10-20-2020 Agenda & Packet  nworB elleinaD relhaM asiL ekruB nadnerB royaM ,kcoppoH ekiM  yraterceS - dloN yduJ rerusaerT - xoC yrreG tnediserP eciV - namwoB lihP tnediserP -resierG divaD SREBMEM DRAOB YRARBIL CILBUP ANILAS  gninraeL gnolefi L​ - deretneC elpoe P​ - dedniM ecivre S ​ :seulaV eroC .erutluc dna gninrael ,noitamrofni ot elpoep gnitcennoC :noissiM 0202 , 71 rebmevoN ,yadseuT :GNITEEM TXEN  STNEMMOC DRAOB & SSENISUB WEN  NOISSES EVITUCEXE  erutinruF rotceriD statS laicnaniF STROPER   tnemeergA sdraC yrarb loohcS & nalP cigetartS 1202? nalP kroW launnA 1202  ,enilemiT draoB 1202 ,nalP latipaC 1202 ,rennalP setaD 1202?  :sessecorP / snalP tfarD 1202  troper launna erutuf rof - tfarD stnemhsilpmoccA 0202  yrevileD dnuobemoH  sdloH - launaM yciloP yrarbiL  sweiveR rosivrepuS xoB tisopeD ytefaS nalP tnemyaP nortaP NOITCA / NOISSUCSID  stnemmoC cilbuP setuniM ADNEGA  mooR ttocserP :ECALP  xocliW ydnaS :REDROCER .M.A 7 :EMIT  resierG divaD :NOSREPRIAHC 0202 ,02 rebotcO  :ETAD  seetsurT fo draoB  :PUORG  ECITON GNITEEM 1218 the size of the logo. David Greiser spoke about the size of the logo. The Board seemed to building. She answered questions about how it would hold up to the weather and about Building Logo: Melanie spoke to the Board about putting the large logo on the front of the 09/15/2020 appointing Phil Bowman as Vice-President. Motion passed unanimously. Pg 1218. RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves On a motion made by Brendan Burke and seconded by Gerry Cox, it was20-41 Bowman volunteered to serve as Vice President for the remainder of the term year. Mary Lemon has left the Board and her position has been filled by Danielle Brown. Phil Board Vice President to the library manual. Motion passed unanimously. Pg 1218. 09/15/2020 RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves updates On a motion made by Phil Bowman and seconded by Danielle Brown , it was20-40 Director in addition to Director in places. Change the word debarred to restricted. now hires our own security staff and who can use the camera system. Add Assistant The Security Personnel and Camera System policy are updated to show that the library Library Policy Manual - Updates DISCUSSION/ACTION PUBLIC COMMENTS: None 09/15/2020. minutes of the August Public Hearing meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Pg 1218. RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the 20-39 On a motion made by Brendan Burke and seconded by Judy Nold, it was August Board meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Pg 1218. 09/15/2020. THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the 20-38 On a motion made by Phil Bowman and seconded by Gerry Cox, it was RESOLVED MINUTES: present were Melanie Hedgespeth and Sandy Wilcox. Phil Bowman, Gerry Cox, Lisa Mahler, Mike Hoppock and Danielle Brown. Others The following Board members were present: David Greiser, Brendan Burke, Judy Nold, September 15, 2020, in the Prescott Room. The meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on 1219 RecorderSecretary Sandra WilcoxJudy Nold Meeting adjourned at 7:48 City of Salina - Signatures of the Citizen Volunteer Board Documents strategic plan. for review and approval. It was also asked if there was any community involvement in the this year. Melanie said that the staff usually creates the plan and then it goes to the Board and are always on call. Phil spoke about having the Board involved in strategic planning be here during hours the library is open. Melanie said they are here during high use hours Phil Bowman asked, since we have an Assistant Director now, if one or both of them would add to the Directors review this year. Brendan asked other Board Members for input if they have questions they would like to NEW BUSINESS & BOARD COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SESSION: seem to be understanding of the revised hours and use of masks for the most part. patrons that don’t have one. Take and Make craft bags have been very popular. Patrons right now. We continue to do daycare delivery. We have also been giving away masks to Directors Report: We only have one assisted living facility that has wanted book delivery from 4 to 5 p.m. 1000 pick up service uses per month. We have started handing out after school meals now been busy issuing new cards. Digital material use continues to be strong. We have over classes at the middle schools have required their students to get a library card so we have renewal stats will go up. Patrons can now register online for a library card. English building and checking out materials. The new system does automatic renewals so those Activity & Stats: You can see how programs and room use promote patrons being in the main library area with some of those funds. money before the end of the year so we have ordered some new tables and chairs for the reimbursement for COVID expenses soon. We have to spend the CKLS and Processing Hoopla to have better use of Saline County taxpayer monies. We should receive some increased to $4500 per month. We have instituted the Saline County patron only use for that would pay for all the Kansas Notables books we purchased. Hoopla limit has underspent due to the COVID crisis. The state library offered a Kansas Notables grant Magazine subscriptions will be cut to the top 20 or 25 titles. The materials lines will be Financial: We should receive our last appropriations from the County Treasurer soon. REPORTS: overdue. PayPal. Unique management will now be helping with collections once an item is six weeks patron to help them if they are having problems. We now accept card payments by the library catalog. Patrons can now change their own pin. Staff can masquerade as a We have now switched to Bywater to manage our KOHA system. We have a new look to ORIENTATION: New Library System: Library Catalog agree that the proposed size is too large. The Board spoke about other possible options.   1   .elbaliava si noitpo ekam dna ekat a rebmeceD dna rebmevoN ni keew hcaE   .pu dna 8 sega htuoy rof noisrev MAETS - ekaM & ekaT a detaerc sah htebazilE   .margorp eht dednapxe sah ,neltteM rehtaeH .sseccus taerg a si pu dna 3 sega htuoy rof stfarc ekaM & ekaT  htuoY - ekaM dna ekaT  .912 .txe 4264-528-587 - yrolG gnitcatnoc yb smeti esahcrup nac snortaP  .02 rebotcO - 02 rebmetpeS snur ,htimS adnerB yb ,tibihxe tnerruc ehT  .rennam efas ,wen a ni eunitnoc ot stibihxe swolla snortap ruo rof ytinutroppo sihT .stsitra esacwohs ot stneve nosrep-ni dah ,cimednap eht erofeb ,yrarbiL ruO .​yrellag lautriv​ ,enilno na otni yrellaG trA ruo demrofsnart sah akcaneB yrolG yrellaG lautriV  tropeR rotceriD 0202 rebotcO   2   .etisbew yrarbiL etatS eht hguorht ssecca nac enoyna xilfkooB .xilfkooB no yllatigid dna noitide laugnilib a sa ,kcabrepap ,revocdrah ni elbaliava si koob ehT  .dlo sraey 5-2 si puorg ega sucof ehT .sreloohcserp ot sdaeR sasnaK rof koob erutcip eht si newtiL cirE yb ?sruasoniD & maerC ecI :eoJ yvoorG? ,rebmevoN ni pu gnimoC  sreloohcserP ot sdaeR SK  .seitirahC cilohtaC hguorht ylimaf a rof edivorp pleh ot ytinutroppo eht evah lliw ffatS LPS  :rebmeceD/rebmevoN   .smargorp tnemhcirne lamina eht rof sesu ooz eht taht sdoof cificeps gnirb nac ffatS .ytinummoc ruo pleh ylisae ot su rof syaw dnuof evah taP & yelhsA ,nireL .ooZ slliH gnilloR morf lamina na gnitpoda fo trap a eb ot ecnahc eht evah ffatS LPS  :rebotcO   .dedivorp era slaem dna skcans loohcs retfa htob syadkeew gniruD  ecnerefnoC lautriV ALK :92 rebotcO  gniteeM gninnalP 1202 remmuS :72 rebotcO saera revoc srosivrepus ​;.m.p 51:5 ro .m.p 51:2 ,.m.a 01 gniteeM ffatS :12 rebotcO 3 seireS agoY gnaY niY lautriV :12 rebotcO 3 seireS agoY riahC lautriV :02 rebotcO gniteeM sdaeH tnemtrapeD :91 rebotcO 3 seireS sevoM agoY lautriV :91 rebotcO  niahcyeK emarcaM & rediorbmE faeL lacinatoB - tfarC ekaM dna ekaT tludA :61 rebotcO gninnalP cigetartS - .gnE .mmoC/ssenisuB/gnissecorP - srotceriD /w gniteeM tnemtrapeD :51 rebotcO egnellahC aivirT :51 rebotcO  gniteeM draob sdneirF :31 rebotcO  noissucsiD kooB thgiN yadnoM lautriV :21 rebotcO  gninnalP cigetartS - criC - srotceriD /w gniteeM tnemtrapeD :8 rebotcO  sdiK rof yrediorbmE - ekaM & ekaT :8 rebotcO  emityrotS lautriV :82 & 12 ,41 ,7 rebotcO  gninnalP cigetartS - hceT - srotceriD /w gniteeM tnemtrapeD :7 rebotcO  gninnalP cigetartS - secivreS htuoY - srotceriD /w gniteeM tnemtrapeD :6 rebotcO  gniteeM srosivrepuS :5 rebotcO gniteeM noissimmoC ytiC - noitamalcorP keeW yrarbiL eht fo sdneirF lanoitaN :5 rebotcO  bulC ogeL lautriV :51 & 1 rebotcO stnevE / setaD   .yrarbiL eht rof troppus lufrednow edivorp yeht sa puorg siht etaicerppa ylurt eW  .ydaer elas gab tsrif eht gnitteg ni pleh rieht rof gninrom eno stunod ffats dedivorp osla puorg sdneirF ehT  .aidem no si sucof eht emit sihT .ht52 & ht42 rebotcO rof elas gab rehtona deludehcs evah sdneirF ehT yrarbiL eht fo sdneirF   .derrefsnart erew seltit 005 yletamixorppA .ht92 rebmetpeS no mroftalp evirdrevO eht ot devom saw lairetam latigiD BR evirdrevO   .scipot dna sega fo yteirav a rof seldnub koob og dna barg kciuq gnidivorp si secivreS htuoY seldnuB kooB C 3           stnemmo G 4     gommJuTFGOj/eb.utuoy//:sptth​ - oediV       weiveR elgoo   5  llessuR eiluJ  ,ti gninaem llits tub ,yadot kciht no ti gniyaL  .seeyolpme detacided htiw yrarbil a sah taht ytinummoc a ni evil ot lufknaht yrev ma I .em rof siht otni kool ot did ffats rehto eht dna uoy taht lla etaicerppa I .ylkciuq yaw ym no em tog dna ,yldneirf ,elbaegdelwonk yrev saw em depleh ohw ffats eht dna taerg erew snoitcurtsni ruoY .siht fo erac koot dna )krow ot evah t'ndid I nehw( yadrutaS ni emac I .hcum os uoy knahT ,nosyllA    SALINA PUBLIC LIBRARY 53.49%-1,274,311.862,739,744.001,465,432.14170,382.91 Total Expense 0.0%-70,000.0070, RESERVE511 0.0%-125,000.00125, 510 ? CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 28.06%-10,431.4614,500.004,068.54793.79 505 ? CONTINGENCY 59.1%-29,445.3972,000.0042,554.612,852.75 485 ? TECHNOLOGY 79.35%-6,298.0430,500.0024,201.964,457.36-PR MARKETING475 ? PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 12.76%-12,213.9314,000.001,786.0797.27-CONNECTIONS474- 47.15%-13,741.0026,000.0012,259.003,569.00 470 ? INSURANCE 90.94%-725.008,000.007,275.000.00 465 ? ACCOUNTING 23.54%-12,234.2916,000.003,765.71931.00 460 ? STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 22.96%-7,704.3810,000.002,295.62859.12 450 ? FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 54.43%-22,786.7650,000.0027,213.242,761.5 7 445 ? REPAIRS & MAINT 40.47%-4,464.477,500.003,035.530.00 TELEPHONE/TV440 ? TELEPHONE/TV 54.42%-41,937.7792,000.0050,062.236,895.58 435 ? LIGHT & HEAT 34.9%-4,882.397,500.002,617.61566.97 430 ? WATER 48.99%-3,570.957,000.003,429.054.23 425 ? POSTAGE 51.46%-970.782,000.001,029.2262.20 420 ? SUPPLIES 69.47%-31,268.11102,400.0071,131.891,264.1672.14%-8,913.9032,000.0023,086.101,264.16 05-418 - OVERDRIVE 63.46%-15,019.1741,100.0026,080.830.00 04-418 - HOOPLA 71.54%-2,846.2810,000.007,153.720.00 03-418 - HOTSPOTS 100.0%0.00500.00500.000.00 02-418 - RB DIGITAL 76.12%-4,488.7618,800. 0014,311.240.00 01-418 - DATABASES E-RESOURCES418-52.49%-37,530.7379,000.0041,469.277,890.93 Total 417 - NON-PRINT 105.06%101.232,000.002,101.2345.4%-17,470.6532,000.0014,529.353,408.66 06-417 - DVDS 53.5%-3,487.637,500.004,012.37523.83 05-417 - MUSIC CDS 65.5%-7,589.9522,000.0014,410.052,740.43 04-417 - AUDIO BOOKS 41.52%-4,093.517,000.002,906.49689.77 02-417 - YOUTH 41.29%-4,990.228,500.003,509.78528.24 03-417 - GAMES- LIBRARY MATERIAL - NON PRINT417 ? LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 40.47%-77,981.13131,000.0053,018.8712,085.03 Total 415 ? LIBRARY MATERIALS 42.29%-52,519.7591,000.0038,480.2510,589.22 08-415 ? ADULT COLLECTION 36.35%-25,461.3840,000.0014,538.621,495.81 02-415 ? YOUTH SERVICES415 ? LIBRARY MATERIALS 1.8%-18,657.7819,000.00342.220.00 412 ? PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 26.57%-47,733.0765,000.0017,266.93115.22 SECURITY411 61.22%-694,734.431,791,344.001,096,609.57125,176.73 410 ? SALARIESExpense 99.24%-20,826.492,739,744.002,718,917.5117 9,454.02 Total Income 0.0% MISC. INCOME 316-100.0%297.840.00297.8426.62 315 ? INTEREST INCOME 100.0%0.00300,616.00300,616.00 310 ? UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REV YR 100.0%0.000.005,000.000.0 0 TRANSFER FROM306 98.93%-26,124.332,439,128.002,413,003.67$179,427.40 305 ? APPROPRIATIONSIncome% of Budget$ Over BudgetBudgetJAN-SEPTSEPTEMBERACCOUNT SEPTEMBER 2020REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 47.11%-308,507.05583,317.00274,809.9534,531.69 Total Expense Employee Benefit 27.55%-4,347.006,000.001,653.00763.00 780 ? WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 37.82%-181,462.40291,817.00110,3 54.6013,345.40 775 ? HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 52.95%-1,882.014,000.002,117.99279.04 770 ? UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 60.13%-57,812.64145,000.0087,187.3610,835.23 765 ? KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 53.7%-60,649.56131,000.0070,350.449,169.02 760 ? SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 78.88%-527.942,500.001,972.060.00 785- EAP 39.15%-1,825.503,000.001,174.50140.00 790- CAFETERIA PLANExpense 92.97%-40,987.04583,317.00542,329.9634,005.13 Total Income Employee Benefit 100.0%0.00109,025.00109,025.000.00 310-2 ? UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B)91.36%-40,987.04474,292.00433,304.963 4,005.13 305-2 ? APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN)Income% of Budget$ Over BudgetBudgetJAN-SEPTSEPTEMBER 009,46$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 574,8$ 058,01$ 576,7$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 522,9$ 573,51$ 003,31$ )rep 52$( tneL & deworroB LLI 296,202$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 061,41$ 088,5$ 0$ 427,5$ 0$ 0$ 046,44$ 230,28$ 652,05$ )rh/21$( esU metsyS gnimaG / retupmoC 563,211$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 087,9$ 085,8$ 093,5$ 542,8$ 521,3$ 587,2$ 536,81$ 577,72$ 050,82$ ) noitcennoc rep 5$( esU ifiW 054,51$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 008$ 528$ 003$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 054,2$ 526,5$ 054,5$ )noitavreser rep 52$( esU mooR gniteeM 067,74$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 096,1$ 092,1$ 072,2$ 0$ 031$ 0$ 074,01$ 095,61$ 023,51$ )nosrep/01$( ecnadnettA stnevE 036,512$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 503,82$ 087,52$ 066,42$ 002,72$ 509,5$ 033,1$ 551,61$ 045,83$ 557,74$ )noitseuq/5$( derewsnA snoitseuQ 551,435,5$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 039,985$ 573,826$ 057,156$ 512,226$ 557,227$ 008,327$ 005,665$ 592,394$ 535,535$ )meti hcae 55$( slairetaMe :noitalucriC 006,753,3$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 576,214$ 578,103$ 050,691$ 050,042$ 050,94$ 527$ 528,894$ 001,308$ 052,558$ )meti hcae 52$( ​)stopstoH ,cisuM ,semaG ,sDVD ,skooBoiduA ,senizagaM ,skooB(​ slairetaM lacisyhP :noitalucriC LATOT 0202 ceD voN tcO peS guA luJ nuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ ROTALUCLAC EULAV  S 1 dekcart ton era taht saera suoirav fo esu ro ,smoor yduts tnelis eht edulcni ton seod siht ;metsys eht ni era taht snoitavreser moor SMOOR stisiv puorg dna .cte ,bulc ogel ,emityrots sa hcus htuoy rof stneve :htuoY? .cte ,puorg rekam ,gninrael remmus ,sessalc retupmoc :hceT? .cte ,emityrots ,spots ybbol - tluda dna htuoy :hcaertuO? gnirotcorp dna ygolaeneg ,bulc emina ,noissucsid koob :ofnI? stneve yrellaG & SSALC sedulcni siht :retneC eizneKcM? STNEVE  stnedicnI ytiruceS? secivreS htuoY ,secivreS noitamrofnI ,hceT :detnirP segaP? secivreS htuoY ,secivreS noitamrofnI ,hceT ni egasu :egasU ylruoH gnimaG + CP? secivreS htuoY ,secivreS noitamrofnI ,hceT ni egasu :snoitavreseR gnimaG + CP? snoisses ifiw latot :iFiW? yrarbiL eht fo saera lla ni - sruoH reetnuloV? .metsys wen ruo gnisu nehw tnereffid etiuq si rebmun siht ,9102 fo sa setag eht gnizilitu regnol on era eW :etoN* mlE .W 803 & 103 - sretnuoc ciffart :srotisiV? htuoy rof dedivorp doof :skcanS loohcS retfA SY? stnemtraped lla ni tahc ,liame ,enohp yb ,nosrep-ni :derewsnA snoitseuQ? )edam sllac enohp tnuoc ton seod siht( segassem txet ,liame :tneS snoitacifitoN metI? LLI ,dnuobemoH ,PIV ,lautriV ,htuoY ,snortaP :sdraC yrarbiL weN? slairetam lacisyhp rof ylno si rebmun sihT? htnom eht ni meti na tuo dekcehc ev’yeht fi = euqinu? LLI ,dnuobemoH ,PIV ,lautriV ,htuoY ,snortaP :htnom rep tnuoc-sreworroB euqinU? SNORTAP metsys yrarbil eht morf devomer smeti :nwardhtiW smetI? ssecca nortap rof dessecorp smeti :dessecorP smetI? .ylno slairetam lacisyhp stnuoc sihT .meti eht gnidloh rof emarf emit yad 7 eht nihtiw tuo dekcehc yllautca era ”pu dekcip“ esohT .snortap yb dloh no tup smeti :sdloH? naoL yrarbilretnI - LLI?  .CSIM SLAIRETAM snoitanod htiw dekcots era seirarbil elttil 01 :seirarbiL elttiL? xilfkooB ,gnidaerF ,M3 ,063 sixA ,latigiDBR ,alpooH ,evirdrevO :slairetaMe? ylno slairetam lacisyhp stnuoc siht ;emit 1 dloh a evah ton od taht smeti wener nac snortap :slaweneR? .lairetam eht tuo gnikcehc nortap eht fo ega eht tcelfer ton seod lairetam fo epyt ehT .sriatspu tuo kcehc ot meht swolla hcihw drac nortap lluf a evah yam htuoY .sriatspu era slairetam tluda saerehw secivres htuoy ni sriatsnwod era slairetam htuoy :htuoY/tludA? LLI ,smeti lanoitidartnon ,senizagam ,stopstoh iFiW ,stamrof koob oidua ,sDVD ,sDC ,skoob :slairetam lacisyhP?  NOITALUCRIC SLAIRETAM  noitanalpxE scitsitat 2 ).noitisnart eht gnirud desu saw AHOK enilffO .01 rebmetpeS saw AHOK SFTP no etad evil tsaL( .retaWyB hguorht AHOK ot degnahc metsys yrarbil ruo 0202 ,41 rebmetpeS fo sA  .tnempiuqe tnereffid htiw ylbissop ,yaw tnereffid a ni detaluclac saw ti ro ,ylsuoiverp atad taht delipmoc ton evah ew naem * na htiw slatoT 9102 831,825 987,832 0 0 0 424,72 309,32 807,91 521,22 903,61 986,31 652,03 162,14 411,44 NOITALUCRIC SLAIRETAM LATOT * 168,2 0 0 0 0 672 61 089 930,1 005 3 63 11 smetI htuoY SECIVRES HTUOY - SLAIRETAM - YRARBIL EMOH * 300,1 0 0 0 191 721 0 032 761 0 0 231 651 seirarbiL elttiL SLAIRETAM - HCAERTUO 580,101 126,001 0 0 0 627,01 524,11 058,11 313,11 141,31 061,31 003,01 969,8 737,9 LATOT * 359,81 0 0 0 958,1 999,1 711,2 313,2 898,2 850,3 059,1 703,1 254,1 htuoY * 866,18 0 0 0 768,8 624,9 337,9 000,9 342,01 201,01 053,8 266,7 582,8 tludA SLAIRETAMe FO NOITALUCRIC 350,724 403,431 0 0 0 705,61 570,21 248,7 206,9 269,1 92 359,91 421,23 012,43 LATOT 639,221 315,93 0 0 0 104,4 567,3 217,2 876,3 208 1 021,6 697,8 832,9 )slawener + stuokcehc( htuoY 711,403 197,49 0 0 0 601,21 013,8 031,5 429,5 061,1 82 338,31 823,32 279,42 )slawener + stuokcehc( tludA SLAIRETAM LACISYHP - NOITALUCRIC LATOT 438,05 206,02 0 0 0 723,3 965,1 482,2 232,2 645 92 855,2 430,4 320,4 LATOT 210,61 737,6 0 0 0 978 793 348 641,1 932 1 537 003,1 791,1 htuoY 228,43 568,31 0 0 0 844,2 271,1 144,1 680,1 703 82 328,1 437,2 628,2 tludA SLAIRETAM LACISYHP fo SLAWENER 912,673 207,311 0 0 0 081,31 605,01 855,5 073,7 614,1 0 593,71 090,82 781,03 LATOT 429,601 677,23 0 0 0 225,3 863,3 968,1 235,2 365 0 583,5 694,7 140,8 htuoY 592,962 629,08 0 0 0 856,9 831,7 986,3 838,4 358 0 010,21 495,02 641,22 tludA SLAIRETAM LACISYHP FO NOITALUCRIC 9102 LATOT 0202 ceD voN tcO peS guA luJ nuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ NOITALUCRIC SLAIRETAM 3 * 16 0 0 0 4 0 3 6 0 0 9 51 42 stnedicnI ytiruceS * 932,81 0 0 0 438,1 947 0 075 0 0 717,2 977,5 095,6 detnirP segaP * 535,61 0 0 0 897 862 0 145 0 0 166,3 568,6 304,4 egasU ylruoH gnimaG + sCP 529,35 198,61 0 0 0 081,1 094 0 774 0 0 027,3 638,6 881,4 snoitavreseR gnimaG + CP 601,66 374,22 0 0 0 659,1 617,1 870,1 946,1 526 755 727,3 555,5 016,5 iFiW * 382 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 011 211 sruoH reetnuloV * 106,35 0 0 0 347,5 979,2 0 915,2 0 0 641,11 368,71 153,31 )retneC eizneKcM & gdlB yrarbiL( srotisiV * 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 461 722 skcanS loohcS retfA SY * 621,34 0 0 0 166,5 651,5 239,4 044,5 181,1 662 132,3 807,7 155,9 derewsnA snoitseuQ * 908,19 0 0 0 513,9 455,9 267,01 625,01 180,6 85 929,01 480,71 005,71 tneS snoitacifitoN metI 405,2 071,1 0 0 0 382 011 55 76 64 55 051 461 042 sdraC yrarbiL weN * 121,82 0 0 0 091,3 068,2 810,2 762,2 305 2 418,3 794,6 079,6 )slairetam lacisyhp( )latot htnom(​ yad rep tnuoc - sreworroB euqinU * 277,31 0 0 0 885,1 704,1 659 742,1 063 2 752,2 539,2 020,3 )slairetam lacisyhp(​ htnom rep tnuoc - sreworroB euqinU 9102 LATOT 0202 ceD voN tcO peS guA luJ nuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ SNORTAP 765,42 625,48 0 0 0 072 553 434,3 142,8 839,16 131,1 704,2 066,4 090,2 nwardhtiW smetI 661,21 641,81 0 0 0 585 116 030,2 119,1 828,1 334,1 388,5 549,1 029,1 dessecorP smetI 339,82 49802 0 0 0 0622 7943 0734 9053 9121 0 1331 0432 863,2 pU dekciP sdloH 4625 6952 0 0 0 933 434 703 0 0 0 963 516 235 )deworroB & tneL( LLI LATOT 6123 3081 0 0 0 422 503 362 0 0 0 752 344 113 tneL smetI LLI 8402 397 0 0 0 511 921 44 0 0 0 211 271 122 deworroB smetI LLI 9102 LATOT 0202 ceD voN tcO peS guA luJ nuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ .CSIM SLAIRETAM 4  963 rebmetpeS :tnuoc weiv ces 3 bulC ogeL 6104 rebmetpeS - yluJ :tnuoc weiv ces 3 emityrotS 614,42 868,4 0 0 0 961 921 722 0 31 0 7401 9561 2351 ECNADNETTA TNEVE LATOT 599,1 205 0 0 0 32 71 71 0 2 0 98 881 661 DEREFFO STNEVE FO REBMUN LATOT 729,11 808,1 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 853 776 526 )htuoY htiw gnidnettA stludA+( htuoY - ecnadnettA tnevE 823 29 0 0 0 01 4 5 0 0 0 31 13 92 htuoY - stnevE 415,5 874 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 342 711 811 hceT - ecnadnettA tnevE 819 361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 55 65 hceT - stnevE 631,2 967 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 8 0 941 633 262 hcaertuO - ecnadnettA tnevE 054 921 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 8 76 25 hcaertuO - stnevE 992,1 322 0 0 0 9 8 0 0 0 0 11 65 931 ofnI - ecnadnettA tnevE 26 21 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 ofnI - stnevE 045,3 095,1 0 0 0 09 121 722 0 5 0 682 374 883 retneC eizneKcM - ecnadnettA tnevE 732 601 0 0 0 11 21 21 0 1 0 51 13 42 retneC eizneKcM - stnevE 9102 LATOT 0202 ceD voN tcO peS guA luJ nuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ STNEVE .stnediser ytnuoC enilaS 0202 ,41 rebmetpeS fo sa egasu alpooH .91-DIVOC rof gnisolc yrarbiL eht ot eud 0202 ,1 lirpA no 01 ot 6 morf desaercni saw htnom rep stuokcehc alpooH 243 0 0 0 55 24 53 75 85 34 16 83 05 latigiDBR 3226 0 0 0 478 619 919 029 569 299 468 377 097 LPS - )yrarbiLe rewolfnuS( evirdrevO 269,17 0 0 0 148,01 235,01 324,01 005,01 469,01 934,11 854,01 6709 2019 muitrosnoC - )yrarbiLe rewolfnuS( evirdrevO 1263 0 0 0 125 494 084 084 425 865 445 705 815 alpooH 0202 LATOT ceD voN tcO tpeS guA yluJ enuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ LAIRETAMe - SREWORROB EUQINU  5   .21 tsuguA .m.p 2 - .m.a 01 sruoh detimil rof gninepoer gnidliuB .72 enuJ no desolc gnidliuB .m.p2-.m.a 01 - 62 & 52 enuJ .m.p 03:8-.m.a 9 - 42 & 32 ,22 enuJ gninepoeR gnidliuB* .ecivreS pukciP - 0202 ,81 yaM .nepo sporD kooB - 0202 ,21 yaM .91-DIVOC ot eud 0202 ,61 hcraM ,yadnoM no .m.p 5 ta desolc yrarbiL ehT* setaD yeK  0 0 0 - - 286,44 - - 48834 - 015,34 072,34 0102 - droF 0 0 0 - - 802,44 - 538,34 408,34 - 087,34 280,34 8002 - atoyoT ceD voN tcO peS guA luJ nuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ egaeliM SELCIHEV YRARBIL  0 0 0 6 4 7 6 6 3 8 6 9 )latigid dna oidar ,tnirp( decalP sdA 0 0 0 %37.12 %09.32 %08.93 %08.22 %03.72 %09.83 %81.82 %05.42 %03.62 )yrarbwoW & pmihCliaM( etaR nepO liamE 0 0 0 %06.61 %07.61 %50.32 %01.42 %42 %58.02 %02.31 %55.31 %08.41 hcaeR yb etaR tnemegagnE margatsnI & koobecaF 0 0 0 02 91 0 72 83 1 75 72 44 stcatnoC aideM ceD voN tcO peS guA luJ nuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ AIDEM ylno ffats si drawno yluJ morf egasu moor 91-DIVOC ot eud ;deriuqer ton era snoitavreser tub dezilitu osla era smoor yduts tnelis* 4012 816 0 0 0 23 33 21 0 0 0 89 522 812 LATOT 501 53 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 51 21 mooR ecnerefnoC ffatS 424 141 0 0 0 41 51 2 0 0 0 11 45 54 2 & 1 retneC eizneKcM 9701 662 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 99 011 2 & 1 mR fnoC llamS 694 671 0 0 0 61 81 01 0 0 0 42 75 15 mooR ttocserP 9102 LATOT 0202 ceD voN tcO peS guA luJ nuJ yaM rpA raM beF naJ snoitavreseR mooR SMOOR 6   987,832 931,825 159,315 082,215 846,625 119,735 NOITALUCRIC SLAIRETAM LATOT 1682 smetI htuoY SECIVRES HTUOY - SLAIRETAM - YRARBIL EMOH 3001 seirarbiL elttiL SLAIRETAM - HCAERTUO 126,001 580,101 545,37 129,94 521,24 685,23 LATOT 359,81 * * * * * htuoY 866,18 * * * * * tludA SLAIRETAMe FO NOITALUCRIC 403,431 450,724 604,044 953,264 325,484 523,505 LATOT 315,93 639,221 353,331 854,541 379,551 579,761 )slawener + stuokcehc( htuoY 197,49 811,403 350,703 109,613 055,823 053,733 )slawener + stuokcehc( tludA SLAIRETAM LACISYHP - NOITALUCRIC LATOT 206,02 538,05 255,05 303,55 700,65 514,75 LATOT 737,6 210,61 704,61 408,71 636,81 049,91 htuoY 568,31 328,43 541,43 994,73 173,73 574,73 tludA SLAIRETAM LACISYHP fo SLAWENER 207,311 912,673 458,983 650,704 615,824 019,744 LATOT 677,23 429,601 649,611 456,721 733,731 530,841 htuoY 629,08 592,962 809,272 204,972 971,192 578,992 tludA SLAIRETAM LACISYHP FO NOITALUCRIC 0202 9102 8102 7102 6102 5102 NOITALUCRIC SLAIRETAM LATOT noitalucriC slairetaM   7  852 049 2431 4541 rebmetpeS tsuguA yluJ enuJ  slaeM loohcS retfA / sehcnuL remmuS  148 5331 7291 8421 rebmetpeS tsuguA yluJ enuJ )snortaP( stnemtnioppA ecivreS pukciP     yrogetaC yb snoitalucriC alpooH  gniworroB snortaP - alpooH