Lot 1, Block 5 Misc. Book- / ~4- Pãge J.;/,I~ . EASEMENT This Indenture, made tœ ,~c)-¿lr-day of ,}1~~u- l , 19 7 1--, by and between DOYLE F. YOCKERS and DOROTHY JEAN YOCKERS, husband and wife, Parties of the First Part and THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: That the said Parties of the First Part for a good and valuable consideration recapt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said Party of the Second Part an easement in, over and across a certain tract of land owned by the parties of the First Part more particularly des- cribed as follows. Beginning at a point that is ten feet (10') north of the Southeast corner of Lot One (1), Block f'ive (5), Rolling Hills Addition to the city of Salina, Kansas; thence west one hundred forty feet (140') to a point ten feet (10') north of the southwest corner of said Lot One (1) i thence north five feet (5') along the west line of said Lot One (1); thence east one hundred forty feet (140') to the east line of said Lot One (1); thence south five feet (5') to point of beginning; for all of the right3 of ingress and egress of the said Party of the Second Part, its servants, officers, employees and contractors for the purpose of constructing, installing, repairing, replacing and maintaining a sewer line or any other utilities, in perpetuity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, hereunto set their hands the said Parties of the First Part have the day and year first above written. ", ~-"" ) (",-----.,/ i, 'i'}"];-/ I' -< . -L..¿t;'l~ !'F:¡ liocffi.éi;f.e-X.é-L- i I / - / '- ,~:,.-, (' ::, ( ,ij,<,J¡ f-':t~,,' ,,','v)¿'l!'t,,"t."'¡';'( '¡ Dorot '" ean<þèkèrs ' " " ',' STATE OF KANSAS, SALINE COUNTY, S5: :::c' '~ ',;Y-Cèì i // ~ BE IT REMEIvlBERED, that on the c;) C> --- day of c./ / fl,-¡..l¿/r~¡f.A.-ð 19,' ¿-r before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, came Doyle F. Yocker5 and Dorothy Jean Yockers, husband and wife, who are personally known to me to be the same per- sons who executed the above and foregoing instrument of writing and duly acknowledged the execution of the same. IN WITNESS vnIEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal the day and year above written. .~III. //:;;(ì ."..z:% " ,.ff.. .T:t"~<,~, " ¡ ,,", ' c ',../(, ¿~t'!:P~iJJri~~r ;~y~¿ ,3' ; ;ITJ ,:~<,; ."-- '.-.. . . . ~'} "". /.' ..L--j "j -/ ' ~ 11i(. cpmmi§.sia xpires: <,y~) {¿é./ ..-'//~.~ / / / (- \"~"" J.U....I""- ~ .._----~k~i~~-=--- "~~~':AS } I'. / COUNTY OF SALINE 55.VV ) FILED FOR RECORD IN MY OFFICE ON MAR 2 1973 AT 11.'~_O'CLOCK!1M. AND DULY RECORDED ~ ~~~:~~f!s Misc. Book: J ~ + Page ~ /,¿f' 9ftl~ . " ~ ~ 7> / Misc.' Book) b J.. - , Page ~ ~5 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ",1- 'i, THIS INDENTURE made this ~(~:)L.t/'aay of _/r¿A.,-,;--~, , 19,7 Z-, by and between DOYLE F. YOCKERS"and DOROTHY JEAN YOCKERS, husDãñã and wife, hereinafter referred to as pa~ties of the first part, and THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, party of the second part WITNESSETH, 1ft consid$ration of the sum of One Dollar and other ì,ial.uable consideration, the receipt whereof 1s hereby acknow- ledged, tn. parties of tl'UÞ first part do h.reby 8ell, qtant and convey ~ø the party ot ~e second part an e..men1:- fôl.' the purposes herein.fter ..~fortb in __d to the followinq de8crtbad r~al estate situated 11\ the cotiìtty of Sa~ine, State of 1{an$.UI, to-wit: aegian.1t\9' at . point that is the louth..llt Gomer at ...ot l, Block 5, Rel1in9 fUll. Addit:io~ to the City of Salina, Kansas; ~h.nce west one hun4~.d forty t..t (140') to tbesóuthwe.t cot"J\er of said Lot 1, thence J¡\ot'th ten fe.tt10 I' a1-onq the west line (i»f said Lo~ 1; thanee ..st Oft. h\1ndred forty ~.et. (140') to the east. line of said LQt 1; thanee south ten feet (10') to un. potn~ öf be9i~ning~ An easement in said r.al estate is hereby granted and Qønveye4 to pal"ty of the saeond part to): the putpoae of lay1ng out,. talocat- inq I a'l\t..inq,. wide.ln(j')I consttuc:itin<j áftd maintaining. ltoa4 or s'tlte.t in t.ñ. City of ßalina, ~an.alS for.. long., ì*lð. real e.t..~. is ioequ1..d and ü8.4 for sàid ,purpoøes, or any of t,...., by par'V' 01 th...(:\!)nd p.rt, the grant of said ..".MJIlt. t. m~d, u.pç;1\ ~he exp:t'.'. coocUtioJls that. ~f ..id i'oaèl ot str.eti' tn. t!gtlt""of-"'-1 lor which Îlaid Äa1 .s~a- i. nGW aøqui¡reð by p~rty of the ..COÐð p't'~, .... he..aft.!' Þudonea al1d ..cat.edr all ef the rt'il)1t.r t1t;1j at\4 i....-... .at of patty ctthe se~o.d pat~ ih an~ to the above ðe8dtlÞed ..a~ ..~at. by virtue of 'bhis ia.t.I"~t sha).l ~.... and ~.t.X1d.. d~ the ... øh&llrev.:rt, topartt.. of the ~irlt p..t. hi! oar th...tr ÇJl:an'bae. ~ heir-a t ."ocesso... or EUJs:lqnell JIaJ'~ies of the first part 40 h.reby aqr.. t~..~ the conaidee.'" tieR ..p~..sed, herein and ~h. bèr¡efiu to ,,*(:crue to p&ittJ... of t~ first 'p~rt. t.OIÞ the lay1ft9 Gut. relocatint,'a].tefinq, w,itkn1n9. (IOn'" strue~inq aftd main~ain1~9 of said road i. in full åA« ØÞ~p¡ete .at- 1sfact!ð!t fet 8ala fi9ht-cf-way eàse-.nt, ànd of all ã--q.. te pat-ties òf. t.ña '~ir8t par1t which may arise tt'om the Use of said rea! estate for the pUI'PO'.. henal. set. fot'th. ~aid fi~s~ parti.. do hereby covenant w~th party of the second p«r' that at the deli vet'? of. the.. pre.ent. they à,r. B_s. zed of an abso¡'ut.. and ind_f.asib,l. ..tate of inheti taace in tee 81.ple of the above d..cwibed real estate 4~d that the $'" is free and ~l.ar of encumbrances; IN WI~NE~S WHERSOF, heràunto set t:h.etr habds t~e said f;~u:tÌ'es of the first part h.Ye ttte ~äY ~ yeat tiz:-st. above writuø. / .. ":-.=\/ =~-- ( .---.,1 . J...." ,," ,----_.-/ t' /¿'".<'" '. /.J y. F. l J , ~ Î ,._--.;J./ ',' if! r'J D6t~;: .ûå~ ~~f.~. &LÁ --' ',-./ :-I S'fAT1: OF ~ANSAS" SAL~"~ COUNTY, s. t ---It -' _om_). .$.;t'Ï' NUŒMaERED ',~.'t. on the <":,:?Ç) t.-' .-~-,cÒ.äY O't-;;' ;7~~L(.~tí\:¡¡,~.j.<_l9-7 '~ ~ b.J!U,t'e "" tn. undezoslc¡n«d, a Notary Public in ana lor . co~nty and staû. .fQr..aid, .am. Ðøyle F. Yoøk.~$ and DorothY J~an Yocke.., Mise.Book)t) 4-'=-Page ~~.s - 4- )0 I Mišc.B~k- J '! _-!- Pâ;e /,I ~ ~ husband and wife, who are personally known to me to be the same persons who executed the above and foregoing instrument of writing and duly acknowledged the execution of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal the day and year above written. / /----~ì~- c,¡ji' , ': ~<; \J;~i!.CL 7v¿¿L(.._,s.&~-¡;¿~, íy. Jeanette Hurley' \/' 1/ Notary Public ð /'-. ! /<~l 4"l.¿ ef-l '1 7' (". J \\.H"""'~... ~'" . ""I \' .-""" ,~, "",,::;,.~ ') ...t"A.;"",<--\ . ""111"1 #II1l' . .( '; My ~MIlsiòlt ~xpires: ,;îç::J .. Jt..,.U t, ..: ~.;..-,Jf l ,. ,,"1" ,0' 'btJ"'-r1 I i. .,,' ~ STATE OF KANSAS } ~t/ ) COUNTY OF SALINE 55. ¡ ( FILED FOR RECORD IN MY OF CE ON MAR 2 1973 AT 1//2LO'ClOCrb. AND g:ECOR~~ ~ - 4*t. . I~ J~ ~[G. ~:~~s J/- MJåë. Book / ¿ 4- .Pa;e J/ /,I ~ -- . - . -2-