Ground Water Survey Ground ,later SI1rvey of the ~oky Hill Valley south o£ Salina, Kansas 1981 O. S. Fent Salina ground water survey, July 2, 1981 page 1 A geohydrologic survey of the &loky Hill R.i ver valley south of Salina, from Water Well Road to a line two miles south of Assaria, was conducted in May and June of 1981. Field work consisted of measuring static water levels in wells and observation holes, drilling and pumping 7 test holes for chloride tests in the deepest part of the alluvium and two pumping tests to determine hydrologic characteristics o£ the aqui£er. All available logs of wells and test holes drilled in the area by private contractors and governmental agencies were plotted for aquifer thickness and bedrock elevations. (Fig. 1) The survey shotis 19 billion gallons of water in storage in the channel gravel one mile --lide and 8 miles long directly south o£ Water Well Road. 6.4 billion gallons of this water is readily available to wells. 4.38 billion gallons per year moves into this 8 square mile area and represents the renewable annual ground tiater pumping capacity of this part o£ the valley. The area would support continuous withdrawal of 12 million gallons per day. Figure 1 shows the configuration of the shale surface beneath the aquifer and the thickness o£ the saturated sand and gravel. The northern part, area A, where the aqui£er contains 25 to 30 feet of gravel, will support 1vells o£ 700 to 1,000 gallons per minute. Area B, immediately south of this, 1vill support wells of 900 to 1100 gallons per minute except in the narrow part of the channel directly east of Mentor. Area C, with 40 to 50 feet of saturated gravel, will support wells of 1,000 to 1,200 gallons per minute. ¡</here the saturated gravel is 50 to 70 £eet thick, in area D, 1,100 to 1,500 gallons per minute could be developed. The distance-drawO1m relationship, shown by the pumping tests, indicates that the production wells should be spaced at 1200 foot intervals to prevent excessive mutual interferrence during extended periods of continuous P1DIlping. One pumping test was conducted on the Camp Phillips well No.1, in the m.; Cor. Sec. 7, T.15S., R.2W. This test, representing typical channel conditions, showed a permeability (p) of 11,000 gallons per day per square foot o£ saturated gravel at 1:1 hydraulic gradient. This P. was used to calculate the amount of water moving into the south end of the channel by the formula - Q=PIA. The gradient on the water table (I) in area D on the water table map (Fig. 2) is 0.0010. The cross sectional area calculated from the bedrock contour map and gravel thickness average is 316,800 square feet (A), yielding a quantity of 3.5 million gallons per day entering the channel from the south end. The second pumping test, on the James Lindblad irrigation well in the NE SE SE Sec. 7, T.16S., R.2W. represents channel border conditions. This test showed a permeability of 3,000 gallons per day per square foot at a gradient o£ 1. The same formu.la, Q=PIA, was applied to represent channel border movement across the west side of the 8-mile long area. The average water table gradient on this border is 0.00174, average gravel thickness, 38.6 ft. and the cross sectional area is 1,630,464 square feet, yeilding 8.5 million gallons per day moving across the west border of the channel. Salina ground water survey, July 2, 1981 page 2 Total movement into the channel, 8.5 million gallons from the 1vest and 3.5 mi 11; on gallons from the south, provides 12 million gallons per day or 4.38 billion gallons per year moviDg into this potential r,lell field To provide salina's present needs, from ground water alone, the equivalent o£ about 13 wells of 1,000 gallons per minute capacity ~lOuld be needed for peak daily usage. To provide the annual need of 2 billion gallons per year, - these tfells would operate an average of less than 8 hours per day. To provide. peak hourly use during maximum use days, the number of wells needed will depend ~ upon the balance of plant storage and well production. The chloride content of water in the deepest parts of the channel was less than 60 parts per million except at the southeastern part, where hole No. S-6 chloride content, pumped from 90 feet, was 90 ppm and the water from the Lindblad irrigation well, Hhich 1v-as l20 ppm. chloride. Field data and methods Salina City hydrologic parameter calculations, July 3, 1981 Page 1 Hydrologic constants were derived using the Jacob modification of the Theis formula for non-equilibrium pumping conditions, T = 264 Q in which delta s T is the transmissibility in gallons per day per foot, Q is the pumping rate in gallons per minute and Delta s is the dra..ldotm in feei# between logari tbmic time intervals during pumping. In the Camp Phillips well test, T = 264 x 720 = 345,600 gallons/ft/day on 0.55 observation well No.1. The coefficient of permeability (p) is the transmissibility divided by the aquifer thickness. At the Camp Phillips test there is 28 feet of saturated sand and gravel and P = 345,600 = 12,343 gal/day/sq ft. at a hydraulic gradient of 1. 28 In Camp Phillips observation well No.2, T = 279,529 and P = 9,983 An intermediate coefficient of permeability of ll,OOO was used in calculating water movement under existing channel aquifer conditions. In the Lindblad test observation well No.1, the delta s Was 2.3 and T = 80,000 gal/day/ft. Aqui£er thickness 29 ft. and the P = 2771 gal/day/sq it. In Lindblad observation well No.2, T = 88,000 and P = 3,034. .à coefficient of permeability of 3,000 was used to calculate water movement under existing channe1 border conditions. These constants were used to measure the movement of water into the prospective well field by a derivation of Darcy's law, Q = P I A, in which Q is the quantity of water in gallons per day, P is the permeability in g~ons per day per square foot of aqui£er, I is the hydraulic gradient in feet per foot and A is the cross sectional area o£ the aquifer in square feet. For channel border conditions, along the west edge o£ the channel, Q = 3,000 x 0.00114 x 8 x 5280 x 38.6 = 8.5 million gallons per d~. For channel movement into the south end, Q = ll,OOO x O.OOl x 5280 x 60 = 3.5 million gallons per day. The combined total of 12 million gallons per day equals 4.38 billion gallons per year into the aquifer. The storage coefficient, or specific yield used in estimating the quantity available for pumpage was derived from the distance-drawdown formula applied to the Camp Phillips test at 280 minutes pumping ;t;ime, S = 0.3ZT t in which r ' 0 S is the storage coefficient, T is the transmissibility, t is the time of zero intercept in days and r is the radius of influence in feet measured, or distance from the pumped well. The calculated storage coefficient ranged from 0.002 to 0.008 in the short test. A coefficienii of O.Ol was considered reasonable July 3, 1981 page 2 The 1200 ft. t-lell spacing recommended 1.¡aS derived from the distance- drawdO1m relationship of the Camp Phillips test projected to the condition of 5 year drawdown without recharge, yielding a zero drawdown effect at a radius of 600 feet from the pumped well. 3-l,Log o£ test hole drilled for the City of Salina May 27, 1981 0.3 mile west of the NE Cor. Sec. 13, T.15S., R.3W., Salina County, Kansas. Surface altitude 1255 Ft. Depth to water, 21.07 ft. below land surface. Alluvium: 0 8 Clay, gray-brown 8 18 Clay, ail ty, light gray-brown 18 28.5 Clay, light gray 28.5 32 32 40 40 50 50 55 59 55 59 72 Silt, clayey, red-brown Gravel, medium to fine, arkosic, moderate permeability Gravel, medium to coarse arkosic, high permeability Gravel, coarse to fine and sand, local, moderate permeability Clay, light brown Gravel, very coarse to fine and sand, local, moderate permeability, contains few thin clay zones. Wellington formation: 72 75 Clay, compact, greenish-gray ('~eathered shale) 75 76 Shale, dark blue-gray Sample screen set 69 to 72 ft., water sample 60 ppm chloride. 3-2, Log of test hole drilled for the Gity of Salina May 27, 1981 0.65 mile east of the $'1 Cor. Sec. l8, T.15S., R.2\'¡., Saline County, Kansas. Surface altitude 1260 ft. Depth to water, 24.35 ft. below land surface. Alluvium: 0 28 28 32 32 34 34 40 60 62 63 65 40 60 62 63 65 68 Silt and clay, gray-brown Sand, fine to coarse, silty Silt, soft, blue-gray Gravel, medium to fine Gravel, medium to fine Gravel, coarse to fine moderate permeability Clay, light gray Sand, fine Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability and sand, mixed local and arkosic, and sand, local 68 70 Clay, light gray 70 80.5 Gravel, fine to coarse and sand, local, moderate permeability TN'ellington formation: 80.5 90 Shale, light gray Sample screen set 75 to 78 ft. ~'¡ater sample 60 ppm chloride. 3-3, Log of test hole drilled for the City of Salina May 28, 19810.36 mile east of the NW Cor. Sec. 6, T.16S., R.2W., Saline County, Kansas. Surface altitude, 1276 ft. tvater level, 18.65 ft. below land surface. Alluvium: 0 21 21 30 30 34 Clay and silt, light gray and light brown Sand, fine to medium, silty Gravel, fine to medium and sand, arkosic, silty 34 40 Clay, light gray 40 57.5 Gravel, fine to coarse and sand, ~'/e11ington formation: 57.5 58 Shale, gray-green 58 60 Shale, dark gray Sample screen set 54 to 57. arkosic, few pebbles, high permeability ~iater sample 60 ppm chloride. 3-4, Log o£ test hole drilled for the City of ~aJ.ina May 28, 1981 0.54 mile east of the m.¡ Cor. Sec. 6, T.16S., R.2W., Salina County, Kansas. Surface altitude, l275 ft. ÍÝater level, 24.9 ft. below land surface. Alluvium: 0 8 8 II II 21 21 27 31 27 31 35 Silt, clayey, light gray and light gray-brown Sand, fine, silty Silt, clayey, light gray-brown Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability Clay, light gray Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability 35 38 Clay, gray 38 45 Gravel, coarse to fine and sand, arkosic, high permeability 45 69.5 Gravel, very coarse to fine and sand, mostly arkosic, high permeability Wellington formation: 69.5 70 Shale, gray-green 70 71 Shale, dark blue-gray Sample screen set 67 to 70 ft. Water sample 60 ppm chloride. 3-5, Log o£ test hole drilled for the City of .,)alina ÞIay 29, 1981 0.45 mile east o£ the SW Cor. Sec. 6, T.16S., R.2W., Salina County, Kansas. Surface altitude, l283 ft. tiater level, 26.24 ft. below surface. Alluvium: 0 23 23 27 27 40 Clay, silty, light and dark gray-brown Sand, fine to medium Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability 40 41 Clay, light gray 41 73 Gravel, fine to coarse and sand, arkosic, high permeability flellington formation: 73 77 Shale, dark blue-gray Sample screen set 7l to 74 ft. ~I'¡ater sample 60 ppm chloride. 3-6, Log of test hole drilled for the City of Salina June l, 1981 0.3 mile east of the N~'¡ Cor. Sec. l8, T.16S., R.2~¡., Saline County, Kansas. Surface altitude, l29l ft. Depth to water, 27.95 ft. below land surface. Alluvium: 0 29 29 38 38 41 Clay, silty, dark and light brown Silt, soft, and sand, fine Clay, silty, blue-gray 41 48 48 Sand, coarse and gravel, fine, arkosic 90.5 Gravel, medium to fine and sand, some gravel, high permeability ~'¡ellington formation: 90.5 91 Shale, clayey, yellow 9l 93 Shale, dark and light gray coarse, arkosic, Sample screen set 88 to 91 ft. Water sample 90 ppm chloride 3-7, Log of test hole drilled for the .City of Salina June 5,1981 0.4 mile east o£ the Þr:i Cor. Sec. 24, T.16S., R.JíI., ~aJ.ina County, Kansas. Surface altitude, l290 ft. Depth to water, 20.97 ft. below land surface. Alluvium: 0 21 21 25 25 30 Clay, light gray Sand, fine to medium, silty Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability 30 35 Clay, dark gray; interbedded wi.th gravel, medium to fine and sand 35 49 Gravel, fine to coarse and sand, contains some disseminated clay, moderate permeability 49 56 Gravel, fine to coarse and sand, arkosic, high permeability \vellington formation: 56 58 Shale, light and dark gray Sample screen set 53 to 56 ft. ..later sample 60 ppm chloride. SO-cPl, Log of observation well No.1, drilled for the City of Salina June 4, 1981, 56 ft. south of Camp Phillips well No. No. l, in the m.¡ Cor. Sec. 1, T.l5S., R.2W., Saline County, Kansas. Surface altitude, l25l. Depth to water, 23.4 ft. below land surface. Clay, silty, dark and light gray-brO1m Sand, fine, silty Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, moderate penneability, grading dmmward to high permeability 6l 65 Clay, yellow, and gravel, coarse to fine, local, low permeability ílellington formation: 65 67 Shale, yellm'l, grades downward to blue-gray Cased with 2-inch plastic pipe to 67 ft., lower 10 ft. perforated, gravel-packed and pumped. Temporary observation well for pumping test. Alluvium.: 0 30 30 34 34 6l SO-cP2, Log of observation 'Iiell No.2, drilled :for the City o£ Salina June 4, 1981, 164.5 ft. south of Camp Phillips well No. l, in the 1[..1 Cor. Sec. 7, T.15S., R.2W., Saline County, Kansas. Surface altitude l251. Alluvium: 0 29 Clay and silt, gray and light brown 29 58 Gravel, fine to coarse and sand Wellington formation: 58 60 31ale, dark gray Cased with 2-inch plastic to 57 ft., lower 10 ft. per:forated, gravel-packed and p1DIlped. Temporary observation well for pUù"1ping test. SO-IJ., Log of observation well No. l, drilled for the City of Salina June 5, 1981 50 ft. west of Lindblad irrigation well in NE SE SE Sec. 7, T.16S., R.2W., Saline County, Kansas. Surface altitude 129l. Depth to water, 28.62 below land surface. All uvi um: 0 42.5 Clay and silt, gray, yellow-gray and light brown 42.5 49.5 Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability 49.5 54 Clay, light blue-gray 54 63 Gravel, fine and sand, arkosic, low permeability 63 71 Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability 71 76 Gravel, coarse to fine and sand, arkosic, high permeability dellington formation: 76 77 Shale, gray-green Cased with 2-inch plastic pipe to 77 ft., lower 10 ft. perforated, gravel-packed and pumped. Temporary observation well for pumping test. SO-L2, Log of observation well No.2, drilled for the City of Salina June 5, 1981 95 ft. west of Lindblad irrigation well in NE SE ~ Sec. 7, T.l6S., R.2ti., Saline County, Kansas. Surface altitude, l29l. Alluvium: 0 41 41 46 46 53 Clay and silt, gray, light brown and blue-gray Clay, light blue-gray; interbedded with sand, fine to coarse Gravel, fine to coarse and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability 53 54.5 Clay, san~, gray 54.5 63 Gravel, fine and sand, arkosic, moderate permeability 63 65 Sand, fine and clay, gray-green 65 70 Gravel, medium to fine and sand, arkosic, high permeability Cased with 2-inch plastic pipe to 70 ft., lower 10 feet perforated, gravel-packed and pumped. Tempor~ observation well for pumping test. , i I j~ ¡ : I " ; - j ¡; r ¡-r I'JI'" ',i:1 -t-t- f, -, ¡- v ; !, ¡! ¡ , .- ..+-L" -.;...-t-LL S ; ¡ ! i ¡!:! i ; +';"', -t-+:h 9 T~ It MIl--j ~ - f-+ttifftit} Q ~ ¡. p - - , : i-' ~"~ ~ :i I rgUl~ "< '\ x~¡j f ¡:~t¡.~-:_o- ilJ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .'.j1: .:: -rco<J>N 'c:.!..:.:..;.,:,,--,-.i-~€ füi~~ ¡ ¡ : ' i ¡ : , :~ Õ i z n¡.:u:¡: ?~!(;1 +-b'-..7"¡ 7"'-'.: 1>' C 11 n:ll 1¡. j ; lull j 1 ~ i ¡¡:¡!:',¡:,~ ~ž 11 :E=L~ : ; : . ,- ¡. :'.: ..f; L.~~~Tl9 =-: ~ ~ ~ -¡='f=:fC"- j-+.. , -¡;'-" i- t . ¡::n1' . 'fILL:!: : : j L - :II ~f~-~~ =:~ =:::E- -~~ ~~+ - -;~;!;--~.::t ¡ ~1}-;; r11~ ~~t :: ~~.h~:¡:iit~t~~X~t rn ,: ;.-~ --dÎ,!,'+ -H---r- '+++, +h-t,H-H,..,+,', _l,',:H,.¡- i, t"',.!,',L,--,',['ti-I,, ¡ 'YR,.',,; ;fj, l' ",.1.1."_,_+,,,q'-t-: ' f,'.~ ¡ \i"t, :,'!' .,1~~ ~-- +~-:~L'-+~f-+--r ~-Lq.:!:-:p-rI ¡ f,; t- ~ 1 q. ~, ~ ¡ ~, ~:.t-r:t-¡.i iTtt- '-'\' ~"': r i ¡:,': I '- 6 --Fl::1:J,-:;-'- +-1- -rltJ~t=-r¡-t=Ëlif+ _¡fit,. 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