Audit-1965 - January-1966 To Whom It May Concern: This "Report" has been prepared and is respectfully being , submitted to acquaint you with some of the basic facts concern- ing the City of Salina, Kansas Fire Department for the Year just ended-being 196,. This Report is divided into four (4) "SECTIONS". They are as follow: - FIRE LOSS STATISTICS-----------pages # 3 thru #13 TRAINING-----------------------Pages #14 thru #1, FIRE PREVENTION-INSPECTIONS----Pages #16 thru #21 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE~---------Pages #22 thru #23 JET/cwm hjm - -1- e e e . ..., ;1 \ JANUARY-1966 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS FIRE DEPARTHENT OPERATIONAL ORGANIZATION I C IT IZENS I CITY Cm-lHISSION Robert M. Stark, Mayor Ralph F. Exline ,C .R. Rundquist G.N. Waddell C .W. Casebeer CITY MANAGER N.D. Olson I FIRE CHIEF J.E. Travis ASST. CHIEF T . L. Archbold I T CAPTAIN CAPTAIN FIRE PREVENTIO!\ TRAINING , H.J. McCabe E.C. Bross I I LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT INSPECTOR DRILLMASTER Paul Smith G.A. Nichols James Lacy Paul Day Leonard Todd , CAPTAIN OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS G.J. Puyear Jack Gray LIEUTENANT OPERATIONS B. Glendening Bill Vaupel .I ame s Dunn .I. Heidrick FIREMEN 24 I CAPTAIN OPERATIONS STATION NO. 2 Ben Loy ',L.R. Tinkler I LIEUTENANT OPERATIONS Roy Batcheller Bernard Cain -:- I FIREMEN 8 , t!~ tt.C~}tANT RECORDS C .VI. McCabe OPEHAT aHa (Female) 3 ASS fir. MInCHAN! F. Bernhardt J.O. Schmidt ,.., -~~.-- , ~- , e 0 Z Cf)<I; U) rJ) (=' ::.) !__J ,_.) -,~ ...c.: E-.f I .j.) 'g ~ (/) ('t'\ CO r-l ~ NON --0 ('t'\ '" Oeil '^ '^ ~~~ .. H>O >a" ~OO ~>a o,.;~ 0.,.; 0 0 c: ~~ 0"; Q) 0< "C .. (/)~cr. (IJ '''; (IJ 8esS s (IJ ~ '^ ~~ '" HZ::C: ~6~ '" .c:~E-< r-l < < I ~~~ N t- ~ '" r-l~r-l r-l N '" ~ '" Z 0 ~~~ 0 f2 .~ o 0 H E-<<E-< E-< P=:~~ e < H~ 0 ~.oo H ~ H Cf) (/) Cf)eilO < 8~~ H 0 H 0 O:Z; Cf) :50~ (/) 0 og~ '^ N N '" H oW r-l ('t'\ ~, CO ~ f2 0 . H P=:~"C ~ H~C: ~.oCll o ~ :z; (l) "CP=: . .c:C:j >a ~ ;:j t- '^ t- ('t'\ N ~ og H ('t'\ ~ N N ('t'\ 0"; ~o ('t'\ ~ 0 00 Cf) (l) p;:J(/)p;:J .c: ~~5 ~ .. (IJ c: ~ 0"; Cll E r-l ex: Cll ..... r-l 0 < H p;:J c: N"''''~ N < Cf) :> ~ ~ ('t'\1XlN '" H ~ H ~ '^ 0 t) Z "C ~ H t5 I ~ ~ r-l ~ - ~ ~ Cll ~ ~ IV 0 r:s :::l 0 ~ 0 <<( l'-< m -"... ..1 e U') U') 0 H ~ e5 0 r-l 0 r-l 0.. Lf"\ '-0 0 r-l 0 . . . . 0:: -:t C""\ 0 t:O 0.. 0- r-l C""\ C""\ I:'- r-l 0- t:O H '" '" '" " ~ I:'- 0- Lf"\ N 8 Lf"\ C""\ 0 0 r-l N 8 * * * * 00 Lf"\ '-0 00 Lf"\ '-0 0- '-0 I:'- t:O 00 '-0 -:t U') U') . . . . . . 0 . U') U') C""\O '-0 '-0 00 01:'- 0 0 N I:'- I:'- C""\ OC""\ OC""\ H H NLf"\ o-r-l 0- r-i I:'- Lf"\ '" '" '" '" '" '" " '-0 0 U') NLf"\ Lf"\ C""\ Lf"\ _i" t:O 0- Z 8 Lf"\ Nr-l t:Or-i r-i H Z r-i r-i ~ ~ ** ** ** ** I H H Z I I I I I I I I U') :::> 0 e U') ~ c..> ~c..> ~c..> ~c..> ~c..> 3 l'il U') 0:: U') H 0 >z.. H ~ ~ H H 0 I:'- C""\ 0 H -,. 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Total MISCELLANEOUS CALLS D\v.ELLING, AUTO, m1ERGENCY - 1965 TOTAL ALARMS ALARMS HITH LOSS 91 50 4 3 3 0 4 4 102 57 TOTAL LOSS $37,213.61 1,750.00 150.00 $39,113.61 73 46 $ 5,435.00 4 4 360.00 1 1 100.00 2 2 35.00 BO 53 $ 5,930.00 Brush, grass, trash Appliance Failures Light Co. wires, poles, transformers Gasoline 1'iashdowns Public Service Calls Resuscitator False Alarms Trash Burners Lumber and Junk Honest }1istakes Automatic Alarm System (False) Tar pot and Flare Pot Bomb Scare Mail Box (Federal) Overloaded Circuits Smoke Runs Total Miscellaneous Calls -6- B4 22 19 10 100 16 10 lB 1 15 11 6 3 1 1 6 323 . -7- . COI~{SRCIAL D~lliLLINGS Motels Apartment Buildings Total YJSCELLANSOUS BLDGS. S'ervice Stations Total e ca~~CIAL FIRES - 1965 TOTAL ALA.'U-IS ALARHS HITH LOSS 4 2 3 1 7 3 2 o 2 o -8- TOTAL LOSS $147,233.90 50.00 $147,283.90 no less , . CAUSES OF ALAm~ IN SALINA - 1965 Burning of trash, grass, leaves Trash Burners 15 31 101 119 17 22 7 19 11 45 13 24 "'1 Public Service Calls Unkno....m Causes Electric light poles, wires, transformers Electric wiring, short or defective Hiscellaneous Smoke Runs Gasoline vlashdowns Electric Appliances and Electric Motors Children playing with matches Cigarettes Honet Histakes Total Alarms 10 5 10 13 10 2 4 7 16 1 5 4 4 10 3 13 562 False Alarrrrs tit Sparks Automatic Alarms System (False) Heating Plants Flammable Liquids Cook Stoves Brakes Overheating Lightning Resuscitator Calls Gas Leaks Flare Pots Overloaded Circuits Cutting Torch Grease on Stove Bomb Threat Carburetors (automobile) e -9- 1 TOTAL FIRE LOSS (IN '::'lm CITY) AND RUNS BY YEARS YE.'\R LOSS RUNS 1938 $ 57,544.65 196 . 1939 10,558.17 219 1940 14,181. 76 222 1941 8,701.05 216 1942 14,268.75 263 1943 103,373.58 401 1944 97,008.66 285 1945 257,013.18 429 1946 80,087.76 431 1947 44,800.56 422 1948 252,908.79 410 1949 50,383.37 365 1950 54,334.64 464 e 1951 36,365.53 446 1952 67,525.86 557 1953 118,918.96 496 1954 85,876.85 546 1955 91,089.70 530 ,1956 58,990.31 683 1957 49,339.30 785 1958 34,808.43 800 1959 419,829.56 610 1960 48,353.33 535 1961 224,348.65 656 1962 93,969.43 657 1963 165,293.14 708 e 1964 412,891. 24 727 1965 202~838.11 562 Total IIFIRE LOSSII 1938 thru 1965: $3,155,603.32 -10- . COH:;-rs..qCIAL FIRES UITH Less $1,000.00 or OVErt - 1965 Name Date -~ ... . Locavlon LOSS Remarks Na.rne Date Location Loss Remarks e Name Date Location Loss Remarks e Ramada Inn of Salina Harch 17, 1965 222 Diamond Drive f)lL~ 7,133.93 A P::"1:,,:ocr ,-;C..5 u"ing torch to sweat copper plwnbing a~~ Coa~a~ub (protective vinyl plastic material) ignited. Entire bath tub became llball of firell which spread upward through wood partition studs and throughout entire structure. This bldg. was under construction at time of fire. Hoff's l1achine and 'I'Telding, Inc. August 6, 1965 921 H. North Street $1,980.00 Fire started in 1954 Chevrolet "Van type" truck which was parked just outside the South overhead door. It is believe that this fire started from welding and cutting operation on the van truck. Fire started in Van, spreading to building. Van and door destroyed. Roof damage slight. Damage also to contents of van type truck. Broadway Buffett September 5, 1965 671 S. Broadway $7,298.66 Fire of ,ur~nown orlgln damaged walls, ceiling tile, ceiling joists, windods. Contents damage consisted of bar stools, bar, display counters and other items. Damaged merchandise consisted of beer, etc. -11- e Xame Date Location Loss Remarks \, .!.'.2J:18 .Je...";:'8 Location Loss Remarks Na,ne Date Location Loss Remarks e Na:'T..e Date Location Loss Remarks Name D<;.te Location Loss Remarks e D1iJELLING FEtES T/:'ITH LOSS $1,000.00 or OV'2..i - 1965 Charles Green Jan. 14, 1965 930 N. 5th. $3,650.00 Possible cause of fire: .firing. Entire attic on Ilrc; d~age to roof and attic. Furniture. >:.Sgt.. Lo::-o:1 Burns q","~'.. 26;1 1965 ~020 N. 12th. Street $6,664.10 Cause of fire: l1alfunct- ion of electric blanket. Extensive damage to --",-'::; house, including '~""""..~v;';;':j.--c.,So John Nonk hay 29, 1965 2234 Roach $3,886.00 Fire of unknown orlgln appeared to have started under stairs of basement. Damage to entire base- rr.ent area, including furniture. Henry D. Martinez July 2, 1965 767 Choctaw Avenue $1,217.00 It appeared that lightning struck Tv ante~~a and follow- ed lead wire into attic. Bldg. dauage to attic. Also, darr~ge to misc. items stored in the attic. Gary HcCabe August 13, 1965 920 Sheridan $1,200.00 Fire caused by curtain being caught in window eJL~aust fan. Burned curtain, wall and floor. Smoke damage to house. -12- l".l,::l'ne Date Location Loss Renarks I\Jar~1e Date Location Loss Remarks Naue Date Location Loss Remarks Claude Casey Dec. 5, 1965 220 Center $6,269.49 Fire of u~~nown orlgln conp- letely gutted living roo~ and bedroom. Smoke damage to entire duplex. All furniture badly burned. David Newsome Dec. 6, 1965 510 W. Grand $3,096.51 Possible cause of fire: overheated heating stove flue. Damage tr entire basement :':,'c;" __~: ;,;,;-.d heat. Smoke damage to upstairs. Mrs. Alice Ringquist Dec. JB, 1965 435 v-Tashington $6,920.33 Cause of fire: unknown. Fire first was noticed around floor furnace. Fire completely burned out living- room and bedroom. Heavy smoke damage to rest of bldg. Damage to contents. . Name Date Location Name Date Location .,..,....... ~-. .,~ 0::--:-Q !-J........vv Location Name Date - ~ti 0:"'1 c_~ '0' ,-.) _ ~..:;.;.J.~.l..'-' Jate LocD.tion NaE1e Date Location e I~aIl1a Date Location ~JaIn.C Date Location SPECIAL D:FOi12'lY::'I O!I) rtESUSCITATOR CALLS, ACTU1~LY USED Laura Grotheer, age 79. January 15, 1965 1008 State street Jean ~urner, age 6. January 17, 1965 2059 Xorton J~lie Eilts, 14 wo~thsg February5, 1965 860 Osage John Lacy Hay 27, 1965 113 S. Oakdale Charles DeLaney, Jr. June 4, 1965 310 S. 10th. street Robert F. Haase, age 38. July 4, 1965 1312 Highland Circle Steven Radke, age 14. October 5, 1965 Western star ~ull Dam Harlan ~Jakefield, age 54. December 8, 1965 210 W. Iron Avenue PERSONS BUrtNED, DEATHS FROM FIRE: Na'11e Date Location Remarks e Mrs. Florence Jackson, age 70 December 19, 1964 631 Jaran Mrs. Jackson was removing a pie from oven, using a towel for a hot pad holder and the towel c~ne in contact vrith the heating unit and caught fire. In the process of taking the burning towel to the kitchen sink, it caught her house coat on fire. V~s. Jackson passed away January 5, 1965. -13- . e e ?IHE J=P}J.l.TI.:~I\~7 D::1ILL - 1965 Con.ducted each I.1onday , Tuesday, 'IIednesday an.d Tru.:.::-sday from April 1 t.o Oct. 31, v:eather peTIJitting. A card file is maintained for each piece of apparatus and individual fireman. This record sys~em reflects the clock hours participation in each phase of training. Rescue - U.S.C.D. - TI1-14-1 17 Hrs. By use of fiL~ training manuals and practice, firemen are taught how to search for trapped victims, how to c;~cose tte correct rescue method as determ- ined by the condition of t~le victL"Yl aL6~ hi0 envi:"'o~'1r~:ent.. :":ethods used include: Assisting to v~Dc, ?ireman1s drag, Thr~e-man carry, Chair carry, Blaili~et, Tarp or Stretcher carry, St::-etcner lashings, Lov;erir€ with life line or ladder slide. Appe.rc:t:.J.3 Dri11 81:30 TT rtrs. Includes pumping, ladder practices and hose evolutions. P~~pers are hooked to hydrants, ladders raised to drill tower, hose advanced over ladders and water p~uped to all the different fire-strearn appliances. Engi:1.8 -Gng:..ne ;,~-:2 Er:gine /~3 ~ . .bnglne ;:/) ~nglDe /17 Squad #1 Ladder ill 13 Hrs. 9:30 t'.l.=':" s. 11:30 Hrs. 16:00 :J urso 7:00 t"~r So 9:00 Hrs. 15:30 Hrs. Ropes and Knot Tying - U.S. Civil Defense 1?1-14-1 22 Hrs. Rope is one of the most important tools used in the Fire Service. By lecture, reading, demonstration and practice, the follo,ring is presented: kinds of rope, w0::-king str.;l1gth, situations requiring use of rope and the following knows: Thwnb, half-hitch, square, clove hitch, sheet b8nd, bowline, bcwline-on-a-bight, rescue knot and riot knot. Resuscitator, Breathing Apparatus, Extinguishers & Small Tools 30 Hrs. Demonstrations are conducted using the above named and all tools" used by the Fire Department. All Firemen are observed with these tools. other !IsmaIl during practice. -14- CL~SSES 2~J I~ FI~2 JE?T. SC~OOL ROOX - 1965 Conducted each 1':oY'~daJr; 1\lesday, ~1ed~esC:2.Jr & '"r:-.:c.rsd:::.y l\Jov. 1 thru l'.:arch 31. . Streets ~nd Fire Hydrants 116 Hrs. Several different ~ethods are used to learn or study streets and hydrants locations. Individuals draw sectio:'1s of the City on the blackboard, then ::.:::.,,:e streets and locate plugs. Addresses are picked, at randwr., fron the City directory anc. fireme::. give; route they '.:o1.;.ld '",38 2.::ci nearest fire plugs. Class is held on where strec-:,s begi11 and e:r..~./ +:_-~::~0 "::Jlc)c~: ::ur:~ber they start or are in and \lnethel.... they are i:1teyo11iYG2d ~~,' _d'q" '-_~~''''''{_') "';-("':"0 Fi::--st Il.j_i - !.I.le:.~ic3.:1 R2Q Cross :.\ l;'c'...:::-.t:: =:':'-;=-oiv~': r:::~:,~:tbool<.: 5 Hrs. 2~f:'-'cS::C;2::; 0 C:l First ..iJ.id requir6r~ler:.ts in rescue, includi~~: control of serious 'olc..;ci:^.2:, :~esuscitation in stoppage of breathing cases, First Aid for poison, shoe:" fractures and transportation of injured persons. Training Fil17L3 5 Hrs. u""airling "..., J:1 ~,.r2..S 0or:....o1..red, free of charge, 1roIn the state Fire 11.1ars'r'""'.1~ Civil Defense ..;~'c,ed industry. Film covered the follO'.'ling topic"". ::..:: 2.:::d hose evo::"'~0.-.0...3; ,,-'':'''arr;J.able liquid fires, rescue breathing, disaster medical c~re and atomic weapons and fire. Fire Service Hydraulics - F~ed Shepperd Tex~book 16 Hrs. This includes a study of municipal Hater supply tank locations and size, main size, friction loss in water mains, hydrants, fire hose and nozzles. obtain good fi~e streams. Fire Dept. hydr~ulic formula. water How to e Oklahoma State University Fire Dept. Training Manuals 10 P..rs. Unit 11 IIFire Fighting, Officer Trainingoll This manual includes a study of building construction, protection, water supplies, Fire Dept. facilities, Fire Prevention, Pre-fire plar~ing and Fire Fighting Procedures. private fire fire training, ?re-Fire PlaTh~ing 43 Hrs. Su~veys were made of eleven areas including 48 buildings. Scale drawings were made and copies given to each Fi~eman. The pre-fire study determined the type of building construction, hydrants available, res -'';'8 and fire fighting problems and the best procedures to reduce life & property losso Special Infornation Subjects 37 Hrs. 1. Sprid<ler Systems 2. Special Hazards 3. Resuscitator & Artificial Breathing 4. Radiological Monitoring 5. Standby Generators 6. }J)),~.:'~S T.;&rning Systen 2 Hl~S . 2 hrs. / Hrs. 0 17 Hrs. 4 Hrs. I Hrs. 0 S~ccia=- Schools Three Firemen attended the Kansas State Fire School at Topeka Oct. 11 ~hru 14. e - '._':....~ ,.:.;:....... Setce::' Eou::.""'s 232 Ers. 2,784 Hrs. ;:-. ..-,~'- .... ., Total ~.:an Hours -15- . ~:'j~LZ~:",~:~~~_ ?I~!~E 1~3~P.~.?:T~"2:\~~ ( ~'I--,~~-...,....., ~"",,"-"-'.....-.-~....-.,..,...,"C_ ?"-,.....,"C:)Tl0r.j--(q\T~~ \ ., -';: .'_."~_:,---:~.:~~~~~...~;"CL~-=~:~~,~j :\: ~~J~'L~~~v J.. J. -..).l'l .. ) l~EPORlj l:ZOD~I~'rs- :C";-',TSP2CT IQ]"TS ------------------ ---------1' ot~al----------- 1\ l -1 G Y T :,.-.8 -.....el~..,-c.; 0 n~ (C .........}-j f1'e c""" +__~,..:'l /. 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J.nspse: 'J1.0.LiS----------------------_____ "::'.; .- ~~- r, .-:...: "'7'';-' --. ,"'," "....._.....~-:-_~ ~..L."", "': 1-.... ~..~ . ~_ -r-..........~. -.. ."_.<1 ::.C; vc:;,~~.J.. ;'.: ':":':"""iV.!. .:."-~ ..us L.c.O J..Sfl.Jeflv .:...us~~(;;c v.Lons------------ hosyl'c21 LnS)ectlons-------------------_______________ r,"_.."~.!-,,,,,, 7..., e "-' - ("D,' ,'-. "D~."':- T' " .'. "".t.. ) ;-,L\:::.c: v,,: \:; :-nc; l? c l.,J.?r.L~ .:.:.JXJ. ~~, .wX.L t. ..:.Jlgn. L.S 9 .w vC '" ------__ ~~nlcl-a~ Alrpo~~ J.nspec~~ons--------------------_____ 1,371.;- ..... .J -, .J ~) 5'7 8), ,- 31 2 88 1 ~ ~.~ I.. -~ ,. .. . "~ ""''';:'''.J ~ ___~~.--;~_:~):.~.s OJ:~ :1DT)~"Y C~t ~<~;s_c~--------Total----------- l J 022 C2~~S (8~OO A~M. to 6:00 Po1IQ)-~--------------__ - ..,/-,,'- /..,;..~-.'-i.... /.~.."I""O ":) "l.,:r --!- q...o......, r "',/~. ) -:",..:.;.1..,;;.0 V~_-:-W \Vlj/V ~ o:"'~\lll vO 0", V ......:.....1..0 --------________ s:;:.:~~v.'.:::1 3.~G.:..llirl~ C c~.:~:!lair~:t;s ~ "~ ,.. CO; ~ ,-; ..' 8,' ,^O !. :"" -'e" L 00 '8 '"" , ~~j a~~S--~ ~V ~o~'~o ~O 0: ~ GJ'~~)-------~--------- Night Calls-(6tOO P.MQ to 8:00 A~Mo)---------------- Request Inspections: n..~y ""~-;lS CanoO'" /, '''T >-0 ;:"00 D "1 \ .lJC1.' I.....,ct.l....... -- ., \J .i.:'""e'lJ.OJ." l,,' 0" J. Q-':" e )-----____________ Night Calls-(6:00 P~M. to 8:00 A.M.)---------------- Re-Inspection For Co~pliarrce Ins)ections-------------- 1et;te:~s CODpiled and l,iailed "Hequest:L1.g COE1pliancell--- Fire Hazards Demonstrations P~es8nte:----------------_ ."-j y,-:, D.""'-l{::'/":-~ 0'- D"'~o.r""''.:\''lS :::>''''e- ~e.-,i-e.--l I o.l-~e"" ton' <on sC'1001) ,J. __'-" .1.,.:;.,<:;::.;\ _.l..LV.J.. .:;,1 ~..:. o....G..J.... ....I;,.;:j l.:.v \.,..;. \.' Vl.l..:.. ';;'<..A. j, "rl ~ '7 . ., e C-," P .l.. ~ ~;r-.:: LX~lngulsn r. _~~lCS resen~ea------------------- "rl~~n 0^e~~ I-Tl~S.l..-~~-~on' s .r~.l...!.. i;::;; ~\..; ~ L.lC :l.~C vJ..t)c v_ r ..... '--:-:-----------------_________ I'SUSPlCJ..OUS Flre Inves .C1.3;a"Clo:__s 11______________________ P ',r ~.. (T'> . Q -- '. . ~ ..., . ) ~.~lJOl"-CS t,l'l-C"C8n 1:' l:e. I..Jcel}-e .Ll:.VGS.Clga:Clons, ~"CC" _____ Flz"e 1..1a:'~nls llls\'.rerea DJT Fl.l~e Insl')8c-cors---------------- D .-.. COVo'::. C 1; / ; (1'''- . -'I' .;. UO.J...lC G,v":" \T:LC~ a..l..-,-S -"JlS\'Jerea 'upeClaJ.... )_____________ Occasions Requiring Photography----------------------_ OCC&S iO~1S ReclUil.oa-7:1.g ~J?l'lot;o-I.Kl b t1 t.! o:~Ic-------------- ~____ Occasions Requiril'~g "l=telrlaL1.-In-Station:l (Office Vo:c1c)- Occ2sions Ins~)ecto:c OSuostituting Fo:-c Truck Officerll-- ",0'",o';-:.j Y: 0' S' F-7 .:-h G..r.,,,,,,,s _ T:..-, ,':;.j vi Q.'l1al C' (R 0 ~ ,";'.~ -""e P-~'ove n4-J..' on) .................;,:;;v_..;.-o ~~..J-V,l._J" .....Vl..!.l,J _.L...u....... _ ~ _\~ ....\;;J.. ..L.~..l.. .....Lv J. l..J 11 pl (Invalid & I~Bll (Blind) Signs Ins'Called-~emoved---- Public Gathering I!Stand-Bytl oj.'" !lInspectionsli-----_____ -. .., r:1.~ -: -.,.. J.' I> bO~~ ~[4.ea0 ~nvesc1.ea~J..ons------------------------____ ;STj'"::': - _v.., ~-' ~~".2~-~~,: ;j::x"~..rey"s CO:;:lple~~2d :)~v F:::.~e Inspec.!co:;::as----- ~_I _~-_..~ ~...___ _.,. 2.: 5, ..:~.~.-'"~.:-.:.~.~-~::;~l)8 SL.~~~"veys C o~'.;'l~)le t.ec--- -... _________ l?~~~8 C~'..'___"_~c:..." ell ?l2.r_s (,-Jl-=>::'8-l"2i:28 1:>J~2.l-.~.::li:'1~; ~~) C' OT.;l~)letod---- (~~ Cco':~~~~~o~ _t~ ?~~0 ~e);t" Drill=~stars)Ct~ese CC[.:.::~:".::,;.,: ,,_ .._~_ _-__...:..;~~./ '.,.,J \.i..~ ..:...~~ v~,;;.."J... -16- 118 1h ..... , 42 2 1'71 11 28 102 4 7 '7 49 10 68 25 1 30 30 26 8 100 3 8 2 1-:.. 20 ~. Q -."0 . e e c C ~(-11 I :'<~Tj~2:; ~ 8., \. 1:C="~.~-_ =;' Il:':~Z ( ~ ~F :c::r2~ U\"~' -.:)" ":Jl-i -_ .<-:;'l'\\~~" ..,;..-J.. .:.___1......_......:.J...,~ ~'y-,._......-,-^... ~-.."':l...,("tr'\-"....I) .,.,...,'Oo.,....r, 1.~;'.~ ::"..J .;..-...~, '..:__:......:. ..L. ;.;.,] - ..L~\ t) ~ ":';"V 1.' J.. u.i:~ J .r~Dl "rti. -...i.. 70:; C or:~Cir~l:CC ~ Slli~veys ; City LiEit S~veys Completsd------------------_______ 1 FIR}3;:~l{~~~~~~~~lo~:7~igrls (Inst2:L:.:::C: Fi:~~e P::ae\1311-c,1;:):: 1"):.~og:'~2.~.~13 '-,;"'~~-, C~ Re~ovcd)--------- '17 \-~, ~- ~ '- '. ........--. \:~.~;, - ". '"-- ....~~ '. ..._,_...~..../ '_ ~..u:w .' ' '" ..j......;.....l.~..;.. v,-,' , .... ~._' - -- _....;;;. :..~v~ v :-""1 ~.....,. ,', ""\-.-.. ...... '".- ~~GCO L.ctende~--------~-~-~~~~-~__~_____~__________ ?i~e Dep~~~ Trainin~ Film Sessio2s Lttended---------- 5 1 ~- r'., ",'. ::",:',-~::0':"Y z.s-~te:~s'~] Cc~~:)i:'8d. 2: S::~02j:t.C8d "co ~.'- .......,."J ..:..~0Q:i..~.....-u..,ao--.uio-----.........---........--~--'"'""'_____....____________ 6 821-;'-.:.5. ,i~_:-'0a Voc:a.t:.onal-Tecl:n:Lcc..l 3choo112 Inspection- 1 FioSl)i ~cal t;'Er.1ergency EvaCllat;:ioz: D:rills:2 P.-t-ce11ded------- 8 Paul Respac~Zully SUDillitted, ;::~/:-;?y)Yr...,. /:?" ;7 .,_~~~~ ':--" /" ~ /,.1 ::~/,:;~..~~~ ?;~:~~,<(_~<_ ~ EoJ :~. Chief ~nsDector " * *.- :; . - ... . rl~3 ~rGVe~~lOn-Lnspect~on J:?ir-e Dep2..1').Jcmel'lt Salil1.a, Karlsas ~ .' 1.-'2.11.1 S=ith, Lllspec00r -,-,... ~T T," c -0""'- -:- o~'~ ~G'J...; 7 .......:..i\l..,J.... \::;- """ _ Hichols" InSIJeC-cOl'> , - Todd~ Inspector G. .P.. L.L. -17- e e It := " -:- -;-"!' i r "":".'"' -r7:"~-;', . :_-" ~___J ;;~}~ ? ._~ -~~ ~C :~~~; :-;T~_ _ (_,~~Z':;:"'_' ~___ ~,'.~~=-~~~:~~ IQI.'I -:.~~-'.~~':,.~~~~ TIC ~2..2. R=i~ p O?l~~~JS~ii In 0::.."'':'8:'' 'CO l:ec:p the alleys ~::'3=-Cc'CiV21y f:'ce of ciebris.) the S2.ltna ~:"?-7-"Jn -;......-_ii'""'~l.'').!-.....,1,,-.......,.t- T.,....S")-:J!..t,...-o~,-.'"'., ..-".-.:.~~ -'-' .,-...l.~';..~~y ~"''''-(':"l....):::.......1_~0~'''l-1 ,....'=' ai1eys ~..~ .... -"..l. t;::: V<.;; ~Jv.... v.:....';:;...... v ...ll l \.:;;v v ,~;:;, 1",':","'..1:.: ." J.~ '")..1.._' J....:.v 1 "'''' v.J.. iJ.:':' v.:. J..-'o .L.J. the llCongested Al"eall anc: ;;Sho'O:)L"l? Centers::. These insnections also assist in the control of"'ira~h storage and methods'" of doin~ ~ "" ~ "":l ~'Y','7. v Gl.........v I;i: 1..:8 c1~Lcl ::O'C ii:~j~)oct~, .Ci18 . ,-...~-~~0C':::':::G I{oUSGS (ULic811sedt1) .,',-.. 'C"C C' "~y j c".r:.::':_:::; 'c;-;.c; yez.::.>-l965" to the closing of S..::,l:._:L.r..::; '_,~.:,v -~, ;:,~"; ~'.:;-;'_C'C ':C('lc1"C l-:ill:(~I'od so:". S'L.:.c.:}l d'\..re lling s i:!el~e vacall t) \,';0 " <,\:..:'~~ :...,,-c ~cs..c to aa.void S"LlC::1 :Lr.i.3l)C;c.cions a.lc this par"cicula.:. ._, V..o- '. _, ," :RO':.:~'C:'~~1.G Il'lSl)Gctior;,s 'iiere :nade of bu~~nes~" indus tl"Y &. mal1uf~ctUl~- '.""-,, ~'~,"1 ~,T~:.".-::.\"l"""(.O:. -^'--ilc::]-~"'~c f.;;r, ~'-..-:.-::'r1:0"-. _1<:: r.'l~'Cl'e to ;ns~o.eC"i-: +;-"O:>8P ...-;....6 ~ Ci........u \JC...J., V I....u L4.0 v uL..L...... .~.!..J.b"";" ......_......... v "'''''''''_... v ...... J. w.. _ _ _ -...,;'1......, _ S0ructures at least o~ce each yearo Individual file records are l-:e~')':; :~o;_" e2.::;: strl:ctUl'e, and. cOl:l)lete dates of inspec'::;ions, 'cne :-1.:':.:";'",.,.;_'/ O~' ):"'8vious inspections~ etc.. are available. Ln atte2)t is made eac{-i. CI:~~:i~c11 i::l tl1e to cOYrlvlete CiJcy. "'" at least one annual inspection of I1ot81 i11spec~cioJ1S aI'e an ar.u~"U.al lJI'&ctic8Q1 ~ , . . ., ,., Q'" .,." . ,,' ,- Ii ' ., .J..h S i' J.n COOlJ8:.."a-clon vlJ..-cn -cne u'ca"ce l'lZ'e -,..a:.'sna.L vepar'CI!len-c, I,., e a.d.na Fi:;,:'e De')i:.1.l"-cr::ent Ins'i)GctO::::"s .s.cCOj::'')8.n'',T the DeDuty State Fire Harshals - - ., ~ on ins~ections of each and every ~est Home~ in the City. These inspections are coupleted at :east o~ce each yeare .--;:)...,. dT.) ""'s' -. '1~' "'1 ' '::'.1..1. 1 UD.LlC an. 1. arocIUc..L ' CrlOOl bUl....G.lngs \'181"e t;norougn y l.nSp8C- tea and cOill}Jlete l'elJo:::.'ts sU:'):.:Jitt'ecl to the pro})er authorities. ~1e requesteJ and received the assistance of the City Electrical In- sl:Jectm," 011 these inspections and a 11 jointll repOl"t ,vas submitted. . . .., . -. ~ . S'.J..' , .J..'t.J.. A L SpeCl&.L program, l.n~?.LVlng ~crv~ce 'Ca~lons, was l.~sL.l.-u\'ey .. '-' '-'v'y:"'-' 1 'Y'" 'c' ..... c' ac' 0 rl' "~l'" c< 'r1..../"',..;' '. "1 " '.' ~""" ~ ,..., )}" ~ i OJ.... Q ....."r>1."1('1 In co":"\e c.,. -'on .......~ V.l.. (.k.-,- C~..l........ b Q ~;. ~u 1..) ~b",,:" ~I..L.... .J..~ Ci..~.I. C'-.l..._ ~~"'.J.. ~~_ \ J. G, ... _.l.~i:I v~ J.. o~ c~c~ ana every serVl.ce st;201.0n In 'the Cl.'CYe A'C tne tl~e of 'the ir.l.SI)ec.t::iorL~) the Fire Ir1Sl)8C':C01"'Jl ~j:c#ese11t;s t,118 O~dner or ope:ratoI' a - ~ C""'."'''' :1' ~ -, r 'J X - 21' \ l' , '- t' ..,.. .. yJ..2.ca:""Q ;;t.G.i.J care o o a:r' Cl care.-c' ,. .L ') 1"8 a'tl.ve '00 ne u"c;a.ce .L2'.., '''c:'u--,'::'r~-l''r .'-:'1"> c+O'...-c-O:> h,~Y'\r:.L.,.;-~c;. ~,r;c" calc. 0'<> G'r:S'OTT1\W 1]11-,].'s p-"'o- J.. .......oCi...... U....-: (:J IJ.._.C IoJ V ~ C4..bC; 5 ...I.\..-.........\."- .....-'".0 C,;;,....... l ro-I _........ .t.. ....... _ ..l..J..!.,1'..l...,;J 'IJ """-..... 1. g:,:'21:1 is diI'CC<::Gd tOvlal"'d persons sto::."ing gasoline in glass or any o~eakable container and has been very successful thru the cooper- .s.tion of -c:-le Service Station vime:"'s ~ O,erators and Employees.. 1"i::'8 Ins',jectors cOl::oleteCl ins~)ec'cions of all establishments in- volvGC in the retail sale of firovlorks. These inspections are ca~~ieQ out in order to el1~force safety regulations as required '''.''::''''':-'-:0, 7-.,.T ".'-'-~ C-;".y Coa.-""'" -,TO)":'" rj'(-,<:> "".,"." 0'<> Q"'l-i'-,a K"'''''''as ;~.-/ '--'VC..~VV ~,;:...~. ("...,........L.. .....l.J - ~1oJ~ 1,. V\';;';4f _...~ \..I....."".; J.. UCi" ..&..J..... , .........I.~ 7~revorks Code ~s in the process of being revised. C o~.":.:ti~...1..:.~S:c. = -18- L'~~..;~~~.~~'~_~~~'~~~~ ~~ '~~_: ~~I..:~:;~' . -~-~~~~~ ~,~-::.~;~~.:~ ~-/~,~~~~~:~_~~~:?'f '~~.; ~: - T.~ l,:-~~ ~~~=C~T I O?~ t 2. TIE ?CP)? ~- ~_ '0 (, r) e '.'.- c:~~ :1.: _J ':.' ;-..; ~:" e . '" 1.1'::.3 l)8 C -c.CG. and cOF;,plc'Ge J.,;"ii::.C:._:",-,. 'J _:.... '. J_e.... ;.... ',-,: !' ~,--. '. '..; ~ ' ...... .........,...:"J ,.'.....,_ , . ~ , .. .... ~'~.\~.~-" c':) ~-. ~v1.G S ~ . 0 ii.:_, ~:"i-i-~:~~('l ;::".::.c:. prc.:.cti~~d: t;~r::e:'f~e~_:c :~..'" fi:?ii1C =:,:-~~:.~r~- ", ~ .- , , ., '.........- , -, .., ~, ~.-. .:1(.: _i-':: .:..~ .;~ ..)~) -~,__~ ,(lOS l) l"(,(l.LS in order ~o p~o~c~ly r-' ....,.-....., . ~ . -'. ~.'" "",, ,', .' ..... ", ~'"., v',.. ~.,,~.;. ...... .,~"..',..... ,"'; ~-"'-~''''~:''''':'''_''''' .....0' '_.... '_...- .;. l.. ~. ,; (,: ,.::; ,,;,: --,., . ";~.:.:C ..;.\ 1..~~-.;.) J... ;'l ~:; I) c: c: -;~ c :~'~ ;:; cc the tl"lOCl tres. :Lxi ts, E:~l"C - .~ r- '-. J_ -, ";'~: r;--.e . ~-J1..~~';'1J~, _..,_ a~c carefully irrs~ectod. CO~~D~8~2 i~spoc~ion ~as C2~~~CCl o~t S~~:i2a ~'~nici)~: Ai~)or'~ :aciliti8s~ -C~:G .:~=-~~l)O~~'~ :,lc~.:.'""l;:lgGl-' (1r~d C i"cy I<,:J.r~~'~C8r' 0 ~y Fire Inspectors a~ the Repo~t was subDitted to ? 1-1.2 ~~ -:' ~."1 :-:\ _ ~",L ....... -- . ~~-_S l:J2C "'CO:'S C ;:?"':">:ill i e cl r;"'~.... .: <:~ -~ C" .1. .'.1...l,~ _..J 0:7;,:'1:, ..~ ::10 a ~JL:~)l:~c uS1..lal intGns i ve effOl~t to- sG~vice that may allev~ate .,. ~ '::', .'" ,- t. ......_ I"..;" ;; C;,~: s (; :'"'.:~~ c~.:s ; ~ ~ '-" ~j~U a:':lj:'OS::'O[l &i1.C./Ol~ fi1'l28 r --; ~-:. '~'. ,__. ~..... ..........''-,:.;.)J.i. , . D -L1~:- ~-ll '-, lS ..::... ;:,; OtC2Ce ~ c: ....., ~- ...;..0 bO~:lood dispute~ The Fi::'G ?1~8- \I",J l: <-.: :LOJ~..-- =C.:~s ~:c: (;'~~.. or:. .0:'~;.:~C;:~ 1.1. ~~ C D~ J_~C 6_ .Q~'JO~1 t;.o 2.C t~ as rn.ec1 ia -toJ..... i::.;. l~rA.;::.~:,.~_.:C.:.CC3 ~ l-{OY:.:'C~IC~:.).., ():,-::(~ :.;..r~~3 C.~~:;_Oll l'"'C:COl'QS inc"tica't:,e 8. lO\';8:"~ :." of s l-~C:1 c 0::.11) lCi.=Lr.(L;~) ('I':..-'Ci..~~~;-1. =~t..:_'~1=-~:S C Or.ll)laints) a -'~ i1.1g :l.~C .~, _~.:' ~ {l:L;L1el't r.i.u~~.:1)0:'''' of SuC:1 il:C iC~8,~1~:':;S d~QJ.."'ir~G t118 daYe e ~~",,\.,~:.,.,>'-';~,~'C =_.., c.~c:...or:~'), c2:~:~~Gd 01J:C D;T ~tl:8 BUl~e(lu? are UIJ in r":L::..~:ibe:."'t ~~) \~.V; ~o ldS'~ ~rec~~~ ~~~C30 ~oq~0stS e~~ulf & large area i~ i? ';"_::' ,~: _ ,~~ vi. C' ~"1.;} tIll~8 DC S .c ~J \)~; ;~:~ i -c' =-('~ ~;; c.. ~:r to c1G S C 1" i 1JG Jel18 S 0 i1:.S;3;;- .;:~,')...":s :.:.~S ~ i~LI:18 Sali.t~D.. FiI.C De~j(lI'-C~:,,:,(;~':.t ;;7i:"'I0 PrGvention-Inspectio:'l _.-".Cc.:':_:~lo c..c.CS as CD" :~'\i::.e lJ~~C:VGl:tio11 COl1S111te..llt fOl~ the GeneI'al P"\.1:J- ~':" -,~ ~ "'-, ~~c 2~~Q ~a0l~ p~0J~C~S ~re o~rs~ :;0 C&~ to assis~ ~h8~o ~J~ attempt to do the very best }"'10::_ C O}:2lj=Li;:'I~;-1ce '.'IC:~"O s :~'::c ial case s ~cha t :ceCrLl:L~~"Ga ~~... ~.~~l.~j ;)(:C .CiO~l \'T:;..'-~~1:1.:i ~:. l.~' c; Q ~-dk'_:-~~h of tin~/:;. \'J 0 ~,~:}0 . . .,.,' t. ("',-,..,,":,..'.,. ~:.. ,~I.~ ~~~:.: ;:.--: :'", (~l ;"i (-', nt' :':il. '"i ," ".... ";"'. l~ a. ~-:: n ~ t: ~(,1u 'Ct) ~,C:,,~'C0 tIle 1):J~I)~i\js 11[;.u _'-' _ ____ ....~..._ ....v v__ v V ___ a:-088" ",'",.,_,..._.,/ I,'; V ~ ,""t .-. -... ,.... l.J (,:..,....;..._ "'.- -..-. ~ "--. "" ...";"'_:_"';~ ~:..':.; u C'".:;; (...i., I~: '0~() ;~j -c :"0::.... _/""Ii ,_>',"~-" -: .: ~ ..-. ~ c 'j: v V"Al.J.l-."-t.~.l.Lvv Q ctiotl. .SlL....vey fT1~.... -'::') C. ,~~ .J- ......v~.J "" ; . -~ ;.". '_"..:.. v :...-....~..... >-.\,'..k.-<.. . --- -'-,..~ c-:'" ~,- .'. r...' '-, v_...v........ -':;0 ';- .,- -,. v...l.'..... ... .....~. .~ i..~-l.S }? or':D.:~ v.,.;"..;;.\....i. L~,C:~18 :L~'l-CO C1. 0':: 11::;~.: ~~ l';~J.;~c ~ .....' -,,,, '" v,. l~GC::..~.~jlC:~:.-C ~-10~Ll...J'_C, . ,:~lC\1 J":..l.3~C Q-l;l::2l'l ~Crlo.~~~ 'i;11C)~3 0 i t8~,~:~ ". :is ~"::,8 Q , ~tl'"l.~ :Coll- tsil i~ o~de? th&t ,~ . '" -.. ," .". ,.)."';.. v '....~~ v '"':'.,", , ' L' Du \. 0, ~C ;.le ~~~0 l :~. ~~:.() ::'::;; -l.~"'.i.~:~ ~~i8 C .'- 0 ,~"i 1J..~-~-~~....~ 0';.' '''::'i~l~- ~~~, ~ c;,:;.o-;~h(;:' :"'o1xcL-~c l;:~)p8ction,.. .:._....l. \~ ,~Le ;';\ ,.' ""'--.. .. .~~ \.".. ~'~ ~=; :_~ :.-1 () :"t ;~.~ ':c :::~ C;. ':; j~ () -' .l, ~:_:,; 1.-; \~ .", - ~ I.:.. \.,.r U";I (jr.l :~e q 11(; S \~ u c. "',c'" ': r lJi' ~.>. ;(.J;'~'" \J ,..~..C~c;.._LE; ii-A -t}:1(J cl(;.~: .'~......" ; Gi1 C '.C~J ~: r)c:,:..;\..-',~ :Y" ~by dt:.y l::'vil'1;:;tit ~ -" "h ( .,.., ~ '" . t:'> -'l l.. * ". .LlqUlGS vapors), ~~e illlSUS0 o~ eLoc~rlCl~Y, ,,~p J, ,-,'" -; ." 1.~ <, n..:l "-'r; ""j T' (' -"'<)-1'~ J-1 '0' e 0 U'" I-lt-.L' e s a, n ,:; l~',_" 0,-,:!- -,~"t'~ ~~.,.~. VJ:~''-'''J..:- ,,:~..J.j_ l-~u_L,~'OJ... 1 G. ~ ..... , ..' ..._~u li0.i.'~ '" -L1i.-l,O..l' :J..~~;"';; ~,'-l;:i :;.J<~\) .l;rbJ......;:l \10+'1>; ,~O .;:.\ to~m ~ 0. ~Ol"1.) ~l~Ol:'. ~. .,:. .~. 1_<, ,..' , c, '.' '-.J_. '" V..i-....0 , . ! ~G::..c~r l):"CSOrlT; ~Cllis fir~e -.-', .,"", ....... ..-,,~-- '~', ~." iJ..I.. \,,)0";' ~.L:."'6 e C o::'~i::~~~:;d: s...'~ 7" TT,~ ,'i F I?3 J:;-S P ;',,3Tl<::~~-;~r ( f:7 T.?!~ p-:~'"::r;~""rr;"l T:.....i)T T'''.T,Q,~-;?,''''fj'1 T("\"1',Tt:) P? ::>O"Or'7"' , c'~ ~ .- ,~...'. ,), ,-~ .'..\, .!..f-..._,lf~.l.',._JV...L _.\).ll .l,.......l_~ .L\.:..-~_. f'} ) e F'i~'G D~",'"V(:;''''+';Ol'"\ D'''O(t~'''''w,C' 'O>~"e ,~-,-,."-,,,,,~,~--"1 +0 CiVl'C C1U'h... P '" I, ............ .l...._ ':'......l.v.... -.......... ~.~..\."<lo.J c.._ ,.:..J.....~j'.'\.....J.;..I.J\...oU v __ __ ',.J~, 8..l..._.. G-"O'l";'c::' e"e ,,,-"'~.., v>e...".~,...J- r,"_"" "'-'.'."'-"/""S us"ally COD"''; ","'" o'f' 04 ....~;..I..... , v. \A.l..Jv.. J.. ~..i.. i...A.l.C.;:J V G -- ~.....',~' '_ '..........-. \..J.)..l.. (............... u.. ..l U __ ~ v _ a fi~? fire statistics and 62~~~~~ G~scussion 0: preventive 1:10&3l..:1'es. Ii' i:~~e E::<:,i.n,\.";:~i.s he:' Clinic s or ~:c:::o~-;.s .cr~-~. ~~::L oriS (-:,1'-e car:i."ied out UiJon ::~',:::;~-=,.UC:,3'~,,j ~)"~~'~:~l l):'~.o,'~_;:'c.:-:;_:._.~ \;;-':,~~c; \~:;-=,......,.~..,.,~c-::c;....l. ~.;.-v .00~0~1 Llospitals &:'1d J; ~:.:.~~,~~;:. (~co~~~:p~ :-i'~c;..l8 - ~~0~:~_"~:_.y,.) \?C,'" ~~Cli1.?11<: ~cll.G ac~~ua.l use 0:: t~~1G "'v-2::~~O:':3 c::~cirl~l:is:1(;:':~:j 0 =;\~:''>.~j0 ~:.~0~.~C sc~~ (C011t::"olled) an.d tl'le =>8:itso:.L~181 ll~3ed t;;-lG G::.t;i11:;uis:'J.(';~"s w_ClGl~ "~he dix~ection of the Fire i -.-. r- ..., .......,~ ~- _-',.....,--. ....J.J...:ii.J\;...... vV~':";; fi ~., "" c, T ~.. 1.. ., .., . ., ~lre ucene _nves~lga~lons are eompL8~ec, wnenever necessary, oy the ~?ire Inspectors.. Fires, -Chat .cbs licausell is not determined by the Truel: Office~s, are investigated by the Inspectors. Also, any suspicious fires are carefully investigated. Complete reports are written and filed. If juveniles are involved, the files are kc::'/,~.. ,-, locked cabinet? names are not fol' publication.. Each ~ire Inspector, when in the Station, acts as another Fire- fighter if the necessity should arise. e PhOtOrrl~8:,):1Y and Photo-Lab '\:7o:2k is a very Dertinent Dart of the Bureau.. ~Inspeetor Paul Smith does illOSt of the photography and lab 'HOr-le. 'iTe have permission to use the Salina Police Depart- ment lab. Photographs are taken, by the Fire Inspectors of fil~e scenes, fire haz2.rds, ete 0 and Inspector Smith deve:1.opes the filEo On occasions, photographs have been taken and developed for other City Departments" In case of sickness of llTr.L.1Ck Officersll and requested by the llHouse Captain", the Fire Inspectors n~ay stay in the Station and take the place of the T,ruek Oi'ficel". l,:ee-::;i:::..gs, Hith gl"OU~)S 01" individuals, are very often held. The Fire ?revention Bureau (Fire Inspectors) acts as a fire preven- tion consulting agency. People may come to the Fire Department or :;,:'equest our presence at their place of business or home in order to ivork out a problem. Fire Inspectors provide a llstand_byl~ at public gatherings such as the Shrine Circus, Tri-Rivers Fair, etc. The Inspectors 1:18.ke su:ce the means of egress are suitable and according to the regulations, the aisles are free and clear of obstructions and, in general, Bake their presence seen and known. ThiS, in case of an e:;nergency" e 1':&1::1 IlS1JR\]T:~YS;/ are completed by the Fire Prevention-Inspection E'~::'8au" T:18 surveys (fi::-c hydrant, s:J:"..inider &: stand-pipes, ,::~:2 ..:...s ;co ~)e ti::'Jl"o-fire ~lanrled II fOI' fire fighting tec!L.'liques, i..;,;:-;/. c:~.cy-lir;lit studies) are done for the good of the Department 2n~ st2~~ to aid the entire Fire Dopartmeht~ c: c) ~~f~ I rlll8':~ ; -20- C t. -; I~":" ~. ~? I~'i': D2? I..?~~'~~:T ( :11:1:'E ;:-,--''":'r'-'''' :::'J]'-I'TSPECTIOE") RE?ORT-1965 e Fi::"8 P::.'even.tion 1,;eel:: :~s an. am::;.::'.L ()bS::~~\72.~C:? CO?~8qu~ntly, vIe p~an th,:; activi.i.:;ies sev8::'~c;.::" '.1ee1-:8 2::1e~.:.Q 'l';';.,:; \:.>c;.i.llla Plre Denartsent l.S :.::he ~pons?:-~ oi' the ,:ctivities. '.2>.8 p:'oS;l'am, this year (1965),"J8.5 ;Jas,:;o. on "cne follo'\'l~n.g: 1. ?ire Preve~tioD p~os;rams for the Elementary Grade Schools (both .::)lic & ?d~o~hial)~ 2. :: ~:""'::: ,::::,:':o,v-.::n;:'io.: Pos tel'S placed ir: c OI:s;:Jicuous locations tl-L..~uo-':'.i.:; .1- .,-\..,) I' v......."" ___..:. '"'J .). ..-, ~.,~ . ..............L. L'_. ..~ G ~ :;':;"llC ?:)c.\.r.::~t.i02'1 ~:~'.:~.~~:,-) ~;~l. ~,;c:lool :rarc. ~,)~--ol')- ,""":..' '..- . ............. 'J __ '-" \':" ,;.. 4 . . nOpc::.'ation S-pal"'ky:l-using the services of l:Volw-:teo:r' Off-Duty r i::.~eT:,c.~~1l ~ Sr:lo}:y-the Dalm2.tian Doz. ( substituting for the Fire n~"-a;~~""en.l- c.'oc-_c:.''"'J'''....'r.y. i,r~lO dl.E'c~ .:,'s:- "'s ~c},e ""ro"'r".n ",ras gett- ..."t.:;;l..J .... V,ko.J. ......v 0. V~Ci...LL. , 'I- ,; ~ '_1. L, ~ J,..i. 1--' b v..._ f ine lmdervlay)? and the Fil~e Dep2.::,'cr.lent IIFox Punperll fire truck. Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, placing Fire Prevention Displays in areas th:."uout the City. 5. ':';::..8 :.. ~:::,:',:,)v2r/cion Buree.u 1:Tas L;.volvec1 in Kany details 'Gha 'C 2.1~,:J too ::~'...;,,:::',j::"C>US to list in t:.l.is I'8)0:::<~.. ~:o:':' iru..ther details, I refer to the 1';T'?A Contest Er..t:cy llL.lbm:l Repo::<:.-1965110 The SLlinc. Fil~e Dopartmcnt c;:.'C8::'':; the :Tational Fire P::.:otection Ass- ocic;,tio::l Contest (l::'ire ?:.~ev8~1ti0:.. YG':'~:'" .2ound) each year. Beloltl, listed-is the result of previous ent~i8s: e National Fire PJ::.~vei:'~:.5_on Contest ResuJ.ts -, i\.c\n.S2_~; 19l.:-8-------Honora'ole :Iention ., 9" a ~o '\T ,'- e.\- e " 1.. 'i';l-j ----1,0 v .'nve:c 0 1951-------Second Place 1952-------Second Place 1953-------First Place 19?~-------Second Place 1955-------First Place 1956-------FIRST PU1.CE::::~ 1957----Second Place "a~o0 ~n' :1'("1 Dl~ce L/.J ----... J. ~... ~ 1959----Third Place 1 r'/o ,- - '01 'U t.:( _10 ----rtonora e rlen ~on 1961----Second Place ., ~.I'.? r*lh"' Pl ~~o~----l. l1'Q ace 1963----Second Place 196~l.----Honora ble l'iention 1965---Honorable Mention ~~)i:Salina placed IlHonorable Hention-U .S.A. II for the year 1956. This vJaS in cOIrmetition \'Jith all Entries from H1L'1ici-cal Class V Cities with population 20,000 to 49,9990 . e Resp.ec}Y~llY SUbmit:e.c, ~~?~~/a~~ ~~~;:~--::-:>.:'""; 0 :-;-;l-~_~~.r--i<-. c . ,~~.:- ">> :_~'" "~;/:~vL:c;,o,,,,?,.\"'...-~- _u'-'?,:,cvo... ._' :v:,.). ...._.;.>::;-t./e:...~~clon-J..ns pee "t~on ~; i::.~..:; D E.: 'j)2.:':~MC~'D81'1 t Salina, - Kansas -21- SEO::' ,~ :.:~~cI'r/..:,:IC:~L ... '".".'-', ~," . . l..i~;"..... - 1965 e Laddc::-- ,}l - !tr;-~eric3.n L2;.FraDce 100 r Aeri2.2. \'.'-/750 G. P .~,,~. ?UL1~. Cleaned caroure:tor, set tirJing and S~>:;~~C. lirl.xagcs, repaired starter, Plllled rigrn:, fro:nt 'W'.rheel a:1d cleaned r: ~ 3cz-ll. !1.dded hydraulic oil. Installed t\'lO nC\'i 6 volt battc:::-ies 'd/c~,~_,v c~nd l'lC';; pluJ::bing on pump drai11. Preformed anr1ual p1.:.ll~pir-.L6 test. /-.tJ~Jc.r2...tus passed Class tfAIt test 01'C. I'To V&CUU.,i7i 0:1 dr:r ciraf-::, t.cs'~. ::;~,>'cased, G:::-cas8d, c)-,c~nc;ec. oil, c::cc ':ci c;;;.T:':;"-';':::-Ci ,'~ and "laxed regularly. ~~n.[~ l ~-~ f~ ..'.... /,-'..L .uCG"::C ~J-8CO \':/750 G.:=>..::'.:.. c~;.., - ,-,;:.~ 11' ;; ~~,:.1::1. D . S~-.22,iGhtcr:oc. lef~ doo~~ and refinisl1ed. Installed nelV' valve on right pY"C:-CO:-~tlC'ct c.:.isch3.~ge. Clc;3.:1cd ar.:.d l'.epai~cd carouretor. Installed nevI Doinc.s c.c.:i condenser. Installed nCH rear-vieH mirrors and seal bea;-a spot light. :tcpaired leak in booster tank. Overhauled fire pw~p, installed ne~v: shaft, VIcar ri:n.23, ..'i-rir:gs) seals a::d gasket s. Prcforrr..ed annual :-j.=-~~"'z..tu.s passed Class 11 ;~~li test OK. l~eslllts reco:....~\_"~. 0''''t.;~':''::'';cu> char~2ed oil,) chcc:'~cd arr~i-freeze and waxed rcgu:'arly. ~.....,:"""..:;---,C\ ~.:'" 1, -; -'- .. ~ '--' '-,',..." :':; ?ord F-uOSvf'"\ Tr/~O"l"\ G D :,,;- 01--:-cC' UtI,:'i r,'\1rr;n - ./ {....... vv ;~... ....'.i... \..)....Lc:...::,>..... :~ ~..)l....~l~~J. 2epaired rr:'3.r~LlaJ.. .-.;....; -,--oJ,. o.JJ.L........l U on pU.i'Tlp;) inst,j"lle:cl neVl grease gc.te valve or: r'i~r.::~ suction. seal in diff., Preformed cillJlUal points a~c condenser a~d e p-U1c.pin[; test. rccorc.edo Degrcascd, grc~sed, changed oil, checked &Lti-freeze & waxed regularly. ,Apparatus yasscd Class f:..!~lf test 2nd dry draft Ole - results ~nGine }2 - Ford F-SOO ~,.r/500 G.?l.'i. p1.ll:'.po I~st,alled nel"; valves or. 80th left and :::-ight pre-connect hand line and boos0cr. Installed new rear-vie:l Yuirrors, po:::-table Ge~., extension reels and liGht. Engine tune-up with new plugs, points, condenser, temp. control, hydrovac booster and battery. Preformed annual pun~ir~ test. Passed Class HAlf test OK - dry p:irne Or~. R.esults reco~"'G.ed. Jegrcased, greased, chanGed Ol~, checked anti-freeze & waxed regularly. ~ngine :15 - Ford F-700 w/500 G. P .2,1. pur:,p. Repaired rlgn~ ~cel. Installed new brake shoGS on right rear wheel, wl1eel cylinder kits, mufflers, battery and discharge valves on left and right hand lines. Preformed a~~ual pllinping test. Apparatus passed Class :~Ba test OK - results recorded\} Degreased, greased, changed oil, checked a~ti-freeze & waxed regularly. Engine /17 - ;~hrens-?ox 1350 G.P.l''':. purn_p. 2ep2~rcd Ian belt. .:.rH::' vla:(ed ~cGL:la:;,"'ly. Degreased, greased, changed oil, checked anti-freeze ,Souad. - c-. ~~ . C; . ".',~,/3 00 G.? :'.'l. pU~';-:p 0 e T~~(;fJ(li:;.""c~ :;:;C - ~.J0 - ;;:~-="'lCcl. ~J_-=-':"'t:.:~-. ~/G -' ~. V~...V :enc:er J ~::--",stalled nevi " "''';,L,., re2..2-viC';[ r;ri.rrors and ", , [);,'l.1. \/C_J... G:~ :~C<::':~'_ ./,~ ....... ~ ... ...... ,I , , ~.:,; ~ :. 1. .L C ~-. ,..' ) J_(~:L:3 lrl t,(:'~,-';"._:'" ~.;.:~.i'(,;). '-j 1,~G J~~;..;o l'l.;(,,'~.;'" ~:.; ,;1(1 'L l.i-i3:1l:. s. ,:':,;1 cu,t,i-freeze & \-Taxed regularly. e e e S2C? t: 1-;3C[L\i~IC.I~~.J ".I.,,;..L:'.. - 1965 cor:t. D. 3. t.. Hose Truck. DCSl~c=Lsc;;d , reg1.:.:Clr l~r () ~~8~scd, changed oil, and 'tiaxed c}-;e c:: ;-.i. .. ~ ELl".c.l-Ireeze I.;:. C. ?iC~-:-L~.!) trt:c::c. Iz-.:..Jt.::-_lle d ne~v poin.ts.1 plugs and conaenser. cor[~pl(;t(; "v rl.:..clc . ?rimed and repainted Deg:Cascd, changed oil, greased, checked anti-freeze and waxed regularly 0 195 9 '~ .>:: ~3tatiGn ~.r3.gon. In::;tC'...lled new points, b~ushes in gene~<:.,~or, repair kit in carburetv:, r;lu.ffle:.~ ar~d heater 6~'di ten. .~djustcd clut ch, replaced engine head cGI:lplete i'lith gaskets. Degreased, greased, changed oil, checked anti-freeze and waxed regularly. 1960 Cr~8vrolet St2..tion T.!ago:1. Repaired trailer hitch. Installed new muffler, exhaust pipe, points and condens8r. 2epaired master cylind8~o Degreased, greased, changed oil, checKed anti-freeze and waxed regularly. 1965 Ford Chieffs Car. Deg:eased, greased, changed oil, checked anti-freeze and waxed regularly. -2~:...