Audit - 1941 -. G T ~rY 0 F~"~\L I .\! :i, l~~ ~\:; ~",~ _\ ::: FT ~(:\:~ ~'; I t\:~ -~::i~ 0,~'; T Govel'lrlt, the ;'cricd fro:n JanuC'I'Y 1. to r:ecemb("r 31, 1941. incll.L:::ive. e D. ~'. Turner Gert ifieo"ublic t,G()ount~:nt c;gli!"!:;::, V;nsas CITY OF S'LIN~, K~H3'S . BO A n,D' Qt.' ("'TTY ('Qt: 'c'I :"I.::tI'()Ut'D';:;: . . f\J:'\ ..,~ r....,~; ~,'a. ';<", '" J. _, ,,! ._",r.. t..~ il,;a,rl O. Bran80n Ed. l,{orgenetern Mayor Lloyd ',~. price B. -'. Breon 'JVm. H. F'erm e '""I'l' Y' "l;;'li"T ,... I 1\f Q 'U z! r ~~~. ',J _j...J "'1;( Herbert L. Bro~n G 1ty ~J1anager Chas. E. BAnker :';1 ty Clerk and Dil'ector of Pi nonce Hen:'y H. r berhardt t'!i t.y Treasurer '4 -e e . J!.:xbibit "All Exhibit \I 8" Exhibit "C" Schedule 1 Schedule l-a Schedule I-b Sche dule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4- Schedule 5 Schedule 6 Schedule 7 Schedule 8 Schedule 9 Schedule 10 Sche dula 10-a Schedule 11 Schedule 12 Schedule 13 Schedule li-. Schedule 14 Schedule 15 Schedule 16 ,"t' " CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS I NDE X Page No. Oomments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - _ 1 to 18 Summary Statement of Heceipts, Disbursements and Balances of Cash and Investments - - - 19 Comparison of Receipts with Budget - - - 20 Comparison of Expenditures with Budget and State- ment of UnelW\lm'bered j'und Balances - - - - _ 21 General Fund-Administrat ive & FinanceDep t t. - - - 22 Detail of Receipts-Licenses, Fee & Permits - - 23 Detail of Disbursements - - - - - - - - - - 24 Beneral Fund-Police Department- ----- 25 26 General Fund-Street Department General Fund-Engineering Department - - - - - - - 27 General Fund-Milk Inspection Department 28 General Fund-Legal Department - - - - - - - - - - 29 General Fund-Building Department 30 General Fund-City Court Department - - - - - - - 31 Fire Department Fund - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 Bark Department Fund - _ - _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - 33 SWimming Pool Department-Detail of Disbursement- 34 Memorial Hall M'und - - - - - - - - - - ~5 --,' Sewage Disposal Fund - - -- - - - 36 General Improvement Fund - _ _ _ _ _ - - - 37 Detail of Disbursements Showing projects for which Disbursements were Made - - - - - - - - - - - - - -38 i'ater, Light, Heat and Power Fund - - - - - - - 39 Bond and Interest Fund - - - - - - - - -- 40 Band Fu nd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ 41 INDEX F .' ". ~ e e c . ::;checiule 17 ;;ohedule 16 ~;\chedule 19 ~3chedule 20 Sohedule ':'1 SOhedule22 chudule 23 Schedule 24 Scnedule 2~ f3chedule 26 Schedule 27 it.;ixhtbU It nit ,', ---,-- c ,. '..' ,,', .:' ,.' . ".'c', +, '.' CITY O~ ~Ll~, ~ ~ T ~l' '.' V ( r' t ' ~ (',jj,(,.~ ",on. J .~ L1brf....ry t'und - - - - - - - - - Airport Funa - - - Bindweed Gontrol i'und lrulit andAgencyJfunds - _ _ - - - };~3,tenvorka Department Funo OeUl0tery fund -- - - - - __ ___ _______.._~_ .Public Health Nursing !I'una _____________ Condemnation Fund - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ __ Construotion funds - - - - _ _ Sales Tax Col1tlcted in~dvanct.: Trust ,.nd "'geney Funds Hnd Cemetery ,'und Caeh 1n Custody of City Treaourer Schedule ';0 Recono1liation ot B,"lnic F3;;;i1ancea t~xhlbit I' V It i.';',1 chedule ~6-a Outstanding Checks _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ,;;xhibi t " }'!1 e.xhibit .." tl \,i r..xhiblt liE II :;,chedule 29 ,~,xh lbl t II I I' !':,.xhlbit IIJ" Sched.ule ;,0 ~,xhlb1t It,:" t,j,biblt ", .1 ;.,~ Investments in i;uetooy of Glty TrO;';.lsurer _ _ Oompul'ative ;-~ta:;tim0nt of Tax Ldvies ;,tnd i~.GBE:Hllsed V:lluB.tlons ;::;t,ovlirlb !\,rr,ount of ''+0 Tf.!^~G ])ut-: in 141 SUlIl.'lH\lry Gomf.iarl;,on and J:(.(~conciliatlon of 1939 TaXtlB (Due in 1940) t\~H-.H;iile8d and Oollected _ ___ S~;ta..te}ment of Tax,.'L8 Heceivect from Gount lI't':as. __ Gtateffit:lnt sbowins {\.llocatlon of Taxee P.eoeiv~;;d- CltyClerk's Revolving Fund - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c' .,' ii;~.;.,e :40. 4-2 ...."2 ,.I ,+4 45 46 i.1-7 4~ 49 ?o 51 ?(~ ?; 54 ~?56.57 58 :>9 60 61 62 C~Sb in CustOdy of Jlerk 0f Glty ~ourt ~:~tatement of Hecelpta, Di~burments 3 Bt.;1r~nces Gash- 64 Go; ,.I Summa.ry of PollceJourteoorda- _ _ _ Suma;[;U'y 01 Heeorca 01' Gity3ul1ding InHpaotor _ _ IHDBa , cont ad) 65 66 67 ~ e e Exhibit"M" Exhibit "N" Exhi bit It Olf Exbbi t "pit Exhibit "Q" Schedule 31 Exhibit "R" Exhibit It SIt . .'1:,';,:,;, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS INDEX ( Cont I d. L Comparison of Deppsitory Bonds and Balances On Deposit - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FidelityBonds in Force - __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Insurance In Force (Exclusive of Waterworks Department) - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Accounts Reoeivable - - _ _ _ _ statement of Bonded Indeb:t:edness - - - Reoonciliation of City of Salina, Fiscal Agency Account-outstnading Bonds and Cupons _ _ _ _ _ Statementof Temporary Note Indebtedness _ _ _ Addit Adjustmant Entries - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT FUND Page No. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Comments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 76 to 62 Exhibit ItAlI Balance Sheet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exhibit "BIt Profit and Loss Statement _ ----- -------... Exhibit B-1 Comparative Statement of Income and Expenses Schedule 1 Plant and Property _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Adjusting Journal Entries _ _ _ _ Insurance Schedule _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----- -..... ---- -- INDEX 83 84 to 8~ 86 87 88 89 .I:,.t. f)::,E-WE-!J c1V Clu'tnE-'t CE..TIF'IED PUBLIC ACCDUNTANT .e "salina, !J(an!>a!> March 19, 1942 To the M.ayor and the Boa.rd of City Commissioners, Salina, Kansas. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instructions an audit haa been made of the books and records of' the City of Salina, Kansas for the period from January 1, 1941 to December 31, 19~1, inclusive, with the excep- tion of the books ane records of the Clerk of the City Court, which have been audited for the period April 9, 1941 to December 31, 1941, inclusive. A report of the audit is herewith Bubmi tted. Comments, exhibits and schedules pertaining to the Water- works Department are shown separately at theback of this report, and separate oopies of the report has been submitted to the Waterworks Adv isory Commiss ion. SCOPE. O.f THb AUDIT e The audit was performed in accordanoe with the general and spec if io requirement s of the t...tnimum St<lndard 4.udi t program approved by theState Municipal Accounting Board November 21, 1935, and as re- vised October 25, 1940, and included and examination of the reoords of all City offioes and officers except the Munioipal Band Board, The Public Library Board and the Public Health Nursing ASSOCiation, which boards receive money appropriated by the cltybut have exclusive control over the disbursement of both the w~ounts appropriated to them by the city and other money which they may received. No authorization to audi t e1 ther ot: these have been received and no report i 8 be ing render- ed on any of them. The reaelts of the examinstion are set forth on the attached statements, which are listed in the prefixed index. OOM#ENT S EXHIBI'l' A e Exhibit A shows Fund balanoes January 1, 1941, receipts, disbursements and interfund transfers during the year, t06ether with the closing balances December 31, 1941. Also at the foot of this statement is shown the January 1, 1941 balances in the Investment ~coounts, together with receipts, diSbursements, and decreases, and final balances December 31, 19~1. I t will be noted that the sum, $261,660.29 shown on this exhibit a6rees with the Cash in the hands ot. the Oi ty Treasurer on Exhibit D, and by that the total of invest- ments, $12,000.00 agreesilJithE.xhibitE, both as of December 31,1941. CaSh transactions of the Clerk: of the City Court and the Water Depart- ment ~hich are not cleared through the records of the City Clerk are not included in the exhibit. 1. ~'::., , ,. :;,,<;J.:! 2l. L: e Thi 5 atBtt~ment set F forth thsaCtual recs l~;t s as cnmpared '"1 th the ~ntici pBtec feCt! i r:t s for eBch fund, to~etber 1.1 tn the a.mount of excess or deficiency in receipts DB COxcareo with tne Budget. ;ctual neC&ipts I)f Cash for the year \'!tgS ~,?4,r)O.14 1n excess I of the Budget, ~hlCb 8umm~rize8 as follows: Jurrent Ad Valorem T~xes ;$ 1,,97. ~2 13?9.:$.62 tellnquent ~,d V::)lorem. fax'.e s Current ana Delinquent S eclal Assessment Taxes 123,21.12 b6,O. 75 2762 .06 ~ ~Q~L- Court Coats, iHnea ~ Forfeitures Franchise Heoeipts Other Eece1pts Total Recelc:t~ in Excess of Bua~et ~ ,I? "J 4b 30.11+ EX'H I B r T ......Q.... e Statement of ixcenditures and Encuwbrances as cO~PEred With Appropr1atlons:- this stBtemant sete fortn tne Oash diSburse- ments charged agaln~t eaCh fund, togetner ~ith the adjustmentF. for oeg1nn1ng 8.nd C10F!lng period enour.-branoes 'With ~he resulting unen- cumbered bl'ila.noes 1ne?ch fund fOT the 1911-1 Budget year. In no fund WI"1A there an ..,ver ex;;enalture ot the Budget, howeverthere W8S $2.~Qs.o6 overdraft in the ~treet De~artment of the General Fund. The Memor1.nl Hallh~und closed the year filth an overdrat't 1n the Vund of 5~32.76. Your attention is drawn to the faot that this 1s contrgry to the provlsions of the Cash EBSis Law (10-1101 to 1122 G. S. 193,). There w~ f) Rn ovardratt 1 n thl s fund as of JanuarYl, 1941 of $1~7.7?, end it DaB inore~sed to tbe amount of $'32.76 owing to );!n over anticipation of Hent!':.leand Concessions, as shown in Scnedule 11 of thlsreport. 8CH'2ttn,E(:~ 1 to 27, inclusive. These sOhedules set lorth the detailed reoe1pts and disbursements 01' cash 9S Oompsred with the budgeted receipt e Ana d1 ~bursement E together w1 th tne /Ill'llount over or under the budget figure, by Funde. e Salaries paid too:t"fieers and to re~ulBr employees dur1r..g the audit period were .found tote ~1 th1ntna fates epeottled by or- dinanoe B and wi thl nthe 11m1 t Htl':)ns ;)re sor1bed by the at rltute s as i n- terpetea by the 8'torney 6enerBl of the State ot' Kenses. General Fund: As deBcrlbed in arevlous audit recorte, the General Funo 1s subdivided tntoelght departments, and t:axes, ooth 1n- tangible ~nd tangible together witn Bules taxes ~re proreted to the var10us depart:rients except the AdlinniatTa.tlve .~nd F1nanoe and the City 80urt de;:artments. OOlttrnents on eech aepertment .t'ollow: ? -. .. "c:"', .. AdwinlstrBti ve ~mo lilne.nce [:epl;:rtment e During the Y0qr the city collected $9,190.67 frox licenses. feeli:. and pert1'ilts, r; Clecre."se of ';<j.C?7.()o I'TOrr. those oollected auring 194C. 'Jl.')l;Hd.fto~tton of licenl::es, fe,'li'l t~n:j cer:r;1tr, t'1;;~::t.her 1iith the resoective ?mounts oollected is cr~s~nted under Scheaule l-~. TherenDpeFlrs to be "-'; stet',dy decrease in the revenue from this Bourse the p ~ Et fen.. year s. ltr,11nchl ~.lf} rHOl nl:lnc~, s in e fft~ct durt!l6 th~ '!ludi t ,/i;;r 1 odT-ere ex~mined. Heceipte 1n each Cc~geA(;re found tOJe in accoro:\nce \\lth the ordinance and frgnChiee agreement. The amount due from the gas company tor the l?st nult 0f 19~1, '1,3~3.93 9B ;Bld F~bruary 2, 19~2 by them, 1s Est upin the accounts recelv2ble 1n ~xhlb1t P. '01108 Gourts f.im~f! l'lnd :forlei.tureF 3:!.ountlni5 to ,f9,762.25, ~Hl increase ove'r 1940 o!~q.. ::>6). 7" were reoelv.~d ouring the 8udit reriod. A. sta.tement pl'"ep3red t'r,')!f) the l'f'corCip (.'f th,,; Police Oourt is shown under Exhibit K. :'istr1button of the Ciger:'tte 'f,'lX ".;;HJ m1ce in<jcl:)oTchnoe with the statutec. Data.ils of B~19ries ana 'A El, pI")lesdonal r~nd contracted serv ioe s, e lect10na xpense, and eppropr1'3t 10ns, donations and due IS t~id out of the Genersl Fund. Admlnlatr~tive And Finance Dep9rtment, ~re shown in det~11 under ~chedule I-b. e a~NEP~~ 111Nr - Street Department - Sohecule 3 The receipt or~...." 666.,2 for H1ghw.3Y inten",nce !romthe 2t,~te We IS vertfied by corrt;;!l;pondence \fiith 'the <:'tJte~,ccountanta Office. G~NEhI\L li'UNf.. - ~:nglneer1ng Je artJlsnt - Schedule l.j. There \\iU3 no umlsD~.l rt:cel;H'B or r-:lsbul'sel'!lents in this dep~rtment, $1.290.96 ~6S received for the Bale of services ouring 19~1 ~s com- pared with ~~:~l1'2.94 t.he previous ye"rr. G~;N"~H ~t FU1'iiT, - ;d 1 k J nScf:ct i.)n Dec/lI' tl1l'~nt - Sohe<lule."- Fee Sl from milk ~-'errr.l t s, et c., iliere v~ri fied from the recn1'd Fl "l':1d :t"ound cor'rect. ,J!'~.E.H ft,IJ nJNL - Legal Department - SChedule 6 i'he recei~t8 ofpo11ce Oourt Coste ;,e1'e .J!-lloo.~O, the tirst year durin,I?; whioh such reOeh)t8 were recelve:t. Thil'! ;1:mount plus that shown in thel\dmin1stratlve nnd Finance Department as fines and forfeitures agrees fAith tne tot 1 r2':HHvcd b the IJlty Olerk from the ?o11ce Judge. Gt.N~h^L FUND - 8uilding D~pertment - SChedule 7 The r~oel::"ts tn thls der:artment D.re entirE/lyt'rom t.F.Ues ;;00 tne dis- bursements are for upkeep, insurenoeB 0nd~31aile8 ~t the City Hall. e Gii.m:Pl\f. FtHn: - City Oourt LepSlrt,1lent - S'.chedule 8 Tne reoetpt. tr?nem1~tec from the court to tne City Clerk exoeeded the antio1pgtea by i2,0'+2.1(: :sna. tne net del'to!t "as J2,167.26 less than ~:!38 e xpeotea. Furtner i nt""rmst1on in re;::;ara to the 01 ty Gourt is eho~n in [xhlbit J and Schedule 31. ";l "';. d e fTH^' r !1Ttv~;'~ NT ifUNr - Scheaula 9 No att.ettpt "')6 m~ae oy the !mattor to :taKe Any reo18s 11ic8t1on of 1 tams charged to M,!terl s.l is and SUP:':: lie s, part 0 t ,*hlCh po Bsl b1y Should be charleci to [Quipment. ')tnernise noth1ng northy of com/tent 'lias a1 scovere d. F A.hK DE? ~h:Tv.::r:1' rUNe - :Jcheaule 10 !\'s 1011;140, no rental,;;es collected from the Douse in.Ollkdale ?!ifrk. EaCk rents ~re not 1ncludedln the A000unts Heo~Hv::-'oleSchedule. The ~;"im!111~;, Pool reoe1pts were $10').9;) less than antiol;:Hlted, "hile d1 sburse ment S \\e re ~112e .00 less tnan e xpeoted, re sult.i~ 1n s BUdget sflvlng of .~96,.1). 011 UL fP.LL FUND - SChedule 11 Rentals rece1vc'C! 8a:.ount,eci to~lli?3.61 BB CQl1<:;reo liittlli2rY)'J.GO Rnt1clc~teo ~nd '!I1th $1161;>.08 reoeived 1n 19~O. This letne only funo showing ry deficit. ql.:" .l\l;h; rr Sf''''ISU,/ F"U ND - Sonedille 12 r1'1e only unu13u~l item in the fund la$73.?O 1nsurance lOBS received. e G:,;1!~.rUL !l.'FrF".Vdie.NT F'UND - 30nedule 13 A.s at sted 1 n criar ~ma1 t repert~, t.ne 1ucorr:e 1 n toe t una co n si st 8 mainly o:f I.axes. not only tne ad Valorem OUt 13190 special taxes .for weed outting and for 18y1ng water 11~ee, botn from current sna oe- 11 nquent t axe s. During the yea.r ~l?C.OQ 'A8S expenaea lor lana purChase, i~17.0~ .for a Chlp spreader ana ;SZJ17-I.f.?for flood expenses. other- wise expenditures were about as usual. ^nalysls 1n full 1s shown 1n SOhedule 13-a. It 1s to oe notea that an adaltiona1 amount of $,1.&f..62 WeS expended on tne Orawt"orct <\venuebu1lding during 19'+1. .'L~TF:R, LI~Hrr, HEA.T, .aND rOYiEH F'UND - Soheaule 1'+ There wat. nothing touno 1n this acoount on ..hieh there 1 e necess1 ty of comment. BOND Al-JO INT~:H~:::lT FU~m - Soheaule 1? Tne reoeipts, d.isbursements, and balanoe!? of the Bond and Interest Funo and the Paving Interseot1on Bono ana Interest Funa are oombined under the abOve sohedule. The receipts at th1s f'und 1ncluae ad Vn- 10Z'ero taxes leVied for the payment of ;:,rtnclpel ~nd IntereFlt on general bond 1 seue s t'or 'the payment ot' prl nC1pa1 snd lntera st on the Oity' e shere of spectal improvement bond issues. The prooeaas of speCial assessment ta.xes aS8essed ag.~1nst ;:roperty o~ners .for the retirement of principal eno for t',be payment 01 prino1pal ~nd interest on Donds issued to 11nanoe pro;.,:t!rty owners' snare 01 the cost of speotal la.- provemente are 81so included in tne reoe1:Jta 01 tnle fund. e ihe rece1pts of tne 'fRond ana Inter~Ft funolf lnoluoes $1000.00 trqnsferred from the Oondemnet1,~n Fund, -nlch Joi.!:JS tr~nsfened to p!llY the prtnc1pr,!1 ~na interel~t on Int€tJ:nel Improvement Benae 1 !?sued tor the oonstruot.ion 01' the Olive Stree Viaduot. This transferwflS rrlade out of surplus funds to "the creca t ot" the COQa8mnation !i'unaa. Also inoluded 1s $1216.}6 ~hlch ~as transferreo from completed oon- struct10n f>roj eot 8 38 follows:- Lt. .- e Curb, Gu\..ter s,nd Paving Ordinanoe 11'+970 Lateral Sewers, Ord inance 1i4i-960 Ay-PAf'!1, Ordinanoe :ftlt967 Lateral Sewers, Orcinanoe -i'lt9h9-lSS 1'01 al ~ 3'0. 79 (2,.6<)) 7 66. o~ ~r~. ~ J J2.16.36 -4_ 'Ihere flas 8.n actual alfference of J763.24- betv.een the en- gineers' final estlmates9nd actual book COSt of the projects closed during 19'H. Bond~ should notoe issued for more than the actual cost of the project. (10-104 G. s. 193~). There Was also a refund 01' costs 1n the amount ot" i433.1~ for speCial ~ork, the cost of -hich was in- cluded in the project Bnd ?!htch should have been deducted from cost in finding amount of Ponds to issue. The cost figuref: for preparatt~n of Bond Issue should be taken from the ledger r~ther th~n from the engineerr;: estimates, unless tnere 18 some reaeon they do not reflect true cost. It hes been suggested that the eng1neer~ final estimqtes inolude not only book cost, but also the Value of materials, tr~neferred from other projeots, for example, bricke from sideWalk or p.r;vi ng re- plAced 8nd new rteterials left over. If thiS is true, some record should be ms1ntg1ned of mRterials ;urchased or other~ise secured and of their final use. e There WAS An ad.Justment made between the City's share ?ind the::ro;:erty ownere' share of the tlSpeclal Bonds" on the By-Pass of ~39.o2 as shown under schedule 1,. The interest on the SpeCial Bonds issved JanuBry 1, 1941 due in July 19"4-1, Was not included in the BU~jg""l" for 191+1, resulting in an overp.9yment of i~o.69 for the City's 5'=-8Y~ -..:nd ~.06 for the T13xpaysrs' share of Specigl Bond Interest. SAND FUND - Schedule 16 Receipts in the 8~lnd Fund ~re all i'rom 'fa.xes and the disbursements are made to the 9alina ~unic1p8l Band BOard. LIEh AF:Y frU ~W - SChedule 17 Receipts in the Library Fune are all from taxes and the dlsbursementa B.re made to the Fre at' uOlt c 7., i bri'lry 809. rd 0 f ~;~li na, !\.ans3 s. URPC)RT fUND - Schedule 16 The receipts in th1s fund ere normally J:'rom Taxes and from the rents received for the bu1leings :3.nd grounds. Th1s year there 1s the adrjition- al receipt of i2~3.0? for hail insuranoe damage. f'HE BIND~\E ED i"UND - Schedule 19 Noth! ng need i ng comment wq s noted 1 n thi s fund. e TittTST AND WENGY F'JNDS - Schedule 20 Statement of receipts, d1 Floursernent s, Ana blances':)f cBsh for :!ill Trust RndAgency Fund. ere t ncluded separately under the aOove schedule together ~ith a comparison bet~een the Betusl rece1pt~, disoursement, and bAlances of the Firemen's Pen~ion li'und with the Buaget t'or that Fund. The Oal!'l.nces Etho~n to the credit of these funds under SChedule 20 represent caeh be19nCef"snd. od not include the investments olmed by certRin Trust end Agenoy funds. The fund investment b91Rnces 9re pre sented under schedule 27. ? :";~:::r-". ., l~.~,"',~..::~,~,.; . '~," "~,;;,,,;,t.:., .. , . e Firemen's Pension Fund: The Deoember 31, 19~1 was ~lO,?66.02 whioh at which aaC1it1on~11 levies mqybe ~de. tired firemen were IDvde during 19~1 a8 balance of the Fund ae at 1s $,66.02 more than the limit Pension oayments made to re- follows: George W. Earneck l,loyd \';. Saum E. J. Sheffer .$7?0.00 7,0.00 73~.OO Flrement's Relief Fund: Hece1ptlll for this fund are, as in t'orruer year~, from interest and from the State's dls'trloution of in- Furance oremium assessments on in!=lurence compRnie a, which '3mounted to $2,045.95 for 1941 p8 cnmp~red r.ith $2,065.02 for 1940. Investments matured "uring the yepr amount to 4t2,'?Oo.or. Dtp-bursements were for medica.l and hospttaliz~tion eXpenF!es, !!nd for the nremiums on life end helath 1'lnd accident i n!=;u r9nce policies, R s well as pay-xent s to a1 Bab1ed fireman, Harry r.BCY, in the amount of $720.00 and sick bene- fi t sin t he a mo u nt 0 f $ 69. 76. iJemeteryEndowment Fund: The on1yrecelpt s to this fund, aside from $1,000.00 invA~tment€ m~tured, W8S from deposits by personal owning lots, to cover perpetual care, in the amount of ~27'?OO fOT the year. Hi110rest '~emorial Endowment Fund: The hi storyand con- dition of thl~ fund to the close of 19~O have been given 1n Dreviou8 audit reports. Interest w~s received during the year in the amount of $63.76 end $ll~.OO Was credited aF, ten per cent of the net 8~lea f:'/r1ce of sp8ce Bold during 191fl. ~t the close of the ;<?Iudit Dertod, the cp.Bh and investment b~lF!nces of the fund were $5,O~6.01+, r€nre- pented by c~ sh in the :::tmount of ~3, ?lfo .Olt ~nd i nve pt ment s of $1500.1)0. e The following condenR€d st~tement showp the source of the c~sh And tnvePtment b~"l ~nces shown ~bove: GroSR selling nrica of Veusoleum RDace sold Leps-Cash discounts rtllowed on original space Net Relling crice of Mausoleum Space Bold Total endowments due the alty(lO% of net Sales Price) Less: ~ndowment8 not remitted to City at dnte of original seles end included in note of ~au.oleum Builders CoruoTRtion to the Oity $4021+.56 Less amounts collected by the City and spelled on the ~lDove Note 2025.29 BalAnce due on the above Note Total endowments collected ~0d interest collected onInvestmente $68050.00 220').00 $6?46".OQ $ 658'+.50 $ 1999. 27 4585.23 It 62 .81 Tot~l of Cash and Investment ~,ccounts$ 50~8.04 The follwlng stAtement shows the residuqry equity of the City of Sqlina--Rillcre.t Memoril=ll Endowment Fund, in the assets held in Trust ~s at December 31, 1941: e 6. '.;'/~""''n,.,..: 'I e Unsold space January 1, 19~1 (~er agreed price schedule) Sales during 1941 Space unsold December 31, 19lf1 $71,200.00 '" 1,200.00 $70,000.00 Out of the prooeeds realizaole from sales of the above space, the City, under the terms 01' the Trust agreement, Was obligated 8S at Deoember 31, 1941 to distribute the following amounts: '1'0 the Hillere at Memorial Endowment Funp, 01 ty of Salina, lO~ of Sale s f7, ~))O .00 Selling Expense (Not to exceed 20~ 0 f sale s) lii. oae .00 i2l,OQO.00 To the payment of court co at as de termlned by the District Oourt onNovember 7, 1939, plUS additional cost 8 acorued to December 31, 194-1 '~324Q.95 Less costs paid out of Droceeds of salee 1940~1 e 1994.00 :$12J+5.95 To the City of Salina on account of a Note receiveable from the Mausoleum Builders Corporation (Including Interest to December 31, 1940) For credit to the Hillcrest Memorial EndowmentJUnd $ 3677.90 For credit to the Cemetery Fund ; l305.~O , 5023. 0 To other secured oredi tore (Inoluding interest to December 31, 1941) To unsecured claima.nt s $ 27263.83 _ 6027.67 Total ~s at Deoember 31, 1941 Residuary F.:qui ty of the Oi ty of Salina.., Hi11- cre at Mernori a.l Endo"Nment Fund December 31, 1941 63969.91 $ 6030.09 Balanoe December 31, 19~0 Bala.nce Deoember 31, 1941 Decre8se during 1941 ~l. 612.17 6,0 '30.09 j 1,5&2.0& Hillcrest Memorial Trust Fund: This aocount shows the transaotions in regard to the sales of Masoleurn Spaoe and disburse_ ment s of money there from and is self explanatory. e WATERWORKS DEP ARTMENT FUND - Schedule 21 Thi s sohedule shows a summary of the recetots and di sbursaments of the Waterworks Department Fund, whioh cleared through the City Treasur, duri ng the year. As at ated on Page 2 0 f thi s report the balanoe of this fund a.s at Deoemoer 31. 1941, doe 8 not inolude all the cash and investments of the 'Naterworka Department Fund. An- ditional oomments, exhibits, and SChedules pertaining entirely to the Waterworks Department are submitted separately onpages to of this report. O.i':METEHY FUND - SChedule 22 7. '.', . ,. . ._. e PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING FUND - Schedul e 23 Receipt 8 to th 1 s fund are from Taxe sand dl sbursement s entirely to The Salina Public Health Nursing Association. CONDEMN~rION FUND - Schedule 2~ There were no. reoeipts into this fund during the year; court oosts in the amount of $65.95 were pai d and as provided in the Budget, $1,000.00 Was transferred to the Bond and Interest Fund. CONSTRUCTION FUND - SChedule 25 The various Construction project accounts were grouped under this sohedule, and the receipts, disbursementsand balances o:f each pro- ject account, as well as the total receipts, disbursements and balance s of all construction project s are Shown therein. SA.LES TAX COL1.EO'1'8;D IN ADV4.NCE - Schedule 26 This schedule shows the amount of sales tax money on hand December 31, 1940 and the fact that it Was distributed durir.g 19~1 to the Verious funds. No sales tax money w~s received from the County Treasurer during 1941. e STA'lItMEN'l' OF INCR!iASE;S,DECP.I~<\:-'lLS AND BALA.NOR:S OF I.NV1f~STMENTS Sbhedule 27 No increases were made in thiS fund during 19Lf.l, and the investment 1'or the Cemetery Fund was totaly liquidated during the year. C ,. SH AND I NVE 9T1lENT SIN CU STODY OF THE C I T Y TR&; A SURER The total cash and the total investments inthe custody of the Oity Treasurer as at December 31, 19'+1, are shown at the i'oot of Itxhl'bit IIAIf. Under !!:xhlblts lID" and IfE", which are discussed inthe following paragraphs, the deposits comprising the Treasurer's Cash bala.nce and the particular investment s comprising the treasurer I s investment balances are submitted in detall. OASH IN CUSTODY OF CITY TRE\~URF.R - Exhibit D Under this exhibit is shown a summary st9.tement of the Treasurer's cash balance at the beginning of the period under audit, the receipts and disbursements clearing through the treasurer' sOan. accounts during the year, and the treasurer's Cash balance at tne close of the ~udit period. Under Schedule 28 benk balances, as confirmed to the audi tors by 4e- positor1es are reconciled to the balances shown by the Treasurer's re- cords. In accordance with the customary prooedure, the City's books wereMt closed until a few days after the close of the year in order that all receipts and disbursements appliCable to the yea.r 19'+1 might be entered. The deposits shown under date of January, 19lf2 on this reconciliation, consist of collections applics,ble to the year 19LJ.l. e The bank reconcilement al so include s warrants in the amount of '25,028.23, which "'/ere drawn in favor of the State Treasurer during the month of Deoember, 1941 pursuant to an appropriation ordinance en- acted by the governing oody for the payment 'of bonds and intere at cupons maturing on January 1, 19LJ.2. These warra.nts were releases and cleared through the banks durip~ the month of December, 1941, but were not en- tered on the Oi ty' s records until January, 1942 for the reason tha.t they were considered as expenditures applicable to the year 19LJ.2. The warrants were drawn and released prior to January 1, 19LJ.2, in order to make funds available in the fiscal agency for the payment of bonds and cUpons maturi ng onthat date. [.; ~. e INV:!.8'l'~',:,~rfl'~. IN CUSTOVY OF ni~, CITY 'l'.f(.b.ASURh:h - :-..xo1btt j; uncertn1s exnib1t tnert: is Rliov.n ,';. oomplete oe~critption 01 the in- vestments in the custoay 01 the city treasurer sfi: at tne tlegtnning end CloS1ng oates 01 tne6udlt period tog8tner with asteils 01 the changes 1n investments during the period. Investments in the custody 01 the treasurer on February 1, 19"4-2 fiere verified by inspection ana changes therein during tbe period trom :DeOellJDer 31, 19l+0 toreoruary 3, 19#.2 ~ere veri iled by the auot tor. Interest cupons on bonde v,ere properly accounteD for, and income i'rom investments oolleoted durlngthe perioo Was traoed into 1.he re- cord ot cmah rece1ved. TAXit..S The oity's share of collectlolls on 1940 texas ~&e computeo by ~he F.luditor and. traoed into the vf.r10uB 01tyo1' Se11na 19'+Ofund tax accountsma1ntalned by toe county treasurer. It ~ae founa thet the c1tynad be(~n cred1ted with its proper portion of such taxes end that the Various city funde had been credited on the bEsls 01 the tax levy for tbe year. The Bud1 tor"certain." also that colleot- ions ot. 19t.J{) intangible a.nd special Ssseesltent text's ned been r:ro- perly alloo ated to the c1 ty. F'kom the recorosmeinta1ned by the county treasurer and without n det:?11eo eXlun1natlon lt 8pre~red that the oounty nee e1strlouted ot tbe city its Ehere of collections during the year 19~1 on taxes ~8BeSseo ouring ~ne period trom 19)2 to 1l;139, inolusive, and tn:3t tnasa oistrit>utltHle wel'emsde to 'the oity on the b asls 01 thE! t"iX leVleS .tor tne yeE:I'S 1n wbich tne 001- lected. tlnteS were levied. I't We8 Cieterm1neoalso tOat tne city cred1 tad oollecttons on celi nquent taxe s to the ci ty ,runes on the Bame basis. During !.he year 19ttl the county remit tea to the 01 ty lnterest oolleoted on oe11nquent. taxes WhiCh 800rued niter the sale oate of the propety for tp,xes. The oounty treasurer' is allooation 01' sales ta.x residue to the c1 ty Was scrutinized and found to be 1 n accordanoe ?ii th the statutes. e OOic.FAf-UUIVb: S11U' NT!AX L~.VH.S IUW t<'~"E~~!:~;D VALUITIO~rs SH(~;- ING ?1.~.wUN'I' OF' 19"'1 TAXh.S :CUli: IN 194-2 - ~:xhlblt F The 01ty's tax levy 1n mills by funes for the y~ar8 1939. 19~O ana 19~1. and the assessee Valuation ot' tangli:>le aDO intengible property in Sallna for each ot those Ytere is Shownunder tnis exhibit. The amountot taxes due to the 01 ty dur1ng the year 1942, Oased upon the tax levy aOd. a~H~e (;leed valuation :fo r the y€ ar 19'+ lana upon tbe amount ot" speOial aSf?,eSsment taxes cert1fied 01 the city to the countytor collection, 1s aleo sho~n unde~ tnis st~tement. Tax levles tor toe year 194-1 Was check'-a to the statute send 1 t l;ae de- tert111neo tnat the 1~v1ee .tor eeCh tund and t.t'le t.otal leVies ",ere Vi1 thin the I1m1 tat10ns prav! dEld oy the 18'1'. I t ita s note d that there "as a s11ght va.r1ation oetweenthe 19-i+l taxlevy 1'or the generel func as Shown in the tf:X levy orditl.ance enaotea by tne governing oody, and toe ta.x levy used by tne county clerK 1n extending toe tax rolls. Th1e VariAtion, however, W"'lf' of little oonsequenoe from the stBno- point of the 8moun~ 01 tAxes to be oollected. e Speo1al assessment orcanences enaCted during the auo1t. ~er1od were traoeainto the special aSsessment recoI.'Qsma1nta1nt1d. by the city clerk. The clerk's oomputat1onot' 1941 inste,llments l.'ias H:er. cneCk- ed. The tots~ 19""1 epe01al assessments, af'l anown .in the clerk's r~oordB was Co:};parec to 'the total amount cert1%1ea to 'the county ':1. ~ Ir i', ,~c" ""~~~~ .~",J~:~~;,,~" ~","' ,',^W~.;l?,. ~.,... '.:f~ ' '" : .~!!I' ."' ;..- ,." "" ..- olerk :t'or collection wi th taxes. e smnU,RY :j(')V:P~F'!S0:J um R':aCNCILI!nI(:'~ OF 19q.l TAXES - Exhibit G ASSESSED AND OOLLECTSD Under this exhibl't the origlnr:Jl tax roll appliCable to the City of Salina, as certified b the county clerk to tne 3tateTax Oom- mission, is adjusted for adclitions to the tax roll, taxes refund- ed by the county, and taxes remittea to 'the city, for the purpose of defeloping the amount of 19'+0 taxes assessed but not collect- ed by the city. The amount shown 8S not oolleoted oy the City was t&st cheoked to the oounty treasurer's records of unoolleot- ed 1940 taxes as at the oate of his last distribution prior to Deoember 31, 1941. This statement shows oollection of 9~.~19 pe7<Jent Of current ad valorem taxes during 19'+1 as compared w1th 93.660 percent during 1940 and of 84.017 per cent of current Special Assessment taxes during19~1 as compared with SO.~~7 per- cent during 19~O. A.nd of 93.9?7 ;Jercent of all current texes during 19~1 as Compareo to 92.603 peroent during 19~O. Sf '\T[?~IENT OF T~,XE S :-l.ECEI VED FROM OOUNTY Trot ASUttS-R SHerI NO Y9: A.R OF ASSE SSMENT AND DI STHrBUT ION TO FtJ Nr:S ON l'Hlt BASIS OF' ~,S?&: SSEMENT Exhibit H: This statement ShOwS the total amount of taxes receiv- ed by tbe city ouring the year 194fl and the yeaI'F in whioh suoh ta.xea were H~vied by tbe oity. The allocation to city funds is upon the basis of the tax levy for tne years in whichthe tox col- lected taxes were levied. Sechedule 29 shows the allOCation of 1nt4l\Slble and tangible taxe s to the vertoul:! department (\ r the General Fund. e The individual Funo stetements of Receipts, Di~bursementB and Balanoes of Oash for tax levying funds,Scheo.ules 1 to 27, 1n- elusive, shows the total nO valorem taxes received byeach tax levying fund of f.und department. This e xh1b1 t sho 1\S an analy 8i s by funds as to delinquen~, current, tangible, and intang1ble taxes received. CITY OLERKS Rh;VOLVI NG B1JND SUMYAhYOF Db.POSITS ~ND OHILCKS I SSU&.D, 11..xhibi t "I ". Uno.er IIOash in OU9toOY of Oity Tre19surer,h.xh1bit ID''', whioh has been com- ment.ea upon prev10usly, there is shown a Danle account. balanoe 1n tne amount of $,00.00 'A'hich is Carried on tne books as being 1n ~ne custody ot the City treasurer. That amount, however, 1s on deposit in ~he city clerk's revolving tuna banle acoount. e The City Clerk uses tnis revolving tuna account for the payment 01' certa.tn Claims a.gs.inst the city, principally tor t'reight, ex- press, and postage. He is suos8'fUentlyretmbu8S8d .tor these pay- ments by regular city warrants lssueo upon Buthority 01 the gov- erning body. The above exnibit snows a classification of suoh disbursements, wnich amounted to 1n totalto f2193.4b. There 1s no statutory provision t'or a revolving 1und such as the foregoing. 12-2107 G. s. 1939 SuP;'. provides that it is the treas- urer's outy to reoeive And keep all moneys belonging to the oity aDO to payout the sa.me only on ...arrents drawn 011 the direotor of 1'iaanoe ano countersigned by tbe c1 ty manager and not otherwi se. In lihe opinion 01 the c1 ty manager the e xpendi ture s out 0 f thl s t'und can be curtailed or eliminated by malting arra.ngements With 10. e the r_ilroads for the payment of freight and expres. oharges out of the Waterworks Department Fund. Other payment s which heve been made out ot' the Gi ty Clerk' s Revolving Fund, such as tho se for the pur- chase of postage stamps, traveling expenses of city officials, and similar items, could be paid monthly in the same mallner aaother claims. Co mfd:!nt B a,~ to verification of receipt send di sbursement s cleared through this revolving fund are included below under the comment s on theve rification 0 f' ca.sh receipt sand d iSbureeme nt s of the city clerk and City treasurer. SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE; AND VEftIF'ICAtION or HlLCEIPTS AND 01 SBURSEMENTS OF CITY CLERK AND OI1'Y TRh.ASUFU!;R e HECEIPTS. The cityclerk and director of finance is the principal collecting and accounting officer. All items of cash received,ex_ cept taxes and infrequent collections received directly by the city treasurer, are handled first by the city clerk. The city clerk and ci ty treasurer are provided with standard triplicate receipt s forms numbered by the printer and receipts i Bsued for each individual co1- lectlonmade by these officers. The city clerkaepGaited collections made through his 01'fice on the average of every t'^'o or three days, and 8. test check of his records indiCated thElt his collections were deposited intact and promptly. The city treasurer reportr ea,ch of his collectione eeparately to the city clerk and such collections are recorded on the clerk's cash receipts records. The city clerk's records, therefore, reflect all collections made by the city. The records indiCated that the city treasurel' had promptly depo si ted all sums ot money coming into bis hands. Duplicates of receipts issued during the audit period by the city clerk and city treasurer were traced into the Clerk's record of Cash received, and the aa thermatical accuracy of that record was verified. The auditor scrutinized the fund classification of re- ceipts, as shown on ther clerk's cash record, for verifiCation of fund dt etri but ion, and the classi ficat ion ot' receipts within funds was test cheC1l:.d. Monthly totals of fund receipts weretraced from the cash receipts record into the fund ledger. The entries in the Cash receipts record were alsotraced into the reoeipts a.nalaysis re- oord, and that record was proven to be Il8. thermaticallycorect. Records of licensesi ssued and other aVailable evidence of Cash re- cei vea were 8.1so traced into the clerk's Cash book. The collections of the city clerk were traced into the treasurer1s bank"Qoount. Col- leotions of the treasurer were also traoed into his various bank: accounts. The three local banks were approved as depositories by the governing bodyon Jun. 19, 1933. A count of cS.sh on hand1n the office clerk waS made on Jan1lary 2, 1942. Oa.eh on hand, appli cable to 1941, as of the dS.te of the cash count, plus subsequent auditedreoeipts of cash applicable to the year 19~1 were determined to have been d~pos1ted in January, 1942. - These 19lf2 depos1 t.s were entered on the books as at December 31, ., 1941. . 11. - Cash on hand applicable to the year 194-2, 8.S at the date of the c8"sh count, Was compared With the records of cash received for the yea"r 191+2. The duplicate receipts indieated that 8. portion of the 19~2 colle~tions on hand as at the date of the cash count were re- ceived by the ci ty during the yeSI' 19~1. In accordance wi th his customary procedure the city clerk did no'tdeposi t these 8.dva.nces collections until after the close of the audit period. DISBURSEMENTS: Claim vouchers paid during the audit period were ex- amined by the auditor. It was noted that a few Claim vouchers 1\ere incomplete to approval. Approval of these Claim vooohers was obtain- ed :<:t the: suggs stion of the audt tor. 'l'headdt tions and extensions on claim VOUcri.erS were test checks 2nd a few errors, each involving only C:l. small amount, were noted. Claim vouchers were traced into the cl~r~fs warrant register, and the fund distribu'tion was test checked. The mathemeT; 1ea.l accuracy 0 f the c1 ty clerk's warr clnt regi ster was proven and. the fund tota.ls of each appropriation ordinance were traced into the fund ledger. Postinga were test checked from the clerk's warra.nt regiater to the di sbursements analys1 s record, and that re- cord was proven to be mathematically correct. e The City uses a warrant form for making disbursements, which becomes a check on being s1gnedby the city treasurer.. The treasurer uses a rubber sta,mp fasciml1e of hi s signature for thi 8 purpo se. Oancelled checks were examined and checked to the appropriation ordinance record. Endorsement s werelacking on four teen checks. Endorsement 'la8 secured during the audit on all of them. All disbursements made by the city treasurer were uponthe authority of appropri at ion ordina.nce 13 enacted by the governing body. During the course of my examination of" the report s of the swimming pool cash receipts 1t Was noted that the manager had in some instanoes made disbursements out of his collectionsthat he had remitted the balance to the city. These d.isbursements did not involve a sub- stantial Bum; however, it is recommended that the receipts from the operation of the swimming pool be oepositedintact, and that claim vouchers be filed for all swimming pool expenses to be paiti in the regular manner. DISBURSEM~NTS OUT OF OITY OLERK'S REVOLVING FUND. All checks issued by the city clerk on his revolving fund were examined. Checks this year for pesta.ge were ordi na.rilymade direct and en.lor.ed by the Po st- master. Other disbursements made from this fund were ordinarily not supported by sworn claims but by invoices, receipt s or memoranda as to the amount", d1 sbur sed. FUND IJEDGER. The ci ty maihtains seps,rate fund acoounts for the cash and investments of each city fund. Poetings to the fund ledger were traced from their source into the fund ledger, and the mathematical acouracy of the ledger was proven. Fund leager balance s were com- puted and a trial balance Was abstracted from that record. e TR1ASUH~RIS REOORDS. The treasurer's record of checks issued and de_ posits, and bank ba.lanoes is maintained by a bookkeeper 1n the office of the city clerk. This record is not maintained by lunda as 1t is required under laal016 G.8. 19335. 12. CLE.RK OF l'Hl OITY COllBI..... e STATBMENT OF H~CE:IP'l'r, DISBURSttB:NT~~ AND BALANO~S OF CASfj - Exhibit J Exhibit "J" sets forth the cash balances 1n the custody of the Clerk of the City OOWl"t, a.t the beginning and cnd of the audit period, to- gether with H.eceipts and Disbursements during this period. These figures are taken from the records of the tfClerk 01 the 01 ty Court." At the foot at Exhibit J J a summary is Shown 01' fees on hand and case balances as at December )1, 19~1. Reconciliation of the "Clerk ot' the Courts" cash Bala.nce at the HFarmers Na.tional Banll, Salina, Kan~as, 1 s shown on Schedule 30, Cancelled ohecKs were examined for signature and indorsement. The clerk of the Oity Court maintains a reoord of cash received and disbursed, a ledger of Cases, and 9 monthly reconciliation of case balances ~ith the cash balance. Veriflclation 'liaS m~.de by comparison of cancelled ohecks wi th disburse- ment sa,s re corded; by proof of monthly footi ngE bu a.dai t 10n; by addi t 10n of duplioate receipt s by monthG and comparl Bon of such totals wi th amounts recorded and by test. check of imilividual items to the record; by verification from the records or reports of city and county officials as to amounts shown paid to them; by te at oheck1 ng of i terns of reoeipt and disbursement to the Dookets. e Your at.tention is again Called to the faCt that a n.ount s on the fee schedule are not inevery insta.nce the amount IS specified by (28-127, 128, 8.nd 136) G.S. 1935, though uniform. A list of Case Balances are not setforth in this report since it is a part of the Clerks permanent records. POLl CE COURT FINES AND FORFEITURES A polioe sergea.nt Bot s a.s c01lecLing officer f'or the Judge of the Police Cour t. 1!;n"trie s on the Police Blo tter show 'ehe amount 01' the Appearance Bond deposlt;e&; fine imposed, or other oisposition of the Case; fine collected or pia,d by work; and ot-her information regarding the case. Reoeipts for t'ines paid. are issued from a dUPlicate re- ceipt book; the duplicate being retaineo. Cash, as received, in flnes and Bond F'orfe1r.ures is placed in numbered Case envelopes, which are accumulated until the end of each month, when they, together with other similarly numbered case envelo~es cont6ining fines, workout, Ptrole or dismissal evidence, are turned over'\;o the Police Judge, who reconoiles the cash and other items with his docket records and prepares an analysis thereof which he submits to the City Clerk ~ogether ~ith the cash received. The ana.lysis of fines imposed for the year 1941, as prepared gnd sub- mitted by ~he police Department to the City Manager, WBR verified and found correct. e The cash analysis, of cash reoeived by the Police DeDartment WeB like- "isa found correct as submitted. The amounts of 1940!1nes "worked out" Was found to be overstated in the amount of $130.00; the amount of 191.f.O Cases "Paroled" Was found understated in the amount of $201.00 end the ;!llllount of 194-0 cases "Dismlseedll was found understated 1n the amOuut 01' $200.00, on the A.nalyeis of DiQT'\ositlon f C ~~ 0 ases, as submitted in 1 the annUal. l\~pO.&." .lO.L' l.<j'+.I..., to the CJ. t y Manager. SUlOlARY OF POLIO!: OOU11.'l' 11.i;OO.tt8S - J!.xn1.0l." If K'j e tn18 eXhiOit. ShOWS the Janue.ry .I.S't. auu ~ccwu\:;.&.' "...8". "':J''r"..., lJa..Ci.46v~8 of uncolleotec t'1l1eS oy yea.I: s i9 jC 'to i<j'+U, incl.us1ve, together with i9'+~ cOiieCliiOIls,parOieS, workouts ana. a1.sm1.ssa.LS oy years i9)C to i~'+i, iJ.1cl.usive and. 11.ne s lmposea oy nature o:t" o:Uense, 101' the ye8): i9'ti. Ve.I:11ioa~ion wasmaae oy auuit10nol the aupi1ca'te receipts by months a.nd Comparison With ca,sh reportea ana. paia.to the counliY cierk. Tests weremmade from dupiicate ~eceipts to the enveiopes ana.from enve.1.opes to the POiice Biotlie.L'. .l!,;acn page loot lngof the Bio't ter wa.s proven ana compareo.. "'1. th the page anaiy Si s tor eaCh mon'th. Summary ot' mon'th- iy tines ana. cOiiections was maoe tor 'the yea;: .1.~'+J.:trom the B.LOl"te.L' ana. cOlllparea wJ.thtnose repor~ea. to 'the Uity Oierk ana. Oit1 Manager. e Duplicate Hece.ipta number 9Ui to number jUOO and trom ! to bbb inclus- ive. Dup!icate receipt s are on hana. :t'rombb7 to 360u inc.Lus1.ve. The printer certit1.eS to pr1.nting JUOU in i9~ ana JCOU dupi1cate 11.ece1.pts in i9Lf-i. A Rl!:OOMMENDATIO.N. It is recommenoea. that the POiice Department instai1 ana. maintain a "Parking Vioiation Register" ana. that aJ.i parking TicICetsi8sued by the TraffiC Of'ticer be recora.ea. thexonby hia. Ana. that the Bergeant in charge aha!i ahow a.ieposition Of the case, whether paid or dismissed~ It has also been recommended to the Chief that in the f'uture, when spec1.ai off'icers, of':f duty, are hired oy the schooJ. authorties or others, the check in payment for the~r services be made Dot to the Po!ice Department as has occurren at times in the past, but rather directiY to the indi viduai. It is unC1erstood the,t such action has aiready been taken. CITY BUILDING I~SPECTOR Summary of the Hecords ot" the City Buila:Lng Inspector, Exhib1t ll~". Tne recoras of the Oity Bui!a.1ng Inspector for the Period from Januaary i, to December )1, !9Lf-i, were eXanl1ned by the aUditor. Cash received from the cOiiection of fees and issuance ot permi~s, a8 shown by the deupiicate receipts, were traced into the 11.egister 01 OOiieCtions main- tained in the BUila.ing Inspectors Ofllce, and t.rom thertegister to the monthiy reports ana remilitances to the OlliY Oierk" Uno.er ~xhibit L there is shown a ciassification 01 ~he cOllectionsmade by the Buiio.ing Inspector. In hiS report ana xemttlance for December i9lf.i, the Buiid.1.ng Inspector, at hlS sugguest:Lon ot" the auo.itor, 1nciuC1e., fifty cents for dupiicate rece1.p~ numoer lc.L.l omitted by error t"orm the JUiy report ano. remi tGance on Sign Permi t s. Fees chargeo. appear to oe 1n accor.anoe W1.~n ,ne ~a~e8 set b~ Ord~nance With the exceptionment1oned. in the i9'+U aUC1it report. e m DEpOSITORY BO~DS COMPARISON OF DEPOS1TOrtY BONDS AND BALAN~S ON DEPOSIT,. ExhiOit "M". UnC1er this e Xhiblt the Oa.iances on d.eposit as at .uec.:emoer ji, 19~i, are comparea. With the amounts of aepos1.tory bona.s piea.gea by banxs as COiiaterai to secure the payment ot. the se deposits. Tne iOCai i't. e banks have pledged United States government or K8nSes Municipal bonds as collatera.l for deposit of' public moneys. The governing body does not approve depository bonds as required under 13-2107 G. S. 1939 Supp. The auditor ascertained that depository bonds pledc?;ed by banks adequately secured the deposits as at December 31, 1941, and it appeared that deposits were adequately sccured. at all times during the year. Depository bonds held ror 8a1'8 keeping in local banks and receipts evldenci ng depoBi tory bonds which art: held for Safe ke9ping b) out of town banks were inspected by the a.uditor on February, 1942. De- pository bonds held for Safe keeping by out of town banks were con- firmed by correspondence With those banks. I NSURANO~ e li-Int.LITY BO:iDS IN FOR0E., EXhibit IINII. Fidelity bonds in force as at lJecernber 31, 1941, a8 detailed under the ",bove 8xhibit, were in- spee~ed by the auditor and checked to the statutes and to the City ordinances to determine that such bonds met st atutory requirements as to type, amount and approval. All fidelity bonds e.';cept those of the Clerk of the City Court and the marShall of the City Court 8re in custody of' the City Clerk and director of finance. The bonds of the Olerk of the City Oourt and the marshall of the Oity Oourt are in the custody of the county clerk as is prov*ded for under 20-1420 and 1421 and ~0-204 and 205 G.S. 1935. The bond of the marshall of the City Court if: deawn in favor of the State of Kansas and/or Saline County rather than in favor of the City of Salina. The liability of' surety comp&nies on all fidelity bonds Was con- rirmed by correspondence with the home offices of surety companies, and it was ascerta.ined that each of these companies waS authorized to do business in the State of KanS::1.8. Your attention Was called to the fact that there WaS no fidelity bond for the CityBuilding Inspector and this bond ~as seoured during the course of the audit and prior to the close of the audit per 10 d. Continuation certificates are atill being issued at renewal date by Bome oompanies, and it is recommended that intead, new Bonds be secured. INSURANCE. n~ FORCE, Exhibit "Oil. Under this exhibit there is Shown a SUIDlliary statement of insurance coverage on the various peoperties owned b.Y the city, together with the amount of annual premium on these policies, and other pertinent.information. Policies are issued in most instances to cover a period of three or five years. The amount shown as at the annual premium represents the por- ~ tion of the total premium applicable to one years1 insurance. The 15. - - - property listed unaer the hending, "City Building anc Contentsll ';.re insured for a totf'l of ,Ul3,7CO.CO by twanty-tViO insurance Q) l'frpanlea. All of tne policies in group eXcE:r.:;t one ;:-olicy desor1bf!.C: ,aB follows, !)c:ara ninety per cent con-insurance clause: fol1cty NUmber ComD~n~ Am9unt 160 Firemen's Insuranoe 00. :~l,.OOO .00 A ninety per oent co-insurance endorsement should be atteched to thl s policy. The Yemorla.l Hall Builclng Fj,nd the oonten'ts of that building are insured for a total of :~l?3,OOO.OO by twenty-four in- suranoe onmpnnies. Each of the policies 1n this group contains a nlnetyper cent co-insurance cl~use. Insllra.nce covera..::'.6 on mlGCt111aneouB properties of the City, which [;1:"e not lncluded 1n eltber or thE: r:bove grourB, is shown seperately under i:.xhlbit "0". No insurance 1\0 OArried on the tollo\\1ng: 1. Public Liability and property dama.ge insur~nce on city buildings ana premiees except the Memorial Hall. 2. Public liabil1ty and property damae;e lnSUrE,tlCe on flute- mobiles i"ind truoks 1nclucl1ne; rire trucks. 3. Insurance on house locnted. in Oakd,nle Park. Lt-. Workmen' E oompensation 1 nsuranoe. It Wc:S determinea tnat insurance oompanies 'f,;ri'tillg insul'ance on city properties ~~re author1zen to ao bualnees 1n the Itate ~ Kan8a~ ^C~9UNT 8 }1~AJbI V ABLE qTH~.MENT OF A.C(1~UNTS F"k,m.!v^,81.l!., i!.xhioit "Pll. Amounts due to the various tunds of the city ::)8 fit L.ecember 31, 19'+1, as determined Irom reOOrdeo! aocounts receivable and from other sources, are clas- sified una.er this exhibit. The auditor dtd not make and independent verl:t"1cat1on wi th debtors f.:S to the correc'tne ss of the a.moutts shown a8 receiv8ble. Tnis exhib1t does not include unpa10 ttuces for 19'+0 :",no prior years. P.C,JOUNT i:; F.~ Y ABl.rlt. A.ccounte payablfl ere cla.Bf11tied oy Funas unoer Exh1b1't G. ti'he amCH..nte, inc luded e s 11eb11i tie 8 were oe t~l:mineo trom. 1 llepect,lon ot 'the FU1'onase Order Register mainL~ined by the Oity ulerX's ot11ce. An eualtional amount of 43~~.76 has been rece1veo and oreolteQ 'to tb~Construction i"una tor work no'll yet completed. 8'1' II.Tr:,'H,1~'f OF' BOND,tv l NV~";B'n:1JN1!: ss - !~xhlb" t J1 This statement ;:re> sent s in de'tail the bonaea inoeb'teOnfHu,> of 'the City ot' ;;~11napt Cecemoer 31, 1~'+O .::'nc lJecemOttl' 31, l~'+l, together wi tn bona s i ssueu ~',na bone s retireo ourlng19'+1. '1'he toll.wing 1 s a summary at oonoeo lndebtedness C1Fl8SiIleo. ~u~ 'to thetype ot bonae out st ana lng : 16. e .~ e .e Out at '-lnd 1 ng 12-31-Lt~ I 8F ue d 19/il H.e t 1 re d Out at and1 ng 19'+1_ 12-.~1..Lt1 Genera.l Bond s Special Improve- ment Bonds ~aterworka De~art- me nt Bono s '#?37,'f.'JOJ,OO l~><: 7.'''2 40 "V,.,/,. . ./ .~ II' ..~ 93. 6(JC .aa ~44'3, bOO. OU 20,701::>.20 ',' 3 ,,-,';; He ,- J" ",'C ...,.. ,/ 13?, obb. C?6 l~'JtQoo.aQ 31,QOO.OO 124 'Y)(.1 ~~n ~ . ,,, "'", '....... Total $63Q,l~2.49 ~20,766.26 il~o,232.4g $703.266.26 The follOWing Statement ShO~'A the rno,turl ty dAte of bondR out pti"lnd1 Tlf::, December 31, 1941. Ye ar General ~ Bonds r flyable out of Spec1al As Re Bement s Total F ayab1e by "ate-rV/orks Deo~rtment C1ty'A Ghare F !:IV 1 nv. Bond, Total 1942 1943 19 q.LJ. 19t1-, lS,,6 1947 194~ 1949 19,0 19'1 $92300.00 84800.0" 71<::00" nt' Q! ~. \.J...... 49,00.00 H9""n n'l ..,. ...,'....v.v~':' 3S,oo.oO 2- 1o..!"OO' ('''' /'.1 . 'wi ....' 18,00.00 7000.00 $ 93'0.9, 86'3.07 79C7.41 700f':" . "",,,'.00 01,0.66 67'+2.20 6742.20 130'.38 9 -~o · '3 '.. ... bbIJ. bO $lOH$O.9, 936,3.C7 0'907.41 ,6,cO.t>& ,71,0.00 ~b2/i2. 2e 317l.f.2.26 19&".38 7930. ,3 Bb>). t:>O ~ $11900.31 10121.93 9067.'9 947Jt.12 9b~l.f.. 34 97}2.72 97Jd..7~ 41b9.62 2330.47 1309.4Q t\'31C)"~O nn ~" ...... e\"rV 31000.00 31QUC.UO 31tJVIJ .rJU ~1't/i?91.i?6 1347"1,. c.YJ 12,57'.00 9097"). 00 btj; '7' nf' " :;I......" :;'97'.00 1.l1/i7") .C.X' 2 -"C.71-. (,1', ',',,1 j..\...f\.... 10'='7:-'>.00 '} "7'- """., G:. t::. , \...' " - - TotaliJt4360o.oQ 157S~7.04 '?01l.f.Y7.0~~7116g.22 $124000.00 j70326o.26 veneral BonoEl in t.he amount 01 ilt-+),bOC.OO and the oity's shpre 01 Paving Boucs in the amount ot i")7ol.j7.(Y+ outRtEnaing:gg l5:t lJecemoer 31. 1941 are payaOle out of proceedS of the tax levles for ~he Bond And Interest Account. The property oVtnere' sha.re of paving ana sewer bonds in the 8.mOUnt of $ 77;7'69.22 outstanding as at Decemoer 31. 1,,'+1, are peYeOle out 01' the proceeos 01" speCial 8SE!eS81l1ents which have been levied F.l~a1n8t )::ro- perty oenellteo oy the improvement. i1;aterworlCs Department Bonos out~~tanding in the amount 01' $1.:::''+,000.00, at lJecemoer )1, 1~'+1, pre to be retiree out ot' earnings of the "q!!te.tworks !~ep~;rtlfjent Fund. l'he fOllowing statement Sl1o'li8the amount of bonded inoetJtedneBS pt the clORe of eaCh 01' the past s1x yeare; December 31. 1936 December 31, 1937 Deoember 31, 1938 r'eoe moer 31. 1e 39 December 31, 19~O December 31. 19~1 $1,313, '07 .60 1. l~ 1.600.00 1,1'+"),460.12 1,OO,,~bo.'+O ti30.7~2.4y' 7G3. 2bo. c6 Heconc11iatlon of the City of Sal1na. E'lsoal I\,.;ency A.ccount-Schedule 31 -orne balanoe shor,n a R unpaia Decemoer 31, 19l.f.1 ht1 B been oont'1rmed t)y the State Accountant. C~ncel1ed bonds ena oupons paid by the fiSCal Agency during 19'+1 Vi:ere caret'ul1Y ex?.m1ned a.nc cnecleci 8~:a1n8t the Oond reoord, and. founa to be proper oh;orges. The Cnnoe11ed cUpons :ca1d 1n J>'Jnuary, 19Lf.1 on issue 8-122 were not ava.11.eDle, h:=1v~ng been mis- 17. e e - , c. ,,"~ 'c ',,'c " "j'j ','c' ",' '"' " place,,:! in the City Oleri\'B oi.ilctl, bO.~t:ver, vli:.lrl11ela,tollo! ~e.y- ment"aH St::OU1';:;lC fZ'OD.l tbe l'll:~cal !l.eency. ,. . 'X':,:,,"4')!i. 'i I.NLi ::.;, :t::,'-.;:.xhib1 tIt. 'rhi s "t Wiii)tUlt litH' o,ity OiiCv at the .b6t}innint~ and close togG'tner Yl1tn ohane;,fJ,;, oocurll1tJ Gtu.'ing the year. arB (lio'ntld by the \;'at~r..,orK~ .o.:::partment ,and j:'ill1 proceech~ of a bond. s;.lc'.. ti.:1Sii:lnt. $[1<) :1~, t1lU ~i the Budit pariod, 'l be se un;/f:,ld note a be T"vDid out at OViH" axpenditur"lS o;f it~l.ll.B beyond the ;::;rov1all;)US of the, budr:';t.it,'i!ere f3trtH:rt Dep<.i1.'tfoont,:;,o.;;:J.66: inl H 11 r'und, .34 and :J~::H;:ra1 IlllplCQVement, .~73. 46. IT Al.::.JLL lV.;';T : AdjUElt tng antI' is H ahe \tn Inl:.1.h 1bi t ~~, pa.;.tiJ 7\:;, have b~en plao~~d ,")n the bJoka. MI L t ,\\ U, : The minuteH of the It:tJ ":S't lng1d of the i:~overnl.n,~ body dUl'ine; the audit rind, ordin1lnc'alJ ennctt'1d oUI'1ng the period, and. tht! 1935' rljVi~h:'d ordin"ii1UtliJ ,.;;ere xrlviewed .for watt:;l" ;Jt:l't,;in1ng to the aucii t · the fL1nutt:H, a,ppe ar to be COll'll- lets 21nd in f:,ood order. Dul' if16 the cour~H'j 01.: the f.t.tHi it. e :'.p lanut ions of 'Vartous matte.ru 'IH:tXt: obtained. ir;:>Cll of.f1cers and em;.tOY>f:8S of the City. I wish to a:tprdes my u;)prt~ci::tion .t0r the oo\') ration clnd )1;tfisist;::,ncl,:'::1f all those 'i'ith~hoai I Ct~j~\e 1n oontact. ,..;.~,,~. I -", I ,~ .,,' ~<r2',<-tt, 4 ,.Ii, d l>., J J .;..:; I cart lfy, tIH:.t t in :(\''/ Q p in ion, 13ubjeot to the .fo:r~!;:';oin*~ cOtr.- aten;.s, the a,cCCH~i,j(nlY ;'16 e.hlbits, ,~nd l'eL:it,;~d schedules,~ro~erly refleot the lint:Hlci'*l oondil.ion of the Oity of Salina, ?:tinSas, as ~,t Deo':;l7.,bEJl' 31, 1941, undtbe rOf'ulta 01' itu o"A:::,l%'?Jtionc for tht3 pre Lid t'l'{Hil J.;Juuary 1, 19ltl to t.aci;:tilb'r 31, lS41, lnclusive. I furth,,:r certU.y that, s10ubJect to the OO:i:'Sl,t.mt\S pE:rt!i.inir~; to the I'ts',ter~.{)rKa l'epartment liund, a.~l flho'",n on the rati~H im51edLiLtely tol1cHiine;., !1.Ahiblt S ot tnls r~>ort, the exhib1tn ,me sotH1i:;ules f.;l.:~r- tr).inln~ to tlHi te:nlordl3 Do i,;irtmd nt Ii'undoorrth;tly ref leot thf: finanoi~l condition of that fund 3S at December 31, 1041, ~n* the reou lt8 r)I ttH:~ 0 c9.r&t 1on!'1 of th,:.l. t De~ii:irtment for the per iod !January 1t 1';:'.101 t:) .L:eo~;i:c.b\:.r ';;,1, 19'4-1, inclua 1v,;;; . HeBp~ctlully Sub~ltted, ~ . n ~~ .~ A tJ~, LJtI~t . ;~. ~.. ,,\ . l.loensed ,;funio ipnl fub11c Ao(~ountant in Chf:l.rc;e of ~ma {"ct iV01y engh6ed on this audit. 1t) f. H II xhi oi t .~ ~.-;, ,'or' ,4'1 j. f ITQ ft,SH 11) pi ve. ... I" . . roo. IS.. LIe 1?:lJ :_~,' " E.1L.LELii 1941 to Lecember - , L'" 1>1 J 'cr.Ll ('''' ....11 y ,. J. or 1: 1, E:N1 ':!f ..lli!L Janurlry <, t;.1 71, " F'u nd. Balance December 10Lt 1 !.ld.mLL i s'bur se me nt s Cash lH sbur se- ment s r-:ece1 F'!..ltld Os sh Reo€' .Fund 8alanoe E January 1, 1941 I nter-F'und 1 rHneiers 10 77.1. b~ -' "'''' .. b1-t26. LtO 2406.06 160:).04- lO,If. bb 24b2.01 1342. bO 1 19 ';Lt&. 61 ;110,.40 314Lt,.bb ~369.33 2110.53 29~o.19 1902.01 _.---22.1 b. b 1 Tot 21;2.74 - l7216.~7 311 b?'+O 31Lt4,.bb 7'-r. 77 O",..r).~"" 2110.,3 29&6.19 19 62 . 0 1 -.-!::l. b 1 b . b~l ~ 7bboC .46 ~7:;91.oC 29037.60 9969.:7 ;10,.19 5Lt50.20 3301+.61 '"-b76.-1 30 ~) 30 7 . 21 1494.?1 2.,..66 3221.06 2?c7.3l+ 1"2..", '7'"' b'" '" '" ....... 1.1 3~9 to. b'+ 012. CL~ 1319.03 :In-l' 7J1 ~\"'IJ. "T 1,-''' "'9 .....0. c:: 39 271. 1 Lt 12;4')0.61 2bL.!O.02 LfC''':<.ll 7~.2Y 451'1. '+2 _5Z9bbO.~_ lnve stment S C.'.ned l?OOO. ~{J - - , 1 ~?CC~(). 00 --~ ; 27- -;' C,ClO . 29 261060.29 12COO.C 27""6bC.2 " ;.I' , ~} - ~' -- L---- 29 SC'9 . 10306b.74 31.+ 77lt.~, 10C01.o, ~bl?3lt 0020.39 17373.46 32700.74 137232.2, ?71.f.9.92 11~Ol.OO ')90. b, 901. 2, ?C02.10 129J1? 6& 4136.7, 2199.92 106'.9' '+1oS6.b3 i.:.11~. 1 4 -131 ~2. [4 - - Decrease 1 n ~"'i ~' ,* - - - - - ~132.7~ [: 21;2.74- - - - - - - lCCC .\:'J - - - - - - - - - - - - ,:71';2.74 [nve e.t XE; nt ~ .. ts_ 34507.19 32391.0Y- 29045.03 "... ,..."""1'; 7'''' ,;,C(? C,; 2742.9? 7 '('" t... "'I '" "" u. c. 1667.19 '11--,!t'-t. n-" ~. ~l.f.17;.27 :'199.93 17.0) b9;. )9 L~22'.24 1 74 7 C C ... "".'),. 1'+17.42 t. Lec !,"'und. GaBh Account B Gene r ~ 1 l~- u !1,d : - ~..dmlnistr0tive 8, f'lnance ;01i08 DeoBrtment Fund Street :e~Grtment Fund :;- '1-: 1. .' ,0. '" Y' l' n'- 'l" n,'c '~r' t .",.0"', t "~'.... 0 < '...... '... - l.f::j W\.."o t--'.. ;," LUv".1 "ilk Ins::-ection Deuutment ''i!'. ...,..-" .' w .J. ....e62:1. ...e ,:'i')Itrren-r; Building [epartwent City Court De~artment 2132.7lf. - - - - - - - - 1000.00 :;lCnO-:t't 01"\ w/; . __ 3~774.,? 100 c 1. 6, ,61?31+ 0020. 39 17373.Lfb ;2706.74 137232.2, ,7lt9.92 11~01.OO ,90. b, 9&1.2, ?002.10 129,1,. be, Lf136.7? C! 199.92 6?9, 1.j.15&8..o3 _ 2P .1 132 E.? b.Oq 4("1r","1 76 . "'....,0 . 19,76.36 7530. b& lOQLf2.2, 19900.60 ~bC77..34 Ib6192.b9 (j+22.1b 12020.03 2 66t.. 39 lObc;.,4 44273.21.1- 2,2972.. 29 697 7 · 37 2b2:;.03 11'+1.;::"" 46&60.25 ;:1 ..11 1171C9.69 3b16~.60 160?0. it 4&2;. :;0 b9Cl.;.1 l? ;b3. C, "11r'. -..... (t... ~ ",~v.'.JV 13bC2b. b? ') 79 b. ?o 12~'4b. 37 ':ll07 "C ... ,c "" . ..., ./ cHe .10 lO~(;.62 140o~.;n b023.&; 2,86.74 Lt 10b3'. 61 3633.41 369,.9 b 926. 20 ?O 7 . tG 31'+O.9Lt 'fOO7.7? 1?C3o.3b ;:o11..&... '-4 - -' VUe e::. b2,. t{) ?13.b6 472.90 170.44 j( ,p...(\c. to? ""v;J,I -- 1129 bO.02 95~52 3b.29 11Ji-1.2Lt 4996. :.t4 2 1 1 lund FunQ.. Fire De0~rtment Fund r f-lrk t€r:A:r tment Fund Memorial Mp11 Fund. 3e i!'8~e Di spo f;", 1 Fund Ge neral t mr:.r0veme nt Ii und. ~ater,tight,Heat, and Po~er Bond And IntereRt Bund Ba.no Fund ibr:ry Fund (,jrport Fund Ui no ~teed.!,jont rol Fund ['ruet and f\t;€ncy Fund s ,;,;::.tcr'i\orits tej:;;Ttment Fund ~~emetery F'und ublic He91~h Nursing Uondemnetion FUnd Construotion funds Sales lex ':';o11ectec uno Total ::;f~.ner 1 Total Cash Fund ;,24 ~ -- fund I nve etrnent Ace Tru Bt~nd ft.gency 155('\1"1 "0 "-I....,. . '+I C,:;metery Fund L)o7,,50 Total Tnve stment Ii'un l E:()o 7 . L)Q "To.tel r"r;oh 8- TY\vecotrr""nt . I, '.';.. "~<. _ t..\-. ',.' .;.,.1,. .....1 ....::_ ~64196.82 f,ccount e Cash In Custody of Oity Treasurer Inv';;;stm'=nts in :';ustody of City Treasurer Total .74 nee .,.:. dv , i,~ n 1 t''- 114C.CO ., .. - qr;.:"," .;; 'c' ',' ", , ' , co' , :'.' -':'" .,'i' 'c' .', . CrTY ,')F :: ~'T _...,..,~ ~'>" ,. - "I.U.j.,. '~'.:,., .,.' Ex:hi bi t ,. B't COt; P;;.T-i I '~~J J anu8ry 1, 0: ri" C .:! . ::3 IT '; Ph: BUL'GF.2T 19 41 '-t;:;'- Le c~:-~:;1b,.~ l' 31, 1941 'no 1.'.: ,:;i va. - ':ot"l ;~Hceipt s ~:ee Exhibi t It ,~, 11 f"moum; of Buduet De fiQiencv f',nt i- cip8te d Reoeipts !\f110 un t 0 f Budget Surplus lr.tx Levying :funds:__ Oe ner a 1 It'und: Administrative and Finanoe Dep8rtment 34507.19 23015.00 Foliee Dep9rtment ~239~.67 29644.27 " 1"'1.L 2~ r, c,",\ ,. li i\ .., 2 7: 2 5" ,.., r'\ :.1treet .Jep,::rlJ~!lent 'jv)' ._,) G .:J'-J lEngineerlng Dev<:'t,tient 9275.70 654:).62 . l' It. D' t 'J 71:? 95 2 . 31 9 6 1.1{ nspec lon I ep ..'. ... ,.... '6 . Le~a1 Department 3706.21 206~.47 Building Dep~rtffient 1607.19 166~.14 City Court Dep:;I'tment. t)676.8L__.:L~~.tO Tot'il Genera1,-1::"und ,:H19242.::3 ~:1J2Q16. 6 ,$10692.19 2747.60 1)1::l9 h7 "- .'>.,1 726.96 "~ 69.01 - 616.74- 223.05 ,a 6425 .97 '1- 123.19 - 33047.58 17606.12 5126.6':) b2bl.67 13614.64 26216.75 112Ji-23.43 5312.50 11300.79 1625.00 644-.49 3610,.60 1(6)0.16 tl,.-.,- (')' lf6~5.vb 6901.31 1535;.0) F'ire Decartment Fund ParK Dep8rtment ?und Memorial Hall Fund Sewage Disp0801 Fund Gener 1 Imcrovement Fund" ~ster,Light,He"t and Po wer Fund Bond ~ Interest Fund Be nd Jjund Library Fund Airport .F'und Bindweed Oontrol fund Trust snd Agency Funds: F'il'emen' sPension F'und Oemetery Fund Public He?lth Nursing F'und 3136.22 64;?04 303.57 639 .411- 1538.41 2822.21 26:')03..22 46ft.06 945.50 366.49 74.61 31036.96 139026.65 579. 6. 56 122il {" ~ 7 "tv."'1 2193.49 9l9.18 4027. OS /r'\2'3 ><.:r- ,:'\F'. .v? - - - 4065.61 4800.00 56.53 1223.65 2'506.74 2500.00 86~I4 ~350164.~ .~ 546'O.7~ $_ - Tot:-,1 T,~x Levying fundsi405014.63 ~ -- Non-T::Jx L,:,;v~ing b\;n4s: Trust qnd ~gency Funds: Firemen'p Relief Fund 5093.76 Cex.etery Ji,ndo ment Fund 1275.0C Hillcrest Memorial Endow- ment Fund Hillcrest Memorial Trust l' u nd aterworks Dec't. Fund Oonstruction Funds lotal Non-rex Levying E.und 177.70 1140.00 140004.27 41663~61 ,1~169554. 62 - --3t5.2.4':>b9.45 Iot~,l Recei;:)ts c::o. ;,;, . e l' 0 t 61 NQ..!l::1~x t~ Y i-Df Fu ~ T ~ ~l~.;':' "~~}'.~ ~:R. ,-~ ,.."".,....f._ ~_L-~ \i <;i~., v ,~~ . . '-'1<i~t :! h.' 421. 4 ..1122 ]0 $80]OB ...7S 1 ir4 ~.26 if Non-Ta ill uno s: Trust and,\gency Funds Firemen'R ?e1ief Fund Billcrest Memorial Fund ~aterworks Department Fund Condemnation Fund Oonstruction Funds Sele s 1'1'3 x Co 1le eted in Adv 'fotal T Fu nd s I, , " e Fire Department Fund l"~rk Depsrtment F'und Memorial ~;,ll Fund ~3e'Rage Dis;:"c8eJ. Fund GenerRl Improvement Fund ater, Light, Heat and Power Bond and Interest Fund Rand Fund Library F'und Ai rport Fund 8i nd ilJeed Co nt 1'0 1 1i'und Tru st 9nd Age ney i'und ~:_ ,firemen's Pension b'und Ceme tery Fund fublic Hea,lth N ur si ng .lfu nd. J Total General 1 Levy! ,'una s General Fund: Administrative &- Fin~nce Dep Police Department Street Department i', ngi neeri ng De;-- ;:1rt ment 1Ji It Inspection Depa.rtment Legal Depa.rtment Building Dep~rtment 01 ty Court Dei:,artment i'und art me nt Fund nee 2 41888.83 21 .11 2767.10 1140.00 129515. 60 - - - 75.29 4971.42 jj. - 290.09 - 37,2.82 10.35 * - - , - - ~t '''' 16144.12 18150.. o t8~11~.33 - 227r::.. ,:)~ ..../ 4136.75 21 2 . 61 :1'4 12500.00 4600.00 ?-- ,,",,,\ '- .:_1,--" 102(5. CO 66:.25 "" r'6 1()265.QO 656.7' "2,00.08 - 2640.62 42~.11 17.b1 - 2822.81 424.1 J 34774.55 18061.65 5615.34 h'20 79 ..0 . .,: 17373.46 -; 2706. 74 1 :;;7 272. 25 5749.92 11501.00 590.65 901.25 j "2;49~f'I Of'l ,,; .,""'.w 1&730.00 51-,'75 ()~ ""... . 'W 'w' 80:-0.00 17300.00 37050 .00 137296.03 5750.00 11501.00 1&25.00 10JO.00 - 12'14 '2j;;. . #/# ...,...., 1~. 75 p..,.45 ~o;~i 1179.61 73.46 1+ -:-4"7 26 " .,. E5.76 ,.. " .""i,) ~. - 11.31 702.34 42;. b9 615.35 '261.20 ., 151. 17 1999.42 3.ClS 621.96 - - 17.01 If.26.44 1052.41 246.12 1260.18 7b.69 275ij . 6& 615.45 1&.75 31.35 19.43 206.69 280.63 .82 3566.00 b5. 70 .08 5307.21 1494.51 244.66 3221.66 2587.34 13370.60 30960 . 64 672.24 1309.03 2075.74 10b.29 - 621.98 $ 426.44 10?2.32 2~6.12 12~. 18 76.69 2754.66 . 4&&1.77 t+72.19 5;2.76 1961.b& 2510.45 10615.92 ;09 f1J. b4 672.24 1"7"'9 f)"Z; "...) . '--', ~~ 145:.76 100.29 :2 '05'7 :::>2 "W 0 ._ 15.11 ~,' ~.)" 29009 . 30 1752.08 4;103066.74 ~19346.&1 31165.40 3144i.66 8369.33 2110.53 29&8.19 1962.01 676.81 ,$103296.67 ~19b16. 67 32095.::;0 27625.00 8950.00 2970.00 3700.00 2340.00 .~, ;. ~ 4b7. g6 929~ 60 3UO.66 5W. "7 0,9 .If., 711.61 377.99 1;: 3.19 229.93 ~ ,\i 1537.26 96&.63 117.37 395.09 4.37 2"2; 29 ",. ... 13.61 14. i1752.0& ,* 561.1'+ 302.74 6/1.1& 101.51 14.55 56.35 44.61 ~ '075.35 744.23 409 6. 75 483.?3 668.21 655.46 346.99 1 "'CT... :~19331. 65 6426. '+0 2408.06 1600.04 1054. 66 2462.01 1342.60 .tI- 561.14 302.74 671.18 101. ,1 1'+." 56. 35 44. 61 ,'~ 18770.,1 6123.66 fO 79 .,2q. 1 Lt9 8. 53 1040.11 2405.66 1297.99 'Total Dis- bursements { Ii. xh 1 b 1 t ~ Di sbUrSe1118 nt S l\let Di. Anticipated Amount in OV6r ot E31l de. e t ~ . tIl1i!L_E ud get Less Plu. Liabili- fbu:sements ties Ap;;licab1e Chargeable to 1940 to 1941 Budget Bud~et e !':!:; NT 0 [i' ~. XF Ii ND! TUH E, S!\ ND I NOUMBH A :~C~, '2 - J ~lnu~ry r;-f941 to Decerr.ber-31 Inclusive. .. , - con AIi!' D ;',ITP Apr'ROFRI -1;-4"1---------- ,~ TICNS Exhibit flC" UnencullJQeI'ed lund Balances - Unen- Balance of h~und cumbered 19Ltl Budget Balances Less ,'und b~und U ne nculLbEne d 12-~1-~1 Liabilitie~Ba1ances -- ST f~T CITY or SALI~A, lC/dft~ 8 I ! ,~ .4 , , ~ T '""4 i) ~ y r I -. ,j ,n!'lp"'le , ~... ti U. .,....:...-*.-. Ii- '. ".'; Ie; ,.-i" 1 > ,1 , .L.-.k I!',,': L-3w H~ , l.~' r;: ~3\, !.~ ~" ,'J .;:' , " '" t~J~,; ~1' 1411_"jl",-=-~,~'r:-- ~ .,'~ I ~::':::'~"',. ~Tr Vii, 1'r ~~'?'_~.,~~~:r~--:-'~~~:;-~~~- ~.,.. ..: .-.~.._..L~~___~~~~".J i ~' :.... ~ .. '";' . ,A. J t';. ,.... ~,...;.,~~~~'1... ~,,"":"'-"'i~""~'':'::''':__ J,"Oi.J.,:ry 1, 19<+1 to [;ecea;be~r :1, l}!+l Inclusive. " . ., J ,tount 0 f Btidget- ..'peJ_:i,cJ,JtnQ.Y_ mount 0 f Budget _s..~r-P:1.A.s, ~'j'd,,- ~-~t __...::J.... ..__.__. , .... otu -\ (;' .""'......, ?~ - 1r- ',....\- j. f,_ .V -----'~, .,\ ':'''I1. 6':'- ...............__....'X.. 'O....~_"._ I'"' t:7 ,-. "~ ;:.'71 .Ot,) -, '" - t.:'~2'. r35 :) :: 'j. 02 - (-10.59 - -~-,,-...- -_...... t 7(\' l1 _.r... --...;,-LJI...!. \2 ',_ f'''''' ....i-~... '",1"\ . ~, -",r"'" "'r"' . ,,,- '.'" ro. ~;'''' \",' . """ ',~' {~ ~.!"". >..i. ..I...... "","'" . <#'-' \~'\ ,~"'; ..;. "",' ," '"i.; ,:..? I .::. , ? ,; t.t tZ~ .27 ---4-. _:::..L__ I" 7") !'" t.. :'~f"-'C .'.JV ~,~.,,' f'"'\ ...., '):; . '" .' 9762.2':; ;)-,...,..-- ~ +''f .... .: ~) . 'ole: ;j. ;J ~7 ~h,9 . 9190 } 5"t\ :"':~, .. .,.J __ ../ 4212.6') ;.,'" r>.r-, ",,,, JI#' -...,- · '-'"...,. 1~:)"" ",,,, --=....L <~,,''d.:,_~~_ 2'.(;2 h". {, 31 - ....".~' ',.'. ...- 1 x ~'l 1. 194!" .3EY nu J noe ~.) I:::). .:0 _ 2. ~iQ (,' ',", ._.--t.5':;..~_2'>i, ~._..__...,._....,.,...------_.- _ __.;1~.;2:~Q:-~' ":^: /' ~ 1 ~"':' . f~ '"'\, 1 :-.. r-...:r-J 2- . l q .....~,:__,,;#..~~_ .._~_~,_ _J"" ~....L. . ,... 7. 1,,::.. J.;.-4! -.....- '. -- _,__sL~_ .., ,. "'Z l~ ; ''-t -' ..' . '1 _* J.. < '____........ -;"",_?",',,,"",, !l_~ ~.~~.....,-~- '10 t" 1 :: 10> ce.l'C'}i- C'! ... '<t - :..:..::..--. -~ ~ l~t~) ~./;. i:ih tQ,',OOQ..UIl); 2.9.I - ..."'~----- ..--.....--.-.-- !'" J . 1 7 )'7J", . ,r' "~ - - ..:'14.C; - lLtl.~"l.7; ,#'-., - - - 7~ r","" .... ',~ - --.-.-.- '....-~~. ~ - - ---">'.~.",...-.- - ----- ,~l-,J ~)~'~. JO 11,'1:>.3/) 1-'7'" fA .. ",I .-'. >." - ," -7 )0\.:'5.t; l'ql+.q 6 ~ ~ 1 u. (,),') ; 4'1 "27 :; ..,;.1 ).5.67 7,' "",,", ,.:::::: 1."\ 7 t" ~, -; \.,.. ~.;I 7.... "",..... 1 _ _ :..., . -.,,' '2:':\. il '::"-'''1. ~ lq46. qQ ,! 17')i~-7 -- -rP:"""l' '7 -r'''"C7'O'''C,_c'-6Q --~-- . 'f""-" , "4 .:.-, ~- h, _' .' y-~ " .. i_ -~'.~.1 ,J"" . "'. -.'.. ~ . 75L.._ " ~ 7"9 7;,. ~-'-. .,/ ',,- lnc...') 3 31.2:; - 1'14- 17 I..... . ~- Lt..::.!.'. ,"'.., -., '.). '..' ..' 13.. ~"7 ~eceiQ!-JU. '_., .. Licenses. res nn eril,b~t cni:}dule frf.'lnohi ae s: SUB Tr~nc;ortQti1n Fr nchise B Fr",nchi He Slectrlc Fr~nohi2e Telephone Lioense ~'en~r, - [',rn t:-;ntal 2 nd i~rfelturbs - ; 01106 Court Jilts ?nd Gr~ntp - Ci6aret~e ~ta~p : ;',;-:rv1ce s:: :lnoc Ie s afunds ~nd Ee~overie2: ir;oell"neous t.lcct i,)fl x;:,e !1StJ lscellaneous: lumbers Juuranted De~osits )ther ~;(~oe ipt e 111' .bL ..,--~".,.._,...... - "',.-- j ~_;.'J-:: .?:~ .0'"' ., ..,~. '" '"I l! 'c. '. -' v.......... .C"; 11";1~ .. '."1: 'ye' . ')J ..00 1,C'. ~ 5:(~ · ~):j 1 ".'('-1'''0' "'~ ,,'J~ -v... L i-b) 1 b) ac =~Ui:: S ('oh. I-b) . t1 c ( 1 b) t: rv ice r; teement E': ~. 1 <.. r 1 <': c' -:::-nc' ., '" f" c.' ( r-hf" Q~' U 1 c, o . '"- 't.,l .' ." ". ~':';' _' ~.' _._..-./' -." ., Frcfes:~i')ncll S'nd Gontr,,)cted Office 'Ur:r.li<es ~,nd "'Xj;ense rinting ilectlon ~xpenBe ( :chedule M'~.lntenanoe of;;quipmt:nt Tnour8ll0e 8nd ~ond remluros Ir .vslin;:;; r'1.;~enMe furniture pnd ~quipment ropriations, DonatiJn ".aiunOp ,ond -Acoverier~ isce11 "lneoue Tots1 ~ ~h rlpburB~mentQ s " ... -l~.t) 74- ___.~:<:~=L2;~__ __, ..i:.l tL.<f..., _~L. , .....1. c. -;: ''4. " 61 .f':tl1.t!",f,zZ,_ ;il.lJ.. . --' ,.....-......_!...---..-.- - .,~- Inter-Fund r" n;;~fer9: To J""ner'ol rund - ;i ty :ourt Ce p'~ rt :y,ent to :-:0 v-~ r .... P," '.' t 1 Dcl ficit t...' do . ~ lot .1 Dlsbur seu;ent t' .d_~_ . .--......----- ::.:1.lD.Qf!_~ } >J QQ.mQ~1' 311- ),941 -- c:.2. - -_._.~---- ._.._........'_,._.,,"'-w"'. ~~ .'.- ': __ _ _ __ _-15.::' 3.1 !.!::2 ...0,."""_"",,_ _._. '" _ .._..- .....~-_.. - -1 1-.. ~ 10 Z <.. .~_ .......J:"""_ _....__ -= ~... ~----, ,e 18580.-2.0 ~ . ( [ ~. e e T Auotion and Auotioner's Lioenses Auto Wrecking tic.Dses Beverage Dealers Lioenses Billboard Licenses BUilding Permits and Inspection Fees:- Building Permits Gas Inspeotions Plumbing lnspections Electrical Inspections Sign Permi t s Taxicab Inspections Ooncrete Oonstruction Lioenses Danoe Permits Dog Licenses Dog ImpOulldingFeee Eleotric Wiring Licensee Fireworks Lioenses Gas litters Lioensee House MOVing Permits Huckster, Peddler and Vendor Lioen8e8 Insurance Oompany and Agent Licenses Junk Dealer, Buyer and OOlleotor Licenses karble, Musio, and Oigerette Machine Licenses Photographers L1cens8s Plumber and Gasl1tters Licenses Pool Hall and BOWling Alley Licenses Plumbers Oertificate Fees Pop Oorn Stand Licenses Shooting Gallery Licenses Show and theater Licenses Skating Kink L10enses Street Advertising Licenses Taxicab Lioensee Taxicab Drivere Licenses Truck and Team Licen8es Meat Packing Permits Amount of Actual Under _ The Budlite1i , 2~.00 - 25,.00 - - 10.00 - - 5.00 50.00 ... .... - 10.00 40.00 95.00 2,.00 1,.00 - ... - 1,.00 ,0.00 20.00 .... - 50.00 ... - - - ... tal ~ Reoeipt) frQm_Licenses nd Permits :iF ~05 .00 510.10 50~.00 237.07 23.50 ~ - .1./5.00 15.00 30.00 &+-8.00 30.00 ,10.0U 20,.00 27,.00 J,.OO 300.00 711.,0 9~.).00 1,.00 - .1.80.00 50.00 7,.00 850.00 109.00 297.50 1 Aotual Budjltet $ 25.00 . 50.00 150.00 150.00 20~5.00 2300.00 lUO.OO lOO.OO 179'+. tq 70.00 219.00 785.00 - 30.00 ,0.00 200.00 ,0.00 2,.00 900.00 100..00 250.00 ~ 1200.00 80.00 125.00 bOO. 00 5.00 225.90 .. 20.00 25.00 '+0.00 550.00 300.00 300.00 30.00 275.00 bOO .00 , Amount of Aotual Over The Bud~et - 50.00 - 9.00 '+7.50 10. - 25.00 117.,0 9,.00 - - - - - 59~. 07 - 9'+.00 i~.oo .. - 15.00 10.00 23.00 - - - - - - aITY or SALIBA. IANSiS 'e I.Q.hl ~.~ ;t:'~- e n B ';-::~ 3 -212.:' r 0 Q r t ~,t t._ CL:-:..t ,~Q.2D,;J.J.,211f _.:.L.n d r?U ;';,::,: ',: ne loyn;ent ~ f r lee ~~~.ric~nl~sLlon ~2~teI' 0nt t :.; ti on~, 1,'W,I'd :u u, ne GO 1ety -""\ ~ "<"-I J. - r,) .:...._~ r :.1 n " . .C' ^."'~ ,,~ ," ~j i. ,"', :1 F-1. i..t1ue s ...._--.---<<- ..... -- " i fA t. ) 131;+.~ _c : lit. C ':?~,____ ..-..-......-.....-.....-....-.--.. -.......--- -.-.-------..--- . .., '" '"' :'.~I""\; - - ,j. '/v ,'-',,,,- ',->'. ';j L;:;.33 1.:;0 . ': ~ 1'1.67 - -:. ........... 7/'" ,~. ....., .....j - - ... . .,.c _ .) ~; . " 2~~C". '::; ,2 'I') . " . - - ~lJ 1,-: ., l'i"' ", - 1 c'~'''' ---....._~_.....,._. '--.---- --- -......--- --.-....- _.....-' · "" ..'lo;.,..__~...,...___--._ ., '-....L;, ~,'1 l~:~f ~ ~':L_._.. 1 :: . iJ Z - ~ L. ,_' ..". J .,; ---~,_.- -,- ---.-___n____ ...~"'". ,'b ._--~---_..._.- ~.~._--- ......--...... '--.---- -.,.- -,' .._"-....--- --...-...........-."' ..'--.-------- ... !Qi~l ::: :::1&.Q.!1'') n ,. x . ".~ l :6 p .:; iT in.:. i ";.~ "t nr] 1.ec ti ;~It_ ~~~ no no ight l:;:)t.).i~l _ ~::.' ..~ u . _ --~.12_,_ _.___":'___ - - l';'.);"~. 41 ?!i o. L~:-, -----" __,__~?.... ~.15 '-"_ -' '-1 ~ lie ~~ -_.~. ""'-'-" -___. 17 '<.. If',--____ e ,...iQh 1 .t'De-~^n-l ~~n ~.o. I"t., ..... ~'" ~;:'J. 'J 1.-4. :*'~"';~:....--:""":" ." \J d 1 t i ng n d c co un ~enor91 all oio :' r rf)f( t Bl,nn 1 ~~ ._'~:2L,1 t;[, v ; .. ". v f7:! L "\ _, , _) _. '''\_, ,.f [.;..." . ")~, '. . 3~~.JO 3C~."~ 17.00 ,~,<),(;2__, "3~\. 20: '':::7.')- - - 1:) t ~. "1, - '.. '< 'L "'if i,..' .~ r"..' C .' ' . f'; -........" ,.~, -------.......-.......:-.~~ X'C -JC 1:.t,:(i "'UI'v:t .J~,;.s: - 11 ..___ __._ .,1n, rViC c, . - .....----.-.. ----- --...- t'" _*___ t2.:~;::~_,__~_ /...t~ U...p E.es,t ~~~, r () ,~:)O lj Dr, :n G :~ I\D ret'?, t Ker Ke r b rw .;:,110:::; tron 1'"' (.., ,)C; _.......'....,-~.1 ~: . &,,'~f"\.'''1 ''l..rl -.,J"- ~:.~,_,~_, _ .'~ "J..J'f . .~, ~....... ,~~).:*o _ :,:)() '+-00. 1, ..-- ,. ----",.<,( , . . 2:;~'~+C) .::) 1."0',;. -'''., , .;.~, ...... ~ 4."'- ,;.. - - - _.~.." _.- ... ..- ........--- 6:" "\r ''''1'''''1''''l'! "n";! "'"'r,,,,' i.'~ '~~'~ '- ..:.i"._.~~~___~ ~~\~'l-,~:::',_ ~lty CommIssioners ; i t Y \' n<::,ger Jity 21erk ~n~ CirHctor of ~in~ L~3puty'.~ity 'ler~( ~;rld ir;~";:J~I' Y i t Y ~].,l ':,. .~ su r \:: r ;fty :30Dk Kee~ er ~; i ty n ::: r '", ~:';"f:C :rfi; t xy builJini_ r;;::,'sctor( Inclllci"'~H u. ,(; ;,ut0 ) nee ""'" i' j.,j.. )1 ,) l' " nee ,:1 1 ;75.-;C 21-0;) . i :J.."'- ....., A--",_./,.,-, . I' ""', " J".... · it J:J .~",:.I"', 144Cl' .... . ....- 06L1' . (; '27' .., ,,;' ';I. "; 2.1 :~"'.: .:' 129'; . .,:, .,........", ~ '...... ":;.;". , !i '. r"\ ,~"" "+:;../. ,~ 144J).~) u64.2 " " " " ;"1 -~ ., '" - - - - - - - - - - e ,cI-U8-1 ;?'Ut1;L,et ~ . "'" r.- ........."._.. 'mount 0 f' Budget ,__~n: Amount of Budget ~':[tcJ..enc~ _ e Tr1tql Di sbl~~l1.~L B? Lmc 8 -=......[8 eB ;!'1be r 31,__1941 -Al!J b5. LtO;~320<t2.!S2) .~ (..,112 (., Ill.... ,t~, --___1--,::..! _..::... :-!':".,_ jJ - --.------------ e - e ] B 13 nc e J~nu~r 1 1941 ReceiC'tf1: h.d Vplorem Texes Gifts ~nd Grsnts 811eR T~~ ~e8idue Refuncp gnd Recoveries: Pinball Il{'lchi ne 80ney Conii st iCR tad Auto rind Feto rcycla Damage Telephone end Telegraph Expense :r 0 tal Re c; e i c t 8 ~!'otal C'?sh to ,A~ccourlt F' () !~ Disbursements: St; ler ie 8 and W~ge s Ch i ;;: f c f F () 11 C 8 P()11Ct~ Cert8in Desk Se!.'2e:~nt s PatralTe~ ~nd Srecial Trsfftce Officers Dog CatcheT Totel S2l~rie8 and ~ Profes2ionEl ~~d G0ntr<ated C:1re of rl'i':~C?'ler;.: Radio Frc~uency ~e2surementB Office S'J~:: 1. 1e ~ :'Ina l!;y,;(:,nsc: Maintenance of Squi~ment ~ater121s end ~ucDljes Insur~ncp ?nd ~ond Premiu~s G8so1ine, 011, Gre~188 3nd Traveling SXD8nRs F'urn4tu-~ --0" ~.u~~wan4 ..L. !. L C":~ ~l! ..~ '1 .J.,) ~i.r'-' I iscel12i:eDus 4nt i free ze 575.')0 25.0~ 500.')0 60.0.02 LtOC.00 5.'JS 1100. )1') .... 50.;[' 721.52 600.,)~ 19.90 300.JO b36.25 b 3A. 77 740.95 164. 68 10.';C 1028.13 - - - 59.05 235.12 - 71.b7 5 n '"'(1 \....1. \.. "/ 76.48 2 60. 10 ", 92r b~ 'il- 'j. . '., 261+26. q.() Serv~!:ce;; : 6C1t.25 -l~.* or; __ ;'011ce ~240'J. CO 1620.00 441tr, r-,..... ",,' . --' \..-. 19612.00 25'" ""0 U-,. ,)-... 555.0C 272"'7 .r>.r>. '"j i' . ~ v "'2Jlr'\~ ~~ .... :JP 'T, ,'" . ',.~ ;"c ',.l' 1620.00 _ 4440.0" _ 15600.00 _ 2~ .~ 0..... 3r>,~ ,...,... ~6'j . "-' '...... '...1'-,'. __'_.,"" b0Q.OC __ _ 45.00_ 27540 ~~ ~77 ~0 ~.,~ ~/J.~~ - 12.01' - - -.'--...... - 29 . 25 C "'r ';I. v 134.77 - - 5 ,"',... . '.J ~.l - - - - ,", --~.---=.._..-_"--_. - - - ~,. 66.00 _ 46.49 _ 13.00_ _-= i72391.b 7 :t2g ~44lf.?7 ---.;.. " 3,-nl 'n ,;72 Oh_' '"'" c; I 2'2 . o~ u_Q.L.4!.:')~ ---:1 29566.22 2700.16 26g41~.11 2700.16 1 . _2747.60.._ 66. 46. 1 2622.11 ("\('. 49 co .:!t .; ---- - - -.:~ E:NT OF m~OEIPT::;r.. DISBl.l.ES~;M~~JTS AND B,\L'NCl1;~ :JF G.l!;NERA.L fI~UND - POL IOE DEp ftRTiL~NT J8nuary 1,1941 to Decerr.ber 31, 19~1 Inclusive. ~ct~ 1 .O~ Bud~et -, 24:;0.13 C\~H Amount of Budget Surplus. r 2740 20 .J. eo _:_.__ :Jt ~mount of Budget .Deti . . SrATE: CITY OF S~LINA, K ~, NS4R Schedule 2 e e e Balance J' Li-l Fe ce i 0 t 8 : Ad Vp10rem T,~x.ps Pente ~nd En inment nent~l c,ervtcf' P Il'nd t:',:>1e s: nen~irtng ~treetp ~nd q leys l"I+lIjIa.,. 881e s, G a so 1 i ne , l!.tc. Gifts and Grants:- state highway Maintenance Distribution 1a1es Tax Residue He fund 8 2nd Recove rie s: Gasoline, 011, Gre" se and Kerosene M~terials ?nd Supplies ~;i sce1laneoue IJ ot a1 RecE iot s Total Ca.sh to i\ecount ,'or Disbur sement 9: Salaries and Wages: Stre at Superintendent (Includes use of personr:>l (\uto) Meohanic Lebor - Mainten~nce of paved street s Labor - Maintenance of unpaved Streets L3bor - Maintenenoe of Bridges and Sewers L~bor ~ ~epeiring Streets ?nd Alleys k:;bor - Other i'ot a1 Salaries and 7i'ages Office Supplie s and Expense pter, Light, Heat and power intenanee of Street E~Yieeper Yainten2nee of Buildings 3nd other Equipment Materials and Supplies 'Sent Tnsur,"1nee and Bond Premiums u<:)so Ii ne, 011 :->nd Grease, 'c: nd ~,nt i fre ",ze Tools And Equipment Misce1l8.neous Total Cash Disbursements 8-;1'=. nee December ~1, 1941 8T ATEM[NT OF HE:CEIPT :::; D1 SBURSEMENT 2 '\ND B~LANCES OF 0 !\:!H --af(NERAL F'Ulm - STREET DEt' AHTMENT--------- J2nu~ry 1, 19~1 to December 31, 19~1 CITY Ob' '1- - 15900.00 108.00 250.00 600.00 1200.00 1500..00 150.00 25.00 3600.00 4-000.00 _ .1QQ.00 _ .g76.215.00 ~l 'w Amcunt of BUQget" 1l.ctual Bud~et 0' Surp1u13 $ 17.0 :it - jj; - - 21359.4g 1990'). gq 1458.59 827.07 - 827.07 815.31 l"1N). ('') - 2061.04 2)00.00 61.04 1666.52 1hOO.cO 66.52 2324.11 2324.11 - . 1,10 600.00 - - - -- -';--- - _ {~290 Q $1429.6";( 0 jL 1412 . s ALr~~, ,~ 240~.06 $ 4-536.68 3735.11 6.50 2400.00 1500.00 7438.95 3366.80 903.38 24-91..78 "389 . 40 18590.31 77.79 264.71 1244.08 1816.22 998.26 151:.00 .66 ,2400.00 1500.00 5000.00 4000.00 500.00 2500.00 K ,., ,1 17f~J~S - - 613.20 - 6.22 - - 22.21 - - - 501.74 - 25 r-r'\ .'v\,j - 264. $9 - .~O ,If "6. 'ii , r 2438.95 - L+83.38 - ~ 89 .40 2090.31 - 44.71 4 4.08 616.22 - 6.08 - 936.68 - - _~J; ";(620 .66 ~mount of Budget Deficlen,q q; 17.03 - - 181L. (=;q - - - 798.90 - if :~ Schedu 1e ~ ... CIry OF S~Lr\'\. K:NS" e SChedule 4. ST !\TEMENT OF RF:QE;IP, Sf Dr :~BUF.8;~MT!~N1L2.:m 3'\L ~!iClf:3 OLQ~2L GE: NEH t. L FUNr - E :'GI ">i: :;:HI\"G tEp !d..nMF~NT January 1, 19~1 to Deoember 31, 19~1 Inclusive. Ba12nee - Jan~8rI-iL-19~1 Ac t ual i\mOunt Amount of of Budget Budget Bud~ S~r~lu~_Deficienc~ . ib<i2.59 ~'+03.:I:~ .1;'290.l+l 752.97 752.97 _27.&:L. _-=-_ __?I.8L -=-__ ~27~~1~ $6~~b.cl2 ~72cl.9b $- _~~b9.37 $6950.00 ~10~~ilI- w Disbursemen~sl ~ ':' 1 Br i e sand Ii. ag e s : City Engineer ( Includes u'ce of personal ~uto) ~2700.00 Other Employees (InCludes Vileage Allowances) Professional Services (Blueprinting, A.pprAising, ;bstracting) 0ffice SUDDlies end Exoense Legal Printing . Material pnd ~UD lies Insur2nce And Bond fremiums iscellaneous: Furniture and Fixtures Oh ter Reclli!!U. A.d Valorem -: axe 8 gervices ~nd Qales ~nginecring qervices Other ~""le8 Giftp ~nd Gr~nt8 - S~le~ T!lx l-'e8idue rte fund s e Total Heceicts Iotal Cash to Account For Total Disb~rsem~ 7172.2' 12(;"I.Q IS 31. 7C 32.21.55 4L+ b . 02 253.77 3? 3.16 135.72 l2.')() 957.09 269_~ 12773.'65 ;cQS.Ll-3 10':) "'" ()C' 2().Oc; 2g,:, . q ~ 11. 7') .'''2 700 /"11"1 -,r. 'e'-."lV .\j; ,!.t 3221.55 L+O:.QJ 250.QO 700.00 2')0.00 '+b.02 3.77 34b.82 04.28 12.50 1100.00 10J.20 142.91 ;;;~ 8 3 b9 ~1- $ 69 50 · 00 .-13~J. b7__ -L=.2.- Balagce _ - DeQ.~mber-.11L-19L+ 1 :~lhOJ. OL+ e $ .1Jll bO 0 . OLl- ~ " ., ~7 · OITY OF S~LIN~, K\NS~S Schedule ~ e 8T ATEMENT OF REOEIPTS, DI8BUHSEMENT8 AND BI\LANOES,'Cf' OASH IENERAL FUND - MILK INSPEOTION DEP4RTMENT JanuAry 1, 19~1 to December 31, 1941 Inclusivo. Amount of Budget Actual Budget Surplus Amount of Budget Deficiency e Balance - JanualY 1, 1941 $ Ll22.24$ 133.04$ 284.20 $_ Receipt s :- Ad Valorem Taxes Fee s, IJicense s and Wi lk Permits Gifts, Gran". Sales Tax Residue 2039,07 2032.58 6.49 504.50 bOO.OO 95.50 Total Receipts 199.38 199. '38 ~ 2742.95~ 28'31.96 ~ - ~ w 31fti.ill ~2970.00 $ 19~ $ 89 .01 Total Cash To Account For Di sbur sement s :- Salary Vilk Inspector 1920.00 (Includes use of Personal A.ut 0 ) Office Supplies & Expense 18.10 Material & Sup:01ie s 172.43 Miscellaneous 2520.00 600.00 300.00 100.00 50.00 2tSl.90 72.Ll3 Balance - Deoember 31, 19~1~10~Ll.6b -' - 50.0Q 859.47 jlO~4. bb :$ - Total..Disbur Bement s 2110.53 2970.00 e ......... ""'''CI.-" e e - C t T Y 0 F' i~ 1.. I N~, , K ~, N'~ ~, '~j r',"'''' '"':chedule b C:'T~"!' t)r[ ~!1' !"\ F' 'l1 F' 0':': I 'f'1 T ~ t n T ~BtF ?'('C~{F: NT S r.. un f.H. L ^ ';I! a t;;...., '" F G~, ""'H aENEP.~.Ij FUNl:? - ~EGAt, Dr':i~~\1'MEN1' ,~otual Budget 1041 "'mount of Budget 'lurn Ius J~nu~ry 1, 1041 to December 31, TnclllRlve. '? ~ 1 /::. nc e - J ~ nu ~'r y 1, _ _ lQl.\.,\_ ~fIICpt1")te.:- A~ 'T~l"""e",, "'!ll1'Pct ~.. f"tl!" /"t"'~nt., ;~)a. J.e a' T 8 X ;{e a1 aue Mi Bee 11 nneoue - Folice Court Costs Total E.eoeipts Tot a1 O.~ ah Disbursements: S."'llarie e: City ~ttorney Folioe Judge t'rofessiona1 Services: ~:peoL91 Legal It Ofi'i ce Sup lie B 8- Expense Vi Bcellaneous Tot~l Di8bursem~~~~ ~174"3.oq -\'810.'53$ 9~~.q.6 $ ~~t:;(.o"" """"g.t:~ ??~. ?ll 260.61 260.81 1106.50 bOO.CO 266.~O It '3706.21 $2069.41 .H31b.74 ~ -,:; 54'50.20 ~~700.00~1750.20 ",. 'ii' -If - *11<:I"\{"\ ("11'\'$ . Vv......,. vi .~ 600.00 2400.00$ bOO .00 600~OO' 365.,0 ~oo.oo 114.50 100.08 73.81 100.')0 26.19 17 b. 5Q . 2966.19_$310C.~J 3711.61 f 8~lance . - Deoember31, 1~~:~ 24-b2.01. ~ Amount of Budget De fiotency ~' -16.50 t 24b2.01 f - --, .~. ~'_.',-- 4.';) :~T'TY 0 (i' e " L! ;': "', v ''''1'~'"1' '1- 7 .__.~.~:,~-~~~--- ~j'~r,'k\I'T' ('\,,' q''"''I "-::' r"I "~!J'r;; ,L.'J';'_' ,\,1:, i,l,r..c,~;:;i", 0" :~. 'H ...:,...:....::.:..:~~~~,_::;... ,_.il_.JJ.;n--::-~~"-.I""",, 'f-.l-. _'.. lj~' ,,; _ . (;'i:t. "',1. r~urm - 13UTLDrh; D1::.: ','jIMENT Jnnu",ry 1, 11941 to Decd:mber-;-r;--'f941 B;;Ll a..Q.~...J '3 nu a r .'L_,lL_1 '1.~1_ rieceiots: '('l Valorem TOXe8 :..a f t cc, ::v:}r "l n t :,:j : 2.:'1. 'e:3 i due - :~".1es Tot;;l ~~eceicts ---- I. 0 l.. o1L';" s h~9_-l e c Q, U n L~~Q. r e D1 sbur cement s: ---S'lr,'ry':-city HI311 Gu stadt!?, n t~ x t r [: L l' bo r 'ci 'It(n~nCe 0f Building :' E~r1~ls :md ':'u~r:lie8 T nSU:::'Dnce if i 8 ce 11 {2. ne 0 u s 10 tdJ; i ~b~!. ~e m~!!.t.L :" 1': nee Ittl:!mbet < 1, 1941 e "~l. i\mount ;~It,ount of of Bud~et BudGet i~U2J~_ JU.!Q;~l?_Dencie_r.!9L- l.l~11..!.:+_L -:,~212.!..~~ L~:+:h'2~ 1690.32 14h7.27 223.:';5 _, ,_15,(2.!' 6 I 'C~{~ "-7 .L. ~",!. . '-" -,-.,-...;...,.---...-...- --.....".....--."...- --~-_. ;Hoc.7.1:2 'i;-lbb4.1lt _._l~,. _ :',227 tV. ,l _'. ,!.2-. ;;~ ie, L~ ~) 1 :,j)",4r\ ."\f"\:. 9[",1J ;'1 -.... \~!..~~ ~y . . '-'-- , - -...--..- 11~J.8~ el140.00 i..J: . 7'J CJ9.1o 5Lfl.6 ' ~; 3.27 , n,'"'. -~._._-;~.~ --.-- --- b6.7'') 5CJ.00 500.80 ',Jr,/'\ """^ '- \.i' vi . ~.,; 'oJ' (+():].62 if 1. 6'C~ IG b. 73 1.GO 1(,:',2:..J1 :271+0.::)0 ___.__4-----.._.......__ ~,,~...._.'""___ , ~"'I-QQ -1..._....:L ~ 't~1 ~t 1}ii2. 60 "- _-no '''1 7,1+ 2 ('(' -~-:.~~ iL-. "'- ---_.....,'..,- --- ---.,.--.- 30 OITY ;')B '.' T T ": ",J ~ K ~\1 e :;chedu1e ($ (,'l.,~E.rv'" L~NT ,C:E", F: ;:' Ct,~ I ~'.'T ,";1. :~- I ':":':3UF'( ,_ ",.1A'~,_;":!T NDB '; L ~i~",;Cji' -"-"-'-' r,~-:-~1"'f'-T ':''In.\'.,~,, -, .~r-Y'"-!"''''I''',!:l' -~';,L'"!" :.: . ~,';: 1>.11--- ;1. "L' ,.' ~,' , I' ~...' ; ~ 1J - -..J'. ",I-l/. , .... "", ' ~if!; ,.", \". ' J.,.rn];ry i~- IG"iH'to"I)p,cem:;e-r;l, -1941 Inclusive. ;\eceicts: -"Court' -(Jo pt2 r:;o~d '.tee; by Clerk of the City Gourt 3542.12 Refunds ~ ~ecoveries re1e'hone :ot~l cei;ts from Court ~'r)m Gener~l (lund, d;tin1str.-r~tv~"! no Fin::.nce ee',;rtment to cover LenGit~24'7:~_:UQ::'~_. ___ ._I otJ1Q.5:-~_._~i.~oe i2.'=.t 2.~7 !.~1__ -5.6(J8.0o. ___ ~';'; c t ~~f 1 .221r:n~~__=-~ ~nY2. !::i...l,__l2...'i: 1._ _.a~_=-____. ._ Itt95 35l.jl.j.C1 e Lot~l_';:- ~h_t()__;cc(,'JUn~_ Fo:[, -:>-\I'l/l'.bl .,. !"'O"""',:\I' _...{._L.....:.._ ._._J..;._-.._~ -L12~ ..19 D i sJ.2~. r E ~.!!l e !21f. ; '.. 1 1"i H 8 nd :: ge s : Judge 2~OJ.~0 ~'rBh811 15a~.Q2 ~lerk 12JJ.:J ;fo t 1 1;01' i t. s nd ':i"~ s -'-51C5:'c~'- . if ice 'us .1 ie s nd "..t.. e nfH: 236.21 ~n2ur2nce ~ Bond remiums 30.~C ir2veling -xsense: \'sh<" , I 'C' . i le'''2.e q 10\1\ nde24-6. h') iecellineou 8 " ," "'1 -~-~,~..:...~-... _ _.2.t" 1 .I:J:. ~ u ':" :2.l!l~llt .:-; __,..1(~Zi~.!.Jit s:.1_.[19(~__=_re g:~"!lber _.:Jl...lq'il_ o F _. /~ :_-3H Bu~~];'. {.',mOu nt :)1' nudget :3u!:o l~ 'Jl1ount of Uu 06 e t _De.(i c 12.1} Q..'i. ~~; - :i..-____. .,._ _iL_,~ l:-;):).'JO 2:H2.12 ---=.__.,l.._:t2__ 1\.,,",," "'''' 2C "'1it.! ''''7 ,) . .'.', j ''01 T"t. v _21h?2b . 123.~1~!.. 24Q~;. ~: 1~~0'J.~.)'~ 12SS.. -J.: -=-? -l'~;"--'~ '-.J..;. ...- ;'jS. "'C t" .""",", b") . ,)',-, Ill. 79 ') -). lIJ5."'Q _~~; 1~:~~ Ci:_ ,'7 t-,n u ",'. ~...' I!,~ ....".~ ---:.~- - -- 5A"'~' "'\" '-I., . _. . --~ -......--- ;-.--.- ,12<.19 _ .____..--c;,..........._.._..._ ---..-.--.. -_.- .-._ _,_____~_ _._ _._ ___.."_0"_.____.. , --"-""-'--'-"-_. --.--.-- e ;.l G1]'Y OF' (:~' 1.1 "r F\, K W~ "" (~ e Schedule 9 S'I'l\T:~Ul!:::rr Of fi,1.,Ct!:I T'~J DISBUh:3:';~,l:!.Nf~) &.ND B:\LANCl'~S 011' C,o,,::;H !i'Illli DEP ARTMEN! FUND January 1, 1941 to December 31, 1941 Inclusive. Balance - Januery I, 1941 Re c e 1 p t 8 : Ad Valorem Taxes Serv ice S Clnd Bales Gifts and Grants - Seles Tax Residue Upkeepof Iron Lung Refund and Recoveries: He?lth & Accident Insurance Benefits Helief Insur~'nce e Total Receipts Total qash to Account For 453.56 9b2.43 e Act ua1 Bud~~ I\.mount of Buiget Surplus Amount of Sui ge t Ueficiency: :~3695.9b *1662.42 ~2013.54 "~ 32407.17 157.97 3489.45 25.00 --1.Q::. 2..L 29458.13 2949.04 157.97 3469.45 25.00 100.00 6 21 ~.!.....- :il>3bll:$~. 8Q .~33041. 58 ,;j>3U3. 22 '~ ~40861.I2. U~3Q.&L l5.l:il. 76 ;4t 619.43 1126.29 101.65 365.56 71.20 " '~ 19:).50 190.50 Di sbursement B: 8c11aries pend ;;agee: Fire Chief $2400.0~ $ 2400.00 f Assistant Chiefs 3120.00 3120.00 Fire Inscector 15GO.OO 1560.00 Firemen 2329~.5~ 23~9Q.00 Total Salaries 2nd ~ages 30379.50 3051~;OO Ofiice ~~upolies and .&::xoense 252.13 125.00 Maintenance of Building a nd E~qui p me nt Materi ale and SupjJlie s Insurance snd Bond Premiums Gasoline, Oil, Gresse :,"nd f\nt 1 free ze 1'r avel in' Ex;:;e nse Burni ture, Tool B end Equipment Hose, Nozzles "nd Coupli ngs Furniture }{, Fixtures 35.74 Wii scellaneous 103.89 Gas YaskEqulpment 57.67 1633.54 1800.00 166.46 Miscellaneous 5.00 400.00 ~95.00 Total Disbursements ;;'1;34774.55 $3491Q.OO $155.45 Balance - December 31, 1941 ulQ.I!..~!' } $5307.21 50(~ rv) , 'wi. '-'..., 1000.00 6:>.00 127.13 319.48 126.29 16.85 10.56 375.00 75.00 3.60 \~ - ff '.-p - 1~ e e e GITY OF' l I ;~'-' .1." K" N '~ " .. S2.hedu Ie 10 ST^T"Y&;N"rc (,F' ~ tiF:F'TC) DI(mUR;:;~,v">;;T::3 ^:m 1:'!'T ~,';CE>' OF' __.___. ___c'_'_'_c.'_'" _~._._______ ______,._.__c.___ F ~ R K D ~:1? ,~RT"c'li: 'lIT 1f1] ND J~nu~TY 1, 19~1 to recernber ;1, lq41 Inclusive. \otual 13 u Q.g~1. ~ ~ "~,p "mount of P;,ldget Surp l us Bal~nce - J~nu~ry 1, 1q4l .':'g:?~.2~ ..:.9..21.66 ::! Lt -; 2 . <1(' _ ,'eoe(ot s: ',d VAloT'?'m T~ xe F ?ent Servioes a.nd "'~,les Gifts 2nd Gr~nts - Tl'tx Hes1due 3wimming Pool Gross . i S oe 112 ne ou R 14643.~1 13529.92 120.00 16.50 S!';les 1503.20 Race 1:;,t2437 .05 S.08 1503.20 2b5:; .00 - - -..----- -.- Tot:)l .~eoel'Ots 1~650.1r~~17808.12 tot~l Cl;sh to I"o(;()unt F'Q!. ~1957"). '30'~1~730.0Q,_ pl!b6r~ements : S :319 r 1 e s !:; nd .\ ag e s : Gur,erintendent (Includes use of ~erRnn8l ~uto) $1980.00 Other Lqbor 10373.95 Office l::\upplies ~. E:xpense lt6.25 "'::! t e 1" , ., i g h t , P e '" t 1. ? 0 we r 1 7'J . 15 "nlnten~nce of ~~uildingg '~nd r~;")U i pment ~2terl~ls ~nd Supplies Rent Thorn'.; B P.-,.rk Ga~oline, Oil, Grease, ':'lnd .1nt i free ze Tools ~nd ~qulpment New Improvements{ Sidew~lk) I nAur~nce 9Wlmmi ng Pool Gro 88 Di80ur sement s Viscell:3neou8 3r"'9.70 r-7 5.21-, 10'J.00 20J.30 1(b7.30 26.33 23'~l. 92 95. 69 if1960.00 10500.00 50.00 500.00 250."'0 51''1'"1 ,,",1"'1 ...... .'J..,J# 50.00 200.00 5:J0.00 ,f)J .00 350'J .00 200.9.2.- 1113.49 11.50 f..mount of Budget De fioienqy 120.00 - - -".,..."'-------~ .-.- Ifj2.95 "84~Q'i._ _-=-- 'i SIF). ~h _ _...0&...._.__ 12(-,.05 1.75 ;29. 85 508.00 ll2S.0g 10}.. 31 ;!ii - 119. 70 176.26 50.0J .30 1167.30 26.~7 '" " TotaLDi!burs~~nts ;to lS081.85..i!673::\.QO _1()48.15 B~l?noe - Deoember 31\ lqlH~;l4q4.5.1 -1.--::.. __ .~1494.51 L.=-- ~) CITY or SALINA, KANSAS e Sohedul' 10-a STATEMENT 011' RECEIPTS. DISBUR8EM.EIT~ AND BALANCES or CASH P ARK ~ ARTHlfT rulD - SIlOING POOL FUND January 1, 19~ 1 To December 31, 191.1-1 InOl usive. Aotual Bala.noe - January 1. _~ .JHone Reoe ipt s: Conce ss ions Services & Sale.: Admissions, Suits, Other Sale s )(i see l1aneou8 203. bb Towels2259.05 22.00 2.~4 J e Total Reoeipts (Schedule 1'> 12487.05 Disbursementt): Salaries a.no. Wages Office Supplies and Exp. Wa ter Light, Heat & Power Materials and Supplies Maintenanoe of Building andJ: quip me nt furniture, Tools & Equip. Miscellaneous Sales Tax Paid to State Amount Amount of of Bu dge t Budget Budget Buro1us Defioiency JNone ..J 8 i - 100.00 103. b b - 2500.00 240.95 - 22.00 - 50.00 47.00 . 2050.00 , - '102.95 $1470.82 ~9.70 234.08 37.85 ~Sb.74 9.77 31.00 05.9b '1000.00 50.00 800.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 - Il29.1g 20. 30 505.92 02.15 1'.20 1,e.2J 103.00 . - - ... 15.90 TotAl D1r~~~::=~~t~or '2371.92 13560.00 '1128.08 $- e y+ ';ITY':'P t~, '{--,'r '\ , f< t., ,N .' ~ e ,ohedu 1..8 11 '~::"1' ,.1' _ ;,.' ,l~:N.T Ci ~1" "~r ',:}~., t:": ,~' t I::: I '<.r1 U:, " "'. :)i, ~ _~,~.f ; ". ,~c }~ i":. L ~'~, N ',:J -3: .:,::,.) ~- "~~\ _ ;:. 'i ------..--- Vtt~Af:_O~:'\I ~IJ H.\Ll, -l~-'Ums-'----'''''----~-- J'-'nuqry r;-f9!.iftO-Dec{~.m)e r 31, 19'41 I nclu sive. B?lance - J3nuar~ 11 1941 e necei:Jts: - ~,d V~.\loren; r3'xea ants ~. C,':mce~sl.,ns ':~ervlce" ,~'::,le8, icket s Gifts 1nc Gr nts - l~s T"\x 6a1due h.'~f'unds)\. i'~covcI'ies ,G'> t:, l:e c e.tRll ~al 'Of"~ 7 (.Q _; ~'1'; ~ · ~> .._ 2.::>19.1:+ 1453.~)1 4[).l.ib 7.10 '";th "l j.""..,I 10" . 72 _._,;.....o'_c_<<_ '3u~f?t j.+-;~~ )1:''''7 "Z,o ~.,,'....,.' . ""i 2';').~:) 1') 8 .~) :' 319 . 35 1r\., '........ -.....;.~~- _-.:-+ ~~,!.:L~ ~12 g!-~_ rotsl ~'h8h to :'Gcount 1<'or - -'-.-- ~--. ~" ill" 15' "'.. ,.' J.. ~ r\ ".))1,:,;.<" l.- ..' ( i " > ~)' ~~ '," ...' ,,-!..;~~ C:iF.bursements: Jal~rleB &-~~geB: ;u8tod i ~'ln Other Office :;)u)~lieF; { 2~XCen8e 'i t ;e r , L, i b b t , r: e'" t.~, 0', e r ninten;:nce of nutl(;in~ c' nd .::u 1: Ji€ nt ,~ t e r b: 1 ~ :;u v::' 1 i ..~ R InBursnoe nd qond remium Furniture nd~quipment ~iRcell neou? - ir~8h b;,ul ing .. .. A: ~o "':1 . 12t~:::. 6.)0 (-'9. ')' 1')"2.99 I.t 10.19 417 ',-, . ". .",' 13 ~~;+ . it 3 :'>0.2(; l,,~ .JL 12 be . ').8 3 :-J "', . '~:O 7_"\1 '). .'v 1 ? /:. '.~ . c; j:;~ roo .')G ,4 8~) . ;~~ 0 11)').:)0 2J:- . C>;J l'J).Q'~ '"- r\:nOunt of' 3udget ~~~H:ll1.':!.~ ,09.21;.;, _~__:::....,t._ 211. 04 Q4-..."32 '~--"''''''-''-'- 5."t4 1.:.:/;, .01 1'+0 7'~ .",' . "i E bu r AeaH':lnt s jj :J 61~. 34:PJ~ ~~. Q.2- j, OOt:; .:' I'\I!'Q un t of Hud;-.,et De {i c.i t~ nay 5.... .19 "'''.)4 -'... J.;.;J3.?Z ::,t. 2 ~)1~-. ~,2 ~ 1:10. )6 .99 17.33 ::174 in $....,. -. .,; l2l?lfinC~-=-D~b:;.r-.lL-l(J!:!.1l.~~4.~ :::;.....___ 1- .;?~.6tL ",1'"1 "'24 "'-<9<1. _ --, .".-....- - ---- ----..-- e ;; CITY OF SALINA, KAISAS Schedule 12 e STAT~KENT OF HECEIPTS1 DIS8URSEME~TS AHD BALANOES OF CASH SEWAGE DI SPOSAL J't1lm January 1, 1941 to December 31, 1941 I nclusi ve. Actual Bud.get Aiount of Buc1get SurclU8 AlIOunt of Bud.get Deficienoy Balance - January .1, .194.1 ..J3l'+O.9Lt lJ.738.1} 'll!-02.Sl , .. Heceiots: Ad 'alar.1I Taxes Gifts and Grants - Sales Tax Hesic:lu. Insurance Loss rteceived bO 77 . t:>O ,?lO.bO 500.94- - 745.21 745.21 ... - 78.50 - 78.50 e Total Heceipts ~0~Ol.31 '0201.87 Ib39.4~ i - Total Cash to Account Vor I100Lt2.25 -,gOOO.OO i20Lt2.25 I - Di.bur se.e nt a: Salaries & Wages Super1ntendent (Inc. use of Personal auto) Other Labor Office SuppJ.ies &^Ezpense Water, Light, Heat & Power Maintenance of Buildings and. Equipment Materials aDdSuppiies Insurance and Bond. Premiums )li.cellaneou8 ,2400.00 12400.00 , - .1577.00 1200.00 50.~0 50.00 - 18b7.}4 2800.00 932.00 , - '77.00 .40 ... g.07 800.00 382.94 500.00 - 100.00 100.00 1"0.00 l4tl.93 .,2 ~l7.0b 500.52 - - - Tot~l Disbursements -'og20.~9 '8000.00 f~179.0l l- Balance - December 31. 1941 '3221.8b t - J3221.!b f - e j& .. .,.~ '~~ SITY OF StLIN~, K NS~3 e , '~"' "..,\..';;. \, - ~.',j., 'jc l? e d ule_ll ~3T ATl!:MENT OF l:!h;Cl!; I D'f '3! D1 :~BUR81<!i; '(;\1'1':3 HJD g t.L!\ NCESJF C; '~H GENE:j^L I.MI::BQVIi;M~:NT FUND January 1, 19LH to December )1, 191.f.l Inclusive. Aotual Balance. - January 1. 19LJ.l ,$lfb07. 7~ e H,eoeipta: Ad Valorem Taxes 1238b.S1 SpeOial Asses sment Taxes: ",eed Cutting Water ~ervloe Lines Service s & Sale s - \Veed Cutting Ot ft s " Grent s - Sales r a x He sid ue Refunds & Hecoveries Miscellaneous 707.53 Ll-6. b9 11+,+. ';>0 206,.,;>2 'l'otcl H~celpts: Total Cash toAccount For *1'J353.0~ W199lJO.80 DiBbur Bement B: Salaries & Wages Equl pment & H.ent al Professional & Oontraoted Services Maintenance of ~quipment Materials & Supolies Gasoline, 011,-~rea8e, ~nd Antifreeze Tools ~ ~qulpment Miscellcmeous: Land 1:'0.00 Other b2~~ ~12.90 $8721.39 17b.22 162.72 b99,. bO :,lfO.9b ';>If 1 . 67 Total DiSbur~ements :ltl 7373.lf6 Bplance - December 31, 19~1$2~87.3~ e Budget. '\mount Amount of of BUdge t Budget Surplus Deficienqy ~S3~85.36 ~1122~9 $ - 11199 .12 1.f.0~.OO :,J.OO 206,.52 ,0.00 ?O .00 1187. b9 307. ~ 3 1.31 1 '+'+ . ,0 ?0.00 ~O.OO i1381~.o~ $1~38.~1 ~ 417300.00 $2bbO.SO ", .\1- _ - -.-.-..- $7000.00 $ 11721.39 1000.00 1000.00 100.00 78.22 :'00.00 317.28 7000.00 '+.lfO ?oo.oo Lf-O.96 1000.00 ~';>8.33 200.QQ 12.90 ~17300.00 .Iii - 4; _ $73.lf6 1t;~~1. 3LJ. 1: "'1{' )7 e e e G I T Y ')~. L I K~, N ') )ched ule 13-a "', ". r""L I "T'":lO" " h'~'''' "'U"tTD ~ :'-~ ~ ~.{ ;.~. ......". tJ;r' tl, ~~..=:i!.l.. 1.11 1,,' D ,,: 1 ~,I L n l' r:. I ~1R UH SM ~; ~~T 8 r ~vJ' t, 'J I"!j 'J-'1 (,~, ['I ?T3 TT:"; c. ;r;'. -~T--: ~7,;:)..;" 'r;. '/ :,: I -n ': ,:',O,J ,l" !,;:,' ,~. ....\. .," . ,',.~....... ~.<.. '..,~ 1.,. _""'{. ,,-' ~,'f.' "" .~._. _.~. _ .,- _.. J~-nuary 1, 1941 to December' ;,1: 1941- -- Inclusive. S~SC! ~~~et8~11eJ:1L2!..16 i"rk Drlve,s}- Its,halt E;idewp,lk~ Rock Crushing "no w Re mov 81 Drive'hHYS '1nd qleYB ~ nd, Rock ?nd Chats Gem~nt 8r i d g~ ~_1i!ld'3~!:~: G r ?na' ve nue -rlI' i {~t"e Se~er8 - Cener81 Park Street Se.er 'ew:er i e, Freight, i'tc. lV'lscellaneQus: Cr~.for6 ~venue Juilding Co ;nfort ~~t, t i. ,) n Ball far~ rm~rove~ent8 ;,ater Mf,:1ns t, t 8ce 11 e neou s rlet2:in1 ng'~.ll Flood E x::e nee Curb ~nd Gutter 'i\e ed Cut t ing Signs Chip Scre~qder :;and ~;ng1e Fests ',utom.7.tic i;ates iscellnneouB L bar not Aegreg~ted Tot",l Dl~QuI'8en,ent..~ 3 :;:;Lf . 25 1211, "'\~, 7.\",<",., 109 b. 25 111.20 Ibh.25 169'+.17 976.12 23$$.01 L:;::. bO 5 ''\ .~:," .--.JII___5..7._ 51'+ . 62 50.31 35ci.L}5 -=:2 ~4 ", ., 321.3b l'J.11 2717.l~5 1:>3.lt5 fI ...., 9"'\ "TO':;. ,~' i7l.50 :.>17.05 150.08 ~7 '" ,~ ,/ . "'" 72 -'1"\ .?v ~")"'''\,(,'' --~~'~--,- 797+.24 ~ ~"'\ 1. q ;..: "".;V .' ..., b09 7. 2Lt .il 7"3 7~. i+O _ ,)(;>. .:~rIY ().~ e T ,1; ; :.t.I~I i~,~ ;:JT ,- ,_._.....~..--....._- '~. LI\i " .; '''/':' ,Co' " :ChF:d~.l::-. Of'" ~.. Q t 'I' : t L ',: . ~Sl ,"',., ~..:] L \ ,:; . '~i .:: ~~~ '"EH tIJH'r ri" '. :ro--".fi /i'iJJi'j-.-----.-- __L...-'--._.__t"......_.. .....__..______ J0nu'Ery 1. 1'.,itl to I:{:fce;no",n ;1. l\Hl Inclusive. \c.!&Jll Quq&!:!J . m.?unt of Rua ~ e t .21:!!:~~ l~ s mount 01 rOli ,.II; et j~<: fie i e n.9.I.. ~jr:b~no~~- .A,.:.:J1~2.!Ll1....l5L~L..11:I!~')}6~S ;t6631. ~2_.. :l. 2::2~2.!..!1_ ~_. _::.__ Hecelcts: 'id V:;rQrelll t'''1Xe,? Gifte ?no Gr"'Jnts Sales fnx Residue hefund ""nd ) ecovE:ries ~l.iBcel1~neoue ~) " 7. 7 -.: r'}h 'j 'jrC) '..)9.. Q. b. _.0.-'.-/' ,;Ie '-'J c..",.. " JII" '+ 1'37 · ':"9 It I; 7 . f:f9 ';27. ')2 oJ"". 00 - 2~'\0 .0':") -.--..-..,.'" _._ _'~'''''",,_.....4:,._~._, 'fQtCil...:-~.ceiGt8 " ;; '7'1'" -;:,," 0 h' 2 "-2:\ f' Zs. ~4.......'~1 "",-iW. .L":;:;';:.".. .....' I. _ e 12 ~,~ \ a ~-1Q._~o 09.J!!! L {Q!:.. .1.11,....,77 ~43C.''2Q 0" _,~...___,~~,~' t,,_ .!..--.~ ;q ')::>7. 7.Ct:" _ _.-,......_-,.,,,.._~~"""~-_ ...:l.....--________ t i sbur se [tent s': ....".......... f:ater - HydI'2,nt ,'~nt~1 ater - City 8uildings snd :11 floe 11:-, neous ~:trAet Lighting ',1'11 te,p.y t.ight lng '7'r-;"ffic ' Chr19tm~s Lights Gity BUilding Lights City Suilaing He~t '~1 i n ten ~ nc e () f "t t e t J hi e,~y "rpilic Ll~hts ;, i scell;l,>np.ous:- i r "" f n c " i; l 00 d II i gh t <1 Total. Lii Rill!L!2gmet1~ ;,;3?IQ b. 7j!..c~3 n~G. 2Q ,i'+ Ji3..!.~~:_. ...!QJO .CQ_ B?12.noe - December ;;lL 194\ e 922~.O~iI2~J~.JJ )?'"' '/"'1 ',." \.. ~.! ,-~ - ,9'i9.31 1~)1+ 39 .'+t> '7.7'"'\ 19 ,,; '..... . ..., "I' 11-. .' ./ -". J 5 :>0. 3? ;,~-,. 60 ;-0- .00 ::>n"l nn - ...~ ~..; . --~ "",' l,:)':Y~S'. OJ. L1"I~; :'""'\~ f.j ;' . '.' .,..... ')00.00 1'::1')') . ::;:; 1....."' ,'.\ "" ..,I,~ . .",'.J l~~Q. :.'0 - -.ll2.t..!' '"\ I?Q : 1.~~ "'.1.. y~;: _ :;...<<:. .....-..-..-.- -..-....--- -..--- 7.7J..H 'Q ....,. . ?, - -.----,....,-- -€~!hE.L 32 ~15. :i"'\ 4-9.0 2:;,') . }-9 29.01 111 . ':;5 1:)2' . 1,2 .( 13 '37i. t)'2_ 272.3~ ""'22" ""/"'I t::.., .'",1 - ""._~.- .~,.----. 1+ ;~1.4b 31';.15 -----,- -.-..--. --.-.-.- -. ~..- ----.- )~ . e e e ';II~ OJ; r .' " , ,( ! -2h;~ d ~ 1 ~_l.:L 2L 'L~~ ;';I..Jl t......:.. J2:"JE.:_,~.:.L_LL..~ u :/ H ') r _1_l1L _"3.._1..':":1:: .v ~] I_,2.~_...:.ti q'",Vl' ,\P' I ",c'1 cr1i\!I) : - , ',. l~_ _.._,..~~.::::_..,_-:. :.J:!..:.:.:.__ ,) nu" ry 1 t 19i1l :> Lf:Ce fiitl'; r .: 1 t 1 giq TncluvlvfJ. ~SLLtL~1_ ...:.LL!lQL - J_...12ld ': r l.J,-_19_~ 1..... 2.1..1'; r; ~t , trt.) un t 0 i udt;et 3y:r,clu,2~ . ,', . .. ',flount of r-c - . ;::;uo:~F: l: Q::..!:.J:.Q1:'l1QL 2~lr:.2;+ ";'1'07'+" . '+<::Q1 ,.4 ---'----.- ~-~'2,~~~~_~"~ ~~__ :...:.cce L::,t Pi.: Ad V 10r~m I~X~B: ,) ner 1 Bond s ?p~cl111 rJ,~)nd~ 11:.:'04 ;;. ;;; -_.- ....-,\,:; ~~t ~9_ TOtrl1 Ad V"llorem T. x"" --'-~-'----""'-'-""-'---'--'_--- 111707.92 f1l~ec inl-.!.:...2YtQrL.L.~! xe s: . r \ring" aep.smentfl 1'7444.'+0 ,el,\'f;r" '\sseBi"llJients 5;20.40 P;t:r,:>~::t r.1dhting 2h.::.6 y ,: :~.f3 ;'FH'2'p,:::ents ;(;:;.19 Int;:;rest on '.~r;,e~~_ u,e nt ~ 1720.64 I n t f: reF t ~l nc! F l' e :r: t u m ~:':'-' .-." --.-- ~'1' e mi WI13 0 n nd 2: :::() 10 MlscellsneouB - From ~ondem- n~tion fund lC~O.~J from ~on tructlan . und ~?4 v', ":\ . 'jq ,; .,;'J I'" 9' co. .~; 9072'5.92 li:~ ~'l .2'.~ -___L.':...__ '" 1 l' ~(;., . tJ "1 'J" 7')) 7 '-"') -::. . C. 10(:-:)-. OJ 12117.-+1 ~ 019.3") ,120"( 7(.' ''/'" ./ .;',,"'" ........ 12;21.12 12o.9f 10 tr, 1 ,;.,;:,: h Tee e i~) t 8 __........u_ --"'-'~"',""~"'---_t.:;:.._._ 121 ').3,1:) --",- - ')21{" ~ t;;, ,c.6 -. '-.' '.' -~-.. -..--,- -. '~":".--"""'~-.' -"!"'.."-. .-..-.-.'...._-- ' '3.2." "'')1 hi. 112L"~ 4")"){ (""~"':)') , .L:' :.' .(.~. .. ':" Y'l, .,. I.~. .I..; !_,~ . ') ') _../ "', . &;. C. .............- .,~._"._,~ -__--..c...~~.._...__ -__._.-..'.....r_......_.._ I,Q.J.'" 1 2~" ~l ~9 _,c:,C(10Y'1!:. f.'Q.X lc6102..::i~ rl ?72go.C'''-;('''Iu04.b6 ~t ....._~--~ .~L..:,_",,_,_.,__,;......L ~.,...u._.._......".... i1 sOUl' 8ement s: --- --- - --.-- F1~ nrJ ~. 'i"" i nu i c ~ '] . .- \.), -,. ['1 t: r: .~ ;jorw;:~ Hond n :~.; D riel 7 ."', . '''.f'' "" ,r''I, ) 0.,.... ..,1 .'.~' '.) ;;'074. bLI oi ';1 ~"\ t., i ,. 1 ,., ...; "". ..... ;' 1'" ... ,...j lJ:t. R "h;<.re rty !'ler~:; ro h :''\T' e 13':.17.05 n dIn t '? :' €1 ~t : '-' n'c~r '! oct !nt8T.'ps', 1h093_ eet 1 Eont Interest _ City l~ln.o~ eels1 Bond Inrer8nt- r0~erty 1(2'.n~ 1;11 r:c 1 ;;:,;: ncY'>:);iul f;:::i:J no') strg~;; __J 71~~.._ T;~TAL ;...~ond ~"J'i'1Ci~;i!11 -,.-......,.-- ----.-._.__.,_..'...:~~\m.....;;.' L2i.4. u L,noe- DecetY<.b~r' "l lc;!+l -_....~-_...._--- ._----..._.._.----~--......~- ~"C' 1"'\ 'i j>(.t'2~~:t_ ~ ----...---.---.- s:; :~; 6() :. . c ,< ~.;l. .) j........' . Q(- 13'397.f17 1 ;-.. (.!2 ') .. ('7 1'- ...;; L?:.I9.95 ___3 5::) ..~) _ ,-1 ~ 1~9~J3 ~ -.------ - -~---_.--- 121 i',. 30 :5.02 J.L~D._ '. ~;\.2. 70 ~ . ~-~.._.. :,nOhC.b4," -~-_.:.l....____ ...w.:.. - =--2~ -;, .... --.-..-.--- 7(9 2 '" . 0 - ,-+ 6. 69 Vi-. J6 ....----.-- ~ '.: ... , _,_( ',",': '. ,,:-.--., ',W',:.; ;'"~_ ':" ,~~' '_' ; . CITY OF S4LIN~, KANS~~ ~chedu1e 16 . e 8T r,TE:l~ENT OF ,-t~:QH:IPT8, D1 SBURSl';MENTS~ND 81\L I\NOES _OF Q.~_2IL B ~'\ND FUND JanU"iry 1;- 1941 to December 31, 1941 Inclusive. Actual 'Bud ge t~ Amount of Budget Surplus '.mOunt of Budget Deficiency B81~nce - J~rL!.L-19..41_ _-1..2.~511~O $437.50 ~n88.10 .ri, neoeipts: AdValorem Taxe s Gifts Rnd Grants _ 8~les Tax Residue 5155.06 ~b7l.60 bitO. 70 040. 70 $ 579b,1}6~'2212.!5.?_. ~84.0b 484.06 e Total Hece.iQt 8 _._ t Total Cash to account For :!Ii ';422.10 $5750.00 $b72.1b .$_ Di sbur sa ment B: ApDropriatf6n to the Salina Municioa1 Band J3Q 1'lrd ~5Z~9.92$ 5750.00 $ .08 -1-~__ Sa lance - December ~ It.J941 -2_b.z.g!..~Lt. :~ $072.24 .:', ~ - e ~A.. ell Y,,) it L..."; 1 '. ", , ~ -, '~~.:' ~Q..1l1 e 1 Z_ e "'T~T"'''k'rT ('L' '(""T 'ie'" '\I"'PTH"".I',~H""; '''\In I..!'T .,,"" -.' "'F' ~-. f\. a~d.;:~l' ",-,.._:':':'~~~~~~.._~!l.2~~l.,>~._~=..,,_i..J ".4~'~ i_'V.;~~:'...~i, C /\ ~:.:H 1.1 BrU,HY .iftH10 J"1nu9ry 1, 1941 to D.icemt>~r' 31, 19'+1 Inclusive. illIlOunt of nu age t Actu~12udge~ . 3urq!~ J"lDOunt of Budget De U.oiencI !;t;:l anct!-=.2.e~'!~rL.lt, _!3.'tl .Jb13. hO ~tt2:.. 21 '~213. ~2,__ ____~__.___ e Heoelpts;: ~d V~lOTem 1~xes 10973.10 10027.~2 94~.~S Gifts ~ Grants - ~Rlea Tl::\x HeEidue .. 127,~_ l.~T2.~L :!:JL t 81,_!i~~ 1 D 1 i? ~ 1224-0. j7~11-~Q'. Z9l9.i.2~~,_ Tot!il C-,,\ eh to~,ooount ]Qr~126cQ.!.Q.3:$11~Q:lt. QQ::H ~19 .03 ,it D1 sbuJ;seme {It s: tpprocr1:::<tion to the .free ?uollc Library B08rd 01' the C1 ty of 11n?, ;{8n~..,1=; ~J 11:)0 1.0 r~ ~n 1 'JQ 1. Q 0 f. -- ~---... B818nce De9.~,~I)er 31, 19'+1. 413\,0.n'2" -il':qau"l't i. - ,.z.~____.,_......._",-. ...,;.::.....c..:_L~ ,,"-_ ------..-" -~-,-, ..... _---.. -""-<I """" - "tC: e e e . "', CITY OF SALINA, KLNSAS SChedu 1e 16 STAT.t;MEN'l' OF ril:!.;C.l:!;IPT 81- DISBUKS.t!;I,:.l!;N'l'S AND BALA.NC!t S OF CASH AIRP OR'll FUND January 1, 19~1 to D~ember 31, 19~1 Inclusive. Actual BUdget Balance - Ja.nua!:! 1, 19L+-l ~,t+E.~O~ Receipts Ad Va,lorem Ta.xes Hente & Ooncesr-ions Hai 1 Insurance Total .H.eceipts Tota.l Cash 161,.'+4 335.GO _ 21.j- 3.&.'2 1?7,.0:> 250.0Q Amount of Buaget Surolus $472.90 '+o.~'+ &5.00 243.0~ ~;219.b.:t9.. ,WISe'). 00 1i!3b8 .~9 Amount 01' Budget Deficiency L 'il:2~hb. 39 $1";'~,)h IV \ ;:~"::1.j-1 -:<0 'J" ~ _ v __ '-'=.L~~ ~~-,-,-.__ -5!-_=--___ i -. Disbursements Sa1arie s&\\age 8 $ 14-0.'+0 Water, Light, Heat & Power2b.lb Maintenance of Buildlngs andi:!;quipment Materials & Supplies Miscellaneous Tools & Equipment 197.36 2h 7~ ~. '" _200.00 $t+00. 00 .~2?9. 60 7,.00 ~8.S4 )00..00 1000.00 ,0.00 lO?t>I.f. 9 7 ~. 27 50.00 ':i; 200.00 'I'ot.f:!L~isbursements $,90. 22 ili~2.00.:ii12jAt.3~_ :~: Balance - DecemQ~!, 19<+1$207::;,.7~ L=-_~ii207':J.7l+ ~ --- -_.- '*; e e e 1:';':1 :-J11 't.' '~t' ;J~'~'. j' 'Ll AI 'l~ " , ~, Bltj ~U le lCi , t..... !Jli\T~:~~,NI {:f' !:(j,G',L.:..'L2L.-.kI. ~cBU'< , ,;,:':t.j\n2-::j,~r: :3 LA?iY, ',' JL..Q.,L1L HI ~lD,~h.!:.r CI');;lHOL FUND J';nu1lryr;-F:iff-to Deoe~ 31, l'?Ltl Inolu~;1ve. Amount of Budget !\ct u::l.1 ~uC1get~. _ 'lul'Ql;u!._ BJ91~nCL- ;.!:r.t!!~6ry It. 19i+l:;17:;.4~-!. il~j~~~l -L!.~.93_ Fttei c t 8 :c- .\d V;cclorem Tsxee :;ervice s & Ie fj L '" bo r & .Ms. t t~ r 1a 1 Glfte B.nd Grants - 8t~le8 r""x hesidue Tot~l 1....celcts ______ :r. ~ TotFllO':'sh 01 sburse me nt B ;:-';,31n1'1e s<: i'l:l5e S Maintensnce of qulpment VRt~r1818 ~ Su 11e8 Tools & Equipment Tot~1 Disbur8ements: Ihl ~mcL - DeQ}~J!lQ.~Lr 3.1, 19.41. '1('\ Qh. v ~..""'. ,'" J 7 ? "J. /I b.... . ,/"t 40.61 2 b. ':;'J 26.0:; g2 .l~ .b2 ..l~ ~ 919.1Q ;;g44I1L~9 - -- 4I'+.bl ~1~2 ~'l~ln~0 ~n J ......0 -. "",~f ;rj' -f...''''' ..)~ j 69 . 'J it 91o.1Q "bO:.JO 100. '~; C 1""0.'):) 24J.JJ b'J . ::'Q 3.12~ 3:J"~ .1:)0 - -- 1 qol.2~~lQQO.OQ I 10.7"1 fl0~. 29 '.t "J.,10~. 29 . h..- ___ -.--.- I\rfiOunt of Budget De~lcienc~ ~ - --.--- 7'310.1:; 3.1i:) -;~-- ~... CITY or SALI~A, KANSAS 1 : SChe du 1e 2 ~ !&! PtS. DISBURS&:MENTS OlL S OF GASH ~ T AND AUE~OY FUNDS ry , 19~1 'to December 31, 1941 InC1Usiye. FiL emen I B pension ~.",'," H11icre st OOI.Dt>~i son Wit h Budget Amount Amount '.IIotal rile me n' s Firemen' e Cemetery .Memorial Hillcre st 01' of All pe nsion tteiief Endo1f- Enciow- )tellOr ial Budget Buo.get funds JUnd Fund 4 ment FUnd I ment Fund I l'rust Fuftd Actual Buc.get i S~~lUS ,De1101enc -- ... BaJa nee T II , 33099.02 '8773.94- '183'5'1-.00 1320l.3Lj. 3370.2~ - ISllj.9Lj. , ~4l~o39 359.~~ I - u - - -- _..'_-~.~ fteceipt 8: 3&t'tS.12 3tt48.12 jLj.If~. i~ 523'.0.1 Ad Valorem Taxes - - - - - Membership Fees and Dues lcO.UU - .1.~U .\.IU - - - - jUC. 00 - JOO.OO Interest and Premium ~gg.So - Lj.2,.10 - bj.16 ... - - - - Sales - InvestmentsMatured. and. Soid 5:>00.(.'0 - 2500.00 1000.00 - - - - - - Sales - perpetual Oare service 389.00 - - 275.00 114.00 - - - - - Sales - Mausoleum Spaoe 11~.OO - - - - ll~.OO - - - - Sale s Tax Re sidue 270.30 27 o. 30 - - - ... 270.36 550.00 - 273. ti+ State Distribution of Insurance 2945.98 2045.98 Premium Assessments on Insuranoe 00. - - - - - - - - l\efund and Reooverie s: l~ of Salarie s & Wage 8 Oi ty Fir emen 302.00 302. bO - - - - 302. bO - 302. bO - Payment of Doctor Bills 2.70 - 2.70 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Total ReoeiRts ...Jll 71 3. b2 J4027.08 f "093. 78 I ~ I . l 1140.00 ~27.0S _ ""08~. 01 $ L g.~ .!.: - - Total Ca8h to Account For ..J4')~13.24 '121391.92 '23447.g~ I ~ I .tJ I 11~0.OO 112801.0, ~!2~90.00 J301.02 _ L - - - Disbursements: Professional Services (MediCa!, , . . Hospital, etc.) i 177.95 , - .I. 77.95 - , - - , - , - $ - , - Insurance :.. t$O.94 Life Insurance 090.9'4- - - - - - - - - Health And Aocident 1088.~5 - 108g.45 - - - - - - - Investment Purohased - - - - - - - 10000.00 10000.00 - pension Payment to Retired Firemen 2235.00 2235.00 - - - - - 2?Q0.OO 2500.00 - Relief Payment to Disabled Firemen 720.00 - 720.00 - - - - - - - Misoellaneous: Oommi 8sion - Sale Mausoleum Space 22g.00 - - - - 228.00 - - - - Endowments Paid to Hillcrest Memorial Endowment Fund 114.00 - - - - 11~.00 - - - - Remi1ited to Olerk of Distriot uourt 798.00 - - - - 798.00 - - - - Siok Benefit 89.70 - g' 0 - - - - - - - - - - Tot al Disbursements 1140.00 .1 - 12500.00 J - - - - .8 .noe - December '12801.02 l2 801.02 - - - '"t? OrTY OF S\Ll~A. KAN~'S - Sched ule 21 STATEMENT OJ.l~ H~',CEIPTS. DI2BUR8"2::MENT3 qm B;\LA..NCES OF CllSH WATERWORKS DEP~RTMENT FUND January 1, 19~1 to December 31, 19~1 I nc iu s1 ve. Balance - January I, 19~1 e Receipts Hydrant Rental ~ervices & Selee Operating Receints Sa.les of Investments remporary Notes Investment Bonds Interest on Investments Miscellaneous Receipts fotal Receipts Total C~sb to Aocount F~ Disbursement s: Bond Principa.l Retired Bond Intere st F aid Fiscal Agency Commission ,~ Post. Aoproorlations for Operations Inveetments Purchased Total Di8bursem~!l!!!. Balance - December '31t_1941_ e $ 9225.00 99369. 75 39437.67 945.65 b.OO 31000.00 097,:>.00 46.93 627bLt .11 6727. b4 il:11291)o.02 _ 1400QlidI_ W 252972.29 _1~1'nJ2.6___ ,$12345h. bl '+0 , . " " ' CITY OF S~Lr~A, RAN ;0 ;~hedu1e 22 e 6T !\TiLME.:NT OF thCft.ltT"', D!:.JBUhf:"..\ 1:.::.1::: ;\KD F~~\LI\.NC:LS OFCASH CEVKTI~.HY ,'UND Ja.nuRTY 1, 1941 to Decif~mber;l, 1941 Inclusive. D1 abuX' se Ine nt s: :'1a1arie sand :,af;,e e: Sexton - Ot her ~';age s Office Supplies & Expense nter, Light,Heat & Fower Maintena.nce of Buildings ::;nd Equipment 262.01 :'1 te riAls :~ Bur 11e B ".160.9:> G8Foline,011,Cre~se &- Antifreeze'96.7Lt Tool s pnd l:!.qu1 pment 21.4-0 b 1sce11 aneou 8 B~lance - JanuaIY 1.lg4.:t r.eceipt. s: Ad Valorem Taxe s Fees end perrnits:- Burial &, Hemovs1 ~'''1'Irkers Lot Ownership Transfers Interest on &:nOO\1Jment fund I nve s t me nt s Services ~.nd lales:- Sales of Lots Sale of Gre.va Spece Upkeep (;ervice a ]iefunds 8nd;~ecov€~ries Miscellaneous: S~, le s l' ax He steue e 'lotal Recei~ts Tot~l Cash to A.ccqunt For TotalDlsbursement B Pr.lf-lnce - December 711lq4l e Amount A.nlount of of Bude=.,e t Bud get l1.ctual.~ Budget Sure Iu s Defi cie nci': ~~ 9~3.')2 :If' {j, S5"3.~2 -1: 176?O2 1027 -96 137.01.4- 2114.,0 1 &:;0 .00 514.50 - 7" '"It'" 50.~"'\ 20 (',~ v. \...'\." ....,.\", ....., '-'. 2'"' .r,,.., , !',0. 20 . .~0 ') . ~ ~' . v ~. 10 b. 25 lCO.OO 6.25 657.50 bee). cc' ~7.:>C 241::1.0- 200_00 4-t;..OO 11;)5.90 150.oC 35.90 534-. be 1:>0.00 )ti+ _ bo 317.02 317.02 ,!;b023~ t)5 "Lj.6""" 0"" "'12~"Z 155 't "'fl" "",~,. ~/ ~ C. J. -;6977 .37 !;,4bOO .QO ~2177.37 -H. :;1200.00 1974- .00 76.90 124.7:> ;f;12IJ~ .0:: J 200C,.CO 2b.CO I:; :>0.00 200.02 75.25 26.90 lOC.CO 250.0'':: lce.oo 3.26 500.00 l+ 7b. 60 Ltoe .00_ 400.00 162.01 110.95 $41 -i 6. 75 ~. ~800.00 ~ 663.21:) ]. 1i 2bltO. 62 ""2 -II n 6'2 ;If b"'t.,.!. I"~' 'iI ~t. .;~ 47 - - e " ., ,""'>''. " , < ff ,~. ;:<," , ' .. ";:~',; ',,,. ":;h:~-I;.\,) ',,:'; CITY or SALINA, KANSAS . '" ~ it', /: ::','.: '::,:~... .',,:'-.;;>"..:t , ....,." '0",. SChedule 23 ST ATEMENT OF' REClneT~t DI SBURSEMENT ~1 I\ND BALA.NCES OF OASH PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING FUND January 1, 1941 to Deoember 31, 1941 Inclusive. Actua.l Bud~et Amount of Budget Surplus B~lanc~ - January 1, 1941 ~ 36.29 $ + 36. 29 Receipts Ad Valorem Taxes $2313-85 $2227.11 $ 86.7~ Sales Tax Residue 272.89 272.89 Total $2586.74 ~2500.00 $ g6.74 Total 08 sh to Acoount For ;12623.03;;;2500 .co $ 123.03 Disbur sements :- ~nproDrietion to Salina Public Health Nursing A.escoiation $2199.92 $2500.00 $ 300.08 BAlance - December 31, lq~1$423.11 $ ~, l4-23.11 ~mount of Budget De fie ieney ~ ~ :i :~ ~\. '11.. 'if .''':'1 " ":,t "b. ) CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Sohe du1e 24 e STATEME:bl'T OF F'LECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES OF CASH OONDEMNATION FUND January 1, 19J.tl to Deoember 31, 1941 Inclusive. Balance .- January I. 1941 Receipts:- Total to Account For:- , 11111.2J1 $ "T _ "T None ~ 1141.2LJ. e Disbursement~ Misce11aneQ,us :- Court Oosts Transfer to Bond And Interest Fund ~ 65.95 ;ilI1000~ $ 1065.95 Balance .- Deoember 31. 1941 'IIi 75..29 e ;..}.~ . --2.tt:2i.lle ~:.: "2 ( . .. L r y -.... ,'r ~--:..--.:l ,- ~~~:~_J . ~_~2-.~_ '11 ,_~ "_J~.~ L ~r'T~i~5U'_2~.:~_li~ J .~~ ,":r .' '['.... t J .'~ T! "'?I __th S~~:: ~. ~.u_c l,';~ 1 to LJeoemb,:;r :: 1. 1 I no 't 11 S i ve . F ~._. , 2~ t ~_._"-- .-....-..- n t 11 11 "'t., ~L nd ::urb ,;utter :'~i.e T F; if 1 uti . . A. ." . .,~". ~~U~_._ __Q~ii!_-4 e i~e re . '. . ",~. ~r~; l:)-,S' i_ '';u rc nd ,;u::ter vi ndJ ".. . '. n .;, 7 _:, --.-.....-..-.--.., ::~ y -; ~~ s v lng "l. .~: _ 77 v '7 -; _,.....2._ _:2.1::...:.;;..tL.". _ ,:.2. (~5. ~ 1 ') ~(l....14 1 nu e;',': .'";It l~L ::.....-yJng_ lad _._.-......-~, -!2S1L . ry ::...-_~':t.(:1..f,) .44 _._~~. <_......~ .1,r:;4 1 ..i.....,_:_" 0..1., -=-.J r.J1U :.:.f.l nee ()ne ~t 1_ Qne 7 5 ,~>~.~. .~:: 1 '7,2 2. c, 7 ., ... - _.~ 11ft.' 2.2:" __. 1. ___ .' ;(:.C:>- 2f~ 403.74 --.---...-:.--,,,, 12t'1.14 715.4$ 1')['.77 ----',--~ 13 4070.50 . · "-'7 . to', '-j l"lt' ',. ,... ,) of ,. ,r.;. \149_'1 - -'--- .'''"''"...., \.l '.~ 2.(;1 - - _._~_.._,_..,_..._,- _. ._--~--- . .tt9 .'" " 7~ 7.;6 ). 1 ,+a.7 'j ,J '- .?C126b. 2 6 'o,'+7.ci? 4' O.CO bull n \ ng i, 19 ,~: 8orrowl eB (fi(-.' nt nd fro:r cot " ss :::,""0'" i 't', ," . ~.. oJ j_'!.:..~ ~e r:v i Of: ~~ -eoetpt ~: ': :~:r"ry ::::nefi t ,'ie ~'t' r nsuTCince 1..0 LI ,-, r'\ I"'>; '''''. P\. __~_~. M' -s' .....~..:.o:;.;._. - "A__,,___.~_ _.9.~~,~:1I__ __ji.'::~2.~;~~ r:__ , ~.(i~:'''a''''''' .......".oi-....-:..=.,~4.- :'Q."L3 ~:L. 'e 11 : '-t '1 ". ------~._- '- 12124. .,., --~....'----- _3.5J.2~:' 1 41" h'.l: "1 1 1"" '7 r" c ,; ~:.J..!.J::! ,I '!'4, '!:. :4.";,.1. ....~-=- '+' '0 I r"!'')''- 'c l'17 7' _.i_-:_, ~lb _:-~ _!.,~,,2- -i.-.-',? _" . ,:: ..1.2..t::.l_." ~' Q€ 1 Q t 11 -"f'lt 1 ;""',~h 1'0 # ~~~~_.,- " C7 ::.!',c,:..l.._,__ cc.-:i; 40'"\' '11"\ ._...:....z.. .~..l !..S:~ 1214~.q9 ---~, ._..~,,...--~--- c' "2' (; 1 i~ . >,'" -'-,,-- ~- _....~.,.....,.::;.-~-.. . "2blo.q6s16bdH.:'7 .----~_ ._--_",-_._ ___.....w_._L_ .! :~o u ~.t_f'U. - ..........-..",..---., .,--.-.---.- :J. 9 " ~ 4- he} . L+ 'i '", ~ \ 111.-:;2;; 1).':'8 . 1'- :')"'t. '- "Zl ,,') ,;,...., J'" ..,1.....,1"- t:>i .L~5 1j - - - - - - - , ;......'....~.."'..,..." _..__ .",. ..._~"" _'t ;; ...: .,,;;Z ""~ ., .. .~ . ~.c. ::.:... :..one ~_ :' 1. l' : ",.., '~~~.- ::, i ;J"''"'" P,...... ,,,",,,I ," "'t,.. / t..."" ) ,.., , c ." ~~ !,,, ~ _.J ~~---.. --.........---."... -.------. ~~2 7,.;. "24 .~~c ~ · '.~ ~ .-7 ~ ~ .,~" "i. . 'L. t.'ot '''''I' 'f -_'" ..__ __.:-...:..t~__~._,_ ':'5: .O() 7'+.;") .,; Co 1(" _d_!..2.__ -, ".' 17.:7 ~C""";'~ \. ~ /,; -.')" t9. 1 6 11 .'19 q 'l(,lt.. ..,t", . > j. .....""" .___..,~_ -Zt~!..j:9! - - 357.02 121'::.'70 ,'--"""---',- ..,-.......-,.........- Disbur SeU,Eint 8 ''01.l?i r i e F nd ,\ ';';1~ e ;:: ~.qui pme nt ent 1 '. rofession::d .~ OontI' ct...; . nol m '.r1 nf."ervice F "1 nten om: 0fE,~uiprnent , teri "',1 a nd ,,, UJ lie;:: 'I" po; tne nd 011. 1001p nd 0uirment (Ine T t: fl, :) r ':' r y '10 t '? ,::;' t i~' d i soe 1 L:neou~: Intertst 10 Ir nr;fe r 0 f ~~ 1. nei:: c:; to .... '" 1"<1"\ . .-'."p lLt7t:.,t: 6. c;") 7('1.90 ? :r) 0 . 2<J ?l:: 11;.::(' - - - 20')0 . c~o '+? 7.03 - 2..:..c . y"" /.' 2' - - 7')'-', ;. 7, ,--.-..;-.......,. - - - 150J:'.' .J~ ., ... - 'r~C7 ". ,.-' ,.. - - ::.,;. ,:J~ lJ.ot - - 1 ....: , ~ 129C.9b 17.37 l1olL..24 ;J4.9i+ 91.97 I:~ 3-7'.;~'. 2 ~ y.ent r) nt'l f;.fvlce::; ~~ ., 2:e, c . : 4lA"';~_ 6"'.lj 17:; 1.. ;:{' J 7h le;. bt; ,r>lbbo.J+. "'7 _____,._~.%.1.._....__. _.~....".,. ._.~__, _...____._Jtt!.,~:;;.....,L.~_ .:..J...-. __. _~, "",. 'I; t " Int."n nc .30 1:0 t ':1- Rl::bu.r I:t:! ::ri~ nt .,fL '40'"' 1 :(' ,:~~~,. l _ '~:_'~~"-' . ?'l""" go ~.... "'t 1'. ..I _..._ - __ ._T_ ......-.---.........-. ;;.....14 ..", .w.i...,_.!.-.,[.~c ':~ 2q. '11,:~_ - , - -:::_-~-=-===---,~.=_..----=.===:,,:=:::. .i- T1". H: _..--........ -~..._..._._.<..- -.-- -,---..,.-.-.- ~~.4,g --..--.---.-,..-.---......,.. 1&-.19':1 " nce -::.):ee6.tliper 1 -, - G IT Y 0 F' ;: "L pI '\, ;( ;', 'L':':\' ~n..~1l"El. 2fL e nT t.T I.'~ ~:l!. NT Cr i\;:.C:, H.T ;.. D.t SBU~r", h. :JI'-, tl ND B t~L tdjGr~ :.: Q~' _v."..'_,'~..,'_3H.__ ~.. ___ _ ,_,.. .~.~__~.b.. -.- 3~J)J:; '1 ~..~ qOLL~,\JTI..J:J F'i ".DV!,NGl: .hnu:~ry 1, 1941 to December ;1, 19~1 Inclunive. B:~lance - J'l'nuary 1. 1941 )'iecelotB Sales t9x Residue applicable to the year 1942 reoeived from the county Jreqf;\1rer cturiIl6 the yea!' 1941 - to be distributed during 1942 to the v~)riou E; funds. .21~.) 7.11 :'tone - rota1 Cash tO~\9..QQ.~q~._[or :- -il,.21,~7 .11 Di sbur 8.em~ D.t 8;- (3ales t.;): !'eBidue <:,p'lio ble \-0 tbe ye::.,;: 1';'!-<1 distributed during 1941 to the v~?rious city func3. ...i~1 e; ':) 7 :.11-- l2ili.Qce - Decemqe~ 3.1". 191+1_ "'.: No nt! ._ - :;j. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII - e e e ", ~" "pc, " <:', ,<.,' ,"-1'", CITY OF S~LINA. KANSAS Schedule 27 QTATEMENT OF INCREASES, D1I:CRE^8F~8 A.ND BJ},L~WCES OF INVESTMENTS January 1, 1941 to December 31, 19~1 Inclusive. Trust and A.gency Funds Hillcrest Firemens Cemetery Memorial Relief Endowment Endowment Cemetery r- Fund Fund Fund Fund Tot a.l Balance - Jl'anua.ry 1, 1941 $11000.00 :~3000.00 $1500.00 $5S7.50 $160g7.50 Increa se_~ '$11000 .00 ~3000 .00 $1500.00 "1'5157.50 !,lbOS7.50 Decreases :- Investmepts MBtured (See Schedule 3 for proceeds) $ 2500.00 ~lOOO.OO ~ - ~587.50 $ ~067.50 Balances - December 31, 1941i3500.00 t2QOO.OO $1500.0~ $ None ,'~12000 .00 '),. _. e e e OITY o;~ SALIN,\, K!\N'" Cr.'3H I~ ClF'TODY OF'",,;!'ry T'RE^.SURF.R ~p of December 31, lq41 B~Jenoe - J8nuary-1.L__li~ "Receipts Fund c';r-sb ;Ieceints (1'er H~cordf:" of City Clerk) Di8burAeme.Y1t R;- Funn f""l=Ih n1 ~nt1Y'!='ementA (~er l.)ecord~ of City f'}lerk) ~~l~nce _ December_;l. 1~41 The F~Y'mpY'g v~ti(')nal ~pnk, c:ll~l~,"p, Y~nj;'!"F\ The Planter2 St~te Bank S!!'.ltn!'j, K1'1n9;:lB The N~t lon~ 1 B'.'nl< of ~,meric~, S,-\ltna, Kanmae The Planters State Bank, Salina, fansas ( C1 ty Clerks Revolv1 ng Fund) ~ &'30 '5. 7 ~ 6320,;>.27 88609.26 ~)oo . QQ F. xhibit "nit ~2Lt8111.32 1)9029 h. 7L :$83gn')$.03 -.S..7h727.34 _ t'2 ,. " blfJgO.29 .J..2()16~.29 ;;; - ..14. 28 s~nedule CITi OF SALIN~t K\NSAS (~P-&H IN OU~TODY o Ii' CITY_)'H~.A.SUKKR R.ECONCIL I ~TI ON OF B I\NK B ~L ~NCE S ~s of December 31, 19~1. The The The Planters The Nat 10nal Farmers state Bank.... Planters Bank of N3t1onal Oi t Y Clerk. Total St ate Bank America Bank ,tteyo 1 vi rg fund ~ 2~1963.82 $ 772".82 ~ $1701.79 , 8252b.Zl $ 500.00 71J1'J.ttb 72Q2.tt8 92!..21 220.tt5 - ~ (!34~b6.3b 700~3.3Ll- $lb09.26 6230,.7' 500.00 2 183. bO 2183. bO - - 2 U- 11')26.'3'3 ~ '~ - ~$ B'32b~.U- i 080 b $ ~OOoOO --- - --- Certified Balance~ Dece~ ~ Outstanding Checks - December Ll-l ( Schedule 26-~)- Add Deposits of 19tt1 - Heceijts made in January, 19~2 Cheeks 'Ii 81502, 01503, 6100'+,6l~05 issued to the St3~e treasurer to cover BondS and Interest Cupons due J3nuary 1, 19 tt2 , entered on freaSurer8 records January, 19ij2 but oaid by the bankS in December, 194-1. goo k Ba l~j nce s December 31, 19tt 1 e Qhe ok No. <_:-'.... v '. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS OUTSTANDING oHECKS Deoemoer 31, 19~1 Planters Total Amount Bank "....r.'. ,t.-' r.' SChedule 28-a (Oont. ) National Bank 0 f Amerioa , '.l~ 03933 t 69702 70993 7 bOS 3 79179 i~,," 79762 80183 v 60 USA+,/ 81197 V:V 61199 S12, b;:l 6132~/ 8133'+v, S1335 v:: ~~ 19~--,- . '," " V B1AttO '/ )l' '" ~'. S19A+ 7 -? <i 1'1 q 'I Sl~O 0 v i:a,o ( \I S1~9 ~ 1,08 81,10 V 61,11 Sl,12 ~' 81,13 ;/" Sol,l'+ i/ 61,ol, if" 61,10 1;' 81517 61,18 81,19 Y 81,20 ~/ 81521 ~>l,22 Sl~23 81,2'" 81,2~ / 61526 aI' l:>J.,2 ( / 61528 It"" 61~29 61'30/. 61,31/', 81'32 ",l 81'35 t/... 8'" 1 7,A+ -' '( V .; "" . Sl'3~v. 8153o./' iU,37 .,.. 81'38 ~/ e e .15 02.,0 -35 t+5 25 :Q~ o.LtO 1.00 1. CO 2~.00 2,.00 100.00 25.00 1.25 1.00 39.38 .(, .75 1.7~ 38,.,0 87.,0 18.7' 50.00 00 .00 30.00 B5.00 2U.OO 7.,0 b2.,u 32.99 100.00 07-,0 0,.00 bO.OO 00.00 00.00 00.00 bO.. 00 00.00 00.00 to.oo bO.OO bO.OO bO .00 co.OO bO.OO 50.00 ,0.00 19.20 ,2.20 50.'+0 53.10 - - 1.bO V 1.t\> V - - -25..{#li; ~ 2,:00 V 1.25 ~ 1.00~ 39.3BV .75V 1.7, I 1921''' 3 38,.~ 87. 50 18.(, 50.00 t:O . 00 3 0.00 B,.OO 20.00 7.,0 b~.,O 32.99 100.00 07.,0 05.UO bO .00 bO.OO 00.00 co.po CO.OO be .00 t:lO .ou bO.OO to.OO CO.OO t:lO . 00 CO.OO OU.OO 5<J .00 ,o.ou 19.20 ,C:::. 20 50.~ '3.10 ( Oontinue") Farmer' s Nat ional Bank: , ~.?o .j, .~5 b.Lt-O 2, .00 ,/ 2, .00 / 100.00 :1~ / f220.tf.Ij J~i .. e 9he ok Number e bl;)39V D 15LtO~/ 61541 < olSLL2"/ 01)4.3 b 1 'Jlll} t.15L!-5 bl!..lA6 615wrv b15481"" , "I "-j' ,"' u....)!-> 01550 >" 015?1 61??2 0155; t/ (:) 1 ~ r.;-~~ ~/' // 81555/ 81556/ 61557 6155b /' 61559 / ol? bOrl' D1561 ;,' 61 ') 62 615'-3" b l? 64 v' , ., I.-. ,- >.:' ~"" Ol.jO) 01566 cs15 67""- b 1:> 6b ~,15 bS; ~1<' ;,.,11)70 6V)71'" ", ' l "'It.: '7') "j v ,),L.. b1573/' 0157L1- v :=.,1575 v bl576 i/~ 61517 ,; 0157b v 01579../ b 15 be V 01501t/ 61')02 &,,' 61,:>03,i/ ,:,)15ci} Ie 61505 vi 01566 v 01587 ~' 61536 v ,;) 1:)89 v 61.....0.,0 V ,,.,)... ...." e "'''''','",),;' -, '.r-- . CITY OF 8ALI~A, KANSAG Schedule 28-a -'(Gont.) OUTST AND! ;:0 CHLCKS December 31, 1~)lt1 -.~ rt~ _...!:lanters ~~t8t_~-I'~elLk ...rQ!.j;L-A~:!Q.!~.J2t- >," ..~ ,.; .10. ) L . b~ I ... ~_:~:.. _-'.J h. 0 r;,..... -' c:.:. . t._ \.,.' 52. b~ b2.CC ~O.o? 58.b8 Jo.tte :;16.::(: 59 · 3 3 59 . r:;'~ 58.50 50.:;:,;) 55.be :;8.40 \.- '- -,"" :J .,/ · '-; '.. 53.1(- ~)C ..4(- b2.5C 1~C;.!=':~ 51.4C 112.:;,C be .ce ~7.5C 12. '::' ,'" 1'"'."" (;'\J . '. '._ h 1"'" ,.) . '."" \", ,",,?f' ,,_,,"" t :;t. ~'\. i?5. r' C Ii 7. 5C ';/J. 7>': ... '. r .,) lC'C.~:, ~)C: .CC (-~12 .!jC ';" .("1: . ;~) t)l . CJC: bl.bb be . bLf bO . aL; 60 . 04- bO . b4- j9 . 4-0 60.64 hIt . "Z 5 b4.3? 61.00 b1.b6 60 . bit bO . 64- bO. 61.+ 60 . b4 59 .40 60. 64 jQ . 0;'; ~(5. be: 50.4(J 56.CG r:.-:; .37. .I",' .... 5~7;' . c<: 513.50 50 . b, 55. b;) 50. '+0 r" f" ,,.... :;)_0"", 5~.lO ,iJ.40 62.50 1':-':1.08 51.40 112.50 be. ~JC .~ 7 hf"l ~' f ...1-.; 12.c: be. .co 'J. CC: *'ih ('*\,,."'" I..)... .' 2h /"'.('\ , ..).1,.". J+ 7.50 2475 it, lC)O. (;.: ?'J.C<J 62.,0 99. C'() j...4 '5 .,' . . , 61. ()U 61.66 bO.bl.!- bC.64 60 . b4- 60 . 64- 59 . 40 60 . fA. 64 '"1.... ....-- 64 -;:1.-. ......) 61.66 61. br::: 60 . b4- 60. 64 60. hI.!- 60 .61+ 59.Ll-O 60 . 6/4 ( Continued) ;;;G. e TY r, '1''', . .,,, ~ C.J r. ~,~ .:':' L:._~~ ;.~ ~': ':'4 +~';,.:~..,~~,2-_tL .';'; (J~ :r t :: I , 1 ~:' Lf'l .J.r. e c k ;.; U ili':& r -.i,J~;r, 8. ~ t\ Ii f) u n t e c.l?Sl V (:) 1 .,e, 2 r".~i rO'7 v$' "'.....;,,1.,1 01)94 jI' ~1~9~ e>1 ~9 6 61,Q 7 b 1 59 8 .,' o15Q9 ./ b160:; (/ <:>It()1 "" b 1. &:; r.? -~./ 01 '';{ / 61 b04 j 611:..1J5 j ~l 6':;7 ,/ r,! t"'"'7 / - .....\......."-...: .~ 61 COb ~' 01609 .I .....1610 ,,l tllo11V 01e12 l 011:)13,/ ole-Ii.!- V 0161", t/ ... leb16l 01 617 l 61616 61 619 il' 6162C 1/ o16~1 /:::;1(:22 (, 1 b2 " i/ 61 r~,[~ t..l b?:;: " i 626 iJ It: 2 7 c 1 b2 b v c 1 629 v 1:.;1 t,}C :; 61 b31 ;, e~ 1 f; ':t'. 2 " .;' ,~ elt~"""1jl 01 b 34 v" c16:;?, blb"o 61h57 01";6 vlb;~ .0 1 tHO 0, Ibl+," 1 vj. olt42 y CJ H:';'P' ,/ ,. e 12.73 "~I .?? ?c;..:;,..; :' b.40 -;' hi"' ,. . .Iv la.co "2'.'2,0 " c:. lOC .'::0 :~c . .~':: ~- ,... ,...~ ..J. ~~, 5 b. ::' ~ hr 1. ..I'''; .~O ();? . ?O bl.~~ lot;. 1 b be.co 36.7, 4?C:; bO.CO 60.00 '"' bO.':'C: PO .co bJ. ~ 60.C'2 br..) . c~o ,,, "I; ~. ~' 22.?Q :~o.c::' 16.5G i.~\. W'') -,,',;' l.'"" ;2.oe', 2C' .C() IS.20 12.C~C Total ?!J.:: 26.::c 26. t;C Ib.2C ~b.'_ a....7 2(; .I ..,. \".' 39. ':lb. ~ 56. :c 02 . ";.,c 10. ,0 L~ 5 . ;2,0 ,;: 3 . OC 6.,0 4.0: b; . oC: 0.2':> J7c:02.4o , '('1., e C't 1 &.> " ]0. ~ ~~~,~~~~~" i ',:or.it.) he 1 f" t).J::.ll8 ~,;:'1L'! t l' -:~~: nk . ,.. ..." 7"4 ....c. "" .?? ,2. ?'.;.; :;6.40 ;'.'0 l:."C 7' ,"'"'r'\ ;'. v...... 2.CO 1':(;' . (",S t..!"\ ;,~n :J,.;. ~. .... ?90 ~)6. ~C 1.,0 b::~ . ?C~ (,,2 . ~)C 61.2') lCLf .16 be' . t)O :: b. 7:) l-i,. rJ'.) . C' 0 to.CC bO. ~\C bJ.CO 60. C'-O be() . c: (:' be .CC 7r""'\ .~" .....v.....'-..:J ") ,.., h,r"\ C c.. .J~ ?0.~ 1(,).,0 3?t() ;:.2.00 c~O .00 lS~'. 20 12..:: ?o. ~~:' 6. ~~"~ 2 b. t}C 1 b. CC t: t.... "'^ ..I~,I'.\"... ~ ~);-. 20 ",tt~":: ?r,. ',: ....- '." ~b. ()() ~) b. o:~ :: 2.?C 1 C . ~l~.'>' 4' ,~," ?. .C ~-:~ ~J f'll (~ ...", ." . ",","'oj j.-. k/'"l ,.,.'. ..Jv L' ,.... ~ t.'~ ',. ;. , .~';",r~ ......:~oI,/ b.C:'JV ,[72C2.1+o " '",;/ C I T Y 0 F S ,\ L I ': to., K 1\ N :; , ::' Exhibi t "E" -- I NV ~ ST Ml!: NT SIN CU STODY OF C IT Y fHt 4.SURjl~R 48 of December 31, 19~1 Bo nd or Certificate B",lance Changes - 1941 Ba.1ance Issued B Type Dated DUL Rate l\Tumb~ 1-1-1941 Incre!}ses Decregses 12-31-11 Firemen' e ;ielief F'und Ci ty of Salina, K3ns'. s ~efundi ng Bond 1-1-3~ 1-1~1 ~ l/L1-~ 41 & 42 ~2CQO.OO 'It> -if2002.00 'if _ City of SalinA, Kr:nsa.s Refunding Bond 1-1-34 1-1-42 4 1'14'10 50. loao.o~ - _ 1880.00 City of Selina, K'insa.s nefunding Bond 1-1-34 1-1-1t3 4 1/4)1" ~5 & 5(- 2000.00 - - 20'::'8.0C' City of SalinA, K,',lns,s Refunding Bond 1-1-3L.j. 1-1-44 ~ 1/4~ 63 1000.00 - - 10Se.oc City of S81in~, K~nsas Internal Improvement Flood Control Bond 12-1-30 12-1-41 4 1/4-% 11 500.00 - 500.:,c _ City ()f Sp1inr-j., Kansas Intern31 Improvement Flood C:)ntro1 Bond 12_1-30 12-1-(42-50) 4 1/4~ 12 to 2) 4500.00 - _ 45("'" ('\1"'. ( 9 ) - - ,/, h ., Totl'31 Firemen's Relief ,iI'und :~11000.00 LNon~,~~5C~.Co ';HS500.cC Oemetery ~ddowment Fund:- City of Salina, Kansas hefunding Bond (3) 1-1-34 1-1-( 41~,1i'2-44) 4 1/410 43, 49, 62 ,~30'J'J.00 i -~lOOO.OO :~2QOC.OO Hillcrest Memori~l Fund:- CityQf Selina, K~nsas- Hefunding Bond (2) 1-1-31+ l-1-{L1'3-J+4) 4 1/410 57 & b5 $1500.00 ~ - ~ - 41500.0:1 "----- - h__ Cemetery F'und:- Home Atelld Building & Loan \ssociation Segregated A.ssets Certific:J.tes 7-1-35 7-1-36/45 419 567.50 - 5t>7.50 none ----- "- - _.._- Total Investments in Custody of Ct! treasurer4>16~67.50 ~:None J.40b ,.1208.00 ~...~-- :;...... C IT Y 0 ~. (' 1', L 1 ill t, J K';\E:~. ' c" ," ,,' O()'~j'.~,l!\TIVb. STt\I' ...NT en I:. X, LL~'UV:;'JW \T~h..SSKD _y"',t1,) fJ f-:;'(j. ':'~C:.Ii\:iG _,_~t.l.]'J L .1241.T~::S--Dmf_IN-l942_ e is x l/€vie 8 i nl'J ill s -Ye?r --Tenr--Y~ -~ ~'ieGr 1('..<.;. l'~'.tc,: 1(;.*' _lq41_ J .L .;;;....<;_"'""-- ,_, ,,--;e._ ...... e I [j nw: i b 1 e T'Oi xe R : -~- '-Ie ner ::'If.und li'ire Department Fund Pork De~artment Fund Vemor181 Hell Fund :.3s';:;cg,e Di spas!";l F'und J~ner 1 tffiprovewent Fund ~Bter,LightJHeat & o~er ~2nercl nand ~ Interest ~~ving Intersection - B;Jnd .~ I nterest Fund :3cnd kund L ibrgry 1i'und I\i rrort j(und Bindw€ed Control Fund f'iremenls Fen8ion Fund Cemetery Fund. r'~blic He"lth :~ursing ~'und--=-_ 2.136 1.417 . 51{ 7 .122 .256 .5CO 1.53c; b . 1 ;,0 . ItO 1 .209 .360 f",3' .v' J. .2QO 2 . 21 bit 1.2C2C 5' 7" ..1. ~ .11C- .2567 7~ ~ .' . ~l) 1.4253 5.7762 .1121 ) '11"'\ 7 . ,;... '- v. .~;cb .~263 . O~) 52 .1092 ....!..'22~,_ 2.2411 1.;375 .b117 .1H:l .2491 . 5C.4 6 1.0; 3 t~. 4 6;Q 1.725~ 1" ,- ... ' · 77:"c 2r"~7 · ,-'....' t . .:~~7 t:7 """''''7 .'-''-i' '_' ! 1.0:.,.::4 Lj'.5b7t ,~'.,:', . _ xhtQ.~~ 19'+1 T a x€ s Due I n 1 c 4-2 --- ( ,y 1+113b.4b ;265h.39 107.61.41+ !~ 76b.1L~ b':)(;(~.53 1" -')~' "3 . t.,. ;:.c,,:;. ''''; 2509 (". 02 189401.51 - . 2119 . q~)lt5 ~'-''''2 .'- , .;- . J;.'-f 5 .1L4-L~b 1'\ -~ 7 .J(J 1("\1? --!.;"'-.-==-- .2119 50~3.23 "7 u {., '"' " 4' 1"1 b5 . ",'.,! _,.; ~} 'l-..J. .06b~ 20~6.C1 n~~6 A7.Q 42 ....'01/;1""' __,.,.,/e .0495 1160.44 .}O~J 2511.11 .0bt;k If)!)7l''2g __2..L-_ _..L.L, ~ 0, 1"\,.. !. I P fl. _,\, '1' I V::: '.,1", /; T . \.::..:~ ',"IT 0 L' i\'c:c;:'" q';' D \J ~ Tn, T r l'\ ....~Q ... '., _ _.", Ii ,<'".w _J "._"' '.' v I{ f.:fY. .:~ ;:...-_~..:~_, Ye l!: -19.3.9. - Ye:::tLJa4Q) 'l'ot~;l TD1)gibl~r:,xeB __13. dr:l__ U~~ ~ ~ ~ 11. <:'7- 2C.} ~~~:~J~=i27 5132 !.22-_ Tangible froperty IntAngible Pro~erty i .~ -'2 .. 2' 115" rv" 1;~:~; ()....,. ""'....#.....,' 5???421.00 Intanp!~lble I:.?Xes: Gener311 fund Si-:;e ci 1}~se G,~nt u: t: pvi ng t"e'o'lier ".e :;d C'.1t t 1 ng ~;u:rvey()r8 F'eefi ~; g2~'1.U --~ - i_26~~2. 3) 12074.b7 1063-36 757. ';0 '7 1"1"'\ ---,_..,_.,..""""..!..~.._. Tot81 20eci.l.(1 ('-!.~f!!.ents _ 1l1471b.ll__: Iot....l 19ltl.T8xee Uncollected =~:~!Q2.66_, Ye?,r 1978 -_._._._-~ e f e ;4 X:_l'2 LtL ,i '1'.)9"'"'1""2 r'l"'. ::')7'3 Q"'''''' ,'"",0 "~7 "7 22200" , (.;., ,....;-r-.., /..) .~. ~ ./' t) ~( -r )\..,le-,' ;:..,...:: #.'6"+ , , - . _ r~':):"'J;';,":'2.5.v;"....]. ,. ""l-'c'-" ""I"" l-,'h,' '" -',._ "'.... <-_ ~b',) (:1-..).>"" ....'.:1....1,065.0'" NSA.S P, K CITY OF SALt ".J A, u l!.:xh101t .cOMPAH.ISO>N ~ND l{EC:JNCILI\TION OF 19....0 TAxES DUE IN 1941} ASSES3ED A~ COLLECTED DURING THE YEAR 1941 8U~Mi~X e percent age of 1940 Taxes Collected 1940 Uncollected Taxes Less Taxes -19ltOTaxes H.efunded itemi tted l:3 Count To Gi t A~~'ishg~1 Year lS40 plus Tax Holl ~\dustment s Or 19 1nal 'fax H.ol1 Ye Rr 19LtO T ax Levy Year 1940 ( Ml11sL 2960.07 17b6.48 '607. '69 1~3.30 328.93 bbb.41. 1308.~9 ,920.'0 279 . 79 bOO.30 9 t). 70 Lt~ . ') 0 190.91 99.95 llli~ $ $ ,1.??y lf9409.34 30.77 29487.8, llt.07 13lt8b.15 2.67 2~~9.69 5.73 ,lt91.97 11.bO 11124.90 23.8, 22847.37 10'.13 98837.01 .....86 4671.85 10.....0 10020.32 1.68 Ib13.82 . 81 7 bO . 01 3.34 3188.0, 1.73 1009.00 2.34 _223l!!'I_ 52lt20.96 31285.10 lLt308.1l 271,.bb ,826.63 11802.97 24239.81 10Lt860.64 Lt956.50 10b31.08 1712.20 006.Q8 3382.30 1770.tlt) 2~b7 .14 $ 47 . 09 28.4-6 13.02 2.47 ~.30 10.7Lt 22.05 9, · 39 4-.51 9.67 1.Jo .73 3.08 1.b1 2.1 I;l: t $ ,2373.27 312,6.b4 14295.09 '2713.19 ,821.33 11792.23 24217.7b 10470,.25 49,1.99 10621.41 1710.04 80b.25 3379.22 1-'b9.07 23 b4 . 2.2..- ~~272836. 3 3 ,2 i 2411 1.3375 .6117 . 1161 .2....91 .~OltO 1.03b3 4. '+830 .~119 .lt~G-, .0732 .03Lt~ .lLtLt6 .0757 ___1012 ll.b1':20 Fund Act Val~ tli Tan~lble Taxe s :- General Fund Fire DecaTt ment }f'und Park Department Fund Memor1 al Hall Fund Sewage Disposal Fund Geners1 Imcrovement Fund Water and Light Fund General Hond & Interest Band Fund Library Fund Urcort Fund Bindweed Control Fund Firemen's Pension Fund Cemetery Fund t' ublic Heal th Fund e 256 . 9'+ 01 . 1~419 i) $2~ 7399 .lb $2b8.,9 $27308b.7b 2tt6.43 .,.." ~s' xes " r Tan~le '1' Q.~'31 2'v'\ 9 9 .!..-"'L~. --- 94..1+1'1___ 938lt.!..~ 93a7.~1 $2~24-71. 30 $268.59 tt6070b~97_ '+6.22 9330.3~ Intangiolt1 faxes ~_ueneral Fund '67.? 30 62 .230 bb.3bO b5.ClQ_.__ ..IL_ a: 1 bO b. 0.1 654. 23 276.00 ll~.qLt $11~bb.0Lf. 3020.16 51+4.,0 21?~~ $l267i::!. b? 3h80.3<<; 820.50 331.1$6 i.2621 Taxes Valorem Scec1al A.ssessments F a v 1 ng Se we r Weed Cutting By Paes Ad otal 8 8 :$ 1814-3~ 2. $2b c.02 .Lf.O 17705 .40 o $1 Ae s~ment e Tot .~<<; 172S.6Lt 261759 jJQQ)~70. 70 ~b8.':>9$ Tot a1 Interest Colledted on Special A.s Re s sment s Total 19LtQ Taxes Hemltted to Cit Plus . 60 262028.18 * 18148.52 $ 299860 .O~ __296~_ 2 b6. 59 2817'59.59 ~:2g3488. 23 172Et.64 Summary Remi tted Origin~l T R l ~- Adjustments to Original Roll Adjusted 194-0 Tax Roll Deduct - Taxes Refunded by County 1940 Taxes Remitted to City Lese Interested on Snec1al fl.s?esements Taxes'Collected and Hemitted'to City ..,' Balance e H ExhiOi t KlI.NSAS A. t~ OI1'Y OF SALI S'fATl:.MENT OF 1'An;S 1i.)!;(;1!;1 V1!.D FROM GOU,UY 'J.'.H,I!;ASU.H.1!.a't - SHOWING"cYEAR OF ASSESSM~~t A~D D1~~niBUffUi'fo FJNDb O~ BASIS OF ASSESSMENT -- january 1, i9~1 to December 31, 19~1, Inc1usive;--------- e L \ ------ I ---- Tot a1 --- year Levied 1q~ year--yea;---Year-- Total Levied Levied ,Levied I Back 1-- 1_19j8____~~_~!axes year-- Levied 10-;;;0 Year Levied 193!2 year Levied 10~~ ear Le~1ed 1'-- year & prior ,to 19.32 ,4174.55 .12 ~$ 780.51~ 1210.,8 ~ 1900.23 $ ~7b5.21 ~~9409.34 502.~O .~1 001.91 9307.61 ~ .20 319 $ 2 b9 . Lf. :3 Ad Valorem:- General Fund:- Tangible Intangible 040S~.27 32Lf.07.17 l~OLt 3 .~1 2819.1~ oe77. bO 12360.61 26373.05 110 6Lt 3 · 33 ~tjl b8.09 ;If 8~.3Lf. $ bb.S3 $ 15 $ . 29487.85 13~So.15 2559 . '='9 5~91.97 1112't.90 22tH7.3( 9(8) (.01 $,6717 530-'.. k 2919.32 1157.20 259.Lt5 ,155.03 1201.85 3526.28 12000.32 {Ii '74 1050.93 455.29 90.73 225.73 025. (0 125j.32 5081.0Lt . $2059 /80.51 $1(12.98 303.03 310.00 b9 .1, lLt5.10 283.37 671. 05 347Lf..17 Lt88.57 201. ~Lt " 50.95 105 · 09 1j,.50 592. 09 tS~2.20 $. $319.20 230 . 95 78.81 11.73 ~0.22 7? Tj 331.08 tt72.60 Ltj 182.93 09 · 77 13.91 35.12 00.12 ;~5!.f- .11 )UI.}.Oj . 209 $ $ c)tt . 314- ,0 _ 0, 18..93 3.77 10 .20 2Lt.20 71.03 7b.17 $ b8.09 ~,.SO 15.04 3.05 10.99 20 . o~ 85.35 07.93 ;Jp 00.83 '10 .40 g.OS 3.50 7.12 25.07 07.05 1062.92 :/", I' 9ttl+.59 5155.60 10973.10 1015.1+4 810.9? 3LtLtS.12 1{0,.02 2 513 .IS Lf.o71.85 10020.7,2 1013.82 7 bO . 01 3186.05 10b9.00 22~1.1 94Lt.59 i.f.814-.0 1 9:;.2. (8 1.02 50.j~ 1::.00.07 90.02 82.06 9 ($. 59 194.10 365 · 03 - 17. 00 2Lt. 89 113.37 63.{? - 90.02 - __62.08 1 2goo02. 227.2, 118.Lto 215.37 211. 7Q 82.Lf.2 1,9.51 - 7.6, b2.95 ~;:t2bOjQO. 14 11620 i830h2.Q.. 4 - .lLto .19 39 · 35 69 .31 111.28 30.i.f.l ,8.94 - - ;pLf.0'J .98 ;ll 1+01. Q2, Fire Department Fund Park Department Fund Memorial Hall Fund Sewage Di spose.1 Fund General Imnrovement Fund Water, Light, Heat & power Fund General Bond and Interest Fund Paving Intersection Bond Ann Interest Fund Bane Fund Library Fund Airport Fund Bindweed. Control Fund Firemen's pensions Fund Cemetery Funn Public Health ~ursing Fund Total Ad Valorem taxe. Total General Funa Ltc.o/::) 7.02 10.87 - - i.f.5.90 7.72 13.Lf.9 - - 55.00 Lt.?) 13.00 1.02 - - e 17Lt~~.tt8 5328.40 70 ( .,) Lt8 . og 20.oS )05.19 1/28. o~_ 01 (8.Lti.f. 1120c.OLt 2302.2~ 3020.10 1 oj .03 5Lti.f. .?O i.f.8 . 09 - 20.08 - 1'+9.27 215.92 - 1728.01+ $15808.3')_ . .1) .ti3 .87 1'58 '+3) bO 11,'.98 3,0.. 01 25.37 12.01 - - - 8'+0. bO 3,0.90 29-71 - - 660.83 314-b.10 2Lt.80 j 3. b5 7.. 05 052.85 281.12 9.Lf.Lt - 7.27 308.19 179 . 7 b 0.99 1.37 3.03 J_1QQ,.!..QQ. 3~9.50 100.94 3.10 - 5.t+-1 - - 399 . 7 b 10b.2b 2.03 1.00 3.32 . ) . ) SpeCial Asse ssment Paving Sewer Weed Cutting (General Irrrorove Water ~ervice Lines (Gen. Imp Street Light ing By PaBs Intere st on ~ 1'+9.2} - " . .01 54 lLtV'+2 ll?tt,).9 ( ,~99 0 7 . Lf. 7; - ----- --- ~.:!.- ~28_ $1~~J2-_$l?51.li C5.32 L ~3?8. .i.2. .'ji 14.1..16 $ Ltg 8'+. () 1 ....--- - Assessme>nts Special ~ Assessments e 01 al s ll'ot al prior. 2nd . 1930 :;Ii InCludes Tax levies received in 19Lt1 for Sidewalks and Sin~1ng luna !'or the yeers D1stri bution to dep8rtments of the General Fund are shown on the fOllowing pages. ~_.iJ.1. 'total A~l Taxes Collected. 1f " e - ,.,. ,","" OITY OF ?i\Ll N ~,' K \Nr~:~ It S!i\l'b.:Uli.N'l' SfH)'lHNG A.LLOG\TION Or' 'p,X,E3 ;i!1;atl.r'!.:~ '1'0 TH~ ~ uu S U,ll;:' A.tt'1' ': h: NT ~3Jl< T I;L C 1.1; N'fH : L ~'U.ND J:muary1, 19'+1 to Deoember 31r 19&t1 Inclusive. De lei que nt Tax Current Tax '1' ,;:fll,'t 1 b 1 e 'I' a xe s polioe Department i Street lJepa,rt ment Engineering Department ~11k Inspection Depart. Legs.1 Department Build1ng Department 21+51.2, lLt-18.81t 31:$2 . b2 b9 .40 229. 19 213.91 $ 2300,.4-7 1~27 .12 565,. 39 1593.94 15,8.66 1165.';2'+ iLt-9409 . -3'" Total TBnKlble Ta~es ~ !f76'S .21 e Tnt~mz:tb1e Taxes police Department ~ Strep,t DepArtment Engineering Denartment Y:\. 1 k Inspection Dep'.=lrt. 1.eg81 Department Building ne~artment 263. 50 203.3~ bl.8"7. ./ 19.39 2,.50 27.151 'It 38~,. 70 3310.114- 1072.'+q. 35'? gLt ~3.33 280. ~6 ~ 9307.61 !a!.a.l Tl'l\AIaIUn.e '1' R~1.. $ bp1.91 Total Tanl2:ible &- Intan,z;ib1e Taxes police Depa.rtment ,~271,.O, Street Department lb22.22 Engineering Department q.4q..'+5 Milk Insoectlon Depart. 89.29 Legal Department 2')4-. b9 Bu1,ld1ng Department ,- 2~tl. 1+2 ~26651.17 19737.26 b727.$3 19~9. 7~ 2002.21 14lf8.90 $ ~87l7.1'J Tqtal Hi Tax..6!..._ t 53b7.12 <e SChed,:!!~ 29 Total i 2,'+,6.72 1784,.9 6 t,O)<:s.Ol lbb3.3'+ 17bo.07 1362~q.'1 G5~17ti-.'S~ '~ lf109.50 3'? 13 · 53 1134-.27 375.73 468.53 JOl.lL 4 9909. 72 -.;,,"~ - ;;~{~;'~, illi29?bb.22 213'?9. LtS" 7172. 2~ ~.':;~ 2039 · 07 ,~:;..> 22,b.90 ''.;1; 1690. 32 Ii';:' ,iOl-tQ64.27).,;;:; --,.,-;-;-;" ~~'~:,<,~ ',~ " -,'.Y ";,L~. ,;..--, ,~ ~,.i~~? ,\',~ . l' ,~': :,.:: ..., f,"- .....'") . ':'-\ ,.~-, ~:,' >. ,j: ~- .-"'.>.' . ;':.,,4 v;....,:;; :- - .,.,,~j "'('"~:"~l~:' . . ~;'!",:;:~t~: '::";~\~ J, ~~~~,I;~ , '(;'1 ........ CITY OF SlLIN\, KANSAS Exhibit" rot 'e CITY OU:'RK'S nE.VOLVI1jG ii"UND SUMM ,~,R"{2 DK';: :')811 3 (\ND OHf'.CKS_I S3UED J;:;,nuary 1, 19tH to Deoember ;1, 191+1 Inclusive. B~lanoe - ~~nuarI lL 19~1 q "-1"'\1"'\ a, n Jf J'~.i....,J. V DeQoe1t9 '{e imbu....seme nt 8 for Excendi tu:r.es 21~~~ Tot<;l (J;:-,Sh to A.ccount for ,>)93.~o <- DisburBeme~te:- (Checks Issued) i'r1eght and lLxpre BS Fostsg"l '-\nd Box Rent Tr~ve11ng ~xpense <", i see 116naOu 8 L572.93 r!92.OO 1'('. --7 ,. 6\.. . is VH . t>8 Tot81 Gheoke lsr.ued $21Q3.LfS 5alanoe - Deoember 31, 1941 ~ '30::: ..Q.Q_., ,~). - OITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 5xbibit !fJIl e OLERK OF THE CITY COURT STATEMENT OF REOEIFTS, DI SBURSEMEN'I'S ,il,ND BAillCES OF ~L April 6, 19~1 to December 31, 1941 Inclusive. $ 28~5.L4-6 Balance - Aprill 19~1 Receipt~ _ April 8 to December lli 19.1.1-1: Oash Collected on Court Cases (1)07.03 ijil1352.49 Total Oash to Account fo~ D1soursemen'ti :3 To Oity Treasurer To County Sheriff . To County Jttorney-l'tegular lees To Oounty Attorney-Special Fees To County TreaSurer To Clerk of District uourt 1'0 Others Total Disoursements Balance - December 311 1941 4\i2bb2.22 L4-25.8b 3bl.50 211.76 1688.30 5.00 3~j6LOL4- .:'e.. ~1~.6S 2 .1.1-2.81 - F'ees on Hand and Case Balances Fees on Hand (Court costs accumulated pending cases covered by I1Cost Deposit s" ) Cash Balance s due to Witnesses and Jurors Plaintiffs and Complainants Miscellaneous De fe ndant s i 22?O..23 11.25 8L4- . 5 8 4.00 1.1.1-.10 23lti:bb-- 1.1i2_ Difference in Balance s '234-2.81 oLt . -- e /,~- ..~k,:,'~;, ,1 ';';'~~'~:''''-~~ifR,'4~,'':':>->:''<' : :";:>"j-,!,J,;;'i~:;:;~';" CITY OF 2\LIN^. K N'~ CL~RK OF TRi CITY COURT 3ohed~1~~ GASH IN CUSTODY OF rHS qLf~RK Oli' TH&.;.!.JI.TY COUllT ~s of Deoember 31, 19~1 r~rmers Nati one 1 Bank. 3alina. tens,:,s Balanoe Per 13ank Cett~{~<?J?J~ion Deduot - Outstanding GheOKB Date Ootober 22. 1941 November 19. 19~1 December 5, 1941 Decemoer b, .1.941 Deoember 19, 19~1 Deoember 19, 19&t1 Deoember 23, 19~1 December 24. 19~1 December 29, 1941 December 31, 19~1 Deoember 31, 1941 December 31, 1941 December 31, 1941 Deoember 31, 19~1 Deoember 31, 194:1 Deoember 31, 19~1 December 31. 1941 Total.. -Out Bt~@.d1 ng NO. Oh. 352 3&3 416 421 451 452 4-57 460 463 4bS 4bb &t01 4b8 469 470 /411 4-72 Chec ks Add Depos1 t al"lde January 2, 19Lt2 Balance per :Reoords AmO unt ,~-l.OO .15 1.41 3.bO VjS.39 29.50 15.00 1.55 7.00 .15 .7, 2.10 5.00 102.00 270.90 117.~1 112 .~iO * 2972.70 629. 61 ~ 2143.09 199. 72 ;i~2.81 u). P' ->~" ~ .)1' ~. xhi b1 t II K" , - ,4Q 1941 - Total ~ 2061.00 ~ - ~. 6~,oO. - - ~142.00 2142.00 - - 793.00 793.00 - - 1467.00 1767.00 - - 6~.QO 400.00 - - 1323.00 1323.00 - - 2~7.00 2':;7.00 - - '435.00 5435.00 - - 11.QO 11.00 - :~ - _ _t13116&Q 13116.00 - ~ - ~ $2061.00 $13116.00 19496. 'JO 60.00 647.00 10219.25 10950.75 6.50 65.00 251.75 3b6.25 - 201.00 504.00 70::>.00 - 300.00 '115.00 41~.OQ - ~ $1233.0.Q $11090.0 .00 .00 $ 828.00 ,$2026.00 .' e e e - e - e , ", G I ,y I) F -, c', L 1 :i A , ~,.. ~J +" ;;.1\ !::Ah 11) i t "1 If i.I SUltM ~Rl ?f ..i]:1!..lCQ08,D ,~," _2f_Trn;; .i~IJ1. gUILD! NG.lNSP ECTOR January 1, 19~1 to Decembur Jit 19~1 I nolusive. 00 11 ~ 0 t 1. 0 !l!l..i.o l' 't l.lLY!!.ll!.~l9.. 1+ 1 \.],ul1dlng ;:"erm1tf.' G9P !nsr;cctlons lumbini, Ins::eotii')ne [lectrtc~l InspdOtlons ,3i gn:er J'ii t [1 Taxicab Inspections "t.t ~ "'" '.,~> , f..,J"I . '.." ",; ?ll-;.lO ~ ') ',I- .~)') ,.,..,. "'7 - ..."" i ....1 ')"1 ',0 "..~'. J ___:ii&.2_- Total Coll~?tlons_ tunount ;~'\le at ty Clerk .---.------------- ;~~-!~d to tne ~Ul tI 9.1~rk ill.51.:!!.21- ,i. 1m. qI ' i~!9~.;6t, 67. e e e - ,c . ,""'l",~~'~l,-~' ;"'< (",",,:;:':1 .' :-;-;'"' CITY Or\LI ''-, K1NSA.S ;JO}.'FA.TUSON OF LhfCSITOhY BONDE; J\NL: BA1;\NO!:..~) 01' Dbi OS1! Name of Acoount The Ifarrners National Bank The Planters State Ba.nk H. H. !!..berh:~rdt, City TreaSureI' {r02526.21 $772?').02 Cha.rles ;t:. 73:;.nk:er, 01 ty Clerk-Re- volving l<und JOC.CO .L R. Dillingham, Olerk of Oity Court 231.j.2.~l Munioipal Band Fund Public Library Fund ~~alina Public Health Nursing t\6sociation 112.35 i6263~.56 ~77755.62 Le8S-1~ortlon of above Balances secured by Federal Defosit Insurance corporation ~)ooo .00 Bc,lanc8B to be:ecured by Collateral $77636.56 Collateral Required by Statute (70;c of' above balanoe) "54~46.99 Ronds Le~osited by Banks as Collateral $10 )4-90. OQ ':1000.0Q ~72 7'?? 62 50929.e7 ~96900.0Q l:.xhibi t :.\ The Net ional Bank of A.merica $b178l.79 bb7.07 1465.74 $04075.40 ~ooc.oo i)7907'J.bO 55:43.06 'I ;~ 7dJOO .90 ~ t,)o . jAg KAN t,., " d SAL! CITY Oli' 1\1 xhib1 t FIDELITY BONDS Pl F'ORO~ Deoember 31, 194i Date .::"xoi re s Date Lfieot1ve :1'5 (',('\ 0~(' -iF t "'.'...J.... . ... '-' Amount ~Jasual ty iJompany , Meryland ~ E;ued '.' RIyl and 'laltimore Is Bend -43 4 -7 4- -7-41 Tit!L. !v'.. ay 0 r Name Liability Gorp., London, Er;rloyers "8 FUrance 4 -12-43 4 -12-39 01 ty Cocruni s sioner orgenstern ~,d IjrVi ,,('\ ....~ v \.J . ,_, ..' ,.,rf' ,..." v,,-- Ve\..,',-"' ') ?, w,ng. Company Continental 0asualty Chicago, Illinoia -43 4 -7 -41 4 -1 Commis sioner City Ferm Branson H. illia.m .sarI C. r~0t; (\(' \..t... -_-. '......-.." ~ J Fidelity & Casualty of New York Th€ GOD pany ::;0 . ("\(\t"\ 5, u. s. Fidelity' Guaranty 'JOll' ;)any, BaIt imore, ';.l.aryland , -lo-~2 9 -19-39 Comm1ssioner City Commissioner City Breon Frice A. Lloyd . B "(\" n" ,~, .... \.' . '\....;, "..-.' Am€ric8ns ~mp1oyers Insurance 5, Cort'Dany, Roston, ~.<as'achusetts IG-6 -42 10-6 -41 anager \! City Brown . erbert L. ceo.co j, surety Gorpora.tion New York lint ional Ne" York, Director of Finance And 01 ty Clerk H 0. f"v.... (\ n '", ,.;....: .'", .,.J , any 5 IJ ~etn8 Casualty Surety Com Hartford, ".8aohusetts Dur 1 ng Off i ce -26 1 -2 Superintendent City 'ilaterworkd Department Charles b1da Banker Brown L coo.oo ?, Indemnity ~:' innesota ~:8tnt Faul ~~ercury JorDany, r:1t. raul, During Of fice -40 1 -2 Deputy DireoltOr of li' i nance and Deputy City Clerk eterson . ri ..~ . Herbert Haro Id 000.00 :;0, Surety Company of New York "mE ri can Hel York, 4 -24-42 4- -24-41 n",('\ ,...,.., '..': ...~' '" . ',-.' '-.' 5 !\et na Casualty nnd Surety Co Hl',rtford, 00nnect tcut Unt11 Can- cellation 2 "27 - -.; 1 Treasurer ~;ecretary and Cashier City :~aterworkB Dep't. City Eberhardt Henry H. 1,0')0.00 Co. u. S. Fidelity ~ Guaranty Bal timere, Maryland -I:> -42 "2 .; -41 -I:> 3 police Judge Todd .iI~ U. . LoiS ooo.co 'J. !l:'alyland Oasualty Co;rpa~ 8nltimore, \~aryla<nd _47; '" 11-4 11-4 -41 .slIer C;_oodson Hopkins 01 ty bngineer N. H. 2.000.00 New !:;o Casualty York ,~ Ftceltty York, Ne 4 -0 _4"':1 '" tt -6 -41 Gourt Glerk of City !!:lme r (\f"'.(\ r'\f"'. \.../-/ -...I . ,,"-.'_' 2, ';ompany Casurlty New Yrrk ,~c 1i. ,"1(e1i ty Nel\ York, _4"2 .,/ -6 4 -41 4+ -7 iJity Uourt Broom il11am J. ~~' 000.00 .' ,,-; ....,/ .. Guarantee Co .1, & F'ide1i ty 9. u. 12 -C1 -42 " 12-9 -41 Marshall 0 f Inspe ctor Building Bartlett Bayne L A. Thomas L '--~- I I ! "0" Exhibit CITY OF' HAL IN A, K~N~;{, INSURANCE IN FORO,h, (Exclusive of Waterworks Department) Deoember 31, 1941 Annual premium Cit Buildi s nd Contents City Hall Building Ci ty He,ll Content e Fire Station, No. 1 Building Fire Station, No.1 Contents (Exoept Fire Fighting Apparatus) Eleotion Booth, 624 N. 7th. Eleotion Booth, 412 Put.an Eleotion Booth, 21b W. Crawford ~leotlon Booth, Contents at 216 W. Crawford City Reat Hoom Bath Pavallon Bath Pavallon Contents Equipment street Department street D~partment tent 8. $ e 66000.00 2500.00 25000.00 i '~e SUpplemental Supplemental Supplemental e of Cover Fire and Fire and Fire and T pro 500.00 ?oo.oo 9"''''' 00 'W' \.,.~ . 2,00.00 Fire and Supplementa.l Fire and Supplemental Fire and Supplemental Fire and Supplemental ,00.00 &00.00 Ll-,OO.OC Fire ,and Supplemental Fire and supplementa.l Fire and Supplemental and SUpplemental and SUpplemental Fire Fire a.nd Pool ?oo.oo 9000.00 Building Building Supplement al and. Fire Con- 311.2} , Fire and Supplemental F ire and Supp Ie me nt el ~~ . 84 3.92 19.73 9-70 7 72 ,,/. ;' 27.00 6.00 26.80 2Lt.OO ) 8.9') ) 9.00 79 .20 6.78 3Lt. 67 38.47 26.10 9.90 198. 6,0.00 3000.00 1,1.t00.OQ 1000.00 ~,OO.CO.l 1000.CO .". ~OO.OO y ~OOO.OOI 67'.00 27,.00 ,00.00 1,00.00 2000.00,., 3000.00 1000.00 ,I 2,/300000.CO ,:>000.00 2?OO .CO 10000.00 ,000.00 20,.00 Sub- M1so.1neo~ Dwelling and Garage (Dump Ground) sewage Disposal Plant Building and Contents and Sewage Di spo sa 1 Plant Buildi ng and Content 8 Windstorm and Hail Ash Street Bldg. and Contents Fire and SUpplemental Ahrens-Fox Fire Truck Fire and Windstorm La France Pumper fire and Windstorm Fire ~partment Equipment Fire and Wind. storm Pumper Truok,(G.M.C.) fire and Windstorm 1930 Dodge Hose Truok fire and Windstorm O.V.C. Che.ical Truok Fire B.nd Windstorm 1936 Hudson Coupe Fire and Windstorm 192, seagrove Ladder Truok fire and Windstorm Hor se Barn Fire and Wlndsto rm Shop and Contents (Oakdale Park) Fire and Windstorm Airport Hanger and Depot Fire and Windstorm 01 ty of Salina (Memorial Hall) General Publio Liability Boiler at llemorial He.ll Boiler h.xplosion Dwelling & Ba.rn (GypsumH111Cemetery) Fire and Supplemental Oi ty of Salina - Depo si t Aocount s forgery Bond City of Salin. - Deposit Accounts forgery Bond pOlioe Camera' City Firemen Oity firemen City Firemen and Windstorm Windstorm Li fe I nsuranoe Health Insurance Aocident Insuranoe fire F1re - e e . . c . < , CITY OF SALI~At KANSAS A.C 0 au l4'1' S RECl!; I V ABLl!; December 31, 19~1 Gener"blund.: AdmlIlistrative and t'inance Department: Police Oourt Fines and j'orfeitures ~as Franchi.e Fee Street Deparment: ~epair1ng Streets ana Alleys Sa.les of Oil a.nC1 Gasoline to other City Fu~s anC1 Departments Fire Department Funa: Sales Gas to police Department Memorial ~all Fund: .H.entala, etc. Cemetery Fund: Due tor Oare of Graves Burial Fees Due from Sale of Lots Park Department Fund: Barn Re nt a1 Total Accounts Receivable , 11*.05 1157.. 80 100.00 32.50 3 0&4-. '50 lzhtb~ 'ti' 'P j~ '-/Oj7.50 13'53.S3 '~ttl.l.33 271.85- f$.2l+ 51.00 *97.00 1).00 f92Lf.Lt.,+-2 7 1 n xh i bi t ~~ CITY OF S~LI1^, KANSAS 8T ATisMENT Of BONm;n INDLBTB:nm:SS Deoember 31, 1941 e Bo nd s Outstanding _~2-:1-41 Bonds Retired lq41 Bonds Out at and i ng 12-~1- bJtlO unt Of Original I s sue r.ates of Maturlt Date of I seue seriee Number ooe.oo 000.00 000.00 ~)OO.OO - 000.00 :'00.':'0 - - 10,000.00 2,300.00 12,0":'0.00 2:~OO.OO 6,000.00 600.00 21,000.00 15,000.00 6 ,.."r'\(' (",0 . , '~., . .' 37,C'OS.OO 13,0('0.00 6 ("';'"',n ,..,,.., ...........,. "'" "'" 42, CC'-C' .00 40 !"'\I''I'" nn ~, , \...',' l~.; . ,l '-' 11,CJO.OO 31,000.00 32,000.00 5 ~?- tV" "'1" , '.,iv. >wi V 30, 0':'0.00 ~ 12,000.00 "2, 2(' '" ('\,.., *,' , .......... ;,J '-.' 124, 42, 57, 15, l+~, , , ;~ 'iI' 11, '? 1 1"1""(' 1"''''' ... .i , \,.: 'v '_' · \,.f V 7 ('\r'\f"\ 0"" , ..........,.'v. \.of 7 0('(', /"',('1 , ..../'-'. ....... ..~ 2,000.00 "C,)C .00 5'-v'"',"" .n,.., I",... "__'-.../ 2,000.00 4,00C.00 10,000.00 2, ;00.00 6, :';00.00 7000.00 3, (}"C .c'o 300.00 7,0"0.00 5.. f'I" r\ ('oJ' , \,..-' '....- ,-,' . '.,r \..,1 2 ('If'lr\ (\(' , ....- ".- ",' . '",' \.... 7 n ("'('I, ,I'" t": , ',',. '. - .- 1 ,r\",,,, r\('I , '." ',' .' ,,' '. 1,00".00 7,r:"oC.OC 7, 0C'''' .co 2,OOO.r::C 4 (" ('I (" ("() , ~' _'''' . oJ _ 4,ooo.oc 500.00 9,('00.00 1,500.eO 400.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - .- - - - $ 145,000.00 '9,000.00 64,000.00 17,500.00 50,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 4,600.00 18,000.00 30, oDe. 00 9,000.00 qOO.OO 28,.000.00 20,000.00 8,000.00 44,000.00 9,000.00 7,000.00 49,000.00 56,000.00 13,000.00 35,000.00 36,000.00 6,000.00 39,000.00 13,500.00 3.600.00 $ 605,082.00 139,662.55 141,671.07 34,287.75 88,392.58 9,373.19 20,000.00 31,444.94 101,5QO.47 23,377. '7 60,090.57 71,966.73 26,050. 35 3,292.01 64,000.00 47,102.18 18, 31~O. 53 72,000.00 13,682.36 11.305.50 70.000.00 70,000.00 16, 760.97 42, 935 . clO 44,373.31 7,310.04 43,000.00 14,628.85 3,915.44 Ttate 4;,% 4' ..I (:'j() 4f:~ 4y~ 41.% 4~% 4- it " 4 '7i1 41:11 4t:' '. ill 4 .~.t 'c,' 4~'~~ 4 .,1 . 'f? 4 ;~ 4' l..a1 .f"J 71.101 ;~!O 2~ 21.!f1 '+ I' 27~ 2 % 2 ~ 2 .1k 2 ~ I 2 ~ 2 % 2 % l~ 1~% 11.:,., " IQ 10-1 -(~1_45) 1 -10-(41-47) 10-1 -( 41-49) 2 -1 -{ 41-50l 11-1 -(4-1-50 12-1 -{ 41-50 6 -1 - 41 5 -1 - 41 3 -1 -(41-42) 5 -1 -( 41-1+2) 1 -1 -( 41-1+3) 10-1 -(41-44) 9 -1 -(41...;1+.7,) 41" 9 -1 -( 1-'~~) 1 -1 -( 41-44) & -1 -( 41-)."4) 12-1 -(41-44) 7 -1 -( 41-J+6) 7 -1 -{ 41-46) 10-20-( 41-46) 7 -1 -( 41-47) 7 -1 -(41-48) 7 -1 -( 41..1+8) 2 -15-( 41-1+6) 5 -1 -( 41-46) 5 -1 -( 41-48) 7 -1 -(41-44) 3 -1 -( 41-J+8) 3 -1 -( 41-49) 10-1 -25 1 -10-27 10-1 -29 2 -1 -30 11-1 -30 12-1 -'30 6 -1 -~l '" >) -1 - 31 3 -1 -32 5 -1 -32 1 -1 -33 6 -1 -33 9 -1 -33 9 -1 -3~ 1 -1 -34 c> -1 -34- 12-1 -34 1 -1 -36 7 -1 -36 10-20- 36 1 -1 -37 1 -1 -3& 1 -1 -38 2 -1?-;8 5 -1 -38 5 -1 -38 3 -1 -39 7, -1 -~9 " '" 3 -1 -39 Is sue 3ewage Disposal Storm sewer Sewer Repair storm Sewer Flood Oontro1 Olive St. Viaduot Gurb, Gut te r (~ 1..1 avlng Lateral Sewers l ~ avlng 1~ 27,172.75 25,000.00 - 2,000.00 23,000.00 11..11 2,971.46 2,700.00 - 7,("\'"'.r\(' 2,4CO.C'C' 3 f) 1 't~i 6,9~2. '9 6.9:;2.49 4;2 40 ~.500.00 ~" - 18,045.52 ~.I . ,,' - 18.0 5.52 - - 18,045.52 _ 2 20.74 - 2 20 . 74- - 2,720.74 - ....... A' 6 .62 ~; .~" 66.26_i:143.2~2.4o 17C~.266.26 :H.G, 6.." -1 -( 41-49) -1 -(41-49) -1 -(41-50) -1 -( 4"-51) 3 7 3 1 -1 -39 -1 - ~9 -1 -1+0 -1 -41 -1 -41 .., .. .,I sewer s 7 ? vi ng 3 3vi ng 1 (;) o se 0 f Paving Se\\er s, r~ torm Paving P av tng storm Sewers Storm Sewer Paving Pa.ving Condemnation Curb, Gutter 8: Later a1 ~;e fler s sewer and f;ewa;",e Repairs ~ Main and Lateral Curb, Gutter & r Crub, Gutter &- l' Lateral Sewers \laterworke General Improvement - Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - I nterna.1 Improvement - Refundlng-Eal1roa.d Aid Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Refunding F'unding Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - ftefundi ng Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Refunding Internal Improvement - Internal Improvewent - Refunding Hefunding Judgement Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Internal Imporvement - Refunding Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Disposal Plant Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Internal Improvement - Pu ~, f-'-110 R-l11 P-112 0-113 R-114 R-115 J-116 0-117 ~i-l1o 8-119 R-120 P-121 8-122 S-12~ " e S-124 P-125 P-126 8-127 7~ F'und. chool (~ , J ?erma.nent st ? t e f Owned by e CITY OF ~jA.LINA, Kt-,W,AS Sot\eoule 1:. hECCNC!l.I ,~'lI(iN 21'CllL.Q!, :2A.LINA, FI (';("1\1 Af';' "'('Y l\C'~OP~'iT r;, 0tJ1' ,T' · 't I H' HO N['C;l ^ ...It "UPON~ ,v. j ...J..........~,,..J, ~ ' ., .ti'i. ,l_ I ,.;/ ..,j~(,~ ' "";.".. .~.io ,J....) ~(,. \01, ~ December, 191.t1 Items Out st !lK-_ DB,te ot' Date eu po n Pend '-'umo., of I esue Ia-'ue 1 tems Due N!:U!!be r ~be:r ~tal1B Amount . '~aterwor KA 10-1-2, 10-1-36 22 ?79 - 1 ,~ S 22.,0 S 22.,0 hsterworJ.cs 10-1-2, 10-1-Af 1 3" 461 '+01 1 ~ 22.,0 1022.,0 Be'Ra,,;e Di spa sal 1-10-27 7-10~1 29 133 11 "''' 21.2, 21.2, Storm Sewer s 10-1-29 ""-1-1.t1 27. 6 b-b9 4 ~; 23.7, 9?OO ~ ~torm Sel\l~r8 10-1-29 10-1-1.4-1 c'lt bb-b9 Lti? 2 3. 7, 9,.00 Storm SeVipr s 10-1-c9 10-1-"" 1 24 lILt 1 ..;r 23. 7':> 23.7':> Curb, Gutter & Paving 3-1- 39 ~-1-'+1 ? 6-9 2 ~ 3.7, 7.,0 ~3torm Sew~r 3-1-39 9-1-~1 , 6-7 2 .;'" 7.,C 1 ') .OC Ba18noe Fer Fi scel Agenoy Statf:ment $1'3C2.~O 73. e e e r. xh i q ~ t liE" '.:;.; t ~)t r ~101. nis It R:Jued Out B t 1" nrh XW: 1-1-41 1(~41 nid l'i~t 12-'"41.-JH ,~ --"-'-- 4-:?:;O. '.'0 -'4.. - 4' ~, '" r~' .r' ~-. "I '" · '--' ...... \1 - 20('J~~ . (..; G ~. 2r,('."', ,.,..... - "" ...'" 'J."'" ...~n"...'":,.... ~-"'\, - 1 :)C'')f,~ . C~: - "L j'\,.,;i'.__,...? . .., '<' 15":'0.CJ - l?C'J.C:J - - lCJC;.OO 1"'......1"' I'd' - '. _,> \..... . \"",'w. ?S~C:. ao ?'" -""." "'"' - - .....,; ~':. .,.)i....i - 2'5C'~:.:'~ - ?~- r',...... r,;:: - --- - _ ~:"1!_.~ ":~:,'2?72C .O~-~ ~.)S,:-'r:'&~ :c ;~-:!7~O./J:2-- _:'.',.1';(;C~. C~ -. --~,-...._,-,",,"''' " Io, I r ~. . r If ,";! ("!r:,,,; .' (t 1 r -;'( - -',.. ~ L~4 ~.- ;i, ~: fjl CJ r l' Dece u1t;f~T ;...ste B:~ue fund 'Jonstruction proiect e ;'i.'lte - - .......... ,.-; ., /v 2 1 2 J~ue '!lIe ~...lf~ , .Ie Ie te ::,':ld r) nd nd "i'!f,d - () %1 n n .' ;J ., " Ll c~_ ,-21-~O 6-16-40 t>-l ~.".J+a .' 12 - 71_lHJ - " 'll~ "-,_.,t_o-t,T' [t' :'c< ") _..~ ._"'T ~ ,:.;-1.(;-41 'r ,,'i 1.7707-/1. " bQl0-;~-8 f7"67-? / f3 + (~C.~l(;- ":s- .:/. "01"" .::. ,. Qt.: _\,,-...~- i .:,c?"t-4 9 b?,}+..L~ ro j e c t ct ct 1"0 i ~~ ct. 'v roject ro ,J ect raject. f.... f: rn TO . . ." r I , . . , ?, . -\ . , . ~\ . , ,,'i-. r\ . . . . . .~ .;. . ~ .. -. . . . l l,. .. ,. .. r~~""'P . ,,; :'" ~ .. ~~, .... \ I 67 . ~~ '"' . ~ f";rd i Tl4"\ neB .. "t c f._I f) Dl1. "':u rb, G u. L t 1': .'" nn r' {'tV' in,; ( OI'd i n,.,ncE' 1.49 7C') ~ t,.. t~'r~l nit?TY :':et\err ".... 1 4 1 "'5 1 >i,h (,-.::, '" .""I1"rl .. ... "v , t """,.. .,,' 4. .. ~J. .,., "..) . ~f .i., j {)t'J :" vine (, f" "'--'r:-ij .- " :', .. < ,.J ,.," .~ -,.' . '.' L?ter":l~,!:jni t ;:>r:r 1.:J 7 t tee (-. e r ';49 69 0 rlC~ ~ef;e l' oce ur "';. J~ ::1 ~:;b e 7J.i. '~ ;'i~:' ~,;i~. e OITY OF S~LI~A, KAN5~S e AUDIT A.tJUSTVt.NT i:.NTRlbS ( 1) Co n6 t ruct io n Fund- Sale B Oonstruct ion li'und-I\s see Sllient To oorreot error in Fosting Reoeipt Number 7950. ( 2) Oemetery-Sale of' Lots Cemetery-Bur ial F'eea Io correot error in Postin~ Receipt Number 0100. e ( 3) Cemetery Taxes Cemetery Burial Fees ~.rror in Fosting Receiot 0905. ( ;) Sev'8.ee Disposal Supplies Se~Et6e DisposJ:ll Hepairs E.rror Fost intS ~arrant 79~5o. ( ~) Oonstruction H.P.A. 0010 3S Uaa & Oil Oonstruction W.F.A. 0910 38 Equipment Error in Posting Warrant 76090. e Account Number <: ~k ..I"",J 3-60 3-51 10-1 1 10-1 It+..,5 1;-65 c..xhlbit "s" Debit <if 70.00 10.00 136.00 3,.06 2.72 Ore tii t ;&70.00 10.00 136.00 "u::., 06' ",/"",-\,r 2.72 73. e CITY OF S~LIN~, KANShS .: f'l.'l'f.m:OHKS Dt-I' (.,nl':d;.~T ji''d UD FIrvANC! A.L t'h,PC'HT Covert ng the prn~iod from J~nwlry 1, to December ~n, 19~1 e D. N. Turner Oert! fH: d Publi c ;'0 count ~nt SA,l! na, "Ka.nsR,8 - ,"',,"'< 'c ,.y.p.,. ,'.,;,:ijt~L~fi'. '~"i'.;1';\ ,; ; CITY OF ~ALtN~ KA'SA~ WI\TSJ{",\OR1W DEF fttHT:.;'ENT FUNP e BOARD OF GIIJ'Y OOMMIS:1IONAHS Earl C. Branson Ed Morgenstern ~ ayo r Lloyd .;t. price B. ". Breon I,~m. H. Ferm e 1~.trERV,'ORKS ADVI SORY COUMISnIOm;R~ Albert Sohwartz Fred D. K'a.st !ler Chairman Ja.mee H. Moore. .Jr. L. B. Stevenson riet1reo but position not tilled. R. c. Oebh~Tdt ~v ,~T~r:R '#lOR, KS DEp l~,;:-~Tl}; ~~ N'I' , Herbert tH Brown - ~3Uper1ntend.ent Loie u. Todd - Cashier e J. e e e - . , ,'. ;:,~--' '~ . -, '~"W,~~~~'.r>~ ,',-,' ,'..' ", ;~, T ", -:. ,0F>: ,: 1., H NT FIl'lc1 D GON.! ,,;.NTS Ihoboot\..<J ..no rl::corac of the ,.ater.\orks [)e;:;.artmont j'uno of tht: City 01 ::;:,11na, KansiHJ, lVlve been ;':ucited for the :;erlod beGinning Janu!:\l'Y 1, 1941, J:'lnd endine;, December ;.1, l~!'n, incluH lve.. l\ report of ouch ~udit is here~ith submitted. SCOP~; OF HJDIT ':rhe audit. nab rfOr{lii~d in i.to:..;o.l.'c.ance .. itb the oenera.l,ino Bpt)ci.t'1c l'6>1ui.red rrovis 10 os 0:1 th;; M inilliUrL t bucard ',udi t j' rObr&m, EJy~.roved by the 3tatd .;~\unicl;:,;,'~l l,ccount1rlb 3ob.rc. af> Ileable to t'uoh lunds. The audit included verifie;:~tion of th'.:;; :J.b:S':~1..5 a.no 11iibilities of this fund at Deoer1Jbcr ;1, 1\)41, in the manrlor (lnd to the extent h~re- ina1 tel' lnd1eateo, and Ei .,;:,enera1 l'e'lI"lt::i\i 01 all reVl:iUua and 8xptmSes lor the yo ar 1941. HI SfOHY Ihrd:-atarworlte: system, sup;,ly in,.::, the ";,,,ter needs of til.;~ rtH.;idents 01' the City oi :a1ina, \\ans"s, .nti ~,urchH~;'.'::d from ..;rivate interel,t in Octobt:l', 192:;, by the City, and since Janu:,l'Y 1, 1926, has been op- erat13C lib a municipal activity. The r\atf.:ll''IIorka Depal'tmtmt iB e',over- e nod by the 01 ty Coromi sRio nfj r B in co nj unotion with the:;atarworkB ',dY lsory Oommission, lih ieh corlfHst s of :five member s VWfl0 tierve '0.1 th- out pay cmd bra aPe, olntt':d by the Board ot 01 ty Jommistiion~rs. 'the advisory eom:ls,~1on Wn~.; created to consult ~1 th and advise the '-)0:<1'0 of Gity,Jommlss1oners V'Jith relerence to the operatinns 01 the "i:lter- workS wepartment. B ,::., 1. AN Ct~. f111 ". E;1 Under ;;.J.hibit If A" is shown a balance sbeclt ol the "atel.'..or::s LeFart- iIient dS bt Lt::cemoer ;1, 1941, a brief Bum::,r.,ry 01 \"hieh is (~e. follows: A.ssets Liabill t iee :: l~nt ;.=:n6. F'ro Gurrent t\8S~tS $991, ~2o. 75 172., 9 3'). 79 Surplus Feaerves Bonos Outstanding Currant Liabilities ~94c>, 1~?!.r2 vO,524.75 124-,000.00 11,7c4..37 rty Total .f;ii> E.>;'; t S ,H,164t464-.,4 To tal Llabi 11 t lea ,il. 164-, 464. ~~4- i\i F LX G,'\1'! ON 014'1' UNLS The Bourel?: :J.nd e.pp11C3ticn of i'unes re&.11z.ed durin,...) the l',t:lrioci under revic'/li lu shOion by the following etatt:ment: 76. .,_~'frtJ": " t'<-. .ft ; '" ;::~:~~~"!;_" " . ,,',' . i- . 1i~'-, '" j'und provlaed from Net Income ior the yea.:: ended y.!t:cember ;1, 1941 Depreciation taken for the year 1941 Decrease in working Oa~itBl, Zchedule belo~ e Total ~unas Provided D1s;:osition: :3Jr:(j;-:l ,~~.,et ired Acid.itlons to rlant Am.i l<l.'op',:r.ty FBplaccment Ch~L't~~~d to Depr~c ie.t ion L.l(' n' 7 -'r, ;,jIc-~, -" .)',.; 7. ~,61.05 ',.. '.",c.'. ... .~r,2.1'::>7 .50 lC.777.'62 4, 4C1 "3 . 15 "'7 41 -'I- ;i,O. c. ~!~ ;. 1,:OC . ':<J :: 0" 41.>0, '''.l::l J. ...,. _ -...i~67. '+10. 3'J The deorease in Working c,~pital reprt:n;ente th~ net deorefHH:l of current aS~jt3 over ourrent liabillti~8 as follo~8: C;urre nti..5 sa t s: Cash :;tty ot'..a11na, Bonds 01ty of Salina N?t~e ;ocounts :tece.ivab1e Materl~ls ~nd 3up~11e8 )'rer)"lL5 IUl,uranoe Accrued Interest Receivable 12-7,1-41 J _ ~124. i?4.~7 26. 720.74- 7,,00.00 Lt. 6,1.32 9.0')4.01 if'JO~ 34 326.31 e Total i172. ~?:+..41 =urrent L13bl11ti6S: Aaooun~s ?ayable ?..,eter l:.:epoa1ts Aoorued Interest ~ayable ~ 7 -1 -''; "';17 ~ ..}, .I'~-'- . ~ 7, 0 67. 00 1 i'f"..' .....n , .J~1fJ. ~~..f Total $ 11.764. 37 $161. 1~1.42 "lork1ni;I' '~.3pi tal 2L~;'~T ,".N J.) : HOr.R'l'Y k30empar 31, l(iil 12-~1-4Q 4113,?69.36 -leG 6nO (',n ,; It ",. .~*''V 22,750.00 1, '/~5 .9 C> 9,223.4.6 2Qb.r;')j - ".,; 497. '7'5 .:HZb.. 404..~() 4,2')....76 , ,". 6,0,c.::>0 1,743. 75 ~ 12 t 650 . 0 1 ~ "1(' 6"'11 'Z \i~ \)*u J ~..""1". >') In.:) re ;3.3e "r { Decrease} .$10,6::>5.11 (3.079.26) ( 15. ,::~O.00) 3.10'.34 ( 160. 65 ) 160.31 1 1 1+4 ~'t :} :j' .. ~ A4ditiona for the ye r 19~1, tOG~thu= hith th~ bul~nceD in the various acoounts, are sn:JMl in detail in Schedule 1. Jobs '1.106 rind ~loo ~eI'e completed duri~~ 1941 and t.ra,l1Blel'rad 'to the val'lous sub-accounte under ,Plont and roperty. HiBtory ot tfi;:;ll~ t1io proJects ...as e,lven in th~ last a.udit rei:ort. A new job. nU41lbor lb9, Wa$ started only shortly before the ::;l~,)Be of' the Y0[Lr. The aC1ditlon13 to the v cirioU8 tI,yulpae nt and pro....ierty a.ccount a appears to be in ord~r and ~roper oharges to the aOB8t ~coounts. There ~ere a numhti:r oJ o~her amount s paid out for 1 tt3mS ,~hich lfiere prObably leg! t ima,te add1 t 10nl? to the prOpdI't~';::cC'o unt. al thoue;h they ~.tJre c~ ed to e.xpen;i~~. This praotice.~hich J,:r. Brown aBsures me has bet:n. e 77. e e e followed in prior years, is undoubtedly good business. Among the items are the following: An arc welder purchased for ~235.00, and a recorder for $60.00; both of wh ich were oha.rged to Miscellaneous exp~nse~i a lawn mower was purchased for .~13. 77, <,a fence WaS ^pu~ up for $b15.3l, and landscaping in the amount of ~264.47 and $145.55 '''as all charged to Hepairs to Grounds and Buildings; and a lamp waS purchased for $16.50 and charged to miscellaneous office supplies. Ourrent Assets: These are shown in detail on the second page of the re- port on the Waterworks Department, together with the current liabilities. Cash on hand in the offioe WeS counted Jc>.nuary 2, 1942 and found short in the amount of four cents, for which adjustment h2S been m~de in this report. Cash disbursements ror meter deposit refunds, miscellaneous payrolls, ire ight, express and petty claims are ma.de from current cash on hand. ReiillburRements for thece items are later receivet from the city Treas- urer througb ap;'jr09riations made by the Board of' City Oommissioners. CaSh in the hands_pf the City Treasurer, waS verified and compared with the recor6s of the City Clerk. The payments of vouchers for the '(, a terworks Department are now be inl;; handled just the Same as all other Fund payments are under the same type of ()utho:rizatlo11, and the warrant-checics are issued by the City Clerk cmdentered ("In 1"1 is records the Sc,me as those for other funa Band de9a:rtment s. City or S~lina Bonon; These bonds ~ere examined, being kept by Wr. Brown in the Planters St~te Bank. All cupons were found attaohed and the bonds on hp.nd agreed with the record of bonds held. Oity of Salina 7emporary Notes: This represents money advanced to the Ci tyof Salin):). secured by temporary notes is 8ued by the Oi ty dJf Salina, Kansas, as follows: Date Iosued Intere8t Rate Amount P urpo se W.? A. project 329~..4 W.P.A. project 62,4-4 Total Apri 1 29, 1941 August 19, 1941 211 ,'0 1% I $ 5,000.00 2,500.00 i 7,500.00 These notes aI'e pa.yable as soon as the bonds covering the improvements are issued and sold. The notes are in the custody of the superintendent of the liiaterworks DepRrtment and are kept in a safe in the o1'fice. They were inspected by the auditor. Accounts Receivable: represents the amount due from water consumers and others at Deoember 31, 1941, as follows: Accounts aeceivable - December 31, 19~0 Add: $ 1,,45.lb Billings for the year 1941: \Vater: Railroads County Schools $ 4,747.58 372.25 1,213.30 7i). ".., '. ,.'''''' 0'" ,C , ' ...... Carried Forw9.rd - AocountS lUJOuivHble Deoember 31, lS'~& +1.~4?lb e City Federal rrivate r~iter '-:(lles Fe na 1 tie s ':'ales Tux ~: i see 11..,neo ue 11,641.46 100. ;0 9 6 .'; ,jt ' ...'''.J '-<..... in 14 r ,~ ; c . 1 1 1.) ." <:7 . c-..:........ 1, 729.70 ~,:2'::: .9~ 1'otlll ;;rHIl'e,es 11 Cj I 3....~ . lc:.. ./blC:::O, Obo.;. 6 Deduct: CoBh Collections ;:,ebates Bad Debt ~rite-offs Total Gredits lCo, (;61.46 O. ("\-"4 77 , '-' r: · 1-+ L ~9 116, ~)~:7 .04 Bala.nce Accounts Heceivable 12-31-41 ,,j. 4, 6"JC .~~2 Toe stub aocounti~ methoC1 ofbillinet: 18 in use by the city ana billa are ~:re;':';:ir~o, tot.r:leo, and proven on a Burroue;hs billing n~bchitB. The calcul€ztlone of units of V'la.ter used, as sho\l'.n by thB meter booka,tif:re test ohecked against the.: rate Dchedule (;n.d co;,:,a.red ,jith the amounts as ehot\'n on the COnBUtlierSt billS. Teat ctwcKG ~.e!,f) u180 Il\flCe on in- dividual billings to see if the 'binp ;;,ere rre;:,aredanri paid 1n aecord- ;Jnce t.ith the rate crovided by ord inanee. A. ;;en::-:lty of ten per cent i8 aES8ssed for failure to pay bills _hen duei however, such penalty 1s '^aived in caSE~S of nickness and to ';j.F.rc. jio::iCi:::Irs. e Record.S of ser.vice connectioni.:; 'iHir,,; t:xamineo and test Chi:cckec; to the b1llin~ sb.e~~t6 to a.etera.lne that billings 'M::re be inti recorded on er- vice connections wade curing the year. ltJe tot31 billings for the year, plus Qutf>trmding .':1ooounts at the b,;~- ginning of thB year. ,',ere !'}:cc('lunted for either in trl"; forri: of cash re- ceived during th~1 yenr, dlBcount,:":nc rnbtLt~~: alloi.eel, b<::,o debts charged off, or outstand ing~'ccount8 due f' t thf; GloH;: of the year. During the yeBr. by a.;::-;.'roval of th"'!:;:,overning hody, 'i RunHner d1 count of tr.enty- five per cent WsB allo~ed oo~eRtlc consumers for the bill1n~ ~riodu frol E~Y to Noven,be.!', inc1uf:Hve. A !'I:.ibtite of the NOV':I;lbt:r l~i.t 1 b11H. to all con::;umel'G "'}"- allowed 1n tho ;11hou.nt of -,;;0.,0)'+.77 by the r;omlliisalon. Mfit~r1ala an~ SUP~'ttes: T~18rt!pr~St;ntathe v:j,lue 01' itiu~er131::j. on hand at December ;1, 1941, as lnventorldU unaer th~ eupdrvi8~on 01 theuper- intendant, who Cf.:rtifif~d that the:: .,u(.\TIt.itf.:s \I,ere correct und the It(;mS were r.riceo (;-tt the loiier of cost or l1'.arket. The ,;xt::3nBiona finel i'ooting;: >'<1:;1'e veri fied. ~:r~i:Q~~~ I~SlJr;ince: '. !\ f~Cr1t30U~e of the _ insurfnce in lorce it' fot'1olil'~;. t t.[.er,~lth th>~ d.mount ~r7:'c~;;lo to Lecember ;1. reEentt";d in 19'-i-1. e Fidelity Bonds: F'idel tiy bonds nrd in foroe in the amount of -ii"0 each, on the Superintendent and :aBhi~r 01 the ~BterworK6 Department as anofjn io',xhiblt N of the general report. 79 · ccrued Interest Reoeivable. This inoludes interest in the amount of 50. 8 accrued to December 31, 1941 on City of Salina Bonds and in the amount of $76.03 on City of salina,Notes, held by the Waterworks De- e partment, a total of $326.31. Surplus: Changes in the surplus account are set forth in Exhibit A, and need no comment. Reserve for Street Construction of Flush Tanks has been explained in prior reports. Reserves: Reserve for the Retirement of Bonds needs no comment. Reserve for Depreciation of Plant and Equipment: Balance January 1, 1941 '76,875.96 Additions to Reserve 1941 10, 777.fJ2 87,053.58 Charges to reserve account of Auto trade Other charges to the Reserve account of replacements and painting Balance - December 31, 1941 lit. 50 87,5 .08 7,253.55 jao,292.53 'e The amount added to the reserve account in 1940 Was charged to the depreciation expenses account for the year. The reserve account re- presents book reserve only, as no cash funds are actually set aside or segregated. It is evident that insufficient depreoiation has been taken on Tanks and standpipes in the past. l}~ of (approsimately) 155,000.00 equals 1 yr. depreciation. 825.00 A paint job about every five years Five years depreciation 4100.00 of Which I think at least 1% per year should be retained in the reserve to cover obselesence Balance available for repairs Cost of paint job in 1941 2750.00 11350.00 7053.00 $5703.00 Deficiency in Depreciation during five year period~ or $1140.60 per year which amounts to approximately'}2% per annum. From the above computations it is evident that a con- Siderable portion of the cost of painting Should have been charged to the current years (1941) operations, since an insufficient re- serve had been established. .0848 Outstandi~: Bonds retired during 1941 together with interest capons paid were inspeoted and found to be in accordanoe With the bond register, and with the totals of the warrants issued therefor. All were correctly canoe lIed. e CURRENT LIABILITIES Acoounts payable represents amounts due on open accounts as at December 31, 1941, as shown by the City Clerks PurChase Order Record. .,.... .::)'v. e e ,e t." ,l;~ #- i-" :._,.,,,,~' 'l4... t Your attention is direoted to the faot that no payments have been made to the State Compensat ing Tax Department covering the tax on materials and equipment purohased outside the state during the our- rent year. It is understood that none has been made in prior years. This matter appears to be under litigation at the present time. No liability in this connection has been shown in this report nor on the books. Meter DePOSits: Ba1anoe December 31, 1940 Meter Deposits reoeived in 1941 Meter Deposits refunded 1941 Balance December 31, 1941 '6,852.50 1.t~.OO 38, 12.50 1,545.50 J7.067.00 The total outstanding deposits at the end of 1941, as shown by the General Ledier, Was reconciled to the detail of individual depositers. Your attention is directed to the faot that interest on meter de- posits is not paid by the Waterworks Department in aocordanoe with the requirements of 12-822 G.S., 1935. .Accrued IBterest Payable: This is the amount of interest accrued on Waterworks Department Bonds outstanding Deoember 31, 1941, f:rom date of last interest payment, Ootober 1, 1941 to Deoember 31, 1941. OPERATIONS Under Exhibit B is shown a statement of profit and loss for the Year 1941, for the Waterworks Department. Under Exhibit B-1 there is shown a oomparative statement of inoome and expense for 1939-40 and 1941. Changes in reoeipts are indicated thereon. Interest reoeived consists of:- Interest on Bonds Interest on Temporary . 9?6.:71$ Notes ~3J..Oe :Jl~~;gl ~ Interest Paid oonsists of interest on Bonds outstanding 1941 a.s follows: $155,000.00 for nine months . 4~ 124,000.00 for three months@ 4~ Total Paid during $5,g,,1.2fj 1t395.00 '6b~O.25 Depreoiation; this amount is made up of charges for depreoiations as fa llows: #873.62 per month for 6 months 922.62 per month for 6 months Total $5,241.72 J16:~j1:~~,. The rates of depreoiation used for the monthly oharge were deter,!ned by the city engineer's department as follows: Oaet Iron Mains, ~; f~~e hydrants, valves and valve boxes, flow lines, l~i tanks and towers, It%i structures and manholes, meters and servioes, pumping station, ,;..~l e sand trap and reservoir, station piping, furniture and fixtures, 2%; venturi meters, garage and storage bUilding, 3%; real estate improve- ments, 3!%; pump house and derricks, individual wells, well pumps and motors, cottage, electirc pump and motors, 4%; and trucks and cars, laboratory equipment, 10%. GENEItAL Entires necessary to adjust the books to conform with the audited balance sheet and profit and loss statement are shown under Schedule 2. The auditor Wishes to express his appreoiation for the cooperation of the superintendent, oashier, and other city officials and employees during the oourse of the examination. e e 62. e e e '.r' .~, CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE SHEET December 3l, 1941 ASSET S FixedAssets: Plant and Property, Sohedule 1 Current Assets: Cash in Office $ 768.3l Cash Balance-City Treasurer 123,456.16 City of salina Bonds 26,720-74 City of Salina Temporary Notes7,500.00 Accounts Receivable Materials and Supplies Prepaid Insurance Accrued Interest Receivable $124,224.47 34,220.74 4, 65l.32 9,054.01 458.34 326. 31 Total Current Assets Total Assets Surplus: Surplus as of January Profit from January 1 3l, 1941 LIABILITIES 1,194"895,997.84 to Dec. _52,157.58 J9q.8,155.1f2 L.ess.....Set aside as a Reserve for Retirement of Bonds Net Surplus 12-31-41 7,749.96 . . . i940, 405.46 Reserves: For Depreciation-Plant c1i. Property 80,292,53 For Bond Retirement 7,749-90 For Street Construction of Flush Tanks Total Reserves 232.22 gg,274.7l Fixed Liabilities: City of Salina, KansaS, Waterworks Bonds (Dated October Ii 1925-due Serially from October 1, 1~~2to October 1, 1945, In- clusive at 4t%) 124,000.00 Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable Meter Deposits Accrued Interest on Bonds f.9ta1 Current Liabilities Total Liabilities $3,322.37 7,067.00 1, '395.00 Exhibit "A" 3991,528.75 J 172,935. 79 Jl,164,464.54 11,184.37 Jl,164,464.54 83. e CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT FUND PROFIT AND LOSS err ATEMENT For year ending December 31, 1941. Revenue: -Sale of Water Penal ties Interest Received lUscellaneous $114,438.16 1,122.37 1,359.83 207 . 20 Total Revenue Refunds, Rebates and Charge Offs: November, 1941, Bills Rebated Refunds Accounts Charged Off $ 8,034.77 303.13 141.59 Total Refunds, Rebates and Charge Offs Net Operating Revenue Qperating Expenses: Water Supply: $ 4~~:~ Repairs-Well Pumps Repairs-Electric Equipment Lubricants 2.00 Electric Power 3,321.46 e Pump'~ Station Expenses: Superintendence . 1,920.00 Pump Labor 4,519.40 Power 6, f559 . 49 Fuel 110.80 Lubricants 25.13 Miscellaneous Items 955-48 Repairs-Electrical EqUipment 230. 8 RepairS-Building and Grounds 3,930,29 Di~trlbution: Labor-Removing and Resetting Meters . 1,440.00 Labor-Meter Department 1,440.00 RepairS-Meters and Equipment 997.7~ Repairs-Valves ~7.2 Repairs-Hy drant s 5.~ Repairs-M ins ~. RepairS-Services 6 .33 Commercial and General: Sa1ar.ies-Accounting and Collecting . ~,94l.20 Salaries-Meter Reading & Collecting ,234.09 Administrative Salaries 3,219.95 Offioe Supplies and Expense 1,436.19- e Stationery and Printing 535.86 I nsur ance 859.06 Total Operating Expense E:xhlbi t B $117, 127 . 62 gJ479.~ J108,648.l3 . 3783.44 17,451.37 5,120.87 12,226.35 -138,582.03 84. ,''t ,\n.:l: "~.' ~ " I.,. '. i' "'f.'.".' CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT FUND e PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT profit from operations before Deducting Depreciation and Interest Interest and Depreciation: Interest on Bonds Depreclat ion Total Interest and Depreciation Net Profit for the Year 1941 $ 7,130.9.0 101 777. b2 SUMMARY Revenues $117,122.62 Less Rebates, Refunds & Charge Offs 8,474.49 Operating Expenses: Water Supply Expense Pumping Station Expense Distribution Expense Commercial and General Expense e profit from Operations Interest andDepreciation Net Profit e $ 3,78}.44 l7,ij.5l.37 5,120.87 12,226.35 ... , ' ". Exhibit B (Cont.) $70,066.10 17,908.52 J52,157.58 #108,648.13 38,582.0; 70,066.10 l7,90g,52 ~ --.J52,157.58 85. .:{ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATEfiWORKS DEPARTMENT FUND e y Exhibit B-1 OOMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE FOR THE YEARS 1939, 19~0 and 1941 Revenues: Water Sales: DomesticConsumers Railroads County City Federal Schools Total Water Sales Other Income: Penalties Interest JUscellaneous Total Revenue 1939 $111,320.75 4,030.06 437.45 19,147.55 120.50 1,466. 35 #143,123.26 1,184.50 1,750.07 324.79 3146, 382.62 Less: Rebates, Refunds & Charge Offs 131980.21 Net Operating Revenue _ll32.402.41 e Operating Expense: Water SupplyExpense Pumping Station Expense Distribution Expense Commercial and General Expense t Total OperatingExpnese Profit from Operations Less Interes Paid & Depreciation I~et Profit $ 4,569.54 1f, l)70.5S 5,229.36 12,872.27 j 40,340.75 92,061.66 19,533.24 ..172,528.42 1940 1941 $110,704.09 $96,355.25 5,111.62 4,747.58 419.45 372.25 13,616.60 11,~41.48 116.05 108.30 1,427.20 1,213.30 $131,305.01 $114,438.16 1,254.34 1,122.37 1,094.54 1,359.82 402.26 207.26 $134,146.15 $117,127.62 9,435.87 8,47~.49 -'124, 7l0.2St 108,648.13 $ 5,190.0l 16,977.0$ 5,022.36 12, 396. 38 $ 39,585.83 85,124.45 18,470.59 J66,653.86 $ 3,7S3.44 17,451.37 5,120.67 12,226.35 #38,582.03 70,066.10 17,90S.52 2 1 . S There 1s quite a decrease in the Sale of Water to Domestic consumers and to the city. Undoubtedly the reason for this decrease lies in the increased r~nfa1l of the past year. Also to Some extent in the de- orease in rates. e 86. e e e . .~_. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS - - ......,..' -'".' . ",,-,'. ,-. , WA'l'ERWORXS DEp ART:MENT PLANT AND PROPERTY ACCOUNTS 12-31~1 Dlatribution:- Structure and manholes , 71~3.26 Cast Iron Ma.ins 575680.07 Hydr ant s 30tf.9 7.00 Valve & 'alve Boxes 20771.+.7, Real Estate and Stand- pipe 55569.~ Meters,Boxes and Accessories l-l~l , 6972.26 5028l3.g7 35578.52 19720. b2 55569 .S&f- Water Suop1y: Real Estate Pump House & Wells Well Pumps & Meters Flow Lines 56~J).22 53l~Q.1Q :J7'521R2.14 ~ jl3379~ .21 . 1922.50 . 1922.50 Derrick 12b~3.3g 12653.38 ~170.b5 39353.65 25765.02 25~82.28 J+~285.27 1.+397~.16 il28797.~2 '123J+82.97 PumpiEf Station. Real state . 9875.00 Real Estate Improve- me nt B Pump Hous e and St aC k Cottage Other Structures ( Re servior) Ilectric Meter.,Pumps and Equipment Venturi Meters Pipes and Piping 3580.~ 1 8750.8ij. 30 b9 · 37 2791.+3.33 . 102.82 Total Plant and Equipment Account ~91588.7~ , 9875.00 3580.40 18750.84 3069. 37 8596.31 11929.99 e195-'+'3 lOlJ+o.b ;68744.09 . 2282.04 ll17.~ 1880 .00 1074.02 6a29. 32 112682.88 , 21883.1t+- l88"3.10 , l. 23!ib. 30 '962471.LtJ, SChedule 1 I ncre ase De ere ase , 111.00 , 12800.20 918.42 105'+.13 3297..12 = J~ l8p06.95 r , , J+8l1.00 183.3J+ 3l4.ll $ 5 31J+.~5 - , . 193'+"7.02 3201.+.27 975.00 1.+440.1~ -'27960.'+_ ..J- . , 423.85 567. 39 - l&f-l. 74 '1132.98 , . 102.82 - - , -*29057.30 :::/? . e e e ," " ,: ..~, :i.:,,: "C " ,. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WATERWORKS DEPARTMENT FUND iDJUSTING AND CLOSING ENTRIES s at l)eoember 31, 1941 ( 1) Debit '$ 68.00 9.62 7.11 11.20 Meter Deposits Water Revenue Miscellaneous Supplies and Expense Repairs-Station Building and Grounds Cash on Hand To record miscellaneous disbursements and re- funds from Cash on Hand as at December 31, 1941. ( 2) Plant and Equipment ~ 230.00 Reserve for Depreciation l07.50 Water Revenue, (Misc.) To record correcting en~3} for auto trade. Miscellaneous Supplies and Expense Cash on Hand To record Cash short. (4) .04 Accrued Interest Interest To record interest on City of Salina Bonds and Temporary Notes owned by Waterworks Dept. (5) 326.31 Prepaid Insurance Insurance To record prepaid insurance ( 6) 458.34 Deoember31, 1941. . Sales Tax WaterRevenue To adjust balance in Sales Tax Collected acoount to feflect liability for December,194l. ( 7) Repairs to Electrical Equipment Lubricants Miscellaneous Supplies aD4 Expenses Power power Fuel Repairs Station Buildings and Grounds Meter and SerVice Repairs Valve Repairs Repairs to Distribution Mains Miscellaneous Office Supplies and Expense Stationery and printing Job 189 Plant and Equipment Account s Accounts Payable To record accounts payable of the Water- works Department as at December 31, 1941. 117.49 159.00 24.95 1.67 226.46 468.s4 14.85 3.78 110.55 2.05 3.50 42l. ~ 10.55 9.62 1797.61 Schedule 2 Credit $ 95.93 300.00 37.50 .04 326.3l 45 8.34 117.49 3255.32 H. Annual pre- -aid premium Sohedule Annual Premium AmOunt of Covera2e KANSAS FtJ ND Sf! CEDULE ATEH'NORKS DEp ARTMENT S ALl N A, NIURANCE CITY OF '.\ ., e Pumping Station Bldgs. and Gar~e and Warehouse Dwellings and Garage ~aterwells - BuildiD6s and Steel later Tank ~levated Water Tank horkmenls Compensation and Liabl1i ty Contraotors Iub1ic Liability C1 ty Hall Oity Hall 1/2 Ton Ford Pickup 1/2 Tone Ford Pickup $" 192.85 17.54 27.03 54. 11- 6.54 20.00 43.66 3.97 b.12 12.25 25.63 28.70 $ 37,000.00 1,500.00 1.100.00 6,600.00 7,500.00 50,000.00 {' 4 ( Go -1 ns . ) e Fire and Supplemental 90% Fire and Supplemental Fire and ~pplement al Fire and Supplemental Windstorm Windstorm J.', 52.30 37 . be .46 1.87 1.29 44.7'4 Cover quipment Equipment 313.80 225.60 16.67 6.41 14.35 51.12 09. I; ~. ... Pro Legal Liability 5JlO,OOO.OO . 1.000.00 1,000.00 V~lue 5/10/2,500.00 Co-Ins. ) D~ma.ge ( id 90;k Mescenger andRobbery Mercantile Safe Burglary Fire, Theft, Etc. Bodily Injury and Property Tot a1 Pre F-mployers e e