Annual Report - 1995 t Salina Public . ¡ Library r Salina Public library Board of Trustees 1995 Annual Report to the City Commission Members: Jack Howard, President; Roger Struble, V-P; Janet Wilbur. Secretary; Jim Sullivan, Treasurer; Billie Winkler: ,Jan McMillen: Mary Jarvis; John Divine, Mayor. Meetings: Fourth Thursday at 4 PM in Campbell Room of Library The Board conducts a public meeting each month and schf~dules a public hearing on the budget each year. Agendas at monthly meetings include: Minutes. Public Cpmments, Staff Introduction, Friends of the library Report and a report on the Central Kansas library System. Action items are then discussed and voted on. if necessary.. There is a financial report, a statistical report, a Librarian's Report and time for general comments from Board members. / 1995 Actions: '" Development of Building Renovation Plans " Signed contract with Jones-Gillam Architects for Renovation 'f Proposed and won approval from City Commission for an Interlocal Agreement to (.\)mpiete funding for Renovation. " Approval of 1996 Budget ~ 3% adjustment to staff salary ranges .~ Policy Review and changes Changes include identification needed for card: video collection scope; '" Adoption of a new Librarian Evaluation form 1996 Goals and C".:oncerns The Library Board will focus on the Building Renovation Project again in 1996. The Board has been careful to set aside Capital Improvement Funds each year and will watch that area closely. as plans are made for the 1997 budget. A goal is to start construction in the fall of 1996. The Board will also look at employee health insurance L'Qsts and options; monitor staff work on Information Technology, on Collection Development Policy, on overdue materiais c..ollectíons, the clearout of the basement for the renovation projec'i: and planning for the future. Joe McKenzie Líbrary Director January 9, 1996 301 West Elm Salina, Kansas 67401 825-4624 CR. 825-0505 Hours Mon.-Th.urs. 9-9 Fri.-Sat. 9-6 Sunday 1-6