04-11-2013 Minutes S ALINA/S ALINE C OUNTY L AW E NFORCEMENT A DVISORY C OMMITTEE A PRIL 11, 2013 Members Present: Dorothy Armster, Tony Blair, Gary Cummings, Teresa Hernandez, Joel Wimer, Glen Kochanowski, James D. Hill, Bill Gerry, Recording Secretary Ann Haden. Vice President Gary Cummings brought the meeting to order. Minutes of the February 14, 2013 meeting were approved as presented. New Business.  No new business Complaints.  Lt. Gerry advised there were no complaints to report. Old Business. Inside Glimpse.  Tina Miller gave a very informative presentation on the duties of Program Coordinator for the Saline County jail. One of the many duties as Program Coordinator is inmate assessments for proper placement in the jail. Relationships and backgrounds need to be considered before placing certain inmates together in the same cell. Many innovative programs have been applied that free up valuable time for corrections officers. Visitors can arrange for on-line visitation with inmates, either from a jail kiosk or from their home computer. Computers allow inmates to view their accounts to see how much money they have available for commissary items and the ability to order these items via computer. Tina advised for those who would like to visit the jail and view the operations first hand, to please contact her and set up a time. th The next scheduled meeting is June 13, 2013, 0700 at 255 North 10 Street, Salina Police Department.