10-09-2008 Minutes S ALINA/S ALINE C OUNTY L AW E NFORCEMENT A DVISORY C OMMITTEE O CTOBER 9, 2008 Members Present: Dorothy Armster, Earle Bess, Tony Blair, Lucila Corley, Gary Cummings, Joel Wimer, James D. Hill, Glen Kochanowski, Bill Gerry, Recording Secretary Ann Haden and guest Sister Esther Pineda. President Tony Blair brought the meeting to order. Minutes of the August 14, 2008 meeting were approved. New Business. Earle Bess introduced Sister Esther Pineda who was invited to attend today’s meeting for consideration of appointment to the open board position. Earle reviewed Sister Esther’s biography. Lucy discussed an additional possible board candidate, Egla Eickleberry. Egla was unable to attend today. Lucy advised that Egla’s schedule has become extremely busy at this time but she would be a good candidate for the board to consider at a later date. President Blair reviewed the bylaws reference the responsibilities and appointment of board positions. Sister Pineda left the meeting so that further discussion could take place. After some discussion the board voted to accept Sister Pineda as board member. The bylaws were reviewed reference establishing an Annual Meeting. It was determined that the Annual Meeting will be the December meeting of each year. The 2008 Annual Meeting will be December 11, 2008 at 0700. Terms limits for board officers are a maximum of two consecutive terms with staggered terms of President: 2007-2009-2011; Vice President: 2008-2010-2012. Discussion will be held at the December meeting reference possible replacement of either of these positions. Complaints. Lt. Bill Gerry advised there were no complaints to review. Old Business. Chief Hill advised that the City has a new traffic engineer and if Tony would like to th submit some justification for the requested crosswalk on North 9 Street, he would be glad to forward it on to the engineer. Lucy wished to thank everyone for their support and assistance with the Spanish Heritage Day event last month. th The next scheduled meeting is December 11, 2008, 0700 at 255 N. 10 in Room 207 of the Salina Police Department.