10-10-2013 Minutes S ALINA/S ALINE C OUNTY L AW E NFORCEMENT A DVISORY C OMMITTEE O CTOBER 10, 2013 Members Present: Robert Cunningham, Tony Blair, Lucila Corley, Dorothy Armster, Gary Cummings, Joel Wimer, Glen Kochanowski, Carson Mansfield, Bill Gerry, Recording Secretary Ann Haden. President Lucila Corley brought the meeting to order. Minutes of the August 8, 2013 meeting were approved as presented. Motion by Tony Blair, second Joel Wimer. New Business.  Introductions were made for Interim Chief Carson Mansfield. He will serve as Chief of the Police Department until the selection of a new permanent Chief.  La Voz printed an article reference the proper response of citizens when stopped by a police officer for traffic infractions.  Lucy Corley advised a parenting workshop titled Impactos will be held October 19-20. Approximately one hundred families are expected to attend. th  Robert Cunningham advised a D.R.I.V.E. seminar will be held October 24 at the City Teen Center. The purpose of the seminar is to encourage male students to become stronger men by focusing on the importance of goals, education, and having positive support groups to help them reach their full potential. Complaints.  Chief Mansfield reviewed the recent YouTube video of the response by Salina police officers to a disturbance at Speakeasy.  Lt. Gerry advised there were two racial profiling complaints filed. Both complaints were investigated and found to have no merit. Old Business.  Lt. Gerry advised ethics and verbal judo training has been postponed to October. He will notify all board members of the date and time in the event they wish to attend.  Sheriff Kochanowski advised the Citizen’s Academy will not take place this year. All staff is extremely busy right now and cannot spare the additional time it takes to organize the Academy. Hopefully, we will be able to organize one later in 2014. As I was preparing the minutes following our meeting today, I see that we should have discussed board positions which will come up for election at the December meeting. Here is what will need to be voted on in December. The office of Vice President which Gary Cummings currently holds will be open for election. Gary is eligible to serve another term as V.P. Two board member positions, Dorothy Armster and Gary Cummings, will be open for election or re-election. Both are eligible to serve another term as board member, if they desire. th The next scheduled meeting is December 12, 2013, 0700 at 255 North 10 Street, Salina Police Department.