12-20-2004 Minutes , < . . . .. -734- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Monday December 20, 2004 in the Prescott Room. The following Board members were present: Monte Shadwick, Cheryl Mason, David Hawksworth, Janice Ostrom, Lynn Ryan, Betsy Scholten and Tom Arpke. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Cynthia Smull and Sandy Wilcox. Lynn Ryan called the meeting to order and asked for any changes or additions to the November 22 Board minutes. No changes were suggested. 04-45 On a motion made by Monte Shadwick and seconded by Tom Arpke it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the November 22od 2004 Board minutes as printed. Motion passed. P734. 12/20/04. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Joe McKenzie said that the Friends did not meet in December. The Friends purchased new bookshelves that have been installed around the columns in the North foyer. The news media has mentioned the Friends scholarships for this year. NOTE: Lynn Ryan introduced Sandy Wilcox, the new Administrative Assistant, to the Board. DISCUSSION: TECH CENTER CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: The North side of the addition is now open. New shelving will be installed later in the week. And then book shifting will begin. Sheet rocking has been started on the South side. Electrical and mechanical is about 80% complete. The masonry work is done except for the granite panels around the fascia. The entire project is running ahead of schedule. The furniture has gone out for bids. They are due back December 31st. A vendor will be chosen approximately the first week of January. DISCUSSION: CLASS: David Hawksworth reported that the committee met two weeks ago and the operation model, possible physical location in the Library, job descriptions and roles of the CLASS Board and Friends of the Library were discussed. The Committee feels that CLASS should be part of Library services with the CLASS Board having an advisory role. Joe McKenzie discussed staffmg of the CLASS project. He will also prepare a budget for 2005/2006. The CLASS Committee will meet again on January 10,2005. DISCUSSION: 2005 PREVIEW: BUDGET AND ACTION: Joe McKenzie stated that the Library will be having a retirement reception on January 7tb for Cynthia Smull. Her last day on payroll will be January 15, 2005. - 735- Joe McKenzie discussed completion of the Tech Center, SIRSI system upgrade and the CLASS project and how they will impact the 2005 budget. We received two bids on the elevator repair and there is a large discrepancy between the two. We will have to evaluate the differences. A new phone system will be installed soon. We need to look at the Library's Strategic Plan again this year and try to devise a plan for 2006, 2007, and 2008. The coffee cart project has been put on hold for the time being. We have had one interested party call back about providing the service so far. ACTION ITEM: Transfer to the Capital Improvement Fund. 04-46 On a motion made by Betsy Scholten and seconded by Janice Ostrom it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the transfer to the Capital Improvement Fund from the General Fund an amount up to the maximum of 10% oftax receipts allowed by law, once all 2004 bills have been accounted for and paid. Motion passed. P735. 12/20/04. FINANCIAL REPORT: Discussion of 2004 Budget line items. Everything is looking good. We will be spending almost 100% of our budget this year. STATISTICAL REPORT: Internet use for November was 3601; we were at 2,428 last year at this time. The 3M security counter at the North Entry has been broken so we don't have an accurate count oftraffic into the Library. The small conference room use this month was 35. Joe will present a proposal at a later date for allowing for profit business to use the Prescott and conference room. Circa is down from last November, about the same as 2002. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe McKenzie asked for action on accepting the quote from Varney and Associates to do the Library fmancial audit the next three years. 04-47 On a motion made by Tom Arpke and seconded by David Hawksworth it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library accept the Varney and Associates quote for the Library financial audit for the next three years. Motion passed. P735. 12/20/04. Joe visited with Linda Grieve. She is still undergoing treatment for cancer. Joe discussed how the Library is filling Linda's job in her absence. . . . .. - 736- The Library will be closed at noon December 24tb and December 31 st and all day on December 25th and January 1st. Joe also discussed his involvement in the "Big Question Project" at the Arts Center. The committee is trying to prompt the community to think deeply about underlying issues and themes of their lives. The committee will choose one issue/question and create discussion groups in the community. Joe meets with the Lioness group today at 10:00 a.m. Joe also discussed an article about "Great Library's in the Making". This article discusses the ways Libraries are creating their space and using new technologies. This may be helpful in our strategic planning. BOARD COMMENTS: Lynn Ryan presented a gift certificate to Cynthia Smull, the Library's Administrative Assistant. The Board thanked her for her service to the Library. Cynthia is retiring January 15,2005. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. 04-48 On a motion made by Lynn Ryan and seconded by David Hawksworth it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourns the December 20, 2004, meeting. Motion passed. P.736. 12/20/04. ~~~ /2 -21- oj Betsy Scholten, Secretary Date