10-14-2010 Minutes S ALINA/S ALINE C OUNTY L AW E NFORCEMENT A DVISORY C OMMITTEE O CTOBER 14, 2010 Members Present. Dorothy Armster, Earle Bess, Tony Blair, Lucila Corley, Gary Cummings, Joel Wimer, Bill Gerry, James D. Hill, Glen Kochanowski, Recording Secretary Ann Haden. Minutes of the August 12, 2010 meeting were approved as presented. New Business. th Elections will be held at the December 9 meeting.  Board member positions #4 (Dorothy Armster) and #5 (Gary Cummings) are up for election. Both are eligible to serve a second three (3) year term.  The office of President is up for election. Tony Blair is eligible to serve a second two (2) year term. Lucy Corley has been appointed by Governor Parkinson to serve on the Kansas Hispanic & Latino American Affairs Commission (KHLAAC). The Commission serves as a liaison for the Kansas Hispanic & Latino Community and the Office of the Governor. The Commission addresses public policy concerns primarily in the areas related to education, health, and business. The Commission works closely with the Kansas Hispanic & Latino American Legislative Caucus as well as other state agencies in order to improve the lives of all Kansans. Earl Bess distributed information reference the Teen Summit which is scheduled to take place at The City on October 23, 2010. All board members are invited to attend and participate in any sessions. Please contact Earl if you have questions. The City of Salina Human Relations department recently held diversity training for all City employees. Chief Hill advised that racial profiling legislation is being prepared and will be presented for a vote during the next legislative session. Complaints. None to report. Old Business. Chief Hill advised following his presentation to the City Commission on gang activity, he was authorized to appoint two officers to the newly formed Gang Unit. Several parents have been spoken with about their child’s gang involvement. The department is in the process of identifying gang members and cataloging information. th The next scheduled meeting is December 9, 2010, 0700 at 255 N. 10 in Room 207 of the Salina Police Department.