04-22-1999 Minutes -600- The Salina Public Library Board of Trustee held their monthly meeting Thursday April 22, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. in the Prescott Room. The following Board members were present: Monte Shadwick, Jack Howard, Joe Lock, Nancy Chandler, Janice Ostrom, and Jim Sullivan. Others present were Janie Lamer, Corey Zeferjahn, James Talley, Joe McKenzie and Cynthia Smull. Nancy Chandler called the meeting to order. She asked for any changes to the March Board minutes. No corrections were made to the minutes. The Board minutes were approved as printed. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None STAFF INTRODUCTIONS: Joe McKenzie introduced Janie Lamer from the Children's Department. Janie has worked at the library for 22 years. Corey Zeferjahn was introduced to the Board. Cory is in the library for a job shadowing project through the Salina Area Technical School. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: James Talley gave the Friends Report. The Friends met Tuesday and approved underwriting Amber Dennett's library teen program called "Expresso YourseIr'. Berniece Kearns joined the Friends Board. The Friends are providing funds for the purchase of two new PBS series for the video collection. The Friends are holding a booksale on May 15, 1999. The Friends next meeting will be held on May 18, 1999. DISCUSSION ITEMS: SPLAT REPORT: Janie Lamer presented the Salina Public Library Associated and Technicians report. SPLA T is planning a spring program at present. STA TISTICAL REPORT: Joe McKenzie presented a report on the stats for both Children's and Circ for the past several years. 1999 stats for March were up over the 5 year average. ACTION ITEM: Nominating Committee Report: The names Jack Howard submitted for the 1999-2000 officers for the Board of Trustees are Joe Lock, President; Betsy Scholten, Vice-President; Tom Arpke, Treasurer; Janice Ostrom, Secretary. 99-06 On motion made by Jack Howard and seconded by Jim Sullivan it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board accepts the names presented by the Nominating Committee to become officers for the Board of Trustees from May 1, 1999 to April 30, 2000. Motion passed. 4- 22-99, P. 600. The Board discussed the Collection Agency Policy Revision, which passed on first reading at the last meeting. _.. 99-07 On motion made by Joe Lock and seconded by Janice Ostrom it was RESOLVED THA T: The Board accepts the revision to the Collection Agency Policy on second reading. Motion passed. P. 601, 4-22-99 -601- FINANCIAL/STA TISTICAL REPORT: Joe McKenzie talked about the savings by moving the library's gas service from Western Resources to MountaióEnergy. The snving has been running about 18% per month. Weare at the same pace in financial spending we were last year at this time. We have spent 16% of our budget this first quarter. The Board discussed March stats as well as the dial-a-story stats. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe McKenzie thanked Jim Sullivan for eight years of great service to the library as a Board member. Jim served on the Board through several projects including automation and renovation of the library. Jim stated he was glad to serve on the Board. Jim thanked Nancy Chandler for bringing cookies for his last meeting. Joe reported that the Sandzen has been hung upstairs above the bank of computers near the entrance of the non-fiction area of the library. Each individual Board member will be signed up for the KL T A (Kansas Libraries Trustee's Association) by the library. The library will pay the cost of $23.00 per person. The last poetry series program will be held at The Daily Grind where Harley Elliott will read. Joe McKenzie passed out information to the Board members about the selection of a new automation system. Nick Berezovsky has researched the project and presented several options for consideration. The project will not be started until the planning process is completed. The selection process will take from 6-12 months. Nick narrowed the selection to five companies. Money used for this project would come from the capital improvement fund. Other capital improvement projects would include a roof. I will be working on the library budget for the year 2000. Lynn Ryan our new Board member will be joining the Board next month. BOARD COMMENTS: Nancy Chandler thanked Jim Sullivan for his service :to the Board. Mayor, Monte Shadwick was welcomed to the Board. 99-08 On motion made by Jack Howard and seconded by Joe Lock it was RESOLVED THA T: The Board adjourn into executive session for ten minutes for discussion of the Librarian's Evaluation. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, Nancy Chandler adjourned the meeting. Va.//u ~ 0 dMn~ ¿>Janice Ostrom, Secretary 7J!ak! 7; / c¡ c¡ / Dati