Lot 22, Block 2 , Filed for record Dec. 13, 1944, 1:05 P.~. Elsie L. Fepperly, Register of Deeds. Volume 42 of ~Hsc. Page 30. CC:, ,"""~,a ..L \.1' ~"'.'::¡;';",,;"-,l l -......... - '---- 'i~""",1"""""-'-"(- "-",,, -,,~Q ."V' '-"'.jf' -W :'"L'-' ,_:_J'\~" '~'lJ., ,., ,:",..d" "d_~, l~H b~i-ll;~(:~\;ét't,.,r;: ._.._---.LL~- ""'------- -', v Robert W. Ellis - ----------,.._------ ----- '----, -------,-.- --,----,-- - --------- ----..- ---'---, --- n"'~'Tl,A'" 0_I' L,',H3 l' :i. r ,:< ': 1>' r' t J-, ;"l' L: cne:';it;; or' .:.Jf)liru 01' ',lee ::1::CO)(1 i.JU l' t; ¡¡:'Je:ceas L~e ,::~iU.' of ~::e Sc;cor:u ':',:;:(,1, l~1.lt'.~'.1Etr1~ LC L:..e IB.VlS OJ.' ",tee l3t'~_,:e of i.ar::;ns, has C"'"a '::0. a lc:1:(;'::'E!,-L :3'J'i¡eC":;>Gr'-L,t ,d~strj.cc r,UiilUCl' l...C, v;,Ücb ~Lnclud"js or 1-,; lots ore (1) to ::fH (1,,)) "'I,y,'('ï,-c,.,~,HI"" '-'c' ,'.t", ""y, (..l"',) ',:;r" ,..'] v_,'-,-"pr-' (-t,.,) ¡-,(,' "',".'7,' r,y-,,'" ,.,,'~ .,_v~, i':)ur:,~,~ ~~~'n, l ,~~~-- ~-"'- ~.. UJ u"~ v, -'.~ (..:;1) ircJ .sive of~l(,ck ore (1) .c:.'/el' reen .Lo.d~ Ci.Clc.d.tion; l~ts one~ (1) to clever: (11)~reL;_si'le c1' ~lock OL6 (1) LV,::; reel'. l¿l'l: adcÜtion l'erl&t; lot~3 ore (1) to l'c-,U' tit) irclB..:.ve ,:'J.oc.i- j,'o~n' (el) "-V',;,"'l",-'D -cork éH;úLtioL to -cLe C,1. 01' ~;ulina, :,3<::lLe count;;.', l.CtrSiL3; o.r::J_, " :-l ð L' Ô a i3 ,:', to 'j(¡":' 0';,' Cl'lC :3t:3C()Y ~_,U,2t:., ---,.:, i'ol:.JjC:~ -,=",,' l:i,W, (;i :1L (C,) lrc:l lo.t~t'al ir Let us to ard 'L~) roinr' 1..0 c()r,~tl)~lct';r SfJx:ita:'y Sè\,::;:r':.) irl':lr<- ':J.'-' fer. existLr~ -t_lLLlole lrLile alley eh;ccl:r::L_U:'l:i.r D,rle.:. Ll_1"\',:i.r stl"6ets, "'J;'ljl'C)~:_L,lS-c~l" ore ill'cd ,::':.1'c, six (lCyn Leet Last 0,( Ljl'Ol-je,ct~,' line 01' hjI'shir ",vcòr'l:.e -3.Lu L:l2ee (0) feet i._aé3t CJl t,lC let l1ru e1' 10t '['J.O (2) evE.cl;; Lc.Lor itior., LlH)L ;;;'O'j.t:~ a2",11-:;1 to em:" t:ll'ee (3) feet .úast 01' Lots t'iJo (¿), LHI'ee (3), :,1.(.. IU,¡r (4) i.::evel'ly ",arol' acic,it;j_or., as ar eLGt (f..;)iLCÚ sev,::I' a úl.staLce (;1' Ore.1ULo.r'eu 3.reJ s1xty l"i_~Je (lC.')) Lee L ;;,026 01' less to ~ Llan~lOle Jr, C1::,1'li1' j.ve:ue; l;~lé:mce 3t alm: ' Claflin 1I.verue OL<'~ hU~JA2¿;c::. ;j-t 'J. el ,'ce:er: (lIE-,) feet ~,W¡'fj or' 1,:3s co ',:J i.arholt; é.;C ¡,'u:::: 'vn'3ectl_cr of' lafl-!, D,nQ ;.;:.levt~: tb Strc:ets; tLeLce :::'c'_lL; it Llevcrth ;"creet one :l1)r,:Ù'(~c:. 'l>-,i""i,-t,r ylr,e (lr,'---) t',c'e-i- '(',~n"," O'r)!~~,C(" ~o '~¡"'lr-,>",l'~-. ,-1- '¡"¡,-"", "l-L,'," ,-",'-"-'J_~AJ"J.L" -v -,. l~"..UL'-- ,~-.._" C"dC""',,-o,,, ~l'--'c"~J ibe t-Necr Cl&LUn and "ooclavln aLel - ir ell ar.d Llever t'-l ;:,¡ L2': e ts; th,;rcð east 727 f'tjet :Ilo:ce or _Less to a c:anhole at~:le irv=2seccion of tile l:.ast-ïu.ost anÓ loi'th-South a.Lle;ys ¡Jetv,een Cl:oLtl1r c-ru "oo:..ilavm nnci : irc.!J- ar(l bleve>:th Streets; thôr:ce ~Ol't:l ar.Q 50ut:1 it Lli,ey ~ixty ei;,ht (68)~'èet i.lO:;:'e or- less ~::ach (..ll.cccclor [3.S 3, s~x (6) inc:l S V«;l'c.o CieaCl eras; and, SO:' Ow>, Ùili.LL.,l-l.:d::..",I:lIL.3::,i..,Tn, ¡~,:at [;ne })u.l't;,~:J oC' :~",e ,Þ,""st'"c"'.'t ~,..- cor-c<1cl""'utlor, 1-'¡f>.y'eoC dr'(¡ ot'icr ouel i-TU VU1"fi,,',I," .¡. _J. U lJC-- , .L.l _ù-- '--'~ ~.. u..J~ -' - .-- c. -" --- ---" [Or'c)id,~_'atior, l'ecei~jt 01 v,Ùicn is :lereos &C1...:'v-,,1,,/,...:. 0, C.O ..ereL,; i,'rant U'""'Ca-1r SA1-l õ¡nû conVC':7 ur:'o sccor:ú ,,2"t',' qr' eaq..,.,-",,!,t if" I ,.., "'"c _L, J - G,-.. - 1. ,/ -- v . J.~ q- v ~;o ~'--..,~ J .. ,pvel' acroS,3 9. ceL'taL portion 01' l'eal es'C&Le, orl aiel au_jacer'.; 'LOl---,'f." J ir',.'" "1 '-"le '~O' '-" ""'c'-i',r CL' s'Lid Sé'V'e"'.,oI';'~ 'aPt~n"-,l ""1-1' ¡.. >c_, ..,-'~v u" ~._JV-'-'j-U.-~,',.. "_c,--- '~lJ- ",--,'_.,/ k~'c<n."'l.;..,.(J "8 ;"olle.vJC< f-,O-VI_i'!";.. W-,~ù,-, '-~~- n. - ~, '::>, - - If 'l1lC .,est- sever (7) feet of .Lots tv,,:,;! t;-y-twe (:":"i') ':-'l"nc1..~;"\"I'O (C'J)' l"~l- e""'3"T - ~¡,j1¡,' 'O(',,"';t' -',"YJ 'J~ , ,'J V "~u' "-', '--~ llu .L..'" u.~'--'-_L J,~'", a r ú iXuxJCCedtxJ£~xi':ccdct~XX!X:xXX:Qc~ , tOt~~~ xx ~~ iIt:kx~.jc4x~:nk;}t 1 ~~Jéfdáä xxbc:xxx;xxxx~i~~~~x~~ OCQ[~X:mxs:UJÇX ull -LOL'c.ilt~ l'i ,..'-' 01' d, i.'CSS E;t"O- <'3_1'(;:33;:)";/ j,J:J.,ety 0.1 t- ,; :313cord pe.:'c., its servaLts, ol'l'JCC['S, ð!i;lc;y,.-:,.;,s.:,¡,o CC),.,23t.tO¡'S _:,.",:rtJÍ'ol', :"'~-,-, ,',,~ ',1"" "s'" r'f C y's':-n'-ct-'r"" r"a-jY7-al'1"l'r'" , ¡-"-','r-!- .Lv~ ,~,,"t.. ;:-,d"'l)V ~,~ 'v~,-,.,'~.L"..;,.. -'-- ", .., "':1j¿_l.~r',r -~- ¡Jlacir~--- sULci. Sc;V,'.L' aiel all cocre;ctior;s, ]iar:lo.lt:S, ,Is, t:u:-- OT~ner ap~)ul't;ônar'ces c:'erc'to, all in eCCOJ'dLF-Ce '".i.t;~ ~ e 1.:1ay an~i s"ec,;_ì:lcutLoLS cm; or- file i1" c.!W olLice uf t;},,~ "lty C:!.er ot' >Q cne C,L(l-:' or 3[\11,:0., Yih:1.ch ::3~CCl l_lD,[ S aLC si-,ccill_C,:::.::.ioLS ai'/':; e:er'eo.: , Volume 42 of ~Hsc. Page 31. lrcol'porateci ::el'eir, aLii ;¡iad~ a J:J~,i't (H;l"èOI b~;'eleY'ence. n..I'l.~;t.S~;;~.ì:,FL.Ol-, we :lave --l.~reunto set Our CUJ.LOS or the cia;; aul ;year first ner-e.ir wl'jtter.. 'f C -f;.¡ I ¿Y:;{// 'f ( ,,' ð-~/ (!~i.L~ .', Cf{/ \1 ------ ' --- . ---- hCll u"LLIÆ..:. .L~ '1' ------ S ta -ce or' Ear s as, Corm ty of' Sal ire; ss: Le it reL1ô";b e 1'(;0., l.,ba t or this - y~ ~1l:) of ~~ , 1944, DClore me, the unu~r- GL:ea., èl notary i.Ju-olic in arÓ for said cour tj aLa state, ca:l,O rf~ cJ ~ -- - --- --------- to me per-sor.ally kr.oy,c to ,ç Lhe sainc per-soLS "ho eXc:C)_Leu. tLLO forð§::oir§: instrUlilé:CC of vvr:Jt.Ln[:, GiLQ Quly ackrowleQ u tne eXè;CU- tion of the 8:3.:.'.0. r "I'l'I:.i....SS ,,",,_bÌJ.C,DF, I nave hereunto 3;~-uscriLed :.'1";}- LcŒ_e ar:ci affixed my official 8c;al or the (ia~' EWQ jear lEts t aoove Vi r_L teet . ~I'~Ot":rp '-l""Î'C' . , Cl J Lcu.).L.l, ..::.Xi.Ji l'è 8 : ~4-ß-1-'-Y1~___._----------