08-08-2013 Minutes S ALINA/S ALINE C OUNTY L AW E NFORCEMENT A DVISORY C OMMITTEE A UGUST 8, 2013 Members Present: Robert Cunningham, Tony Blair, Lucila Corley, Dorothy Armster, Gary Cummings, Teresa Hernandez, Glen Kochanowski, James D. Hill, Bill Gerry, Recording Secretary Ann Haden. President Lucila Corley brought the meeting to order. Minutes of the June 13, 2013 meeting were approved as presented. Motion by Gary Cummings, seconded by Tony Blair. New Business.  Lt. Gerry advised ethics and verbal judo training will be presented in September. He will notify all board members of the date and time in the event they wish to attend. Complaints.  Lt. Gerry advised the annual report for year ending July 31, 2013 has been sent to the Attorney General’s office advising there were no racial or other biased-based profiling complaints received for the period. Old Business.  Chief Hill requested that board members continue to keep the lines of communication open between the community and law enforcement. This is the most positive means of solving issues, whether they are real or rumor.  Sheriff Kochanowski advised the departments are preparing to host another Citizen’s Academy but are finding it difficult to find enough people to attend. Gary suggested perhaps targeting certain age groups, such as 20 year olds, in an attempt to educate a younger demographic. Teresa suggested enlisting the help of a local college student to create a video advertisement promoting the academy and use social media in order to reach a larger market. Inside Glimpse. th The next scheduled meeting is October 10, 2013, 0700 at 255 North 10 Street, Salina Police Department.