5.1 Resolution 22-8022 McShares Property Tax ExemptionCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE _ TIME 2/7/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION TORIGINATINGORGANIZATION: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO:5BY: ITEM ager's Office NO: FINAL A ROVAL: Pagetage, City Manager BY: ITEM: Resolution No. 22-8022 making certain findings of fact as required by K.S.A. 79-251 with respect to a property tax exemption to be granted to McShares, Inc. Ordinance No. 22-11099 exempting certain property in the City of Salina, Kansas, from ad valorem taxation for economic development purposes pursuant to Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution; providing the terms and conditions for ad valorem tax exemption; and describing the property so exempted. BACKGROUND: Please, find attached a copy of the January 24, 2022 staff report on this matter. It provides considerable background regarding the MCShares project as well as the recommendation of the Salina Community Economic Development Organization (SCEDO) Board. The conclusion of the City Commission's consideration of this item on January 24t" was passage of a motion "that staff be instructed to move forward with this matter and set a date of February 7, 2022, for the public hearing Pursuant to the direction provided by the City Commission, the necessary notices have been published in the Salina Journal and mailed to the applicable taxing entities. One of the attached action items is Resolution 22-8022 formally making the necessary finding that "the facility for which the exemption is to be granted will be used exclusively in the Company's business of manufacturing articles of commerce as specified in Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution". That finding is based upon the assurances incorporated within the attached tax incentive agreement in combination with the agreement provisions revoking the exemption in the event of non-compliance. The second attached action item is an Ordinance 22-11099 "exempting certain property in the City of Salina, Kansas, from ad valorem taxation for economic development purposes pursuant to Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution; providing the terms and conditions for ad valorem tax exemption; and describing the property so exempted". The ordinance authorizes execution of the attached tax incentive agreement which formalizes required employment and wage levels as well as minimum investment for the project and authorizes a 10 year 100% tax abatement as well as includes provisions regarding the consequences of default. FISCAL NOTE: As previously reported by Mitch Robinson, SCEDO Executive Director, the Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CEDBR) has completed an economic impact analysis for an industrial revenue bond. Attached are the Wichita State University Center for Economic. ninvoinmM. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 2/7/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: BY: ITEM City Manager's Office NO: FINAL APPROVA Page 2 BY: Mike Schrage, City Manager BY: Business Research Impact Studies fora $6 million project and a $ 7 million project which show the impact of the project. At this point the company is expecting to spend approximately $6.3 million based on current estimates. Based on an investment of $6 million the CEDBR has provided the following incentive summary: City of Salina Tax Abatement $445,800 Salina County Tax Abatement $616,455 State of Kansas Tax Abatement $322,500 District 305 Tax Abatement $240,165 City of Salina Public Benefits — Costs — Benefit Cost Ratio Public Benefit 10 -year period $477,480 Public Costs 10 -year period $412,418 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.16 Saline County Public Benefits -Costs -Benefit Cost Ratio Public Benefit 10 -year period $539,761 Public Costs 10 -year period $521,260 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.04 State of Kansas Public Benefits -Costs -Benefit Cost Ratio Public Benefit 10 -year period $976,924 Public Cost 10 -year period $444,145 Benefit Cost Ratio 2.20 School District 305 Public Benefits -Costs -Benefit Cost Ratio Public Benefit 10 -year period $321,861 Public Cost 10 -year period $221,999 Benefit Cost Ratio 1.45 COMMISSION ACTION OR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Conduct Public Hearing Following the staff report, it will be necessary for the City Commission to open, conduct and close a Public hearing on proposed property tax exemption for economic develop purposes for the McShares project. Following conclusion of the public hearing, staff has identified the following has identified the following options for the City Commission's consideration: CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 2/7/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: BY: ITEM City Manager's Office FINAL APPROVAL: NO: Page 3 BY: Mike Schrage, City Manager BY: Resolution 22-8022 1.) Approve Resolution No. 22-8022 making certain findings of fact as required by K.S.A. 79-251 with respect to a property tax exemption to be granted to McShares, Inc. 2.) Approve Resolution No. 22-8022 with amendments as the City Commission deems appropriate. 3.) Postpone consideration of Resolution No. 22-8022 to a specified date and time and provide staff direction regarding additional information or amendments the City Commission would like to request for their further consideration. 4.) Vote to deny Resolution No. 22-8022 resulting in declining to make the necessary findings with respect to the requested and recommended property tax exemption. As previously noted, the tax incentive agreement includes a provision that McShares "will own and operate the Project as a facility for the manufacture of articles of commerce throughout the term of this Agreement" and that McShares "acknowledges that a sublease of any portion of the Project may render the Project ineligible for the tax exemption under the provisions of K.S.A. 79-221 and agrees that it will not sublease any portion of the Project without the prior consent of the City". The agreement also makes provision for repayment and revocation of the property tax exemption in the event of non- compliance or default. Those specific agreement provisions serve as the basis of making the necessary findings of fact provided for in Resolution No. 22-8022. Ordinance No. 22-11099 1.) Approve Ordinance No. 22-11099 exempting certain property in the City of Salina, Kansas, from ad valorem taxation for economic development purposes pursuant to Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution; providing the terms and conditions for ad valorem tax exemption; and describing the property so exempted. 2.) Approve Ordinance No. 22-11099 with amendments as the City Commission deems appropriate. 3.) Postpone consideration of Ordinance No. 22-11099 to a specified date and time and provide staff direction regarding additional information or amendments the City Commission would like to request for their further consideration. 4.) Approve Ordinance No. 22-11099 on first reading and provide direction regarding additional information or amendments the City Commission would like to request for their further consideration at the time of second reading. 5.) Vote to deny Ordinance No. 22-11099 resulting in denial of the requested property tax exemption. RECOMMENDATION OF SCEDO BOARD OF DIRECTORS As previously reported by Mitch Robinson, Executive Director of the Salina Community Economic Development Organization (SCEDO), the SCEDO Board of Directors believe this project should be approved by the City of Salina City Commission due to the investments made by the company, the number of additional jobs to be created, the wage level that exceeds the Premier Classification of the CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 2/7/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: BY: ITEM City Manager's Office FINAL APPROVAL: NO: Page 4 BY: Mike Schrage, City Manager BY: jobs and the development within the targeted northern section of the City of Salina and confirmation of the overall financial benefit to the community as demonstrated by the cost -benefit analysis. The future growth is based on potential growth within the drink sector of the food industry and other areas related to the company's expertise in the packaging industry. Salina is fortunate this opportunity is staying in Salina with this family-owned local company. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No. 22-8022 2. Ordinance No. 22-11099 3. Tax Incentive Agreement 4. Two (2) Site Maps 5. City of Salina IRB Application 6. Project McShares/REPCO Scorecard 7. Two (2) Wichita State Economic Impact Analysis Reports 8. SRA Map and Guidelines 9. Resolution 91-4265 10. Resolution 05-6230 11. SCEDO Board Meeting Minutes — 12/6/2021 12. Incentive Calculation Spreadsheet RESOLUTION NO. 22-8022 A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS OF FACT AS REQUIRED BY K.S.A. 79-251 WITH RESPECT TO A PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION TO BE GRANTED TO MCSHARES, INC. WHEREAS, McShares, Inc. (the "Company") has applied to the City of Salina, Kansas (the "City") for a property tax exemption pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution for additions to a facility located at 1835 E. North Street in the City to be used for one of the exempt purposes set forth in Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City has investigated the facts regarding the construction of an addition to the facility and the use to which the Company will put such property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. The governing body of the City has determined and makes a factual finding that the facility for which the exemption is to be granted will be used exclusively in the Company's business of manufacturing articles of commerce as specified in Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force from and after its adoption by the Governing Body. ADOPTED on February 7, 2022. Trent W. Davis, M.D. Mayor [SEAL] Attest: JoVonna A. Rutherford, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 22-11099 AN ORDINANCE EXEMPTING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, FROM AD VALOREM TAXATION FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 11, SECTION 13 OF THE KANSAS CONSTITUTION; PROVIDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR AD VALOREM TAX EXEMPTION; AND DESCRIBING THE PROPERTY SO EXEMPTED. WHEREAS, Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution permits the governing body of any city by ordinance to exempt from ad valorem taxation all or any portion of the appraised valuation of all buildings, together with the land upon which such buildings were located, and all tangible personal property associated therewith used exclusively by a business for the purpose of manufacturing articles of commerce for not more than ten (10) calendar years after the calendar year in which the business commences its operations or in which expansion of an existing business is completed; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Salina, Kansas (the "City"), after conducting a public hearing pursuant to published notice as provided by law, has determined that the building additions constructed by McShares, Inc. (the "Company") and used exclusively in the Company's business of manufacturing articles of commerce should be granted tax exemption for economic development purposes; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City has by previously adopted resolution made the findings of fact required by K.S.A. 79-251; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. Grant of Exemption. In accordance with Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution, and pursuant to K.S.A. 79-251, Resolution No. 22-8022 of the City, the governing body of the City hereby determines that the following described property should be granted a 100% ad valorem tax exemption, provided no exemption may be granted from the ad valorem tax levied by a school district pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 72-53,113 and amendments thereto, and subject to proper application to and approval of the State Board of Tax Appeals, and further subject to the conditions set forth herein: The building improvements constructed beginning in 2022 on the following property (the "Project") ALL OF LOT FOUR (4) EXCEPT THE WEST 203 FEET THEREOF, AND THE EAST 137 FEET OF THE WEST 340 FEET OF THE SOUTH 230.95 FEET OF THE NORTH 385.41 FEET OF LOT FIVE (5), IN THE BROWN AND BROWN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SALINA, SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS. The exemption shall commence as of January 1 following completion of the Project and shall be for a term of 10 years. Continuation of the ad valorem tax exemption shall be subject to compliance by the Company with the terns and conditions of the Tax Incentive Agreement herein described, and the exemption may be withdrawn by the governing body upon a finding that the Company is no longer entitled to such exemption under the terms of the Tax Incentive Agreement. Section 2. Authorization of Tax Incentive Agreement. The form of the Tax Incentive Agreement presented to the governing body of the City on this date is hereby approved, with such minor corrections or modifications as may be approved by the Mayor, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by execution of the agreement by the Mayor and the City Clerk, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Tax Incentive Agreement on behalf of the City. Section 3. Transferability of Exemption. If there is a change in ownership of the exempt property, the ad valorem tax exemption granted by this Ordinance is not transferable without the express approval of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, execution by the Mayor, and publication in the official city newspaper as provided by law. [balance of this page intentionally left blank] 2 PASSED AND SIGNED February 14, 2022. (SEAL) Attest: JoVonna A. Rutherford, City Clerk Trent W. Davis, M.D., Mayor (Signature Page to Ordinance) CERTIFICATE OF COPY I hereby certify that the attached copy is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. of the governing body of the City of Salina, Kansas, duly passed by the governing body, signed by the Mayor, and published in the official City newspaper on the respective date stated therein, and that the signed original of such Ordinance is on file in my office. [SEAL] (Clerk's Certification of Ordinance) City Clerk TAX INCENTIVE AGREEMENT This Tax Incentive Agreement (the "Agreement') is entered into as of February 1 2022 between the City of Salina, Kansas, a municipal corporation (the "City") and McShares, Inc. (the "Company"). Recitals A. The City is empowered by Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution to grant property tax exemptions to businesses which meet the constitutional criteria. B. After conducting and reviewing an analysis of the respective costs and benefits of the proposed business expansion, including the effect on state revenues, and after conducting a public hearing pursuant to published notice as required by law, the City has made determinations (1) that it is willing to grant certain property tax exemptions to the Company as an inducement to the expansion of its business facilities in the City, in the form of property tax reductions and/or exemptions, and (2) that the property which will be the subject of a property tax exemption will be used by the Company exclusively for one of the exempt purposes described in Article 11, Section 13 of the Kansas Constitution. C. The City is willing to cooperate with the Company to secure for the Company the tax exemptions set forth in this Agreement. Agreement In consideration of the mutual conditions, covenants and promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows. 1. Representations and Covenants of the Company. The Company makes the following covenants and representations as the basis for the undertakings on its part herein contained: (a) The Company is a corporation, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Kansas, and is duly authorized and qualified to do business in the State of Kansas, with lawful power and authority to enter into this Agreement, acting by and through its duly authorized officers. (b) The Company currently owns and operates a manufacturing facility on property located at 1835 E. North Street in the City. The Company will build and equip an approximately 36,000 square foot expansion of the manufacturing facility and a 6,000 to 10,000 square foot addition for office and lab space in front of the existing facility at a cost of at least $6,000,000 on the following described real property (the "Project'): ALL OF LOT FOUR (4) EXCEPT THE WEST 203 FEET THEREOF, AND THE EAST 137 FEET OF THE WEST 340 FEET OF THE SOUTH 230.95 FEET OF THE NORTH 385.41 FEET OF LOT FIVE (5), IN THE BROWN AND BROWN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SALINA, SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS. (c) Within twelve (12) months following final completion of the Project, the Company agrees to add at least five (5) full-time employees at the Project (from a base of 57 employees at the end of 2021). Four (4) of the additional employees will be paid at least $48,600 per year and one (1) additional employee will be paid at least $63,300 per year. The Company agrees to maintain the employment levels of existing and full-time employees at this location as long as the Company is receiving a tax abatement with respect to the Project. Job creation will be measured by the K -CNS 100 State Quarterly Unemployment Report (or successor report). The number of employees will be based on the December reporting period of the relevant year. Average hourly wages will be determined through the payroll system of the Company. On each March I following final completion of the Project and at any other time that the Issuer may request, for the term of this Agreement, the Company shall provide a written certification to the Issuer confirming (i) the total number of full-time employees employed at the Project (based upon the Company's actual knowledge of the full-time employees occupying the Project), (ii) the base average hourly wages paid during the preceding calendar year for each of the five (5) additional employees, which wages shall meet or exceed the annual wages set forth above, and (iii) the base average hourly wages paid to all employees in the preceding calendar year, which shall be at least $33.56. (d) The Company will own and operate the Project as a facility for the manufacture of articles of commerce throughout the term of this Agreement. The Company acknowledges that a sublease of any portion of the Project may render the Project ineligible for the tax exemption under the provisions of K.S.A. 79-221 and agrees that it will not sublease any portion of the Project without the prior consent of the City. (e) During the entire term of this Agreement, the Company will timely pay all ad valorem property taxes levied on its real or personal property with Saline County, Kansas. (f) During the entire term of this Agreement, the Company will comply with all applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations. (g) During the entire term of this Agreement, the Company will comply with periodic compliance audit procedures the City may adopt to monitor compliance with the terms of the Agreement, including any annual reports required of the Company and any inspection of the Company's premises or interviews with the Company's employees. 2. Tax Exemption. The City has agreed to grant the Company exemption from 100% of the property taxes on the land and buildings constituting the Project, provided no exemption may be granted from the ad valorem taxes levied by a school district pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 72-53,113 and amendments thereto, and provided proper application is made therefor to the State Board of Tax Appeals (`ROTA") as provided in Section 4 hereof. The exemption shall commence as of January 1 following completion of the Project and shall be for a term of 10 years. The City agrees that during the term of this Agreement, and so long as the Company continues to meet and perform all of its obligations under this Agreement, the City will reasonably cooperate with the Company's efforts to perfect the intended exemption before BOTA, and to make all necessary annual filings required to maintain such ad valorem tax exemption in full force and effect during this of this Agreement, in accordance with K.S.A. 79-201 et seq. 3. Effect of Company's Breach; Remedies. The Company acknowledges that in the event of its noncompliance with any of its obligations or agreements under Section 1 hereof, the City will not have received the social and economic development benefits expected in connection with its entry into this Agreement and its furnishing of the economic development incentives provided for hereunder, and the resulting loss to the City will be difficult to measure. In such event, the Company will be required to pay to the City, as liquidated damages, or as a payment in lieu of tax, an amount equal to the ad valorem taxes that would theretofore have been payable but for the tax exemption referred to in Section 2 hereof, and the City will be entitled to take action to cancel and revoke such exemption for any subsequent period. No delay or omission by the City to enforce any of its rights as provided for herein will impair such right, nor will any such delay or omission be construed to be a waiver of such right. 4. Application to State Board of Tax Appeals. After completion of the Project, the Company will prepare the Economic Development Exemption Application (Article 11, Section 13 Kansas Constitution) required for approval of the tax exemption by BOTA and submit it to the City for its review. After its review, the City will submit the application for exemption to the Saline County Appraiser for review and transmittal to BOTA. The Company will pursue such application in order to obtain an order from BOTA approving and granting the tax exemption described herein. If it should become necessary to appeal the order of BOTA for the Company to secure the tax exemption, the City agrees to cooperate with the Company, at its request, in pursuit of such appeal. Reasonable attorney's fees or other expenses incurred by the City in securing the tax exemption from BOTA will be reimbursed by the Company upon demand. 5. Payment of Fees and Expenses. The Company agrees to pay all fees and expenses of the City, including counsel fees, in connection with the preparation of this Agreement, the resolution of required findings and the ordinance approving the tax exemption, and the proceedings before BOTA to perfect the tax exemptions referred to herein. 6. Annual Report to City; Annual Letter from City. The Company agrees to complete and file with the City Clerk prior to March 1 of each year in which the exemption is granted an annual report in form as furnished by the City and/or the local county appraiser verifying that conditions regarding the Company and the exempt property imposed by law and by this Agreement continue to exist. If the Company continues to meet the conditions imposed on the granting of the tax exemption, the City will send a letter verifying such compliance to the Saline County Appraiser. 7. Transfer of Ownership or Use. The property tax exemption granted by the City is non- transferable upon the sale of all or a portion of the Project. 8. Remedies for City Breach. If the City fails to comply with any of its obligations under this Agreement, the Company's sole remedy is to pursue a remedy in equity to compel specific performance of this Agreement by the City. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, in no event will the City ever be liable for any punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including but not limited to lost profits or similar losses), in connection with this Agreement, or otherwise. 9. Term. This Agreement will commence on the date first written above and will end on December 3151 of the tenth year following the commencement of the tax exemption. 10. Notification. Notifications required pursuant to this Agreement will be made in writing and mailed to the addresses shown below. Such notification will be deemed complete upon mailing. City: City of Salina, Kansas 300 W. Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Attention: City Clerk Company: McShares, Inc. 1835 E. North Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Attention: President [balance of this page intentionally left blank] (SEAL) Attest: Executed as of the date and year first above written. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS La City Clerk Mayor (Signature Page to Economic Development Incentive Agreement) MCSHARES, INC. By: _ Name: Title: (Signature Page to Economic Development Incentive Agreement) CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 1/24/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: Salina Community Economic BY: ITEM Development Organization FINAL APPROVAL: NO: Page i BY: Mitch Robinson, Exec Dir. BY: ITEM: Constitutional Tax Abatement for Expansion of REPCO BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, November 23rd SCEDO Executive Director Mitch Robinson and Board Chairman Lloyd Davidson were invited by local realtor Jeff Maes to meet with REPCO President / CEO Monte White to discuss future plans for an expansion of their local headquarters and its warehousing/manufacturing facility located at 1835 E. North Street. During the visit, the company discussed their plans to build a 36,000 sq ft warehouse and manufacturing facility plus 6000 sq ft to 10,000 sq ft office and lab complex. The estimated cost is $6 million to $7 million dollars. REPCO started operations in 1946 and is celebrating its 751h anniversary this year. The company is a local business that is family owned and lead by President/CEO Monte White, grandson of the company founder. The company does business in 46 countries around the world and has products that most Americans have consumed during their lifetime. The company works in the milling industry, nutritional industry, and the bakery industry. The company makes ingredients, additives and premix blends plus manufactures state-of-the-art equipment and has on-site tech services. Their products enrich wheat, rice, corn, and many other products in addition to extending their shelf life. The company has over 70% market share within these industrial sectors. Additional REPCO facilities are located in in Manhattan, KS; Wamego, KS; Chicago, IL, east coast United States; Philippines; and Africa. In 2007 the company suffered a major fire damaging the entire production facility in Salina. The company decided to maintain the facility in Salina which resulted in local companies being used to provide critical equipment within the rebuilt facility from Kasa, Vortex, and Coperion K-Tron. This expansion will assist with the retention of the current 55 to 60 employees located within the Salina headquarters facility as well as allow for future growth long term. FUTURE GROWTH The company has approximately 70 total employees with 55 to 60 located within the Salina facility. Total payroll for the Salina operation is approximately $3.2 million on an annual basis. REPCO prides itself on using many supplies and services from local companies. The company's current manufacturing, warehousing and office space are fully occupied, and no additional space is available for future growth. The planned additions on the property will provide space for future manufacturing lines and additional warehouse space which is currently critical due to supply chain issues impacting raw material supplies. The office building would house both office space and additional lab space all currently needed by the company. The new office space would provide a state-of-the-art facility allowing for customers and suppliers to visit the company CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 1/24/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: Salina Community Economic BY: ITEM Development Organization FINAL APPROVAL: NO: Page 2 BY: Mitch Robinson, Exec Dir. BY: The growth of REPCO is based on future development of the drink industry, including the various premix products, and other products. The company has talked with numerous potential customers concerning possible future projects. Currently, REPCO has no available manufacturing or warehousing space to house new production lines. As this business grows the company will have to add additional shifts to their workforce for a second and/or third shift production. The new expansion will provide the needed space for this growth. LOCAL INCENTIVES At 12:00 noon on Monday, December 6th the SCEDO Board of Directors met in a special meeting to review an Industrial Revenue Bond application from REPCO. Company President/CEO Monte White, CFO Jason Creed, and local realtor Jeff Maes spoke with the SCEDO Board. Mr. White provided an overview of the company and the future direction the company is heading in terms of future business. The building designs are in early stages but are estimated to be between $6 million to $7 million in improvements. City Manager Mike Schrage provided additional information to the SCEDO Board of Directors concerning Resolution Number 05-6230 which under the Kansas Enterprise Act provided for the ability of tax abatement to be provided to expanding companies that meet certain conditions. Based on the investment number Schrage indicated that the abatement amount would be calculated for one additional new job as follows: $300K + 1 Job $300K - $1 M (.3%/$15K) $1 M - $2 M (.2%/$15K) $2 - $ 7 M (.1 %/$15K) 25% 46.67 x 0.3 14% 66.67 x 0.2 13.33% 333.33 x 0.1 33.33% 85.67% Based on the investment, one job and application of the provision of Resolution N0. 91-4265 the company would be eligible for up to 85% abatement for the project with a 10 -year window of abatement. (See attached Resolution Number 91-4265) Resolution 91-4265 also includes a provision for 50% location premium in years 1-5 for projects located in a designated Special Redevelopment. The Repco site location in north Salina is within an already designated Special Redevelopment Area. A revised incentive calculation has been attached accounting for the additional jobs being that have been proposed. The revised calculation results in 100% tax abatement in years 1-5 and 50%-70.25% abatement in years 6-10 depending on interpretation and application of the incentive premium provisions. AGENDA SECTION NO: CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 1/24/2022 4:00 P.M. ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: I FISCAL APPROVAL: Salina Community Economic ITEM Development Organization NO: Page 3 BY: Mitch Robinson, Exec Dir. Resolution 91-4265 also includes the following provision that affords the City C considerable authority and discretion in the administration of tax exemptions. BY: FINAL APPROVAL: M Section 2. Authority and discretion. The Board of City Commissioners is under no obligation to approve any requested exemption and reserves the right to deviate from the policies and criteria contained herein if circumstances exist to warrant such deviation. Such circumstances may include, but not be limited to: (a) economic development projects financed by means that substitute for industrial development bonds for which resolutions of intent containing tax exemption have previously been issued thus resulting in a reduction in the amount of the resolution of intent; or (b) economic development projects which, due to their unusual nature or magnitude, offer extraordinary benefits to the community. The SCEDO held discussion with the company concerning the potential incentives for the project. After much discussion two recommendations were provided: A) A 100% abatement for 10 years with the company providing 5 new jobs by year 5 with claw - back provisions if additional employment is not added. B) A 100% abatement for years 1-5 and 50% abatement for years 6-10 with no employee requirement and no claw -back provision. In addition, the company would receive 100% abatement on the sales tax on the construction materials for the expansion project, which is estimated from $6 million to $7 million. These recommendations were approved by the SCEDO Board of Directors in 7-0 votes. These recommendations were forwarded to the company for their review and decision. Due to demand on the construction schedule the Board of Directors agreed to a quick turnaround to assist this project. COMPANY DECISION / WAGE LEVELS / JOB ESTIMATES On Thursday, December 9th the company notified Executive Director Robinson that REPCO would agree to Option A to provide 5 new jobs by the end of year 5 and receive the 100% abatement for the complete 10 years. REPCO would hire an additional 4 Production positions at $48,600 in salary. One Laboratory position will also be added with average wages of $63,300. These salaries include annual bonuses, but do not include benefits like 401(k) match, the company paid portion of health insurance or any other supplemental benefits. This is a conservative headcount increase over the defined period as stated by the company CFO. These four new production positions are above the Premier Salary range of $48,600 ($48600 12080 hours = $23.37 per hour). The laboratory position salary is $63,300 ($63,300 / 2080 = $30.43 per hour). These are well paying positions above the county average wage for the Salina area. The company has since agreed to reach the agreed upon new jobs count within 12 months of completion of the building expansion. AGENDA SECTION NO: ITEM NO: Page 4 IN INCENTIVE P CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 1/24/2022 4:00 P.M. ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: I FISCAL APPROVAL: Salina Community Economic Development Organization Ira RECOMMENDA Mitch Robinson, Exec Dir Fin FINAL APPROVAL: FW There has been considerable discussion between City staff, bond counsel and environmental legal counsel regarding the implications of the City having a leasehold interest in the Repco property in an industrial revenue bond format compared to a constitutional tax abatement which would not involve a City leasehold interest. Constitutional tax abatements do not extend sales tax exemptions to construction materials. However, it has been confirmed that Repco is able to obtain sales tax exemptions through the use of the State of Kansas' High Performance Incentive Program (HPIP). In light of environmental mitigation measures in place on the property that have been approved by KDHE, the proposed format has been modified to City issuance of constitutional tax abatements and utilization of the State HPIP program for sales tax abatements. FISCAL NOTE: The Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CEDBR) has completed an economic impact analysis for an industrial revenue bond. Attached are the Wichita State University Center for Economic Development Business Research Impact Studies for a $6 million project and a $ 7 million project which show the impact of the project. At this point the company is expecting to spend approximately $6.3 million based on current estimates. Based on an investment of $6 million the CEDBR has provided the following incentive summary: City of Salina Tax Abatement $445,800 Salina County Tax Abatement $616,455 State of Kansas Tax Abatement $322,500 District 305 Tax Abatement $240,165 City of Salina Public Benefits — Costs — Benefit Cost Ratio Public Benefit 10 -year period $477,480 Public Costs 10 -year period $412,418 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.16 Saline County Public Benefits -Costs -Benefit Cost Ratio Public Benefit 10 -year period $539,761 Public Costs 10 -year period $521,260 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.04 State of Kansas Public Benefits -Costs -Benefit Cost Ratio Public Benefit 10 -year period $976,924 Public Cost 10 -year period $444,145 Benefit Cost Ratio 2.20 CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 1/24/2022 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING ORGANIZATION: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: Salina Community Economic BY: ITEM Development Organization FINAL APPROVAL: NO: Page 5 BY: Mitch Robinson, Exec Dir. BY: School District 305 Public Benefits -Costs -Benefit Cost Ratio Public Benefit 10 -year period $321,861 Public Cost 10 -year period $221,999 Benefit Cost Ratio 1.45 COMMISSION ACTION OR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff has identified the following options for the City Commission's consideration: NEXT STEPS BY CITY OF SALINA 1. Set a date for the public hearing February 7, 2022 2. Bond Counsel prepares and publishes notice of public hearing. 3. Notice of public hearing sent to the Salina Journal for publication 10 days in advance. 4. City Clerk mails notices to USD 305 and Saline County. 5. On February 7, 2022, the City Commission reviews cost -benefit analysis, holds public hearing and then considers a resolution Making certain findings and holding first reading of an Ordinance granting the EDX property tax exemption. 6. On February 14, 2022, the City Commission approves the Ordinance on second reading. City Commission approves staff to proceed with notice for public hearing and resolution to take future public action. RECOMMENDATION OF SCEDO BOARD OF DIRECTORS The SCEDO Board of Directors believe this project should be approved by the City of Salina City Commission due to the investments made by the company, the number of additional jobs to be created, the wage level that exceeds the Premier Classification of the jobs and the development within the targeted northern section of the City of Salina and confirmation of the overall financial benefit to the community as demonstrated by the cost -benefit analysis. The future growth is based on potential growth within the drink sector of the food industry and other areas related to the company's expertise in the packaging industry. Salina is fortunate this opportunity is staying in Salina with this family- owned local company. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Two (2) Site Maps 2. City of Salina IRB Application 3. Project McShares/REPCO Scorecard 4. Two (2) Wichita State Economic Impact Analysis Reports 5. SRA Map and Guidelines 6. Resolution 91-4265 7. Resolution 05-6230 8. SCEDO Board Meeting Minutes — 12/6/2021 9. Incentive Calculation Spreadsheet c >1j�C'1NCEPThAL PLAN-0?TION 1 REPCO-McSHARES ADDITION Tjv 1B]l E 11aHTN ST, SPLINP NS 11101 Existing Building Expansion »»> Current Layout Al t A1! 1gCNCEPTU!.LP N-OFTION1 S, Ii ,,e a' 1 Pie engineered Metal Building(PEMBI Structure REPCO-McSHARES ADDITION I135ENORTHST, SPUNPXS./ V Existing Building Expansion PEMB Structure »»> Current Layout A1.2 city0f Salina APPLICATION FOR INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 McShares, Inc. Name of Applicant Firm Date of Request 2, 1835 E North Street 785-833-2629 Firm Address Phone Number Fax Number 3, Monte White CEO/President 785-833-2629 Comact persoN[itle Phone Number Fax Number 4. Names and Addresses of other contacts: Name Address PhonNF. Name Address Phone/Fax Phone/Fax 5. Names and address of the principal owners, officers and directors of the firm requesting the Industrial Revenue Bonds: aQ 7. Name Title Address Monte White Stockholder/CEO/President 1835 E North Street, Salina KS 19 additional Family Members Stockholders Applicant's Attorney Contact Person Address Fax Phone Number Fax Number II. NATURE OF PROJECT FINANCING (if refunding/refinancing, skip to section III) Briefly describe the proposed financing: Funding will be sought through a combination of a commercial loan and private funding. 2. Is the proposed project a new facility, expansion, or replacement of another existing facility? The project is a new addition of manufacturing, storage, office and lab facilities. Please state the reason for the establishment of the new facility, expansion or replacement of the existing facility: - A need exists for additional warehouse space for both raw and finished goods - A need exists for new office space - A need exists for additional laboratory and RSD space 3. Is the applicant's understanding that the interest on the proposed issue is tax-exempt or taxable? (Consult Bond Counsel). 4. Proposed number of years to amortize the bond issue: Describe proposed call features: Describe the proposed security for the bonds (i.e., pledge of collateral, corporate/personal guarantees, debt service reserve fund, credit enhancements, etc.). Proposed date of issue: 8. Will the bonds be rates? By whom? 9. Interest rate to be fixed or variable rate . If variable, please describe: 10. Please attach proposed debt service schedule, if available. 11. Anticipated source and use of project financing. Sources Uses Bond proceeds $ Cash Other Interest on Bond Proceeds during construction TOTAL = $ Land cost $ Construction Costs Machinery/Equipment Cost of Issuance (specify) Capitalized Interest Debt Service Reserve Fund Underwriting Fee Other TOTAL = $ 10. Please indicate proposed Trustee. III. REFUNDING/REFINANCING (fill out this section if transaction is refunding of an existing bond issue) 3 1. Which form of refunding is proposed? a. Advance Refunding b. Current Refunding 2. Current Principal Outstanding 3. Purpose of Refunding: Interest savings (attach proposed savings schedule) Extend or shorten repayment (attach debt service schedule) Change indenture covenants (specify) Other (specify) 4. Was the City of Salina the original Issuer? Yes No Original date of issue: 5. If an advance refunding is proposed: Who is the proposed Escrow Trustee? Who is proposed to provide escrow verification? What is the length of escrow account? 6. When are the refunding bonds callable? 7. Is there a call premium? Yes (if so, %1 No 8. List estimated sources and uses of refunding bond proceeds: Sources: Uses: TOTAL = $ TOTAL=$ 4 9. Please list the proposed security of the refunding issue: 10. Proposed offering date of the bond issue: 11. Please describe any material changes that have occurred to the company since the original bond issue, (i.e., new products or services, increase or decrease in employment, changes in sales revenue, net worth, profitability, new locations, etc.). IV. PROPOSED USE Location of the proposed facility. 1835 a North Street 2. Size of the proposed facility (include size of building and amount of real property): Theexpansion would include a 36,000 sq. ft. warehouse/manfacturing and 7,000-10,000 of office space and lab facilities. Name of the Architect and Contractor, if designated: SPT Architecture 121 North Meed Suite 201, Wichita, KS 67202 316-2674002 Name Address Phone/Fa Simpson construction Services 2672 N. Ridge Rd. Ste. 112, Wichita, KS 67205 316-942-3206 Name Address Phone/F. 4. What business is proposed by the applicant at this location? Manufacturing 5. List the products or services to be rendered. (Include details of the nature and scope of the operation of the business): - Vitamin / Mineral Premixes - Beverage Ingredient Mixes - Bakery Enzyme Mixes - Food Fortification Mixes 6. What percentage of the facility will be occupied by the Applicant? (If less than 100%, please specify other occupants): 100% 7. Describe type of building construction proposed: TBD / Steel 8. Current zoning: I -a Heavy Manufacturing 9. Anticipated date of completion: January 2023 V. ORGANIZATIONAL 1. Describe the organizational structure of the firm (proprietorship, partnership, subsidiary, corporation, not-for-profit, etc.) Corporation / Private 2. Is the Applicant's stock publicly held? No If so, which stock exchange? 3. In what state is the Applicant incorporated? Kansas 4. Date of incorporation. 1978 5. Indicate Applicant's principal bank. UMB 9 6. Which CPA firm does the accounting/audit? Sink, Gordon & Associates LLP James Gordon 727 Poyntz Ave, Manhattan, KS 66502 785-537-0190 Contact person Address PhoaOFax 7. Please indicate what company will be performing the environmental audit: Contact person Address Phone/Fa. Describe and pending or threatened litigation: None 9. Total employment of Applicant. 70+ 10. How many locations does applicant currently have? a List locations: Salina, KS - Manufacturing Facility / Corporate Office Manhattan, KS - Sales Office / Bake R&D Center Wamego, KS - Manufacturing Facility Monticello, IL - Sales Office VII. MARKETING OF THE BONDS Has the applicant retained a financial advisor, instead of or in addition to an underwriter? Contact person 2. Please indicate the proposed marketing arrangement: Retail public offering Institutional offering Private Placement Applicant purchases issue (indicate %) Other (please describe) 3. Proposed date of issue: 4. Proposed date of offering: 5. Proposed date of closing: 6. Is the issue to be sold interstate or intrastate? 7. If other underwriters are going to participate in the offering please list: Company Principal location VIII. MEASURE OF ECONOMIC GROWTH AND BENEFIT I. Number of expected new additional employees to be hired at this site: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Professional Technical Clerical Laborers 2. Please indicate any notable characteristics of the employees for this facility: 3. Describe the economic benefits to the City's economy if the transaction is completed: This expansion project will help ensure our corporate office and manufacturing facilities remain in Salina. Without this expansion, we may be forced to explore alternative options to house our operations. 91 IX. POTENTIAL CONFLICTS Is any City Commissioner an officer, director or employee of the Applicant or hold an ownership interest in Applicant's firm? If so, please identify the individual and the nature of the relationship. No 2. Please describe any other known circumstances that would create a conflict of interest: None PLEAS_ E NOTE: Any potential conflicts as disclosed above do not necessarily negate the approval of the Issue, but are pertinent for determining those conflicts for the purpose of public disclosure. X. OTHER INFORMATION Specify below any other data or information you deem pertinent for the City's consideration in passing upon the approval of the proposed project for financing: XI. ATTACHMENTS To facilitate the processing of the application, please attach the following items to the application. 1. Certified copies of applicant's financial audits for the past three (3) years. 2. Applicant's most recent annual or quarterly financial report. 3. Financial Statement, current to date, for each personal guarantor. 4. Pro forma statements for the first five (5) years of operation after issuance of Bonds, including revenue projections, operating expense projections and a debt amortization schedule. 5. Interim financial statements to date, for the current fiscal year. XII. APPLICANT'S AGREEMENT In consideration for the City's acceptance, processing and consideration of this application, Applicant agrees, represents and warrants as follows: Applicant acknowledges that City of Salina policy requires a full payment in lieu of ad valorem property taxes otherwise exempt under Kansas law as a result of the industrial revenue bond financing. Applicant acknowledges having read the City's tax abatement policy set forth in the attached City of Salina Resolution Number 91-4265, including the conditions upon which Applicants project may qualify for partial property tax abatement. Is the applicant requesting partial property tax abatement pursuant to the City's policy? Applicant agrees and understands that Applicant shall be responsible for Payingall Il expenses incurred by the City for professional services pertaining to this application and Applicants project regardless of whether or not the project is approved or a closing on the sale of the contemplated bonds takes place. Applicant represents and warrants that all statements of fact contained in this application are true to the Applicants best knowledge and belief. Partial completion of this application is permitted, however, prior to the adoption of the bond ordinance, the remaining supplementary information to complete this application must be furnished. Additional information may be required by Bond Counsel and the Financial Advisor. It is understood and agreed the information required in Section XI or any other information will be disclosed to the financial team and may be disclosed to the public. DATED this day of Applicant's signature Title Return this application to: Shandi Wicks City Clerk City of Salina P.O. Box 736 Salina, Ks. 67402-0736 10 ssirk L11 N n " KANSAS.;.a; Salina Community Economic Development Organization PROJECT REPCO / MCSHARES SCORECARD COMPANY McShares DBA REPCO INVESTMENT $6 million EMPLOYMENT Retained Jobs: 55-60 in Salina New Jobs: 5 - 4@$48,600 each and 1@$63,300 BUILDING 36,0000 sf Warehousing 7-10,000 sf office/lab ACRES NEEDED No additional property needed EQUIPMENT Some lab and warehousing required CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Direct Jobs 58 Total Jobs 126 CONSTRUCTION WAGES Direct Payroll $3,000,000 Total Payroll $5,720,100 EARNINGS MULT 1.8161/ Jobs Multiplier 2.3517 LOCAL INCENTIVE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Industrial Revenue Bonds TERM / % 10 years —100% abatement on new property taxes OTHER Waiver of Sales Taxes on Construction Materials CITY STREET $$ None SEDIP $$ None CITY IMPACT City Benefits - $4777,480 / City Costs $412,418 BEN -COST RATIO 1.16 City / County 1.04 /State 2.20 / SD 305 1.45 120 W. Ash I Salina, KS 67402-0586 1 785.404.3131 1 www.salinaedo.org ...................... WICHITA $TATE UNIVERSITY DATE OF ANALYSIS TIME OF ANALYSIS VERSION OF ANALYSIS Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 (316)978-3225 12/14/2021 2:38 PM V3 PROJECT SUMMARY (no multipliers, no substitution) 625,033 Company Name McShares Inc. Tax abatement 445,800 Number of new jobs for 10 -year period 5 Amount of payroll for 10- ear period $2,977,169 Amount of capital investment for 10 -year period $6,000,000 Land $0 Buildings $6,000,000 Machinery and Equipment $0 INCENTIVE SUMMARY 625,033 City Incentives - Salina 487,464 Tax abatement 445,800 Sales tax exemption 41,664 Forgivable loans 0 Infrastructure 0 Cash value all other incentives 0 County Incentives - Saline 625,033 Tax abatement 616,455 Sales tax exemption 8,578 Forgivable loans 0 Infrastructure 0 Cash value all other incentives 0 State Incentives 468,750 Tax abatement 322,500 Sales tax exemption 146,250 Forgivable loans 0 Training dollars 0 Infrastructure 0 Cash value all other incentives 0 Page 1 of 21 ...................... WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY DATE OF ANALYSIS TIME OF ANALYSIS VERSION OF ANALYSIS Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 (316) 978-3225 12/14/2021 2:38 PM V3 TAX ABATEMENT PARAMETERS Real Property Number of years 10 Percentage 100.0% Personal Property Number of ears 0 Percentage 0.0% CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS Jobs Multiplier 2.1705 Earnings Multiplier 1.9067 SUBSTITUTION Firm NAICS code 420000 Wholesale trade Substitution percentage applied to firm operations 75.0% FIRM MULTIPLIERS (On-going Operations) 2.3517 Jobs Earnings 1.8161 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF FIRM OPERATIONS Number of jobs 10 -year period Direct 1 Total 3 Page 2 of 21 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY DATE OF ANALYSIS TIME OF ANALYSIS VERSION OF ANALYSIS Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 (316)978-3225 12/14/2021 2:38 PM V3 FISCAL IMPACT Discounted City Fiscal Impacts. - Salina Discounted Present value of net benefits $65,062 Rate of Return on Investment $18,501 $521,260 Net public benefits 10 -year period $65,062 Public costs 10- ear period $412,418 ROI 15.8% Benefit -Cost Ratio $521,260 Public benefits 10- ear period $477,480 Public costs 10- ear period $412,418 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.16 County Fiscal Impacts. - Saline Discounted Present value of net benefits $18,501 Rate of Return on Investment Net public benefits 10 -year period Public costs 10- ear period $18,501 $521,260 ROI 3.5% Benefit -Cost Ratio 120.0% Public benefits 10- ear period $539,761 Public costs 10- ear period $521,260 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.04 State Fiscal Impacts Discounted Present value of net benefits $532,778 Rate of Return on Investment Net public benefits 10- ear period $532,778 Public costs 10- ear period $444,145 ROI 120.0% Benefit -Cost Ratio Public benefits 10 -year period $976,924 Public costs 10- ear period $444,145 Benefit -Cost Ratio 220 School District Fiscal Impacts. - 305 Salina Discounted Present value of net benefits $99,861 Rate of Return on Investment Net public benefits 10- ear period $99,861 Public costs 10- ear period $221,999 ROI 45.0% Benefit -Cost Ratio Public benefits 10 -year period $321,861 Public costs 10 -year period $221,999 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.45 Page 3 of 21 In the preparation of this report, the Center for Economic Development and Business Research assumed that all information and data provided by the applicant or others is accurate and reliable. CEDBR did not take extraordinary steps to verb or audit such information, but relied on such information and data as provided for purposes of the project. This analysis requires CEDBR to make predictive forecasts, estimates and/or projections (hereinafter collectively referred to as "FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS,). These FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS are based on information and data provided by others and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. The FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS should not be considered as guarantees or assurances that a certain level ofperformance will be achieved or that certain events will occur. While CEDBR believes that all FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS it provides are reasonable based on the information and data available at the time of writing, actual outcomes and results are dependent on a variety offactors and may dffer materially from what is expressed or forecast. CEDBR does not assume any responsibilityfor any and all decisions made or actions taken based upon the FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS provided by CEDBR. Page 4 of 21 Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. Milt— ...................... Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 WICHITA STATE (316) 978-3225 UNIVERSITY Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.80 7 1.60 Project or Company Name: McShares Inc. Date of Analysis: 12/14/2021 Version of Analysis: V3 City Fiscal Impacts. - Salina 1 .1 0.40 0.20 0.00 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Yrs. 1-7 Yrs. 1-8 Yrs. 1-9 Yrs. 1- 10 Present Value of Net Benefits $55,221 $56,297 $57,387 $58,489 $59,603 $60,709 $61,808 $62,900 $63,984 $65,062 Yr. 1 Yrs. 1-2 1.40 :...__ _ _. Yrs. 1-3 1.20 _ Yrs. 1-4 1.00 I Yrs. 1-5 0.80 } Yrs. 1-6 1 .1 0.40 0.20 0.00 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Yrs. 1-7 Yrs. 1-8 Yrs. 1-9 Yrs. 1- 10 Present Value of Net Benefits $55,221 $56,297 $57,387 $58,489 $59,603 $60,709 $61,808 $62,900 $63,984 $65,062 1 e, 0.20 0.00 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Yrs. 1-7 Yrs. 1-8 Yrs. 1-9 Yrs. 1-10 $17,363 $17,748 $18,127 $18,501 Center for Economic Development and Business Research projector Company Name: McShares Inc. Wichita State University Dale of Analysis: 12/14/2021 ...................... 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 Version of Analysis: V3 We IrA STATE (316) 978-3225 County Fiscal Impacts. - Saline Uri Benefit -Cost Ratio Present Value of Net Benefits 1.40 - - Yr. 1 $15,141 1.20 --- Yrs. 1-2 $15,458 Yrs. 1-3 $15,804 1.00 Yrs. 1-4 $16,179 0.80 - - - - - - Yrs. 1-5 $16,579 0.60 Yrs. 1-6 $16,974 1 e, 0.20 0.00 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Yrs. 1-7 Yrs. 1-8 Yrs. 1-9 Yrs. 1-10 $17,363 $17,748 $18,127 $18,501 Center for Economic Development and Business Research 'O Wichita State University ■_[_/��J�( 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 Wicxlra STarE (316)978-3225 UNIVERSITY Benefit -Cost Ratio 4.00 — 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Project or Company Name: McShares Inc. Date of Analysis: 12/14/2021 Version of Analysis: V3 State Fiscal Impacts Present Value of Net Benefits Yr. 1 $460,807 Yrs. 1-2 $468,737 Yrs.1-3 $476,655 Yrs. 1-4 $484,560 Yrs. 1-5 $492,449 Yrs. 1-6 $500,300 Yrs. 1-7 $508,112 Yrs. 1-8 $515,886 Yrs.1-9 $523,620 Yrs. 1-10 $532,778 Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita Stale University 1845 Fairmount St. ............. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 wi CRITA STATE (316) 978-3225 UNIVERSITY Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.60 Projector Company Name: McShares Inc. Date of Analysis: 12/14/2021 Version of Analysis: V3 School District Fiscal Impacts. - 305 Salina Present Value of Net Benefits Yr. 1 $11,594 Yrs. 1-2 $22,813 Yrs. 1-3 $33,652 Yrs. 1-4 $44,124 Yrs. 1-5 $54,243 Yrs. 1-6 $64,005 Yrs. 1-7 $73,437 Yrs. 1-8 $82,550 Yrs. 1-9 $91,354 Yrs. 1-10 $99,861 I CEDBR-FISCAL IMPACT MODEL FIRM DATA SHEET COMPANY INFORMATION Company name or r9ject name Contact name McShares Inc. Contact tele hone nuer mb Monte White, CEO/President Contact e-mail address 785-833-2629 Company NAICS Code - Please select a NAlcS code from the list provided. Model arameters are set based on the NA/CS selected. 420000 Wholesale trade Substitution Override Year of a lication 2021 Page 9 of 21 Expansion #3 if applicable) Year of expansion Market value of firm's initial NEW OR ADDITIONAL investment in: Land Building and improvements Furniture, fixtures and equipment (including machine Initial construction or expansion: Cost of construction at the firm's new or expanded facility Amount of taxable construction materials purchased in: city Count should include city amount State should include city and county amounts Amount of taxable furniture, fixtures and equipment urchased in: Cit Count should include city amount State should include city and county amounts Total construction salaries �OPERATIONS First Year of Full Operations As a Result of This Project New or additional sales of the firm related to this project Year Year Year Year Years Year Year Year Year Year 10 Percent of these sales subject to sales taxes in the: Cit Count State Annual net taxable income, as a percent of sales, on which state corporate income taxes will be computed: Page 10 of 21 New or additional purchases of the firm related to this project Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Percent of these purchases subject to sales/compensating use taxes in the: Cit Count State EMPLOYMENT Number of NEW employees to be hired each year as a result of this project Year 5 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Page 11 of 21 Number of these employees moving to county each year FROM OUT-OF-STATE Year 1 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Number of these employees moving to count each ear FROM OTHER KANSAS COUNTIES Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Page 12 of 21 Weighted average annual salary of all NEW employees, including all employees hired to date, related to this project Year $51,940 Year $53,498 Year 3 $55,103 Year $56,756 Year 5 $58,459 Year 6 $60,213 Year $62,019 Ye2r§$63,880 Percentage of visitors traveling on business Year 9 $65,796 Year 10 $67,770 VISITORS - Include customers, vendors and company employees from other locations in the count of visitors Number of ADDITIONAL out-ot-county visitors expected at the firm as a result of this project Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Number of days that each visitor will stay in the area Number of nights that a typical visitor will stay in a local hotel or motel Percentage of visitors traveling on business Percentage of visitors traveling for leisure Percentage of visitor's expenditures spent in the same city as firm's location Percentage of visitor's expenditures spent in the same county as firm's location Percentage of visitor's expenditures spent in Kansas Page 13 of 21 • 7 Firm payments to the Cit Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 m ear 2 Year 9 Year 10 Firm a menu to the Count Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Page 14 of 21 Firm payments to the State of Kansas Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Firm payments to the School District Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Page 15 of 21 CEDBR-FISCAL IMPACT MODEL •-- ntact name SALES TAX EXEMPTION FOR OPERATIONS Value of sales tax exemption for OPERATIONS -- CITY ntact tele hone number t ntact e-mail address Year 3 SALES TAX EXEMPTION ON CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Sales tax exemption EXPANSION 91 (please enter yes or no) es Percent of construction material costs funded by IRB for EXPANSION #1 100.0 Sales tax exemption EXPANSION #2 please enter yes or no No Percent of construction material costs funded by IRB for EXPANSION #2 0.0% Sales tax exemption EXPANSION 03 (please enter yes or no) No Percent of construction material costs funded by IRB for EXPANSION #3 0.0% Page 16 of 21 SALES TAX EXEMPTION FOR OPERATIONS Value of sales tax exemption for OPERATIONS -- CITY Year 1 Year Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Page 16 of 21 Page 17 of 21 Pro ert tax abatement - Real property land and buildings Number of Years ig Percentage 1 All Pro ert taxabatement-Machine ande ui ment Number or Years g Percentage 0.0%1 Page 18 of 21 Forgivable loans cash value -- STATE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year Year Year 10 STATE TRAINING DOLLARS Training dollars KIT/KER/IMPACT cash value) Year 1 Year Year Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 INFRASTRUCTUREIMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure improvements cash value --CITY Year 1 Year Year Year Year Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year9 Year 10 Page 19 of 21 Infrastructure improvements cash value -- COUNTY Year 1 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Infrastructure improvements cash value -- STATE Year Year Year Year Year Year Year YearB Year Year 10 • - Cash value of all other incentives -- CITY Year 1 Year Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Page 20 of 21 Cash value of all other incentives -- COUNTY Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Years Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Cash value of all other incentives -- STATE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Page 21 of 21 ..................... WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY DATE OF ANALYSIS TIME OF ANALYSIS VERSION OF ANALYSIS Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 (316) 978-3225 12/13/2021 6:54 AM V2 PROJECT SUMMARY (no multipliers, no substitution) 729,206 Company Name McShares Inc. Tax abatement 520,100 Number of new jobs for 10- ear period 5 Amount of payroll for 10- ear period $2,977,169 Amount of capital investment for 10- ear period $7,000,000 Land $0 Buildings $7,000,000 Machinery and Equipment $0 INCENTIVE SUMMARY 729,206 City Incentives - Salina 568,708 Tax abatement 520,100 Sales tax exemption 48,608 Forgivable loans 0 Infrastructure 0 Cash value all other incentives 0 County Incentives - Saline 729,206 Tax abatement 719,198 Sales tax exemption 10,008 Forgivable loans 0 Infrastructure 0 Cash value all other incentives 0 State Incentives 546,875 Tax abatement 376,250 Sales tax exemption 170,625 Forgivable loans 0 Training dollars 0 Infrastructure 0 Cash value all other incentives 0 Page 1 of 21 ...................... WICHITA $TATE UNIVERSITY DATE OF ANALYSIS TIME OF ANALYSIS VERSION OF ANALYSIS Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 (316)978-3225 12/13/2021 6:54 AM V2 TAX ABATEMENT PARAMETERS Real Propetty Number of years 10 Percentage 100.0% Personal Propetty Number of years 0 Percentage 0.0% (SUBSTITUTION Firm NAICS code 420000 Wholesale trade Substitution percentage applied to firm operations 75.0°0/ FIRM MULTIPLIERS (On-going Operations) Jobs 2.3517 Earnings 1.8161 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF FIRM OPERATIONS Number of jobs 10 -year period Direct 1 Total 3 Page 2 of 21 C....... .. ....STATE........ ItI�i UNIVERSITY ERSItV DATE OF ANALYSIS TIME OF ANALYSIS VERSION OF ANALYSIS Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 (316) 978-3225 12/13/2021 6:54 AM V2 FISCAL IMPACT Discounted City Fiscal Impacts. - Salina Discounted Present value of net benefits $74,089 Rate of Return on Investment $20,977 Net public benefits 10 -year period $74,089 Public costs 10- ear period $481,154 ROI 15.4% Benefit -Cost Ratio $629,114 Public benefits 10- ear period $555,243 Public costs 10- ear period $481,154 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.15 County Fiscal Impacts. - Saline Discounted Present value of net benefits $20,977 Rate of Return on Investment Net public benefits 10 -year period $20,977 Public costs 10- ear period $608,136 ROI 3.4% Benefit -Cost Ratio Public benefits 10 -year period $629,114 Public costs 10- ear period $608,136 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.03 State Fiscal Impacts Discounted Present value of net benefits $608,256 Rate of Return on Investment Net public benefits 10 -year period $608,256 Public costs 10 ear period $513,222 ROI 118.5% Benefit -Cost Ratio Public benefits 10 -ear period $1,121,478 Public costs 10 -year period $513,222 Benefit -Cost Ratio 2.19 School District Fiscal Impacts. - 305 Salina Discounted Present value of net benefits $116,495 Rate of Return on Investment Net public benefits 10 -year period $116,495 Public costs 10- ear period $255,289 ROI 45.6% Benefit -Cost Ratio Public benefits 10- ear period $371,783 Public costs LO -year period $255,289 Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.46 Page 3 of 21 In the preparation of this report, the Center for Economic Development and Business Research assumed that all information and data provided by the applicant or others is accurate and reliable. CEDBR did not take extraordinary steps to verify or audit such information, but relied on such information and data as provided for purposes of the project. This analysis requires CEDBR to make predictive forecasts, estimates and/or projections (hereinafter collectively referred to as "FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS'). These FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS are based on information and data provided by others and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. The FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS should not be considered as guarantees or assurances that a certain level ofperformance will be achieved or that certain events will occur. While CEDBR believes that all FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS it provides are reasonable based on the information and data available at the time of writing, actual outcomes and results are dependent on a variety of factors and may differ materially from what is expressed or forecast. CEDBR does not assume any responsibilityfor any and all decisions made or actions taken based upon the FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS provided by CEDBR. Page 4 of 21 Project or Company Name. McShares Inc. Date of Analysis: 12/13/2021 Version of Analysis: V2 City Fiscal Impacts. - Salina Present Value of Net Benefits Yr. 1 $64,248 Yrs .1-2 $65,324 Yrs. 1-3 1$66,413 Yrs. 1-4 1.00 Yrs. 1-5 0.80 _ Yrs. 1-6 0.60 _ _-�•� Yrs. 1-7 Yrs. 1-8 0.40 Yrs. 1-9 0.20 Yrs. 1- 10 0.00 ! _ 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 $67,516 $68,630 $69,736 $70,835 $71,927 $73,011 $74,089 Center for Economic Development and Business Research Wichita State University 1845 Fairmount St. ........_..._....... Wichita, Kansas 6721 WICHITA STATE (316) 978-3225 UNIVERSITY Benefit -Cost Ratio 1.80 �- 1.60 1.40 1.20 Project or Company Name. McShares Inc. Date of Analysis: 12/13/2021 Version of Analysis: V2 City Fiscal Impacts. - Salina Present Value of Net Benefits Yr. 1 $64,248 Yrs .1-2 $65,324 Yrs. 1-3 1$66,413 Yrs. 1-4 1.00 Yrs. 1-5 0.80 _ Yrs. 1-6 0.60 _ _-�•� Yrs. 1-7 Yrs. 1-8 0.40 Yrs. 1-9 0.20 Yrs. 1- 10 0.00 ! _ 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 $67,516 $68,630 $69,736 $70,835 $71,927 $73,011 $74,089 Center for Economic Development and Business Research project or Company Name: McShares Inc. Wichita State University Date of Analysis: 12/13/2021 1845 Fairmount St. ...................... Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 Version of Analysis: V2 w2eira SrarE (316) 978-3225 County Fiscal Impacts. - Saline UNIVEYS?V Benefit -Cost Ratio Present Value of Net Benefits 1.40 1.20 1.00 i •1 0.40 0.20 0.00 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Yr. 1 Yrs. 1-2 Yrs. 1-3 Yrs. 1-4 Yrs. 1-5 Yrs. 1-6 Yrs. 1-7 Yrs. 1-8 Yrs. 1-9 Yrs. 1-10 $17,617 $17,934 $18,280 $18,655 $19,055 $19,450 $19,839 $20,224 $20,603 $20,977 Center for Economic Development and Business Research Project or Company Name: McShares Inc. Wichita State University Date of Analysis: 12/13/2021 1845 Fairmount St. ...................... Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 Version of Analysis: V2 WICHITA SL1TE (316) 978-3225 State Fiscal Impacts UNIVEaSIn Benefit-Cost Ratio Present Value of Net Benefits 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 - 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Yr. 1 Yrs. 1-2 Yrs. 1-3 Yrs. 1-4 Yrs. 1-5 Yrs. 1-6 Yrs. 1-7 Yrs. 1-8 Yrs. 1-9 Yrs. 1-10 $536,285 $544,215 $552,133 $560,038 $567,927 $575,778 $583,590 $591,364 $599,098 $608,256 Center for Economic Development and Business Research projector Company Name: McShares Inc. Wichita State University Date of Analysis: 12/13/2021 ...................... 1845 Fairmount St. Wichita, Kansas 67260-0121 Version of Analysis: V2 W CHITA SrATs (316) 978-3225 School District Fiscal Impacts. - 305 Salina UNNENSRv Benefit -Cost Ratio Present Value of Net Benefits 1.60 T Yr. 1 $13,527 1.40 - _. . ... Yrs. 1-2 $26,612 1.20 - - - Yrs. 1-3 $39,255 Yrs. 1-4 $51,471 1.00-- Yrs. 1-5 $63,273 0.80 Yrs. 1-6 $74,662 0.60 - _ - Yrs. 1-7 $85,666 0.40 Yrs. 1-8 $96,298 Yrs. 1-9 $106,570 0.20 ". Yrs. 1-10 $116,495 0.00 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 CEDBR-FISCAL IMPACT MODEL FIRM DATA SHEET REAL PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS - If construction is expected to significantly expenditures . multiple expansions. Expansion #1 exceed 12 - COMPANY INFORMATION Company name or proiect name McShares Inc. Contact name Monte White, CEO/President Contact telephone number 785-833-2629 Contact e-mail address $7,000,000 Company NAICS Code -Please select a NA/CS code from the list provided. Model parameters are set based on the NAICS selected. 420000 Wholesale trade Substitution Override Year of application 2021 REAL PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS - If construction is expected to significantly expenditures . multiple expansions. Expansion #1 exceed 12 - Year of expansion 2022 Market value of firm's initial NEW OR ADDITIONAL investment in: Land $0 Building and improvements $7,000,000 Furniture, fixtures and equipment (including machine $0 Initial construction or expansion: Cost of construction at the firm's new or expanded facility $7,000,000 Amount of taxable construction materials purchased in: city $2,625,000 Count should include city amount $2,800,000 State should include city and county amounts) $3,500,000 Amount of taxable furniture, fixtures and equipment urchased in: Cit $0 Count should include city amount $0 State should include city and county amounts $0 Total construction salaries $3,500,000 Expansion #2 if applicable) Year of expansion Market value of firm's initial NEW OR ADDITIONAL investment in: Land Building and improvements Furniture, fixtures and equipment (including machinery) Initial construction or expansion: Cost of construction at the firm's new or expanded facility Amount of taxable construction materials purchased in: city Count should include city amount State should include city and county amounts Amount of taxable furniture, fixtures and equipment urchased in: city Count should include city amount State should include city and county amounts Total construction salaries Page 9 of 21 Expansion #3 if applicable) Year of expansion Market value of firm's initial NEW OR ADDITIONAL investment in: Land Building and improvements Furniture, fixtures and equipment (including machine Initial construction or expansion: Cost of construction at the firm's new or expanded facility Amount of taxable construction materials purchased in: Cit Count should include city amount State should include city and county amounts Amount of taxable furniture, fixtures and equipment urchased in: Cit Count should include city amount State should include city and county amounts Total construction salaries OPERATIONS First Year of Full Operations As a Result of This Project New or additional sales of the firm related to this project Year Year Year Year Years Year Year Year Year Year 10 Percent of these sales subject to sales taxes in the: city County State Annual net taxable income, as a percent of sales, on which state corporate income taxes will be computed: Page 10 of 21 New or additional urchases of the firm related to this project Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Percent of these Purchases subject to salesrcom ensating use taxes in the: Cit Count State EMPLOYMENT I Number of NEW em to ees to be hired each vear asaresult of thisro'ect RYearIO lM Page 11 of 21 Number of these employees moving to county each year FROM OUT-OF-STATE Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Number of these employees moving to county each year FROM OTHER KANSAS COUNTIES Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Page 12 of 21 Weighted average annual salary of all NEW emplo ees, including all em -1---h emthrdtodtd Year $51,9 40 Year $53,498 Year 3 $55,103 Year $56,756 Year $58,459 Year $p, 2131 Year? $62,019 Year $63,880 Year $65,796 Year 10 $67,770 Number of ADDITIONAL out -of -county visitors ex ected at the firm as a result of this ro of Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Years Year6 r7 IM s that each visitor will sta in the area hts that a t ical visitor will sta in a local hotel or motel f visitors travelin on businessa a of visitors travelin for leisure Percenta a of visitor's expenditures spent in the same cit as firm's location Percenta a of visitor's expenditures spent in the same county as firm's location Percentage of visitor's expenditures spent in Kansas Page 13 of 21 PAYMENT BY THE COMPANY TO TAXING JURISTICTIONS - Such as payments in lieu of taxes Firm payments to the Cit Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Firm payments to the Count Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Page 14 of 21 Firm payments to the State of Kansas Year Year Year Year Year Year Year? Year Year Year 10 Firm payments to the School District Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 10 Page 15 of 21 .. .- Contact name Contact tele hone number Contact e-mail address SALES TAX EXEMPTION ON CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Sales tax exemption EXPANSION #1 (please enter yes or no) yes Percent of construction material costs funded by IRB for EXPANSION #1 100.0 Sales tax exemption EXPANSION #2 (please enter yes or no) No Percent of construction material costs funded by IRB for EXPANSION #2 0.0% Sales tax exemption EXPANSION #3 (please enter yes or no) No Percent of construction material costs funded by IRB for EXPANSION #3 0.0 EXEMPTIONSALES TAX OPERATIONS Value of sales tax exemption for OPERATIONS -- CITY Year Year Year Year Year 5 Year Year Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Page 16 of 21 Value of sales tax exemption for OPERATIONS -- COUNTY Year 1 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 9 Year 10 Value of sales lax exemption for OPERATIONS — STATE Year 1 Year Year Year Year Year Year Yea[ B Year9 Year 10 Page 17 of 21 FORGIVABLE Forgivable loans cash value -- CITY Year 1 Year Year Year Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Forgivable loans cash value -- COUNTY Year Year Year Year Year Year Year? Year8 Year Year 10 Page 18 of 21 PROPERTY Property tax abatement - Real Drooertv land and buildings Number of Years 10 Percentage 100.0% Property tax abatement - MaChinery and equipment Number of Years 0 Percentaoe 0.0% FORGIVABLE Forgivable loans cash value -- CITY Year 1 Year Year Year Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Forgivable loans cash value -- COUNTY Year Year Year Year Year Year Year? Year8 Year Year 10 Page 18 of 21 Forgivable loans cash value -- STATE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Page 19 of 21 Page 20 of 21 Page 21 of 21 W > 2 Special Redevelopment Area RESOLUTION NUMBER 91-4265 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY FOR THE GRANTING OF EXEMPTIONS FROM AD VALOREM TAXATION FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES WITHIN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. WHEREAS, Section 13 of Article 11 of the Kansas Constitution authorizes the governing body of any city to grant property tax exemptions for certain economic development purposes; and WHEREAS, the Board of City Commissioners has determined that, under certain circumstances, the granting of property tax exemptions can be an effective economic development tool; and WHEREAS, state statutes require that the governing body develop and adopt official policies and procedures prior to granting such exemptions; SO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section I. Purpose. The purpose of these provisions Is to establish the officia po icies and procedures of the City of Salina for the granting of property tax exemptions for real and tangible personal property used for qualified economic development purposes under Section 13 of Article 11 of the Kansas Constitution. Section 2. Authorit and discretion. The authority to grant tax exemptions within the y ta ng is vested solely in the Board of City Commissioners. The Board of City Commissioners is under no obligation to approve any requested exemption and reserves the right to deviate from the policies and criteria contained herein if circumstances exist to warrant such deviation. Such circumstances may include, but not be limited to: (a) economic development projects financed by means that substitute for industrial development bonds for which resolutions of intent containing tax exemption have previously been Issued thus resulting in a reduction in the amount of the resolution of intent; or (b) economic development projects which, due to their unusual nature or magnitude, offer extraordinary benefits to the community. Section 3. Notice and hearing. Prior to granting a tax exemption, a public hear ng shall be held by the Board of City Commissioners. Notice of the public hearing shall be published at least once seven (7) days prior to the hearing and shall Indicate the purpose, time and place thereof. The City Clerk shall also notify in writing the governing body of Saline County and Unified School District 305. Section 4. Criteria for grantin. emption. Each application for property tax exemption sha(T—betec in accordance with the following criteria: A. Demonstration of economic benefit. The Board of City Commissioners may consider granting said tax exemption only upon clear and factual demonstration of direct economic benefit. The project shall create additional permanent jobs and increase private capital investment in new plant and/or equipment. B. Preservation of existin tLx base. It Is the intent of t is po cy to promote expansion of the tax base and ensure that the taxing districts having authority to levy taxes on the property affected will receive, in the future, not less than the amount received prior to granting the exemption. C. Eligible businesses. In accordance with Article 11 of the Kansas Constitution, a tax exemption will be considered only for businesses engaged In the following activities: 1. Manufacturing articles of commerce; 2. Conducting research and development; or Storing goods or commodities which are sold or traded in interstate commerce. D. Eligible property. The Board of City Commissioners may exempt room ad valorem taxation all or any portion of the appraised valuation of: 1. All newly constructed buildings or additions to existing buildings used exclusively for eligible business activities which is necessary to facilitate the formation of a new business or expansion of an existing business if, as a result of such formation or expansion, new employment is created. 2. All newly acquired or existing tangible personal property used exclusively for eligible business activities, except that no existing tangible personal property located in the state of Kansas may be granted an exemption unless said exemption is required, based on a factual determination, to retain jobs In the state of Kansas. No exemption will be granted for the land upon which qualified buildings or building additions are located, existing buildings already built, or any property rented or leased to outside interests by other than a not-for-profit local economic development corporation. No exemption will be granted for buildings or building additions for which a building permit has been applied or construction commenced before the date said exemption is granted. No exemption will be granted for any existing tangible personal property located in the City of Salina nor any newly acquired tangible personal property ordered or purchased prior to the date said exemption is granted. In the event a not-for-profit local economic development corporation constructs a new building for an unidentified occupant, the minimum job requirement shall be waived. No tax exemption shall be granted until occupancy by an eligible business activity and project completion. Section 5, Amount and term. A. Base exemption. An exemption may be granted for 25% of the property taxes due for projects which Involve new capital investment and which create new permanent, full-time jobs as follows: $100,000 of investment and 3 new jobs; $200,000 of Investment and 2 new jobs; or $300,000 of investment and 1 new job. B. Incentive exemption. Special consideration will be given to increa�amount of tax exemption up to 100% based on the following scale regarding the amount of capital Investment and number of new employees: An additional tax exemption of 2.0% for each additional new job (FTE) above the base minimum. An additional tax exemption for each additional $15,000 of investment above the base minimum as follows: $100,000 to $1 million - 0.3%; between $1 million and $2 million - 0.2%; above $2 million - 0.1%. Descendin scale. The calculated total tax exemption w pge applied according to the following scale: Years 1 thru 5 - 100% Years 6 thru 10 - 50% D. Term of exemption. No tax exemption shall be in effect Tor more t an 10 years after the calendar year in which the business commences operations or completes an expansion. Any applicant receiving a tax exemption shall be required to make payments in lieu of taxes -' equal to the amount of property tax not exempted. Said payments shall be payable to the Saline County Treasurer for distribution, under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-148, to the general fund of all taxing subdivisions, excluding the state, which levy taxes on property where the business is situated. This apportionment shall be based on the relative amount of taxes levied by each of the applicable taxing subdivisions. Any tax exemption granted shall not affect the liability of any special assessments levied or to be levied against such property. No tax exemption granted shall be continued if the business ceases operations or ceases to be engaged in eligible business activities. E. Location remium. Businesses shall be encouraged to locate and or expand within special redevelopment areas of the City's enterprise zone. To foster such action, businesses may receive a premium equal to fifty percent (508) of and which shall be added to the calculated tax exemption [e.g. forty percent (40%) calculated tax exemption plus twenty percent (208) premium equals sixty percent (608) total exemption for years one (1) through five (5).) Special redevelopment areas shall be designated by separate resolution of the Board of City Commissioners. Section 6. Preliminary review. Prior to submittal of a formal application -775 may inquire as to eiiglbillty for tax exemption and the anticipated amount based on preliminary employment and capital Investment figures. The business shall complete a pre -application form and submit same to the City Manager's office. City staff will review the information submitted and respond to the business regarding apparent eligibility and potential amount of tax exemption if granted. The response from city staff shall in no way represent definitive findings or be seen as an expression of intent or obligation of the Board of City Commissioners to favorably consider or approve a formal request for tax exemption. The pre -application form and staff response shall be deemed to be proprietary business information and shall be kept confidential. Section 7. Formal application. A. Filing fee. An application for a tax exemption shall be accompanied by a non-refundable filing fee of $250.00. Said fee shall be used to defray expenses incurred In processing and evaluating the application. B. Application contents. The City will not consider the granting o any tax exemption unless the business submits a full and complete application and provides _ such additional information as may reasonably be requested. The application shall contain the following: 1. Name and address of business, principal owners and officers, contact person and telephone number. 2. A general description of the nature of the business, business history and experience, and a list of principal competition in the local market. 3. Name and address of the owner of the land and building occupied or to be occupied by the business. 4. A general description of the proposed building project or improvements, including estimated capital costs, plus the amount or percentage of tax exemption being requested. 5. A site plan of the proposed building project or improvements. 6. If an existing business, average total monthly employment figures for the past twelve months. 7. Number of new jobs (FTE) to be created by type or position. 8. A statement explaining why the requested tax exemption is a critical factor in determining whether the proposed project is to be completed. C. Reviewrocedures. Each application for tax exemption s a genera y olow the following procedures: 1. The business submits a completed application and pays the required filing fee to the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk provides notification of the application for tax exemption to the Board of City Commissioners. 3. The Board of City Commissioners refers the application to the City Manager for an analysis of the costs and benefits of such exemption and authorizes a public hearing to be scheduled. 4. The City Clerk publishes required notice of the hearing and sends written notice of the hearing to the Saline County Commission and U.S.D. 305. 5. The Board of City Commissioners reviews the analysis of costs and benefits and receives comments from the applicant, affected taxing districts, and the general public. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board of City commissioners will take formal action on the application. Approval shall be in the form of a resolution. 6. If approved, the business will need to file an exemption claim form with the County Appraiser as required by state statute. Such claim form shall be signed by the City Clerk. D. Terms and conditions. In granting a tax exemption, t e oar o ity Commissioners may impose any terms or conditions as deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose and Intent of this policy. Section 8. Commp�letlon��review. Each tax exemption granted shalt be subject to a review of projection. This review snail be for the purpose of determining if the economic benefits were achieved, if the percent and term of exemption remain valid, and if the business Is in compliance with any established terms or conditions. In the event the capital investment project has not been completed, the review status shall be considered to be in -progress and no tax exemption shall be granted. If the capital investment project is complete but the employment goal has not been reached and hiring remains active, the applicant business may choose to be considered in -progress and receive no tax exemption or be considered partially complete and receive a one-time prorated tax exemption for the subject year. A project shall be considered complete If more than 18 months have elapsed since Initial approval of the tax exemption resolution. A. Fllin te daand fee. The application for completion review shall e filed on an annual basis no later than January 15 of each year until the project has been completed. The filing fee shall be $125.00 and is non-refundable. There shall be no filing fee for an in-progress review. B. Business information. The recipient business shall provide information pertaining to the number of full-time permanent Jobs created as a result of the project, the actual amount of capital invested in the project, the ongoing nature of business activities, and any other data as may reasonably be requested. C. Review process. The City Manager will review the application ana submit a report to the Board of City Commissioners. The Board of City Commissioners will consider the application and staff report at a public hearing, advance notice of which shall be as provided for the hearing on the original application. Said hearing and decision on whether or not to grant a certification of compliance for the tax exemption shall occur no later than February 15 of each year. D. Certification. If certification of compliance for the tax exemption is granted, the exemption claim form filed by the property owner with the County Appraiser shall include a written statement, signed by the City Clerk, that the property continues to meet all terms and conditions established as a condition of granting the exemption. Revocation. The Board of City Commissioners reserves the right to revoke a granted tax exemption due to submittal of a fraudulent application, failure to submit the completion review application and supporting information, failure to meet qualifying criteria, or failure to comply with established terms or conditions. Failure to produce the stated economic benefits will result in a reduction or loss of tax exemption. Section 9. Monitor I" review. Following receipt of certification of compliance, each tax exempt on grante shall be subject to an annual monitoring review of business status. This review shall be for the purpose of determining if the business continues to meet eligibility criteria and remains in compliance with any established terms or conditions. Filin date and fee. The application for monitoring rev ew s a e I ed on an annual basis no later than January 15 of each year for the term of the exemption. The filing fee shall be $50,00 and is non-refundable. Business information. The recipient business shall provide information pertaining to the ongoing nature of business activities, average total monthly employment, any change in majority ownership of the business and any other data as may reasonably be requested. Review rocess. The City Manager will review the app scat on an , The ineligibility or non-compliance is evident, shall direct the City Clerk to Issue a certificate of compliance. In the alternative, the City Manager shall submit a report to the Board of City Commissioners for their determination of compliance. D. Certification. If compliance Is deemed to exist, the exemption claim form filed by the property owner with the County Appraiser shalt include a written statement, signed by the City Clerk, that the property continues to meet all terms and conditions established as a condition of granting the exemption. E. Revocation. The Board of City Commissioners reserves t F—Rgt- to revoke a granted tax exemption due to submittal of a fraudulent application, failure to submit the monitoring review application and supporting Information, failure to meet qualifying criteria, or failure to comply with established terms or conditions. Section 10. Confidentiality. All applications and records pertaining to a formal tax exemption request smell be subject to the provisions of the Kansas Open Records Act. Section 11. Industrial Revenue Bonds. The criteria, terms and provisions of— Mrs policy shall serve as a gu eine for tax exemption requests associated with Industrial Revenue Bonds for which resolutions of intent have been applied for after the effective date of this policy. Section 12. Amendments. The Board of City Commissioners reserves the right to amend, revoke, change or otherwise modify this policy from time to time to promote the best interests of the City of Salina. Section 13. Effective date. This policy shall apply to all applications for tax exempt on submitted ter the date of adoption. Adopted by the Board of City Commissioners and signed by the Mayor this 14th day of January, 1991. grAl Robert E. Frani, Ma r [SEAL] ATTEST: ASL�ww Jacqu Jne Shlever, City Clerk RESOLUTION NUMBER 05-6230 A RESOLUTION RECONFIRMING SUPPORT FOR THE REGIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN; REQUESTING THE KANSAS SECRETARY OF COMMERCE AND HOUSING RE -DESIGNATE SALINE COUNTY AS A NON -METROPOLITAN BUSINESS REGION UNDER THE KANSAS ENTERPRISE ZONE ACT; RE-ESTABLISHING CERTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE a CITY OF SALINA FOR A SPECIAL REDEVELOPMENT AREA, AS WELL AS OTHER 4 AREAS OF THE CITY; AND REPEALING RESOLUTIONS NO. 00-5646 AND NO. 00- 5647. WHEREAS, the Kansas Enterprise Zone Act of 1992, K.S.A. 74-50, 113 et seg. eliminated certain local zones and local incentives, and established a system of state-wide and country -wide Enterprise Zones and incentives; and WHEREAS, following the adoption of the state Enterprise Zone Act the City of Salina eliminated its locally designated Enterprise Zones and by Resolution No. 91-4266 and 98-5374 designated an area within the City of Salina as a Special Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, the City of Salina desires to re-establish and clarify certain local economic development incentives originally established in 1992 for both the Special Redevelopment Area and for the remainder of the City; and WHEREAS, a regional strategic plan as required by 74-50, 116 (c) (2), has been updated and adopted by the Governing Body of Saline County on November 15, 2005. SO NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. The following local economic development incentive is adopted for the City of ' Salina, to be included in the Kansas enterprise Zone Act planning and reporting: A qualified business located anywhere within the Salina city limits shall be eligible for a rebate of fifty percent (5001.) of their paid building permit fees for newly constructed buildings, building additions or renovations to existing buildings, when the project cost, as shown on the building permit application, exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), and the building is used for, (a) manufacturing articles of commerce; (b) conducting research and development; or (c) storing goods and commodities sold or traded in interstate commerce. The rebate shall be paid at the time of issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy. Section 2. The local economic development incentive is adopted for the Special Redevelopment Area of the City of Salina as follows: At the time of application for a building permit the City of Salina will waive one hundred percent (100°/x) of the normal building permit fee for all newly constructed buildings, building additions or renovations to existing buildings that are used for any purpose. Section 3. That the above building permit related economic development incentives are in addition to the City's economic development incentives established under industrial revenue bond, . industrial development property tax exemption, and neighborhood revitalization policies and programs. Section 4. The regional business incentives(s) of four (4) hours of North Central Regional Planning Commission staff time, valued at $50.00 per hour, will be offered to all qualified businesses in the City; and Section 5. The following county -wide business incentives will be offered to all qualified businesses as outlined in Section 1 of this resolution. Section 6. That all qualified businesses in the City will be notified of the business incentives indicated above by letter of public notice; and Section 7. That the Governing Body of the City of Salina desires to continue its participation with Cloud, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Ottawa, Republic, Saline and Washington counties as part of a Kansas Enterprise Zone designated non -metropolitan business region as provided for by K.S.A. 74-50,116. Section 8. That the Kansas Secretary of Commerce and Housing is hereby requested to re - approve Saline County as a Kansas Enterprise Zone designated non -metropolitan business region pursuant to the Kansas Enterprise Zone Act. Section 9. That the City Manager is authorized to take all actions necessary to implement " the provisions of this resolution. Section 10. That Resolution Nos. 00-5646 and 00-5647 are hereby repealed. Section 11. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and signed by the 12`" day i December, 2005. /!M�a'yor; .this Deborah Divine, Mayor [SEAL] (/�� tAT EST(: �erk CMC, City Cl SALINA KANSAS Salina Community Economic Development Organization CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SALINA COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION, INC. DECEMBER 6, 2021 12:00 PM Via in person and Zoom (Z) 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Special Meeting of the Salina Community Economic Development Organization, Inc. was called to order at 11:59 AM by Lloyd Davidson, Board President. (1.1) Confirmation of Meeting Notice Robinson confirmed that the meeting notice was made public via email, news release, and social media on November 30, 2021 Those present and comprising a quorum: Lloyd Davidson Pete Brungardt Paula Fried Frank Hampton Brian Richardson Cheryl Murray (Z) Paula Fried (In®7.2:05) Max Wellbrock-Talley Also present: Mitch Robinson, Salina Community Economic Development Organization Executive Director; Robin VanAtta, Salina Community Economic Development Organization Admin. Assistant; Mike Schrage, City Manager, City of Salina Monte White, CEO, RevCo/McShares Jason Creed, CFO, RevCo/McShares Jeff Maes, Con -Pro Realty, representing RevCo/McShares Absent: John Gunn Jim Maes (per conflict of interest) (1.2) Public Comment No public comments. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved by Brungardt, seconded by Richardson to move that the Salina Community Economic Development Organization board of directors recess into executive session for forty-five (45) minutes to discuss the subject of a specific economic development project based upon the need to discuss data relating to the financial affairs or traded secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships pursuant to K.S.A. 75-4319. The open meeting will resume in this room at 12:45 PM. Aye: (6). Nay: (0). Motion carried. 120 W. Ash i Salina, KS 67402-0586 1 785.404.3131 1 www.salinaedo.org The board of directors recessed into executive session at 12:02 PM and reconvened at 12:53 PM. Also present in executive session: Mike Schrage, City Manager, City of Salina Monte White, CEO, RepCo/McShares Jason Creed, CFO, RepCo/McShares Jeff Maes, ComPro Realty, representing RepCo/McShares 3. ACTION ITEMS Moved by Hampton, seconded by Richardson to present the two incentive options to the company. Once the company decides which option to pursue, the EDO will bring that incentive proposal to the City of Salina City Commissioners for consideration. Incentive Options include: A). A 100% abatement for 10 years with the company providing 5 new jobs by year 5 with claw - back function. -OR- B) A 100% abatement for years 1-5 and 50% abatement for years 6-10 with no employee requirements and no claw -back function. Aye: (7). Nay: (0). Motion carried. Motion by Hampton, seconded by Richardson to recommend 100% abatement on the sales tax of the construction materials for the expansion project, which is estimated at a $6-$7 million investment. This recommended abatement would be available for Incentive Option A or Incentive Option B. Aye: (7). Nay: (0). Motion carried. 4. ADJOURNMENT Davidson adjourned the meeting at 1:12 PM. Lloyd vidson, Board President ATTEST: Cheryl Murray, Board Secretary./--"' Repco Incentive Calculation $6M Project Assumption Investment Calculation $300K+ 1 Job 25 $300K -$1M (.3%/$15K) 46.67 X 0.3 14 $1M - $2M (.2%/$15K) 66.67 X 0.2 13.33 $210 - $6M (.1%/$15K) 266.67 X 0.1 26.67 79.00 Years 1-5 79.00 Employment Calculation 2% per job above minimum 4 X 2 8 LYA Years 1-5 - 50% Special Redevelopment Area Premiim 43.5 130.5 Years 1-5 100% Years 6-10 (50% of calculated total) 50%-65.25% Repco Incentive Calculation $7M Project Assumption Investment Calculation $300K+ 1 Job 25 $300K - $1M (.3%/$15K) 46.67 X 0.3 14 $1M - $2M (.2%/$15K) 66.67 X 0.2 13.33 $2M - $7M (.1%/$15K) 333.33 X 0.1 33.33 85.67 Years 1-5 85.67 Employment Calculation 2% per job above minimum 4 X 2 8 93.67 Years 1-5 - 50% Special Redevelopment Area Premiim 46.835 140.505 Years 1-5 100% Years 6-10 (50% of calculated total) 50%-70.25%