Lot 22 Block 4 & Lot 14 Block 6 EASENENT Misc. Book I () 4- Page #1 This Indenture, made this 4th day of Dec. , 19~, by and between FRANCIS E. B:ARINGER and BEULAH 1'1. Bi\R INGER, husband and wife, Parties of the First Part and THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part, vlITNESSETlI: That the said Parties of the F'irst Part for a good and valuable consideration receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said Party of the Second Part an easement in, over and across a certain tract of land owned by the Parties of the First Part more particularly described as follows: Ii Beginning at a point that is ten feet (10') north of the southeast corner of Lot Twenty-two (22), Block Four (4), Rolling Hills Addition to the City of Salina, Kansas; thence west one hundred thirty-five feet (135') to a point five feet {5') north of the southwest corner of said Lot Twenty-two (22), thence north five feet (5') along the west line of said Lot Twenty-two (22), thence east one hundred thirty-five feet (135') to the east line of said Lot 'l'wenty-two (22), thence south five feet (5') to the point of beginning; and ~ Beginning at a point that is ten feet (10') north of the southeast corner of Lot Fourteen (14), Block Six (6), Rolling Hills Addition to the City of Salina, Kansas; thence west one hundred twelve and five tenths feet (112.5') to a point ten feet (10') north of the southwest corner of said Lot Fourteen (14); thence north five feet (5') along the west line of said Lot Fourteen (14) thence east one hundred twelve and five tenths feet (112.5') to the east line of said Lot Fourteen (14); thence south five feet (5') to the point of beginning; and ~' Beginning at a point that is ten feet (10') north of the so~theast corner of Lot Eighteen (18), Block Six (6), Rolling Hills Addition to~ City of Salina, Kansas; thence west one hundred twelve and five tenths feet (112.5') to a point ten feet (10') north of the southwest corner of said Lot Eighteen (18); thence north five feet (5') along the west line of said Lot Eighteen (18); thence east one hundred twelve and five tenths feet (112.5') to the east line of said Lot Eighteen (18); thence south five feet (5') to the point of beginning; for all of the rights of ingress and egress of the said Party of the Second Part, its servants, officers, employees and contractors for the purpose of constructing, i~stalling, repairing, replacing and maintaining a sewer line or any other utilities, in perpetuity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Parties of the First Part have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. STATE OF KANSAS } f. ( ) COUNTY OF SALINE ss.vV FILED FOR RECORD IN MY OFFICE ON MAR 2 1973 AT JI,':2/J _o'ClocKAu. AND UlV RECO.R...Dft1ul." ,~ 1" PAGEl!¥' / . Of~ STATE OF KANSAS, SALINE COUNTY, ss: " I/~ BE IT REHEHBERED, that on the ¿It!t day of ,z"J/I,~- , 19 7 1)/ , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the countY- and state aforesaid, came Francis E. Ba ,r-'inger and Beulah H. Bari.inger I husband and wife, who are personally known to me to be the same par- sons who executed the above and foregoing instrument of writing and duly acknowledged the execution of the same. J c 'J:uÞ.«--é.-f. (/¿f;/'¡)dj?-r~~."t:Æ. f.-) Franc~s E. Ba 'r'~n<ì~ \) '. I, ' » i., ! )/ a-JLJ;)/ lcJ (1.1L<).1}'-' > ~. M. BaJ:: inger I have hereunto subscribed my name and the day and year above written. 9? ~..u- ~/t:..J Expires; -.----------- ì i í /; ,/ /) /', 1/ .I / / 'f) i ;;,. } ---_ù~._~ ~l / {L / 21- I.>CI R H \v Ü / Notåry 9fuDE)Yi4! f' Misc. Book /,1 "-I- Page #'1 - ~ .. ' Misc. Book J ð?'- Page 9 ~ ~ , GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY THIS INDENTURE made this 4th day of December ,19 72 , by and between FRANCIS E. BAR'INGER and BEULAH M. BA'RÜNGER, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as parties of the first part, and THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, party of the second part WI'ftfE6SETH /I 1ft eonai&uration o.f t;he $UD\ of One PollAr and other valuable ~ia.r..t.loft. tbe~.ceipt.h't.of iä hereby aèknòWledged, t!\8 parti.. of the !La-stpa,' (jiG h8J:'dIy .el1, f,aRt and convey to the party of ~...Ð'ond pact Q -.---nt Îo%' the pu,"po... her.in... after ..t fQ:ttn iJi a"'4 '0 tl'!8 fo~lowlft9 ~..êl'lb.d teal _.tate sit.uat:ad in th~ CClunt.y of Sàli.ne, sta'e Gf Kan.as. tc...wâ.t: a.,iaftinc¡ fit a ~ø,il\t that is the south...t cor.ar v ofL~ 14, al()c:k ., Roll!.9 aill. Mdt-ion t() theC1 toy of Sa111\a¡ ~.fto. "..t onë hundr.d twelve "nð five t.8i1ths t..t tl1J.1 f) t.o tIDe wout:l\w..t corR.~ .of a.aid Lot. 14; ...ce ao.t.b tea I..¡ U.O') along the west lin~ of ..lei Løt 14 ¡ tãeaQe 8A8' o..e hund:t.ct tweive and. fiv. \a_tn- f..~ (11J~5'. to t~. ..s~ 11_- df said ~Oå 14; thenèe .oath tea teet (10') to the p"oint of be.!,,'" AiR" and "," B.qibhin~.t a po1n~ that i$ th$ south...t OO~$r of LOt 18. Bleck 6, Rol~ift9 Hills A4di£ioR to the City of $allna." I(.n.a,,~._c. west~. 11",,4$"8\1 twelve .ad five tenths i..t (..112.5 f) toe» the 8()ut.hwest corner of said Lc:>t 18; then.. aorth tt.ftfe.'t(l(}~} aU..onq ,ft. w.st lin. of said tot 18, tl1ene- east. Oft. h\litdnð. twelve anð five t:entns teet (112tS'¡ to 'the ..at line of -..4 Lot ¡8~ tn.ne. 8o\a'th t.. kat. {10.". t. 111\. point. of be.,in-. nin9 i imd v a-g1ftßl.9 at . pøint th.t i. tb. aôuth.as~ aor~~t of Lot 22, s.lo~ '" 101111\9 Hil],' 1\dtUti<m to the Ci~y ø,f $ali.at K8Ra." tft..co west orie. htilndred thirty..tive teet (13S t) to the _outhw.ø' cor.... of s.1d ~t 2~ i thence ~ft.h ten. fee" Ud.) 81009 th. we~~ :U.r\e Gf s.i~ 1,1:)1;.22; thence e.lI1:. one hW\d,ed ,hirt.y...tivs t.et (135<1)' t~ the ...t ltne .f ..id ~t22; th&n., sou~h ten f.8~ (1:0 f; };, to the p~in't ofbeqinninglo Aft . ..I..~t in .aid real estat-. 1$ 1\.teb),91'_t~4 arid 9Oftv..~~ tÐp.r~y .~ the .ec:ond part. for th~ putpoM ~f l.~i~, ø~t, ..1.~.tt,.. ing, à1t.t1à~J;. "id..1n9, con8truc~int' .nd -'$J\talatJ;19 . t"Oa4 ø'S' ~:r;-':ut:.:n:,:i:;.:ff::l;:r~~:::::,:~r':8~;h~f.:h::~db~.;:~:;~:e th..~4 pl1r4t¡'lte cgt'ant of a.tel ...a,...nt 1$ ade" up. tð..Xp...8 condi~ions tb.~ it said ~oa4 ot ,t~..t, ~. r!9~~..f~..Y fOf y~1.h said.....l.state 16 now ac:qU:1¥'" by party ótthe .eeOri~ r>~tt, .air. he~.tt.r ....-dona" and Yacated (,all ~f, ~.,. ..!~t&t,. tl t1. and in't~t,... est of p.rtyo, t¡Ae ..aøøt pa~rt in andtf> the ab~:v. «..c:d.b8d .....l ..~.te by vi~~ue øf ~hi. in.~~u~~..ha1~ ~.... ~ d.te$.~. .ft. the .~ sh,11 ¥'8ve.¡:t to pa.-tie.of t'be ii~8t part, fits öl' th.ir g1t'øt..UJ,b.lra ~ 8uo(:e8.01:8 o¡rr a8siqns. PaJltt.a ~f ~ f11's, p,art d() h...~by.ag~e;. th.t ti1. e.n~~ø.~.'" tieD .~p~....d b.~.i. an4 ~. ba~.f1t.. to åêCI'Q8 t. pattf$t the first ,art. tJ'OIa tne 18ft,.. Ot,t't., ~.lQ~ati1\', 41t_i~9, wid..1~~H <;on'" øtl'\i~,tlnf ~ ..11\~.1"int .f .aid ro.d 1, il\tol; _d ct-Þ1:.t.ø.~'" isfaøtion 10. ..J.ð *19Bt-of"'~.Y ...em.at. ud.f all d....<I.*tø p.rti.. of the fLt8't ,par. "Ilat.c:h ay .~i.. Item 'tn. us. of .a1.d J1'eal ..~.te for tù\.p~rþO..a a.rea .at f()J"tb. S.i~ first. par~1.$ do kerebY covenant wi'h þa~ty of the ..coRd p.art that at t$. ,.,U.V4fY of theee pre..t., they a~. seized of an Misc. Book / ð '" Page ¿.,I /,I ~ ~ ~ \ ~... Misc. Book J ¿J 4 Page JI. 'I 9 . I absolute and indefeasible e~tate of inheritance in fee simple of the above described real estate and that the same is free and clear of encumbrances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. // ","" , C"C'lr (L;;;; /h ,~ ) ClAd-?'; ./-"" ,,/ ¿;:l'Ú~!~ Franc~s E. .'ILcrr~nger 1/ I) l - '\ j Rill.- Ú'~ ))/ J Ú,,'\.\.ìt j&)' Beulah M. B-a r~ngeI( STATE OF KANSAS, SALINE COUNTY, ss: BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the ¿ /'th day of ¡[){)-<. ' , 19E, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, came Francis E. B:8:'ringer and Beulah M. a:a:,ringer, husband and wife, who are personally known to me to be the same per- sons who executed the above and foregoing instrument of writing and duly acknowledged the execution of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official ~~~re day and year above writt1n. ~ft\J{ :\ ,/ì" / A ',~' "'-:';"""".""" ',", :~,;£t:¡~:~:.", '..' ~'¡~~~~o;ir- '~~,r~~~.:' ,:) ~;...;" ' Notary Pu 'lie ,~.,'<;i1J.,~~,:t~/ My ç~~~~n Expires: \\, ' '.... STATE OF KANSAS } ~ I) COUNTY OF SALINE ss.~, FILED FOR RECORD IN MY OF ICE MAR 2 1973 AT IN ;lÞ_o'clocKLM. AN~j~~EC~RD~ B'- "141 '! ~V!;;~ T Pi,GE- e fŒG" Of DEEDS ON Misc. Book /4 ¥- Page .t,L~? -2- 91, e¡ J..L.J lk1f