6.2 2021 People's Choice SculptureCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 03/14/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: 6 ITEM NO: Page 1 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Arts and Humanities BY: Brad Anderson, Director FISCAL APPROVAL: BY: otp FINAL APPROVAL: BY: t N ITEM: City Commission authorizing the acceptance and placement of the 2021 People's Choice sculpture on public property. BACKGROUND: Since May of 2011, Sculpture Tour Salina has been a privately administrated outdoor exhibit of sculptures that change each spring. Artists from across the country submit work to be considered by a jury of citizens and arts professionals for each exhibition. Selected sculptures are then installed by the artists and volunteers and exhibited in downtown Salina from mid-May until the following April. One of the unique and enticing aspects of the program is that all sculptures on exhibit are available for sale. In addition to this exhibition, artists are eligible for various cash awards, including the People's Choice Purchase Award. Since the program's inception, the City has purchased each year's People's Choice Award winner. In the first year of SculptureTour Salina, the City Commission authorized the purchase of the People's Choice in an amount not to exceed $15,000 or the retail price of the work. Some exhibiting artists have higher retail prices but have agreed to accept the maximum allotted amount for the award as payment in full. Once purchased, the work becomes part of Salina's public art collection. All ten of the previously purchased People's Choice Award winners have been placed on public property or private property with open public access to citizens and visitors. The 2021 People's Choice winner is "Butterfly Tree" by Denver, CO artist Reven Marie Swanson (Item#03) and is proposed to be placed near the south entrance of the Salina Public Library. (Item#00A site photo and Item#00B aerial map attached) When public art pieces are proposed to be a part of the city collection through purchase, commissioning, or gift, the Salina Arts & Humanities (SAH) staff and Community Art and Design (CAD) Committee, an advisory body established in July of 2000, review the work and suggests locations for placement and forwards a recommendation to the Arts and Humanities Commission (SAHC) for approval. The CAD committee considers the specific work when considering a site, access for viewing, security, and installation requirements. When placement on City property or within a City right-of-way is involved, the recommendation for placement is brought to the City Commission. (Minutes for CAD (Item#01) and SAHC (Item#02) are attached) This year, downtown, north and south Salina, and the government center were considered. The scale of this work and the amount of outdoor programming near the proposed placement made this the strongest option. It was unanimously supported by SAH staff and the advisory committees. If approved, the artwork will be purchased for $15,000 in April of 2022. Arts & Humanities staff is responsible for securing information about the artist, an artist's statement, care and maintenance instructions, and a signed purchase agreement The work will be placed on an existing concrete pad AGENDA SECTION NO: ITEM NO: Page 2 CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 03/14/2022 4:00 P.M. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: FU Arts and Humanities rFINAL BY: Brad Anderson, Director I BY: and the SAH staff is responsible for installing appropriate signage at the location. The expenses are covered through the department's public art acquisition, care, and maintenance budget. If approved, this colorful and whimsical sculpture will serve as a welcoming beacon to the plaza (south) entrance to the public library from near and far and be an especially appropriate accompaniment to the outdoor area where the library's programming for children takes place. Installation Budget Expenses The projected costs for purchase ($15,000), signage, and sign plate ($300) are within the allotted department budget. COMMISSION ACTION: The following have been identified as possible options for consideration by the Commission: 1. Acceptance of the 2021 People's Choice sculpture, "Butterfly Tree" (Item04), into the public collection for placement on public property near the south entrance to the Salina Public Library. 2. Provide direction to staff regarding an alternate placement of the 2021 People's Choice sculpture. 3. Deny the recommendation of this work's acceptance and placement. Staff Recommends Option #1 Attachments: #OOA Proposed site photo #0013 Aerial map of site #01 CAD Minutes #02 SAH Commission Minutes #03 Artwork c r... s to 1r ...ICS ° c Al C t. t Salina Public Li braryry � moo.. wry "X" indicates proposed 2021 People's Choice Sculpture location, ftb near south entrance to Salina Public Library on existing cement pad. T ° A City -County Building f° Community Art & Design Advisory Committee 4:30 — 5:30 p.m. via Zoom Minutes from February 15, 2022 Members Present: Nancy Hodges, Connie Nily, Hank Boyer, and Darren Morawitz appeared in person and Thomas Garrison appeared via Zoom. Staff Present: Joan Benefiel and Susan Eberwein Arts Commission Liaison Absent: Kimberly Vega Before the meeting began Eberwein confirmed Kansas Open Meeting Act required notice was properly provided. Quorum confirmed. Meeting began at 4:34 p.m. Motion to approve minutes from January 2022 meeting with one change — remove duplicate mention of Dee Warren being present. Motion made by Boyer and 2nd by Hodges. Motion passed. Old Business a. Benefiel provided an update on the Mark a Mark Mural Initiative. Contracts are being finalized; an additional wall is being added and trash corals will be included; Morawitz is a local artist on the project; artists from Dallas, Texas, Northern California, Kansas City, and Hutchinson; and this project will be combined with Festival Friday this year. New Business a. The Committee reviewed the Amended CIP relating to the General Services Facility Maintenance Building. Hodges recalled this project has been on the back burner for some time. Benefiel read the full description including the projected cost of $455,000. The Committee discussed. Hodges moved and Boyer seconded that the consensus was that this project is kept on the list and moved forward. b. Benefiel reviewed the Annual Report and reminded the Committee that it is due on Friday. Morawitz asked that a goal of increasing public art in the underserved areas of the City and that art be more widely positioned within the City. Benefiel suggested the new General Services Facility Maintenance Building project be added as a goal. The Committee asked that the following items be added to Other Items of Interest: that signage be updated or added on public art and repair and maintenance of the public art. By consensus, the Committee requested the discussed changes and approved submitting the Annual Report. Other Business a. Boyer asked about the Scribe piece moving to Salina Area Technical College (SATC). Benefiel reported that the agreement has been signed and the piece should be delivered this week. b. Boyer asked about the People's Choice Award winner for this year's SculptureTour. Benefiel reported that the Library Board met and approved placement at the Library and selected a location on the south side of the building. Benefiel will investigate to confirm that the pedestal that they have will hold the sculpture and determine why they are wanting that area in general. Morawitz said the south side would be viewable from the windows along the back of the Library and when driving through the parking lot. The Committee agreed that the south side would be a good place, be welcoming at that entrance and in the plaza and a general consensus was that this location is good and would be recommended by CAD. Motion to adjourn made by Hodges and 2nd by Morawitz. Motion passed. The meeting closed at 5:02 p.m. The next official meeting will be on March 15, 2022, in person. SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION February 16, 2022 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission was held at the Smoky Hill Museum Community Room at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. In attendance: Brenda Meyer, Taylor Gray, Michael Durall, Kristofer Lewis, Kirstien Kroeger, and Karl Ryan. Absent: Brittany Willer, Kimberly Vega, and Stevie Silverman. SAH Staff: Brad Anderson, Susan Hawksworth, Joan Benefrel, Anna Pauscher Morawitz, and Susan Eberwein. Special Guest: Cash Hollistah. Call to Order Lewis requested confirmation that Kansas Open Meetings Act required notice had been properly provided. Eberwein confirmed. The meeting was called to order at 4:14 p.m. Approve Minutes Durall moved to approve January's minutes and Gray seconded. The motion passed. Old Business 1. AnnuaiReport • Anderson reviewed the goals and the deadline for submitting the report. Durall asked about the goal regarding downtown development planning and procedures and whether they would impact the new stage spaces. Anderson explained that they would. Ryan explained that the process of implementing the procedures is very complex and that with the onset of Covid, open positions, and the housing redevelopment initiatives the procedures have been pushed back. Anderson explained that the Steering Committee met for eight months and were ready to begin finalizing them when Covid hit. Paucher Morawitz elaborated on the complexity of the First Amendment rights. Anderson reported that the procedures have been sent out to professionals to pull everything together and to create an understandable, easy read user guide. • Lewis asked for an update on the book and if it would be ready in time for National Arts & Humanities Month. Durall reported that he mailed out a request for stories last Monday and has received 11 so far. The goal that was discussed was 35 stories. Durall explained that some are interested in participating; however, they would prefer not to write a short story so there may be a chapter of vignettes. Lewis asked how much time is needed for gathering stories. Durall believes we will have all the stories needed by next month. Anderson reported he will be applying for a grant to help with the cost. Lewis asked for the next step. Anderson explained that it will go to the publisher by August I` and that will allow enough time for delivery and distribution. • Gray moved that the Annual Report be approved and submitted to the City Clerk for filing. Meyer seconded. Motion passed. 2. Art Education Coordinator position • Anderson reported that the position has closed and will reopen in approximately 60 days. Ryan asked if there was a good pool of applicants. Anderson explained there SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION February 16, 2022 was a good pool for other positions here but not the open position. Lewis asked for a review of the requirements. Anderson provided and explained that when the position opens again, there will be a more specific description. The application will open in April. New Business 1. Staff Reports • Durall shared that he attended the most recent First Thursday — The Dana Adams Project 1893 and found it very interesting. Hawksworth shared information about the new driving tour for Black History Month available on the Museum's website. Hawksworth also shared that the next First Thursday will be available via Zoom or in-person and the Community Room will be used for overflow. Additionally, Hawksworth reported that Kansas Days went well although there was difficulty getting volunteers. Lewis asked Hawksworth about attendance numbers. She explained that numbers are still down from pre-Covid numbers but getting closer. The summer numbers for 2021 were higher than pre-Covid but the winter numbers are down. Additionally, Hawksworth reported that they have reduced some of their online offerings. • Benefrel shared one of the Festival prints. Prints are available with a donation of $100 or more. • Pauscher Morawitz explained that The Reminders will be here for a three-day residency as part of the Arts Infusion program and will also perform for the community on Thursday, February 24th. The duo from Denver plays hip hop. The event will be family -friendly so children are welcome. Pauscher Morawitz asked Commissioners for their assistance in promoting the event. • Lewis asked about the Match Madness event. Anderson reported that a view will be released on Friday by the Greater Salina Community Foundation and will be put on a cycle to post on their various social media accounts. Additionally, SAH will also share on social media. The Museum also has a video that will be shared and promoted. The event will be on March 24, 2022, at the Fieldhouse. Donations can be made in person or online. 2. Festival Entertainment Brainstorm Pauscher Morawitz shared several 30 -second videos of the entertainers for this year's Festival. Each video was created by Cash Hollistah. Pauscher Morawitz asked for each Arts Commissioners for words or phrases to use to describe the music and promote — how can we make this year's acts sound exciting. The words and phrases shared included: Hard to be unhappy, Bopping, Eclectic, Block party, Energetic, Want to move, sunny, summer, Bright, Dense music, Sultry notes, Edgy, Funky, Diverse, Passionate, #EpicArtsParty, Pan-American, Familiar yet different, Expanding the familiar, Big Sound small town, and Small town Big Sound. 3. CAD Update • Benefiel provided an update on the People's Choice Award placement. She reminded the Commissioners of last month's discussion and showed the new location that the SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION February 16, 2022 Library Board proposed. Benefiel needs to investigate the pad to make sure it will support the piece. Meyer moved that the alternative location be selected if the pad will support it. Gray seconded. Motion passed. 4. Agenda items regarding the volunteer retention, recruitment, and recognition program and the discussion regarding a 2022 goal will be discussed next month. Other Business • The next meeting is on Wednesday, March 1611 at 4:00 p.m. in the Smoky Hill Museum Community Room, 211 W. Iron Ave., Second Floor, Salina, KS. Adjourn Gray moved to adjourn and Meyer seconded - motion passed. 5:54 p.m. se -ry