6.2 Resolution No. 22-8057 Downtown permit feesCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/06/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: 6 Community and Development Department BY: ITEMServices 2 FINAL APPROVAL: NO: 4-1 Page 1 BY: Lauren Driscoll, Director BY: <�7 ITEM: Resolution No. 22-8057 - Establishing Fees For Downtown Activity Permits Pursuant To Chapter 6, Article IV. BACKGROUND: On May 23rd, 2022 the City Commission on first reading approved Ordinance No. 22-11114 which adopted and created the Downtown Arts, Commerce and Entertainment District. Accompanying this ordinance on second reading is Resolution No. 22-8057. This resolution will set the fees associated with the downtown activity permits created as part of the district. The fees identified in the resolution will become part of the City's comprehensive fee schedule. These fees and the associated permits will work similarly to annual licenses the City already administers. Applicants will apply once within the calendar year for the permit and the permit will be good for use until December 315' of that year. Permit holders will need to reapply annually for the permit. These fees were developed and discussed by the stakeholder committee who helped with the drafting of the Downtown Arts, Commerce and Entertainment ordinance. CURRENT REQUEST: The current request is to adopt Resolution No. 22-8057, creating fees to address the administration of the downtown activity permits created as part of the Downtown Arts, Commerce and Entertainment District. FISCAL NOTE: Although adding new permits will absorb more resources, staff feels that having a more clear process and outlined rules for downtown activities will decrease a lot of work already being done while encouraging greater economic development activities in the downtown. The associated permits fees do not fully cover the cost of administering this process but it does help to cover a portion. The stakeholder group did not want the fees to be so high that they were prohibitive, therefore circumventing the purpose of the downtown district which is to encourage more uses so that it is an active and engaging space. COMMISSION ACTION OR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff has identified the following options for the City Commission's consideration: Resolution No. 22-8057 - Establishing Fees For Downtown Activity Permits Pursuant To Chapter 6, Article IV: 1.) Approve Resolution No. 22-8057. 2.) Approve Resolution No. 22-8057 with amendments as the City Commission deems AGENDA SECTION NO: ITEM NO: Page 2 CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 06/06/2022 4:00 P.M. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT Community and Development Services Department BY: Lauren Driscoll, Director FISCAL APPROVAL: BY: FINAL APPROVAL: BY: 3.) Postpone consideration of Resolution No. 22-8057 to a specified date and time and provide staff direction regarding additional information or amendments the City Commission would like to request for their further consideration. 4.) Approve a motion to deny Resolution No. 22-8057 resulting in their being no fees associated with downtown activity permits. Staff recommends Option #1. Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 22-8057 (DRAFT) CC: Brad Anderson, Arts and Humanities Director Leslie Bishop, SDI RESOLUTION NUMBER 22-8057 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR DOWNTOWN ACTIVITY PERMITS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE IV. WHEREAS, the City of Salina provides many specific services for the Citizens of Salina; and WHEREAS, specific individuals benefit from said services; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate public policy to require specific individuals benefiting from specific services to pay all or a portion of the cost of such services; and WHEREAS, Salina Code Section 2-2 provides that the Board of Commissioners shall determine, by resolution, all license fees, permit fees and other user related fees or charges established by the ordinances of the City; SO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the Comprehensive Fee Schedule is hereby amended by adding the following fee pursuant to 6-112 for downtown activity permits. Food Trucks —ACE District $50.00 Horse Drawn Vehicles and Pedicabs $50.00 Outdoor Merchandise and Minor Sidewalk Dinning Areas $50.00 Sidewalk Vending $25.00 Street Performers $25.00 Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 6`s day of June, 2022. [SEAL] ATTEST: JoVonna Rutherford, City Clerk Trent W. Davis, M.D., Mayor