1.0 CIMCITY COMMISSION INFORMATION MEMORANDUM August 8, 2022 ADMINISTRATIVE BRIEF FROM NATALIE FISCHER HUMAN RESOURCES The Human Resources Department has been actively working towards implementation of the new pay plan that was approved on July 25, 2022. The following provides a recap of the activities that have occurred and the items that will be occurring soon. 7/21/22 — Employees were provided the link to the City Commission packet that included the pay plan study report and the proposed new pay plan. 7/26/22 — Employees were notified that the City Commission approved the pay plan, and that the pay plan consultant would be at Tony's Pizza Event Center 7/27-7/28/22 to provide informational sessions for employees. Eleven different meetings were held and one session was recorded by the City of Salina's Multimedia Specialist for employees unable to attend. The video link was distributed 7/28/22 via the employee email distribution list. Eighty-five employees attended the in-person sessions. 8/1/22 — Human Resources printed individual employee letters to notify each person of his or her position title, current pay grade, new pay grade, current pay rate, and new pay rate. Time slots were reserved on the Director of Human Resources' calendar from 2-4pm on 8/2-8/5, and additional slots were created due to demand. Twenty-four meetings were scheduled, five were in the queue to be scheduled, and three phone conversations were held with employees. An inventory was made of the requests for additional review. Following the conclusion of the reviews noted above, Human Resources staff will begin payroll software system configuration to make all of the changes for employees to be paid new rates within new pay grades. Training with Evergreen Solutions on the Job Assessment Tool (JAT) for future position placement as well as position description/classification reviews and updates will occur following the 9/1/22 pay plan implementation.