12-12-2013 Minutes S ALINA/S ALINE C OUNTY L AW E NFORCEMENT A DVISORY C OMMITTEE D ECEMBER 12, 2013 Members Present: Lucila Corley, Dorothy Armster, Gary Cummings, Joel Wimer, Teresa Hernandez, Brad Nelson, Glen Kochanowski, Bill Gerry, Recording Secretary Ann Haden. President Lucila Corley brought the meeting to order. Minutes of the October 10, 2013 meeting were approved as presented. Motion by Gary Cummings, second Teresa Hernandez. New Business.  Introductions were made for Chief Brad Nelson. Chief Nelson joined the department on nd December 2. He is retired from the Columbia, Missouri police department after 21 years of service.  Elections were held for the following positions: o Gary Cummings was re-elected to the Vice President position for a two year term. Nominated by Lucy Corley, second Teresa Hernandez. nd o Dorothy Armster was re-elected to a 2 three-year term as board member (Position #4). Nominated by Lucy Corley, second Teresa Hernandez. nd o Gary Cummings was re-elected to a 2 three-year term as board member (Position #5). Nominated by Lucy Corley, second Teresa Hernandez.  Discussion was generated reference organizing a meeting with community leaders to discuss issues that may exist, similar to the meeting in 2008. Ann will e-mail the list of names and organizations that were covered during the meeting. Board members will send additional names and mailing addresses to Ann in order to compile a more complete mailing list. Complaints.  Lt. Gerry advised there were no complaints filed this quarter. Old Business.  Lt. Gerry advised ethics and verbal judo training has been postponed to the first quarter of 2014. He will notify all board members of the date and time in the event they wish to attend.  A joint Citizen Academy is planned for 2014. Board members will be notified when plans are made. th The next scheduled meeting is February 13, 2014, 0700 at 255 North 10 Street, Salina Police Department.