , c" tLe sccon;" I',-:rl~, T " ,-, "',' . ". ". ,.. ':'dCCl. Ll~ :3&JJ, l.¿,rtiès of t:iC first pa_rt for ¿.'. 'joo( ür: c. v ¿,,1 - U c'i', l,~ con:>ié:eraticn, t:,C rcc<2i:-t (¡:i( ::;ufficic~ncy of '.¡'.tic:, ~, " 'lcrcj.JY ~l C :.~ !l l)\-! 1 C C (" C.C .j~- tllC:3e prcs,,!].t;;;, '~r an t, ;)clr'Jùin, sê,11 <:in" convE:'l' LIJlto tllC party of t:1C ~;cconé~ pZlrt, all ,,"i:lser,C!l't in, over all,; aCloss <:1 cextain ="ortion of 1 an,j o',:nc r= iy the i: i r ,3 t, r' a r - tie::; ;,orc j)articularl:./ uescriìJ(',:' as [0110l,J3: Block 1 Tile ;: ¿; ;] t 14' of the ',iest 70' of Lot,s 'i ¿) 11 c~ 51\'I'ucker Pé"rL ;-,l;Ói tion, C i tj- 0 f ;.)alina, l~ansas , Lor all toil e x: i 9 i1 t s of in~rcss anè;. e'jres:3 o[ sai¿ second party, its ,;ervants, officer:3, e;--:r1oy(;e s, anc: contractoJ::s for the ':,ur.:,osa of coLs.tructin'j, inf3talliIl(j , 1: (~p i1 i r i n (J , replacinc; aIll: nain'téo,inineJ a sanitary SQv¡cr SY;3t(;¡., in pcrI'ctuit~'. III \:I'l';JESS '..;~=;I\.LUF, tile parties of t:le first part have ~ere- unto :.jet theil' hùncls the clay aIle:: year fi1.':3t a~)ov(; \/ri,tten. ~/t.T~C' K". N$~s tf\ ~n. ; !'rr', ""'F CoaA ¡,. ( I .,'.I".,~, '.' - ~ filED fOR mAD IN ¡,Ii OM JUL 2 ~{ 1968 ~ " J s:::.o'CLO.3~. eM. AND OU!.ì' R. EGG". fl' L.L Wl.--7-2::-0~<!J\T PAGE ,~ '/ - -~-- -----~- -~ P'f'. ~ OŒv5 8 j~ ~ t: 4Ø;: þ/'~ - -~~~ ~._/£:4£~~-??? .. Charles .- \'i lli ar:s " ~ d . " "-/ L 'i ¡ß -L.~~çz{.JL. c..L_.{:--:LC æ /)""""'::;'; Cora Lee ..; i 11 i aT:: s ,-; T ;, ~i' E OF .;:J')iJ;-j;,~, ,;,\LI;¡r COUYI'Y, s s : JIJ~e. -,L 1'1' h_,n;;¡;~,LR}:D thù.t on thi~; --12~ (~ay of ~ 19G8, }.)c,fore ¡¡,e, 'the undersigneè.., a ;~otary Public in all(; for the COU!1ty one": state aforesaiC:, CaL¡e Charles :::. í:'illiill,'S anC: Cora Lee í;i11iar,s, id,s wife, to 1,;0 personally kno~..'n to be t';1e SD.ne rersons \\';:0 execute!: t;IC \'Jithin instrur~if~nt of writin<j a.n,' (~uly i.'.cknovJledç.ec1 the execution of the samc. I~'~'ii'1"C¡.JL~;::; ',ihLEL OF, af ~~~~t..{t.§'~.Q't,f i ci al se ill ';" . . ','¡J " (¡ ,.' ". ~ ;): 0' ^ n~... .', ; : 0;-\ : cñ ~ .' ..." .- : C:::::: 1').. !JUS\.-\ :~:: .., '. . ~ ;: '" ,:,.::,..,.,.,.,.:\,:~ "' / -- ""',\,'" ,.-' flY COLl::l.,?,¡;.'.i:on l_xl'lrcs: I have hereunto subscribed my name an~ the e.ay an~ year last aho e itten. // c~~ '/.. "~~:~ ~~~::'-L ./ ,.Ur~,.~", d !'.¥L d Z/ ,I ",: ;' I , .> " , '" >-- '¡-<':" ~ 6-/7-,{; ~o~ 7J~~ ,.)--,..... c,'-. ~.' 9:2. ~~-~ ~'lisc, Book 9~ Fag; ~-.5-- ~ -~ - c "" en .. .... ---,_._._- '" II i s in(~en t'i.~rc r,¡;:dc fJ " Q,.j~l" r " this -+-- clay 0.... ~, -;'u", :J ~' C'IlCc 1) c 't ',: C ':: 1: r ,-_L.::'" lac. OL2'.~. <:;.1: ( 'EL - IC' ',jI,,",:C , L j :, " r ( - :.::Jj~'~D, .,cr:.:c; i' '-: c':-: " ~-- ' ~ i }",:::, i'~.L t, aEc, t,~; i' CIT-" :; r' r',f,I"- ".r!, ';:::,:'" : ,"1 ;J ," J, c:: i... .:: 1 (;cr:or¿~t:i(.'n, (, :- ::; '.: C C.:1 (" ::: ¿, J.' ~: , -T ,.,. --. " ,... .. ., L.." , _. . .. , "::':lé: t ;::;:':.: :: ,::..i ' ,', r "c::i s r n " .. fir::t ~ ;-.:;::. fr":,' '. ''c. ,,-,," Vi",}- cc.~l'Ji'>_i:,--,tio¡:: t:; :: rcccj..," ¿~ -, ( ..',; f [ i c i ::.:~: C j,' of 'i c": J, ::; :" c l.~ 3:- i i.,C:.lic';:lc J UU "'. t11:'::;;::.':: r '. s '::.: ;i:: .:; .. :, r ,',,1, t , , ,::dr'Je~'L::, Vè 11 a;,l: CO¡¡VC~ un t,o t;¡ .::' r'", 1.' ti' or t::é:' :,,::,cun( part, un Cèl'.:eF...:;nt in, ove: l: ", ¡, l d. C :L 0 ,; s c C.èètë:i.;l i,or:tic¡) cf J i;, ,1, 0" r.2 ( 1 t:lCè :':5. r:i t .:::' ell: tic E; or':.: ::"'è.rtlcL(larly ll,"scl'i::,...~C:: ë,S folIous: Block 1 T:le ;::a,st 1"1' of 'ell': ~outh 11 ' () f 1, <.' 't 3^ r:.'uc!~(~r roar}: T. (2,~ it i 011 , Cit:l Df ~:alina, :~ c.n ,-' <1::; for all tLe l' i'"l: ts of i n (J r (: ,.; éi <:111 ( ,~ ':: res" c:f :; è' i ( ::;~conC r<J..'.".'ty, it::; E; J, v a r: t s , oiiiccx:s, cr',.'.-,loyc'cc, (';11 (~ cont,ractor:3 for tlH,' ¡-11rl-'08(' of cons t,x1.:ctilij, instc'l11ij1'::', r e pc' i r i. 11 '.; , r e r 1 é\ C in,.; i) 11 (" 11'<tiLta:inin(] ë:. s¿r;itar:.' ;,; C, '.i,~ r s:-.'s tc in l"~ rr.;c tui ty. IS: ',::':T:;.L,:":::-: .."LF.::CC:' , 'c.:lC I.)artie::; of thn first l:'art. have :l" r::,- ':: r: t: Co :::; C t t:, '" i r ..1 all C: ,3 t;;c Lay ('.11(;' yp.-ê.J:: first a!~ovc ,¡ritteL. ._.(~.~ raul ::icllola3 ~.~ ;,¡;.bel ::icllOl¿:s STl,TL OF l~t,;:;::T.;.., ~;;-,Ll.,l'; COtUTY, 3S: ~L IT L ~ r:;, ; ;.:; ~~ rr. :', that en t h i [; __.1_- (1 a:r (> f~~/', 1968, Lo.£o1'e Le, the u:1Ce:L'sign'::,c1, a ¡rotary Public in and for tho count:v anëi :Jt,at.c aforesaid, car-,o Paul :¡icholaE; 0.1"1(2 ¡",bel ::,icll01ù.s, his ",Tife, to L,e persoLùlly LnOi\'l1 to be t:le save ,persons \,'110 C:XE'cutcr- t,~le v:iLlin instrur.lcLt of \!1'itin'..; ëtnd (-~u1~r acJ:no\/lec'<jc6 thc ex(~cuticn 0 f th c saLe. 1.; ,JI'l'~;~~::;S \:L;~F;:()F, .'1ffi::ed I'Cj' offic:icd seal I LëtVC hereunto seLscril',c( ny nan'," an.J the day and year last above written. L-",,-et.¿~~ -- -'--.'- . I~'/""- . -9 " "" <;.0"" J:.~.-~ \, .l U t:"'.",..;~... .J. .\ .I J!t¡ ','" ~ """;~ç;.~ ....' '.... : % ; '," , . ~ r...\ "SlIC ': ~ ~ ". .. .-- ~.. '. -- , ."""'-..~ ,00'- '~Ji 11. -,- ,0' ...-" ;;otory Public :;::l.;ìrcs: }-~J+L f,.6 9 ~;AT., f.OfK"J\NS.,./ItS , (../) ~ i J 'IT ' ,':'IF SAU.", }' I '( flLf.DfORREœfID IN M:, " ON JUL 2:1 1968 ~,' 1.s-=.n:CW,_"~'~,ND OUìY R£CŒ" flj V!L F~w PAGf r:.s-...ç- -~'"._~_. ..... prg rt¡ neEDS '" .3 oJ! ~~ Ì, íìsc. Boo~~--Prígt ~~