08-14-2008 Minutes S ALINA/S ALINE C OUNTY L AW E NFORCEMENT A DVISORY C OMMITTEE A UGUST 14, 2008 Members Present: Earle Bess, Tony Blair, Lucila Corley, Gary Cummings, James D. Hill, Glen Kochanowski, Bill Gerry, Recording Secretary Ann Haden. President Blair called the meeting to order. Minutes of the June 12, 2008 minutes were approved. New Business. Tony Blair advised his neighborhood recently fell victim to graffiti and asked if law enforcement knew the meaning of the specific signs spray painted on the property. Chief advised the six pointed star is a Blood symbol and the five pointed is a Crip symbol. Law enforcement has found that the graffiti around Salina is random and probably the work of youth that are not necessarily members of an established gang. It was suggested the neighborhood look into creating a neighborhood watch program to discourage further vandalism. Lucy received a complaint from a citizen that the police were harassing her. She referred the individual to Lt. Gerry of the police department. Lt. Gerry has not been contacted. Lucy advised that the articles in the paper reference how to relate to law enforcement when contacted have been very beneficial to the Hispanic community. Also the information explaining the process a person can expect from time of arrest to booking into jail have been very informative. Lucy would like to create an article that would assist parents in helping their students have a successful school year. Chief Hill advised things are pretty quiet in the community at this time except for the Hawker Beechcraft strike. We can soon expect issues among the youth again for a period of time since school starts up next week. th Earl advised Spanish Heritage Day is September 14. Lucy will attempt to arrange for an informational booth. Complaints. The only complaint Lt. Gerry had to report was not a racial profiling issue. The male subject involved in a domestic violence case believed he was discriminated against because he was arrested and the female involved was not. Old Business. Contact was not made with Father Carlos reference incorrect information he may have about bonding of individuals out of jail. It is felt with the articles printed in both the Salina Journal and LaVoz that people should be well advised on the process. In revisiting the possibility of a crosswalk on North Ninth Street, Tony wondered if there was any possibility that a school crossing would be considered. Chief advised he would be glad to forward any documentation of suggestions that Tony could send on to the City Traffic Engineer. There was some discussion reference possible board member candidates and that members should invite possible candidates to the next meeting. Next scheduled meeting is October 9, 2008, 0700 at the Salina Police Department, Room 207.