12-18-1997 Minutes .....'- -547- The Salina Public Librarv Board of Trustees held their monthly meetinq Thursday. December 18. 1997. at 4:00 p.m.. in the Prescott Room. The followinq Board members were present: Kristin Seaton, Jack Howard, Joe Lock, Nancy Chandler, Jim Sullivan, and Janet Wilbur. others present were Joe McKenzie, Roberta Rinq, Carla Welsh, Lisa Bowman, and Jack Gillam. Janet Wilbur asked for changes or corrections in the November minutes. 97-31 On motion made bv Joe Lock and seconded bv Nancv Chandler it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board approves the November 199;;', minutes as written. Motion passed. p.547, 12-18-97. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Minutes of the Friends Librarv Board were handed out. Everything is going okay with the Friends. VOICE MAIL: There was discussion of purchasing voice mail for the librarv. Teleohone Sales & Service has been contacted about a voice mail system and the cost to have it installed. The Board suggested other libraries and vendors be contacted to see what kind of system they are using. CONSTRUCTION REPORT: Jack Gillam crave a report on the construction project. The project is cÍose to being finalized. There are a few small items left to be done. Jack thanked the Board for selecting Jones-Gillam to be the architect: for the project. He appreciated all the help and input the staff gave to help make the project a success. FINANCIAL/STATISTICAL REPORT: Joe reported there will be a healthy transfer of $35.000 to $40.000 at end of the vear from General Fund to Capital Improvement 'Fund. - The stats are up in the Children's Department. They have been very busy. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: There are some mechanical repairs that need to be done. The Cold Water Pump is most critical. Bids will be taken to put a light on the flag pole so that the flag can be left up at all times. Bids are beina taken from accountina firms to do the Librarv audit. Kennedy & éoe will no longer be doing the audit. - Costs for Health and Dental Insurance have increased due to high utilization. Prescription cards will be issued which will be a 75 - 25 co-pav. Most pharmacists are in the oroaram. There is-a-federal-discount for Internet use-for schools and libraries. Art Pitcock is tvorkina on makina out an application to apply for the discount. Inform-atics wants to be - ôur tvireless Internet provider. This would be a sianificant savinas for the Library. - -- -547- The Librarv mav purchase staff shirts with the Salina Public Librarv loao on them if there is enouah interest. Públié Librarv Conference is Ma-rch 10-14. 1998. in Kansas city. As many staff as possible will be sent t~ this'conference. - The annúal report for the state is beina done. The Board would like to have~ statistical report put on~a bookmark. ADJOURNMENT: There beina no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was ádjourned. 97-32 On motion made by Jack Howard and seconded bv Jim Sullivan it was RESOLVED THAT: the December Board m'geting be adjourned. Motion passed. p. 547, 12-18-97 Roger Struble, Secretary Date